As has been said many times before, and will probably be said again: Okito, you fucking idiot.
In the words of Alexander Anderson. Don't weep for the stupid, you'll be crying all day.

Okito is to a degree quite aware of how stupid he's been. But he realizes that's far past the point of making amends for that and he still believes in the plan to a large extent. That's why his reaction to Hikari was more "Leave me alone." Than anything.

And even then, his first and only thoughts were how he could bring them to 'his' side, not that he never needed to, since they accepted him anyhow. Idiot...
To be fair that is a step up for Okito. Not a big one, but considering he was annoyed that Ramiel had any humans at all involved in the plan, that's progress for him.
Dmitri Ohta...

Hmm. Something to do with a river and Finland.
Oh, I remembered. ( edit: and obviously wikilurked after that to confirm, that goes without saying )
Did you know that ohto ( reads as ohta in Russian ) is a derivative of oksi, "bear" in Finnish?
Just a curious coincidence.
It's a coincidence, right?

Well, in Japanese it also means a "large field", and is a common-ish last name so there's that.
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Like, cuddling is a great thing, and I can cuddle and sleep fine personally, but a lot of people really can't, and sometimes it's just way to hot for that for everyone. It's cute, but real life is sometimes like "no, you sleep over there dammit, it's already almost too hot to sleep in here in general."

Edit2: I once showed a hentai doujin to my husband where in the guy was like "my wife is so great and I love her, I really do, but like, she is so hot to the touch and she always wants to cuddle and it's so uncomfortable at night sometimes if she's all over me and sleeping but she's so cute though so fuck it, time to melt instead of sleep" and he was like "this hentai hits too close to home." :p
The night after our wedding, LilithPrime began referring to me as 'the octopoid furnace'. She knows your pain. :p
Okito is to a degree quite aware of how stupid he's been. But he realizes that's far past the point of making amends for that and he still believes in the plan to a large extent. That's why his reaction to Hikari was more "Leave me alone." Than anything.
Okito, you dumbass. It's your mother. She'd still possibly forgive you, at least some. Maybe not spring you from lockup, but maybe argue that you at least deserve some dignity as a prisoner, not a lab rat.
Okito, you dumbass. It's your mother. She'd still possibly forgive you, at least some. Maybe not spring you from lockup, but maybe argue that you at least deserve some dignity as a prisoner, not a lab rat.
Fat lot of good it'd do to him. WILLE is not an Angel-sympathetic organization as far as I can see. And weeeell, no one's gonna argue for Hikari against Misato, except maybe Asuka. Whom Hikari nearly hates right now, I think.
I pretty much see how it can work out:
H: "What you're doing to him is inhuman!"
M: "He is not human."

Sorry for rapid posting. I'm a little bit bored right now. But hey, at least I stay on topic. :p
Asuka joining in to argue on Hikari's behalf would possibly help a lot for the breach between them, at least. And it would do Okito good for knowing that his mother still loves him and considers him her son. It would also further undermine his 'Only Angels matter' line of thought even more than just how Shinji and Asuka are treating Ria. Being betrayed by Angels and shown compassion by Lilim would run directly counter to how he's been thinking.
Asuka joining in to argue on Hikari's behalf would possibly help a lot for the breach between them, at least. And it would do Okito good for knowing that his mother still loves him and considers him her son. It would also further undermine his 'Only Angels matter' line of thought even more than just how Shinji and Asuka are treating Ria. Being betrayed by Angels and shown compassion by Lilim would run directly counter to how he's been thinking.

TBH Sachiel is far more likely to go 'wait what if I ask Ramiel to turn my family into Angels!' than actually rethink his dumbass race war he's dedicated his whole life to.
Asuka joining in to argue on Hikari's behalf would possibly help a lot for the breach between them, at least.

Hmm. Let's see how that goes.

Er. Can I ask something about Rebuild!Rei?

What is our modus operandi with her? Same Rei unless proven otherwise?
I mean, is she Shinji's vat-grown half-sister with the power of a god, or not?
Considering that she looked at Ria once and immediately figured out who she is, I'm inclined to say yes, but I want to know for sure.
Er. Can I ask something about Rebuild!Rei?

What is our modus operandi with her? Same Rei unless proven otherwise?
I mean, is she Shinji's vat-grown half-sister with the power of a god, or not?
Considering that she looked at Ria once and immediately figured out who she is, I'm inclined to say yes, but I want to know for sure.
Admittedly Ria was more because of Ayanami having just fought Zeruel so seeing a functional Identical soul so soon afterwards caused her to connect the dots.

But yeah, Rebuild Rei is pretty similar to Rei II in those regards. Though as I said before, considering the alternate universes, I don't really consider any relationship between her and Shinji to be incest.
Admittedly Ria was more because of Ayanami having just fought Zeruel so seeing a functional Identical soul so soon afterwards caused her to connect the dots.

But yeah, Rebuild Rei is pretty similar to Rei II in those regards. Though as I said before, considering the alternate universes, I don't really consider any relationship between her and Shinji to be incest.

Hey, I'm not talking about that. Have you seen me raising a stink about that in A&T forum thread?
When I've posted that one message in your thread, it was more of a runaway comment, rather than any kind of criticism.

I've... expressed my feelings about that in a wall of text while reviewing Evangelion:Sovereignity, and, well, don't want to dwell on it, anymore. Let's just say I don't really have a problem with that, but for reasons tangential to whether or not they are related. Rather, my definition of... okay, I'll stop now.

I wanted to know about that because of the second part, namely, Space Goddess Rei.
Chapter 14 Part 5
"Do you believe him?" Misato asked.

Touji and Hikari stood in front of her desk. Their look of fear suggested that they did in fact believe Sachiel.

"I don't see what he could gain by lying," Hikari replied.

Trusting the word of an Angel was a bad idea at the best of times. But Okito was broken and captured, and this warning didn't benefit him.

Of course, that was if it was true. It meant they had another Angel operating on a completely different agenda: They had Ramiel and his plans, Leliel and her plans, Iruel's own plans, Ria's plans, and now Bardiel and whatever it had planned. Them all working against each other did make them less of an organized threat. Of course it also meant she was being attacked by many different groups with as many tactics. Planning for all of them would be a nightmare.

As would the fact they now might be dealing with an Angel who could be anyone, at any age. That was going to be hell to prepare for.

"I'll station some security near your apartment," Misato said. "Unfortunately, it's the most I can do at this time."

"We're stretched thin as it is," Touji noted.

"We're hiring replacements and automating where we can. Not connected to the Network of course."

'Of course some of those replacements would have to be mercenaries at the rate things we're going.'

Hikari spoke up again, hesitantly. "What will you do when…"

"Okito will be given a trial when this is all over," Misato interrupted evenly. "That's all I can promise."

Killing him flat out would be simpler, far simpler. But the government had made a clear powerplay with Ria and the pardon. The last thing she wanted to do was give them more power to use against them. And executing someone that was on the surface a 16 year old boy could be spun very hard against her.

Hikari gave a solemn nod. Hikari wasn't being as foolish as Asuka and Shinji were, but she still cared for Okito despite everything.

Misato was grateful she didn't have biological kids of her own. Ria was hard enough to deal with as it was.

"Can we move our daughter and Kensuke out of school at least?" Toji asked.

Misato shook her head regretfully. "Too high profile. One little tip off could create a leak we can't afford. Best I can tell you is talk to Shinji or Asuka about that."

"We're not exactly on speaking terms with them right now. Not after they allowed her back at school," Toji explained tensely.

"Is there anything you could do about that?" Hikari about begged.

Misato put her hands up in defeat. "It's out of my hands. Anything I could do against her would get me thrown out of here before the day was up."

Right now an Angel that had killed thousands was speaking with the Empress of Japan. Misato had no idea what would come of the meeting, but she suspected one way or another it was going to just make things worse for everyone.


Asuka adjusted Ria's tie for what felt like the twentieth time in as many minutes.

"It's fine," Ria whined, batting ineffectually at Asuka's hands.

"You are meeting the Empress of Japan, it needs to be more than fine," Asuka insisted. "You're the one who insisted on wearing a suit, after all."

"No one, not even an Empress is getting me into a dress," Ria said defensively as she smoothed out one of the arms of her black, business style suit.

"Presenting the Angel of Might in a dress would probably be sending the wrong message anyways," Shinji commented dryily.

Ria raised an eyebrow as she stared at her father. "Oh, so we're joking about it now?" she replied.

Shinji shrugged indifferently. "Ehh, why not? We don't have to really worry about hiding it anymore. The damage is done and things have gotten beyond the point where I can even call this weird anymore."

"When you start dealing with alternate universes on a regular basis," Asuka observed, "weird kind loses all meaning."

Asuka couldn't deny that she felt a lot more at ease around Ria. It wasn't that she had been scared of her, not exactly at least, and she still felt that tension from time to time, but ever since the attack, the Angel aspect of Ria really didn't bug her as much anymore. Sure, what she had done to Misato was worrying, but it was no different then Shinji losing control while piloting Unit-01. Ria was clearly fundamentally human, for all the good and awkward that implied, right down to the embarrassing parts of her having a girlfriend sleep over.

One of the Imperial servants stepped into the waiting room.

He bowed deeply before speaking. "The Empress will see you now."

Asuka was uneasy. The Imperial Household Agency had spent the past few hours preparing them for this. When to bow, where to stand, the appropriate amount of respect to show, etc etc.

Personally Asuka found the idea of a monarch with any real power absurd. But the people of Japan wanted a stable government after Third Impact. And out of all the things people had discussed at the time, this seemed like the least terrible option. Particularly compared to some of the noises the Church of Lilith made back then. Asuka shuddered at the memory of what they'd wanted her and Shinji to be used as.

The Throne hall was about what Asuka had expected, ornate and ancient looking, despite the room being less than a decade old. The end of the hall was dominated by a large dais, the Empress hidden behind blue silk curtains, flanked on either side by servants in tuxedos.

Asuka began to bow. No matter how much it annoyed her, insulting the Empress would have been a stupid move.

"There's no need for that," a voice rang out.

The Empress stepped out from behind the curtain. She was young, very young. If anything she looked younger than Ria. She was dressed in a simple black and white dress, a cherry blossom pinned to her chest. Her black hair was tied in a conservative bun.

"The World owes the two of you too much for you to bow to anyone," she said gracefully.

"Thank you," Shinji replied, nervous and awkward.

The Empress studied Ria, her hands gripping a small closed fan as she held herself straight with practiced dignity.

Ria stared at her with naked skepticism.

Asuka was quietly grateful that Ria was smart enough to not stare at her like she stared at almost every pretty woman who crossed her path. If nothing else recent events had done a lot to curb Ria's more perverted side.

"I must admit, I didn't think you would come," the Empress remarked. "The Prime Minister wanted you working with us to be a condition of your pardon. But I told him that would only make things worse. We need someone who will work with us willingly."

"So if I don't want to work with you, you'll just let me go?" Ria asked cautiously.

The Empress nodded. "Though I do hope you will at least listen to what I have to say first."

She prepared herself, clearly going over lines she had mentally rehearsed.

"I don't want to be enemies with WILLE. Despite our likely shared misgivings about Misato's recent actions, I haven't removed her from power because it would cause further distrust and cause problems. We need unity now more than ever," she explained.

'Well, that closes that avenue,' Asuka realized.

"Though I admit the pardon was as much reminding Misato of her place as it was an attempt to recruit you. Unity and cooperation are important, but there are limits. Now, let me ask you a question, Ria Soryu: What is your goal in life? What do you want?" the Empress asked.

Ria pondered for a moment.

"Publish a few books, graduate college eventually. Acquire a wife or two, enjoy my life," Ria said casually.

The Empress smirked with amusement. "Ramiel seeks to turn your kind into gods. Sachiel wants that plus genocide. And the Angel of might wants to be a writer. Aren't you just fascinating?"

Ria blushed slightly. "I did my duty. I get to live my life as I want. That is how I want to live it."

The Empress nodded. "Perfectly reasonable. Unfortunately for me that leaves me with little to entice you with."

"There is one thing," Ria said, almost interrupting the Empress, "Whatever you're offering me. I need assurances, in writing, that it's not permanent. That I can walk away at any point and go back to living my life."

One of the servants looked at Ria with hateful eyes, like they wanted to strangle her.

"Done," the Empress stated.

"Just like that?" Shinji said.

"Of course," she nodded. "Now as for my actual offer... Let me be blunt, we're losing the ground war. When it comes to fighting them at full size, we have enough to get by. Though it would be nice if we had an extra hand or two." She raised an inquiring eyebrow at Ria.

"Can't help there," Ria said regretfully, shaking her head. "I don't really know how they actually do that."

The Empress looked surprised. "Is that so? Hmm, curious. We'll have to work on that. But more than that, we're utterly outmatched on a human level. Twice now Angels have invaded WILLE. The first time one of them attacked with impunity. The second time they were only stopped because of you. Sachiel is only in custody because of you. On the ground level it seems like the best way to stop an Angel, is with another Angel. I ask only two things of you; to protect WILLE and help hunt down the other Angels."

"So, by protect you mean...?" Shinji asked.

"Ideally you'll be assigned a station there, watching the place at least few hours each day, especially during major operations and events," the Empress explained.

Asuka was a bit taken aback. It made sense sure but that seemed like it would only flare tensions even more.

"Er, you do know Misato banned me from ever setting foot there again, right?" Ria said.

"And I have every right to override that order, which I did two hours ago. They'll bicker and complain but I'd much rather have an unhappy WILLE than a dead one," the Empress replied.

Shinji stepped back into this conversation. "About the hunting the Angels part? That would put Ria in a considerable amount of danger. I don't feel comfortable agreeing to that. She is still a 16 year old girl. Asking her to defend WILLE is one thing. But hunting sounded like something that could easily lead her into incredibly dangerous situations. I don't think Asuka is very happy to allow that, either."

"I'm not asking her to patrol the streets or anything," the Empress assured them. "But think about what will happen if we manage to track down an Angel? Any conventional option would either get a lot of people killed or raise too many questions in the public. You, with a team there to support you and drag you out should worse come to worst, could do a lot more than the conventional options ever could. You are the Angel of Might, after all. Few of the others ever showed as much strength as you did."

A small, smug smile appeared on Ria's face.

They wanted her to fight. Asuka hated it but she couldn't deny the logic of anything the Empress was requesting. She mopped the floor with both Okito and Shamshel. If she took a more active role, she could do a lot of good. And it's not like Ria had been able to stay out of the fighting as it was.

Though the idea of having their girl go out and fight was almost too much to bear for Asuka or Shinji, it did seem the best option.

The thought of fighting the other Angels did seem to rather please Ria, which only made Asuka even more worried.

"So...if, if I agree to this," Ria said, "who would I answer to?"

"Directly to me. You might work with a few other people but none of them would outrank you," the Empress said.

"You?" Asuka was confused. "Why not the Prime Minister?"

For a second Asuka thought she saw one of her eyes twitch slightly. "The Prime Minister has the T-RIDEN-T project. This is my personal project."

"So you want me to protect a place and attack on your command. Sounds to like you're trying to make me your attack dog," Ria noted dryly.

"That was not my intention," the Empress said stiffly. "But it is a fitting metaphor, I'll admit. Though personally I would prefer to see you as my bulwark against Ramiel and the others."

Ria nodded.

The Empress went on, "Rest assured though, you will be paid well for your services. This is a job offer. You're no one's slave or serf, nor are you being drafted into any military service. You can walk away whenever you feel like."

The room was silent was silent as Ria considered the offer. Asuka was torn, wanting to both accept the deal and throw it back at the Empress.

"This is awfully generous," Ria noted.

The Empress gave a small nod. "As I said, I need someone who will work with me willingly. If I forced you I could never trust you enough to get the job done."

Ria turned towards Shinji and Asuka, the look in her eye making it very clear how she felt about the option.

They could have refused her, but they stopped themselves, trying to balance what they wanted as parents and what they knew was best for the situation. For better or worse, they left the final decision to her.

"Very well then," Ria said confidently. "I accept your offer."
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"We're not exactly on speaking terms with them right now. Not after they allowed her back at school," Toji explained tensely.
Oh boy -- you're in for some really bad news:

The Empress looked surprised. "Is that so? Hmm, curious. We'll have to work on that. But more than that, we're utterly outmatched on a human level. Twice now Angels have invaded WILLE. The first time one of them attacked with impunity. The second time they were only stopped because of you. Sachiel is only in custody because of you. On the ground level it seems like the best way to stop an Angel, is with another Angel. I ask only two things of you; to protect WILLE and help hunt down the other Angels."

"So, by protect you mean...?" Shinji asked.

"Ideally you'll be assigned a station there, watching the place at least few hours each day, especially during major operations and events," the Empress explained.
So, not only is Ria's new job going to force Toji to work fairly closely with here, but also . . .
"So...if, if I agree to this," Ria said, "who would I answer to?"

"Directly to me. You might work with a few other people but none of them would outrank you," the Empress said.
. . . she arguably out-ranks him now.

I mean, not in the sense of being able to tell him what to do, but definitely in terms of "my boss is higher up the chain than your boss."​
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And executing someone that was on the surface a 16 year old boy could be spun very hard against her

That was kinda callous, Misato.
Also true.

"Presenting the Angel of Might in a dress would probably be sending the wrong message anyways," Shinji commented dryily

A dress can and will be mighty! Go feminism!
Sorry, wrong forum thread. :lol

Maybe? I'm not sure.
And all of all the things people had discussed
I'm confused.

Asuka shuddered at the memory of what they'd wanted her and Shinji to be used as.

That's a lot of character development. Old Asuka would have probably been at least intrigued by the prospect. Or maybe I don't know Asuka, at all.

Asuka was quietly grateful that Ria was smart enough to not stare at her like she stared at almost every pretty woman who crossed her path.

Ooh, la~la!:p

You are the Angel of Might, after all. Few of the others ever showed as much strength as you did."

You could argue that only Armisael was canonically stronger. And well, argue is an operative word here.

"Very well then," Ria said confidently. "I accept your offer."

For a moment, I thought Ria was just stringing Empress along. That would have ended spectacularly.
Glad it didn't.

More goodness from Teen Spirit!
Praise be unto him!
I felt that a few of Shinji's lines should have been Asuka's.

In questions regarding WILLE and the extent and nature of Ria's new responsibilities Shinji was fairly forthright and composed, while the Sub Commander of WILLE just stood there quietly and was spoken for.

Is that not bizarre? Between her and Shinji she should have much more of a mind for intrigue given she co-runs something at least vaguely military while he's a musician. Between them she's also tended towards being the more composed and ready to speak evenly and promptly when needed even in stressful situations.
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Out of all. Sorry misspelling.

There were a lot of ideas on what kind of goverment Japan should have after third Impact. The current situation is far from ideal but not as bad as it could have been. This is also when the Church of Lilith was starting to emerge and boy howdy, they were not restrained then.

I felt that a few of Shinji's lines should have been Asuka's.

In questions regarding WILLE and the extent and nature of Ria's new responsibilities Shinji was fairly forthright and composed, while the Sub Commander of WILLE just stood there quietly and was spoken for.

Is that not bizarre? Between her and Shinji she should have much more of a mind for intrigue given she co-runs something at least vaguely military while he's a musician. Between them she's also tended towards being the more composed and ready to speak evenly and promptly when needed even in stressful situations.
A very fair point. I edited one part that looking back really should have been Asuka. Might edit more later.
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There were a lot of ideas on what kind of goverment Japan should have after third Impact. The current situation is far from ideal but not as bad as it could have been. This is also when the Church of Lilith was starting to emerge and boy howdy, they were not restrained then.

I can imagine. To worship a giant humanoid spaceship is to be at least a teensy bit weird. I'm glad and pleasantly surprised that Asuka is repulsed by the very idea.
Monarchy isn't the worst solution. It works... kinda. Except when it doesn't.
It all really depends on the current monarch, and competent monarchs don't happen as often as you'd like.
Ask Crusader King 2 players. Or literally any country with a history of absolute monarchy over more than a hundred years. Some cases are bizarre.

Hah, that reminds me of the military junta thingy Lord Sovereign has in his fic.

Out of all. Sorry misspelling.

'S cool. I just like to proofread for some reason. Community service?
"Community" as in "Communism", of course.
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@Teen Spirit, Ria's 5'10" right?

How tall are Shinji and Asuka exactly?

Edit: When picturing scenes I was wondering if it was mostly just Ria towering over most people, or the entire family.
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@Teen Spirit, Ria's 5'10" right?

How tall are Shinji and Asuka exactly?

Edit: When picturing scenes I was wondering if it was mostly just Ria towering over most people, or the entire family.
Ria's taller than Asuka but Shinji's taller than her, though by like an inch or two.
In general the only people taller than Ria are A!Shinji, Touji, and Okito.....Well he was taller.
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Ria's taller than Asuka but Shinji's taller than her, though by like an inch or two.
In general the only people taller than Ria are A!Shinji, Touji, and Okito.....Well he was taller.

To be fair to Okito, it only takes a big man, not necessarily a tall one, to be cut down to size.

Besides, on the plus side he's small enough now that Misato can stash him in the overhead luggage compartment if she needs to move him.
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Of course, that was if it was true. It meant they had another Angel operating on a completely different agenda: They had Ramiel and his plans, Leliel and her plans, Iruel's own plans, Ria's plans, and now Bardiel and whatever it had planned. Them all working against each other did make them less of an organized threat. Of course it also meant she was being attacked by many different groups with as many tactics. Planning for all of them would be a nightmare.

Welcome to The Wilderness of Mirrors, Misato.

Misato put her hands up in defeat. "It's out of my hands. Anything I could do against her would get me thrown out of here before the day was up."

And then Asuka would be in charge. personally, I think Asuka would handle things better than Misato as then maybe the Angels still on the fence wouldn't be forced into Ramiel's camp in fear of WILLE.

Right now an Angel that had killed thousands was speaking with the Empress of Japan. Misato had no idea what would come of the meeting, but she suspected one way or another it was going to just make things worse for everyone.

Whut? How'd Zeruel rack up that kind of body count? IIRC, Big Z just blasted through the Geofront armor layers then smashed its way into NERV HQ.

Personally Asuka found the idea of a monarch with any real power absurd. But the people of Japan wanted a stable government after Third Impact. And out of all the things people had discussed at the time, this seemed like the least terrible option. Particularly compared to some of the noises the Church of Lilith made back then. Asuka shuddered at the memory of what they'd wanted her and Shinji to be used as.

Dolls sitting on thrones?

Ria's taller than Asuka but Shinji's taller than her, though by like an inch or two.
In general the only people taller than Ria are A!Shinji, Touji, and Okito.....Well he was taller.

Huh. That sounds counterintuitive. I figured the European would be taller than the Asian.
I can imagine. To worship a giant humanoid spaceship is to be at least a teensy bit weird. I'm glad and pleasantly surprised that Asuka is repulsed by the very idea.

I'm not suprised. She would see them as stupid sycophants. Just like she stomped on the letters from the random classmates. They would be ignorant masses who didn't understand. Especially after all she had been through in the series.

Monarchy isn't the worst solution. It works... kinda. Except when it doesn't.
It all really depends on the current monarch, and competent monarchs don't happen as often as you'd like.
Ask Crusader King 2 players. Or literally any country with a history of absolute monarchy over more than a hundred years. Some cases are bizarre.

Any interesting (and not too distressing or disgusting) examples?

Hah, that reminds me of the military junta thingy Lord Sovereign has in his fic.

Link, please?

Ria's taller than Asuka but Shinji's taller than her, though by like an inch or two.
In general the only people taller than Ria are A!Shinji, Touji, and Okito.....Well he was taller.

So, how tall are each of them?

Welcome to The Wilderness of Mirrors, Misato.

I have no idea what this means?

And then Asuka would be in charge. personally, I think Asuka would handle things better than Misato as then maybe the Angels still on the fence wouldn't be forced into Ramiel's camp in fear of WILLE.

Quite possibly. And Misato knows that Asuka would be next in line. She just can't let go of her hatreds long enough to realize that they are getting in everyone's way. She is starting to soften, a bit.

Whut? How'd Zeruel rack up that kind of body count? IIRC, Big Z just blasted through the Geofront armor layers then smashed its way into NERV HQ.

How many people do you think were manning the defense grid? Or were simply working in the layers between the Geofront surface and Central Dogma?

Not to mention everyone hit by debris all along the line. And those caught in the collateral inherent whenever an EVA sorties. Just look at how Zeruel comes smashing in above Misato-there's a LOT of debris raining down. And we also see that there are other positions being manned right down where the pieces are headed. Then Shinji comes charging through the wall, undoubtedly killing more people.

Dolls sitting on thrones?

And Asuka hates dolls (or did, anyway). I also suspect it would be more of an altar than a throne.

Huh. That sounds counterintuitive. I figured the European would be taller than the Asian.

Ah, the glories of the Y-chromosome. Once puberty hits, anyways.
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