"At first I thought this was punishment for our failures but to have Misato be the architect of our damnation? I refuse to believe you would be so cruel. So I ask of you now, I beg of you; send me a sign, send me guidance, send me... something, anything, please. I don't know what to do. If I fight I will be just as bad as them, but I can't just sit here with a sword hanging over me. Please, I need to know you're still there."

Only silence greeted her.
There's something strange and sad in an Angel lost and praying desperately to her creator. Damn it, Tabris, where are you?
"What about your own kind?" she replied pointedly.
It's dismaying how few of the Angels seem to even be able to think in terms of 'and'. They're all just as much human as they are Angel. They've grown up living lives just like anyone else. They mostly seem to have had families and at least a chance at a normal-ish life. But only Ria and Dmitri so far that we've seen have really done so, and even they seem to think of themselves as 'Angels with a human mask' more than 'I am both'.
"If Ramiel knew about the meeting, that means someone had turned double agent. He wouldn't risk losing a possible inside source with so obvious a gambit. You on the other hand, are not that subtle. So who told you about the meeting?"
Dmitri's a sharp guy... and yes, 'Iruel hacked it' is a bit too easy. How did they know?
"Considering what we know of the people involved, that means the most likely suspect is…" Misato pinched her nose. "Gendo Ikari."
Great, that's just what we all need. Even older-Shinji and Asuka wouldn't want to see him again even just to punch him in the nuts.
Asuka was dreading the conversation she would have with Shinji about this. Ria too. That would be awkward, no matter what.

'Hey, it turns out both your grandfathers have betrayed humanity.'
'Incredibly awkward conversations about horribly evil deeds your family members did' seems to be an Ikari family specialty! :)
And what are you going to do when you realize what Ria is? Asuka wondered grimly to herself. Will you pull the gun on her? Is Ria going to end up killing you? Am I?
One on hand, that's a touching thought about how much Asuka loves her daughter that I hope Ria gets to hear soon. OTOH... fuck... that's not good at all.
'Incredibly awkward conversations about horribly evil deeds your family members did' seems to be an Ikari family specialty! :)
The Ikari-Soryu Family Tree is a bit problematic.

Gendo Ikari: Put Third Impact into motion and worked heavily with SEELE. Seriously screwed up his son through emotional neglect. Is maybe, possibly working with Ramiel to some degree.
Yui Ikari: Directly connected to SEELE, probably has a parent who is a member of SEELE. Knowingly emotionally screwed up her husband and son.
Shinji Ikari: Triggered Third Impact in a state of Emotional Distress.
Langley: Sided with Ramiel. Helped screw up his daughter through neglect. Generally horrible human being.
Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu: Pretty much clean.
Asuka Langley Soryu: Pretty much clean
Ria Ikari Soryu: Tried to reunite with Adam and trigger Third Impact as Zeruel.
Really good chapter! (uh. i have nothing else to super add, other than 'i wanna hug dmitri, poor kid's been through more than enough')

...But I wanna get in on the theorycrafting >>;;
I mean I assume that Kaworu is in the same 'class' of Angel as.... That world's Rei? Like. More than Angel.
Alternatively, yeah, the others consider him more human than Angel, which would be.... Problematic, if he's already out of the sea D:
(it'd at least explain why Rami's going around, other than 'tee hee show of force', maybe they're hunting? idk.)
Asuka tensed up at the idea. Oh good, because I totally wanted to slaughter soldiers by the hundreds again.

I would just like to address this issue. There are some who think Asuka was a bad person for fighting back against the JSSDF simply because they didn't know what was really going on. Col. Jeff Cooper sums my thoughts up on this matter pretty well: "Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view."

It was self-defense against a bunch of trained killers who didn't even give NERVE a chance to surrender.
It was self-defense against a bunch of trained killers who didn't even give NERVE a chance to surrender.

And God only knows what lies SEELE told them to get them to do that. NERV is trying to set off Third Impact themselves, NERV has been taken over by the Angels, any person you meet in the corridors could be an Angel so shoot to kill -- anything at all, as long as it earned the JSSDF's cooperation in the necessary act.
And God only knows what lies SEELE told them to get them to do that. NERV is trying to set off Third Impact themselves, NERV has been taken over by the Angels, any person you meet in the corridors could be an Angel so shoot to kill -- anything at all, as long as it earned the JSSDF's cooperation in the necessary act.
Once More With Feeling also suggested that part of the reason they were willing to go along with those orders was that that particular unit had been deployed in a really ugly counter-insurgency campaign against people who used their Rules of Engagement against them; having someone fake surrender and then set off a suicide vest, recruiting and arming younger and younger child soldiers to exploit their reluctance to gun down kids, that sort of thing. Presumably anyone who didn't end up putting a bullet through their head or being committed to the shellshock wards would probably be left with a rather... relaxed attitude to the laws and customs of war.
Once More With Feeling also suggested that part of the reason they were willing to go along with those orders was that that particular unit had been deployed in a really ugly counter-insurgency campaign against people who used their Rules of Engagement against them; having someone fake surrender and then set off a suicide vest, recruiting and arming younger and younger child soldiers to exploit their reluctance to gun down kids, that sort of thing. Presumably anyone who didn't end up putting a bullet through their head or being committed to the shellshock wards would probably be left with a rather... relaxed attitude to the laws and customs of war.
It could also be a subtle nod to the war crimes committed by Japan in WW2 by Anno - something that Japan's leaders have not consistently acknowledged in the years since. I don't actually know what their stance on the subject was at the time of EoE's production but I do remember a few years ago there was a major international stink caused by Japan's Prime Minister (I think?) engaging in a bit of historical revisionism.
I don't know why but I'm now picturing the world's biggest therapy session with Gendo, Shinji, Unit-01, and Ria in Zeruel form.
....But is Ria a tiny, human-sized Zeruel, or do they have to use the whole remains of the geofront for the therapy session? :V

I'm quite enjoying the mental image of Gendo and Shinji Ikari sandwiched between a 6ft tall version of Unit 01 and a dwarf-sized Zeruel, with everyone looking extremely awkward.
The Ikari-Soryu Family Tree is a bit problematic.

Gendo Ikari: Put Third Impact into motion and worked heavily with SEELE. Seriously screwed up his son through emotional neglect. Is maybe, possibly working with Ramiel to some degree.
Yui Ikari: Directly connected to SEELE, probably has a parent who is a member of SEELE. Knowingly emotionally screwed up her husband and son.
Shinji Ikari: Triggered Third Impact in a state of Emotional Distress.
Langley: Sided with Ramiel. Helped screw up his daughter through neglect. Generally horrible human being.
Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu: Pretty much clean.
Asuka Langley Soryu: Pretty much clean
Ria Ikari Soryu: Tried to reunite with Adam and trigger Third Impact as Zeruel.

Kyoko almost killed Asuka and it was just blind luck she didn't, especially in the manga version. If she'd been lucid enough to realize which Asuka was the real one...well...

Asuka is a domestic abuser in canon, and only got marginally better with time in this fic.

And that reminds me, I had a bigger question. What idiot really thought putting the remains of NERV in charge of anything is a good idea?

Misato, much as we love her, is a demonstrable failure of a guardian and superior officer. Almost everyone else was either in on the Instrumentality plan or aided and abetted it, and considering whatever lies SEELE told the JSSDF to get them to massacre everyone in NERV I'm amazed we haven't seen a repeat of that yet.

And now history is repeating itself...oy.
And that reminds me, I had a bigger question. What idiot really thought putting the remains of NERV in charge of anything is a good idea?

Misato, much as we love her, is a demonstrable failure of a guardian and superior officer. Almost everyone else was either in on the Instrumentality plan or aided and abetted it, and considering whatever lies SEELE told the JSSDF to get them to massacre everyone in NERV I'm amazed we haven't seen a repeat of that yet.

And now history is repeating itself...oy.
You do make a good point about this.:lol
Kyoko almost killed Asuka and it was just blind luck she didn't, especially in the manga version. If she'd been lucid enough to realize which Asuka was the real one...well...

Asuka is a domestic abuser in canon, and only got marginally better with time in this fic.

Kyoko was also insane at that pont so that kind of throws any idea of responsibility out the window. (the manga's version of her is also terrible, just like everything else in the manga)

Asuka, for all her yelling at Shinji as a messed up barely-teenager, has chilled right the hell out by the point this fic rolled around. I wouldn't call that 'marginally better'.
That's no excuse for Asuka. And that also ignores all the times she kicked the shit out of him for no reason or used him as a punching bag.

But what I meant was, things have gone pear shaped. The last time Misato and company were in charge of a defense of this nature, they lost, badly. Even accounting for SEELE's undercutting, they lost.

I just feel it's a bit of an oversight that nobody has tried to replace them.
For some reason people remember Asuka as a lot more physically violent than she was.

The instances of it were on the boat where she slapped all the guys for seeing up her dress, the kick during the training montage, and when she kicked back on reflex when his head knocked into her butt in the air duct.

And all those were back when it was kind of happy go lucky goofiness and she was trying to flirt and was bad at it.

When she actually got bitter and mean she never touched him and mostly just started passive aggressively sarcastically saying how great and invincible he was.

The only time she lashed out at him during that time was when she said she hated him right after getting her mind torn to shred by a mind raping alien and to stay away from her.

So many fics and fans just assumed she was a lot more violent that she ever was.

The kick during training was unacceptable but we are talking about a 13 year old forced into confinement with 2 people for a week here, so, do take it in context.

The slap was borderline but the air duct thing really isn't her fault or part of a pattern. She was in a dark duct on edge with a skirt on and a head hit her in the butt. Everyone is gonna kick on reflex.
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