I can't remember where I read or heard it, but the best person to give a position of power to is somebody who doesn't want it for just that reason.

Which is a terrible idea, not wanting to do something dosen't mean that your good or even decent at it. There is no best person to give power to, your best hope and aim should be competence.

But a very nice alternate snippet, how are the Angels plans progressing though?
Yeah Ria's perspective and personalty would be different then the Ria we know considering the pressures and changes being Crown Princess would cause.

As for icongraphy. I've admittedly given this a bit too much thought, mainly because this lead me into an odd idea for a Hearts of Iron IV mod that I spent far too much time thinking over before I realized I have zero knowledge of how to mod anything.

The biggest thing I can think of is the icongraphy would have to walk a fine line. Japan in this Omake does not have the Church of Lilith as it official state religion. Though Shinji as Emperor has made the Church so much bigger than it is in BW. So I could see the Lance being a design used heavily but not the eyes. Also they would probably find a way to incorporate Unit-01's color scheme.

The current Imperial color is generally a much darker purple. So perhaps a slightly brighter version of that. 01's color scheme is a bit too eye-searingly bright for conservative Japanese taste and dignity.

Which is a terrible idea, not wanting to do something dosen't mean that your good or even decent at it. There is no best person to give power to, your best hope and aim should be competence.

But a very nice alternate snippet, how are the Angels plans progressing though?

I imagine that Okito was able to meet her at least a few times. And he was probably able to communicate to Ramiel "game over, man, game over" whenever they met.

Let's see:

Recruiting Zeruel is impossible (security).

Getting to her-also impossible.

Her opposition, highly likely.

Her influence and power-HUGE.

It's hard to fight someone who can sneak an N2​ mine under your bed and detonate it in your sleep.
Which is a terrible idea, not wanting to do something dosen't mean that your good or even decent at it. There is no best person to give power to, your best hope and aim should be competence.

In Bujold's Shards of Honor, Aral Vorkosigan is the one entrusted with (potentially) near-absolute power in large part because he's afraid of it. He wants it, although not for any reasons of ego or self-aggrandizement -- simply because he sees so much that needs to be done, and he knows he's up to the job of doing it. But he's also seen what holding power has done to various people in and around his family, and the idea is as terrifying as it is tempting. In the end, he ends up taking the job because (without any arrogance or false humility) he knows he's the best available person for it. And, in later books, becomes the George Washington of Barrayar by stepping down when his time in office is up, on a world where (even though his worst enemies will admit to how scrupulously honest he his) it was nearly inconceivable that he would be able to give it up.
I imagine that Okito was able to meet her at least a few times. And he was probably able to communicate to Ramiel "game over, man, game over" whenever they met.
This assumes Okito would be clear headed enough to realize Ria wouldn't be receptive to his plans. History has shown this not to be true.
In Bujold's Shards of Honor, Aral Vorkosigan is the one entrusted with (potentially) near-absolute power in large part because he's afraid of it. He wants it, although not for any reasons of ego or self-aggrandizement -- simply because he sees so much that needs to be done, and he knows he's up to the job of doing it. But he's also seen what holding power has done to various people in and around his family, and the idea is as terrifying as it is tempting. In the end, he ends up taking the job because (without any arrogance or false humility) he knows he's the best available person for it. And, in later books, becomes the George Washington of Barrayar by stepping down when his time in office is up, on a world where (even though his worst enemies will admit to how scrupulously honest he his) it was nearly inconceivable that he would be able to give it up.

Aral also had a great wife. Who knows how things would have turned out if Cordelia hadn't been around.
A different lifestyle with different interactions. Things would be different.

Okito's Idiocy is eternal and unchanging.

Heck, even in the universes where Okito didn't betray his family it was probably less to do with him having any more sense and more that Ramiel just got fed up with explaining THE PLAN over and over again to a dumbass and gave up on him early.
Chapter 15 Part 1
So I have two parts of this chapter done, the second part will be posted tomorrow.
Chapter 15: The Darkest Part of Noon.

Through the armored glass, Ria and Okito looked at each other. The former was dressed in a black naval uniform devoid of any markings or adornments save for gold buttons. The latter was barely more than a head, torso, and arm, naked and strapped to an elevated table.

Regret marked both of their faces.

"Look at what you've become," Okito said weakly. "A hound on a leash."

Ria sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm standing here, in WILLE. With them fully aware of what I am and there's not a damn thing Misato can do about it. What argument do you possibly have left?" she replied.

Okito looked down, dejected and defeated.

"Did you come here to gloat?" he asked. "Rub your victory in my face?"

"Do you really think I won here?!" Ria snapped. "There are four, maybe five people alive who actually like me. My relationship with my grandmother has fallen to the point where if we spent five minutes alone together, one of us would probably kill the other. I'm miserable half the time. I can barely sleep anymore. I haven't won. I just managed to salvage something out of this mess you created."

"Yeah, I know, I know," he muttered. "So why are you here, then?"

Ria wanted to hate him, but he was harmless, broken, a shell of his former self. Anything he'd done to her he'd done to himself a thousand times over. However angry she was, she pitied him more than anything.

She raised three fingers. "I need three things from you. First is everything you can tell me about Bardiel."

She still couldn't believe he had known about Bardiel all this time and had never told her. They could have dealt with them together years ago.

Okito rolled his head. "I already gave out all the info I have on them."

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Ria said skeptically.

"It's the truth. I don't have any reasons left to withhold a scrap of info on them. I want them dead as much as you do," Okito replied.

She believed him, as much as she could believe him.

"Okay, so I suppose you would be willing to give me all the info you could on Iruel? I can't imagine you want him alive anymore than Bardiel," she asked.

Okito inhaled sharply through gritted teeth. "...That's not so simple. I want to tell you, Ria. Don't get me wrong, if there's anyone who could ensure that traitorous ass dies a horrible, agonizing death, it's you. But that info would almost certainly lead to Ramiel and the others."

"So?" Ria shrugged. "Why would you care? They left you to die."

"You don't know Ramiel. He's coming for me, sooner or later he will. I was wrong to assume there was Angelic unity. I was wrong to call you a traitor. But I still believe in our plan."

Ria shook her head in disgust. "Really? Really?! After everything you've done, everything you've suffered, you're still trying to enact this insane plan for godhood?"

He hadn't learned one bit. He was still an utter goddamn idiot.

"It's all I have left!" Okito snapped. "Fine, maybe you beat the odds. Maybe the Lilin won't betray you the moment this is over. I don't have that opportunity. I threw away everything else. Maybe if I'd talked to you first, maybe if I had been less stubborn, we wouldn't be here. But it's too late to change my path."

Ria buried her head in her hand.

"I suppose it's pointless to ask you my third question then?" Ria said angrily.

"I don't see the harm in hearing you out at least," Okito said softly.

"Fine," Ria glared at him. "I need to know how you transformed into your original self. I pushed myself as hard as I possibly could during your attack and it very well could have killed me if I let it go too long. There's no way transforming like that should be possible without it being incredibly lethal to us. So how did you do it? How do you make transforming like that possible?"

"Oh that? That's simple," Okito replied with false cheer. "You just need a catalyst."

"W-what?" Ria was thrown off.

"A catalyst, something to push you further. A remnant of our old flesh, a piece of one of our bodies, or one of the Adam-based Evas," Okito said.

"...Why are you telling me this? You won't tell me anything about Iruel but this you give freely?" Ria asked, incredibly confused.

"Because I want you to survive this," Okito said, completely serious. "You were my friend, the only one who never used me. I don't agree in the slightest with what you're doing, but I can't stop you. The others won't show you mercy so it only seems fair to at least level the field in this regards. Besides, I owe you for what happened Iruel. If I should have never let him be a part of that mission."

Ria stared at him skeptically. "You do realize I'm going to kill Ramiel and the others if I can?"

Okito nodded. "I know. And I'm also perfectly aware what is going to happen between us if and when I escape..."

"...You could always try staying here and accepting your situation," Ria countered.

'Maybe not make everything horrible for once?' she mused bitterly.

"We both know that's not possible. Sooner or later I'm getting out of here," Okito replied.

They knew if they ever met outside of this room, one of them would end up dead. They both sighed at the thought.

Ria turned away. "I wish I could say it was nice seeing you Okito. For your sake, I hope this is the last time we see each other. Goodbye."


Dimitri wasn't entirely sure where he was now. Which was probably the point. Ramiel had moved the entire operation in the middle of the night.

They were in some sort of multi-room concrete bunker, hidden beneath another building.Most disturbingly was that the place had guards, human guards. Guards who fully understand what they were doing. Ramiel clearly had more resources than he had suspected.

Dimitri wasn't exactly a prisoner but Ramiel clearly didn't want him knowing where he was, lest he report back to Leliel. Then again, it was more than likely Leliel had given up and abandoned him.

Though that wouldn't make much difference with Ramiel. The Thunder of God was a paranoid one. Only he and his guards knew the location of this bunker, every other Angel was led in and out with blindfolds and ear plugs at least.

Despite that, the main room of the bunker was filled with almost every Angel not working with or captured by WILLE. It wasn't even close to all of them, but Dimitri had never seen so many of them gathered in one place before. Misato's actions and Ramiel's fear mongering had been a wild success it would seem.

Dmitri sat in a far corner, watching things from afar, horrified and disgusted that his peace attempt had been twisted this much.

Iruel, Shamshel, the twin forms of Israfel, and Sahaquiel were there of course. Joining them was Armisael, probably one of the oldest of the group. Armisael looked every bit the serious business woman, save for the video game she was currently playing.

Then there was Arael, who stuck out like a sore thumb covered in neon lights. The guy was albino, with short bright blond hair, completely pale skin, and green eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses. Though what really made him stand was his outfit. He was wearing the pale white robes of the Church of Lilith. Which made him seem even paler than he was, and made almost everyone else, even Dimitri, uncomfortable. None of them cared much for ADAM anymore but even pretending to worship Lilith felt...wrong.

Lastly there was young Sandalphon. Sandalphon was about the same age as Israfel, though far more prone to acting his age. His face was hidden behind a plastic green mask that had two round eyes painted on the upper left side of it. One of Dimitri's simplest commissions.

Strangely though, Sandalphon had traveled with a chaperone. His sister Himari, his distinctly Lilin sister.

"Why are you alive?" Shamshel questioned as she stared at the girl.

"The diamond boy said I was allowed to be here. I'll keep my silence in exchange for being allowed to live," Himari said defensively.

"Okay but why are you here, in the meeting?" Iruel asked, having some how regained a considerable amount of weight in less than a week.

"Oh come on, he's eight," the girl exclaimed. "I can't just leave him alone like that. Besides, you're monitoring my house, you weirdo. You already know why."

"Also, we were promised snacks," Sandalphon added happily.

"Are we sure we should be doing this?" Sahaquiel asked as she thumbed through a magazine. "I mean, if Sandalphon is going to tell any random Lilin about us."

"I don't talk to strangers," Sandalphon replied angrily.

"That's right," Himari said with an approving nod.

Shamshel stared at the Lilin girl. "Now that I think about it, you look familiar."

"What?" Himari asked.

Iruel smiled for some reason.

"Yeah you look really familiar," Shamshel replied.

"...I've never seen you before in my life." the girl said with annoyance.

Ramiel stepped into the room, flanked by two guards, practically oozing a smug sense of confidence with every step despite his face being hidden.

"Good, good. We're all here. Wonderful," he said as he clapped his hands together. "I'm glad you all realized the dire situation we are in."

"Yes," Arimsael replied. "But I don't see how you will help us any. I mean, Sachiel's being held captive at this very moment, Zeruel has government backing, and WILLE has three Evangelions. Way I see it, if we fight, we're fucked."

"Crude, but I find myself agreeing," Arael replied.

Ramiel nodded. "Understandable, understandable. Rest assured, though I imagine I'm really the only one who cares, Okito Suzuhara will be rescued as soon as the situation allows. And I have my own plans for the Soryu woman. But I imagine you need something concrete. Something that could show you I'm more than just hot air and pretty colors."

"Well, yeah," Arimsael said.

"The entire reason we're here," Ramiel began as he paced around the room "Is because early one night two Evangelions, our great enemies were thrown into Kyoto. Time travelers, beings from an alternate universe? Who knows and who cares? Then they added another one, this distinctly from some divergent reality. Without the Evas we would have won by now. Nothing conventional can stop us. As it stands we're too scared to attack again, worried WILLE might have some new weapon dropped into their lap. What if I told you I discovered a way to harness this mysterious aid for ourselves?"

The room grew quiet.

"How? Dimtri asked.

If Leliel was behind it there was no way she would ever help Ramiel.

"I'm glad you asked," Ramiel replied. "You see it seems our dear friend Leliel has been playing some rather interesting games. Meddling with things even we couldn't dream of."

He motioned to one of his guards. Dimitri braced himself for the worse as the guard tossed a woman into the room. Her limbs were bound and a black bag pulled over her head. She was beaten, her limbs broken in several places.

Ramiel knelt down beside the figure, his eagerness obvious. With a single motion he ripped off the mask, revealing…

"What the fuck?" Arimsael blurted out.

"Gott in Himmel," Arael muttered.

"Well, that's odd," both sides of Israfel said.

Iruel smiled knowingly.

Himari screamed in wordless confused terror. Because the woman beneath the mask was identical to her, save for some bruises and cuts.

"Himari Yamagishi, I'd like you to meet Tsukiko Yamagishi. Yourself from another world. You can call her Leliel if you want."

The room was wrapped in silent shock, save for Tsukiko, who was trying to say something despite being gagged.

Dimitri could barely process what he was seeing. This wasn't Leliel, and yet looking at her she was unmistakably an Angel.

"You see," Ramiel explained feverishly, "Leliel has been doing a lot of traveling to other worlds. Allying with other versions of herself, other Leliels. It's with their help that Leliel brought the Evangelions into our world. And it's with this Leliel's help that we're going to tip things in our favor."

He leaned close to Tsukiko as he ripped out her gag. The rest of the room watching with a mix of confusion and horror.

"Now, Leliel. Tell us what you know of the Yggdrasil tree."


The classroom was empty save for Shinji and Kensuke. Asuka and Kodama were out of the room for various reasons.

"Soooo, how was your date with Ayanami?" Kensuke asked.

"It was really great," Shinji replied wishfully. "We were able to figure out Rei's timeline diverged from ours sometimes in the 1970s."

The differences between her world and this one were at once vast and minor. Second Impact in her world pretty much drove humanity to near extinction, left the oceans in ruins, and made everything south of the Tropic of Capricorn uninhabitable. And yet things ultimately followed a similar path. Despite the differences, she was still Rei, just a bit more open and friendly.

It still felt odd that he had been on a date with Rei, even more so that it had actually gone well and they were already making plans for a second one. Shinji never thought any girl, let alone Ayanami, would take that kind of interest in him. It was great, and terrifying.

"Interesting," Aida said. "So, I'm curious, how's Soryu taking this? "

Shinji was confused by the question. "Ahh... She seems fine about it?"

"Uh huh," Kensuke replied skeptically.

"Asuka made it clear we're just friends, nothing more," Shinji replied.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask, how the Hell did that happen?" Kensuke snarked. "I mean you do remember the aircraft carrier, right? You were just as horrified as me when she appeared at school. And then Misato made you two wear matching outfits and learn how to play rhythm games. You two were nearly on the edge of killing each other then. How did you go from that to 'friends'?"

"I know, I know," Shinji said. "Asuka's… tough to deal with sometimes. But we have a lot of common ground. And she was there for me when I needed it."

Kensuke raised an eyebrow.

Shinji sighed. "At the very least, I know I can trust her. Which is more than I can say of the Ikari family."

They had lied to him. All three of them had lied completely to him. The wound was still raw for Shinji. He couldn't comprehend how he and Asuka could have ever turned out like that.

"Yeah, I hear you," Kensuke nodded. "Do you remember when things were normal?"

"No," Shinji replied.

"Me neither," Kensuke agreed.

The door opened. Shinji found himself clenching his fist as Ria walked in.

Kensuke tensed up as she walked past him to take her seat.

Shinji couldn't understand it. Ria had lied to them, she nearly killed Misato. And she was rewarded with a pardon, offered a job by the Empress. How did any of that make sense?

Suddenly, Ria sat up straight. Scratching the back of her head

"What...What the heck?" she said, looking around frantically.

"What is it?" Kensuke asked.

Ria opened her mouth to speak, before she could get out a word, the world outside suddenly darkened, day turning to near night in an instant.

Shinji looked outside to see much of the nearby city blanketed in an unnatural blackness. There were no clouds, it was a perfectly sunny day. And yet the sun was not shining on what seemed like an entire block of Kyoto.

"I would suggest backing away from the windows," Ria said, her eyes fixed on the sight.

Shinji retreated back to his desk.

The darkness was replace with a pillar of blinding white light.

It was just like the light he'd seen when Ayanami appeared.

Shinji shielded his eyes as Ria pulled Kensuke away from the windows.

"Duck!" she shouted. Shinji crouched under his desk.

A moment later the windows burst in, showering the room with glass as freakishly cold air rushed into the room. Desks and chairs were thrown freely across the room as the wind howled. Shards of glass ripped at his shirt and pants.

Kensuke screamed in terror.

It felt like the world was ending.

Then the wind died down in an instant, the light vanishing with a loud crack.

Shinji picked himself up and looked himself over. A few minor cuts and his shirt would need to be replaced, but otherwise he was fine.

"Alright what it is this time?" Ria grumbled in annoyance. "I mean we have all three of you now. So what is it? Mr. Suzuhara from a world where he's a Pilot? Mari's mom as an Eva Pilot? My kid from the future as a pilot, you know, to mix it up a bit? A guy version of Asuka or something?"

"What are you talking about?" Shinji asked.

"Oh come on," Ria gestured outside. "That was clearly Leliel or whoever sending another Eva. At least this time she avoided dropping it on my head."

"Except there's no Eva out there," Kensuke said as he stared out the window.

"What?" Ria replied as she rushed towards the broken window.

Shinji followed them, carefully stepping over the jagged shards of glass littering the floor.

The block that had been bathed in darkness then light had been almost completely leveled by the fight with the three Angels. All that had been there a moment ago was construction work. Except that construction was now replaced with full sized buildings and a street clogged with confused drivers. They were not the same buildings that were there before either, they were shorter, and heavily reinforced with concrete and steel, looking more like a fortress then part of a city.

"Well that's...new," Ria said, dumbfounded.
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You know. The more I think about it, the more I come to conclusion that they blew it. I guess Leliel forced their hand or something, but
Why didn't they wait for a few years? Like, twenty, or whatever.
Then everyone would come of age
Some would start having a mid-life crisis
They could meet up, wearing cool masks of their Angels and shit
A Shadow Cabal, you might say
Instead, the only future they have now is sixteen Asukas stomping on their faces.
Oh well.
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Ria opened her mouth to speak, before she could get out a word. The world outside suddenly darkened, day turning to near night in an instant.

Shinji looked outside to see much of the nearby city blanketed in an unnatural blackness. There were no clouds, it was a perfectly sunny day. And yet the sun was not shining on what seemed like an entire block of Kyoto.

Huh? Did somebody gather all 7 Dragonballs and call Shenron?

The block that had been bathed in Darkness then light had been almost completely leveled by the fight with the three angels, all that had been there a moment ago was construction work. Except that construction was now replaced with full sized buildings and a street clogged with confused drivers. They were not the same buildings that were there before either, they were shorter, and heavily reinforced with concrete and steel, looking more like a fortress then part of a city.

"Well that's...new." Ria said, dumbfounded.

Did the Leileils just yoink part of Tokyo-3 from another dimension? And dropped it into Kyoto? As if the city's Feng Shui wasn't already screwed up, now it's completely fucked beyond any sort of redress.
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You know. The more I think about it, the more I come to conclusion that they blew it. I guess Leliel forced their hand or something, but
Why didn't they wait for a few years? Like, twenty, or something.
Then everyone would come of age
Some would start having a mid-life crisis
They could meet up, wearing cool masks of their Angels and shit
A Shadow Cabal, you might say
Instead, the only future they have now is sixteen Asukas stomping on their faces.
Oh well.

And then we were Star Driver.

Seriously, a group of useful idiots does the cool masks thing and the villain asks if they're twelve years old when they call him out on his inevitable betrayal.
Chapter 15 Part 2
The others were dealing with the city block that had suddenly appeared in in the middle of the city, leaving Ritsuko alone with a far smaller, but an issue she considered far more pressing of transformations.

Sachiel had told the Soryu girl that the Angels used Angelic and Evangelion flesh to fuel their transformation. On the one hand knowing that was extremely useful, but it also raised a great deal of concerns. For starters, if that was the only thing they could use to fuel their transformation, then they shouldn't have had any fuel. All the remaining examples of Angelic remains and failed Evangelions had been transferred to WILLE years ago.

Of course they didn't know for a fact what SEELE had of the Angels, how much was left after they harvested them to make the MP-Evas. It was entirely possible that Bethany, NERV-01, or NERV-03 had lied to them and withheld some of the materials, but that meant this had been going back over a decade. And to have kept it so completely hidden meant a lot of hands involved at high levels. Dr. Akagi was pretty certain Langley was just the tip of the iceberg. Still, that gave her lead. If she carefully poked around the various former NERV facilities, shipping manifests, and else anything surrounding them, she might come up with something.

The knowledge itself would prove to be problematic as well. The Imperial Government would more than likely find out. They couldn't order the Soryu girl to withhold it, after all. And once the Empress learned of it there was a good chance they would want to use it. Having a full sized Angel on their size would be incredibly appealing to someone outside of WILLE.

Ritsuko smashed a smoldering cigarette into a brand new ashtray. It wasn't that she distrusted Zeruel exactly. She had her misgivings to be sure, and both Asuka and Misato were being foolish about this whole incident in their own ways. But she didn't feel comfortable giving that sort of power to anyone, if for no other reason then they had no idea what the other effects might be. Sachiel had eaten people after he transformed. What if that was an unavoidable part of the transformation? Worse, what if it affected her mentally? The last thing they needed was another insane Angel rampaging about.

And they had few ways of stopping the girl if she decided she wanted a chunk of the original Unit-02. Her new position granted the sixteen year old girl a lot of power, in theory. The question remained, what she would do with it?


The high school had more or less emptied as the students either evacuated or got as close to the mysterious city block as they could, trying to get a better view of the strange sight.

Misato had naturally sent the Pilots back to WILLE as soon as she could. The past two times this light may have been helpful, but she wasn't going to take any chances.

This whole situation didn't make any sense. The light had sent them Evas before, singular objects. Why would it now send them a freaking city block? And of course this meant one way or another they were more than likely dealing with yet another alternate universe.

Misato sighed. This was exhausting. If it wasn't something new being dropped into their lap it was an Angel attacking, if it wasn't that it was goddamn Ria. She needed a chance to rest, to catch her breath, something.

At least the situation at the moment was contained. The police who first arrived on the scene had been swiftly replaced with Government and WILLE agents. Misato was in a temporary command tent with Sub-Commander Soryu and several government agents. Suzuhara was among those providing security. Asuka kept it professional but her anger had not dissipated in the slightest.

"Okay, we need to start setting up interviews," Misato ordered. "Find out what they know, see if there's any potential threat among them."

The situation inside the block was a mess. Several car accidents had resulted from the event and a small stampede had ensued shortly afterwards. Dozens were getting treated for injuries and they would have to look through each of the buildings to make sure they accounted for everyone.

The buildings were strange, like someone tried to make a fortress out of normal buildings. Misato could only guess what their world must have been through.

Someone entered the tent. Misato immediately tensed up when she realized it was Ria. Rage boiled inside her.

"Get out," she hissed.

"In a moment," Ria said flippantly. "I'm under orders. I'm to check in and see what you're doing and then I'm to screen the 'new arrivals' to make sure they we didn't have any Angels hidden among this group."

Every fiber of Misato's being wanted to reach for her gun right now. Her hand shook at her side. This monster was in the same tent as her and she was powerless to do anything. This Angelshe'd once called family.

Ria was staring her down with a mixture of hatred and self-satisfied amusement. Touji was trying his best not to glare at her while Asuka was glaring at Misato.

"And if you find any Angels, you're going to...what?" Misato questioned.

"You know, a few weeks ago I probably would have tried to kill them out of hand," Ria mockingly admitted. "But if nothing else, you have taught me how badly things can blow up in your face when you rush to judgement."

"Yeah well the past few weeks have shown me that Angels as a rule are liars, so if you find any, don't turn your back towards them," Misato shot back.

"Is what you've descended to?" Asuka sighed. "Trading insults with a teenage girl?"

Misato's anger got the best of her. "You want to keep her in your home, that's your business. But first the school and now this?!"

"Gee, it's like the government took advantage of a stupid situation you created," Ria snarked.

Ria's phone started to ring, making the whole situation both tense and akward.

She pulled out her phone, only to stare at the screen in confusion.

"Why is Kodama calling me?" Ria said as she turned towards Toji.

"She wouldn't," Toji replied, sounding quite confused.

"I'm going to take this," Ria said as she retreated out of the tent.


"Hello?" Ria answered as she paced around the tent.

"Oh good, finally!" Kodama's voice came over the phone. "Man, I swear I've been trying to get ahold of someone for hours. So what happened to the city? That weird shadow appeared then the next thing we knew the whole city looked different."

Ria was confused. Kodama was hanging out by the school and even during a situation like this there's no reason she would be talking to her so casually.

"Wait... you were in that city block?" Ria asked.

"Yeah why... oh," Kodama sounded quite worried. "So out of curiosity, when's the last time you saw me?"

"About ten minutes ago, at the school," Ria explained.

"Oh, so I'm in an alternate universe... yeah, it freaking figures I'd be at the receiving end of something like this," Kodama muttered.

So alternate universe Kodama? Ria found herself genuinely surprised and confused. The last time this light had appeared, it had dropped pilots and Evas on them. Now it was dropping Kodama?

"I take it you've dealt with something throwing parts of the multiverse at you as well?" She asked

The alternate Kodama let out a frustrated laugh "Yeah, yeah. I..look, is there anyway you can have someone meet me outside the department store? I need someone to talk to in private. There's some things I have to explain..."

"Yeah, sure. Uhh, stay safe..." Ria replied.

"You do the same," Kodama replied as she hung up.

Kodama's words troubled Ria. What could she have to explain?

Ria made her way past the barricade and into the city from another universe. Pushing her way past throngs of scared people, confined to this one block as WILLE tried desperately to figure out what to do with them.

Whatever this universe had been through, it had been harsh. The street showed signs of old battle scars, extensive damage that had been patched at different times. Even the stores looked like bunkers.

She found Kodama outside of the store. She waved excitedly at her as she approached. Ria smiled, it was nice to have a Kodama friendly with her again, even if it wasn't the Kodama she'd known.

That brief moment of joy turned to horror as Ria got closer to Kodama and saw the look in her eyes.

This Kodama was an Angel.

They both took a step back, neither really liking what they saw.

"So here you're one of... interesting," Kodama said hesitantly.

Ria gave her a measured look. Attacking would be stupid, but she didn't have much in the way of trust right now. Imaging what Kodama must have been like as an Angel was strange. Really she should be an entirely different person, but so far she seemed somewhat similar.

"It would be better if we spoke inside. Kyoko is waiting for us," Kodama gestured towards the door.

"...Who's Kyoko?" Ria asked.

Kodama just stared at her awkwardly, dumbstruck by what she said.

Ria followed her in.

The store was in wild disarray, with shelves turned over and clothes scattered about the floor. The power was out save for emergency lighting.

Standing inside was a girl who at first glance Ria though was the younger Pilot Asuka, but... not. She had brown hair and was a tiny bit shorter, but the resemblance otherwise was frightening.

The two stared at each other with distrust. This Asuka look-alike was an Angel as well. Her fists were clenched tightly at her side.

Two unknown Angels. Ria had just walked into a room with two different freaking Angels.

"Ria, this is Kyoko Ikari. Kyoko, this is Ria," Kodama introduced her, trying to defuse the situation.

Ria stared blankly at the girl. "What."

"Your sister," Kodama added, as if that would explain it.

"I don't have one of those," Ria said slowly, her brain trying to process what she just heard.

So she had a sister, from an alternate universe, who was another Angel like herself. She really didn't know how to react to this. She had never even thought about having a sibling. She felt numb to the whole situation.

"Kyoko Misato Ikari," Kyoko grunted in annoyance. "I told you, Koda, that I want people to call me by my middle name."

Her voice did have the slightest hint of a German accent.

"...Your middle name is Misato," Ria said, dumbfound by the irony.

"Yeah," the new girl replied briskly.

Ria stifled a half-crazed laugh.

"What?" Kyoko growled.

"Nothing, nothing," Ria replied dismissively, waving her hand. "I'm Ria Soryu by the way."

They weren't hostile yet. And the light had always sent someone helpful. But Ria still found herself on edge.

"So before any of us start trying to kill each other, let me address the obvious elephant in the room..." Kodama began.

"Which Angel are you?" Kyoko questioned harshly.

"Ehh?" Ria replied.

"Which Angel are you? Because if you're that Arschloch Arael I need to know, now," Kyoko was hovering on the edge of anger.

"Calm down," Kodama chastised her.

"No no, it's a fair point," Ria interrupted. "I'm not Arael, I assure you."

She couldn't fault her. And at least she was showing concern for their mother.

"Oh good," Kodama said in relief.

"I'm Zeruel, if you must know," Ria added.

"Oh... not good," Kodama replied.

Judging by the angry expression building on Kyoko's face, telling the truth may have not been the smartest move.

Kyoko's eyes turned red.

"I'm going to kill you!" she roared as she lunged towards Ria.
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Ah do it's going to be one of those stories, with multiple alt-universe versions of everyone running around, some angels and all with different motivations and loyalties.

Not the direction I expected but the writing so far is so good I might as well see where it goes.
Ah do it's going to be one of those stories, with multiple alt-universe versions of everyone running around, some angels and all with different motivations and loyalties.

Not the direction I expected but the writing so far is so good I might as well see where it goes.
It's not going to be that level. This isn't a mass crossover with fifteen different universes being dropped in here.
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Okay, Seriously? Could somebody put a chart up to keep track of who's from what dimension? This has gotten just a little bit overboard.