I hope that Mari puzzles over that question for a long while, and comes up with nothing but wrong answers.
"Asuka and Shinji, why don't they like their other selves?"

It was surreal how strange questions like that could become so normal.
Ha! Because the older pair have faced their issues and dealt with them, but that means they admitted they had issues and what they were, something young Asuka is still a long way from, and doesn't appreciate the older pair reminding her of that just by being around?
"You expected me to make peace with that monster?" Misato barked.

The older Shinji flinched.
Ouch. Um... yeah. Guess Misato (who is already carrying a huge load of hatred for the Angels she never let go of) never forgot or forgave this moment:

Asuka recoiled slightly, Misato's rage twisting her face in ways the Second Child had never seen. It was frightening. Her counterpart and the older Shinji looked increasingly unhappy.

"Their existence mocks everything we struggled for!" Misato ranted. "Everyone we lost, everything we suffered! It threatens everything you've tried to give Ria!"
That's still going to be true, Misato, even once you learn the truth about her. Ria wants a quiet life of love and her family.
"And thank you," Misato added. "For telling me about this. I know it couldn't have been easy considering how much it put the plan you made with... that thing at risk. But I really appreciate the honesty."

For some reason the older Shinji only looked more upset at Misato's words.
That's going to sting later, even more than now.
"You would tell me if you could, right?" Mari asked cautiously.

"Of course," Ria replied.

"Well them, make sure to bring me with you when you decide to go," Mari said cheerfully.

"Really?" Ria couldn't hide her shock.

Mari shrugged. "Why not? We're both young, stupid, and incredibly hormonal. Might as well be those things together."

Ria leaned down and grabbed Mari in a passionate kiss, fear, lust, and joy overwhelming her. More than anyone, she feared losing Mari the most.

Mari wrapped her arms around Ria, grabbing her tightly.

"You mean so much to me," Ria breathless said after they finally broke apart. "Whatever happens, remember that."

"I know," Mari replied.
That was really sweet.
Mari was all alone, joy filling her. Though she found herself doubting, worried. Her girlfriend's actions brought fears she had tried to repress back to the surface.

"What are you, Ria?" she asked quietly. "What are you really?"
But Mari's sharp, and can tell something's up. It's a positive sign that Mari at least would stick by Ria when things come out, though.
Ouch. Um... yeah. Guess Misato (who is already carrying a huge load of hatred for the Angels she never let go of) never forgot or forgave this moment:
Misato is not the type to accept she has been defeated. But I think if there was ever a moment when she thought she lost, this was that moment. Being meer moments away from being directly wiped out by an angel is something that sticks with you, particularly someone who hates Angels as much Misato does. And while she never forgot about that moment. , I think the mention of Zeruel pushed it to the forefront of Misato's thoughts.
I am a sick, sick person.
Why, do you ask?
Well, among other reasons, I came up with this idea:
A BROB OC avatar goes to Misato and makes her an offer; Zureal and "it's" collaborating family will be delivered to WILLE to be tortured and killed. A perception filter will be placed on the victims to prevent recognition until after death. The reward? Pure revenge against Zureal and the traitors that sheltered "it."The torture and execution will be recorded for Misato to replay. The Price? Only Misato will know what happened. The burden of any guilt will be on her alone.
Misato accepts. During the torture she asks why they would help an Angel, to be answered with "she's our daughter." After the prisoners die, Misato realizes who she just murdered. And just to drive it in deeper, the BROB reveals that Shinji, Asuka, and Ria knew all along who was hurting them.
Resulting fallout left to your imaginations.
Yes, I am well aware that I'm kind of a sadist.
I am a sick, sick person.
Why, do you ask?
Well, among other reasons, I came up with this idea:
A BROB OC avatar goes to Misato and makes her an offer; Zureal and "it's" collaborating family will be delivered to WILLE to be tortured and killed. A perception filter will be placed on the victims to prevent recognition until after death. The reward? Pure revenge against Zureal and the traitors that sheltered "it."The torture and execution will be recorded for Misato to replay. The Price? Only Misato will know what happened. The burden of any guilt will be on her alone.
Misato accepts. During the torture she asks why they would help an Angel, to be answered with "she's our daughter." After the prisoners die, Misato realizes who she just murdered. And just to drive it in deeper, the BROB reveals that Shinji, Asuka, and Ria knew all along who was hurting them.
Resulting fallout left to your imaginations.
Yes, I am well aware that I'm kind of a sadist.
...my heart. :cry:
I am a sick, sick person.
Why, do you ask?
Well, among other reasons, I came up with this idea:
A BROB OC avatar goes to Misato and makes her an offer; Zureal and "it's" collaborating family will be delivered to WILLE to be tortured and killed. A perception filter will be placed on the victims to prevent recognition until after death. The reward? Pure revenge against Zureal and the traitors that sheltered "it."The torture and execution will be recorded for Misato to replay. The Price? Only Misato will know what happened. The burden of any guilt will be on her alone.
Misato accepts. During the torture she asks why they would help an Angel, to be answered with "she's our daughter." After the prisoners die, Misato realizes who she just murdered. And just to drive it in deeper, the BROB reveals that Shinji, Asuka, and Ria knew all along who was hurting them.
Resulting fallout left to your imaginations.
Yes, I am well aware that I'm kind of a sadist.

But seriously that's not sadistic, it's just dumb. Especially the part where Misato is stupid enough to pick torture over either interrogation or just icing the totally helpless enemy in front of her.
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Would Misato torture an angel for the sake of making it suffer, probably not. Would she allow Ristuko to do all manner of experiments upon an Angel in hopes of finding ways of detecting and killing them, without giving a damn to how much the Angel being experimented upon suffered? That's a lot more likely.
"And thank you," Misato added. "For telling me about this. I know it couldn't have been easy considering how much it put the plan you made with... that thing at risk. But I really appreciate the honesty."
Aside from @Strypgia's point about Oblivious Guilt Slinging, there's an interesting facet to this line -- it entertains the possibility that they had the option of not telling her.

Which isn't to say that she thinks that would have been an acceptable course of action. After all, one might say something similar to an alcoholic who resisted turning towards alcohol in a particularly stressful situation. Nevertheless, it does show that she is at least considering the possibility that they had a valid reason not to tell her.

I am a sick, sick person.
Why, do you ask?
Well, among other reasons, I came up with this idea:
A BROB OC avatar goes to Misato and makes her an offer; Zureal and "it's" collaborating family will be delivered to WILLE to be tortured and killed. A perception filter will be placed on the victims to prevent recognition until after death. The reward? Pure revenge against Zureal and the traitors that sheltered "it."The torture and execution will be recorded for Misato to replay. The Price? Only Misato will know what happened. The burden of any guilt will be on her alone.
Misato accepts. During the torture she asks why they would help an Angel, to be answered with "she's our daughter." After the prisoners die, Misato realizes who she just murdered. And just to drive it in deeper, the BROB reveals that Shinji, Asuka, and Ria knew all along who was hurting them.
Resulting fallout left to your imaginations.
Yes, I am well aware that I'm kind of a sadist.
This scenario seems . . . contrived to the point of self-parody? I know that doesn't add much beyond @Dealer's point, but it seems worth pointing out.

On a more practical note, even given that scenario, one might hope Misato would be observant enough to ask, "Why don't you want me to find out who they are until after they're dead?" Although I suppose that's some degree of hindsight bias on my part.
This scenario seems . . . contrived to the point of self-parody? I know that doesn't add much beyond @Dealer's point, but it seems worth pointing out.

On a more practical note, even given that scenario, one might hope Misato would be observant enough to ask, "Why don't you want me to find out who they are until after they're dead?" Although I suppose that's some degree of hindsight bias on my part.

Which might lead to Misato (if she later finds out about it, that is) dropping the dime to AsuShin and Ria and the three being told that, if she can't find anyone to throw off their scent, they need to fake it and be good actors.
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Chapter 11 Part 3
Even between classes, the hallways were relatively empty today. Asuka passed by only the occasional student. Though almost all of them looked at her. Some looked at her with hope, others were looking for answers she could not give. A few, annoyingly, looked defeated. Like Asuka was some sort of failed savior.

She had not failed. Had things come close to defeat? Sure. But that didn't mean she had been defeated. The fight had been a learning experience. One Asuka intended to make the most of.

She spotted Wondergirl at her locker, staring at it quizzically.

"Why are you staring at it?" Asuka asked.

"My locker won't open," Rei said evenly. "It appears to be jammed."

She tugged at it to no effect.

"Here, let me do it," Asuka offered.

She pulled at the locker, grunting a bit as the stubborn thing refused to yield.

It eventually popped open, having taken far more effort than it should've.

Asuka and even Rei found themselves staring at what was inside the locker. Asuka was dumbfounded, Rei was simply confused.

"Gott in Himmel..." Asuka muttered under her breath, disgusted by what she was seeing.

Rei's locker had somehow been completely stuffed full of letters, every bit of possible space that was available in the locker had been filled. The letters so pressed together they became an almost solid white mass occasionally marked by red heart stickers.

"I do not understand." Rei said.

"Perverts," Asuka whispered. "This whole school is full of perverts."


"I think it needs more solar panels. The station is the heart of her empire. Considerably more care is going to be spent on it then the rest of the stations above Luna," Mari said.

"Yeah, the Grand Admiral would want a Capital that made her look like more than just some warlord," Ria agreed.

The two were seated at one of the Cafeteria tables, notebooks and sketches covering most of it. Kodama was sitting alone on a nearby table. Largely because she didn't want to share the same table with Mari for...reasons.

"Your school is full of animals," Asuka said angrily as she approached the table.

"This is news?" Mari questioned.

"I take it there were more letters?" Ria asked.

Asuka just grumbled in response.

"So what are you doing?" she asked, gazing at the table with a confused expression.

"Working on our light novel project," Ria said.

"Though at this point we're more building the setting," Mari explained. "It's post-apocalyptic. Earth has been rendered uninhabitable due to the "Flame Deluge". Humanity is barely surviving on Mars, Luna, the Belt, and the moons of Jupiter. The main focus of the story is on Europa at first but it spreads out from there and... you don't care in the slightest about what I'm saying, do you?"

"Not really," Asuka said evenly.

"The honesty is appreciated," Mari said dryly.

"Ria, can we speak in private?" Asuka requested.

Mari nodded and quickly made herself scarce, leaving the two alone at the table.

Asuka took a seat.

"Do you find me disappointing?" Ria asked suddenly.

Asuka was taken aback, shocked by the question.

"Why would you ask that?" Asuka asked, eyebrow arched.

Ria shrugged. "Just suddenly realized that of three generations of Soryus, I'm the underachiever. Grandma Kyoko was a brilliant, groundbreaking scientist, you have a college degree at 14, but I'm just a semi-professional writer who passed on a chance to go to college early because I wanted to hang out with my friends."

"You gave up a chance to go to college early for Kodama and Okito?" Asuka replied.

"...I don't make friends easily," Ria admitted. "Real friends." She frowned. "Or at least what I thought were real friends."

"I'm not disappointed in you," Asuka assured her. "I don't pretend I understand most of your life choices but I actually like you. You stood up to me when I was a being an asshole."

"Thanks," Ria smiled.

"What brought this on, anyways?" Asuka asked.

Ria shrugged again. "Don't know."

"Whatever." Asuka switched gears. "I have to ask, what's your opinion of this whole peace deal? I mean you were there when that Angel appeared. Do you think she's telling the truth?"

Asuka found this whole thing rather bizarre. If it worked it worked, but she had doubts.

Ria's face was unreadable. "I want to it to work, but I don't think it will."

"You want it to work?" Asuka was surprised. She didn't think it would work either but if anyone would have wanted the Angels dead as much as Misato, it was Ria.

Ria sighed, looking exhausted despite it barely being noon. "I want Okito dead. But I don't hate him because he's an Angel. I hate him for what he did to me and his family. I don't trust them but I want to believe they're not all like Okito."

That was a rather curious answer.

"Hopefully there's no one else we know that's an Angel. You're kind of screwed if Mari's one."

Ria looked pained. The idea had probably occurred to her before.

"She's not," she insisted.

"You can't possibly know that for certain?" Asuka pointed out.

"I suppose not," Ria admitted. "So what's your opinion on this? Do you think peace is possible? Do you even want it to be possible?"

"Personally I think it's a load of Scheiße," Asuka admitted. "Though if there's any truth to it, I don't particularly like the idea of slaughtering beat dogs. If they acknowledge humanity won I think I could endure their survival. Though I don't think Misato is going to accept any sort of peace."

"Who knows? She might surprise you," Ria said hopefully.

"True," Asuka nodded. "Just about anything's possible these days. We got the wrong Wondergirl back. I'm not surprised by anything anymore."


"So, the letter arrived," Shinji announced as Ria walked in the door, backpack in hand. "The meeting will take place day after tomorrow."

"Oh?" Ria said with little interest. She tossed her backpack onto a chair before taking a seat at the couch, burying her face in a book.

Silence blanketed the room for a minute.

"So I take it you don't want to talk about that?" Shinji asked.

"No," Ria said firmly.

Between the risk to Asuka and the risk to herself, he could understand why that would be a very undesirable topic of conversation.

Silence reigned once more.

Shinji wracked his brain trying to think anything to talk about, something to end the awkwardness.

"So... your mom and I are dating again," Shinji blurted out.

Why, brain, why do you do this to me? he wondered.

Ria turned to him, a puzzled expression on her face.

"I'm... quite aware of that," she replied.

Yes, Shinji. Remind your daughter of what she nearly walked in on. That was a smart move. Idiot.

"Are you okay with it?" Shinji asked.

Even if everything else went okay, this would be a huge change for her. If the relationship lasted, it could mean he would be living with Asuka and Ria permanently. It could mean a lot of things, big life changing things he probably shouldn't be thinking about just yet.

"Uhh, yeah? I mean, it makes you two happy. So that's great," Ria replied.

"It's just, it's always been you and your mom with me sort of coming and going," Shinji said awkwardly. "I just... I know it's going to be a big change for you. I want to make sure you're okay."

"Dad, I'm sixteen," Ria sighed. "Even if things were going perfectly, I'd probably be on my own in a few years. So it doesn't really matter what I think."

"We're a family. Of course it matters what you think," Shinji insisted.

We are a family. Shinji insisted to himself. She's not exactly human and I'm not a great father but we are a family.

Ria smiled softly. "Thanks. But really I'm fine with it. I'm happy for you two, really. You make mom happy and she makes you happy, so why should I have an issue with it?"

"That…" Shinji was at a loss for what to say. "Thank you."

Something suddenly clicked in his head.

"What do you mean, 'even if things were going perfectly'?" he asked. "You make it sound like you might leave sooner."

Ria turned away, her attention turned towards the door.

"I'm not going to abandon you," Ria insisted, but her tone was not something that gave Shinji confidence.

"It will be fine," Shinji replied. "Your mom's protected and we'll look after you regardless of what happens."

Ria stood up, still not facing Shinji.

"What do you think is going to happen if there is a deal made?" she asked. "I have to tell them or they will assume Zeruel is still rogue and I won't have that."

"They'll understand. It's you," he said confidently. "We'll tell them how you protected me and your mother from Okito."

Ria shook her head. "You heard what Misato said. You know the moment she realizes what I am she will never forgive me. Kodama still hasn't recovered. She's going to think I'm just as awful as her brother. I don't even know what Shinji and Asuka will think. Maybe Mari will understand, if I'm the luckiest person on Earth."

Misato's outburst had been tough to hear. He couldn't very well blame her for feeling that way. Zeruel had tried to kill her, after all. But Zeruel had died, and it was plain as day that Ria wasn't truly that Angel anymore.

"Misato will come around eventually. So will Kodama. So will the Pilots. They'll just need time. You're a good person. They know that," Shinji assured her.

"I lied to them," Ria replied. "I lied to all of them for years. They trust me implicitly and I'm lying to them every single day. Kodama will just feel betrayed and Misato will just see an Angel. And she will do everything in her power to make my life Hell even if there's peace."

She sighed, looking defeated and completely miserable.

"I just think it will be better for everyone if I leave once things are settled down. Mari already wants to leave. If she still does after the truth comes out, if she doesn't... I'll manage. I stay in touch, don't worry."

She had given up. She knew she had his and Asuka's support, but the fear of losing everyone else was driving her away.

"No," Shinji said firmly. "I won't allow this."

Ria stared at him, unsure if she should be angry or surprised.

"If you actually wanted to move, believe me I wouldn't stop you. But you're just running away from the problem." He pressed on. "Speaking from experience, there's only a few times it will work and even if it does you regret leaving in the long run. The third biggest mistake I ever made was leaving you and your mother. I should have stayed."

"You needed help. You've said that yourself several times," Ria argued.

Shinji nodded. "And I should have come back the moment I had said help. I missed out on years I could have had with Asuka and you. If you leave, any chance you have of any sort of relationship with the Pilots, Kodama, or Misato goes away completely. I won't pretend things will be easy if you stay. They will be hard, probably far harder than I imagine. But with luck they might see in you what your Mother and I do."

"I don't want to be alone," Ria said fearfully. "But if they all hate me, I might as well be by myself."

He grabbed her by the shoulders, staring her in the eyes.

"You will never be alone," Shinji assured her. "You have Asuka and me and we have you. We'll back you up no matter what happens. Even if this all falls through, even if Misato tries to put us away, we'll have your back."

"No!" Ria shouted. "I don't want you in danger. I'm supposed to protect you."

"And you have," he replied. "But it's my responsibility to protect you. I can't do that if you've fled to another country. So I'm begging you; stay, please."

"O...okay. I'll stay," Ria replied uncertainly.

Shinji pulled in, hugging her as tightly as he could, scared if he didn't he might lose her. Ria stood there, tears rolling down her cheek.


A boy approached the main employee entrance to WILLE. Misato, Ritsuko, and Asuka watched from a computer inside the General's office.

It looked almost like an adult, maybe eighteen years of Angel. It was tall, but thin. A mop of dirty blonde hair covered it's head. There was a slight bend in his nose, likely the result of some old injury, and the vaguest hint of a beard on it's chin. it's blue eyes looked around with calm interest. It was dressed in a dark suit with a grey tie, slightly overdressed for an interview but otherwise fitting. Curiously, Misato noticed, his fingernails were painted blue.

The other two stared at her, waiting for a reaction. Everything that was about to unfold depended on her next reaction. If there was to be any chance of any sort of deal, she needed to let it in. If she didn't, it would know Asuka had told her about this meeting and the deal would likely be entirely be over, tossed in the gutter.

War without end or peace with an enemy she loathed beyond measure? A storm of conflicting thoughts and emotions raged inside Misato. Every instinct was telling her she should kill this Angel. Yet Asuka, Shinji, Ria... they had all begged her for this deal. And she found herself increasingly doubting that this was some sort of trick, if the Angels behind this wanted to hurt WILLE , they clearly had the means. But could she accept this? Could she really endure a peace?

"Misato, we need to..." Ritsuko began.

"Let him in," Misato said suddenly. "And make sure he gets to Asuka's office."

She sat back in her chair, sighing as Asuka went to prepare.

Hopefully she wasn't making the biggest mistake of her life letting that thing in.
Signs you are an Ikari #1: Running away is your first and last solution to all your problems.

#2: you only listen to your dad.
Rei's locker had somehow been completely stuffed full of letters, every bit of possible space that was available in the locker had been filled. The letters so pressed together they became an almost solid white mass occasionally marked by red heart stickers.

"I do not understand." Rei said.

"Perverts," Asuka whispered. "This whole school is full of perverts."
Or cultists. How many of those letters are from people convinced Rei is God?
"So... your mom and I are dating again," Shinji blurted out.

Why, brain, why do you do this to me? he wondered.
Hahahaha! Because your brain hates you, apparently. Or likes watching you squirm in embarrassment.
Ria turned to him, a puzzled expression on her face.

"I'm... quite aware of that," she replied.

Yes, Shinji. Remind your daughter of what she nearly walked in on. That was a smart move. Idiot.
"Yeah, I'd almost managed to scrub that out of my mind. Thanks."
"Dad, I'm sixteen," Ria sighed. "Even if things were going perfectly, I'd probably be on my own in a few years. So it doesn't really matter what I think."
You are definitely a teenager if you think 'Oh, I'm 16, I'll totally be running my life in my own apartment in a couple years, no problem."
"Speaking from experience, there's only a few times it will work and even if it does you regret leaving in the long run. The third biggest mistake I ever made was leaving you and your mother. I should have stayed."
'They can all just go die' is obviously #1, but if 'running away from my love and my daughter because I feel guilty about ending the world' is #3, what's #2? Killing Kaworu? I'm not sure that's a mistake, since even Kaworu told him that sort of had to happen.
"O...okay. I'll stay," Ria replied uncertainly.

Shinji pulled in, hugging her as tightly as he could, scared if he didn't he might lose her. Ria stood there, tears rolling down her cheek.
This is extra saddening when you think Okito could probably have gotten just the same response from Touji and Hikari if he'd tried.
"Let him in," Misato said suddenly. "And make sure he gets to Asuka's office."
Huh... that's so far the first and only time Misato said 'him' instead of 'it' when talking about an Angel. Guess she's softened her stance at least a little.
Or cultists. How many of those letters are from people convinced Rei is God?

I thought nobody knew that Rei Ayanami = Lilith? Wasn't that the point of the conversation about GNR's head decomposing before anyone besides Shinji and Asuka got a good look at it?

'They can all just go die' is obviously #1, but if 'running away from my love and my daughter because I feel guilty about ending the world' is #3, what's #2? Killing Kaworu? I'm not sure that's a mistake, since even Kaworu told him that sort of had to happen.

Maybe running away right before Zeruel literally hit town? Or maybe getting in the robot at all?
I thought nobody knew that Rei Ayanami = Lilith? Wasn't that the point of the conversation about GNR's head decomposing before anyone besides Shinji and Asuka got a good look at it?
Even so, I can easily see the cults deciding 'All the Pilots are Prophets or Saints or Goddesses or Something' and acting like this, just out of the normal conspiracy theory process.
Even so, I can easily see the cults deciding 'All the Pilots are Prophets or Saints or Goddesses or Something' and acting like this, just out of the normal conspiracy theory process.
No one outside WILLE knows Rei is Lilith, though those who got tang'd seeing her instead of someone they loved are instinctively spooked by her. Rei in general just attracts a lot of conspiracy theories due to her odd appearance and the Rei of this TL being "Missing."
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No one outside WILLE knows Rei is Lilith, though those who got tang'd seeing her instead of someone they loved are instinctively spooked by her. Rei in general just attracts a lot of conspiracy theories due to her odd appearance and the Rei of this TL being "Missing."

The cover story practically writes itself: Evangelion Pilot Rei Ayanami was in the LCL Sea like millions of other people since Third Impact, and recently came back out... with an Evangelion... OK, that last bit needs a little more explanation, I grant you
The cover story practically writes itself: Evangelion Pilot Rei Ayanami was in the LCL Sea like millions of other people since Third Impact, and recently came back out... with an Evangelion... OK, that last bit needs a little more explanation, I grant you
No no they're pretty honest about what's happening with the pilots, mainly because the giant pillars of light kind of make it hard for them to lie. though admittedly "Time Travelers and people from alternate universes keep appearing for some reason." is causing quite a few new conspiracies.
Or cultists. How many of those letters are from people convinced Rei is God?
"Rei! When someone asks you if you are a god--"
"That joke ceased to have any amusement value soon after the five thousand, three hundred and twenty-eighth repetition."
Hahahaha! Because your brain hates you, apparently. Or likes watching you squirm in embarrassment.

Imma just gonna leave this here....
(I mean, really, adult!Shinji would really sympathize right about now)
You are definitely a teenager if you think 'Oh, I'm 16, I'll totally be running my life in my own apartment in a couple years, no problem."
Well, it has happened.
This is extra saddening when you think Okito could probably have gotten just the same response from Touji and Hikari if he'd tried.
Okito is really shaping up to be the self-inflicted tragedy character of this entire story.