Y'know, we REALLY need some way of distinguishing which version of Shinji and Asuka are in a scene. At first I thought it was the younger ones who'd been confronted by Shamshel, then I realized it was the older ones.
My apologies, something I'll be working on for future updates.
Haven't you noticed he's kind of a headstrong idiot, though?
I think everyone's noticed that. Though to be fair even Okito realized threatening Adult!Shinji and Asuka was a bad idea.
I think everyone's noticed that. Though to be fair even Okito realized threatening Adult!Shinji and Asuka was a bad idea.

Of course! He may be an idiot, but he knows that you do not anger the Angel of Might if you want your head to remain attached to your body. Too bad Shamshel was too much of a dumbass to realize this fact, and as a result she left early, through the window, several stories above the street, after playing the role of Loki in the scene that ended with Hulk saying "Puny god."
I predict that Misato will shoot at Zeruel, and... can an Angel mask raise an eyebrow? Because I want to see Zeruel raise an eyebrow at her before scoffing and ignoring the madwoman while waiting for the dumbass.
We last left y-Asuka and Shinji in plugsuits with a security detail around them. And o-Asuka is armed. I see your point, but it only threw me for a moment.

A gun is a great denominator, yes.

Maybe refer to one set with their first names and the other with their last names.

Huh. You're on to something here, buddy, tell me more.:lol

I predict that Misato will shoot at Zeruel, and... can an Angel mask raise an eyebrow? Because I want to see Zeruel raise an eyebrow at her before scoffing and ignoring the madwoman while waiting for the dumbass.

I think I know how this will go. Not nearly as satisfying. Imagine your Grandma Misato pulling a gun and shooting you. Despite everything she'd done since the reappearance of the Angels, Ria still loves Misato and considers her a part of her family, even if she most probably won't return the sentiment once she realizes who Zeruel is.

It would hurt only marginally less than Shinji or Asuka doing this.

Haha, now I think how y-Asuka and Shinji would react.

Y-A: "So. You're a badass Angel reborn as my daughter?"
R: "Not your daughter, but yes?"
Y-A slaps her back and makes a brofist.
"Good for you!"

Young Shinji... hmm. I can't joke about it. Yet.
Gotta think hard before trying. :rofl:
Hey! Random thought here.
What do you guys think Ria/Big Z's battle theme should be?
I would like to say this:
"Murder" by Blancmange.
When I started to read this last chapter i happened to be listening to Sad-eyed Lady of the Lowlife by Alabama 3. It kinda...fit?
If was going to apply it to an aanime character I'm familiar with it would be Remy from Black Lagoon or the protagonists from Akame ga Kill.(and yes I know they aren't all girls but the song is fitting for a gang of rebels)
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Ria: "I got freaking eaten and you don't see me complaining."

Asuka: "What you think I didn't?"

Shinji: "Hey, don't look at me. I was unconscious right then. That was all Mom's work."

"Good morning, today is the first meeting of Anonymous Devoraphobe Association. Has anyone of you ever been bitten?"

"I was eaten alive."
"Me too."
"Um, I sort of ate someone... once."
"Someone, Dad?!"

Sometimes, therapy is not a solution.
Sorry, found it and couldn't resist. :p
Hey! Random thought here.
What do you guys think Ria/Big Z's battle theme should be?
I would like to say this:
I've spent more time than I care to admit trying to think of good songs for the fic. I don't think that quite fits Ria though.

I think I know how this will go. Not nearly as satisfying. Imagine your Grandma Misato pulling a gun and shooting you. Despite everything she'd done since the reappearance of the Angels, Ria still loves Misato and considers her a part of her family, even if she most probably won't return the sentiment once she realizes who Zeruel is.

It would hurt only marginally less than Shinji or Asuka doing this.
Yeah if Misato shoots her. Ria's not going to take it well, even though she fully realizes that's a possibility now. Ria's terrified of the people she cares about rejecting her, it's why she kept the lie up even after her parents knew. They accepted her, didn't mean anyone else would.
Oh, by the way,
TeenSpirit, excuse me, may I ask one question?
What exactly happened when Asuka and Shinji broke up? I get it, nervous breakdown is kinda expected when you are...
Screw it, I'll just say it.
When you are Shinji and Asuka in a post-apocalyptic, war-torn Japan after surviving some of the most emotionally traumatizing events ever, ( I believe the correct term is Trauma Conga Line, thank you, TvTropes! ) it's actually somewhat surprising and optimistic that you've managed to stay sane.
But. They managed to have a kid, perhaps earlier than they should have... Nevertheless. So that's a huge incentive right here for parents with massive abandonment issues to stay together.
Was it one last straw that broke the back of the penguin, or was it more of a huge explosion visible from the orbit that sent survivors running for the hills until they saw Korea?
Will you make a flashback to it during Asuka's and Shinji's re-burgeoning relationship, or will it remain a Noodle Incident?
I've spent more time than I care to admit trying to think of good songs for the fic. I don't think that quite fits Ria though.

Here's the song in particular (the video of the song doesn't do it justice!):

And if that doesn't work, you can always use the main theme for the 1955 version of Les Diaboliques! :p

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When you are Shinji and Asuka in a post-apocalyptic, war-torn Japan after surviving some of the most emotionally traumatizing events ever, ( I believe the correct term is Trauma Conga Line, thank you, TvTropes! ) it's actually somewhat surprising and optimistic that you've managed to stay sane.
But. They managed to have a kid, perhaps earlier than they should have... Nevertheless. So that's a huge incentive right here for parents with massive abandonment issues to stay together.
Was it one last straw that broke the back of the penguin, or was it more of a huge explosion visible from the orbit that sent survivors running for the hills until they saw Korea?
So far the implication and hints (all we've had) is that Asuka's remaining traumas and issues from her defeat and evisceration by the MP Evas (and accompanying permanent loss of the mother she just realized had been in Unit-02 all along) piled up and ran right into Shinji's repressed mountains of guilt over everything he'd done (Kaworu's death, jerking off over Asuka's comatose form in the hospital scene, failing to come to Asuka's aid before she was being eaten, his ultimate near-destruction of all humanity out of despair ['They can all just go die']) and the fact he, Misato, and Asuka all conspired to basically hide that from the rest of the returned population. Shinji and Asuka's attraction and care for each other held things together for a while, but the underlying problems were still there, and stress built up until Shinji had a breakdown and basically... ran away.

He stayed away, visiting Asuka and Ria from time to time, but mostly just running away from himself and all his issues by staying nomadic until recent events brought him back to Kyoto. In the intervening years both he and Asuka have apparently matured and gotten a handle on things, but Shinji's self-loathing over having run away at all seems to have kept them from talking about it, or trying again until now, though Shinji does seem to have put in a good amount of time and effort staying involved in Ria's life, enough that she has no trouble accepting him as dad, despite the Zeruel-side memories of him er... ripping her apart.

So the specific incident that triggered Shinji's breakdown hasn't really been shown or talked about, but given how much guilt and self-loathing he's shown still carrying around almost 20 years later, it had to have been pretty bad. It made him run away from a woman he still loves 20 years later, and his own child. Considering Shinji's own experience with parental abandonment, you can guess how bad it had to be for him to do that.
So far the implication and hints (all we've had) is that Asuka's remaining traumas and issues from her defeat and evisceration by the MP Evas (and accompanying permanent loss of the mother she just realized had been in Unit-02 all along) piled up and ran right into Shinji's repressed mountains of guilt over everything he'd done (Kaworu's death, jerking off over Asuka's comatose form in the hospital scene, failing to come to Asuka's aid before she was being eaten, his ultimate near-destruction of all humanity out of despair ['They can all just go die']) and the fact he, Misato, and Asuka all conspired to basically hide that from the rest of the returned population. Shinji and Asuka's attraction and care for each other held things together for a while, but the underlying problems were still there, and stress built up until Shinji had a breakdown and basically... ran away.

He stayed away, visiting Asuka and Ria from time to time, but mostly just running away from himself and all his issues by staying nomadic until recent events brought him back to Kyoto. In the intervening years both he and Asuka have apparently matured and gotten a handle on things, but Shinji's self-loathing over having run away at all seems to have kept them from talking about it, or trying again until now, though Shinji does seem to have put in a good amount of time and effort staying involved in Ria's life, enough that she has no trouble accepting him as dad, despite the Zeruel-side memories of him er... ripping her apart.

So the specific incident that triggered Shinji's breakdown hasn't really been shown or talked about, but given how much guilt and self-loathing he's shown still carrying around almost 20 years later, it had to have been pretty bad. It made him run away from a woman he still loves 20 years later, and his own child. Considering Shinji's own experience with parental abandonment, you can guess how bad it had to be for him to do that.

Pretty much. It took Shinji and Asuka years to get any therapy, real therapy, for what happened to them. So while they were able to overcome some of their issues enough to enter a relationship, both of them weren't doing the best mental health wise due to the strain of what they suffered in canon, the general chaos of the world right after Third Impact, and the challenges getting pregnant when they were 17-18 years old caused. Part of why Misato is a de-facto grandmother, she did help raise Ria after all during the early years, particularly around Asuka's panic attack.

And Ria only accepted Shinji as her parent once she understood it was Unit-01/Yui Ikari that did most of the ripping instead of Shinji.
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Pretty much. It took Shinji and Asuka years to get any therapy, real therapy, for what happened to them. So while they were able to overcome some of their issues enough to enter a relationship, both of them weren't doing the best mental health wise due to the strain of what they suffered in canon, the general chaos of the world right after Third Impact, and the challenges getting pregnant when they were 17-18 years old caused. Part of why Misato is a de-facto grandmother, she did help raise Ria after all during the early years, particularly around Asuka's panic attack.

And Ria only accepted Shinji as her parent once she understood it was Unit-01/Yui Ikari that did most of the ripping instead of Shinji.
I can imagine a lot of Asuka's issues were made worse by post-partum depression. And probably brought out the worst in Shinji. I know from personal experience the kind of strain it can put on a relationship.
I can imagine a lot of Asuka's issues were made worse by post-partum depression. And probably brought out the worst in Shinji. I know from personal experience the kind of strain it can put on a relationship.
Yeah, they'd have had all the normal stressors of being young parents, plus post-apocalypse living, and on top of all that, the gigantic psych issues they had from being at the heart of 3I. So it's not too surprising Shinji just broke down and fled, if very sad.
Yeah, they'd have had all the normal stressors of being young parents, plus post-apocalypse living, and on top of all that, the gigantic psych issues they had from being at the heart of 3I. So it's not too surprising Shinji just broke down and fled, if very sad.
It's not surprising; I just wanted to find out how exactly it happened.
On second thought, that was excessively voyeuristic of me.
All is well that ends well, I guess. Although, it hasn't ended yet...
Chapter 13 Part 2
Security armed rapidly, grabbing what weapons they could. Everything, from assault rifles to flashbangs and tear gas, anything that might stand a chance of stopping an Angel. The mood was beyond grim. The General was under direct threat, and so far every time Security had tried to stop an Angel it had just ended with more of their numbers dying.

The Angels weren't immortal, but they were frustratingly resilient. Their only limitation seemed to be their own endurance. No one had any idea what could even come close to killing them.

Touji grabbed his gear quickly as the others stared at him. Okito's speech still echoed in their heads. Some looked at him with pity or sympathy. Others couldn't hide their anger; his son had killed friends and was in general responsible for turning what had been a pretty boring security job into a struggle to survive.

Touji ignored them as best he could and prepared. Part of him wanted to run down and protect his family. Okito's word of Misato being the only target provided little comfort, but he knew his duty was to protect the General. Allowing Okito to assassinate her would be a sign of how powerless they really were, that the Angels could do whatever they wanted.

He had to be stopped, that much was certain.

He and his squad moved out, making for the Command Center as fast as they could. Which was frustratingly slow: most of the elevators were without power and they didn't trust those that weren't. The stairways were either plunged into darkness or had their lights turned to painfully bright levels, making getting from level to level difficult.

They were further slowed down by bulkheads sealing and doors locking on them. There was an Angel controlling their systems and it was toying with them, leading them somewhere. They were being funneled into an ambush or worse. But they had no options. The bulkheads were designed to stop an army invading. Breaking through them would take time they did not have. Reluctantly they followed the path set before them.

It didn't take long for them to find what they've been lead towards.

"Contact!" the lead guard shouted. Three squads immediately halted.

Before them stood a tall, lanky girl. A massive eye mask covering her face, hints of strawberry blonde hair poking out behind it. She was nonchalantly trimming her nails, barely acknowledging their presence.

"Hello, boys. Shall we dance?" she said, not even looking up.

"Open fire!" Toji shouted.


Maya felt helpless. There was nothing she could do help Ritsuko, not here at least. Not without Direct access to the MAGI and getting near them was suicidal right now. So all she could do now was wait.

What security they could find was stationed by the doors, crouched behind desks and low walls.

It seemed a futile effort though. Misato looked... defeated? No, no, that was not the right word. She still looked determined to fight, but seemed resigned to what was about to happen.

She had overreacted with Matarael, that much was unmistakable. That wasn't to say that Maya wanted the deal; she thought it was a trap from the start. But it seemed the Angels were quite capable of seeking revenge.

It was hard to think of them doing something so human, even now Maya just wanted to see them as inhuman monsters. But they weren't, not really.

One of the doors burst open, Okito marched into the room. His clawed hands free of blood or any signs of fighting.

"Stand down!" Misato ordered, to the shock of everyone. Security, recultantly lowered their weapons. Mana was still at her desk, gun at the ready.

Okito and Misato glared at each other, both filled with hatred and loathing.

She rose from her desk, pistol trained on Okito. "One life?"

"One life," he replied.

Everyone directly in between them desperately scrambled out of the way. Ibuki watched as Okito walked towards Misato, each of them waiting for the other to do something rash.

"You know," Misato said, "I've hated your kind since I was a teenager. But you, you Okito. But I don't think hate any of them, not even your bastard Progenitor, one tenth as much as I despise you."

"You'd never just stop at me," Okito replied, his claws snapping as he approached. "No, no, no. It would be me, then Shamshel, then Matarael, then Zeruel, and on and on and on! That is why…"

Okito was silenced by a loud, beastly roar that shook the entire room.

Everyone turned towards the source of the noise, coming through the same door Okito had appeared from.

Maya nearly had a heart attack when she saw it. It was the fourteenth angel, Zeruel. Somehow completely transformed into a form that almost resembled its original self. Whatever humanity it had hidden behind pale, unnatural flesh.

She and Hyuga instantly retreated backwards, terrified by the monster that had come so close to killing them twenty years ago. Even Ritsuko was frozen in terror at the sight.

Misato's steely composure faltered, visibly shaking as she stared at the new arrival, fear filling her eyes.

Sachiel at first smiled at the sight of the other Angel, only for it to falter and grow into a deep frustrated scowl.

"Really?!" he shouted, "Even now? Ever after what's she done? Do you think they will show you any mercy? They'll hate you as much as they hate me!"

To the surprise of everyone in the room save the Angel itself, Zeruel fired at Sachiel. Massive beams of energy clashed against his AT-Field in a blinding display.

The field cracked, but did not break.

Zeruel charged at Okito, who only sighed regretfully as he charged back at Zeruel, his blackened arms bulging with muscle.

The two met near the middle of the room, Zeruel's fist striking Okito square in the head.

Maya was beyond confused. Two Angels were fighting each other? Indeed, the newcomer seemed to be trying to save Misato! More disturbing, it was the Fourteenth Angel, the one that had come within moments of directly killing four of the people in this room, including Misato herself. One of the few Angels who's behavior twenty years ago could be described as outright sadistic.

And it was helping them. Of all the Angels in the world, Zeruel had come to their rescue.

The room did nothing but watched as the two Angels clashed.

Zeruel's fist met Sachiel's claws, snapping two of them. He looked up, his eyes glowing red.

Two beams of energy shot out, striking Zeruel's mask before burning a hole in the ceiling.

Zeruel recoiled, smoke pouring from its face.

For a brief, horrifying second, Maya could see part of angel's human skull, stripped of all flesh and muscle, before the mask quickly regrew around it.

One of Zeruel's arms flattened, becoming a mirror of its original arms. The arm launched towards Okito, slicing off his left arm just below the elbow.

Without flinching, Okito leapt into the air, nearly hitting the ceiling before landing in the far left side of the room.

"Think about what you're doing!" he shouted, "Sure you save her, great! You think they're going to accept you, allow you to live?! She's made it clear that we're all going to die if we let her live!"

"Yes, think about what you're doing..." A new voice came from every speaker in the room. It was male, but put through several layers of filtering until it sounded strange and alien.

Zeruel paused, staring at one of the speakers.

"Iruel...why are you here?" Okito asked, sounding quite confused.

"I'm helping," he replied.

Almost every screen in the room, save for Ritsuko's own, had it's display overridden. Some showed images of Zeruel's assault on Tokyo-3, three cross shaped pillars dominating the skyline. Others showed Unit-02's failed attack on the Angel.

"Mein Gott!" came Asuka's recorded scream, followed by an agonized cry as Zeruel cut off Unit-02's arms.

Still others showed Unit-00 detonating an N2 mine against Zeruel, but the majority of screens showed one of the last parts of the first battle, Zeruel entering Central Dogma and bursting into the Command Ccenter, moments away from wiping out the bridge crew, the video freezing and rewinding right as Unit-01 struck the Angel.

"How many fell in your assault?" Iruel asked mockingly, "Two thousand? Ten thousand? Of course that doesn't really matter to you or anyone else, now does it? After all they've been dead for twenty years. hey're just statistics now. But you tried to kill Misato and the others, rather directly I might add. And for no reason other than you just really wanted to kill those monkeys, didn't you?"

"Iruel," Okito warned, "I'm trying to convince her, not piss her off further."

'Her?' Maya wondered.

Iruel ignored him. "And then there's Asuka. Poor Asuka! Her moment of glory, dashed against the rocks so quickly. But the real crime there was Shinji. He beat you, sure, but it cost him a month inside Unit-01. A month that Misato spent almost entirely at NERV, more or less abandoning Asuka. Which among other things led to her rushing headfirst into things with Arael, and we all know how that turned out. To say nothing of the fact that the S2 organ Unit-01 picked up from you led to NERV being hesitant to use Unit-01. Which made them use Unit-00 against Armisael, and well…"

The videos on screen were replaced with footage of Unit-00's self-destruction during the fight with Armisael, the blast taking out most of Tokyo-3.

"Oh, sure, you've been nice since your rebirth," the Angel's words oozed with contempt, "but that's all you've been, nice. Did you alert WILLE that Okito was Sachiel after the first attack, even though you knew who he was? Did you let them know that Angels were in human form, allowing them to prepare for things like Shamshel's garage assault? Outside of right now, have you really done anything that wasn't in your own direct self-interest? You may not be fighting against them like us but there's really no reason WILLE should spare you… Ria."

"Hello?" Okito's prerecorded voice came echoing through the speakers.

"You Hosenscheisser! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Ria's voice screamed.

"Calm down, it's not what you think!" the recorded Okito replied.

The conversation sounded like it had happened right after the first attack. Ria was ballistic, but eventually Okito was able to calm her down and convince her he wasn't behind the attack, despite the absurdity of his claim.

"Are you sure?" Okito's recording begged. "I think Zeruel finally talking with them would do a lot to reassure the others."

"Well you can tell them Zeruel doesn't want anything to do with any of them! That part of my life is done," Ria's recorded replied.

The room was silent, all eyes focused on Zeruel.

'It couldn't possibly be true. There's no way...' Maya thought.

"I always did wonder why no one questioned Okito's first attempt to convince you," Iruel went on, "I mean the apartment was destroyed. Sure things were broken, but the signs of a struggle were obvious. Did nobody think to question how two Pilots had been stuck in a room with Sachiel and only came away with minor injuries? Or why Shamshel spared Ikari? We didn't fear the good General's response. After all how would it be any different then what we face now? No, no, Sachiel here was worried about his good friend Ria and hurting her feelings. It's tragic, really."

Maya didn't want to admit it, but there was sense in Iruel's words. It would explain some irregularities that she had never come up with an answer for. And it would explain a few of the Sub-Commander's behavioral irregularities.

But that would mean she and Ikari had been lying about this for weeks. Why would they do that?

Sachiel and Zeruel stared at each other. Sachiel's demeanor having gone from enraged to annoyed and very clearly scared.

"I swear, I didn't know he would do that!" Okito pleaded. "I told them very specifically not to even consider something like…"

For a brief moment, Zeruel's eyes glowed brightly, then Okito's chest detonated in a giant fireball. When the smoke cleared, all that could be seen were his legs, burning as they stood, collapsing slowly to the ground.

With a transformed arm, Zeruel picked up what remained of his upper half and tossed it to the front of the room. Weak, barely heard groans confirmed that somehow Okito was still alive.

The room was quiet, staring at the angel before them. None of them sure what to do, if they should believe what they had just heard.

"Put it down!" Mana begged.

Ibuki turned to see Misato, her hands shaking intensely, rivers of tears running down her face, aiming her gun at Zeruel.
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So.... Is there a reason why Iruel always seems the cruelest of angels when they get personalities, or is that just a coincidence? Because both here and in Nobody Dies, Iruel is one fucking bastard that needs to die.
Okito sighed as he drew his katanafist back.

As for Evilruel, It's because you need more proof that 'Ria is Zeruel' than just Okito blabbing, and Iruel can provide that proof, as well as a multimedia presentation on it.

Also do these humanized angels have any weaknesses? Okito got blown in half and still isn't dead. Regular weapons seem to do fuck all to them, and even the Evangelions aren't much use, as all the Angels need to do is gang up on them and the pilots are screwed, and they can even flee to regroup if things go south.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but Ramiel's plan to become 'gods among the Lilim' seems to have already been achieved.
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Really, Iruel? Helping who? Not Okito, you're just pissing off Zeruel into a (more)murderous rage. Could be Ramiel wants Iruel to sacrifice Okito in the hopes of getting Ria killed by WILLE, or at least have her life wrecked.

Okito sighed as he drew his katanafist back.

As for Evilruel, It's because you need more proof that 'Ria is Zeruel' than just Okito blabbing, and Iruel can provide that proof, as well as a multimedia presentation on it.

Also do these humanized angels have any weaknesses? Okito got blown in half and still isn't dead. Regular weapons seem to do fuck all to them, and even the Evangelions aren't much use, as all the Angels need to do is gang up on them and the pilots are screwed, and they can even flee to regroup if things go south.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but Ramiel's plan to become 'gods among the Lilim' seems to have already been achieved.

Ah, but their powers come with a price. Once they power down, they're gonna be hungry enough to obliterate an all you can eat buffet. Remember the video of Okito re-enacting Tokyo Ghoul? He didn't eat those guys for fun, he needed HUGE amounts of calories to replace what he'd expended in Angel form. I assume Ramiel's plan for autoevolution involves fixing that problem, so they can truly become invincible, able to use their powers 24/7 without need to replace the energy with huge amounts of food, perhaps even become able to exist without needing food at all thanks to S2 organs?
Also do these humanized angels have any weaknesses? Okito got blown in half and still isn't dead. Regular weapons seem to do fuck all to them, and even the Evangelions aren't much use, as all the Angels need to do is gang up on them and the pilots are screwed, and they can even flee to regroup if things go south.
Dimitri was very close to death after Misato had him shot, and Okito and Shamshel did nearly flat out starve to death escaping after Rei appeared. Okito, Ria and Ramiel are probably the toughest to kill but they can be killed.

Also note the last time they ganged up, Rei was thrown at them. So Okito and the others are a bit hesitant about trying that again.
Yeah, Misato, pull a gun at the thing that in the singular moment of unrestrained anger blew a hole the size of a body through the body of another thing that a building full of soldiers and two giant robots couldn't do anything about. This will only end well. :lol
I'll admit, the Reveal happened faster than I thought. I'd think they would deal with all the other Angels and then Misato would piece together evidence and come begging to Ria to prove that it isn't true. Drama, sad violins, Ria smiling sadly, that sort of thing.
Instead Ireul, you stupid fucker. She's gonna kill you all now, and I'm not talking about Misato, if you catch my meaning. I don't know how you kill someone who can shrink down to the molecular level and isn't restricted by "Adam is near, I must obey the Call", but Ria is a really motivated girl. She'll find a way.
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