Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia

wow those are some drastic rolls. still, seemed to succeed on dangerous things(ones in enemy territory) and fail on (relatively)safe things so could be way worse.

very on the fence about organisational structures since everything can hit various story beats in some way
looks like all three of them have factors influencing who can be recruited, so maybe who we think we're going to be recruiting is a good point of comparison? like, trying to determine our ideal demographic for membership

corporate would let a lot of people join (especially if we can put out ads for employees directly), but they're probably less keen on taking risks, so might be a problem if we need to do larger scale fighting in the open (might not be needed if we focus on asymetrical warfare, though this is difficult if giygas is doing it too)

criminal would let more interesting people join, and they'd probably be more willing to fight, but could be more difficult to wrangle if they're criminals themselves. hard to say if this is worthwhile or not.

arnarchic has a malus to recruitment which is a shame, but instead we get a perk (which could be very helpful if we're playing a particular playstyle) and probably more freedom to structure things how we want. might be possible to sidestep issues with recruitment by focusing on quality over quantity?

thinking on this, big factors factors are probably something like the amount of people we can recruit, how easy they are to manage, and how useful they're likely to be in both working against giygas and in general. what sort of sweet spot between these would you prefer? each option seems to be good for 2/3 lol
(deciding which faction is the most fun/which one lets us do what we need to do are also important but besides the point here)

as a reminder, we'll get at least one decent martial hero unit after founding a faction so that shouldn't be as big an issue in the early game.

after reading things through it seems like whilst a good reputation would give us safety, I doubt it'd last if we're actively being tarred and feathered/people try to expose us/we need to act. (and it's probably a pain to found a business properly), so corporate might not be the best bet.
since a gang is probably not the best fit for our needs either, it might be worth an archaic structure in order to be able to focus the organisation's focus to suit our situation (combatting alien infiltration and things that will help that)
our advantage over Giygas is not being restricted, so the freedom to make contacts with a range of people to cast our net wide (by not being an alignment) seems like a major asset

also interesting info on NELCON for sure @griffinlw , seems a good item to be able to research for PSI development. hopefully we don't end up with drug addiction issues?
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since a gang is probably not the best fit for our needs either, it might be worth an archaic structure in order to be able to focus the organisation's focus to suit our situation (combatting alien infiltration and things that will help that)

So what you're saying is that we should found X-Com.
Omake: Stormy Day
OOC: Decided to do a small omake on what Stormy was doing up until this point.


She wouldn't do this.

Stormy felt a pressure on his heart.

CD would never do something like this, not of her own free will.

He gasped for air as black smoke exited his body with each exhale.



Stormy refused to take that at face value….. Especially not at the behest of parents that abandoned him.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror…. He was weak.

So weak.

Even while so sure of his friend's innocence he was unable to act on it.

Only himself and a few of his own closest friends like Brimstone and Nail even seemed to consider the idea that he didn't do it.

What was the weight of the voice of one child?

Not much.

He looked into the mirror and at his reflection.

And at the shadowy mass lurking behind him, it's baleful yellow eye watching with the same emotionless placidity they always did.

….. Poor CD…. to have such a mess of a friend like him….. Even now he could barely keep from breaking down.

So much of him wanted to go out and see his friend.

But he knew seeing him like this would only hurt her.

He felt so weak and so alone like this.

Why couldn't he be strong enough to help his friend?

A single red drop fell to the floor.


The next day Stormy ate some tasty food.

It was very good!


Stormy took a shower that day.

The water was red.

It was water.

Just red.

Nothing had died in the pipes after all.

Yes… just normal red water.

Certainly not blood.

Just a normal shower with very strange water.


The dark eyeball blob was still following Stormy around.

Sometimes he would imagine it with a goofy smile on its face, and silly googly eyes as opposed to the big creepy one.

That would make him feel better.

He did wonder what it actually wanted though.


Stormy looked out the window… and saw a billboard.

It was a '0% interest' billboard for some kind of corporate scam or another.

… 0%.



That was his name.

And his sacred number.



Just looking at the billboard makes him feel a sense of dread.

That number.

He feared that number but he couldn't look away.

Not for a few minutes.

When he finally did manage to tear his gaze away from the zero on the billboard he made sure to close the curtains.

Not like he needed to look out that window ever again anyway.


He was awake when it happened.

When it fell from the sky and when he felt a horrible presence calling out.

The fool.

Stormy couldn't help but shutter at it, retreating further into the dark of his home in response.

How long will his mind survive a level of power he was never meant to hold?

Whatever this was, it was bad.

And he unleashed this folly upon his own form and soul to avenge some stolen secrets?

It would mean bad things.

Such a bitter irony.

He hoped the others would be ok… even if he hadn't seen them in a long time.

It seems that his species were not worthy of the power they guarded in the end.

And also they also weren't hallucinating dead bodies that would disappear as soon as you look away.


Stormy heard a knock on the door.

…. What?

He hadn't had visitors in…. In…. in….. He couldn't remember.

Just that it had been long.

…. He had better answer it.
Too bad Kazuma isn't retro enough to be in this quest.

Also, this is the second quest I follow that has revived today. Probably my best April 1st ever.
Eh, it depends on if the GM considers an '05 to be retro enough to consider adding him in. And even if he is, I doubt he'd like the idea of a bunch of kids following that kinda life after dealing with Dojima's undoubtedly vindictive bullshit for 7 years. We might not even run into him early/mid-game considering that The City of Light consists of about half the planet.
Eh, it depends on if the GM considers an '05 to be retro enough to consider adding him in. And even if he is, I doubt he'd like the idea of a bunch of kids following that kinda life after dealing with Dojima's undoubtedly vindictive bullshit for 7 years. We might not even run into him early/mid-game considering that The City of Light consists of about half the planet.
He might like the fact that we're trying to help people and do good rather than just do crimes though. At the very least he might try to keep us from falling down too far and becoming what we fight against.
will admit, most of the reason i want an anarchic organisation is so we can build a cool secret society :/
what's everyone's opinion on the organisation growing? think the recruitment malus will hurt expansion/scaling enough to be an issue or not? fewer members doesn't seem a major issue, but if that makes it harder to compete against other organisations in terms of growth it would be a larger problem, especially if we're trying to expand to new cities which is probably going to happen after titanic ant.

favoring asymetric warfare to get around having armies/random compromised patsies against us, but that's only going to work if we're actually able to do it. how do you think we'll be able to pull off things like research, getting other organisations to respect/trust us, getting people to actually fight psychic alien insects etc? sorry if it seems like i'm asking questions into the void but these questions probably influence what pick is best for us the most.
I'm up for either Criminal or Archaic, but not Corporate.
Corpo means a lot of manuvering around other Corps, and would likely not be a good use of a character who's highest stat is Martial.
Criminal would make much more use of Martial, an Archaic is whatever it damn well feels like.

Thanks to the music I'm listening to, I've currently got an idea in my head, of our faction being Ninja themed. No one would expect the Ninjas to be from a typical American sub-urban area, it's... probably not genius, but the idea won't leave my head.

As someone who's watched, like, one video on Galarians... I really do not think using anything from Galarians, as a psychic, would be a good idea.
Anything from Galarians could honestly end up with us as a drug-dependant super psychic, who needs to intake substances directly into our veins every 20 minutes, in order to not blow up everyone nearby while melting ourselves.

And Porky continues to be surprisingly helpful. I continue to be mad that we have anything to do with that garbage, but it IS working out for us.
It's definitely going to make expansion harder, I think. I don't think there's an easy way for us to shrug off that malus without putting some definite work into it, just like how the others wouldn't be something that could just be brushed off. Part of the reason Archaic is always going to struggle somewhat there is that people associate them with a dead world. If this ideology is so good, why isn't earth not exploded?

Like with Corps doing illicit stuff and Criminal orgs doing regular buisness, it's not impossible to get work done on it, But I doubt it's an easily sidestepped issue.
Clearly that means we also need to find our own version of Majime,what kind of yukaza organisation would we be without a crazy guy?

Well...Kyoko IS quite handy with a bat and whatever she picks off the ground...

Anyways, on the vote, I do have one concern in going corpo.

Corps need products or services to provide to actually be relevant (and profitable) and I don't see CD having anything like that right now. I know some people suggested using her healing abilities as a service but I'm against that because 1. Using it so liberally will both drain CD and notify the invaders quicker and 2. It isn't feasible in the long term for expansion, as CD will need to meet and heal the clients directly everytime.

Other than that, there is one other thing. No matter what organization is found in the end, I strongly suggest naming it something thematically American, namely because I find it very fitting personally due to the nature of the Eagle Quarter.
The quest is back again? Hell yeah!

And wow.......C.D.'s really reached her fucking limit, damn girl.......unlocked a whole new PSI ability due to her freak out.

At least we also had Porky come in with the clutch this turn......hut just imagine if we had done the Cops and had that roll.......The Onit P.D. would never recover from this.

And at least now we have money again and aren't in danger of starving, plus next turn we can go back to doing PSI stuff as well now that our burnout is over.

As for our options: as I've said before no corporate. Either we go criminal or form the Onit Youth Group Sports and Heritage Club.
So! *clap of hands* when is the Hero Unit page and the Items page getting updated? So we can gauge what numbers we have now.
anyone have ideas what sort of bonus perk we can get from an anarchic structure? the description says it will depend on what we choose later on but having some likely examples might help. with planning.
for me it's really tempting because collecting bonuses like this makes everything run nicer (thankfully we already have some benefit banked due to researching organisations iirc)
if we aim for a diffuse organisational structure (very good for information security and not getting ganked), maybe it'll translate into a useful defensive trait to represent that? could be nice regardless of whether we're a new age movement, secret society or faction of ninjas

though even with that said, the criminal organisational type can cover a whole bunch of secret/shadowy organisations better than it could an anarchic faction. i guess partially the question is if we should act in the open or not?

if we go with a criminal gang it's harder and with an anarchic organisation it's easier, seems like... I'd love to alert other factions "hey watch out for xyz" and be friendly but common sense says that won't work too often. if it's possible though, it'd defnitely be easier as someone who doesn't claim to be criminals (regardless of what crimes we engage in)
responding to some older messages i missed now,
Giygas fighting goal being at all public. That's just asking for us to get stomped out.
can't do this alone, or even with small groups. what we need is to tell people *some* of the story (the parts that are relevant to them not getting mind controlled etc) so we're not sitting on info that could save tons of lives. there's probably a line we can avoid crossing in order to maintain willing suspension of disbelief regarding an alien invasion, which will keep things from going haywire? should always keep things just vague enough that other factions don't want to start warring in the streets, but a lot of things being secret doesn't help us. (if it was better for Giygas to go loud, they would have. so long as the big three don't nuke us, raising the alarm somewhat should help harden our resistance.)

So what you're saying is that we should found X-Com.
somewhat, yeah!
thankfully xcom already exists if that omake was cannon, but a major concern of mine is that we won't have the opportunity to properly oppose Giygas if we're distracted with other objectives, so an organisation that is able to oppose them and further itself at the same time seems ideal. expand into an area and make it harder for them to act whilst benefiting from the area at the same time, either by paying people for security solutions, researching/exploiting local assets, or making allies with factions that Giygas's forces are working against.
not certain it'd work out, but if we take actions that can be related in this way to the main goal that'd probably help us stay on track (and give us answers to questions like "why are you doing xyz? to oppose Giygas/to allow us to oppose Giygas". it's probably pretty effective marketing/motivation for faction members?
anyone have ideas what sort of bonus perk we can get from an anarchic structure? the description says it will depend on what we choose later on but having some likely examples might help. with planning.
for me it's really tempting because collecting bonuses like this makes everything run nicer (thankfully we already have some benefit banked due to researching organisations iirc)
I'd imagine an anarchic structure would give a bonus to hero units and/or our eventual nameless henchmen.

But I could also see it locking us out of the using C.D./our faction leader's stats for every roll on account of, well, anarchic factions not having a leader at the top.
Much as I joked about it, I do feel like a Yakuza style organization would do well. It would let us gather a variety of colorful characters, have a defined structure, and still let us be honorable and do plenty of good. And in more than one case, we have already shown that we are more than willing to do crimes to help our goals. We have mostly acted against those who hurt the normal people, which is why modeling things after Kiryu rather than more traditional crime works so well, but I don't see us avoiding crime in the future after we've already used it so much.
Much as I joked about it, I do feel like a Yakuza style organization would do well. It would let us gather a variety of colorful characters, have a defined structure, and still let us be honorable and do plenty of good. And in more than one case, we have already shown that we are more than willing to do crimes to help our goals. We have mostly acted against those who hurt the normal people, which is why modeling things after Kiryu rather than more traditional crime works so well, but I don't see us avoiding crime in the future after we've already used it so much.
Yakuza is good, but we're also american (kind of, maybe, sort of, more in spirit, our ancestors were at least) and thus I think we should let some mafia/mobster imagery in. The Yakuza aesthetic is great of course, but perhaps a fusion of looks...