Since I can... Cheap, but a speculated 'Facebook' like commentary on possible Ninja Mail, delivered by speed/dial up of Intrigue.
Ninja S(huriken)-Mail (because even if it's 'Facebook' lite in delivery, it's still encrypted as shit.)
"Gaiden": "Shiki", you know that annoying (H.V.N) Ando, not even a Genin inheritor of THE WILL? He's somehow still alive, and under the guardianship of quite a few Kunoichi, and an unknown Wild Card.
"Shiki": In what context, Informant? Also, the [REDACTED] are being unusually irate as of late. I take it it's due to this unusual plot for 'easy pickings' being rubbed quicker than some 'Scooby Gang'.
"Gaiden": News is, Ando has been spotted to NOT be in league or investment by some Scooby Gang. But bailed out by an ordinary 'thug' called "Jacob Andersen", who has been observed to have a high affinity towards Cloak and Dagger actions, in stark contrast to the H.V.N himself.
"Shiki": ... So, this 'Gaijin', not even a proper Ninja... Somehow defeated a league of Ninja, unvealed a Ninja conspiracy, and SOMEHOW assassinated Kagemaru, a veteran Jounin. Without going overly flashy? ... I smell a prodigy, in the mist. How did I not hear of his possible talents until now?
"Turtle" (translated): So, 'Highly Visible Ninja' Ando, who should all accounts been 'removed' from stage. Has on top of divine will, a growing squadron of Kunoichi as his Reagents, an unknown Gaijin Ninja, we've had no knowledge on? ... What, can you tell me of this 'Jacob Andersen', informant?
"Gaiden": Well, Kame (Turtle). From what I've observed so far, he's a completely ordinary human, at a glance... Past apparently, having a natural affinity for violence given his deliquent streak. And by shear fluke, managing to hold his own against a wave of Ninja planning on taking down Ando, by happenstance. Overall, given the likely awareness of 'Cloak and Dagger' plottings...
"Shiki": ... I thought you're just watching the news, Kame. What's taken your interest in an otherwise mundane 'friend' of Ando's, despite likely being a deliquent who somehow sliced through professional Shinobi, without any training past talent?
"Kame": Let's just say, if my intel is right... I heard he's not aligned to any ninja clan at all. I know, because I did my background checks more extensively than Gaiden, and past
possible history of Magical Girls from his mother's line. I see no ounce of Magical talent in him. A complete blank. Therefore, my conclusion is, he's either a combat prodigy, or worse a person with a talent for hiding their talent, because I see no sense of a strong 'chi' in him. Very, interesting...
"Shiki": And why tell us this, Kame clan? When you could for all intents and purposes, find new blood to strengthen your clan?
"Kame": As things stand, he seems to be too invested in the incompetent Ando, the 'H.V.N' who I'd expect will die within a month at least, bar a divine miracle. However, given our 'passive' friendship, Nanaya. I think you might find him either as a possible 'investment', if you want to benefit from the Ando chaos brewing...
"Shiki": ... We will take this into account. But at the very least, the last thing I want, is for our Kunoichi heirs to become intrigued with yet another stupid Gaijin. Still, I'd rather have Jacob become a fangirl dynasty target for Kunoichi, over the 'Highly Visible Ninja'. As it'd leave him more... Easy, to handle, or influence. Any other intel on this
other Ninja called 'Black Darkness'?
"Kame": None, past saying that Gaiden is also even more worried. Given his potential... Ties to Dark Arts. But still, the fact that evil demonic Ninja are also keen in influencing the Visible Yoiyami disaster, is a picture of how bad Ando's... Lack of Intrigue will be. Personally, if you're going to get involved, we insist you either force this 'Ando' to either go through 'Training Hell', or... Replace him, with someone more amenable to the line, like his younger sister Sakura.