As you sit on the floor and consider Buzz-Buzz's offer, you properly recognize something.
The world and your life sucks.
A paved over planet with tin-pot dictators around every corner and a crime happening every second of every day. Where the concept of altruism is the punchline to a bad joke and all that matters is making money.
Where shitty, evil people win and keep winning.
Even in the Eagle Quarter, the quietest little corner of the concrete hellhole everyone lives in, things are 'great' because they're not as terrible as everywhere else.
And even then it's mostly because there's actual trees and grass to distract you from everything going on.
At least in Onnet anyway.
Sure, you're better off than most. You have a roof over your head and someone paying the bills, and you only have to worry about the odd mugging every now and then.
But you can't remember the last time you spoke to your mother face to face. And you definitely can't remember the last time you had a conversation with her that didn't revolve around her sending you money.
You've got no friends and no prospects.
Everyone in town is probably taking bets behind your back on whether you'll end up dead, in jail, or worse before your 18th birthday.
Nobody believes you'll do anything more than drop out, get loud, and burn out.
Just like every other troublemaker.
…Except your siblings.
Kart and Floppy are always harassing you to go to school and take better care of yourself. Even though you feed them and look out for them, it gets blurry on who's taking care of who sometimes.
They're good kids. Diligent kids, probably smarter than you. They can be brats, but they probably get that from you.
Yet even if you went to school, bought a suit, stayed in line, and got a job, what would that accomplish?
Become a number in a machine that couldn't care less about you?
End up like your Mom, pushing papers as years of their life sift through their fingers? Meaningless work just to subsist in a world that doesn't want to give you a reason to keep living?
It makes sense in your head why you probably don't have a future…but what about your siblings?
They're doing everything right, but that's not going to guarantee anything.
Hell, it might not even tip the odds in their favor.
You can look after them now, but what happens when they grow up? You can keep them safe, but can you ensure they're happy?
Staring into the floor you grit your teeth, ready to write off Buzz-Buzz's offer as stupid.
But then it hits you.
You can keep them safe.
There's no way you can know the future. There's no way to know if there's a chance you can succeed. There's no guarantee you or anyone else will be happy.
But when has that ever stopped you?
You've never bothered following the rules before.
Why start now?
Why not break some conventions too?
Why not break some faces and make some noise?
Most people think you're a 'face eater'. Just another whackjob out to scare people and get their kicks. Who couldn't care less about who they hurt.
You know that's not true, but it's not your job to babysit other people's feelings.
…But if you're not a bad person, then maybe people you're not fond of aren't either?
Maybe they're worth saving too.
Maybe…everyone is worth saving. Or trying to.
"Fuck it, I'll fight Giygas."
The words leave your mouth after an eternity of silence. The rawness of your partially strangled throat coming off more as a gruff determination as Buzz-Buzz looks on.
"I had a feeling you wouldn't say no."
You push yourself off the floor and grab your back from the door, turning to look at Buzz-Buzz as he orbits around you.
"So, how should we do this exactly?"
"Oh, I have not the slightest clue. This is our battle, but it's your world. You take the lead, I'll help you how I can."
The front door to your house creaks open as you step outside.
With the lunches for your two siblings already packed for their trip to school, you spin your cracked bat idly in your hand before resting its head on your shoulder.
No sooner do your feet touch the pavement does the morning sun rise to greet you. Burning away the darkness and bathing your home city of Onnet in golden light.
The day that stretches out before you seems more important than ever before.
As Buzz-Buzz lands atop your shoulder you finally wrap your head around what you were told.
A secret alien invasion is taking place in the Eagle Quarter.
You need to create or join a group.
A corp, a gang, an organization, some kind of mechanism to fight back this secret invasion.
Because if you don't the abductions, the potential genocide, will progress unseen and unstopped.
It's time to make some friends and kill some fucking aliens.
Police Lockdown in Effect!
An announcement was made on the local news this morning by Captain Strong of the Onnet Police Force following last night's meteor landing.
They declared that they were locking down the entire city of Onnet. Roadblocks have been placed at all entrances and exits to the city.
No one is allowed to leave or enter without express permission from either the mayor or Captain Strong himself.
When asked "Why", Captain Strong simply stared directly at the camera and said:
"You know why".
[Access to areas outside Onnet has been blocked by the O.P.F!]
Sharks Mark Territory
This morning you've noticed a lot more graffiti than usual. It could only come from one place, the local gang calling themselves the "Sharks" operating out of the local arcade. Before today they mostly came off like a bunch of bored teens trying to pass the time. Now though, as you walk the streets, you swear you can see some of them patrolling. Tagging buildings and even roughing people up in broad daylight.
They're way more aggressive than they ever were before.
[The Sharks have begun to expand their area of control!]
Entertainer's Shack and Cave Condemned
Mayor B.H. Pirkle has had signs put up around town making it clear that the Entertainer's shack to the north of town has been condemned along with the cave behind it. The whole thing has been sealed up tight, despite the fact that two entertainers from out of town were staying there and apparently have been left with nowhere to stay. No reason for this was given, but threats of severe repercussions were given should anyone attempt to break in without permission.
[Access to Traveler's Shack blocked!]
Radio Interference
Some of the radios in town keep unintentionally picking up some unregistered station. You briefly catch a listen, but all you can hear is a string of numbers through the static.
An unusual array of strange multi-colored lights were reportedly seen around the moon of Zebes last night. These lights lasted for eight hours, which was the duration of the meteor show that happened at the same time.
Metpharm made no direct address on the matter, though an automated weather prediction system stated the chance of a meteor shower two whole days prior to its occurrence or even detection.
This was chalked up to a programming error that just happened to be conveniently right.
Robot Masters in the Outlands
Though the matter of resource collection and urbanization in the Outlands is an entirely automated process handled by M.U.L.E Drones and Lemmings, WilyCorp seems to want certain areas 'tamed' faster.
Rumors say that two robot masters, one with a pair of scissors on their head and another intended for civil engineer work have been sent to an area in the Outlands.
Since arriving the area has been particularly loud and reports of flashes and explosions were stated to be seen at night.
Grounder Badnik Recall
Robodyne has recalled a large number of its 'Grounder' Badniks, typically used for tunneling, digging, and excavation work.
Particularly all of the models painted green. The reason given was that all the Grounders of that particular model suffer from a manufacturing error that hindered their operation.
They're in the process of being recalled and straight up recycled. Though some workers at Robodyne plants have mentioned that almost all of the Grounders that have been recalled are little more than scrap metal.
"It's like someone took a giant hammer to them." One worker reportedly said during their off hours.
The Runaway Five Sign Deal of a Lifetime!
The famous jazz band, the Runaway Five (Formerly the "Runaway Brothers"), have signed a lifetime contract with the Chaos Theater in Twoson!
Originally planning on leaving the Eagle Quarter and performing in River City, the band abruptly changed their plans following a minor traffic accident.
Mr. Poochyfud, the band's new manager stated on a local advertisement: "The Runaway Five will now be exclusively performing at the Chaos Theater. Come and hear them sing till they're blue in the face! Any signs of oxygen deprivation are merely a testament to their dedication to the blues!"
In another news, the number of missing person reports in Twoson have abruptly spiked...
The Circus is in Town!
Or at least it's in Threed.
A strange circus from outside of the Eagle Quarter has set up shop in the town of Threed. Given the otherwise dreary demeanor of the town, it's a welcome change of pace for many.
Though the enigmatic ringleader of the circus was not present for questions, a sign was put up in front of the circus:
"We simply intend to give you all a show to die for".
Summer's Museum Curator Denies Scaraba Resident's Claims
Recently Mr. Fork, owner and curator of the Summer's Museum, made a public statement decrying recent rumors coming out of Scaraba. "They're all ignorant. I suspect the residents who settled their are all Floridians." Mr. Fork balked to reporters.
"Their claims that 'dangerous creatures' have been appearing since the latest expedition into the desert is nonsense. It's a DESERT, of course it's dangerous. However there's nothing out there besides heat stroke. The idea me or my men have somehow 'meddled' with something is laughable."
"I mean, they're claiming 'monstrous blobs' have recently begun to attack the walls of Scarab? BLOBS? Clearly if they spent more time reading, and less time high or getting heatstroke, they'd know that there's no way amorphous creatures like that could survive in a desert environment."
"And that's not even getting to their so called 'local survey'. One report described a far off structure in the desert that doesn't fit the architecture of the local ruins at all."
"This unfathomable ignorance by these people tells me we cannot rely on the residents of Scaraba for any meaningful archeological information. Clearly they're all on drugs and need someone smart like me telling them what to do."
Mr. Fork promised to accelerate efforts to launch another expedition to Scaraba in the following months.
Stories of the "Kraken" Persist
Local fisherman tales of a monstrous serpent roaming the waters of Toto have become increasingly panicked as fishing boats have begun to disappear when they leave the coastline. This has not stopped tourists from Summers from journeying to fishing village and questioning why the supposed creature is called a Kraken when it's not a squid.
Scientists Debate the Existence and Classification of "Tessy"!
Scientists and students at the Snow Wood Boarding School in Winters entered a heated debate.
Intense accusations and claims were thrown around regarding the mysterious water based creature simply known as "Tessy".
The instructors at the school wrote Tessy off as a mutant. One spawned from a reptile accidentally freed into the wilderness during the early terraforming efforts by the Eagle Quarter's settlers.
Students meanwhile claim that Tessy is in fact a native creature to the planet, one that was awakened by settlers and has since adapted to the local geography.
Many not present for the debate wondered how uneventful the frozen part of the Eagle Quarter must be if the most exciting thing to happen is a debate for a possible fictional creature...
Note: (At the moment C.D is not in control of a faction. As such the 'faction actions' they take at the start will be recontextualized as personal actions.)
(While factionless they will have five actions to take per turn and no personal actions, since they will start with effectively nothing and will be working from the bottom up)
(Once C.D has gained control of or founded their own organization, the setup will transfer to the standard 4 Personal Actions + 5 Faction Actions setup.)
[] Visit the Hill: The hill near your house overlooks not just your home, but the entire town. Buzz-Buzz explains their meteorite/drop pod crashed at the very top. You slept through it, but apparently there was a lot of police activity around the area last night. Buzz-Buzz doesn't think there's anything important left there, and it's a winding trek to the top, but it could be worth investigating. You'll have to deal with some aggressive wildlife on the trip however. DC: 30
[] Beat up Some Local Wildlife: You have no idea how you can start training yourself to properly fight, but the animals around town are way more aggressive than usual. If they want to pick fights, then why not give them some? The practice could teach you a thing or two. Crows can't get rabies, right? DC: 25/50
[] Pick a Fight with the Sharks: You're going to be fighting a legion of psychic, genocidal aliens. If you can't win a fight with some stupid teenagers dressed like dipshits in your own hometown, then what are you going to do when an actual threat shows up? Making members of this youth gang taste the pavement could paint a target on your back or it could earn you their respect …or an ass beating. If you do well enough you could make the Sharks more open to talk to you. Only one way to find out. DC: 50/75
[] Pick a Fight with the Police: The O.P.F were never really trustworthy before, but now it seems like they're up to something. Even if fighting a few of them won't help break the lockdown, covering your face and making some of the cops eat their own nightsticks will send a message. If you can actually beat some of them up and get away, the cops won't be any the wiser of who did it and people in town will know you mean business. DC: 85
[] Mug some People: You're not going to be fighting aliens or founding a group with empty pockets. It's not the 'right' thing to do, but you figure you can rough some people up for money. It's a temporary solution at best, and it could get you into a lot of trouble, but money is money. DC: 35/65/95
[] Talk to Buzz-Buzz More: Despite being told about Giygas's intentions, you realize you don't know what Buzz-Buzz's intentions are. When asked casually, he seems cagey about it. Despite your initial overly imaginative assumptions, he's made it clear he's not from the future and not a robot. But beyond that he tends to dodge the question. It leaves you wondering that much more about him. Maybe a talk is in order? DC: Auto-Pass
[] Speak to your Neighbor: Your next door neighbor Porky isn't exactly your friend. Hell, you don't know if he has any friends. But living beside one another has to count for…something? His little brother Picky at least plays nice with your own siblings. You know from experience that getting him to help you in any meaningful capacity is like squeezing blood from a rock, but you need some support now. Maybe he'd be willing to get off his ass if there's something in it for him? DC: ???
[] Speak to the Sharks: Or try to anyway. The Sharks, being a gang of teenagers and kids, aren't exactly known for being rational and coherent individuals under normal circumstances. However their leader, Frankie Fly, is a different story from what you've heard. The Sharks have absolutely no reason to let you in the arcade, nevermind speak with Frankie, but if you could talk your way inside maaayyybe you could work something out? Joining them could be easier then making your own group, but you wouldn't necessarily be in charge... DC: 75
[] Found an Organization: Buzz Buzz warns you off the idea of simply trying to spread the idea of an alien invasion. Mass panic won't do anyone any good as it would only risk getting the Big 3 involved. Yet, if you're going to found a group the people working for you probably need to know why you're making it.
At the moment however you don't have anyone specific to talk to, or a safe place to speak in confidence, or...anything to build off to create an organization really.
But you could take a wild stab at it!
You just need to tell some random people that a bee flew through your window and explained how psychic aliens were coming to abduct and genocide them for possibly having psychic powers themselves.
…Yeah that definitely doesn't sound like it's the product of a stroke.
Making preparations would make this a lot easier but action is better than inaction. Right? DC: 95
[]Talk your way into the "Hangout Spot": Those 'in the know' and not an asshole (I.E a member of the Sharks or you apparently), have access to a supposedly "Super Cool" hangout spot somewhere in town. It's a hangout for a tight knit group at the local school and supposedly one of the few nice places in town that isn't squatted on by the Sharks. While you don't know where it is, you know some people who do. A secret, secluded place away from prying eyes could be the ideal place to start trying to convince others about the danger facing all of them and founding a group. DC: 45
[] Get a Part Time Job: Mom's never around, but she always leaves messages on the answering machine and transfers enough money to pay the bills. However you have bigger things to worry about now then bills and money could make all the difference. Getting a part time job might not bring in a lot, but it'll be a lot to you. There are a few places in town that might take you in spite of your reputation. It'll eat up your time, but making money is all about investments, isn't it? DC: 25/50/75
[Note: This will eat up one of your 'faction' actions per turn]
[]Bribe your way to the "Hangout Spot": Could you say no to someone bringing you a pizza and snacks? If the answer is 'yes' then the world isn't worth saving. It'll require checking some couch cushions and digging around in a trash can for some coupons (or maybe the snacks themselves), but if you can pull this off you'll get shown where this 'secret spot' is and win yourself some fast friends. At least until they're done eating anyway. DC: 45
[]Check the Local Stores: The local Drug Store and some of the other shops in town aren't the most well stocked, but you never know what they have until you look. They could have some useful items or something strange to help even the playing field with whatever you'll be up against. It will probably cost you money however. DC: 30/60/90
[]Look into Local Real Estate: You do not have the money to buy a house, but if you're going to start an organization then you'll need a place to keep everyone. Right? Poking around and seeing what's available might give you some ideas. DC: 65
[]Try to Bribe Your Way Past the Sharks: They could very well just beat your ass and take your money, but greasing some palms to try and speak to the leader of the Shark seems fairly straight forward. It might be a waste of money depending on what he has to say to you, if anything, but you won't know if you don't try. DC: 50, -1 Funds.
[] Collect Information: Something is happening in Onnet. Scratch that, a lot is happening in Onnet. And you really doubt it's unrelated to the recent world-ending problem you've been made aware of. Snooping around and sticking your face where it doesn't belong might get you in trouble, but learning what's happening and what you could be up against could be well worth the risk. At the very least you'll be able to find our more about the major players in town. DC: 20/35/75
[] Follow Someone to the Treehouse: There's a cool treehouse somewhere in town where some kids meet. You don't know where it is, but you know a few people who probably do. Secretly following them there and showing up uninvited might not win you any friends, but knowing where the treehouse is could be a boon. To say nothing of the chance to get others onboard with this whole 'fighting aliens' thing. DC: 65
[]Pose as the Sharks and Tag the Police Station: A dumb outfit, a can of spray paint, and the balls to tag the police station could make all the difference in the world. Getting the police fixated on the Sharks could ensure they both stay out of your way until you have things sorted out. Of course, it could lead to a lot of trouble, especially if you fuck it up. DC: 75
[] Do a Crime!: A little breaking and entering never hurt anybody. Actually, no, you're pretty sure it has. But now's not the time to fret over that. Breaking into some houses and seeing what you can nab could net you some cash, or some interesting stuff. If you get caught there will be hell to pay, but better hell then your life and the lives of everyone here. DC: 40/80
[] Find out what the Police are up to: Buzz-Buzz insists it's a terrible idea, that there's a reason he didn't go to them when they swarmed his crash site. However, you don't need to walk into the police station and say "Boy howdy, did you hear we're being invaded by ALIENS?". Being vague and saying you saw 'something' last night and want to give your testimony could be enough to get you to talk to someone important. Even if they're not your friends, that doesn't mean you can't learn their intentions. Of course, you being in a police station would be pretty dangerous...DC: 75
[] Just Go to School: Rome (whatever that is) wasn't built in a day apparently. Pretending like nothing is wrong and actually going to school for a change may help. It'll give your brain an exercise and at least add some structure to your days. Plus it'll set a good example for your siblings. It could even give you a chance to speak to some kids you rarely get to see. Not that they likely want to talk to you... DC: 30/60
[] Research at your Local Library: The Library is mostly a good source of maps then anything actually worth reading. However you know for a fact they have a lot of old, dusty garbage that not even the librarians have looked over. Poking around could lead you to finding some useful information, or maybe bumping into a bookish sort to speak with. DC: 25/50/90
[] Observe the Aggressive Wildlife: Something is clearly wrong with the local wildlife and it's very much a recent change. They're way more aggressive than usual, you're surprised no one else has brought it up. You can't exactly 'study' them given you don't have the equipment or really the knowledge on how to do that, but there's nothing stopping you from giving the old college try. It could shed some light on why it's happening, or give you a better idea of how to deal with them. DC: 30/60
[] Research Organizations Types: If you did want to found a group, what would it even look like? How would it work? Why would anyone want to join it? The more you think about it, the less clear it seems. Sitting down, doing some (ugh) reading and figuring it out before you start could make things a lot easier. At the very least it'd make it clear what your options are. DC: 25/75
[] Ask Buzz-Buzz to Teach You about PSI: If an alien is coming down to wipe out the human race for stealing the secrets to some power you didn't even know existed, you figure it's only fair that you learn as much as you can about whatever this 'PSI' power is. Buzz-Buzz says you possess the potential to use it, but hasn't elaborated on it. Maybe putting in some effort to speak to him more and train a little could give you a clearer picture of what you can do with it? [Uses PSI in place of Learning]. DC: 25/50/75
[Note: This Action uses PSI instead of learning]
Personal Actions
Note: The Player Character will not have access to personal actions of their own until they establish a faction. As their personal actions are currently making up the 'faction actions' being taken.
All other hero units have one personal action AND can be assigned to one faction action
Buzz Buzz
[] Try to Lay Low: Humans aren't particularly fond of aliens, or 'insects' apparently. Thankfully you've been informed you'll come off as a bug first and an alien second as long as you don't talk. However, that doesn't mean there aren't perceptive people in this world, or that Giygas's lieutenants won't have followers looking for you eventually. By trying to stay out of sight while still helping, you can avoid or at least make it harder for anyone who comes after you to find you.
[] Learn More About Human Technology: If you're going to help these people fight back against Giygas's plan, you'll need to understand what sort of technology they have to work with. You're no scientist and your understanding of what you consider 'normal' technology isn't exactly detailed or technical. But knowing something is better than knowing nothing at all.
[] Fly on The Wall: You're not a fly. However it's a turn of phrase that could be appropriate. By using your own time to do some personal spying, you might be able to learn some things that C.D wouldn't be able to learn otherwise. Especially with how negatively people seem to react to them. The risk of discovery could lead to someone trying to swat you however.
[] Practice your own PSI: Practice makes perfect. Refreshing yourself on what your strengths and weaknesses are could help with any coming battles.
[X]Plan: Going Dark
-[X] Visit the Hill (Buzz Buzz)
-[X] Speak to your Neighbor
-[X]Bribe your way to the "Hangout Spot"
-[X] Collect Information -[X] Research at your Local Library [×]BuzzBuzz
-[] Try to Lay Low
[X] Plan: Comradery and Discoveries -[X] (MARTIAL) Visit the Hill -[X] (DIPLOMACY) Talk to Buzz-Buzz More -[X] (STEWARDSHIP) Bribe your way to the "Hangout Spot" -[X] (INTRIGUE) Collect Information -[X] (PSI) Ask Buzz-Buzz to Teach You about PSI (Buzz-Buzz)
-[X] (Buzz-Buzz) Learn More About Human Technology
Fairly safe. Visit the Hill on the off-chance Buzz forgot something, Chatting to Buzz-Buzz so we can learn more about them and maybe up his opinion. Stewardship was a bit more difficult to decide but I would rather wait on getting a job until we can get more faction actions. Collecting Information cause everything else looks too high for Cass' Intrigue stat right now, and I want to get a head start on learning PSI while Buzz's PSI stat combined with C.D.'s own will atleast gurantee we bypass the first DC and give us a good chance to reach the second one too. In the meantime, Buzz can learn more about this shithole of a city!
Some of the radios in town keep unintentionally picking up some unregistered station. You briefly catch a listen, but all you can hear is a string of numbers through the static.
Buzz-Buzz does have a "pursued" trait, and in the game you're attacked by the Starman as soon as you meet Buzz-Buzz and make your way down the hill, so I think it is safe to say he is the target.
This also could be a red herring, so do keep it in mind. Will vote soon.
[] Plan: Comradery and Discoveries
Liking this plan. So far options we have aren't big, and this plan is basically everything I would suggest if the plan wasn't up already. Here's hoping we don't catch a crit fail and have Buzz-Buzz die immediately like he did in the original. Hopefully we can get him some protection sooner than later. Like, say, a small UFO.
Though I do wonder, since we're be eventually leaving Onett, or at least I think we will, how are we going to be taking care of the siblings? Hmm. I guess we'll think of it when we get there.
EDIT: With some further consideration, having Buzz-Buzz lay low is likely for the best. We don't lose much from this, really.
[X] Plan: We're Going To Need a Montage (Montage!)
[X] Plan: We're Going To Need a Montage (Montage!)
Man there is a lot of things going wrong in this area, which makes sense. anyway this plan is a good start, and gets us more ready to start making moves against whoever Giygas has under their control in Onett
And these three aren't really stuff we can focus or even act on right now.
Anyways, plan of a action!
[X] Plan: We're Going To Need a Montage (Montage!)
-[X] (Martial) Visit The Hill
-[X] (Diplomacy) Talk to Buzz-Buzz More
-[X] (Stewardship) Bribe your way to the "Hangout Spot"
-[X] (Intrigue) Collect Information
-[X] (PSI) Ask Buzz-Buzz to Teach You about PSI (Buzz-Buzz)
-[X] (Buzz-Buzz) Try to Lay Low
Was tempted by going to school and beating up local wildlife, but decided not to.
Visit The Hill to see if there's anything to grab before the police clean it all up.
Talk to Buzz-Buzz More to find out what his deal is.
Bribe Your Way to The "Hangout Spot" because I'm interested and we're already busy diplo wise.
Collect Information because we can't do anything else without most likely fucking it up.
Ask Buzz-Buzz to Teach us about PSI because if he dies we're shit out of luck, school will be there later, if he's squashed like a bug that's it.
Buzz-Buzz has to Try To Lay Low for at least a turn to see if he can't get the heat off of him for a while.
Rumors say that two robot masters, one with a pair of scissors on their head and another intended for civil engineer work have been sent to an area in the Outlands.
I think those are Cut-Man, and then either Guts-Man or Bomb-Man. Wonder if they can be affected by Gygas. If so, then we'll have more problems to deal with.
[X] Plan: Comradery and Discoveries
Since we're just starting out I think we need to start with some low-risk actions that will build us up. Learning PSI, even basic stuff like Lifeup or Paralysis, is super important and will give us a hell of an edge against normal opponents. And as much fun as it would be to try and make a group off the rip, I think we really need some info to give our words some weight, and some connections we can pull on. We're not gonna convince people about Gygas if our only evidence is angry animals and the testimony of an alien.
I don't really like any plan that doesn't have lay low, laying low for at least one turn to get the heat off of Buzz-Buzz could be useful. Don't want to set the Starmen off first turn.
Speaking of turns, how long do they last? Is it one turn a week? A day?
Well, that's me all caught up.
I may not know alot about Earthbound itself, but for the Big Three's games, (Sonic, Megaman, and Metroid,) I'm certainly well versed.
So, as my first Thing I'll do here, I'll go over my educated guesses on what each leader would want:
Wilycorp - Wily most likely wants to be perceived as more important to history than Light, and if his history is still the same, was possibly overshadowed by Light despite helping him with his robotics work.
Unfortunately, he fails to realise that his actions only make him more hated, and thus less likely to go down as anything more than 'that prick'.
While we don't have that much in-game characterisation for him, If he's similar to his Archie Comics counterpart, he'll likely be the most 'moral' of the three, as while there's not many lows he wouldn't stoop to, he understands that if he wants to be beloved, he'll need the people of the world intact to do so. But most moral doesn't mean morally good, or even decent, so he's still dangerous ground to tread near.
Robodyne - Dr Ivo Robotnik is, if you ask me, the most 'wildcard' of the three, as the sheer volume of places to pull from is astounding in it's own right, the mad doctor could want anything from the destruction of time to just being mildly annoying.
This, ultimately, means there's no true predicting what he could really be aiming for, only that it will probably involve a lot of his beloved machinery.
I doubt he really cares about the state of the rest of the world, so I doubt he'd put much effort in to keeping the people okay, but that also means we likely won't have to worry about mass destruction being his endgame, though it's likely still an option he'll choose if it looks like a good one.
Metpharm - Mother Brain, out of all these three, is the one that worries me the most, due to being, in her home series, the leader of an intergalactic pirate organisation, meaning her morals most likely are long since gone, if they ever existed at all.
I'm am, however, willing to bet that her only goals will be simply having her own side grow more and more powerful, no matter who she has to step over to get it.
Also, we can likely expect Metroids from her in the future, and for those who don't know, imagine a floating green blob with a viable brain and three big teeth on the underside, that can latch on to any organism and drain of its life in seconds, their only weakness being the cold, having an easy freezing temperature, followed by smashing them to bits. We really should get Pk Freeze at some point to stand a chance against those.
If there's anyone most willing to cut a deal with Giygas, it's her.
And that's the best I can contribute for now. Really enjoying this quest so far!