The part that really amuses me is that judging by
The two did not realize that the Jacob they had been with was not the same Jacob that they had known up until yesterday.
This is still the fucking clone. The real (and much more powerful) Jacob is probably tracking this whole thing with a Wraith and ready to come charging in as cavalry but would prefer not to.

I really like the idea of there being this whole beta story of "Jacob guarding his friend Ando with dangerous forbidden ninja techniques" and then when someone finally strikes him down to get at Ando and Ando unleashes his powers to avenge his friend ... only for Jacob to show up again the next day none the worse for the wear claiming it was just a bad hit to the head and he doesn't remember yesterday.

And then eventually the revelation that Jacob has been jobbing the fuck out of things.
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Well, apparently SOMEONE had to fill the Ichimaru Gin "hidden ruthless ally" quotient in the cast.

Might as well let our MC handle it.
First Thing.

If my sleep deprived brain is correct then fucking Las Angeyoto Tower. Dude, that's like 4 places meshed into one. Calling bullshit if there isn't a casino floor somewhere there or some kinda homage to Big Hero 6.

Second. It'd be really great to see some kinda POV side story/omake thing where we get to experience Clone!Jacob's day to day life with the Heroes.
The part that really amuses me is that judging by
The two did not realize that the Jacob they had been with was not the same Jacob that they had known up until yesterday.
This is still the fucking clone. The real (and much more powerful) Jacob is probably tracking this whole thing with a Wraith and ready to come charging in as cavalry but would prefer not to.
But up until yesterday the Jacob they knew was his shadow clone. It suggests that this is the real Jacob. Or that it's an improved!clone!Jacob.
Second. It'd be really great to see some kinda POV side story/omake thing where we get to experience Clone!Jacob's day to day life with the Heroes.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the day. The instant that fact had sunk into the minds of every student in the classroom, everyone let out a cheer and evacuated from the room through whatever means necessary. About half the class jumped out the window while the rest all tried to leave through the doorway. Due to previous incidents in Mister Banns' class where desperate students broke through the doors and windows to escape Mister Banns, the classroom where his classes took place had the windows and doors removed in exchange for shutters that would open during classes and close after club activities were over.
I second that vote. I second that so much.
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Plot twist:
Jacob has progressed enough in his Ebon Control that ALL the clones are him.
The only way to kill him now permanently is to kill all of his clones at the same time, lest the remaining clone creates more of them.

A hive mind of darkness. :V
What I find interesting is that the ninja used -sama for Ando. That tells us that this group is most likely Rulership. Also, since the last group used -san at best, this set might actually have some respect for Ando, and this could be some sort of elaborate test to see if he's worthy of holding the Yoiyami blade.

Or I could be making something out of nothing.
The part that really amuses me is that judging by

This is still the fucking clone. The real (and much more powerful) Jacob is probably tracking this whole thing with a Wraith and ready to come charging in as cavalry but would prefer not to.

I really like the idea of there being this whole beta story of "Jacob guarding his friend Ando with dangerous forbidden ninja techniques" and then when someone finally strikes him down to get at Ando and Ando unleashes his powers to avenge his friend ... only for Jacob to show up again the next day none the worse for the wear claiming it was just a bad hit to the head and he doesn't remember yesterday.

And then eventually the revelation that Jacob has been jobbing the fuck out of things.
I like this interpretation a lot more than the one where we're actually there.
you know.....we should totally learn how to shadow teleport or have our minions learn how so they can kidnap these unconscious ninjas for our prisons.....
you know.....we should totally learn how to shadow teleport or have our minions learn how so they can kidnap these unconscious ninjas for our prisons.....
And what?
Do something horrible like ripping their memories straight out of their heads so we can gain ninja info and techniques?

... let's do it.
And what?
Do something horrible like ripping their memories straight out of their heads so we can gain ninja info and techniques?

... let's do it.
and to make them permanently in a state of negativity so we can harvest them for ebon power
find a way to convert them into humanoid monsters/soldiers/commanders/units
and to make them permanently in a state of negativity so we can harvest them for ebon power
find a way to convert them into humanoid monsters/soldiers/commanders/units
Mind control, minion creation, energy draining, memory manipulation...

Damn, we'd be hitting plenty of villain milestones there.
The part that really amuses me is that judging by

This is still the fucking clone. The real (and much more powerful) Jacob is probably tracking this whole thing with a Wraith and ready to come charging in as cavalry but would prefer not to.

I really like the idea of there being this whole beta story of "Jacob guarding his friend Ando with dangerous forbidden ninja techniques" and then when someone finally strikes him down to get at Ando and Ando unleashes his powers to avenge his friend ... only for Jacob to show up again the next day none the worse for the wear claiming it was just a bad hit to the head and he doesn't remember yesterday.

And then eventually the revelation that Jacob has been jobbing the fuck out of things.

Is the Real Jacob because we crit roll a personal action.
... In before we accidentally crit bail out Ando so hard, we're like the 'sudden brute Ninja', who is totally not a Ninja. That cannot be an allowed paradox.

Or in before rumours start circulating that on hearing our 'bro' is caught in Ninja shenanigans. Jacob trained through a casual look at 'manga' on common Ninja Tricks, and punched so hard he's got suspicion of 'Shadow Ninja' on him, even in his mundane cover...

... Or IE: If/when our 'heroic childhood friend' who is likely not Ando, goes irate over YOU!?!? We can just casually reply (without revealing our Ebon Lord identity.)

"Look, I can explain..."

*Dodges a kick, like a Ninja. Without being a Ninja.*

"Reason I skipped family meals, was Ando got himself dragged into some weird shit, involving a kidnapping attempt. And me, not wanting my best bro to somehow get involved in I quote, 'ninja' shit not helped by posting some weird katana on facebook. Had to bail him out..."

"... And before you ask, I'm not a Ninja, or dark evil shadow ninja."


"I just know how to hide in the background, and NOT draw attention. And am now going to have to drag Ando into a 'don't be stupid' club, for his sake..."

*Cue dragging Ando out in the closet... Before besieging him full of nightmares, while Asuka in time, finds out he's making sure he 'gits good' as a Ninja, to make up for him unwittingly giving his live, a headache full of Ninja...

... All while being so bluntly fixing Ninja problems, he ends up with some title as 'The Deliquent Non-Ninja', and somehow shanghai'd into training in order to technically be classed 'as' a Ninja, for some factions headache inducing sake... While still likely being irate over how he can still Ninja, without being Ninja.

... Hindsight, this is going to be a matter of time, before mundane Jacob ends up with a fan club of Kunoichi, for all I know. So much for normalcy... :p
By the way, could someone help me out with the terminology on ninjas?

From the research I did for a project of my own some time ago, I got that "kunoichi" is, while referring exclusively to female ninja, also a clear sign that said females are actively using their bodily charms to reach their goals. Whereas "shinobi" is a more common term without such connotations.

Soo... is that description correct or did I miss something?
The part that really amuses me is that judging by

This is still the fucking clone. The real (and much more powerful) Jacob is probably tracking this whole thing with a Wraith and ready to come charging in as cavalry but would prefer not to.

I really like the idea of there being this whole beta story of "Jacob guarding his friend Ando with dangerous forbidden ninja techniques" and then when someone finally strikes him down to get at Ando and Ando unleashes his powers to avenge his friend ... only for Jacob to show up again the next day none the worse for the wear claiming it was just a bad hit to the head and he doesn't remember yesterday.

And then eventually the revelation that Jacob has been jobbing the fuck out of things.

A Jacob for every story. Exorcist!Jacob soon!
By the way, could someone help me out with the terminology on ninjas?

From the research I did for a project of my own some time ago, I got that "kunoichi" is, while referring exclusively to female ninja, also a clear sign that said females are actively using their bodily charms to reach their goals. Whereas "shinobi" is a more common term without such connotations.

Soo... is that description correct or did I miss something?
Kunoichi is specifically a female ninja, while shinobi is just any ninja, I think. Implying implications is because certain words are used when the concepts they represent are more relevant than their synonyms; a seductress would be specifically referred to as a kunoichi to emphasize that she was a female ninja, as opposed to just any ninja.
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I see a problem with knowledge acquisition- we are gaining entire memories, not just knowledge.

Let's make up a story to illustrate my point. Let's make a point to illustrate my point, because at this point I don't care about permanence of my posts in time.

With our occult voodoo soul-memory taking, we aren't just getting pure information, freshly printed by your local office. We are taking a bit of another person's very being here.
And people aren't the most logical nor well made beings (sorry God). They have weird habits, flaws and layers upon layers of those psychological mechanisms that makes us human, therefore irrational.

Say you've taken a general's memory for his tactical genius. Well, you've also taken his far too aggressive approach, or his weird habit of focusing on the left flank.
Or you've taken a ninja's fighting experience. This experience includes the unshakable faith in round-house kicks, in spite of them being slower than he thinks. (he just uses them never, but thinks they are cool)

So unless Jacob is great at filtering those memories, like his golems do with Seekers, then he'll end up a bit like a mental Frankenstein- stitches of other's in him.
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What I find interesting is this part:

There were ninja clans that were said to bind demon spirits to their commands. Such clans were both feared and reviled for practicing such forbidden arts. However, he couldn't deny the possibility that the boy - no, the ninja Jacob was from one such clan.

After seeing our shadow minions he immidiatly assumed we were a demon summoning ninja. Does the fact that every ninja we meet assume we are ninja when we use our powers indicate that the ninja clans don't know about the supernatural? I imagine if they knew about all the creatures that live in this city, they would not jump to such conclusions.

Or maybe its just because we hang around the ninja messiah Ando. Either way we can use this. Between the ninja memories we are absorbing and their natural assumptions, we could easily pretend to be a ninja.

To his growing horror and fear, the ninja heard the sound of his subordinates falling to the ground as well. Turning his head, he saw that unlike him, they were completely unconscious. Terror grasped his heart as he heard the approaching footsteps of the one called Jacob. Did he do this to them? How? He didn't do anything! That's when the ninja saw the shadow beneath his subordinates move out of sync with his men's body. Stretching out in an impossible manner, something then emerged from the shadow.

Also, our new shadow minions are confirmed to be awesome! We should make more of them and sic them on the city. Hell, it looks like they hide in shadows and steal energy without anyone noticing them.