The Times We Spend Together
The Times We Spend Together

You smiled as you saw your three sons walking around the snow, feeling the cold material with their hands and marveling at the texture.

"Don't eat that snow!" You shouted to the three when Alexi tried to scoop up a handful of off-color snow and tried to eat it. The boy immediately dropped the handful onto the ground, his face a blank canvas.

"Go eat some part that's not yellow."

"Watching over them?" Rurik asked as he stood next to you, his cane tapping into the snow as he tried to keep his balance. "You know you have servants for that?"

"They're my children. And I haven't spent enough time with them lately." You replied.

"Then spend time with them, don't watch them from a distance like a looming figure. Be their father."Rurik stated.

You sighed. "You know why I can't do that."

"No, that is just the excuse you tell yourself because you are too scared." Rurik replied. You glared at the old man, gritting your teeth in anger. "Zima told me that you think you will hurt them. That you won't be a good father."You nodded and bowed your head in shame, the anger subsiding into disappointment.

"You can only be a terrible father if you don't spend time with them." His voice was wistful and bitter. "Just some advice from an old man who's seen far too little and lost too much at the same time."

You nodded and started to walk towards the three boys, who were now trying to push the snow to make a snowman. Your presence became known to them as your heavy steps sank into the fresh snow. The three boys looked at you with varying levels of awe and fear.

"Father," Ivan said in a soft voice. "Can you help us build a snowman?"

You gave a small smile. "Of course."

The three boys moved to the side of the small mound of snow that they were trying to roll. You took a moment to get your hands in the snow, pushing it into the best sphere you could make. It wasn't that good, but your sons were in awe of how easily you moved the snow and make the ball.

"Time to make another." You stated. You thencrouched down, waiting for Alexi and Dmtry to get beside you. Ivan walked over on the other side of the mound to roll the head.

You three rolled a smaller ball of snow, and you lifted it onto the bottom of the mound of snow that was the base of the snowman. Than Ivan tried to set his small ball of snow onto the top, but he fell backward, the ball of snow shattering on his body, covering him in the powder.

Then he started to cry. The piercing sound filled your ears, and you scrambled over to him. You picked your youngest up out of the snow and dusted him off. "Are you okay?" You asked, before being bombarded into a very tight hug. Ivan was still crying. "Hey, it will be okay, it will be okay." You cooed, pulling him closer and ruffling his hair. "I'm right here, it's okay. It will be okay."

Ivan stopped crying, and sniffled. "Okay."

You smiled. "Let me help you with that. Roll up the snow." Ivan got onto his knees and started rolling the ball. It was far from a perfect sphere, but you did not care.

When he was done, you nodded. "Now pick it up and hold it tight." You stated. Ivan did as you asked, holding on to the ball of snow the best he could. You then walked behind him and picked him up. "Now set it on." You stated.

Ivan leaned forward and perfectly placed theball of snow atop the snowman. Though it was bare and lacking any identifiable features, it was enough to get started.

The day passed as the four of you grabbed sticks, rocks, and other random items to put onto the snowman. By the time it was sunset, two sticks were arms, a tiny piece of wood as a nose and twenty pebbles as its eyes, face and other various features that gave it character.

And through all this, you smiled. And enjoyed all the company they gave you.

Reward: Vasily gained the Trait Family Person: You will do anything for your family. (All rolls involving Vasily Aristov's immediate family gain a +10 to the roll.)

AN: Enjoy.
Ahhhh. That was sweet.

Y'know What, With Zima in Poland we really haven't spent that much time with her. Next turn we should try and do an action with her if we can
aye, we may have to go on a conquering spree just to get all the rest of asia under our grip so our mighty family in both number and strength will end up taking over the world, you know being genius's and all that, if we end up with a child being genius, strong, shrewd, and attractive ill eat my hat.
aye, we may have to go on a conquering spree just to get all the rest of asia under our grip so our mighty family in both number and strength will end up taking over the world, you know being genius's and all that, if we end up with a child being genius, strong, shrewd, and attractive ill eat my hat.

Is it possible to get Genius and Shrewd at the same time?
ehh had a feeling when you unleashed one of the horsemen on the damn world...

so pretty much apathetic at this point.

when I see the quest end ill just up and head onto the next one, no point in wasting salt or water on this...
Let's just hope it doesn't lead to anymore sons. We're running out of kingdoms to give them.
For now.:evil:
Let me put it this way: If you did manage to do that, I might put the quest in hiatus early because of the amount of bullshit that I'm getting from the dice.
I'd suggest checking in with Sage Of Eyes, he may be missing a pair.:V
ehh had a feeling when you unleashed one of the horsemen on the damn world...
He thinks he's a horseman. Big distinction. And the dude's kinda ignoring how the vision ended.
Stefan’s Fortitude
Stefan's Fortitude

(Stefan POV)

You were tied to a pole, half-naked, in the cold. It wasn't the most painful thing you had been forced to endure in your short life. That dishonor belonged to the Turks beating you in front of your father as revenge for his victories against them. This was pure humiliation. You shivered every time there was a gust of wind biting against your skin, when the rain touched your body, and when the snow turned your fingers blue and purple.

They had already removed two of your fingers because of the pain and screaming you made. But you could still feel them as part of you, even when they were gone. You weren't surer how to feel about that. Well, aside from them still being cold, you felt that.

Whenever they untied you, they treated you like a dog. They tied a rope tied around your neck, and there was always a person yanking at the end, forcing you to move faster. A daily bowl of broth flavored with a cow bone, and your only water being the streams the group watered the animals in were your only sustenance. It was a miracle you weren't sick, but you counted is as the Lord's blessing.

You knew Vlad and the rest of the empire were going to come and rescue you… weren't they?

But then you saw two Mongols walk towards you, and undid the knots keeping you at the pole, before taking your arms and dragging you into the large tent where the leader slept.

As they sat you down, you immediately tried to make yourself comfortable. There were warm furs,the fire was burning, all together it's the first time in months that you've felt warm.

You closed your eyes, imagining yourself back home. You never took anything for granted… Except for Vlad. He always protected you. You wished you had him right now to protect you.

You wished for anything to be back by his side again.

You opened your eyes and saw the Mongol who'd taken you sitting beside you, sharpening his knife. "You are probably wondering why I have taken you?" You gritted your teeth. "All I want is information about your brother, Vlad Tepes."

"I won't tell you a damned thing." You growled. If they wanted to know about Vlad, they should have decided to learn about the Sacking of Nicea. 20,000 dead Turks, impaled in revenge for the crimes that their Sultan had done to you and Vlad. How you never lost a days sleep overhearing their screams, and watching their bodies slowly slide down the stakes. How Vlad had not missed a single moment of their long, agonizing deaths.

The Mongol readied his knife to slit your throat when you heard aloud. "STOP!" The voice caused you to shiver, it was like ice on your back. You turned your head to see the huge Mongol leader glaring at the man who had nearly killed you.

"My Khan I-"

The other man, the Khan, glared at him. "Get out."

The other man did as he asked without question. The other man, the Khan, sat in front of you, his face hard to read. "Do you know who I am?"

"A dead man." You replied.

That made the Khan smile. "My name isNaranbaatar, young Stefan Tepes. And I took you for a very simple reason."

"And what would that be?" You asked.

"Your brother has a very terrible temper, and a terrible hate for the Turks. See, the troops I had to kidnap you were Turkish soldiers that Sultan offered to me in honor of our 'new relationship'. They were just an added bonus that made the lie easier to sell. Once your brother is at war with the Turks… Well, the empire's east will only be guarded by Vasily Aristov. And he does not have the strength to stop me."

You gritted your teeth. "You won't get away with that, Vlad is-"

"Blinded by hatred. Even you know this." The great Khan replied, "Vlad Tepes is nobody special in that regard. All those who live in the eastern borders of the Empire are the same. All who live past them are to be hated, all foreigners are out to get you. And you're all so blinded by this rabid hate, you never look at the real threat coming for you. You would be a fool not to recognize that."

You paused, knowing that Vlad had every reason to think it was the Turks. "But my brother also wants to find me. And when he finds out where I am, he'll come for you."

"I would be disappointed if he didn't." Naranbaatar replied. He then reached behind him, pulled out a leather pack, and threw it at you. "Eat up quickly, boy. Your horse is ready and we ride within the hour."

You opened the pack, seeing proper food, parchment, bottles of ink, and quills inside. "What is this?" You asked.

"You're literate noble boy, surely you've seen writing utensils before. I have scribes hailing from China to Baghdad to write down all my conquests and victories. But for my takeover of the empire, who better to tell the tale from their own perspective than the son of the Dragon himself?"

An: Stefan is alive and well. For now at least.
"You're literate noble boy, surely you've seen writing utensils before. I have scribes hailing from China to Baghdad to write down all my conquests and victories. But for my takeover of the empire, who better to tell the tale from their own perspective than the son of the Dragon himself?"
*The Khan thinks that the Empire will throw all its weight behind Vlad, forgets that the Emperor gives zero fucks about Vlad's crusades, dislikes Vlad and isn't stupid enough to throw men at a personal war and considers Vasiliy his only friend*

Are we sure this guy is a genius?

If his spies can give such a detailed report on Vlad, then he should know that the Emperor doesn't trust or value him overly, we wouldn't stand alone because our wife controls Poland and the Emperor considers him the greatest threat.

Either someone's making a shit ton of bad assumptions or he's being fed crap Intelligence.
Well we do have an inturige speced emperor whose been doing pretty so far. Take that any way you will.
So the Emperor might be misleading the Khan? Making him think he'll back Vlad and throw the Legions and provinces behind him against the Turks, making him unaware of the fact he's preparing Russia so that it'll have a decent chunk of the Empire behind him.

Basically he might be doing a 'Surprise Zerg Rush' on the Khan. Cool.
Turn 9 Rumor mill
Turn 9 Rumor mill

Reports from the Rus:

The Cossacks Raid Mongol Scouts: Anya of the Cossacks led 2000 horse archers against the Mongols, killing about 2000 of them before they retreated.

Reward: Disaster roll decreased by 5.

Reports from the empire:

Vlad Tepes stands down: The army of Vlad Tepes has stood down when an order from the emperor prompted him to. No other reason has been given.

A Daughter is Born: Emperor Alexander has announced that his wife has given birth to a healthy girl.

Reward: New Action available.

The Imperial Artillery Corp has been founded: The Imperial Army has announced that it has founded the Imperial Artillery Corp, fielding the latest in artillery technology.

Reward: Will now roll a d40 for cannons for two turns.

Reports from Outside the Empire:

Korea Surrenders: Japanese forces under Hideo Shimazu have decisively defeated the Korean Army outside of Seoul, capturing their king and forcing a surrender. The entire Korean Peninsula is under the command of the Japanese Empire.

China has yet to respond to the act of aggression due to its civil war.

Persia and Egypt sign peace treaty: After several years of fighting, the two powers have reached a peace.

The Silk Road raided by bandits: Due to the instability of the routes protectors and of China, the Silk Road has become infested with bandits.

Reward: Foreign Trade decreased by 500.

AN: A short Rumor mill. Enjoy.
Korea Surrenders: Japanese forces under Hideo Shimazu have decisively defeated the Korean Army outside of Seoul, capturing their king and forcing a surrender. The entire Korean Peninsula is under the command of the Japanese Empire
Damn. The Empire of Japan might even go after Vietnam and other such nations now.

The world is one of Empire, one of large nations. From Third Rome, China, Japan, Maya, Aztec, Inca, Congo and maybe one day Russia.

This world is ruled by Emperors only.