Chapter 11 Part 4
"State your full name, please," Asuka said evenly, pen in hand.

"Dmitri Ohta," the boy said, his voice thickly Russian accented.

Asuka wrote on the form in front of her, never turning her gaze fully away from the Angel.

Despite the situation, Dmitri seemed completely at ease, leaning back casually in his chair. She wasn't sure if this made her feel better or even more worried.

From what they could gather. This boy was the son of a Navy Captain and a Russian business woman. He had spent most of his life in Russia with his mother and siblings but they had moved to Neo Kobe some three years ago. Nothing they found could connect him to Okito or any of the known Angels.

"Just so you understand, this meeting is being recorded and can and likely will be reviewed by the rest of staff when I feel comfortable bringing it to their attention," Asuka explained.

Of course that was a lie, they were listening right now. But it was the best way of making it clear that he was not to talk about Ria without tipping her hand. This whole situation was a nightmarish balancing act between two lies.

Dmitri nodded. "Of course. Quite reasonable of you."

He smiled a bit, his left hand spinning a toothpick

"Now, Mr. Ohta," Asuka went on, bracing herself for the worst to happen at any minute. "You claim to be the Ninth Angel, Matarael."

"Quite correct," he replied.

"And yet you're here, at the heart of WILLE. Speaking to a former Pilot. Why is that?" she asked.

He sat up straight.

"Tell me, Madam. Do you remember my attack?"

"Quite well." Her voice grew icy. "The only reason it lasted as long as it did was due to SEELE causing a power outage."

It had been a fairly proud moment for Asuka. Shinji had the kill but the plan had been hers.

Matarael nodded in agreement "Quite so, quite so. I'm not vainglorious when it comes to my strength. If I were to fight, I would die like a rat in a typhoon."

"So you came here because you were afraid Sachiel and Ramiel would force you into the fight?" she asked.

Ohta's expression grew serious. "I came here because they are barking madmen who think they know better than the gods."

"Speaking of which, you're positive you weren't followed?" she asked.

If he was followed, his use as a spy was effectively gone. And Misato might just decide against the deal.

He gestured to his tie. "Do you think I wear this stuffy shit normally? No ma'am. I have a very particular look normally and Okito has never seen me wearing anything like this. Plus I used a fake ID to get here today. I covered my tracks as best I could."

"When you say particular look, what do you mean? I'm just curious," Asuka replied.

"My hair is dyed black, my pants normally have chains on them. Some dark matte shade of lipstick. Eyeliner occasionally." He counted each item off with a finger. "Vintage T-shirts, long black jackets, the occasional spiked bracelet. Dressing like this... well let's just say I nearly gave my poor mother a heart attack when I left this morning."

Well that was quite the mental image.

"On that note," he shifted in his seat, "I understand this negotiation may not go well."

One of Asuka's hands went towards the gun beneath her desk.

"I don't hold it against you," he went on. "Far from it, frankly I'm surprised I made it this far. But I must inform you there's an email, explaining what I am and what has happened, set to deliver to my family should I not return by tomorrow night or if I send a coded text. So if things go south, I don't want my family to be publically shamed by you labelling me a terrorist, say instead that I've gone missing or something. Also my brother and sister are not Angels. So don't bother them, if you please."

"Your family is important to you?" Asuka asked, leaning in closer.

"I don't claim to be a perfect son but I'm not Okito either." He frowned in disgust. "The boy shames all of us with his behavior."

He cared for his family, or at least put on the pretense of it. That brought her a measure of comfort.

"So Leliel mentioned you have information we may find useful," Asuka noted. "Though I'm curious, Leliel didn't seem to know what that info was. Why are you telling me something you wouldn't tell another Angel?"

Dmitri shifted nervously, double checking any shadows in the room.

"In truth, I do not fully trust that woman," he admitted.

That was surprising and more than a little confusing.

"But she was the one who arranged this whole meeting?" Asuka said skeptically.

He got defensive. "Don't get me wrong, I know she wants Ramiel stopped. But the problem is I'm pretty sure that's all she cares about. She only wants peace because that means there will be less Angels to fight. I felt it better to hedge my bets, just to be safe."

With the amount of distrust among the Angels, if nothing else dividing them against each other and taking them out one by one would be trivially easy if they played things right.

"You have to understand," Dimitri went on, "none of us really thought Ramiel was serious until the Pilots appeared. It was just idle talk after all. None of us, save Leliel. We thought she was a loon, ranting on and on about how Ramiel was tampering with things beyond his understanding. Then she disappeared for a few years, only appearing again some eight months ago, if Armisael is to be believed."

That didn't really fit what Leliel had told them, at the very least she had withheld quite a bit. Concerning, deeply concerning.

"So what was, what is Ramiel planning?" she asked.

This was by far the most important part. Having him as a spy would be useful, but what he could tell them now was of far greater us. If they knew what they were fighting for they might have some idea of how to stop the Angels.

"None of us truly understand what we are," Dimitri admitted. "We are Angels, we are Lilim, we are both, we are neither. In truth we are mules. Unnatural hybrids whose very being has been twisted and warped by forces beyond our understanding. So the question lingers, what happens to beings as unnatural as us when we die?"

"You fear death?" Asuka questioned.

"They fear oblivion," he corrected. "Third Impact at least brought clarity that there is something after death for humanity. We don't know any more. Our god is dead, our Heaven is gone. Do we go to yours? Do we reincarnate? Or do we dissolve into nothingness?"

"What does that have to do with the attacks though? What are they planning that they are so afraid of us finding out about?" Asuka grew impatient.

"I'm getting to that," he assured her. "Apologies, it takes a while to explain. You see, Ramiel believes he found a solution that would render that question moot and make us powerful again, combine the best aspects of our human and Angelic nature into a more perfect union. The two want to use that power to make us the dominant species on Earth again. Either ruling over humanity or replacing most of it with something of our own design."

"That's... awfully ambitious," she observed, trying to process what he was telling her.

"Tell me, ma'am, what do you know of the Eigenart Initiative?" he asked.

The name was completely unfamiliar to her.

"Nothing," Asuka admitted.

Dimitri nodded. "To be fair, few do. They were, or more accurately are a SEELE splinter group."

Oh, great. Just great. Because SEELE had to be involved in some manner, Asuka grumbled in her head.

"They started as a disagreement over the exact nature of what SEELE wanted for humanity. Most of SEELE choose Instrumentality. What would become Eigenart wanted Autoevolution. They were purged from SEELE and hunted down vigorously. The Initiative itself is dead but Ramiel was apparently able to uncover their work, and has a source who is quite knowledgeable about the hows and whys of what they were trying to accomplish."

"And this source is…" Asuka began.

He shrugged. "Sadly, that I do not know."

And more wonderful news. The list of people would could provide that type of info was rather small.

"You see." Dimitri went on. "Autoevolution is an interesting inverse of instrumentality. It's controlled evolution, instead of breaking down the barriers between people and turning them into so much soul goo. It refines the barriers, turning people into near god-like and varied individuals. Ramiel believes if we enacted their plans on our terms it would allow us to skate around the whole death thing and leave us in a position where your kind would never be a threat to us."

"'Gods among the Lilim,'" Asuka said, repeating Leliel's warning.

"Quite so," Dimitri replied. "With a few similarly uplifted human collaborators ruling the world in our name."

Asuka scowled. That would explain why people would work with Ramiel, and why they bizarrely thought that she and Shinji might work with them.

"As I said, none of us took it seriously. Until the Pilots appeared and Sachiel went barking at the moon. Then Ramiel gathered as many of us as he could and told us all know that WILLE would grant us no quarter. It was his either plan or a slow death. But I'm here now, so Ramiel's argument doesn't seem to hold much weight." Dimitri smiled.

He had been honest, as near as she could tell. He was here at great risk to himself. He was affable and and calm. Asuka even found herself liking the kid.

"I can't promise you anything yet," she told him. "But I do strongly appreciate what you coming here and if what you're saying is true, I will do everything I can to convince the General that you and the Angels that agree with you want peace."

Dimitri nodded. "Thank you, ma'am. That was honestly more than I hoped for. Now let me tell you what I know of Leliel."


Misato listened to every word of their conversation. Growing increasingly torn with each sentence. She didn't want to believe what it was saying. Why would they ever accept the word of an Angel? They had already proven themselves the greatest liars and deceivers the world had ever known.

Yet what it said made sense. It explained recent events and their actions. And it was too dangerous to ignore.

If it was right, if this Dimitri was not leading them on. The Angels had access to someone with incredible knowledge of SEELE. The Eigenart Initiative was something she'd only seen mentioned a half dozen times in deeply classified files.There were only a few people she could think of who would have the kind of knowledge. Most of them were dead or in prison. That left the core members of SEELE itself, Kozo Fuyutsuki, and Gendo Ikari. And as far as they knew all of them were still in instrumentality.

As far as they knew. Misato chewed her thumb, thinking hard.

In the end, it was humanity that caused Third Impact. it was humans who invaded the NERV and slaughtered most of the staff, nearly killing her in the process. Scratch that, she had died. She had died twenty years ago to the bullets of JSSDF troops, bleeding out in a hallway after shoving Shinji into an emergency elevator. She was little more than Revenant, brought back by having the sheer luck of having died just close enough to Third Impact to fall under its resurrection.

Maybe making peace was the lesser of two evils…

A alert appeared on her screen. The whole Command room snapped to attention.

Ramiel had appeared again, this time in Melbourne, Australia.

Every screen became filled with images of the coastal city burning, entire streets melted into molten glass. The glossy blue diamond of the Angel's form floating above what was once the Royal Exhibition Building. What wasn't burning was filled with desperate people trying to escape the carnage.

People started to scramble to their stations, but then paused. Realizing they could do absolutely nothing but watch. A city of over a million people was dying and they could do nothing to stop the monster assaulting it. Even starting immediately, it would take hours to get an Evangelion there.

Rage boiled inside Misato, She was helpless and worse, she had been played like a fool. The timing was just too much to be just bad luck. They knew, and they were taunting her.

And yet, that also meant the Angel currently speaking to Asuka had been played too. Ramiel must have been banking on her killing it in a fit of rage. Matarael clearly knew too much.

Dispicable fiends even to their own kind.

"Suzuhara!" she called out.

Touji snapped to attention. "Yes, General?"

"Escort the Angel to the holding cell in the Vault. That thing isn't leaving WILLE. Subdue it if it resists, but avoid killing it if possible."

Killing it now would be a waste.

He snapped a quick salute. "Understood, ma'am."

"I'm going to make sure Asuka is out of the room when you arrive," she added.


Okito stood outside of WILLE. A tan hoodie and sunglasses hid most of his features. Sweat ran down his neck.

"You heard what Iruel said. He betrayed us," Shamshel's voice said through his earpiece.

"I know!" Okito whispered.

"So why are you there?" she questioned.

"Because I'm fighting for all of us!" he barked sharply. "And Matarael is not going to get out of there without my help!"

He was fighting for all of them. If he stopped believing that, if he stopping trying, if he gave himself over to the cynicism that Shamshel and Israfel had embraced, he was truly lost. Then this was all for nothing. His... Liilm parents, his sister, his best friend, all forsaken for nothing. He could not bear to even think that.

"Besides, he might be the key to convincing the others to finally join the fight," Okito added with a hopeful smile.

He removed his glasses, his eyes glowing red. His hands flowed like quicksilver until they were reforged into black claws.

With a feral howl, Sachiel charged towards WILLE.
You'd think that at least Ritsuko would've remembered about the hacker angel and put the interrogation room on a closed circuit.

Also, Touji better have some strong words for his idiot child once they meet again.
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From what they could gather. This boy was the son of a Navy Captain and a Russian business woman. He had spent most of his life in Russia with his mother and siblings but they had moved to Neo Kobe some three years ago. Nothing they found could connect him to Okito or any of the known Angels.
The dispersion of the Angels is weird. They're not evenly scattered across the world, they're strangely concentrated in and around Japan, as far as I can tell. Hell, Sachiel and Zeruel literally grew up as neighbors. I wonder what's causing that.
"My hair is dyed black, my pants normally have chains on them. Some dark matte shade of lipstick. Eyeliner occasionally." He counted each item off with a finger. "Vintage T-shirts, long black jackets, the occasional spiked bracelet. Dressing like this... well let's just say I nearly gave my poor mother a heart attack when I left this morning."
Huh... goth punk Angel.
The Initiative itself is dead but Ramiel was apparently able to uncover their work, and has a source who is quite knowledgeable about the hows and whys of what they were trying to accomplish."

"And this source is…" Asuka began.

He shrugged. "Sadly, that I do not know."
Great. SEELE factions and someone is feeding the war-Angels everything they need to know about the limits of metaphysical biology research. This can only get weird.
There were only a few people she could think of who would have the kind of knowledge. Most of them were dead or in prison. That left the core members of SEELE itself, Kozo Fuyutsuki, and Gendo Ikari. And as far as they knew all of them were still in instrumentality.
So one of the monolith guys, or two people who Misato and the Pilots would like to have pointed words with should they show up again. Misato and Asuka especially would probably want to kick Gendo in the nuts now that they know all the details.
Ramiel had appeared again, this time in Melbourne, Australia.
Great. Hours away from any way WILLE can do anything... and great timing.
"Because I'm fighting for all of us!" he barked sharply. "And Matarael is not going to get out of there without my help!"
Okito, you idiot... you just keep making things worse, trying to fix your original mistake. You really are a teenage boy.
He was fighting for all of them. If he stopped believing that, if he stopping trying, if he gave himself over to the cynicism that Shamshel and Israfel had embraced, he was truly lost. Then this was all for nothing. His... Liilm parents, his sister, his best friend, all forsaken for nothing. He could not bear to even think that.
I am calling the following event: Okito is forced to kill one of the "traitor" Angels and get hit with a massive BSOD.
I hope Matarael's going to be okay. He's in a rather rough spot right now.

Ironically, getting locked in a cell in WILLE may be his best shot at survival right now, since the Angels in Ramiel's faction already know he dropped a dime on them. If Misato had just let him leave as planned, Matariel probably would've been dead by nightfall. I'm imagining that if Okito makes it to Matariel's cell, Matariel will calmly say "So you have come to kill me? I understand. I should have realized that WILLE's defenses would not be able to stop whoever Ramiel sent to silence me. I would ask you to convey my thanks to General Katsuragi for her efforts to protect me, but she probably would think you were trying to play headgames."

The dispersion of the Angels is weird. They're not evenly scattered across the world, they're strangely concentrated in and around Japan, as far as I can tell. Hell, Sachiel and Zeruel literally grew up as neighbors. I wonder what's causing that.

Shinji: "Why is everyone staring at me like that?"
Ironically, getting locked in a cell in WILLE may be his best shot at survival right now, since the Angels in Ramiel's faction already know he dropped a dime on them. If Misato had just let him leave as planned, Matariel probably would've been dead by nightfall. I'm imagining that if Okito makes it to Matariel's cell, Matariel will calmly say "So you have come to kill me? I understand. I should have realized that WILLE's defenses would not be able to stop whoever Ramiel sent to silence me. I would ask you to convey my thanks to General Katsuragi for her efforts to protect me, but she probably would think you were trying to play headgames."
Admittedly there's a considerable difference, in the minds of the angels at least, between leaving another angel to die and actually killing them. And Okito in particular refuses to even consider either option. In his mind he's saving Matarael from an enemy that would certainly kill him eventually.
"They started as a disagreement over the exact nature of what SEELE wanted for humanity. Most of SEELE choose Instrumentality. What would become Eigenart wanted Autoevolution. They were purged from SEELE and hunted down vigorously. The Initiative itself is dead but Ramiel was apparently able to uncover their work, and has a source who is quite knowledgeable about the hows and whys of what they were trying to accomplish."

"And this source is…" Asuka began.

He shrugged. "Sadly, that I do not know."
By the Law of Conservation of Detail:
"Ramiel's plan, to my limited understanding of it, doesn't involve the world ending, a Fourth Impact or anything of that nature. Our kind certainly would benefit the most from their plans, but Ramiel insisted humanity would survive, some would even profit. Ramiel bragged he already had numerous human allies and backers. Name dropping one Retired Officer Langley in particular."
"Tell me, Madam. Do you remember my attack?"

"Quite well." Her voice grew icy. "The only reason it lasted as long as it did was due to SEELE causing a power outage."
I have my doubts that it was SEELE that cause the blackout in canon and here are my reasons why from my own NGE fic that's on hiatus at the moment.

'I wonder what the cause of the blackout was?'

It was a question that everyone had on their mind…but it was one without an easy answer to.

'There are three possible entities that could be the cause of the other day's chaos',
Kaji pondered darkly.

'One possible culprit is the JDF and the Japanese Government. It was no secret that there was…tension...and distrust between NERV and Japanese officials.'

Kaji frowned to himself, thinking harder.

'No. Maybe before NERV fought the fish Angel, the government would have done something like this. But now...after having told them that Adam is here in Japan...and exactly what would happen if one of its progeny successfully reunited with seems highly unlikely they would risk such a thing happening simply for the sake of trying to frighten NERV.'

'The second choice, and perhaps the most obvious for those 'in the know', would be the mysterious organization known as SEELE.'

'Hmm...that one depends on whether or not they've realized that Adam is missing and in Japan, I think. If they don't know, then it was probably them that cut the power. But if they know Adam is gone, then I doubt it was them.'

Though Kaji had to admit that he didn't know much about the group, he had at least learned enough to know that they themselves wanted to avoid a Third Impact triggered by the Angels by any means possible.

The third choice was, to Kaji surprise, one that most people weren't considering very much; the possibility that the blackout was caused by the Angel itself.

'I have heard from some flirty off duty female Nerv scientists who want to get my number,' Kaji thought with a small grin, 'That they have a theory that an Angel AT Field, if powerful and wide spread enough, could act as EMP, knocking out all nearby electronics.'

Given that there were Angels that looked like giant penises with lightsaber-like whips, or flying diamonds that hummed and shot lasers, or a giant fish that was found inside an active volcano and resembled a human fetus when first discovered, Kaji had no difficulty in believing that the giant spider could have been a walking EMP.

'But there no evidence that that the Angel caused it. Although...there's no proof that it was done by human hands either.'
Not one to usually confirm or deny something but no. Langley quite simply wasn't that important enough to know about Eigenart. Everyone who knew about is probably either dead, in jail for life, or presumably tanged.

SOMEBODY who knew about it must have untanged at some point since there's no other way Ramiel could have found out about it. They may or may not still be alive, depending on whether or not they outlived their usefulness to Ramiel and how generous he is, but they were definitely walking around at some point since Ramiel was reborn.
Yeah, Langley wouldn't have that knowledge himself. At best, he might know who would know more than him, though. So he could still be telling the Angels who to look for.
You know, there's a joke somewhere about the stupidest of the angels being the one that Touji raised, but I think that's a little bit mean.

Speaking of Touji, I wonder what Bardiel is like, both as a personality and physically in Angel form. After all, I don't think he/she'll be getting access to another Eva to puppet.
Given Bardiels mad ups in canon, maybe he's the world's best basketball player.

Or he's a Dhalsim cosplayer. Either or.
Chapter 11 Part 5
"So you think Leliel is behind the Pilots' arrival?" Asuka asked, jotting down notes as she spoke to Dimitri.

"It's the only explanation that makes sense," the Angel replied. "She was and is strongly determined to take down Ramiel. The amount of force sent is enough to scare Okito out of his wits. It's even enough to make victory probable, but not certain. Anything stronger would sent or done something that would have ensured victory, this was just enough to keep things competitive. And yet, the First Child's appearance makes it clear who's ever behind this wants you to win. This suggests they're limited in some way."

It wasn't the strongest argument, but he had a good point.

"Then why lie about it?" she asked.

Dimitri shrugged. "A good question. I don't claim to know Leliel's mind. She's an erratic one. Perhaps she simply does not want to be held responsible for the Pilots. Perhaps she has some sort of hidden agenda. Who knows?"

Well, that's not troubling in the slightest, Asuka mused to herself.

"What do you mean by erratic?" she asked. Having an insane Angel for an ally was less than ideal.

"There are three Angels that the rest of us were never quite sure of: Zeruel because well, no one ever met them. Most of us haven't met Bardiel either and those who did really don't like to talk about it. Leliel, though... besides the fact that she's been ranting about how evil Ramiel is since we were kids, there's always been something off about her. Her behavior is always rather... mercurial, for lack of a better word. Sometimes she's shy and quiet as a mouse, other times she's in your face ranting for hours. She always seems to know more then she lets on, and yet sometimes she's completely blindsided by common news. Most of us thought she was was nuts. That's probably why Okito or Ramiel didn't give her much thought when the Pilots appeared. I'm pretty sure that wasn't the smartest thing to tell you considering the situation but I feel honesty here is important," he replied.

They would certainly have to handle this on a case by case basis.

He could be slandering Leliel for his own gain but what would be the point? Besides, Dimitri didn't seem the type, so far he'd been nothing but kind, affable, and reasonable.

Her office phone rang.

"One second," she said to Dimitri as she picked up the phone. "Hello? But I'm in the middle of... okay, fine, I'll be there in a moment."

She hung up the phone with a frustrated sigh.

"There's been an incident. I need to go take care of something. I'll be back shortly," Asuka explained.

"Ramiel?" Dimitri asked nervously.

"Ramiel," she replied, nodding.

"Well... shit," he said. "You uh... might want to prepare yourself."

"For what?" Asuka asked.

As if on cue, deep bellowing alarms rang out throughout the room. They were under attack.

Asuka grabbed her gun.

"I was careful," Dimitri said sadly, barely audible. "I was so careful. How did they find out?"

"Worry about that later," Asuka said as she rushed to the door. "Follow me. We need to get you out of here."

Matarael quickly followed Asuka out of the room.


The entrance doors shattered as Okito plowed through them.

The few regular employees near the door, mostly lab assistants and computer technicians just starting or ending their shifts, quickly scattered in terror at the sight of the red eyed monster.

A dozen security guards opened fire on him. Only a few bullets struck before his AT-Field flared, sending the rest ricocheting off.

The guards retreated, disappearing down various hallways. Okito ran down one of them, his claws ripping through the security guard with disdain, the blood staining his hoodie.

Okito continued to change as he raced through the halls, his limbs growing black, ribs bursting from his chest, gill-like growths forming on his legs.

He found himself in an a large, wide open crossroads of sorts, an area mainly used for tours before the attacks began. Glass on four sides, it opened to the levels above and below it.

Tactics against Angels on a personal level were still in their infancy. But one thing had been learned from Shamshel; an Angel that wasn't paying attention to you was an Angel that could be wounded.

From across the hall a dozen guards appeared, their angry and fearful faces hidden by helmets and goggles. Some of them had kids who went to Okito's school, others had friends that were lost in his attack on Asuka's apartment. All of them wanted him dead.

They opened fire, their bullets smashing into his AT-Field. Okito charged towards them, not even noticing the two squads on the floor above until they opened fire. Their bullets struck home, ventilating his back and legs.

Okito's charge ground to a halt, blood pouring from multiple wounds as he howled in agony.

More guards appeared to his left and right, adding to the gunfire. The Angel collapsed, his body ripped by countless wounds.

"Target down!" one of the guards announced over the radio, "I repeat, the Third Angel is down."

A squad approached nervously, guns trained on the fallen Angel. One pulled out a pair of handcuffs while another pulled out a needle full of enough tranquilizer to put down a bear. Dr. Akagi and the General had wanted him taken alive if possible.

Okito was twitching, his arm clawing useless at the ground as he wheezed shallow, painful breaths.

They were on him now, the one carrying the needle preparing to jam it into the back of his neck.

Okito leaped up, one clawed hand wrapping the needle bearing guard's head, a savage smile across his face as he closed it.

Steam poured out him as his wounds started close.

He slaughtered the rest of the squad with teeth and claws, using the last one as a shield against incoming fire.

He turned towards guards on the floor above him, their shots smashingly harmlessly against his AT-Field, his eyes burning bright red.

The guards, and most of the walkway they were standing on, disappeared in a massive explosion.

The guards to his left and right suffered similar fates, filling the place with thick black clouds of smoke as powerful sprinklers worked to put out the fires.

Oktio wiped the blood from his claws onto the shirt of a fallen guard and ran off.


Misato watched in horror. Dozens of men lost in moments. Guilt and rage consumed her. I let this happen. I gave them the order, I agreed to this deal, the thought rang in her head.

Her mind raced.

They know about the deal, they probably knew about it from the beginning. Is that what they're going to do every time we willing let one of their own into our base? If this is the cost of peace, then why even bother? If Matarael was useless as a spy, what was the point of keeping him alive?

Misato scowled as her rage grew greater and greater. She grabbed her pistol and walked towards the door.

This was a mistake, Misato thought bitterly. It was a mistake from the start.

"Where are you going?" Ritsuko asked.

"I'm going to fix a problem," she replied.


"I must apologize, madam," Dimitri said as they ran down the hallway, "I honestly thought my arrival here had been undetected."

"I'm sure you did," Asuka replied. "Who knew you were coming here?"

He pondered, nearly colliding with a door. "Leliel of course. Maybe Armisael. I mean, Leliel had asked her first."

Asuka frowned. "Hmmm."

The door ahead of them slammed open, tearing from it's hinges and collapsing to tile floor with a metallic bang.

Okito stood in the door frame, his clothes in bloody, ragged tatters. He was manic, his stance hunched and feral, and his red eyes had this crazed look to them.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Dimitri groaned.

Asuka leveled her pistol at Okito.

"And what exactly is that going to do, Ms. Soryu?" Okito asked, a fevered smile on his face.

"What do you want, Okito?" she replied sharply.

"A great many things," he replied. "But right now I wish to escort Matarael out of here. It's rather unsafe for him."

Dimitri laughed.

"Right now it seems like the safest place for him is right here," Asuka shot back. "I'm not out to kill all of your kind, just idiots like you."

Okito frowned, regret passing over his face.

"I'm sure you believe that. You're a rare woman Ms. Soryu, and if it were you in charge, I might have chosen a different path. But you are not Misato, you are not most of humanity. Even if we never raised a finger against your kind they would still be out there, calling for our blood, the moment they knew the truth. Humanity will never accept us," he said calmly.

Asuka rolled her eyes. "Really? Because Dimitri tells me differently. Tell me, how is my father these days?"

Okito was shocked.

"How much did you tell them?" he asked Dimitri, dismayed and shocked.

"As much as I could, you living embodiment of a dumpster fire!" Dimitri shot back. "Leliel was right about you the entire time!"

Okito took a step forwards, his claws snapping front of him.

"You kill me and you're dead, you know that," Asuka warned.

"I don't have to kill you to get you outta my way," he replied.

"Touch her and you're dead," another voice warned.

Asuka turned to see Toji standing behind her, assault rifle in hand. What little was exposed of his face was unreadable.

He pushed in front of Asuka and Dimitri, gun trained on Okito.

The father and son stared at each other, disappointment and pain playing across Touji's face.

"So this is it?" Touji said, anger filling his voice. "This is your grand plan, this what you used us for?! Threatened your mother, abandoned your sister?"

Okito, despite the situation, laughed heartedly at that.

"Does this really look like a plan?" he snarked. "My plan was up in flames the moment those Evas first arrived. This is just repeated failures and desperate flailing about while everyone insults me repeatedly."

"So why bother with any of this?" Asuka asked.

"Because I have to protect my family," Okito said solemnly.

Touji growled. "You HAD a family already!" he shouted at the creature that had been his son.

"Did I?" Okito snapped. "DID I?! You loved the person you thought I was, but if you had know, if you had even suspected I was one of the Angels, would you have cared for me at all?"

"I…" Touji hesitated. "You were my son. I would have tried."

Okito glared at him, clearly not believing a word. "No, you would not have. I knew that then as I know it now. Now move out of the way."

Touji put his finger on the trigger. "No."

"I'm not leaving here without Matarael and you can't stop me," Okito replied.

"I'm not coming with you," Dimitri insisted.

He turned towards Toji. "Sir, I would strongly advise you duck."

"What?" Toji replied.

"Duck," Dimitri insisted as his eyes turned red.

Touji ducked. A moment afterwards Dimitri spit out a big yellow glob.

The glob struck Okito square in the face, causing him to collapse and scream in agony as his skin blistered and melted off his face.

Four massive, stark black, spider-like limbs erupted out of Dimitri's back. His skin ran black, false eyes appearing along his arms

He spat again, melting a section of the wall, exposing a section of hallway.

"For the record, not running away," Matarael explained. "Just trying to get away from him."

He vanished through the hole.

Okito scrambled back to his feet, most of his face eaten away down to the bone.

With a wordless howl of frustration and rage he followed after him, leaping above Touji and Asuka.


Okito caught up to Matarael a few minutes later.

Okito's face was a mess of bone and newly grown skin. His body wracked by pain and sheer exhaustion.

Matarael looked down at him, his new legs easily making him twice Okito's height.

"What do you actually think you're doing here, Sachiel? You do realize Ramiel will kill me if I go with you?"

"I won't allow that!" Okito desperately insisted. "This is for all of us. I don't care what you did, or what you were planning to do. I won't let them do anything to hurt you. We're all in this together."

"Even Zeruel?" Matarael questioned.

"Even Zeruel," Sachiel replied.

Matarael shook his head, looking disgusted.

"What's sad is that you actually believe it," he said disdainfully. "We're not brothers. We're not even comrades. Everyone involved in this plan of yours besides you is just doing it out of self interest."

"We have to do this!" Okito insisted, not really hearing what he was saying. "It's the only way we will survive!"

"Because you put us in danger!" Matarael snapped. "Because you think being a Herald actually means something anymore. It doesn't! Our Creator is dead, and you abandoned them. Why should I feel any sort of loyalty or bond to you?!"

The hallways above them became filled with dozens of security guards, flanking them on both the left and right. Misato stood in the center of the right group.

Okito tried to fire at them but he was too weak, too exhausted. Healing from Matarael's attack had taken too much out of him.

They leveled their guns, Misato pulling out her pistol.

"You're a fool Okito. You always have been, always will. With luck, the good General over here will make sure this is the last day we have to deal with your idiocy."

At that moment, Sachiel realized the guns were trained on both of them.

He extended his arms out, pushing his AT-Field to the limit on both sides as a hail of gunfire came down on him. Not a shot got through.

Matarael was not so lucky, he had not seen the shots coming, and had been completely exposed.

He wobbled in place, blood pouring from his mouth, a shocked and confused look upon his face.

Two his legs snapped, weakened by so many bullets, sending him collapsing to the ground in a broken heap.

Matarael was the weakest of them physically. There was a very good chance this could actually kill him.

Okito rushed to his side, using his AT-Field to shelter him from any more bullets.

"...Unfortunate," Matarael said weakly, barely awake.

Okito glared at Misato, who looked down at him with hateful disdain.

He had come under a banner of peace, he had given her valuable information. And she shot him without hesitation, Okito realized with dawning horror.

This was his biggest fear brought to life. He had been right, in the worst way possible.

He clutched Matarael tightly to his chest.

Every instinct he had was telling him to to run up there and gut Katsuragi like a fish but Matarael took priority. He would have to sate his hatred another day.

He ran out of WILLE as fast as he could, carrying Matarael with him.


Asuka burst into the command center, every head in there turning towards her.

Misato met her with a neutral expression. She had been expecting this.

"You shot him! Why on earth did you shoot him?!" Asuka said, utterly bewildered.

"Melbourne is on fire and we've lost dozens of personnel," Misato replied, her eyes focused on the screen in front of her.

"That was Ramiel and Sachiel's fault!" Asuka exclaimed.

"And they did it because they knew it was here. It was useless as spy," she replied.

"That didn't mean you have to try and kill him!" Asuka argued.

"Nor did I need It alive!" Misato snapped.

Asuka looked at her in horror.

Misato sighed. "This peace was a good idea, but look at what happened, look at what it cost. I'm not willing to risk anymore people for a half dozen things I don't think should exist in the first place."

"So what now, we just tell the rest of them to go to Hell?" Asuka replied, looking increasingly unhappy with every word.

Misato nodded. "They all die, no exception, no mercy."
A squad approached nervously, guns trained on the fallen Angel. One pulled out a pair of handcuffs while another pulled out a needle full of enough tranquilizer to put down a bear. Dr. Akagi and the General had wanted him taken alive if possible.

Okito was twitching, his arm clawing useless at the ground as he wheezed shallow, painful breaths.

They were on him now, the one carrying the needle preparing to jam it into the back of his neck.

Okito leaped up, one clawed hand wrapping the needle bearing guard's head, a savage smile across his face as he closed it.
It's really sad to think things would have gone better if they'd just kept shooting. No trying to take him alive, just end it. And Okito's crossed a moral horizon here, and a Rubicon: He's personally murdered dozens of people here. At any point before now, he could still have gone home again, and tried to make things up to his parents and sister. Now... now he's a monster with blood on his teeth.
Asuka rolled her eyes. "Really? Because Dimitri tells me differently. Tell me, how is my father these days?"
Nice zing, Asuka. And got him to confirm that intel, too. Like we needed another reason to consider Mr. Langley an asshole, too. Damn, Asuka. Your dad is just a real piece of shit...
The father and son stared at each other, disappointment and pain playing across Touji's face.

"So this is it?" Touji said, anger filling his voice. "This is your grand plan, this what you used us for?! Threatened your mother, abandoned your sister?"

Okito, despite the situation, laughed heartedly at that.

"Does this really look like a plan?" he snarked. "My plan was up in flames the moment those Evas first arrived. This is just repeated failures and desperate flailing about while everyone insults me repeatedly."
Ouch... This is the first time Touji and Okito have been face to face since that night, and it's over the sights of a gun.
"Because I have to protect my family," Okito said solemnly.

Touji growled. "You HAD a family already!" he shouted at the creature that had been his son.

"Did I?" Okito snapped. "DID I?! You loved the person you thought I was, but if you had know, if you had even suspected I was one of the Angels, would you have cared for me at all?"

"I…" Touji hesitated. "You were my son. I would have tried."
Damn it, Okito... none of this had to happen. You really had that little faith your parents would love you?
"You're a fool Okito. You always have been, always will. With luck, the good General over here will make sure this is the last day we have to deal with your idiocy."

At that moment, Sachiel realized the guns were trained on both of them.
For fuck's sake, Misato... But this is sadly perfectly IC for her. She never got over her hateboner for the Angels, and the betrayal by Okito to start with made her only more angry and paranoid. And now that she's killed any hope of this being anything but a war of extermination, Ria and her parents are in a really ugly spot...
"So what now, we just tell the rest of them to go to Hell?" Asuka replied, looking increasingly unhappy with every word.

Misato nodded. "They all die, no exception, no mercy."
Yeah... You just swore to kill Asuka and Shinji's daughter, Misato. Your own foster-grandchild.
"So you think Leliel is behind the Pilots' arrival?" Asuka asked, jotting down notes as she spoke to Dimitri.
Maybe a Liliel, but not thisLiliel. That is, if you don't subscribe to the idea that there is one Liliel across all universes
My plan was up in flames the moment those Evas first arrived. This is just repeated failures and desperate flailing about while everyone insults me repeatedly."
Well, at least he admits it, even if it's too late to fix things.
He had come under a banner of peace, he had given her valuable information. And she shot him without hesitation, Okito realized with dawning horror.
Aaaand the award for single worst decision goes to Misato Katsuragi.

Ya dun goofed lady.
I am just screaming in my head PUNCH HER at Misato's deliberate close-mindedness.
In fact, @Teen Spirit was Misato actually being strategic about not trying to make peace with the Angels or was she just looking for reasons to justify the bias she has?
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"Ramiel must have been banking on her killing it in a fit of rage."

Well done Ramiel, your plan succeeded even better than you could've expected. Because Misato shot a collaborator in cold blood after realizing your plan and then fell for it anyway.

Or in short:
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