Yes, and my point (and the show's point) is all that abuse is still unacceptable.
Well duh. Asuka never got what she wanted from Shinji whenever she abused him to cover her own giant insecurities. She only got closer to him the few times she backed off on the yelling.

And as for your point about Misato, she's literally the only person with command experience fighting Angels. To dump her for someone else would be a horrifically stupid move, especially since there are mass murderers like Ramiel and Okito still tracing lines of blood and fire all over the world.
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Chapter 12 Part 2
Shinji couldn't help but feel nervous. Later today they would be finally putting the Evas into storage, so they would stop standing outside awkwardly like giant statues. Of course, they all knew that it carried the pretty big risk of the Angels attacking. But none of it would happen until this afternoon so he, Asuka, and Rei found themselves at school. The fear of an attack never fully left his mind, though.

They had arrived early as usual. The three of them plus Ria, who was half asleep at her desk, and some other student who was sitting in the far corner away from them were the only occupants of the classroom so far.

He approached Rei's desk, bento box in hand.

"I..uhh, meant to give this to you early, sorry," Shinji said awkwardly as he handed her the box.

"Thank you," she replied with a small smile.

He began to walk back to his desk.

"Ikari..." Rei said.

He paused.

"There's a history museum reopening this weekend," she went on, strangely hesitant in her words. "I was hoping to learn more about this world... would you like to come with me?"

Asuka looked at Rei in shock. Even Ria looked startled.

It sounded fun. Rei in the past few days had been more open and caring in the past few days then Shinji had ever seen her. It had been great really; being around her had done a lot of her to take his mind off of things the last few days. And the way she always seemed happy to see him had… wait.

Wheels within Shinji's head turned. A light bulb went off above his head.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" he asked.

That was...surprising, to say the least. He had thoughts about her sure, a lot of thoughts, particularly since she showed up. But he didn't think her, or anyone really would have shown that sort of interest in him. He hadn't actually ever really entertained the thought of them being together. But it did interest him. After all... Asuka had made it clear they were just to remain as friends.

Rei tilted her head in confusion. "It's opening on Saturday."

Asuka groaned in frustration.

"No…" Shinji hesitated. "I mean... do you want it to just be the two of us going?"

She nodded. "Yes, very much so."

Well this was shocking. For a moment Shinji's voice caught in his throat, terror and unexpected joy gripping him.

"I... yes, that sounds like fun," he replied eventually.

His face turned bright red as she smiled again.


"So...according to dad... Apparently the fuckhead thought Mom and Dad didn't really love him and that's part of why he's doing all this," Kodama explained.

She and Ria were sitting on the roof, just the two of them. Ria had figured Kodama needed time to vent. The sounds of construction as WILLE worked to reshape the city did make the roof far less serene than it had been, but it was still a good escape.

She sympathized with Okito's fears. Ria had shared many of the same ones herself even before this all started. But his actions… just rampant stupidity and borderline madness.

How did I not see it? she wondered. All those years and I always thought of him as bright and reasonable. How does an utter moron and a fanatic hide either of those two traits for years? I thought I understood him so well.

Kodama laughed bitterly. "Frankly it's all bullshit anyways. Monster like him probably doesn't even have real feelings. He could no more care for something than a spider could."

Oh, great! MORE GUILT.

"Maybe he can, maybe he can't," Ria replied evenly. "He's an idiot either way and deserves to die."

"I hear that," Kodama agreed.

Ria took a bite of her sandwich, masking her pain and fear behind an even expression.

"Thanks, by the way," Kodama said suddenly.

"For?" Ria questioned.

"For being there for me." She smiled. "I know I'm not the best of friends, not now, not ever really. But you were there for me, and I appreciate that. I really, seriously, appreciate that."

Years of lying and faking her emotions made it easy for Ria to keep her expression one of calm understanding. Ever since Misato had pulled her gun on Matarael her face had felt more of a mask then one Leliel had given her.

"Well, we've been there for each since we were three. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't support you now?" Ria replied.

Images of how Kodama would react once she knew the truth danced in Ria's head, taunting her.

Kodama suddenly looked awkward and started fidgeting.

"Do you ever think that maybe... nevermind, forget about it," she suddenly dismissed whatever thought had been on her mind.

"What?" Ria questioned.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Kodama was greatly flustered.

"So to change the subject..." Ria said awkwardly. "You're going to be somewhere safe later today right?"

Everyone was bracing themselves for some sort of attack when the Evas began moving again. And as that last attack had proven, that could get incredibly messy.

"Getting stuffed in the vault. So is Aida, Kenny, and Mari," Kodama said with a huff.

"...Wait, what?" Ria was surprised. Considering Misato's general paranoia, she half suspected she had a shoot-on-sight order if Kodama so much as sneezed near WILLE.

"Ehh, apparently both dad and Mari's mom pushed pretty hard for it," Kodama explained. "Getting out of Kyoto right now is pretty much impossible with all the construction and WILLE is the safest place inside the city. So yay, I get to spend a few hours locked in a room with people who have orders to kill me if I start looking at them funny."

Kodama was less than enthusiastic about the idea.

"Oh come on, we could totally make a night of it," Ria tried to lift her spirits. "We could bring games, or books, or cards, or...or, okay admittedly I only had three. But I think three is good."

"Fine fine, just nothing with dice please. I still have memories of the last time we tried that." Kodama shuddered at a distant memory.

Ria nodded. "Fine, no dice, I promise."

However bad the future might be, she had to make the most of the time she had with Kodama and the others.


Rei had asked Shinji out.

Wondergirl had asked Shinji out on a date.

...And he had accepted.

Well it's an alternate Wondergirl, Asuka told herself as she ate lunch in the Cafeteria. The Doll we knew would have never done anything like this.

She had no idea how she felt about the situation. It wasn't like she was jealous. What would she have to be jealous of? That was ridiculous!

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Mari asked, pulling Asuka from her thoughts.

"Why?" Asuka said, looking at her warily.

"Ria's with Kodama and without her around...I don't feel safe in the cafeteria." The quiet, pitiful desperation in Kirishima's voice was unmistakable.

"Fine," Asuka sighed.

A thought occurred to her as Mari sat down.

"Why does this place have a cafeteria?" she wondered. "I thought Japanese schools all did lunch in the classroom?"

"I think it's some sort of health code thing. Been like this for as long as I can remember," Mari replied uncertainly.

Asuka looked over Mari. Personally, Asuka wasn't entirely sure what Ria saw in her. Though she never really looked at other girls like that, so she wasn't a exactly a good judge of such things.

"What do you mean by you don't feel safe?" Asuka questioned. Everyone in this school seemed like a horndog, Ria included, but no one had seemed that unrestrained.

"Most of the boys think me and Ria are just being immature and I'm blocking her from being in a 'real relationship'. Japan's not exactly friendly to people like us. Ria gets away with it because of her family...and she tends to verbally rip people to shreds when she's pissed."

"I've noticed," Asuka replied, thinking back to one rather regrettable punch.

Mari stared at her.

"Don't insult her mom. Trust me, it won't end well," Asuka added.

Mari looked even more confused "But..."

"Say I'm her mom and I will shred every drawing you have in that backpack of yours," Asuka snapped.

"Touch them and I will end you," Mari replied with shocking seriousness.

"Well, what do you know? There's a spine in there after all," Asuka teased. "Maybe you are an Angel."

"...I'm not." Mari said, her meekness returning.

Asuka rolled her eyes. "Well obviously. Either you would have tried to kill me by now or you would have fled the city after that whole peace thing fell through."

Asuka was pretty sure what Misato did was incredibly stupid, not to mention seriously unethical, but Ramiel's attack and Okito's actions made her strongly suspect that not as many of them were beat dogs like Leliel had told the other Asuka. Better safe than sorry in the end.

Hopefully that Dimitri found somewhere quiet to hide, though. She really didn't see any point in fighting that spider again.

"Yeah, if any them had any sense they would have…" Mari trailed off, looking distinctly horrified.

"Hmm... No... no, that doesn't fit," she muttered to herself.

"What doesn't fit?" Asuka questioned.

"Nothing, nothing," Mari said dismissively. "Just there's this cousin I have suspicions about."

"Huh," Asuka replied with disinterest. "Well, good luck with that."


"Hello, this the Langley residence, Elizabeth speaking."

Asuka hesisted. It had been well over a decade since she had said anything to her half-sister.

"Hi... It's Asuka," she replied, incredibly tempted to just hang up the phone right then and there.

"Hi," Elizabeth replied, just as awkwardly. "This is a surprise."

It wasn't that she hated her. Elizabeth had always seemed like a pleasant enough person. But she was a direct result of her Father's infidelity, and that tied her up with everything that had happened around that time and that was just too much for Asuka to deal with for the most part.

"Yeah, sorry, um... listen this isn't exactly a social call," Asuka admitted.

"Well yes, we don't exactly do that," Elizabeth replied. "So what do you need?"

"This is going to sound strange, but our father came up in some old SEELE files we just uncovered," she lied.

The man almost certainly knew already that he had been sold out. No harm in taking a more direct approach.

"Ohh. Nothing serious I hope?" Elizabeth said casually.

If only you knew.

"Not really," Asuka lied again. "But I was hoping he would clarify some points that were unclear. I don't have his number or email anymore so I was hoping you could get me in contact with him."

So I can ask him what it cost to convince him to sell out humanity, Asuka thought bitterly.

"You sure about that?" Elizabeth questioned. "I mean, you two aren't exactly on good terms. Maybe he could just have someone relay the info to you? Make it less uncomfortable."

"Thanks, but this is something that I really need to speak to him directly about," she insisted.

"Well, I'll give you his number, but he's been on a vacation in Australia for a month now and cell reception has just been terrible even before the attack."

"Australia?" Asuka repeated.

"Yes. Thankfully he and Andrew were in Perth when it happened. I've been trying to get Andrew to come home but the airlines have been in total chaos since the attack," her half sister explained.

"Well, that's annoying," Asuka sighed. "Wait... 'Andrew is with him'? As in your son Andrew?"

"Yeah. Man's not the best father but he's turned into a halfway decent grandfather," she said.

Andrew Langley, her thirteen year old nephew, had been with her known traitor of a father in Australia at the time of Ramiel's attack. Well wasn't that just utterly fantastic.

In retrospect she was kicking herself for not considering it earlier but she had never even met the boy.

"Well, I'll try to email him," Asuka said rapidly. "Thanks for trying. Bye."

Elizabeth was barely able to get out half a 'goodbye' before Asuka slammed the phone down.
A perfect storm of gut-wrenching dread and sweet-hearted d'aawww.
Well done again, good sir.
Wheels within Shinji's head turned. A light bulb went off above his head.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" he asked.
Once again, the Ikari superpower of Obliviousness rears its head, but for a change Shinji notices.
Asuka groaned in frustration.
Wow, you two are so bad at this Asuka is getting hit with a full blast of fremdschämen. She's embarrassed on your behalf, you're so awkward. And yet, she can't get her shit together to say anything herself.
Kodama suddenly looked awkward and started fidgeting.

"Do you ever think that maybe... nevermind, forget about it," she suddenly dismissed whatever thought had been on her mind.

"What?" Ria questioned.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Kodama was greatly flustered.
Er... Kodama, if you're thinking what I think you are, Ria's already got a girlfriend.
She had no idea how she felt about the situation. It wasn't like she was jealous. What would she have to be jealous of? That was ridiculous!
Totally ridiculous! What a crazy idea! It's not like you friendzoned him hard out of insecurity and fear of losing him as a friend! Who does that?

......goddamit, Asuka. :facepalm:
"Ria's with Kodama and without her around...I don't feel safe in the cafeteria." The quiet, pitiful desperation in Kirishima's voice was unmistakable.
What do you-.... oh. Right.
"What do you mean by you don't feel safe?" Asuka questioned. Everyone in this school seemed like a horndog, Ria included, but no one had seemed that unrestrained.

"Most of the boys think me and Ria are just being immature and I'm blocking her from being in a 'real relationship'. Japan's not exactly friendly to people like us. Ria gets away with it because of her family...and she tends to verbally rip people to shreds when she's pissed."
Snotty kids annoyed Ria plays for the other team, and straight homophobes, right. ~sigh~
"Say I'm her mom and I will shred every drawing you have in that backpack of yours," Asuka snapped.

"Touch them and I will end you," Mari replied with shocking seriousness.
This made me laugh way too much. Hahahaha. Mari's berserk button is her art, and Asuka... can't stand people pointing out the obvious. :V Yes, Asuka, how dare people say 'Isn't the tall, mature, stable woman with the daughter Asuka Langley Soryu too?'
"Yeah, if any them had any sense they would have…" Mari trailed off, looking distinctly horrified.

"Hmm... No... no, that doesn't fit," she muttered to herself.
Hrm... Mari, what did you just figure out? Some piece of the puzzle that matches up with something Ria said or did? 'A cousin', right. 'Asking for a friend' is more believable.
So I can ask him what it cost to convince him to sell out humanity, Asuka thought bitterly.
Like Asuka needed more reasons to consider her father scum.
Andrew Langley, her thirteen year old nephew, had been with her known traitor of a father in Australia at the time of Ramiel's attack. Well wasn't that just utterly fantastic.
Lovely... either Andrew is an innocent who drew the same bad luck as to be part of a family as screwed up as the Ikaris... or he's how Ramiel's gang made contact with Mr. Langley. Though... aren't all the reborn Angels the same age, and older? Wait, no... Ria's younger than some of the others, I think, so there is some dispersal.
Once again, the Ikari superpower of Obliviousness rears its head, but for a change Shinji notices.
Wow, you two are so bad at this Asuka is getting hit with a full blast of fremdschämen. She's embarrassed on your behalf, you're so awkward. And yet, she can't get her shit together to say anything herself.
Er... Kodama, if you're thinking what I think you are, Ria's already got a girlfriend.
Totally ridiculous! What a crazy idea! It's not like you friendzoned him hard out of insecurity and fear of losing him as a friend! Who does that?

......goddamit, Asuka. :facepalm:
What do you-.... oh. Right.
Snotty kids annoyed Ria plays for the other team, and straight homophobes, right. ~sigh~
This made me laugh way too much. Hahahaha. Mari's berserk button is her art, and Asuka... can't stand people pointing out the obvious. :V Yes, Asuka, how dare people say 'Isn't the tall, mature, stable woman with the daughter Asuka Langley Soryu too?'
Hrm... Mari, what did you just figure out? Some piece of the puzzle that matches up with something Ria said or did? 'A cousin', right. 'Asking for a friend' is more believable.
Like Asuka needed more reasons to consider her father scum.
Lovely... either Andrew is an innocent who drew the same bad luck as to be part of a family as screwed up as the Ikaris... or he's how Ramiel's gang made contact with Mr. Langley. Though... aren't all the reborn Angels the same age, and older? Wait, no... Ria's younger than some of the others, I think, so there is some dispersal.

They just had to have been born after Third Impact. I'm surprised Asuka didn't suspect something where her nephew could be one of them.
Though... aren't all the reborn Angels the same age, and older? Wait, no... Ria's younger than some of the others, I think, so there is some dispersal.
It's pretty random. Israfel is the youngest we've seen so far. Some where born nine months after Third Impact.

You do realize that's not really a reason to deter her since Ria did once "came home with more girls than she started with."
Ria is a fan of polyamory, among other things. Though anything with Kodama at this point probably wouldn't work because she and Mari haven't really gotten along well since Okito. That and Kodama and Ria have been friends for some long that it would probably be too awkward for Ria to even consider it. To say nothing of parental reaction.

Totally ridiculous! What a crazy idea! It's not like you friendzoned him hard out of insecurity and fear of losing him as a friend! Who does that?

......goddamit, Asuka. :facepalm:
Luckily this happened before the kiss otherwise Asuka would be taking this way harder. This way she knows she wasn't rejected. She could have had a chance and she shut it down. Though she's finding that harder to deal with than she expected.

This made me laugh way too much. Hahahaha. Mari's berserk button is her art, and Asuka... can't stand people pointing out the obvious. :V Yes, Asuka, how dare people say 'Isn't the tall, mature, stable woman with the daughter Asuka Langley Soryu too?'
Mari's art is pretty much the one thing that has always given her self-confidence. That and those drawings took quite a lot of man-hours to make.

As for Asuka. She has no problem with Ria being family, she just gets super upset when people think of her and the Older Asuka as the same person.
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It's pretty understandable that the younger Asuka wouldn't like being compared to or talked about as if she's the same person as older Asuka because she isn't. She's younger, less mature, and has less life experience. Though she's finding that she's not as different from her older self as she probably believes.

On the subject of Asuka's nephew I see two possibilities if the kid is Ramiel:
Possibility A) He came up with the plan on his own and used his granddad to get help with it or...
Possibility B) This entire trainwreck is the result of Asuka's dad finding out that his grandson was the reborn Ramiel and convinced the kid - and through him other angels - that this is what should be done.

...I actually find myself hoping for Possibility B.
Luckily this happened before the kiss otherwise Asuka would be taking this way harder. This way she knows she wasn't rejected. She could have had a chance and she shut it down. Though she's finding that harder to deal with than she expected.
Yeah, knowing you shot yourself in the foot is better than the gnawing worry that you were rejected as not good enough, but only in comparison. Watching someone else, an alternate-version of someone you'd mentally filed as a rival in that field, do so easily something you turned away from out of fear it would be too much a risk is... a very peculiar sort of agony that Asuka has managed to land herself in.
Yeah, knowing you shot yourself in the foot is better than the gnawing worry that you were rejected as not good enough, but only in comparison. Watching someone else, an alternate-version of someone you'd mentally filed as a rival in that field, do so easily something you turned away from out of fear it would be too much a risk is... a very peculiar sort of agony that Asuka has managed to land herself in.
Peculiar sorts of agony are kind of a running thing here.

With Asuka, it's probably as just as much her feelings about Present!Asuka as it was her feelings about Shinji that led to her friend zoning him. With Shinji it's honestly to a degree because she realized they had shared pained and didn't want to lose that. A relationship could end badly, but if they stayed friends she would have someone she could talk to no matter what.

Both past!Shinji and Asuka dislike their present selves but for different reasons. With Asuka is both dislike of what she's become to an extent and the fear of just being seen as the younger version of her. That people will act like her accomplishments are her present selves accomplishments. That she will never be seen as her own figure. She does not want to be seen as redundant in any way shape or form.
With Shinji it's honestly to a degree because she realized they had shared pained and didn't want to lose that. A relationship could end badly, but if they stayed friends she would have someone she could talk to no matter what.
This is waaaaaay too familiar, and almost ended as badly. Luckily, she wised up and married me. :)
Of course the younger Eva pilots are still young. So there's still a chance the younger Asuka and the younger Shinji could end up together...provided they don't die horribly. I mean it's not like Rei's destiny is murky or anything. She's gonna die at some point no matter how close she and Shinji get. It's like a fundamental law of the universe in Eva.
Chapter 12 Part 3
"So, worst case scenario, your nephew is responsible for the destruction of Seoul and Melbourne and the deaths of tens of thousands of people.That's... sadly not too far out of the ordinary for our family, all things considered," Shinji mused as they watched the Evangelions move towards WILLE. "Plus the whole 'betraying humanity' part."

The hallway was quiet and empty save for Shinji and Asuka, leaving them free to speak. It would be a mad scramble back to the command center but she needed time to talk with Shinji.

Asuka gave him an annoyed glare. He was right though, as much as she didn't want to admit it. No one in either the Ikari or Soryu/Langley family was exactly normal, and most of them had blood on their hands in one way or another.

"If it's true, that really makes me wonder about why the Angels are who they are," she said.

Shinji turned to her. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it. Who the Angels are born to hasn't really been all that random." She explained "You have Ria, Okito, and possibly Andrew. Two to three pretty closely connected to us. Then you have that pretty much every Angel we've seen save for Shamshel, Gaghiel, and maybe Ramiel has been Japanese or part Japanese and all of them so far have been able to make their way here. I have to ask, have you had any more visions of Kaworu as of late?"

He shook his head. "Been completely silent since I told you about it."

Asuka sighed, having any hint as to why this might be happening would have been really helpful.

Things outside were transitioning peacefully so far. Though all three Evas had weapons at the ready.

Thankfully the Government had been able to speed up construction of the new facilities, the elevator and emergency ramp additions to WILLE by a considerable degree. Frankly a few more weeks of having to deal with the Evangelions so exposed would have driven most of WILLE nuts.

Still, everything was going fine.

"So are we going to tell Misato?" Shinji asked.

"Already did," she replied. "Besides having every flight from Australia heavily watched she doesn't think there's much we can do at this point."

Shinji looked at her in shock.

"What?" sShe asked.

"You told her about that even after what happened with Dimitri?" he bluntly asked.

"Either the kid is in serious danger or he is a huge threat to us," Asuka rebutted. "Either way she needed to know."

A pregnant silence filled the hall. They both knew what Misato's words meant for Ria.

'No exceptions' made it pretty clear what Misato's policy would be, so any attempt at slowly approaching the idea was out the window.

"You know she's only saying that because she's certain Ria isn't one of them. She might soften her stance once she realizes the truth," Shinji argued.

It was desperate hope. Misato's hatred for Zeruel in particular was painfully clear.

"She won't find out," Asuka insisted. "There's no reason for her to find out. Misato will just have to accept that one or two Angels escaped."

Shinji's hand tensed up. "We can't put Ria through that. She already wanted to run away when it was just a peace treaty. Our daughter shouldn't have to spend the next few decades in fear for her life."

"Gottverdammt, I know!" Asuka snapped. "But what I am supposed to do?! As far as the rest of WILLE is concerned, what Misato did was short sighted but understandable so there is no chance of her being forced to step down anytime soon. And if she does find out the truth there's a good chance she will try and kill her. And that would force us to do something absolutely horrible."

The both paused, struck hard by Asuka's words.

"You can't actually be considering that. That is Misato you're talking about." Shinji said, looking utterly horrified.

"And she said every Angel dies, no exceptions," Asuka's voice was barely more than a whisper. "I don't want to do it, believe me I don't. I even understand where she is coming from. If Ria was Arael... I don't actually think I could remain a parent."

A painful, horrifying situation she was entirely grateful she did not have to endure.

"Zeruel hurt her, Ria isn't that same being anymore but I understand why Misato might not be able to look past that. Everything went to hell after Zeruel. But if she can't look past that and it's a choice between Ria's life and Misato's... we both know what choice we will have to make."

"It won't come to that. We'll talk her down, convince the rest of WILLE to remove her or something. " Shinji insisted, refusing to even consider the possibility.

You idiot, Asuka wanted to say.

"And if we can't?" she questioned.

Shinji struggled to find the words. "If it comes to that, there's no going back. We're going to have to do a lot more just to stay out of prison. Things we're going to hate."

Killing Misato would effectively be a coup. Even if the other members of WILLE sided with her, the Government might turn against them. Admittedly Ria herself was probably enough force to make them reconsider.

Asuka was stunned by the things she was considering now.

"I know," Asuka replied. "But it's or daughter, what else could we do?"

If it took a coup or two to keep their family alive, well then that was what they were going to have to do.

Shinji nodded, agreeing despite his horror.

"But you're right," she added. "It probably won't come to that. Mainly because she won't find out"

She wasn't sure if she believed that or not.

Unit-01 was being lowered into WILLE by elevator. They were in the home stretch and so far no sign of an angel, at least something was going well.

"Next week we need to take a vacation. As a family," Shinji said suddenly. "Get Ria's mind off things, remind her that we're here for her."

Through Hell or high water, it would seem.

"Yeah," Asuka nodded. "That sounds nice."


Ria closed her phone.

"Well, the Evangelions are safely stored away," she announced to everyone gathered.

The room let out a collective sigh of relief. The past few hours in this room had been close to a nightmare. Waiting for an attack everyone had assumed would come.

And now it seemed they were in the clear.

Kensuke and Hikari were in the middle of a game of Go. Or rather Hikari was teaching him how to play. Kodama was busy keeping her younger brother Kenny entertained while Mari worked on a sketch.

"I'm going to go to bathroom," Ria announced before disappearing out the door.

"So Kensuke, been meaning to ask," Hikari said casually as she prepared the board. "How's school going?"

"Well, the Class Rep isn't nearly as terrifying," Kensuke snarked.

Mari spoke up, "In my defense, I was forced into the position."

Hikari felt slightly at ease despite the situation. The threat of attack had passed for the moment, leaving her mind free of a certain subject.

"Oh, come on, I wasn't that bad," she insisted.

Kensuke stared at her, one eyebrow arched beneath his broad glasses. "I nearly slammed my head into the desk every day because of you. You earned that title of 'pigtailed tyrant'."

Kodama broke out into rolling laughter, much to the confusion of her brother.

Hikari stared at her, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry," Kodama said between gasping laughs. "I'm just not sure what's more absurd. The name or the image of you with pigtails."

Hikari laughed slightly. It was a silly nickname to be sure.

With an audible snap, the power went out, plunging the room into total darkness. Dull red emergency lights kicked on two seconds later.

"Well, that's bad..." Kensuke said.


The lights came on a minute later, only to go out again some thirty seconds after that, then switching on again. Asuka was starting to get a headache.

She, Shinji, and Rei had barely gotten out of the Evas and were just preparing to get changed when this happened.

They were standing outside the changing room, flanked on all sides by guards.

"Anyone else reminded of the Ninth Angel's attack?" Asuka said grimly.

Rei looked at her quizzically. "I don't see how this is anything like an Angel hijacking an Evangelion Unit."

"What?" Asuka said, confused and fustrated. "I mean when the power went out and that weird spider Angel Misato shot was crawling through the city."

"Oh," Rei replied evenly. "I never encountered that Angel or any major power outage associated with an attack. Do you think we're under attack now?"

"Well, nothing's exploding yet," Shinji commented. "That's a good sign, right?"

At least WILLE was designed to handle a manual launch if they were under attack. Misato had certainly learned her lesson there.

"All the same," a beefy looking security guard said. "We need to escort you to your Evas, immediately."

"Why?" Shinji questioned.

"We just lost Radio Contact with the Command Center," the guard announced.


It had started shortly after the Evangelions had been secured in their new docking cradles. It started out small, virtually unnoticeable. An elevator frozen. A few security cameras shorting out or displaying the wrong footage. But it grew quickly, more and more security cameras going offline, entire floors of WILLE losing power and regaining it in bizarre cycle before plunging into darkness.

Something was very very wrong.

"What's the status of the MAGI?" Misato called out.

The Command Center was trying desperately to gain control of the situation, so far to no avail.

"MAGI is fully operational, no signs of corruption on any of them," Ritsuko replied, sounding more confused than anything.

So why don't we have control? Misato wondered. As long as MAGI were operational, they should have had complete control.

Misato watched the outside cameras. No sign of any Angels or Blood Pattern Blue signals. So far, so good on that regard.

"Initiate lockdown!" she ordered. "Seal all emergency bulkheads!"

"We're trying!" Ibuki and Hyuuga called out at the same time. "There's no response."

Ritsuko began feverishly typing at her own computer.

"People of NERV. This is Third Angel, Sachiel. I have come to seek justice," a familiar voice boomed out of every speaker insider the Command Center.

Misato stiffened, the pit of her stomach growling icy cold.


Okito's words echoed throughout WILLE, filling every corner of the complex from the depths of the Vault to the very top of the pyramid.

"The one known as General Katsuragi has attacked someone who had come here under the banner of peace. She has betrayed those who wished her no harm. She has spat upon ancient articles of conduct in war. Whatever my feelings, this behavior cannot be tolerated. She must answer for her crimes. Stay out of my way and no harm will come to you, stand against me and share her fate. Only one needs to die to tonight."

He pulled the radio away from head. There were four of them here, five if you counted Iruel, who Okito had helped slip in during his retrieval of Matarael. All of them wearing masks stylized to look like the beings they once were.

To his left were Shamshel and Israfel, who was wearing some sort of ballroom dress, standing in sharp contrast to the Axe in her hands and the machine gun strapped to her back. He wasn't sure why Israfel had agreed to join this. He very much doubted it was because she agreed with him, but he wasn't about to turn down the offer of help.

To his right was a newcomer, Sahaquiel. Her mask a Stylized eye colored orange, green and pale yellow. Sahaquiel had gotten in contact with Shamshel after they had spread word of what had happened to Matarael and was eager to join Okito in his mission of vengeance.

Matarael himself had spat on Shamshel when she told him of the plan, calling her an idiot and things in Russian that Okito was fairly positive were entirely obscene.

Okito looked down at his rifle. They were all armed in someway, at Shamshel's suggestion. A good way of ensuring they didn't get tired on their way to Misato. He had never held one in his hand before. It felt strange, heavier than he had expected.

The hallway was dark and empty save for them. Good, they hadn't been spotted yet.

"Everyone remember their route?" he asked.

They all replied back in affirmation.

"Good, cause chaos but only kill if you have to," he insisted. "And do not go after either set of the Pilots. We're here to send a message, not make martyrs."

For a brief second he thought he saw Sahaquiel and Shamshel exchange a look but he could not be certain.

He sighed, hopefully if they had their own agenda it wouldn't screw with his too much.

Matarael's words played in his head, and for a moment, Okito found himself beset with panic. What if Iruel was leading them astray?

He pushed the thoughts aside, Iruel was too deep into this to even consider screwing with them like that. He had to move forward, push ahead. No looking back

"If I look back I am lost," he whispered to himself as the four separated. Each taking their own path to the General.
To his right was a newcomer, Sahaquiel. Her mask a Stylized eye colored orange, green and pale yellow. Sahaquiel had gotten in contact with Shamshel after they had spread word of what had happened to Matarael and was eager to join Okito in his mission of vengeance.

Nice job, Misato. With one idiotic act, you have caused Angels who were on the fence to join Ramiel's faction in earnest. The only bright side is that this is the Angel of Jackass. If he powers up, then he's pretty much a kamikaze
"Next week we need to take a vacation. As a family," Shinji said suddenly. "Get Ria's mind off things, remind her that we're here for her."

Through Hell or high water, it would seem.

"Yeah," Asuka nodded. "That sounds nice."
"Have I mentioned that I'm retiring tomorrow? Also, here's a picture of my family. Absolutely nothing could go wrong."

"I'm going to go to bathroom," Ria announced before disappearing out the door.
*blinks* Well, that's not going to look suspicious.

Matarael himself had spat on Shamshel when she told him of the plan, calling her an idiot and things in Russian that Okito was fairly positive were entirely obscene.
I think it takes a certain kind of moral character to get violently upset at someone for wanting to kill someone who just tried to kill you.

"Good, cause chaos but only kill if you have to," he insisted. "And do not go after either set of the Pilots. We're here to send a message, not make martyrs."
Just the one, then? :V
You know, if Shinji and Asuka move fast enough, they might pull of some kind of prisoner exchange with Misato and Matareal. Proving that fair negotiations with Angels is possible. Of course Ramiel would zap the site as soon as he got word of it.
You know, if Shinji and Asuka move fast enough, they might pull of some kind of prisoner exchange with Misato and Matareal. Proving that fair negotiations with Angels is possible. Of course Ramiel would zap the site as soon as he got word of it.
Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't that exchange look something like, "Angels, you hand over Matarael (so we can interrogate him). In return, we will hand over General Katsuragi (so you can kill her)"?

I can't see either side being interested in that sort of trade.
Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't that exchange look something like, "Angels, you hand over Matarael (so we can interrogate him). In return, we will hand over General Katsuragi (so you can kill her)"?

I can't see either side being interested in that sort of trade.
Matareal's deal was a protective custody agreement before Misato went Ahab. An exchange with the understanding that both would be treated well as POWs would go a long way the repair the damage Misato did. Even Okito has to admit a hostage-based mutual ceasefire helps everyone.
10bux says this blows up in Sachiel's face like all his other bright ideas. Probably because Shamshel tries to kill Shinji again.