Okay, I was busy with stuff but it looks like it's time to get writing and the winner is...

[X] Plan Dylan
-[X] Jacob Anderson
-[X] Male
-[X] Engineer: Innovation best comes slowly but surely. +2 Learning -1 Intrigue. Upkeep reduction. Research Bonus.
-[X] Keen: You're quick on the uptake. +1 all stats.
-[X] Handsome: You are not the classic definition of beauty, but no one will say you're ugly. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue. (Cannot be taken if Beautiful)
Okay, I was busy with stuff but it looks like it's time to get writing and the winner is...

[X] Plan Dylan
-[X] Jacob Anderson
-[X] Male
-[X] Engineer: Innovation best comes slowly but surely. +2 Learning -1 Intrigue. Upkeep reduction. Research Bonus.
-[X] Keen: You're quick on the uptake. +1 all stats.
-[X] Handsome: You are not the classic definition of beauty, but no one will say you're ugly. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue. (Cannot be taken if Beautiful)

Question: the last update said that the three traits with the highest number of votes win; would this not mean that those have to be tallied individually instead of just taking those belonging to the winning plan?
Question: the last update said that the three traits with the highest number of votes win; would this not mean that those have to be tallied individually instead of just taking those belonging to the winning plan?
Plan Dylan is also top 3 traits as well.
Alright, Character Sheet is up on the front page.

Here it is if you're too lazy to go look there.
Jacob Anderson (Male) Age: 17


19 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 1: 32
The power of the Ebon Emperor combined with your natural talent for fighting, a keen mind for tactics and trained physique has made you into a force to be reckoned with on the field of battle.

Stewardship: 12 +2 + 1: 15:

You handle the budgeting at home so you know your ways around numbers a bit. You're capable of making the most of a limited budget.

Diplomacy: 1 + 2 + 1 + 1: 5

To say that you are bad at communicating with others is an understatement plus you scare people when you smile. Even with your handsome looks, people tend to be scared of you even while you're scared of talking to them. You have very few friends.

Intrigue: 12 + 2 - 1 + 1 + 1: 15

With few words, you've managed to convince your school that you're the quiet type and not just horribly shy. And you are good at sneaking around to avoid people. You also know when things are not always what they appear on the surface.

Learning: 12 +2 + 2 + 1: 17

You are an intelligent young man. Nothing spectacular but definitely above average. You'll have no problems with getting into a good university if you wanted to. You like to tinker with stuff as well.

Piety: 6 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 1: 19

Awakening as the Ebon Lord has made you aware of magic's existence and that you had very little talent for magic before your transformation. Becoming the Ebon Lord has given you enough magical power to match the average trained mage.


Servant of the Ebon Emperor: The Black King has chosen you to serve them and in doing so has granted you powers beyond the ken of mortal men. +5 Martial, +5 Piety.

Chosen Lord of the Ebon Emperor: You have been chosen to build and lead the forces of the Black King. Power and the knowledge have been granted unto you so that you may do so. +2 to all stats

Champion of the Black King: The Ebon Emperor have granted you power far beyond his other servants. You are his champion and thus you represent his absolute might. +5 Martial, +5 Piety.

Engineer: Innovation best comes slowly but surely. +2 Learning – 1 Intrigue. Upkeep Reduction. Research Bonus.

Keen: You're quick on the uptake. +1 all stats.

Handsome: You are not the classic definition of beauty, but no one will say you're ugly. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue.

Now before we can continue, it's picture time.

Choose one of the following or throw in your own choice of how Jacob looks like, preferably guys who look strong and aren't overly scrawny, trim is alright. I suck at finding pictures.

[ ] #1

[ ] #2

[ ] #3

[ ] Write-in
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Yikes, we are not a people person :lol

Good thing we can beat everyone up really well or be sneaky :D

[X] #3

This looks pretty fitting to me.

GreedLing from FBA:B?
Was there even another option to go with?:V
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Week 1
Week 1

The next morning is awkward to say the least. More for you than anything since you can feel this immense pool of power just floating around inside you, just crying out to be used. The problem however is that you have no idea how to use it. All you know that having all this crazy power has made your body stronger, faster, and tougher. It's quite fortunate that despite all this power, there's no discernible changes in your appearance. At least your family hasn't noticed anything off.

Like every other day, your mother is preparing breakfast while dad is reading the newspaper. A quick skim of the cover tells you that there's been another mysterious sighting of some vigilante that's been beating up criminals and leaving them in front of the police station. Your younger sister is testing away at her phone, probably planning a day out with her friends in middle school. Your younger brother is watching his Saturday morning cartoons.

And then there's you, who's now apparently the evil overlord general-type character that you'd normally see in one of those kids' superhero shows, like the magical girl show that your brother is watching. Not only that, your perception of the world has change with the revelation that Magic is actually a real thing. You can see things that no-one else seems to be able to see. Phantoms, ghost, spirits – you have no clue.

At any rate, you're thankful that a couple of days ago, there was an accident in your school's science lab forcing them to close the place for a week, leaving you the perfect opportunity to get a handle on your powers and everything else that came with it. There is a wellspring of power that's urging you to make use of it and you don't want to know what would happen if you just let it be.

You have 500 Ebon Power available for use.

There are ways to spend this power, you can feel it inside your mind. But it's going to take some experimenting. You just hope that you don't accidentally blow up anything while you're at it.

You don't want to waste your allowance and savings on having to buy new stuff.

You have $500 in your funds available.

Martial: One of the urges within you tells you that the easiest way to expend power is to create minions, subordinates or whatever they call themselves. According to what you've seen in your brother's cartoons, you'll need an army of monsters because a dark general without an army is just some dude. You'll keep things small at first since you don't really have much space at home that your family won't stumble upon by accident. Time for some experimental minion making! (Choose 1)

[ ] Creating From Nothing: You can draw out your power from your body and shape it. In some games, that's enough to make minions. See if you can make something that can think and follow your orders out of pure energy. Cost: 10 EP. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Create Minion Spell. Weak stupid Minions.

[ ] Making Something out of Something: You believe that you can shove a portion of your power into objects and get some kind of effect. It's quite common in magical girl shows for some random object to be used to create monsters so let's see if you can do something like that as well. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Intellectification Spell. Weak intelligent Minions.

[ ] Call Something to Serve: You've seen this in a lot of games and shows. One way of gaining minions is to summon like some boss minion and make a contract with them. At least that's what your powers are telling you. You don't know how something like that is meant to go so you're just gonna have to wing it. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success 50%. Reward: Summon Minion Spell. Future access to stronger minions. Minions.

Stewardship: Right now, you're living with your parents and siblings. You've never heard of an evil overlord that lived with their parents and operated out from a nice family home. You're going to have to change that. (Choose 1)

[ ] Base of Operations: You know that the power within you will continue to grow. That means that soon you won't be able to hide your experiments in the privacy of your room. You need to find a place that offers both space and privacy to not only test your power but also to start up a base. Cost: $100. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: A place to act as your base for the time being.

[ ] Get Rich Quick Scheme #1: You think you might be able to create stuff out of your power. What better way to test this than making valuable metals and gemstones. Let's hope there's no laws against selling gold and gemstones made out of dark energy at the pawnshop. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Variable Income Gain.

[ ] Get Some Wheels: Your dad helped you get a motorcycle license last year. You're gonna need your own motorcycle since you'll probably need to be able to get to places fast. After all, you can be doing evil in the same area or else people will get suspicious! It shouldn't be too hard to find someone will to sell you one cheaply. Cost: $400. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Used Motorcycle. Ease of travel.

Diplomacy: You don't really know who'd you talk to about this kind of stuff. You'd believe that you're now an evil overlord. Plus, even if they do believe, what if they're really on the side of good and leading you into a trap. (Locked)

: You need information and you can't just go to the local library and look it up. You need stuff on magic, the forces of evil and good, the stuff that really relevant to your life now. Your power has given you some idea on how to proceed with this information gathering. (Choose 1)

[ ] Phantom Seekers: It might be possible to create some kind of…ghost thing to go look around for those with magic or other exotic energies (That's a thing apparently and fairly common according to the knowledge shoved into your head). Hopefully you can find someone or something that can help you figure out this overlord with might and magic stuff. Cost: 150 EP. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: 3 Spy Unit – Phantom Seekers. Find supernatural groups.

[ ] Enter the Vault: You have access to the Treasure Vault of Black Kingdom. With a mental key turn, you summon force a doorway into a dimensional vault where the Ebon Emperor stores whatever he deems useful or valuable. It has all kinds of stuff inside it according to your power - weapons, artefacts, magical objects, tools, and most importantly, knowledge. Time to go spelunking into the depths of the Vault for treasure beyond your wildest imagining. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: Variable. Reward: Random Loot.

[ ] Need for a Disguise: The villains in all those magical girl shows and superhero shows often have the ability to take on a civilian form or change their appearance so that the good guys don't suspect them. Let's see if you can do the same. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Glamour Spell Created.

Learning: You have been infused with energy not of this world which you're calling Ebon Power for now. It's different to anything that you've ever seen. Time for some science! (Choose 1)

[ ] Ebon Power and Science!: Through the methods of rationality, you shall seek out and uncover the true nature of your powers and see how the laws of physics work with them. Magic is but a different sort of science though you get the feeling that what's in you is not quite the same. Time to test things! Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 50%. Rewards: Learn more about your Powers.

[ ] Ebon Power Substitution: The Power of the Ebon Emperor is incredibly malleable. With effort, it changes according to your thoughts. Could you recharge a phone with it? Can you use it as nourishment instead of actual food? And you fire Ebon Power instead of lead out of a gun? Just what can you do with this? Cost 50 EP. Chance of Success: 50%. Rewards: Learn how to replicate mundane energies.

Piety: Magic is real! Actually Real. The stories about witches and wizards in myths have a grain of truth to them. The world is full of nature spirits, ghosts, and other mysterious forces. You yourself is a conduit of power born from a being of god-like power. You must learn to harness this power or face the consequences. (Choose 1)

[ ] Magical Enchantment: You can infuse objects with Ebon Power. See if you can change the object to make them better or be able to do stuff. Enchantment and that kind of crap. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Rewards: Learn how to enchant objects.

[ ] Magical Artifact Hunt: Your newly acquired ability to sense the mystic energies of magic can be of use to you. Go around pawn shops and see if you can find something of magical value. Who knows, perhaps you can learn something new. You might even find something to help you learn magic. Cost: $50. Chance of Success: 40/80%. Reward: Random Magical Object/Magical Grimoire.

Personal: You have quite a bit of free time with school closed for the week. Might as well catch up on your video game backlog. (Choose 1)

[ ] Meditate: You've noticed that despite being imbued with immense powers of darkness or Ebon or whatever, you're surprisingly calm about the whole thing. Something's up and you feel that looking deep within yourself will provide some answers. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: 60 or greater, Lose Hidden Trait. Remember meeting with Ebon Emperor. Understand what you have become even at the cost of your peace of mind.

[ ] Training: No sense in slacking off your training. Even with all this power in your body, you still need to sharpen the skills needed to fully harness said power. When the whole world is against you, the only thing you can truly rely on is your own body. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: 1 Martial. Greater than 80 gets two Martial.
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[X] Creating From Nothing
[X] Get Rich Quick Scheme #1
[X] Need for a Disguise
[X] Ebon Power and Science!
[X] Magical Enchantment
[X] Meditate
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[X] Creating From Nothing
[X] Get Rich Quick Scheme #1
[X] Need for a Disguise
[X] Ebon Power and Science!
[X] Magical Enchantment
[X] Meditate
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[X] Creating From Nothing
[X] Get Rich Quick Scheme #1
[X] Need for a Disguise
[X] Ebon Power and Science!
[X] Meditate
You guys are forgetting the piety actions. Also put in a difference between the minion creation actions in regards to minion intelligence l.
[x] Creating From Nothing
[x] Base of Operations
[x] Enter the Vault
[x] Ebon Power Substitution
[x] Magical Enchantment
[x] Meditate

EP: 500 - 100 - 50 - 50 - 10 = 290
$: 500 - 100 = 400
[x] plan young lord

[X] Call Something to Serve
[X] Get Rich Quick Scheme #1
[X] Need for a Disguise
[X] Ebon Power Substitution
[X] Magical Artifact Hunt
[X] Meditate

[X] #2

still in time for this vote?
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[X] Creating From Nothing
[X] Base of Operations
[X] Need for a Disguise
[X] Ebon Power and Science!
[X] Magical Enchantment
[X] Meditate
[x] Plan We're the Engineer

[x] Creating From Nothing: You can draw out your power from your body and shape it. In some games, that's enough to make minions. See if you can make something that can think and follow your orders out of pure energy. Cost: 10 EP. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: Create Minion Spell. Weak stupid Minions.

[x] Base of Operations: You know that the power within you will continue to grow. That means that soon you won't be able to hide your experiments in the privacy of your room. You need to find a place that offers both space and privacy to not only test your power but also to start up a base. Cost: $100. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: A place to act as your base for the time being.

[x] Phantom Seekers: It might be possible to create some kind of…ghost thing to go look around for those with magic or other exotic energies (That's a thing apparently and fairly common according to the knowledge shoved into your head). Hopefully you can find someone or something that can help you figure out this overlord with might and magic stuff. Cost: 150 EP. Chance of Success: 80%. Reward: 3 Spy Unit – Phantom Seekers. Find supernatural groups.

[x] Ebon Power and Science!: Through the methods of rationality, you shall seek out and uncover the true nature of your powers and see how the laws of physics work with them. Magic is but a different sort of science though you get the feeling that what's in you is not quite the same. Time to test things! Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 50%. Rewards: Learn more about your Powers.

[x] Magical Enchantment: You can infuse objects with Ebon Power. See if you can change the object to make them better or be able to do stuff. Enchantment and that kind of crap. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Rewards: Learn how to enchant objects.

[x] Meditate: You've noticed that despite being imbued with immense powers of darkness or Ebon or whatever, you're surprisingly calm about the whole thing. Something's up and you feel that looking deep within yourself will provide some answers. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: 60 or greater, Lose Hidden Trait. Remember meeting with Ebon Emperor. Understand what you have become even at the cost of your peace of mind.

Total cost: 310EP and $100

Now come the reasons why I choose this set up
  • Create something out of nothing: It has the highest chance of success as well as the ability to stay hidden. Because we use "nothing", our belongings will not disappear mysteriously. Considering that we are still sharing the same house with our parents, they are likely to check our room from time to time, staying hidden a while longer is better
  • Base of Operation: Pretty much self-explanatory. We will have somewhere under the radar to train ourselves and initiate operations fitting with out power (say... can we convert a hero to our cause? We can move there and experiment with every idea we have) - Still, we need to buy some cleaning detergent (and snack)
  • Phantom Seeker: Intelligence is important. When we are new to the game, simply observing others (or reading the reports) can do great improvement on our cause. Getting someone who leaves no trace behind (like a ghost, literally) is the best
  • Ebon Power and Science: The success chance is low but still equal to the other option. Due to the Engineer trait, using the Clarke's Third Rule may be beneficial
  • Magical Enchantment: Same idea of Clarke's Third Rule
  • Meditate: We have the Dark Lord's power. We have to understand it better, lest we will lose control of ourselves.