Funnily enough, Ria would be in far worse a situation here if Okito had never exposed her. Okito Suzuhara, failed at being a friend so hard he he looped back around and actually helped.
They were using nothing to suppress her emotions, nothing to keep her docile and compliant.
This is more of a fan theory than anything else.

Who was this girl? What kind of a woman was the Ritsuko Akagi of her world?
Wait until you find out about the fact that this Rei is the first not the second, was never killed by your mother. (in fact Naoko Akagi doesn't even exist there)

As for what kind woman Rebuild Akagi is like, here a list.
1. NO mommy issues.
2. She's more emotionally attached to the children this time around, (at least before the world ended) particularly and ironically with Rei (whom she hated in the series), this is seen when Rei intends to invite Shinji to try her cooking she is wounded by several knife cuts, and Ritsuko is seen taking care of her and even borrowing her cellphone to call Asuka.
3. She isn't sleeping with Gendo and plotting the end of the world.(a major improvement);)

What disturbed Ritsuko was what she didn't find.
Oh by the way Ristuko something you need to know about this Rei that it's implied that she doesn't need to eat normal food, only supplement's. (from the dinner scene with Gendo in 2.22)
What disturbed Ritsuko was what she didn't find. They were using nothing to suppress her emotions, nothing to keep her docile and compliant. The hormonal stabilizers would have the effect of emotionally numbing her slightly, but not nearly as much the battery of medication she and Commander Ikari had kept her on. In this regard at least, the other Ritsuko and Commander Ikari had far less of a leash on her than she had once had with their Rei.
Not surprising. Rebuild!Rei was more expressive and outgoing than Series!Rei, so we're going to run into differences.

Rei seemed somewhat dejected at the news. "Did I... did the Rei Ayanami of this world ever get the chance to hold her dinner party?"

Ritsuko stared at her blankly for a moment, half worried she had just had a stroke.

"Dinner party?" Ritsuko repeated, assuming she had misheard.
XD Ahh, poor Ritsuko. Hahaha

Misato found herself far more worried than when started. That had been far far too easy, the man had caved almost immediately. Something was up. Something was being kept from her.
Yeah, that was... something is definitely going on. Something Misato doesn't see. Is the PM making deals with someone else?
Rei turned towards Asuka. "Your daughter is the vessel of the Angel known as Zeruel."
Whoopsie shit... Er... 'Yes, I know. She's my daughter, I'm her mom, of course I know that. Please don't tell Misato or she'll freak out.' maybe?
Twenty Forward Twenty Back: Part 1
So I'm taking a small break from the main story to do a multi-part omake that's been bouncing around my head for a while. This entirely non-canonical, do not assume any part of it will be in canon.
The light vanished, in its place were... another Unit-01 and Unit-02?

No. No, these Evangelions were different, more advanced looking.

Unit-01 had the purple in its paint scheme switched out for a matte black. It looked sleeker somehow. Instead of the normal pylons, it had a jetpack mounted to its shoulders and back, with short black wings extending out of its sides. In its hands was a massive sniper rifle.

Unit-02, in contrast, had thick armor covering most of the torso and limbs, making it look far bigger and grander than its original self. In its left hand it carried a massive shield almost as tall as the Eva itself. In its left was a large axe, the blade edge glowing a soft blue in the dark night.

For a moment, the Tactical Control Room of WILLE was silent, as they, the Pilots, and even the Angels stared at the new Evas, trying to make sense of what they were seeing. There were now two Unit-01s and Unit-02s standing in Kyoto.

"General," Maya said after a moment, "the... um, other Unit-02 is trying to contact us."

"Put them through," Misato replied, barely able to pull herself out of the confusion.

"Was zur Hölle is going on?!" The voice was Asuka's, the older one. And yet it wasn't.

The Sub-Director blinked hard. "What."

"WHAT?!" came the voice of Pilot Soryu.

The mysterious third Asuka spoke again "Wait a minute, this is the second battle! This is the goddamn second battle! Sohn einer Hündin! We got sent back! I got sent back!"

"Wait, who got sent back? Who are you exactly?" Misato questioned desperately.

"I'll explain later," the other other Asuka replied. "Kyoko, waste him."

Sub-Commander Asuka's head about spun around towards Misato at the name.

"Roger, Aunt Asuka," a new, excited voice called out.

"I...what?" the Sub-Director said, her confusion growing even further.

"Time Travelers," Ritsuko almost hissed.

The black Unit-01 leveled it's sniper rifle, aiming directly at Sachiel.

Before the Angel could so much as move, it fired. A brilliant pale beam of energy shot out from the rifle, a moment later Sachiel's head was consumed by a massive fireball.

The Angel staggered back, dropping Shinji to the ground.

When the smoke cleared, everything between the Angel's shoulders and above its Core was now gone.

The headless Angel stood there limply, swaying as if caught in a breeze.

"Damnit!" the mysterious fourth Pilot shouted, "the shot went high!"

"No matter," the third Asuka said as her Unit-02 readied its weapons, "We'll just settle this the old-fashioned way."


Were it not for the fact that she was fairly positive all of the Angels had managed to survive and escape the battle, the beatdown the new Unit-01 and -02 gave to both Sachiel and Israfel would probably be one of the best things Asuka had ever witnessed.

Unit-02 slammed into Sachiel, slicing the Angel in half with one swing of it's mighty axe. The other Unit-01 had both halves of Israfel doing a terrified dance around the city as each shot took out massive chunks of the Angel. The two Angels went limp moments before the new Evas completely destroyed them. This mysterious new version of herself had actually taken a few swings at Okito as he ran through the city, but the axe just barely missed him.

An hour later, the young Shinji was safely resting in a critical care unit, Sakura Suzhara seeing to his treatment. The older Shinji, Misato, Ria, Ritsuko, Maya, Mana, and both Asukas were gathered in the Tactical Room, all of them staring at the new pilots.

The first one was, well... herself. She was Asuka. She was even the same age as her. And yet she was subtly different, a scar on the chin, more muscles on her arms and legs, her hair kept much the same as her younger self, just cut to her neck.This third Asuka's face was almost a mirror of the Sub-Director, only it had worn different, time doing different things to this Asuka than it had to her. Her plugsuit was red but bore little resemblance to the one Asuka was familiar with.

The pilot besides her was a mystery. No more than sixteen at max. Her reddish-brown hair was short, barely reaching to the middle of her neck, save for a bit of hair on the left of her face which was tied up with a hair tie, that stretched all the way to her collarbone. The girl's plugsuit was odd. Both it and the Interface Headsets on her head were nearly solid black, save for some red around the collar and some bits of dark gray on her inner arms. The girl's blue eyes looked at the room mischievously.

"So, let me get this straight," Misato said, looking at once relieved and incredibly confused. "You're from twenty years in the future?"

"Correct," the third Asuka replied.

"So, forty years from my time?" the younger version muttered. "Ugh."

"So, you're not a future version of Sub-Director Soryu?" Ritsuko stated.

"No, she's fifty-some years old now. I am her." The third Soryu pointed to her pilot-self. "So I've managed to both come forward twenty years to this time, and I have now been sent twenty years back to almost the exact same time I was sent forward to. Because apparently being completely screwed over by time is my lot in life."

Pilot Asuka looked at her older self, groaning in annoyance and frustration. Clearly she didn't like this older version of herself much more than she had liked Sub-Director Soryu. The other Asuka returned her glare, mockingly smirking at her.

"So wait, you're the future version of past Asuka?" Ritsuko asked.

"Yes," she replied, annoyed.

Ritsuko buried her head in her hand. "I just... I don't even have words for how moronic this sounds."

If nothing else it would make things incredibly confusing. Sure the Sub-Director could just stick to Soryu and the younger pilot could just go by Asuka, but what would the older pilot go by? Asuka Soryu? Asuka Langely Soryu? Langely? No that last one would be stupid, no Asuka would want to be stuck with that name.

Maybe her newest other self could be Asuka Drei. Keep things simple. Or maybe she could be Asuka-Alpha, or Prime Asuka?

Misato turned towards Unit-01's pilot. "And who are you, exactly?"

"I'm glad you asked, Ma'am!" the young woman said eagerly.

She snapped a quick salute.

"I am the Eighth Child and pilot of Unit-01!" she declared proudly. "The first of the third generation, with two confirmed solo kills to my name. I am Kyoko Kirishima-Soryu, daughter of Major Ria Soryu and Mari Kirishima!"

Almost all of the heads in the room turned towards Ria.

"Ehh?" Was all the incredibly confused Ria could muster.

Somehow, for Asuka, finding out that she was now a technically grandmother was one of the less confusing things that happened in the last few hours.
Kinda funny in an absurd way, but I'm annoyed that the main story is on hold.

But hey, I'm just some guy on the internet, whatever keeps those creative juices flowing :)
"Was zur Hölle is going on?!" The voice was Asuka's, the older one. And yet it wasn't.

The Sub-Director blinked hard. "What."

"WHAT?!" came the voice of Pilot Soryu.
Crisis of Infinite Asukas?
"Roger, Aunt Asuka," a new, excited voice called out.

"I...what?" the Sub-Director said, her confusion growing even further.

"Time Travelers," Ritsuko almost hissed.
"We should have sprayed for those, or they keep coming back!"

....'Aunt Asuka'? Uh oh.
Pilot Asuka looked at her older self, groaning in annoyance and frustration. Clearly she didn't like this older version of herself much more than she had liked Sub-Director Soryu. The other Asuka returned her glare, mockingly smirking at her.
Not only can young-Asuka not get along with her 30 year old counterpart in canon, now she can't even get along with her older-specific-to-her-self! XD And Older-young-Asuka is mocking herself right back for it!
"I am the Eighth Child and pilot of Unit-01!" she declared proudly. "The first of the third generation, with two confirmed solo kills to my name. I am Kyoko Kirishima-Soryu, daughter of Major Ria Soryu and Mari Kirishima!"
"Hi mom, grandma, grandpa, and great-grandma!"

On the bright side, this means Ria lives long enough to have a kid?
Chapter 10 Part 3
So Maybe less of a break and more "I'm gonna be doing both."
Fear was something Ria was familiar with, but it had never been of any particular one person. It was always fear of events that might happen. Fear of the Angels attacking her parents, fear of being discovered by Misato or the younger Shinji, fear of losing Mari or Kodama, fear of her parents ever learning about what she nearly did all those years ago. But she couldn't honestly name anyone she was afraid of anymore, until now.

She was terrified of Rei, completely and utterly terrified.

Objectively, Ria understood that Rei, in her current form, was of little physical threat. She was not complete, her soul sundered. Still, Ria felt like the eyes of Lilith were upon her, judging her for her defilement of her creation. But surely her reincarnation was something agreed to by both Adam and Lilith, And Ria had been good. She had not gone against the will of either, surely Lilith could see that?

Maybe she did and didn't care. Judging Ria for the sins of her spiritual siblings. The fear within Ria grew with each passing moment.

"Yeah," her mother said, shockingly casual. "I've known for a while now."

Rei stared at her quizzically. "General Katsuragi said all the reincarnated Angels were committed to our complete destruction and are inherently hostile once exposed."

"Ria protected me and Shinji when the Third Angel attacked our apartment. She's probably the only reason we're both alive right now," Asuka explained.

"We lost," Ria said meekly. "I accepted that loss."

"But the General made no mention of this-" Rei began.

"Because she doesn't know," Asuka sighed. "She... hates Angels too much for us to tell her yet. The only ones who know right now are us and Shinji, my Shinji."

"Not even the Pilots?"

"No," Asuka replied, shame in her words. "The Third Angel... he was trusted, and he betrayed us all, Ria included. He ruined pretty much any chance of an Angel being trusted, even Ria, even after what she's done."

"But you trust her," Rei observed.

"I do," Asuka nodded.

"More than you trust your other selves and Misato?"

Asuka flinched as if struck by her words.

"I will tell them when the time is right," she assured Rei. "But right now it would cause too much pain. You understand that, right?"

"I... yes," Rei agreed.

She turned her attention to Ria. Her expression was decidedly neutral, no anger or rage.

The fact that Rei had yet to brutally murder her, and her mother's defense of her gave Ria a small measure of confidence back.

"You hurt Shinji, you forced him back into piloting," Rei stated.

"And I apologized to him for that," Ria replied shakily. "But I was a Warrior of Adam, lacking anything resembling free will. I couldn't do anything else. I could conceive of nothing else. I am far changed from Zeruel. Adam is gone, my original purpose is gone as well. Even if I wanted to fight, there would be no point."

"Why do the other Angels fight then?" Rei questioned.

"They are fools chasing some impossible dream. They are loyal to nothing," Ria made her disgust apparent.

"And what are you loyal to?" the blue-haired girl asked.

"My parents." 'Humanity' might have been a better answer, but it wouldn't have been an honest one. Loyalty to a group containing over a billion people you had no connection to was meaningless.


"Because they are precious to me," Ria said, her voice small.

Rei stared at her in surprise.

Asuka patted her on the shoulder. Something Ria greatly appreciated.

The answer satisfied Rei. "I will keep your secret, for now."

"Thank you, Rei," Asuka said, half bowing.

Rei simply looked at Ria. Her cold red eyes making it perfectly clear what Rei would do if she thought for a moment that Ria had turned against them.

Ria nodded and left quietly.


"So what can you tell me about this Unit-00?" Misato asked as Maya Ibuki stood in front of her.

"Well it's certainly more advanced than ours in terms it's computers, a good twelve years more advanced than anything we had originally. We're talking three fourths of a petabyte in memory storage alone. We're currently trying to decrypt it now, carefully though. We have no idea what sort of nasty surprises this other NERV might have left us. Most of it is thankfully relatively straightforward so far. Though some of it would take the full strength of the MAGI just to brute force it open," Maya explained.

Interesting, and certainly something that could prove useful long term.

"Is it stronger than the other two? What about repairs?" Misato questioned.

Maya flipped through her notes. "Still too early to tell if it's any better or worse than the other two. As for repairs..."

Maya let out a strange, befuddled sigh. "Honestly the repairs are fairly simple. Really it just seems like they were lacking for parts when it came to repairing Unit-00. Having new parts made, or worse having Bethany Base or even New England send us old parts would be enough to get it fully operational, for the most part. This is one slight complication to that though. None of the stuff fits."

"That sounds like more than just a slight complication," Misato observed.

"It actually isn't," Ibuki replied. "For now. The issue is, Unit-00 is just enough off to screw with almost everything. We had to rework the sensors just to get MAGI to accept it was Evangelion. Everything mechanically is either just a bit too small or too large and we keep finding subsystems we never expected, there are numerous sensors just for monitoring plug depth of all things. The operating system is just flat out bizarre. We can keep it running for now, we'd just have to resize all the equipment, and most of the weapons for Unit-00. But we wouldn't be able to properly monitor it during combat. At best we could keep track of vitals and battery life. And if it ever suffers serious damage it's probably beyond our means to repair it entirely."

Well that was disappointing. Not entirely unexpected but still deeply disappointing. Having three Evas at full operational strength would be a major boon if the Angels ever pulled something like earlier, again.

"Could we do a refit? At least find some way to adjust it to better fit our systems?" the General asked.

Maya gave a half shrug. "I can't even begin to give a solid estimate on how long that would take, but probably months. And require more upgrades to the Vault. It would be entirely inoperational for most of it."

So it was leave them down an Evangelion for months, after the Angels had just shown them that they could overwhelm two of them, or have Rei go in an Eva they could barely arm, repair, or even support. Neither option was particularly pleasant.

"Once the upgrades to the Vault are complete, refit and upgrade everything you can while still having it at least somewhat operational."

A compromise would have to do for now.

Maya bowed. "Understood, General. I'll have all the data we were able to retrieve from it so far sent to you within the hour."

"Thank you." Misato nodded. "You're dismissed."

Maya departed, leaving Misato alone with her thoughts for a while.

Five minutes later, Ritsuko entered, looking quite distressed.

"What's wrong?" Misato raised an eyebrow at the unsettled look in Ritsuko's eye.

"Rei, that Rei. I don't actually know how to put it into words..." Ritsuko said.

"Is it bad?" Misato grew increasingly concerned.

"No, not in any real sense." Ritsuko buried her head in her hands. "The girl was going to hold a dinner party."

"Ehh?" the General uttered in surprise.

Ritsuko did her best to explain it. "Rei Ayanami had, apparently on her own, planned a dinner party. A party she was hoping might reconcile things between the Shinji and Gendo Ikari of her world. She had sent out invitations and even asked everyone to bring a dish. And here's perhaps the most shocking part of it all: Commander Ikari had agreed to come. It seems though Bardiel attacked right as the party was about to occur."

"Wow, that'" Misato was at a loss for words.

"I mean an infinite number of alternate universes and all, but still..." Ritsuko leaned back in her chair.

"I think I'm actually starting to miss the days when the biggest concern we had was how much Commander Ikari was lying to us."

"No you don't," Ritsuko replied.

"No I don't," Misato agreed. "Though now that I think about it, that dinner party doesn't sound like a bad idea."


Asuka found Rei alone in the break room. She wanted to talk with the First Child, though she wasn't entirely sure why. Her feelings for Rei were at best 'barely tolerate'.

She was admittedly curious about this "Shikinami" She spoke of, and there was... that hug.

That Hug…

Wondergirl would never have done anything like that. The one she knew, anyway. And yet she did, without hesitation, and in front of everyone.

Asuka didn't know what to make of it. It had taken her by surprise certainly. But it wasn't like she really cared. It was good thing actually, showed this Rei was less of a doll. And it wasn't like she actually had feelings for Shinji, no way she was capable of it.

And even Rei did have feelings for Shinji, so what? Asuka wasn't the Sub-Director. She didn't need a dork of a man in her life.

"Hello, Pilot Soryu," Rei said, her tone as flat as it ever was.

Asuka was struck, despite being from an entirely universe, this Rei was identical in pretty much every regard to the Wondergirl she had known.

"Hi," Asuka replied unevenly. "You don't actually know me, do you?"

"No," she stated. "The pilot of Unit-02 in my universe was Asuka Shikinami Langley."

Something annoyed Asuka deeply about the fact that the Asuka of Rei's universe took Langley as her last name. Her mother had been an accomplished, brilliant scientist, among the brightest of her generation. Her father was a cheating bastard whose only accomplishment of note was helping to make her. Even old Shinji had turned out to be a better parent than him. The Langley of her universe might have been a better father than the one she knew, sure. But it still irked her.

It was strange, imagining someone who was her but so vastly different at the same time. Sure she had the older Soryu, but they had over a decade of common history. That wasn't the case with this Shikinami.

"What was she like?" Asuka asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"She called me Wondergirl," Rei replied.

Asuka smirked. "So we have that in common."

"She was... distant," Rei went on. "She kept to herself for the most part, at first it seemed like she didn't care about anyone, and wanted nothing from them. But she showed eventually that she was kind."

The small smile that appeared on Rei's face shocked Asuka. As did the sorrow that rapidly replaced it.

"After the Ninth Angel she was put in critical care. I do not know what became of her. I hope she is okay."

"I'm sure she's fine," Asuka said hesitantly.

Rei nodded

"How is Ikari?" she asked. "All they've told me is he's stable."

There was concern in her Ayanami's voice.

"He's fine," Asuka assured her. "I'm curious though, what's your opinion on the Third Child? You clearly had a strong reaction to him."

"It's funny, Shikinami asked me a similar question once," Rei noted.

"Is that so?"

Rei nodded. "I'm not sure I'm anymore certain of my answer now. He makes me feel warm inside and I want him to feel the same way. I want him to be happy, to be free of having to pilot Unit-01. He is... precious to me."

Asuka recoiled.

She likes him, she likes Shinji! Asuka realized.

Anger and jealousy stirred within Asuka. This blue haired doll had just arrived here, what right did she have to go around and try and claim Shinji?

Before she could say anything, Asuka stopped herself. After all, what right did she have to be offended? She had made it clear to Shinji they were just friends. And she had meant it, despite his stupidity, she did consider him a friend. But did she want more than that?

No. No, she wasn't the Sub-Director, she didn't need Shinji in her life like that. If Rei wanted to go after Shinji that wasn't her business.

"Tell me, is the Ikari of this world much like the one I knew?" Rei asked, her expression turning slightly dour.

"I don't know," Asuka admitted. "You'd have to talk to him to see for sure."


Shinji awoke to see Rei sitting besides his bed.

"Hello," she said, smiling slightly.

"Rei," he said sleepily, pulling himself up.

He stared at her, tears starting to form in corners of his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he assured her. "I just never thought I would see you again."

It had only been a month but seeing her after everything that had happened, made him realize just how much he had missed Ayanami.

Rei turned away, looking ashamed. "I'm sorry, I'm not the Ayanami you knew."

"I don't care." Shinji declared, Rei turned towards him, looking shocked. "You're still Rei."

She blushed, the red in her cheeks standing in sharp contrast to the rest of her pale skin.

"Thank you." she replied, her smile returning.
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Younger Asuka likes younger Shinji, as it was foretold.

Edit: Also, little hint here to what Ria's post rebirth "sin" was. What did she nearly do all those years ago?

Also, she's scared of being discovered by Misato or the younger Shinji? Not also the younger Asuka?

Does she think younger Asuka is just gonna roll with it compared to the others with something along the lines of "Well, no shit the biggest baddest angel was reborn as a Soryu and loyal daughter to an Asuka. Just makes sense really." or something like that? :lol
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Hey, maybe Shinji gets with Rei and Asuka finds a different nice boy. Or girl. Or several boys and/or girls. Or will be perfectly happy without a partner.

Endless possibilities.
For some reason, reading about Ria and Rei at the same time is really confusing for me. At least when reading about two Shinji's or Asuka's in the same scene, they have modifiers for their names like Young Shinji or something. With Ria and Rei, it's like a one letter difference and I have to reread the sentence just to make sure I know which is getting talked about.
For some reason, reading about Ria and Rei at the same time is really confusing for me. At least when reading about two Shinji's or Asuka's in the same scene, they have modifiers for their names like Young Shinji or something. With Ria and Rei, it's like a one letter difference and I have to reread the sentence just to make sure I know which is getting talked about.
Realized that myself after posting it. I'll make it easier in the future, use last names and alternatives more often.
I'm sorry but ever since I learned that Rei was a palette swapped Yui I've not been able to support the Rei/Shinji ship. The boy's messed up enough. No reason to give him any more of an Oedipus complex than he already has not to mention the mental buggery that'll happen one day when he discovers a surviving picture of his mom and realizes that Rei looks identical.
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Scar Tissue Gendo
Taking Sights Fuyutsuki
Scenario No Yui/Yui Iraki
Dramatic answers. :D
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