I am just screaming in my head PUNCH HER at Misato's deliberate close-mindedness.
In fact, @Teen Spirit was Misato actually being strategic about not trying to make peace with the Angels or was she just justifying a bias she had in her head?
It's important to remember Misato only barely agreed to the deal and was intensely skeptical of it from the beginning. Ramiel and Okito attacking made it crystal clear they knew what Matarael and the others were trying to do. Which to her meant someone, maybe Matarael, maybe one of the others, was probably fake defector. Which meant none of them could be trusted fully and they probably had something nasty planned. Which defeated any sort of point to a peace treaty in her mind. Particularly with the damage that even considering a peace treaty ended up causing.
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Sadly the best way to peace will be to at some point put a bullet in Misato's head. She's becoming too emotionally compromised and would sooner see all of humanity die than make any peace.
I have this scene in my head: Ria on the floor, ready to die/too weak to defend/something and Misato standing above her, about to shoot her, giving some psycho rant to her about betrayal, a shot rings out and Misato realizes she's been shot. She looks behind and sees Shinji, she has a moment of realization that he knew all along and sided with Ria, which as far as she's concerned means she sided with the angels, then she dies.
You don't need to kill Misato. You just need to stop her from pursuing the vendetta. You can do that by other ways that shooting her. Given her state of mind, convincing her to stop on her own is nearly, but not totally impossible. Asuka and Shinji for sure will stand between her and Ria, and hammering it home to Misato that #1) that's her own granddaughter, #2) who fought against Okito to protect them, and #3) has had plenty of chances to betray and destroy WILLE from inside if she wanted to. However, the mere fact that they've had to conceal Ria from Misato is going to undercut that right now.

But there's another simple way to stop Misato: Misato is able to do this because she's the Commanding General of WILLE. Just have her removed. Sub-Commander Soryu steps up, and accepts the peace deal. All that takes is a coup, not a kill.
All those times you've told yourself not to run away, well now would be a perfect time to revise that policy.
"Nor did I need it alive!"
That is a quote from the Daleks. And even then they referred to their victim as a person.
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You don't need to kill Misato. You just need to stop her from pursuing the vendetta. You can do that by other ways that shooting her. Given her state of mind, convincing her to stop on her own is nearly, but not totally impossible. Asuka and Shinji for sure will stand between her and Ria, and hammering it home to Misato that #1) that's her own granddaughter, #2) who fought against Okito to protect them, and #3) has had plenty of chances to betray and destroy WILLE from inside if she wanted to. However, the mere fact that they've had to conceal Ria from Misato is going to undercut that right now.

But there's another simple way to stop Misato: Misato is able to do this because she's the Commanding General of WILLE. Just have her removed. Sub-Commander Soryu steps up, and accepts the peace deal. All that takes is a coup, not a kill.

Misato is really channeling Captain Ahab here. Hell, she's channeling Gendo Ikari with the demented tunnel-vision to one goal. Do you really think if Asuka initiates a bloodless coup and takes over that Misato will accept it quietly? I like Misato, I do. But, she is so tied to the idea of vengeance, of not being able to trust the angels I don't think she could ever let it go. A Misato cut loose from WILLE and with bad blood towards Asuka, Shinji, and the organization, would be nearly as dangerous as the Angels.
But there's another simple way to stop Misato: Misato is able to do this because she's the Commanding General of WILLE. Just have her removed. Sub-Commander Soryu steps up, and accepts the peace deal. All that takes is a coup, not a kill.
The question is who would support that coup, what would that support cost, and what would be the fallout from said coup?

Also there's the problem of Soryu getting the Angels to agree to said peace after Misato nearly gunned down Dmitri.

That is a quote from the Daleks. And even then they referred to their victim as a person.
War is a lot easier when you see your enemy as a giant monster.

It's also a lot easier to say "Kill them all and let god sort them out." When you're 100% certain that no one in that 'all' is someone you care about. Because everyone at WILLE, save for Shinji and Asuka, is certain that Ria isn't one of them.
Your predecessor would be very proud of what you've become, Misato. I just hope someone mentions it to you at some point.

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Well, coup time.

I mean, Misato just tried to take the title from Okito as the furious dumbass of the story.

Edit: Regarding those below Asuka following along with a coup, they just got shown how powerless they were against an angel in close combat, and unless Asuka pulls off some kind of diplomacy at this point along the lines of "okay ally angels, Misato is an idiot, and I've removed her from any command of any kind" they lost half of their potential forces worth a damn in a fight against anyone smarter than Okito.

If she can pull the angels back in after this crap that's a really strong argument for being in control while Misato just throws away any advantage for a little blood. Her betrayal didn't even get her a kill, just spite.

Even people furious at the angels for the recent murders have to see that as both incredibly stupid and just plain messed up to shoot him in the back, especially if that footage gets spread around. They'll hopefully see Misato is just going to throw them into the grinder for no real gain.
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"Kill them all and let god sort them out."
I see I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the new Hellsing Ultimate Abridged xD Makes me think how those characters could fit into an Eva universe.

I can definitely feel the 3.33 Misato vibes in this story, though at least this universe's Misato tried to give peace a very minuscule chance.
Maybe if you could get Misato to grok angels include humans, she could personalize and focus her totally understandable need to inflict mind destroying transfinite cosmic levels of agony/pain/enlightenment on just those who trespassed against her?

Edit. oh crap sorry. I keep forgetting you guys don't know me from all the post I didn't make over the last year or so. Basically I know all of you. Big fan
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Maybe if you could get Misato to grok angels include humans, she could personalize and focus her totally understandable need to inflict mind destroying transfinite cosmic levels of agony/pain/enlightenment on just those who trespassed against her?

That is true. If she wants to kill all angels she has be fair and kill all of them. Lilm are the 18th angel after all.
That is true. If she wants to kill all angels she has be fair and kill all of them. Lilm are the 18th angel after all.

RAMIEL: MI-SA-TO you would make a good Messenger

Thinking about it. she is going to epic lengths to deliver Righteous Vengeance for her FATHER, a bit like 15 other orphans
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Thinking about it. she is going to epic lengths to deliver Righteous Vengeance for her FATHER, a bit like 15 other orphans
To be fair, Okito specifically hates ADAM and a number of the others we've seen so far have more self-centered reasons for their involvement. The one most loyal to ADAM so far has been...well, Ria.

Who ironically has largely agreed with Misato on her policy on killing angels, though recent events have kind of shaken that a bit.
To be fair, Okito specifically hates ADAM and a number of the others we've seen so far have more self-centered reasons for their involvement. The one most loyal to ADAM so far has been...well, Ria.

Who ironically has largely agreed with Misato on her policy on killing angels, though recent events have kind of shaken that a bit.
Well the 15 got to ride the V-train to the end of the line before 3rd impact, and gained shades of enlightenment from it even if Okito hasn't evolved a way to pull his head out of his ass yet. But in Misato's case she just put her murder boner on hold after her kids saved the angels from her and now that "They're Here" she's just about going blind with her repressed homicidal tension
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I think Comparing her to Gendo is a bit much. Don't get me wrong, What Misato did was breath-taking short sighted and destructive but she did it because as far as she was concerned, even considering a peace deal had cost humanity the city of Melbourne and several dozen WILLE personnel.
Misato sighed. "This peace was a good idea, but look at what happened, look at what it cost. I'm not willing to risk anymore people for a half dozen things I don't think should exist in the first place."

"So what now, we just tell the rest of them to go to Hell?" Asuka replied, looking increasingly unhappy with every word.

Misato nodded. "They all die, no exception, no mercy."

That was the moment Misato lost Asuka's loyalty. Declaring your intention to kill someone's daughter will do that. Now Asuka begins plotting how to oust Misato from her position as head of WILLE and take the top spot for herself so that she can protect her daughter.

Pretty much. Ahab needs to kill her whale.

Didn't Ahab meet a bad end?

Also there's the problem of Soryu getting the Angels to agree to said peace after Misato nearly gunned down Dmitri.

That's simple:

Asuka: "Gunning down Matariel was the order of the FORMER leader of WILLE. She has been removed from her position and I am now in charge. I understand that some Angels reject Ramiel's madness and just want to live their lives in peace."
Misato is channeling Einon too? Oh dear.... (Reason I keep bringing up Einon is 'cause some of this story reminds me of Dragonheart, which just so happens to be one of my favourite films.)
They know about the deal, they probably knew about it from the beginning. Is that what they're going to do every time we willing let one of their own into our base? If this is the cost of peace, then why even bother? If Matarael was useless as a spy, what was the point of keeping him alive?

Misato scowled as her rage grew greater and greater. She grabbed her pistol and walked towards the door.

This was a mistake, Misato thought bitterly. It was a mistake from the start.

"Where are you going?" Ritsuko asked.

"I'm going to fix a problem," she replied.
I believe that NovaWar, of LAGTV, accurately surmised a comparable situation as such: "YOU FOOL! YOU...FOOL!"

But there's another simple way to stop Misato: Misato is able to do this because she's the Commanding General of WILLE. Just have her removed. Sub-Commander Soryu steps up, and accepts the peace deal. All that takes is a coup, not a kill.
This seems relevant:

(Although there are probably better examples out there)
I have my doubts that it was SEELE that cause the blackout in canon and here are my reasons why from my own NGE fic that's on hiatus at the moment.

'I wonder what the cause of the blackout was?'

It was a question that everyone had on their mind…but it was one without an easy answer to.

'There are three possible entities that could be the cause of the other day's chaos',
Kaji pondered darkly.

'One possible culprit is the JDF and the Japanese Government. It was no secret that there was…tension...and distrust between NERV and Japanese officials.'

Kaji frowned to himself, thinking harder.

'No. Maybe before NERV fought the fish Angel, the government would have done something like this. But now...after having told them that Adam is here in Japan...and exactly what would happen if one of its progeny successfully reunited with it...it seems highly unlikely they would risk such a thing happening simply for the sake of trying to frighten NERV.'

'The second choice, and perhaps the most obvious for those 'in the know', would be the mysterious organization known as SEELE.'

'Hmm...that one depends on whether or not they've realized that Adam is missing and in Japan, I think. If they don't know, then it was probably them that cut the power. But if they know Adam is gone, then I doubt it was them.'

Though Kaji had to admit that he didn't know much about the group, he had at least learned enough to know that they themselves wanted to avoid a Third Impact triggered by the Angels by any means possible.

The third choice was, to Kaji surprise, one that most people weren't considering very much; the possibility that the blackout was caused by the Angel itself.

'I have heard from some flirty off duty female Nerv scientists who want to get my number,' Kaji thought with a small grin, 'That they have a theory that an Angel AT Field, if powerful and wide spread enough, could act as EMP, knocking out all nearby electronics.'

Given that there were Angels that looked like giant penises with lightsaber-like whips, or flying diamonds that hummed and shot lasers, or a giant fish that was found inside an active volcano and resembled a human fetus when first discovered, Kaji had no difficulty in believing that the giant spider could have been a walking EMP.

'But there no evidence that that the Angel caused it. Although...there's no proof that it was done by human hands either.'
Well, its either one of those or a squirrel got electrocuted in the power lines and blew the local grid like what happened up in Massachusetts that time several years ago. A random blackout at the worst possible moment. Life is be funny ihat way.