Anger and jealousy stirred within Asuka. This blue haired doll had just arrived here, what right did she have to go around and try and claim Shinji?

Before she could say anything, Asuka stopped herself. After all, what right did she have to be offended? She had made it clear to Shinji they were just friends. And she had meant it, despite his stupidity, she did consider him a friend. But did she want more than that?

No. No, she wasn't the Sub-Director, she didn't need Shinji in her life like that. If Rei wanted to go after Shinji that wasn't her business.
Oh Asuka, you chicken...

I'm sympathetic to her thoughts, though. Long after the fact, LilithPrime told me she had felt something like this early on in our relationship, and nearly 'Friend-Zoned' me out of fear at not knowing how to deal with how she felt about me so fast after meeting. She's very glad she did not.
Next guest - post-SRW Kaworu.
Comedy answer: Manga Gendo.
Best answer: Shinji Ikari Raising Project Manga Gendo. :V

But, I bring up I point I raised with you during the original SIRP quest and one this Asuka at least realizes. Because she can't accept her feelings and acknowledges everything she has said she has to accept the fact she has no say on whether anyone else tries for young Shinji.
But, I bring up I point I raised with you during the original SIRP quest and one this Asuka at least realizes. Because she can't accept her feelings and acknowledges everything she has said she has to accept the fact she has no say on whether anyone else tries for young Shinji.
Something else a lot of people also don't realize - high school romances rarely result in marriages. And when they do they also usually result in divorce...of course most marriages result in divorce now but that's a completely different issue.

What I'm saying is that even if young Shinji and Rebuild-Rei end up dating, young Asuka might still have a chance to get together with young Shinji in the future.
Something else a lot of people also don't realize - high school romances rarely result in marriages. And when they do they also usually result in divorce...of course most marriages result in divorce now but that's a completely different issue.

What I'm saying is that even if young Shinji and Rebuild-Rei end up dating, young Asuka might still have a chance to get together with young Shinji in the future.

Exactly! Hell, putting aside shipping, while Asuka and Shinji may be perfect for each other as teenagers it would be just as realistic for them to not beat the odds as adults. If we're being honest, in regular continuity I think Shinji has several issues to get through before he'd be ready for a serious relationship.
We need Waking in the Shadows of Dreams Gendo. Then the ridiculousness will be complete.

As for the shipping...I can see OTL Shinji and Asuka being on again, off again for a long time. Years.
Then finally one of them gets tired of it and says to the other, either we stop doing this or we do it right. Whether its Asuka getting tired of bouncing back and forth between other guys and Shinji or Shinji gets tired of having to deal with (in his friend's words) that crazy, smoking hot redhead being...herself. That's what possibly happened here with Original Shinji + Asuka, except Asuka didn't bounce around and instead buried herself in motherhood and work. Shinji ran from everything til he decided he was tired of running from his past.
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Or we can go with Wizard (Well, applied arcanophysicist) Gendo from AEE.
Chapter 10 Part 4
Ria sat in Asuka's office, not exactly hiding but trying her best to stay out of the way. She was sullen for the most part, generally keeping to herself as Asuka went through the small mountain of work she had to do.

Though as she worked Asuka couldn't help but notice that she was unintentionally glancing up every few minutes to check on Ria. Not out of concern so much as to make sure nothing was going to... escalate.

A small notice appeared at the corner of her screen. Misato wanted her to look at some the images and footage recovered from the new Unit-00 and give her assessment.

Well, this should be interesting.

She opened an emailed file. It contained numerous videos and pictures, all organized by subject matter. One folder was labelled simply 'Tokyo-3'. Another 'NERV', others 'Unit-01' and 'Unit-02', the rest were the Angels Unit-00 had seen; Ramiel, the Seventh Angel, Sahaquiel, and… Zeruel.

Unit-01 looked more or less the same, maybe a bit more green trim, but otherwise almost identical.

Unit-02 was…

"What the Hell?" Asuka muttered in disgust and confusion.

The differences were small but noticeable. The eyes were bigger, the shoulder pylons were painted black and red, most of the paint scheme was slightly different in general, and the top of it's forehead had a small orange, insect-like crown.

She hated it. It was wrong, it wasn't Unit-02.

"What?" Ria asked.

Asuka motioned for her daughter to come look at what was on her computer.

Ria stared at it, shrugging in indifference.

She quickly moved on to the Angels. First was a video of Ramiel. It was distant footage of the giant diamond, hanging in the night sky just above Tokyo-3.

"Well, at least that's the same," Asuka commented.

It suddenly twisted into a variety of geometric shapes, it's Core exposed to the world.

"...Or not," she corrected.

Unit-00 was only barely able to capture footage of Ramiel's death, having been damaged in the attack. The Angel expanded rapidly, becoming almost the sze of Tokyo-3 itself before bursting. Blood poured from it for a moment, before it collapsed and dissolved, the deluge of blood spilling out over the city.

Asuka stared at the sight. It was curiously similar to how the Angel's regrown bodies behaved once they left.

The same would hold true for the next two Angels, dissolving moments after being killed.

There was one Angel left to look at; Zeruel.

Asuka turned towards Ria.

"You don't have to look at this if you don't want to" Asuka stated.

Ria looked at her. "It's fine."

"Are you sure?" Asuka questioned. "I mean, I know neither of us is really at the point where we're comfortable with... this whole situation."

"I'm curious, okay? Let me see it, please," Ria sighed.

"Okay," Asuka relented.

She pulled up the picture.

"What the Hell?" Ria said, wincing at the sight.

It was certainly different than what Asuka remembered. Larger for sure. It wasn't even vaguely humanoid like Zeruel had been, it's body reduced to nothing more than a set of exposed ribs covering a massive Core. Most of it's body was massive mane of black, paper like tentacles that gently swayed as it floated in the air. Two of them stretched far further than the rest, giving it the appearance of arms. The face was the same, a toothless parody of a human skull, its hollow eyes staring at her.

For a moment, Asuka could picture the memories in her mind. Screaming in futility as she poured bullets and rockets onto the massive beast, to no effect. Her chance to finally prove herself slipping away. Then the pain, the searing pain of her arms being cut away, her connection to Unit-02 was so strong she could feel every moment of it, then her last, pathetic charge.

She realized she was staring at Ria. For split second she saw Zeruel's mask in place of her face. A cold shiver ran through her. She blinked and the image vanished. Ria was too engrossed in the video to notice her reaction.

"Well... okay, that's far weirder than I expected." Ria struggled to find words as she turned away from the screen, looking incredibly awkward and uncomfortable at the sight of the other Zeruel.

"I'm with you there," Asuka agreed.

"I, um...I think I'm going to go check up on Shinji, see how he's doing." Ria quickly made her way out the door, not quite fleeing in confusion.


Ria wasn't entirely sure what had unnerved her so much about the other Zeruel. The concept of an alternate universe at first had not really troubled her. But seeing the other Zeruel, seeing what she might have been in another universe, disturbed her. How many other universes where there out there with other Zeruels, other Rias? Had these Zeruels and Rias made the same choices she made? Had they stayed strong, or had they faltered like Okito?

The idea of herself, any version of herself, failing like that unnerved her. Until today she had consider the idea impossible, and yet surely there must be some version of herself in the grand multiverse who made that choice.

What kind of person would that Ria be? What sort of life did they have? If she sat down and listened to what arguments that Ria had, would she agree with her?

Whoever was behind this, who knew what limits there were on who or what they could send. With two actions they had brought, two, possible three separate universes together. How many more where out there? How much more could they send?

In that moment Ria understood Okito's fear. He was still an absolute fool and madman, but she understood why he had panicked.

Ria found the younger Asuka pacing in a hallway not too far from Shinji's room, drawing her out of her thoughts.

Asuka was walking in a circle, a rather bizarrely uncertain expression on her face.

She suddenly paused, realizing Ria was there.

"I wasn't waiting," she explained defensively.

"Ookay…" Ria replied, deeply confused.

"Rei's in there with Shinji, I just don't want to disturb them." Asuka's voice was gaining that loud obnoxious tone she used when she was annoyed or being egotistical.

Ria's stomach turned cold at the mention Ayanami.

Maybe I should see Dad first, that would be safer.

Ria was just about to turn when Asuka spoke up again.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" she asked. "I wouldn't normally ask this but you're pretty much the only person here I can get actual honest answer out of."

"Okay, hit me with it."

For a moment Asuka looked like she changed her mind, but she pressed forward.

"Do you think Rei is attractive?"

One of Ria's eyebrows arched in surprise.

"Do you want to ride that blue filly or something?" Ria asked, amusement winning out over her sheer fear of the First Child.

"What?!" Asuka shouted in disbelief. "No! It's nothing like that!"

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I get the appeal." Ria seized the moment, grinning. "The unique looks, the stoic, mysterious silent type, the chance to be the one they finally open up to, to know you're the only one who could see that side of them? If Rei was a man she would have girls swooning over her constantly."

"So, should I take that as a 'yes'?" Asuka replied, looking profoundly annoyed.

Ria shrugged. "Not really. Personally, I've recently discovered I'm more of a fan of the shy, bookish nerd types. I prefer someone I can have a conversation with."

"I asked if you thought if she was attractive, not if you wanted to date her," Asuka growled.

"I think most women are attractive to some degree, so that's not really a good metric," Ria replied. "And you didn't answer my question."

Asuka turned her nose up. "Of course not! She's an ugly emotionless doll! Why would I even consider her?"

"You're the one asking if she's pretty or not," Ria pointed out.

Asuka groaned in frustration, then quickly checked to make sure no one was coming.

"I hope you appreciate how much I trust you when I tell you this," Asuka began.

Oh good, more guilt.

"Rei, that Rei... she has rather strong feelings for Shinji."

Ria blinked. That was quite a bit of a shock. She wasn't sure what to think of it. Hopefully Ayanami wouldn't tell Shinji about their earlier conversation. And what would she think of what her father did?

"And how do you feel about this?" Ria Soryu asked.

"I'm fine." Asuka snapped. "Why would I care? I mean, Shinji's my friend and if Wondergirl makes him happy, that's great, I'm happy for them! I don't understand what either of them sees in the other though."

"Uh huh." Ria was skeptical.

Right. That's why you're pacing outside his hospital room, because you're happy for him. Sure.

The glare Asuka gave her was one of the most impressive Ria had seen in quite some time.

"I'm not your mother," Asuka said defensively.

"That's arguable on several levels."

The Second Child ignored that. "I don't need Shinji in my life like that. I don't want Shinji in my life like that. I can't even begin to understand why the Sub-Director does."

"Okay," Ria tried to hide her annoyance. "No one is saying you have to. I don't really care who you end up with as long as you're happy. And I know my parents feel the same way."

"Wait, really?" Now it was Asuka's turn to be skeptical.

"Well, I wasn't wiped out by a time paradox or anything, so yeah, I don't really care who you and Shinji each end up with as long as it works out for you," Ria said earnestly.

"Huh," Asuka replied. "Well...thanks, I appreciate that."

Ria nodded.

The door to Shinji's room opened. Rei Ayanami walked out escorted by a member of WILLE's staff.

Ria froze, realizing that loitering outside of Shinji's room, pretty close to all of the Pilots with no parents in sight, might seem like suspicious behavior for an Angel clad in human skin.

Ayanami stared at her evenly but said nothing as she walked away going down the other end of the hall.

Mentally, Ria sighed in relief.

"So I imagine you want to talk with Shinji?" Asuka asked.

"Yeah, I came to see how he's reacting to what Dad told him," she replied.

Asuka rolled her eyes. "He was an idiot for even bringing it up to Shinji."

"Don't entirely disagree with you there, Asuka."


Shinji stepped into Asuka's office. Asuka was buried in whatever she was working on.

"So where's Ria?" he asked.

"She went to see how Shinji was doing," Asuka explained.

Well, that should end poorly, Shinji mused. Hoping his other self wouldn't think Ria had lied to him about that.

Asuka looked up from her work. "So... Rei knows the truth about Ria."


"May I ask how?"

Asuka shrugged. "I don't know. She stared at Ria and then told me she was the Vessel of Zeruel's soul."

Part of Shinji started to panic and yet Asuka was just sitting there at her computer.

"So should we be worried or something?" he asked.

Asuka shook her head. "No. I convinced her not to say anything for now. Though I suspect she's going to want to talk to you about it soon."

Well, that's a relief. Though a strange one. Rei had barely been here a few hours and already knew his family's deepest secret?

"How did the two get along?"

"Well, Ria was terrified and spent most of the encounter hiding behind me. And Ayanami was upset that Zeruel forced you back into piloting, so not well," Asuka explained.

Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Considering what they both were, though Shinji wasn't entirely sure what Ria was, it was lucky they weren't trying to murder each other.

"So, considering what happened with Rei, I think we should contact Leliel sooner rather than later," Asuka suggested.

"You think Leliel is behind it?" he asked.

Asuka nodded. "They knew about Ramiel and Okito's plan before this all began. Whoever sent Rei sent her when we were about to lose. This isn't just random chance. They were sent to disturb the Angels' plan. Leliel either knows who's behind it or did it themselves."

"What about Adam or Lilith?" Shinji argued. "Maybe they're behind this."

Asuka disagreed. "The only hint we've had either them still exists in any meaningful way is your dreams. If they could send the Pilots, why wouldn't they take more drastic action against Ramiel and the others? Whoever did it has vast power, but not so vast as to be able to end this fight in an instant."

That did make sense, as much as anything in this increasingly insane situation could make sense.

"So if it is Leliel behind this, that means they're helping us, but they also lied to us as well." Shinji observed.

"Even more reason to get in contact with them," Asuka said firmly. "We can't go to Misato with that letter, but we might be able to go to her with a phone call."

Shinji sighed. "Okay, so when should we make the call?"



The conversation with Rei had been great for the most part.

She and Shinji had caught up on the moments they had in common. Then she told him about the ocean reclamation facility she went to with Kensuke, Toji, Shikinami, Pen-Pen, and the Shinji of her universe.

She was more emotional than Shinji ever remembered her being, smiling much more often for one thing. But she was still Rei.

They had also talked about some of the harder things, his struggles to adapt to this time, and what his other self had done. Rei had been unreadable during that part of the conversation, but she had listened.

As horrible as the day had been, seeing Ayanami had done a lot to improve his mood.

Ria walked in, flashing him a friendly smile. She was wearing a white collared shirt with a red tie and soft yellow sleeveless vest over it, the arms and neck trimmed with green. Her pants were slate grey in color.

For some reason Shinji found himself missing the beret she used to wear.

"So, how are you?" she asked.

"Sakura says I should be out of here in a day or two," Shinji assured her, "though I'm going to be bandaged up for the next few weeks. But she's saying I'll make a full recovery."

Shinji gingerly touched the patch covering his right eye.

"Well, that' something at least," Ria nodded.

"Have you talked to Ayanami yet?" Shinji asked. He hoped she and Ria would get along.

"My mom and I actually ran into her not to long ago. She seems like a nice lady. Didn't actually talk much though," Ria replied with a smile.

It was something at least.

"You're mom doesn't still call her Wondergirl, right?"

Ria let out a small laugh. "Of course not, she's not a thirteen year old, after all."

Right, right. That made sense.

Ria's face suddenly went serious. Shinji knew in an instant what she was about to say.

"So, I hear my dad told you about a certain event that occurred during Third Impact."

"You knew?" Shinji was aghast. She knew and she still was so kind to him?

"For a bit," Ria admitted. "Okito's attack on the apartment got him thinking about certain things a lot more."

"How could you possibly be okay with what he did?! It was monstrous, it ruined the world!" Shinji yelled, torn between disbelief and outrage.

Ria shrugged dismissively. "'Okay' isn't the word I'd use. I don't feel I have the right to judge him for what he did. Did he make a terrible decision at a bad time? Sure. But he wasn't the one who had the power to actually enact instrumentality. He didn't place himself in that position by choice."

She started rubbing her head,looking deeply lost in thought for a moment.

"You remember our first real conversation, when I took you down to the Museum, and the exhibit I showed you?"

"Yeah, the battle against Zeruel." Considering how brave she had made her father out to be it was all the more shocking he would do something so horrible and cowardly.

"Well, the reason you, er... my father wasn't at NERV at the start was he had left, flat out running away. The only reason Everyone at NERV didn't die was because he ran all the way back during the fight."

"I-he ran away?" Shinji gasped.

So I am a coward after all.

"I would note that Misato, my mother, everyone at WILLE who was around for the attack? None of them blame him for running, and they're all grateful he came back."

"Why?" Shinji questioned. "He abandoned them! The Angel got into NERV because he wasn't there!"

"Because they understand now why he fled. Because things had gone so horribly with the last Angel, he had been used horribly by the Commander and people had been hurt."

"Who?" Shinji asked, his despair growing deeper.

Ria was firm. "Not my business to tell you. They haven't told you, they don't blame my father, and both of those are their decision."

Shinji wasn't entirely sure what to make of that. At least whoever was hurt was still around.

Touji does have that leg, he realized with horror.

But Touji had never made reference to ever having been an Eva Pilot.

"My point is," she went on, "he had good reason to run and yet he still came back. That's what mattered to everyone in the end."

"But that was just running from a battle, that's nothing compared to what he caused during Third Impact!" Shinji angrily replied.

"And yet the situation was similar. You judge him now, when you're secure, surrounded by people who care for you, people who hate that you have to be a Pilot. He didn't have that luxury. He went through Hell in a way I pray you never do. I don't claim to know all of what he went through, but I know it was bad."

Shinji couldn't help but wonder what had gone on that was so horrible. And who else has been lying to him.

Ria looked down at her hands for a moment.

"It isn't fair to judge a person for a rash decision, particularly when that decision was made under great distress. What's really important is how they handle the aftermath of that decision. My father rushed back into the fight, he tried to undo Instrumentality from almost the moment it happened. However much you hate him for his mistakes I guarantee you, he hates himself more and he tried to do the right thing."

"And yet he allows them to lie about what happened to the world," Shinji replied bitterly.

Ria nodded. "Because the world needs that lie. The truth would only hurt more."

"Why do you defend him so much?" Shinji asked. "He abandoned you for years."

Ria sighed, a regretful look on her face. "Yes, and for the longest time I hated him for it."

That caught Shinji off guard. Ria had never given the slightest implication she bore her father any resentment.

Ria noticed. "Yes, shockingly there was a time in my life when I hated and feared my father. I thought he abandoned us, I thought he didn't care. I actually started to listen to what those Lilith cults were preaching, only instead of religious awe I found myself terrified of him, thinking him some sort of monster. But he wasn't. He isn't. He's a person, a person with a lot of flaws to be sure, but... he left because he knew it would hurt all of us if he stayed, and he still tried to be a parent. He did a horrible thing during Third Impact, because a dozen things completely out of his control drove him to the point, and he still came to regret it immediately."

She looked up at the ceiling. "I'm not asking you to forgive him. Hell, you can still hate him for all I care. But don't act like he's a monster on par with your father or SEELE. Can you do that for me?"

Shinji considered for a moment, "I'll try but... I'm not sure I can."

Ria nodded "At least you're willing to try."
The differences were small but noticeable. The eyes were bigger, the shoulder pylons were painted black and red, most of the paint scheme was slightly different in general, and the top of it's forehead had a small orange, insect-like crown.

She hated it. It was wrong, it wasn't Unit-02.
Damn skippy, Asuka. Silly little hat...
Asuka turned towards Ria.

"You don't have to look at this if you don't want to" Asuka stated.

Ria looked at her. "It's fine."

"Are you sure?" Asuka questioned. "I mean, I know neither of us is really at the point where we're comfortable with... this whole situation."

"I'm curious, okay? Let me see it, please," Ria sighed.

"Okay," Asuka relented.
Asuka's being a good mom.
The idea of herself, any version of herself, failing like that unnerved her. Until today she had consider the idea impossible, and yet surely there must be some version of herself in the grand multiverse who made that choice.

What kind of person would that Ria be? What sort of life did they have? If she sat down and listened to what arguments that Ria had, would she agree with her?
Infinite worlds kind of says yes, there has to be a Ria somewhere who did. Somewhere there's a world where Okito is trying to console his sister that their best friend was an insane traitor that tried to kill her parents, while Touji and Hikari try to figure out how long they can conceal Okito's nature from their best friends and their boss...

Sad to think that the terror and strain of that probably would drive that Shinji and Asuka further apart as they blame each other for not seeing it, too.
"Do you want to ride that blue filly or something?" Ria asked, amusement winning out over her sheer fear of the First Child.
'Blue filly'? XD
Asuka turned her nose up. "Of course not! She's an ugly emotionless doll! Why would I even consider her?"

"You're the one asking if she's pretty or not," Ria pointed out.
Ria, I figured it out. You're not actually an Angel. You're a troll. :p
"I'm fine." Asuka snapped. "Why would I care? I mean, Shinji's my friend and if Wondergirl makes him happy, that's great, I'm happy for them! I don't understand what either of them sees in the other though."

"Uh huh." Ria was skeptical.

Right. That's why you're pacing outside his hospital room, because you're happy for him. Sure.

So I am a coward after all.
Always the hardest on yourself, Shinji...
"Because they understand now why he fled. Because things had gone so horribly with the last Angel, he had been used horribly by the Commander and people had been hurt."
I wouldn't even call it fled. Shinji didn't run away in fear after Bardiel. He quit in disgust and rejection of what his father had ordered. That's not running away. That's 'Fuck you and all you stand for. I quit.' Shinji came back because Kaji helped him that while his fury at his father was justified, leaving carried costs for other people Shinji did give a damn about. And Shinji's not that selfish, no matter what he thinks of himself. So he went back, because as so often Shinji thinks, 'Other people matter more than me'.
He's a person, a person with a lot of flaws to be sure, but... he left because he knew it would hurt all of us if he stayed, and he still tried to be a parent.
Yup, that's Shinji. He thinks his presence would hurt people he cares about, so he takes himself out of the picture, even if he wanted to stay. It's taken 20 years for him to even start to unlearn his belief that people are better off without him.

And now the Ikari-Soryu set are plotting to quietly talk to our most likely candidate for being behind all the universe shenanigans. I'd say 'I hope this doesn't blow up on them', but since when has much gone right in this world?
Infinite worlds kind of says yes, there has to be a Ria somewhere who did. Somewhere there's a world where Okito is trying to console his sister that their best friend was an insane traitor that tried to kill her parents, while Touji and Hikari try to figure out how long they can conceal Okito's nature from their best friends and their boss...

Sad to think that the terror and strain of that probably would drive that Shinji and Asuka further apart as they blame each other for not seeing it, too.
There's almost certainly also a Ria who's doing some incredibly evil things, but is still as loyal to her family (in her own screwed up way) as Ria is, and that would mess our Ria up something fierce.

Shinji and Asuka are (despite the odds) good parents even when their daughter turns out to be Zureal.
That's one thing that turned out good.
And Asuka and Shinji managed to patch things up. So there's something.
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Infinite worlds kind of says yes, there has to be a Ria somewhere who did. Somewhere there's a world where Okito is trying to console his sister that their best friend was an insane traitor that tried to kill her parents, while Touji and Hikari try to figure out how long they can conceal Okito's nature from their best friends and their boss...

More than that, infinite worlds says there are an infinite number of worlds where Ria defects in some capacity as well as an infinite amount of worlds where the Angels, individually or as a group, embraced their humanity.
"What the Hell?" Asuka muttered in disgust and confusion.

The differences were small but noticeable. The eyes were bigger, the shoulder pylons were painted black and red, most of the paint scheme was slightly different in general, and the top of it's forehead had a small orange, insect-like crown.

She hated it. It was wrong, it wasn't Unit-02.
What until you see Beast Mode Asuka as it going bring back some memories about the MPE'S

"Do you think Rei is attractive?"

One of Ria's eyebrows arched in surprise.

"Do you want to ride that blue filly or something?" Ria asked, amusement winning out over her sheer fear of the First Child.

"What?!" Asuka shouted in disbelief. "No! It's nothing like that!"
If only both of you knew about this universe.
Neon Metathesis Evangelion [NGE] :lol
Infinite worlds kind of says yes, there has to be a Ria somewhere who did. Somewhere there's a world where Okito is trying to console his sister that their best friend was an insane traitor that tried to kill her parents, while Touji and Hikari try to figure out how long they can conceal Okito's nature from their best friends and their boss...

Sad to think that the terror and strain of that probably would drive that Shinji and Asuka further apart as they blame each other for not seeing it, too.
This sounds like an interesting side fic to see.:evil:;):drevil::eek:
Chapter 10 Part 5
The battle had gone far better than he predicted at first. What had been a desperate gamble to throw WILLE off their tail had turned into an actual chance of victory. And then, in a blazing light, it slipped away from him.

Okito knew he was a coward for running away, and yet it had been the only option open to him. Was Unit-00 clearly damaged? Yes, but at the same time the mere existence of it meant what happened with the first two pilots was no fluke, it could happen again. Whoever was after them could send as many Evas as they wished.

The retreat from the fight had been chaotic and barbaric. Mad hunger from extended fighting forcing them to do things even Okito found loathsome. Worse, it would leave a trail. Probably not one that would lead back to them, Okito was too careful for that. But it would bring WILLE far closer than he would have liked. No doubt Misato and dad would be on the warpath.

Okito paused, feeling a twinge in his stomach. He wasn't sure of what to make of it. Was he guilty? No, no not quite. Did he have regrets? Almost certainly. This had never been the plan, they were suppose to be older when this happened, far older. Hopefully old enough that the original Pilots would have been out of the picture, there would have been time to prepare, time to convince the others, convince Ria that this was the right path for them, the only path for them. Instead the Pilots appeared, and he had been forced to rush the schedule by decades. And what did he have to show for it?

He looked at the hideout, the back of a freaking video game store, cramped and stuffy. Both he and Shamshel were soaked in blood. Shamshel had been quiet since the battle ended. Sitting in a corner. Israfel, in her singular form, was watching TV, her dress and white & pink hair completely clean. Every so often she looked at Okito, sneering. He wasn't even quite sure where Iruel had gone to.

Okito stood up. "I'm done."

"With what?" Shamshel asked.

"With the plan, with everything." He sighed. "Everything I've done I did to help our kind, but I'm not helping anyone."

"You just now realized that?" Israfel replied.

Okito almost bit but decided to ignore the remark. "Tell Ramiel that the plan is off, I'm going to find somewhere remote and far away from here. Then we'll gather every Angel we can and hide out until they forget about us and grow soft. Then we'll begin again."

The other two did not take it well.

"But we nearly won!" Shamshel shouted. Israfel just glared at him.

"And right as we were about to win, they sent another abomination," Okito snapped. "What if it happens again and again, every victory snatched away from us? I'm not sending us into a slaughter we can't win."

"Ramiel has plans," Israfel insisted.

"And those plans will lead to us being slaughtered before he even comes close to being ready to enact them!" he yelled back.

Shamshel only grew angrier. "You started this fight! You created the need for us to have victories!"

"I know!" Okito protested. "I fucking know! But that was because I thought whoever was behind the Pilots could be found but they can't!"

"What do you think I was trying to do with the distraction?" Shamshel blurted out, her face instantly twisting in regret.

Okito stared at her in abject confusion. "How would the distraction led us to whoever is behind this?"

Shamshel went silent.

"Because the distraction will lead WILLE to Gaghiel and hopefully Gaghiel will lead both them and us to whoever is behind this," Israfel explained, ignoring the dirty looks Shamshel gave her.

Okito was horrified. "How would that? Why would you do that?"

"I awakened above the coffee shop where we spoke with Gaghiel. WILLE will review any surviving security footage of where we first appeared, notice who we talked to, and search for her in ways we simply cannot." Shamshel reluctantly explained.

"She approached Zeruel without fear," Israfel added. "Either she's insane or has access to something or someone that she feels puts her beyond the threat Zeruel posed to her. We corner her, we find exactly what that someone or something is."

"But you're putting Gaghiel in horrible danger! You're putting one of us directly in WILLE's sights!" Okito protested.

How could they be that careless? That sloppy?

"She's a traitor," Shamshel was defiant. "If she could, she would sell us all out to Katasurgi in exchange for immunity. We owe her nothing."

Sachiel slammed Shamshel against the wall in a feat of blind anger. His hands locked tightly around her throat. She stared back at him with red hateful eyes.

"SHE IS ONE OF US!" he howled. "We're a species that numbers barely more than a baker's dozen and you sold one of us out!"

He let go, walking away in disgust.

"What do you think Zeruel will do if we win?" Israfel questioned, a cruel smile across her face. "Do you think anything we could give her would prevent her from killing us all? Some of us are going to die. That is unavoidable. What's important is that the right ones die."

This couldn't be happening. This wasn't his dream, this wasn't what spent years planning, this wasn't what he gave up his friendship for.

But what option did he have? If he stayed, Angels would die. None of them seemed interesting in fleeing with him and he couldn't just sit by and do nothing? What could he do? What should he do?

Iruel walked in, most his fat having burned off since the last time Okito had seen him. Leaving his thin frame covered in a layer of loose skin that hung on him. In his hand was a phone.

"Do you have something?" Shamshel asked.

"Was looking through footage around the site where the light had appeared," he explained in a monotone voice "Found this."

The other angels, Okito included gathered around his phone and Iruel brought up a picture. It was an image of two people meeting at a street corner. One of them was unmistakably Gaghiel, the other…

"Is that Leliel?" Shamshel asked.

"No, I've met Leliel, that isn't her," Okito replied.

She was about his age, maybe a little younger, she had long black hair that reached to her back and wide rimmed glasses. She was wearing a school uniform, but the dark green and white color scheme was unfamiliar to Okito.

He never seen this girl before in his life.

"I wasn't able to pull the footage but after the meeting, Gaghiel retreated into one of the nearby buildings. There was no footage of her leaving and I searched the place top to bottom. She isn't there." Iruel explained

"...So she vanished when the light appeared?" Shamshel asked

Iruel nodded.

"We need to find the woman that Gaghiel is talking to," Okito said with renewed fire. "We need to find her, now."


Mercifully, things had been fairly peaceful after Rei's arrival. After about a dozen meetings and as many medical check-ups, WILLE had seen fit to release her, giving her the apartment next to Misato's. No one wanted Rei alone again but they weren't sure if she could handle living with the Pilots yet. Having her next door seemed like the safest option for the moment.

The peace held the day following Rei's arrival as well. It had been probably the laziest day Shinji had had in awhile. He stayed at the hotel with Ria while Asuka went to work. He spent most of the time practicing the cello while Ria stayed in her room. It had been the most peaceful day either of the two had had since Shamshel's attack in the garage. For a brief few hours, things were normal. They even had a nice family dinner when Asuka came home late that evening, something Shinji hadn't had in a very long time.

Things weren't perfect; his other self's hatred of him lingered over Shinji's thoughts for most of the day. He wanted to fix the mistake he had made but he knew there was no chance of that. Whatever relationship he had with his other self was gone and it would be weeks, if ever, before the younger Asuka would be willing to talk with him again. Thankfully the revelation had done little to Ria's bond with the two.

As the night grew dark, Asuka and Shinji decided, against Ria's misgivings, to try and contact Leliel. They left a red shirt in the window as requested.

For three hours they waited, but no phone call came. By then it was late, and both of them had grown tired. Frustrated and annoyed, the two retired to bed.

Shinji awoke with a start, Asuka's arm still draped around him.

The bedroom was dark and quiet. The only sounds were the distant noises of Kyoto itself, muffled by thick glass. And yet, something had woken him up. He found himself deeply disquieted.

"Hmm?" Asuka woke up, half asleep and confused.

"Something's wrong," Shinji whispered.

He looked around, seeing nothing. Less than he should have really, it was somehow too dark in the room, he could barely see past the bed.

"Someone's here!" Asuka yelped.

Shinji grabbed a gun from from his nightstand and pointed it towards where Asuka had been looking. His finger well away from the trigger.

"Who's there?" Shinji growled.

A figure stepped out of the darkness surrounding the closet, holding their hands up in a non-threatening manner.

The figure was short, about as tall as his younger self. Most of their body, from their head down to their ankles,was hidden beneath a large black jacket that seemed a size too large for the figure.They wore dark leather gloves, and yet their feet were clad in tennis shoes. Their head was hidden by the large hood of the jacket.

"Apologies," the figure said, the voice unmistakably female. "I had hoped for a more pleasant introduction but these are uncertain times. Rest assured, I mean you no harm. Quite the opposite, in fact."

She craned her head up, revealing a mask. The mask was devoid of any features save for alternating curved bands of black and white going across it horizontally. The pattern was painfully familiar to Shinji.

"You!" he exclaimed.

She nodded. "Hello again, Mr. Ikari. I am Leliel. I have a proposition for you."
I'm calling Sachiel getting a "you have outlived your usefulness" speech in the future. He seems to believe that the Angel's shared nature create an unbreakable bond in a "blood is thicker than water" way. That's why he was so certain that Ria would abandon her parents. I suspect that whatever Ramiel is planning involves him using the other Angels as tools at best. It looks like Okito is setting up to get a taste of his own medicine. I hope it breaks him.
I'm calling Sachiel getting a "you have outlived your usefulness" speech in the future. He seems to believe that the Angel's shared nature create an unbreakable bond in a "blood is thicker than water" way. That's why he was so certain that Ria would abandon her parents. I suspect that whatever Ramiel is planning involves him using the other Angels as tools at best. It looks like Okito is setting up to get a taste of his own medicine. I hope it breaks him.
Ironically the full quote. Well what I think is the full quote, historical quotes are always kind of dubious, is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Meaning pretty much the exact opposite of the normal quote.

The Full quote is basically Okito's thinking, The shared metaphysical of what you were is more important than genetics.

Where as the more modern quote is how Ria thinks, Who your family is now is more important than who you were then. They both ironically thought pretty much the same thing "Family is important." But they didn't realize they had radically different views of what "Family" was until Okito decided to force the issue.

Most of the Angels would probably think that Ria is the more reasonable of the two.

Shinji proceeds to pump the whole pistol clip into her head, cursing in German, Japanese, English (and Mandarin, Russian, just because he can):

"That is for the Third Impact, you ashat!"
...What does Leliel have to do with Third impact exactly?
Mad hunger from extended fighting forcing them to do things even Okito found loathsome. Worse, it would leave a trail.
Considering that the previous episodes of this involved devouring corpses whole, this gets disturbing...
Okito paused, feeling a twinge in his stomach. He wasn't sure of what to make of it. Was he guilty? No, no not quite. Did he have regrets? Almost certainly.
Okito, you fucking idiot... ~sigh~
"You!" he exclaimed.

She nodded. "Hello again, Mr. Ikari. I am Leliel. I have a proposition for you."
Well, hello... Now what kind of proposal might Leliel have in mind? At the least, she's quite opposed to whatever Okito and the others are up to. So hopefully this deal will include some intel on what's going on.
So, them eating people is seemingly necessary following the transformation, or at least convenient to replenish themselves.

I'm guessing they're consuming souls or something? The matter of the flesh itself can't be all they're taking in or they could just rob a grocery store and they don't eat enough people to account for an entire angel's mass anyway, so it's souls or something right?
So, them eating people is seemingly necessary following the transformation, or at least convenient to replenish themselves.

I'm guessing they're consuming souls or something? The matter of the flesh itself can't be all they're taking in or they could just rob a grocery store and they don't eat enough people to account for an entire angel's mass anyway, so it's souls or something right?
It's more convenient than necessary depending on the situation. Israfel for example managed to avoid having to do it this time.