-[X] Head back to Gundyr to retrieve the coiled sword
--[X] Best to try transforming outside first. It'd be stupid to walk into a fight not knowing if you were still even good for a fight. And see if you can make a sword to deal with the armor that guy was wearing better.
"Alright, I'll go get this sword for you, if it's so important." you say, to a surprisingly mixed reception. While the Fire Keeper seems pleased with your decision, Hawkwood seems to be more confused than anything. As you're leaving, however, he pulls you aside, a look of what you think is concern on his face.
"You can't be serious." Hawkwood asks. "You're just agreeing to this?"
"Would 'linking the fire' actually help anyone? Would it accomplish anything?" You ask earnestly.
"That's besides the point, are you even aware of just what you've agreed to do?"
"I've gotten tricked before. I'm just hoping this time some actual good'll come out of it."
"Are you talking about trying to link the fire? Because if you remember neither of us were able to even do that right. I'm not sure how a child like you pulled it off, but there's no point in even trying to go after the Lords of Cinder. They had the mettle to link the fire. How can an Unkindled hope to compare to that?"
"Then feel free to stay here and sit around helplessly! I'd rather at least try and do something."
With that, you shove your way past Hawkwood, who is clearly surprised at you being strong enough to do so. You can feel his gaze on your back as you walk away, before you hear an audible sigh from behind you as he presumably wanders off.
The rest of the walk back is a near silent affair, most of the hollows ignoring you entirely, with a few acknowledging your passing by with their gaze. The way they look at you makes you uneasy. It's as if they're not so much looking at you as tracking something that is in movement; like they don't even recognize that you're a person, but rather just a thing that is moving in front of them.
After a short walk, you find yourself back at the sealed door, and, with a quick leap, you're back inside the ruined arena. Everything looks the same as when you left, with many of the hollows from earlier still blocking the entrance. You wonder if they even noticed that you had simply gone around the door, but you guess there's not much really left in them. The armored warrior is still in the same place as before, kneeling down with what you now know to be the coiled sword impaling him through the heart.
"Alright, here goes nothing." you mutter, as you transform. Despite a bit of nervous apprehension, there's a quick burst of light and you find yourself in a familiar outfit. A quick look over confirms that, yes you are still able to transform. Your soul gem still remains completely gray, but it is in the right place, so that should hopefully be fine. Next, you close your eyes, focus and take a deep breath. When you open your eyes, you're holding one of your swords, so thankfully that still works.
You look over the sword, then the examine Gundyr. The man, if you can call him that, is twice your height, and coated in enough metal that he could probably pass for a small car. How he's supposed to move when wearing all that, you don't know, but you're not sure a normal sword would be able to so much as dent what he's wearing. Then again, it's magic, which is probably why it can cut through things so easily, you figure. Just to be sure, you focus on the sword in hopes of changing it.
It takes a bit of effort, but after 15 minutes of alternating between staring at a sword and trying to think angrily towards it, you've managed to lengthen and thicken the blade. You're not sure whether or not it will help, but better to try just in case. You can always just make more anyway.
With that, you figure you shouldn't delay this any longer. Walking forward, you grasp the blade impaling Gundyr and pull. At first there's resistance, with you having to struggle to so much as move the sword, but slowly it gives, and you're able to slide it out. You back away a safe distance, just in case, and watch.
With the sword removed, Gundyr falls forward, before catching himself with his left hand. With a quick push, he begins to rise, his right hand reaching for his halberd, which he tears out of the ground in one swift motion. As he reaches his full height, he finally seems to notice you, as his helmet focuses towards you. With a grunt, he begins slowly walking towards you, every step causing the ground to shake beneath the sheer weight of his armor. In his right hand he clenches his halberd, while he keeps his other balled into a tight fist.
The trial begins.
[] Rush him, focus on being aggressive and keeping him pressured.
[] Rush him, focus on being mobile and chipping away at him.
[] Play it safe, see if you can wear him down at range with your swords.
[] Something else?
-[] Something more in-depth?