So Naruto shinobi, Fate Stay/Night(and associated verses) magi, Hellsing/High School DxD exorcists, Sailor Moon/various MG shows Magical Girls, and assorted extras? Plus General Armstrong from FMA? All in one fucking place? Holy fuck, the Masquerade is STRONG.

Fuck it is. Why? DO They have memory eating vampires.
I bet it's something more like... fate manipulation or something. Perhaps just simple N.M.P fields. (Not my problem)
Or S.E.P fields (Someone else's problem), maybe both together?

I mean having a team go and deal with all of this seems like wayyy too much work and also has huge logistics/reality issues of working. But some sort of giant magical working on the other hand... that's simpler.
In depth analysis tiem, but before that, I'll do off the cuft commentary...
The government/Exorcists, and ninjas are the ones most likely to find out who we are if we're detected by them. Both of them are factions that have ties with, or are very good at intrigue, and it's probably better not to risk it.
Intrigue wise, I might still argue that sooner or later, it may be wise to deal with Ninja soon. While at the same time, figure out a means to dodge getting sighted/'dealt' with by Exorcists, given our nature as the Ebon Lord/Savior.

If anything, I'd likely make a 'punch list' on priorities on 'factions we might tango' with, and factions to either dodge, or 'deal' with in quiet order.
So Naruto shinobi, Fate Stay/Night(and associated verses) magi, Hellsing/High School DxD exorcists, Sailor Moon/various MG shows Magical Girls, and assorted extras? Plus General Armstrong from FMA? All in one fucking place? Holy fuck, the Masquerade is STRONG.
... Tag line aside, and for all I know, 'Armstrong' being akin to a Cho Aniki of a harem setting aside. My bet on the Masqurade, is it might be a trade agreement by many factions, for 'innocents' sake. If pulling a rough analog, Masqurade possibly being akin to the Sunnydale masqurade, or possibly Pact's (wildbow's web serial) Masqurade.

Speaking of, now to do analysis/est on this...
You just couldn't believe that despite all the stuff that's been happening in your city, none of it has gotten out to the public. Either someone had an iron grip on the media and internet, or there's some other mysterious force that's somehow obfuscating the mundane public's perception.
Short term, best to assume the latter unless we find out who is in charge of cover ups, and consider bribing him to keep our cover safe... Or trick the public into tiny donations for 'Ebon merchandise', but that's needless selling, I say!
In any case, you managed to narrow down the superhuman slash supernatural scene to five main groups as well as some details about them: -

Ninja Clans - Your Phantasm Seekers have often found themselves following after strangely garbed fleet-footed warriors that fought in the shadows. Many were dressed like typical shinobi and kunoichis while others had either more outlandish appearances or looked just like a normal person. One thing that differentiated ninjas from normal people were their abnormally high Life Energy. From what you've seen from the footage of battles between ninjas, they rely on powerful trained bodies, ninja techniques such as fireballs, hidden weapons, practically supernatural stealth, and a high level of unarmed combat skill. You don't know how many different clans or faction there are but there are at least a dozen different ninja groups.
At a glance, doesn't 'seem' to have pinged the Shadows that much, but there's various/many Ninja clans. So much, that we're bound to find at a minimum, one clan that we can at least tango with, but possible more depending on how things roll. However, past secretive nature of their profession, we pick Ninja, chances are we may also have to take into account clan/blood feuds, that end in shadow wars and murder.

So, nice area for an Intrigue Adviser, if we play the shadow game right. But possible risk of in turn dealing with a potential Clan politics, but that's minor compared to the next lot in Intrigue...
Exorcist and Demon Hunters - A few Seekers have found a group going around finding people with some weird energy signature and then shooting them with this fancy gun that makes a monster come out of the person which the group then kills with glowing weaponry. After a couple of seekers snuck into one of their safehouses, you learnt that these guys were exorcists or demon hunters who went around finding people possessed by demons and forcing them out in order to banish them back to hell. This group seems to have ties with the government. This group seems to make use of rituals, guns and weapons with glowing white scripts on them, special uniforms that are hidden behind a glamour of sorts, and possibly spirits since there were this strange and powerful looking one bound to one the exorcists.
... Okay, hint/nudges aside, I can likely see two things (and this is including 'Independant enemies/est.)

One, faction to likely maybe want to play safe/dodge dealing with, least they possibly try and purify/bad end Jacob, or worse anihilate with due vengeance.

Second, light glows likely =/= association with Heaven, and guardian spirits on top. Oh, and government tango as well, so mess with them, we may end up dealing with additional law enforcement/legalese trickery against our pragmatic 'ordinary' villain.

But third, even if it's a likely group/faction we'd want to dodge/avoid dealing with if possible... Their enemies, on the other hand (read, Demons and possessed.) Might actually be a potential recruit pool for 'Villain Units' and Elite forces later on, especially when one takes into account Ebon power. However, we hire/take into employment/sanctuary Demons (in exchange of nickels, a 'bed' and vices without ideally worrying about suffering solo/alone.) We'd likely have to contend with them possibly search and destroying us like Ghoul Investigators.

So overall, it's either 'dodge, period'. Or 'help some demons avoid, get passive services without too much suspicion, but be weary of them and what they can do against us.'

And this IS, taking into account a lack of a 'hell' faction to pretty much be warranted under 'independents' by technicality (and hunted down. But not taking into account, 'Dante' like Demon Hunters, of demonic heritage/est.)
Mages - The Seekers were able to attend a meeting between various mages by following the Antique Shop owner into a normal looking house that turned out to be much bigger on the inside than they were on the outside. From what you were able to gather from the meeting, mages have been around for a long time. Most mages seem to be part of some association or academy and were apparently assigned to cities to protect it from supernatural and occult threats. The mages all looked normal save for a few wizard hats and robes. You don't know how powerful magic is meant to be but the Seekers have recorded the mages using magic for mundane stuff.
Alright, unless we spot independants, outcasts or easy to tempt Magi for the Dark Side (of pragmatic vice.) The Mage's in general are probably another faction we'd not want to tangle with. Maybe not as much as Exorcists/Demon Hunters I feel, yet still a potential threat we'd need to be weary of, for the sake of the Ebon Emperor.

That aside, at the same token, in general they're likely not going to be as much of a danger as Exorcists. And if we play the intel game right, we could snag a magician not associated with their academy, or what have you. Yet long term, may want to learn what they'd like/dislike, in case they become a bigger threat.
Magical Girls - It seems that there is more than one type of Magical Girls in this city, the Company isn't the only group that are supporting Magical Girls. The Seekers have identified at least two other kinds of Magical Girls who seems to work off a different system from the Company. What more, these other types of Magical Girls don't seem to generate Fallout when they use their powers. From the Seekers following a group of them, you've learnt that these Magical Girls seems closer to the traditional archetype, being powered by love and friendship apparently. These girls tend to throw around blasts of pink energy that seems to only cause harm to the strange monster women that they call Youma.
Past the potential counter argument of how our playstyle is like if we can tango with Youma, while playing the dodge card (to say nothing, on possible Dark Magical Girls being akin to Soul Eater Witches.)

As is, we've got connections/an in with one faction of Magical Girls, and given our position, it might actually be more safer/easier to try and harness the power of 'friendship' to minionise, or at least employ/offer a seat of influence (read, not screw up on PR) for the future Black Kingdom.

Only issue, would be the PR game. But if we play our cards right, like "Dark Knight Magical Boy" Tuxedo Mask tier right, and play the 'honest' angle and make them think we're not strictly, villains... Despite our dark powers (and violent beat-downs of enemies.) We might ultimately end up with Magical and Diplomacy advisers from all walks of life.

Hell, if we ply our Ebon ability/card right, we could even snag the interest, and possible alliance/diplomacy with their familiars, possibly 'redeem' (or convert) Evil Magical Girls (read, Witches.) To Dark Magical Girls, along with possible aid of friendship, and what have you that can be obvious fuel.

Layman terms, we'd likely want to deal with them for a bit further, help out for favors and generals. And to try and fully cover our PR angle, so we don't get dubbed/labeled a 'Terrorist', or worse a Villain if/when we're not at that stage yet. And if it's played really well, we might have the high ground on diplomacy in case of Childhood friend/heroine comes dive kicking her way into possibly ruining our goal to revive the Black Kingdom.

Now lastly, the Independents...
Individuals / independents - There are a few other groups and people, including yourself right now, that do not operate like the other four main ones. They may be totally unrelated or they may be far offshoot of some other order who wanted to strike out on their own. Whatever the case, while not as big or influential on their own, they may prove to be unique opportunities or potential sources of disasters.

From what you've seen though, you could probably take any one individual, probably even a small group from any of these groups with ease.

However, a couple of Seekers spotted several others Seekers get destroyed when they came to close to this house. Your Seekers went into long-distance observation mode and apparently the house where the Seekers were destroyed belonged to some super macho middle-aged guy who worked at a gym. There were also several supernatural beings staying with the guy for some reason. From what you could tell, there was a pair of angels and several demons hanging around the Macho guy.

You had to admit that the muscles on that man were magnificent, almost enough to make you wish you had muscles like those.
Independent wise, if there's a blatant neon sign to take note of, we'd probably want to keep an eye out for the 'Macho man', either for increase in Muscle, or possibility to get an in on the 'friendly neighbourhood Demons' angle, along with at a push help out the 'neutral zone' in case it becomes a potential interest/shield against possible Exorcist attacks at a push.

But past "should we/no go to a Gym subscription", only to end up going in tango with Macho man, and possible ire/boasting on exercise/muscle that might have wrestled to death a few shadows. There's also the equal opportunity to spot a bunch more other minor units, outcasts, est. That can be easily dealt with (initially with due care.) Or recruited from the ghetto if worded/played right, pitch and Ebon et all.

But again, it'd all depend on the luck of the draw and individual, Independent wise. And by technicality, we are also Independent as is.
In any case, this city of yours is just full of superhuman warriors and supernatural entities that were just waiting for you to make complete use of.

You're gonna need a bigger army if you want to take over the city or at least part of it. There's something that you need to create in order to start properly helping the Ebon Emperor and all these different groups are bound to get in the way considering what's going to have to be done to achieve your goals.

One way or another, you're gonna show them all the might of Ebon.
All I can say, is short term diplomat or defend allys/harvest enemies. Medium term, possible set up further bunkers/lairs est within our allies if our ties with them are reliable enough (read, will they backstab us as we're 'villains', vision/goal wise.) And probably in order, make talk with part of the following factions (in ease order.)
  • Magical Girls (expand on connections, or try to at least get in a reliable/peace relationship with our current Magical girls Familiars, harvest/farming of Fallout/other emotions wise.)
  • Ninja (only bane, is searching for a reliable faction. But ideally, we'd get a family instead of just one, if one's willing to accept possible clan feuds.)
  • Independents (past Macho man, more a case by and search for a noteworthy/good enough 'rising star', or deal with a disaster if it'd wreck our plans before they join a major faction against us.)
  • Mages (Least, but unless we are dealing with a possible 'dark magician' who'd be better of guided to not be too fishy, best to not get too involved with them, past learning how to not tick them off. But not TO the extent of potential avoidance in contrast to say, Exorcists.)
I'm leaving out Exorcists, as theme wise, I don't think we'd gel well. But past that, so long as we maintain cover, and try and cover our Intrigue and Diplomatic weakpoints as fast as reasonably possible, ideally with 'to befriend' Advisers/Generals on those two fields, we should at least be safe to further expand into other fields, mainly 'Stewardship', Learning and other areas that'd more safely cover any remaining weaknesses we have. Like say, mana?
However, a couple of Seekers spotted several others Seekers get destroyed when they came to close to this house. Your Seekers went into long-distance observation mode and apparently the house where the Seekers were destroyed belonged to some super macho middle-aged guy who worked at a gym. There were also several supernatural beings staying with the guy for some reason. From what you could tell, there was a pair of angels and several demons hanging around the Macho guy.

...Wait. Is that Pretty Bell? This. This is bad. Okay everyone, we either negotiate with the muscle guy, or stay as far away as possible. The good news is they don't go out looking for fights. The bad news is, we have an acopalyptic magical girl in our city. ...Though admittedly, not at full power. Still.
If it's Pretty Bell... Okay, things might be salvageable, if we maintain operation befriending recruitment. Except even if it's not recruiting Macho man, at least NOT give him an incentive to go Macho on us.... past, traumatizing bodybuilding.

And if anyone asks. We can always say we felt... Envy over his pecks, and the amount of minions friends he has. Thus, we got a Gym prescription to get fit.... And maybe learn his secret behind being popular.

Which in no way, sound hilarious to our mundane friends. Or could be misinterpreted as a possible foreshadowing for an Ebon/Black Kingdom to be genre savvy enough to research and exploit the power of friendship to pacify/deal with magical girls on all fronts and ends.
If it's Pretty Bell... Okay, things might be salvageable, if we maintain operation befriending recruitment. Except even if it's not recruiting Macho man, at least NOT give him an incentive to go Macho on us.... past, traumatizing bodybuilding.

And if anyone asks. We can always say we felt... Envy over his pecks, and the amount of minions friends he has. Thus, we got a Gym prescription to get fit.... And maybe learn his secret behind being popular.

Which in no way, sound hilarious to our mundane friends. Or could be misinterpreted as a possible foreshadowing for an Ebon/Black Kingdom to be genre savvy enough to research and exploit the power of friendship to pacify/deal with magical girls on all fronts and ends.
Who is Pretty Bell? When I searched that name, I only got a link to a girl from something called Pretty Rhythm, and a girl does not seem to be related to a macho man unless they're from the same franchise and I just don't know it.
Who is Pretty Bell? When I searched that name, I only got a link to a girl from something called Pretty Rhythm, and a girl does not seem to be related to a macho man unless they're from the same franchise and I just don't know it.

Pretty Bell is a manga about a body builder that transforms into a magical girl, basically. He's generally a nice guy and doesn't pick fights, but he is very effective at ending any fights begun. And this is before he shows his real power. For more details... I'll put them in spoilers, just in case, since this does go into manga plot details.

"Pretty Bell" is essentially the planet Earth's anti-everything weapon, a super-powered magical girl specialized in summoning that appears only during a global crisis, with the capacity to fight literally every other side in the supernatural war. They're usually magical girls, but due to the case in the manga, there were actually two people with affinity for the transformation device: A 33 year old body-builder, and a little girl. The two are, in essence, a faction in and of themselves, and have the support of the "twin radar" angels who have almost perfect detection for hostility and supernaturals up to 20km, in addition to various high-level demons that were assigned to help them as a peace offering. The main point however, is that they basically forced all the demon lords into a peace treaty by sheer "you do not want to mess with Pretty Bell".

As "Pretty Bell", the bodybuilder specializes in no-selling attacks and infusing people with magic to control their bodies, though if it comes to a life or death fight, he's also a skilled aikido practitioner. As for the little girl... She is sheer raw power, and is at a level where her default defense auto-reflects all attacks, and her "mid level" summons end up on the level of top-tier boss monsters.

If we were to analyze weaknesses here... The body-builder is possible to overpower, though I don't think we're anywhere near that level yet. Magic resistance would also be a necessity as well. The little girl on the other hand, has ridiculous levels of power, but the price is that they're super expensive so she burns out quickly if you can survive the burst.

What it basically amounts to though, is that it's someone we really don't want to pick a fight with until we're getting towards endgame, as even if his group is "Independent", in their canon they have the power level of an entire faction just by themselves. That being said, they're also extremely open to negotiations if we aren't hostile, which is likely going to be our best option.
What it basically amounts to though, is that it's someone we really don't want to pick a fight with until we're getting towards endgame, as even if his group is "Independent", in their canon they have the power level of an entire faction just by themselves. That being said, they're also extremely open to negotiations if we aren't hostile, which is likely going to be our best option.
By that logic, I can even argue end game wise, those are likely two people we'd still not want to mess with, outside peace accords and possibly even a deal or two.

But surely, so long as we take great care in being friendly, and not try and start a fight. We should be safe.
Let's not jump to conclusions based on meta-knowledge alone until we can investigate more IC.
True, we shouldn't. Even if my job in this thread is apparently to be the meta-knowledge person. :p

But yeah, it does make sense to approach them diplomatically, if only because them destroying our seekers means they know we're there, and they seem to have both angels and demons, so negotiation is likely possible just from that.

We'll see how completely inaccurate my meta-knowledge is as time goes on!

Edit: Anyways, on to other important things: We found out that ninjas have lots of life energy! Remember someone else we know having lots of life energy? So our friends are... A mage, a magical girl, and a ninja.
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Company Magical Girl Information
What you know about the Company after much discussion and questions.

The Company is a secret group that has the ability to create Magical Girls and provides support to all Magical Girls that they create. While the origin of the group is unknown, it has been active for the last several years. The main goal of the Company is to combat Wraiths and protect innocent lives. In order to achieve this, they recruit young girls between the age of eight and eighteen to become Magical Girls to fight the Wraiths.

Every new recruit is granted a wish as long as it doesn't involve world destruction, world domination or resurrecting the dead, or anything that would affect the world on a global or national level. In exchange for this wish, they must fight Wraith not only to protect people but to also sustain their mental stability.

Every Company Magical Girl can transform into a different form which grants them a number of abilities. Each girl can summon a melee weapon of some kind that acts as their "Main" summon. This melee weapon occasionally may also be a gun as well. This Main summon are usually enchanted to have armour piercing capabilities, enhanced durability, and elemental traits as well.

Along with their Main Summon, they also have a "Primary" summon where they can summon a variety of weapons of a certain type. An example of this would be Aestia's ability to summon automatic small arms which allow her to summon any type of assault rifle to wield in battle. All magical girls also have a secondary summon which allows her to summon a handheld pistol to act as a backup weapon when magic power is low. All magical girls can also summon multiple types of grenades as well.

There is also a "Master" summon that only the strongest magical girls can afford to use. A Master Summon usually manifests as an armoured combat vehicle. These can range from tanks to assault helicopters, and even naval combat ships.

Along with these summoning abilities, a magical girl also has a variety of lesser abilities such as flight, physical enhancements, magical barriers, limited regeneration, healing, and access to a small dimensional pocket to store their things.

However, every use of these abilities costs magical power and generates Fallout, a type of energy that builds up in a Magical Girl that affects mental stability, magical control, and rationality. If the level of Fallout goes beyond a Magical Girl's ability to handle it, the undergo and Fallout Meltdown and one of three things usually occurs.

One, a Magical Girl goes on a berserk rampage, perceiving everything around them as an enemy. These rampages usually last a few hours but can cause extensive damage to both property and people. A squad of magical girls are usually sent out to subdue such Fallout Meltdowns.

Two, the Magical Girl's magic goes out of control, usually causing destruction around them and often resulting in the death of the magical girl themselves. When a Magical Girl undergoes this type of Meltdown, they either must be placed inside a barrier or eliminated to prevent any collateral damage.

Three, the magical girl transforms into a Wraith which must then be put down for their and everyone's sake. Such a thing is considered the worse thing to happen to a Magical Girl. While relatively a rare occurrence, the chances of it happening rises every time a Magical Girl undergoes Fallout Meltdown.

In order to remove Fallout from a Magical Girl, they are tasked with defeating Wraiths and bringing back Void Seeds which are used to cleanse them of Fallout. In their base form, Void Seeds have limited capacity for Fallout and usually require reconfiguration by a Company Familiar into a Void Gem to effectively remove Fallout. Once these Void Gems have been completely filled up with Fallout, they are handed to the Company.

When magical girl hands in a total of thirteen Complete Void Gems, they are granted another wish. These wishes have fewer limits though they are still unable to affect the world on a national or global level, or bring back the dead.

Familiars are entities that work with the Company, providing support and guidance to Magical Girls. The origins of the Familiars are unknown but they have been with the Company since the beginning. Each familiar often appear as some cute caricature of an animal and they all have special abilities. However, Familiars are limited in number and thus are assigned to squads of Magical Girls on a rotation basis. Only veteran Magical Girls are granted a Familiar full-time.

According to rumours, Familiars are also responsible for the system that allows the Company to create new Magical Girls through the use of Complete Void Gems.

Veteran status is achieved through acquiring two wishes excluding their initial recruitment wish. To have acquired enough Void Gems to fulfil such a feat is not an easy task and Veterans often enjoy a number of benefits not usually available to regulars and newcomers. Veterans also receive the right to "resign" from being a Magical Girl. In order to do so, they must make a wish to do so after having acquired the needed Void Gems to do so.

Magical Girls who resign retains some of their abilities but all combat powers are removed along with most of their magical reserves. It is not uncommon for former Magical Girls to stay in the Company as an Agent.

Outside of their magical girl recruits, the Company also has a large number of "agents" under their employment. These agents are granted magical abilities of their own but nowhere near the full strength of a magical girl. However, unlike Magical Girls, Agents can be trained and recruited in larger numbers.

The Company is aware of the existence of Mages but due to the nature of their duties, they have a no-interference policy in place. As long as mages don't maliciously interfere with the duties of a Company Magical Girl, they will not interfere with any mage business.
Week 4
Week 4

You really need to get some money and fast. Your savings are now at zero from paying the rent of the caravan you've been living in when you're not doing stuff in your secret underground base. -100 Funds.

Still, you're not hurting for Ebon Power thanks to draining Aestia's friends of their Fallout. Now if only it could become a regular thing but apparently the Company needs Fallout so that they can make Void Gems complete in order to make more magical girls and grant wishes so you can't go around draining all magical girls of their Fallout.

Fortunately, you've made a deal of sorts with Aestia's magical girl squad. You help clean up the remnants of Fallout in their body after they used a Void Gem and Ranbey will look the other way. Of course, since you're sucking up the leftover, the amount of Ebon Power is only a fraction of what you'd get if you cleansed a magical girl at high contamination. Still, it's about twice of what you naturally produce so it keeps you going with your stuff. Ebon Power Income: 50 (Natural) + 100 (Trade).

That being said, thanks to your actions, the Company was apparently able to take down two of those five "Witches" when they left the Haunt. Normally, it would have been difficult to take down a Witch but thanks to the damage to did to them, Magical Girls and Agents that were on standby had been able to remove two dangerous threats to the people in one night. In recognition of your efforts and assistance, they left you something waiting in the Caravan

Roll: 100: Crit Roll: 98. (God damn it!)

A softly glowing iridescent stone. According to the note left next to it, it was called a Wishing Stone. It was the result of several Void Gems that had undergone some kind of refining process and it was also how the Company granted wishes and created their magical girls. Just by holding it in your hands, you instinctively know how it is meant to be used. While it's not going to grant your wishes anytime soon, you can use it to grant the wish of a suitable young lady and transform them into a magical girl at the same time. One that isn't bound by the rules of the Company.

However, just by looking at it, a number of ideas arise in your mind. Could you perhaps obtain the power of a Magical Girl yourself? You're quite sure you could mess with the thing using Ebon Power but would it be wise to do so to a wish-granting stone of incredible power?

In any case, it is still one hell of a thank you gift. 1 Wishing Stone gained.

Fury, the Ruby Rose Doll you brought to life has reported that nothing seems out of the ordinary with your family though he (she?) requests that you make more stuff into Golems as well as find some way to increase their fighting capabilities.

Your Clone continues to go to school, hang out with your friends, bond with your family and essentially continue being Jacob Anderson, normal guy with the face of a devil.

You've also begun to drain the energies of your two captives. Not too much since you don't want to put too much strain on your prisoners. 100 Ebon Power Income.

Oh, and you have more Shadows than you did last week. 10 Ebon Shadows gained.

With a glowing stone of power, a fair amount of Ebon Power, an army of living toys and an empty bank account, you begin your fourth week as the Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom.


1290 Ebon Power available.

$0 Funds Available.

2 Human Captive Available.

1 Wishing Stone Available.

40 Ebon Shadows available.

After an action-filled weekend, you're just itching for some more violence and fighting. Of course, the sensible idea would be to continue staying low and find more ways to build up your forces but your engine been revved up and ready to roll. Still, you do have some ideas that you have been wanting to try out and there's also the fact that you've got a small army of mooks that's just asking to have something done with them. Decision, decisions. (Choose 1)

[ ] More Than Just Meets The Eye
: In consideration of Fury's request, you've decided to see what you can do to make your Golems stronger. You have several ideas of how to go about doing this such as giving them an alternate battle capable form, enchanting them to have super strength and the likes, and even just given them the ability to evolve somehow. This will takes some major experimenting. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains upgrade.

[ ] Living Steel of Ebon
: Last week, you tried to make a Golem out of Ebon Steel. It failed because it would have used more Ebon Power than you were willing to commit to the project at the time. This time around, however, you've got some Ebon Power to spare so let's see if you can make something out of this otherworldly metal. Cost: 800 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: New Minion Type - Knight gained. ???

[ ] Beasts of the Black Kingdom:
You realised that before you try making monsters out of people, you should try making loyal monsters out of ordinary animals. There are lots of stray cats and dog as well as wild animals out in the city that you can use. PETA would be on your ass for using animals to test your powers but you're a villain so screw them. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: New Minion Type – Beast.

[ ] The Shadows Grow:
Your Ebon Shadows are your weakest but arguably your most important minions due to them sharing your ability to drain energy. However, you feel that with a dose of Ebon Power, you can make them into a much more viable threat. At the very least, you believe you can make them tougher and stronger. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Minion Type - Shadows Rank Up.

You frankly don't have energy problems since you have a steady source of Ebon Power but your bank account is now empty from paying the rent on the caravan and lot which acts as the entrance to your secret base. You need to come up with either money or find some other way to continue staying here. You don't want the landlord sniffing around and finding things he shouldn't after all. (Choose 1)

[ ] More Human Resources:
You've begun to actively drain your captives for a relatively small amount of Ebon Power each week to add to your reserves. Logically, if you had more prisoners, you'll get more energy. So let's go out and kidnap some criminals and make they into useful sources of Ebon Power. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: 2d4 Human Captives. ???

[ ] What Is a Man? A Pile of Energy
: You've discovered that a person holds Life Energy, Magic Power, and two types of Emotional Energies. However, there are still more pools of energy that you haven't been able to grasp hold but they are denser than the types of energy that you've discovered so far. You still have a couple of test subjects available to drain. Let's see if you can get at those remaining pools. Cost: 50 EP, 1 Human Captive. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Gain the ability to Drain people of their ??? and convert it into Ebon Power.

[ ] Ebon Jeweller:
It costs you about ten units of Ebon Power to create a hundred grams of any mundane substance regardless of what it is. A hundred gram gold bar is easily worth around four thousand dollars and the value of an uncut diamond weighing a hundred grams goes beyond what you handle or hide at the moment. Since you don't want to attract attention just yet, you'll have to practice to make some decent jewelry that won't make people question where you got them or faint at the sheer value. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: 5000+ Funds.

[ ] Shadow Raid
: You have a large group of Shadows who are mostly doing nothing at the moment. Since they can drain energy in small amounts and carry stuff, you should put them to work. Why else would you make them in the first place? There are criminal scumbags, miscreants, worthless trash that nobody will miss or care about. It is time for the Shadows to reap the harvest. Cost: 0, 20 Ebon Shadows. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Gain Ebon Power Income and Funds from Shadows attacking criminals and other unsavoury characters. ???

[ ] Underground Fight Club:
Your Seekers have found something interesting. Underneath a bar over in the seedier part of the City, there is an underground fighting arena and not just any old illegal fight club but one that draws in supernatural fighters of all kinds. Something like this reminds you back when you used to get into street fights all the time. A chance to fight it out with other super-powered fighters and get paid for it is very appealing. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: 1000+ Funds. ???

The city is home to several different factions and dozens of independent groups. As a new player on the board, you should begin making alliances and forming connections with other groups. You do need some help with your building your own organisation and by playing nice with the other kids in the playground, you might be able to gain some insight on how to go about it. (Choose 1)

[ ] Making Nice with Ninjas:
There are at least a dozen different ninja groups ranging from whole clans to individual mercenaries for hire in this city that you call home. Surely there's at least one group out there that would be fine with helping out a mysterious dark stranger with supernatural powers. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Ninja Factions

[ ] Let's Meet the Mages:
There are a fair number of mages that regular meet every month for a get-together. Most of them tend to still to themselves but they do sometimes team up to tackle some supernatural threat that the other groups aren't equipped to deal with. There seem to be a few that recently graduated from this Academy place and seem quite ambitious. Perhaps you could meet with one of these graduates and see if you can offer your services, for a price. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Mages in the City.

[ ] Encounter with Exorcists:
These guys hunt demons and evil spirits by night and have apparently ordinary lives during the day, except for those who seems to be doing the exorcist thing twenty-four seven. See if they'll be willing to deal with a dark mysterious figure with powers that superficially look like they came from dark origins. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Information on Exorcists in the City.

[ ] Meeting with Magical Girls:
Turns out there's more than one type of Magical Girl in this world. These ones are more in-line with what you originally expect from Magical Girls. Young teenage girls in cosplay capable of throwing around blasts of magical energy powered by Positive Emotional Energy with no apparent downsides beyond stamina. Plus they fight energy-stealing monsters. Time to see how different they are from the Company! Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Magical Girls in the City.

[ ] Company Collaboration:
Right now, you've just been dealing with the Fallout of Aestia's squad but there are at least half a dozen Company squads out there that could probably do with a free Fallout cleansing. See if you can convince Aestia and her friends and Ranbey if you can meet with other Company Magical Girls to help them out and stuff. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Company Magical Girls Survival increased. Company relations increased. Increased relations from various Company Magical girls?

[ ] Getting an In with the Independents:
There are a few other groups and people, including yourself right now, that do not operate like the other four main ones. They may be totally unrelated or they may be a far offshoot of some other order who wanted to strike out on their own. Whatever the case, while not as big or influential on their own, they may prove to be unique opportunities or potential sources of disasters. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Information on independent groups. Possible Hero Unit

The Seekers have given you much information and information is power. You've obtained the general idea of the various forces that are gathered in your city. Now it's time to truly start acting like a villainous diabolical mastermind who pulls the strings from behind the scenes. Or something along those lines. (Choose 1)

[ ] Enter the Vault:
You really should check out this Ebon Vault thing. You have access to the Treasure Vault of the Black Kingdom which has all kinds of stuff inside it that would most certainly help your cause greatly. From treasure to weapons, forbidden knowledge to sealed servants of your predecessors. You must know what is in the vault! Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Funds. Possible Artifacts. Possible Hero Unit.

[ ] Do the Ninja Thing:
An off-hand question from Aestia about why she can't sense you at all gives you ideas. Apparently, even magical senses can't sense Ebon Power. If you can hide just about everything else about yourself, you could easily sneak into places without ever being seen or detected. See if you can trick reality into thinking you don't exist. Cost: 100EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Cloaking Ability gained.

[ ] Blackmail is an Ugly Word:
But how else are you going to convince less than honest businesses to provide you with a bit of support for your budding organisation. Of course, it would mean having to shift through days worth of recorded data and hope that the Seekers found something good as well as convincing the victim that it would be in their best interest to not fuck with you. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain Fund Income. Gain Influence among mundane authority figures.

[ ] Information Network:
Your Seekers have continuously been seeking out all manner of supernatural forces that exist in this city. However, it's high time that you start having them look for important information, gossip and that kind of stuff. You need to know what's happening out in the wider world or at least in the city. By adding more forces to your Seekers, you'll have something of an information network. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Gain Rumour Mill.

The Power of Ebon does weird things to the laws of physics and normal science, even when you're not using it as a source of magic. The technologically dominated society that you live in is just something that you need to learn how to mess with using the power of Ebon. (Choose 1)

[ ] Ebon Power Substitution:
The Power of the Ebon Emperor is incredibly malleable. With effort, it changes according to your thoughts. Could you recharge a phone with it? Can you use it as nourishment instead of actual food? And you fire Ebon Power instead of lead out of a gun? Just what can you do with this? Cost 50 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Learn how to replicate mundane energies.

[ ] Ebon Fabrication:
You can create any substance using Ebon but what about whole items? Surely with enough time and practice, you'll be able to create complex machinery and gadgets using your powers. It's worth at least a look into. If you can make a brand new phone out of Ebon, it would help so much with communicating with others without having to use your Caravan as a meeting spot. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Learn how to fabricate normal complex objects out of Ebon Power.

[ ] Ebon Power and Electronics:
Last week you discovered how to destroy electronic devices with just a touch of Ebon. Now you must learn how not to destroy electronics with Ebon Power and instead learn how to take control of such technology. It's time to become a super magical hacker. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Learn how to control electronics with Ebon Power.

: Magic is a force that you understand very little. It doesn't help that there are many different kinds of magic, not to mention whatever the fuck that Magical Girl uses. Still, you now have an excuse for everything that goes horribly wrong. (Choose 1)

[ ] I Believe I Can Fly:
You saw Aestia flying before she had been blown up. Aestia explains that she just flies without thinking about it too much. You had assumed that you would have to factor in stuff like aerodynamics, air resistance, and a whole bunch of science stuff. Can it really be as simple as believing you can fly? Time to find out. Cost: 50EP. Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Gain the ability to move through the air under your own power.

[ ] More Healing Wanted:
Your ability to restore a limb is impressive but it takes too long and you can't use it in combat. Plus there's the whole turning into Ebon Steel thing but that's besides the point. You should be able to heal stuff like in video games. Just cast Cure and automatic healing without giving a fuck about stuff like anatomy or foreign objects. Surely you can work out how to improve your healing capabilities, can't you? Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Faster more comprehensive healing capabilities.

[ ] Make a Contract:
You have a magical stone that grants wishes and turns young ladies into magical girls. Since Magical Girls are a great source of Ebon Power and you do need some help around here, why don't you find a suitable teenage girl to become an Ebon Magical Girl! You're pretty sure that you can enchant the Wishing Stone so that the resulting Magical Girl won't be able to turn against you without consequences. Time to play Familiar and make a Contract! Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Company Magical Girl Hero Unit.

[ ] Won't You Become a Magical Something?:
The Powers of a Company Magical Girl in terms of strength doesn't hold a candle against your own Ebon fueled powers. Still, they do have some nice tricks and you have no doubt that your nature would only mean that your version of a Magical Girl's powers would be superior. It'll be tricky since the Wishing Stone are supposed to be used on a girl but you can always just brute force it using Ebon Power. Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 100 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Gain the Ebon enhanced versions of a Company Magical Girl's powers.

[ ] The Power of a Wish:
The Wishing Stone is a potent object of power. Within it lies the power to alter reality in order to grant the wishes of young maidens as well as the power to give them power beyond mortal men. If you had the same sort of power, wouldn't creating an army of Ebon-based Magical Girls be the best way to build up your forces? You'll have to try and absorb the Wishing Stone in order to even try and replicate it in some form though and who knows what a reality warping gemstone would do to you. Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 900 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain the ability to grant wishes. Gain the ability to create "Ebon Magical Girls". ???

: You're attending school again but with the huge gains in Ebon Power, you've been getting all kinds of stuff done in record time thus gaining free time like usual. Maybe you should use this time to do more stuff or something. (Choose 1 or Extra Action)

[ ] Ebon Meditation
: From a source unknown, the power of Ebon flows into you. It is a great and powerful thing but the flow is small. Weak. You need more than what is being given to you and you know if you can widen the gates even by a little, you'll be able to draw upon so much more Ebon Power. What you simply need is a clear mind and to see the flow. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 20%. Reward: Increased Ebon Power Generation.

[ ] Training: No sense in slacking off your training. Even with all this power in your body, you still need to sharpen the skills needed to fully harness said power. When the whole world is against you saving a dark god-like thing from death, the only thing you can truly rely on is your own body. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: 1 Martial. Greater than 80 gets two Martial.

[ ] Friends and Family
: While you do have a clone doing the things that Jacob Anderson should be doing, not to mention you also gain his memories when you come and replace him with a new clone, it'd be nice to take a break and hang with your friends and family for a bit for real. Plus you may spot things that Jacob misses as well. Cost:0. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Increased Relationship with Friends and family. Lowered Suspicions from Friends and Family.

[ ] My Little Slime
: You've got a pet slime of magical ebon-fueled origins. Cuddles seems capable of eating anything organic and it can blow bubbles. It is also technically your first minion. Spend some time with it. Get to know it better. Build up your bond with the little fellow. Cute is justice and nothing's cuter than Count Cuddles. Cost: 10EP. Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased Relationship with Count Cuddles. ???

[ ] Aestia's Check Up
: Aestia Creed has an arm that can turn into Ebon Steel. Who knows what strange and weird abilities that it can give the Magical Girl or whether it is safe to have at all!? You need to contact her and ask if she can come in for a quick check and maybe see how things are going with her. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Increased Relations with Aestia Creed. Aestia Creed gains new trait.

[ ] Extra Action:
You may choose to forgo your personal action and choose any one of the actions above actions in the previous sections.

-[ ] (Choose Action)

Please use the following Vote Format:

[ ] Plan

-[ ] Choice

-[ ] Choice

-[ ] Choice
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Ooh nice! That Wishing Stone is awesome! :D

[X] Plan Magical Ebon Action
-[X] Living Steel of Ebon

Time for kickass Knight Minions! Possibly that look like the Kiba armor from Garo :cool:

-[X] Underground Fight Club

First Rule of Magic Fight Club: Fuck Everyone Up In Magic Fight Club :p

I'd go for investigating those other sources of energy, but we need cash badly.

-[X] Company Collaboration

Let's further ingratiate ourselves with the Company Girls.

-[X] Enter the Vault

Time to finally check out this Vault.

-[X] Ebon Power Substitution

Gotta spend lightly since the Knight Minion is using so much EP.

-[X] I Believe I Can Fly

I'm deeply tempted by Power of a Wish, but I'd like to get Knight Minions first. And we need to put a lot of bonuses on it.

-[X] Aestia's Check Up

Either this or Count Cuddles, I'm good with both.

This should add up to 950 or 960 EP, depending on the personal action.
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[X] Plan Grassroots approach
-[X] The Shadows Grow
-[X] What Is a Man? A Pile of Energy
-[X] Getting an In with the Independents
-[X] Information Network
-[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
-[X] I Believe I Can Fly
-[X] Aestia's Check Up

Lets save the stone until we can throw a lot of bonuses on replicating it.
Build up our foundational network of basic shadows, improve harvesting options and get in touch with the independents in general to get them on our side before others grab them.
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[X] Plan Grassroots approach
-[X] The Shadows Grow
-[X] What Is a Man? A Pile of Energy
-[X] Getting an In with the Independents
-[X] Information Network
-[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
-[X] I Believe I Can Fly
-[X] Aestia's Check Up

Lets save the stone until we can throw a lot of bonuses on replicating it.
Build up our foundational network of basic shadows, improve harvesting options and get in touch with the independents in general to get them on our side before others grab them.
We don't have any money though. We should really do an action to make a lump sum, or get some lesser income rolling in.
[X]Plan Recon and consolidation
-[X] More Than Just Meets The Eye

We should look into improving our base golems before researching higher tier units.

-[X] Underground Fight club

We need money. Guaranteed money. The fight club is the best way to do it.

-[X] Making Nice with Ninjas

Intelligence is powerful, we should build good relationships with those who can gather it normally, in addition to our own units

-[X] Enter the Vault

Why haven't we done this yet? Let's see what we have in our personal pocket dimension. Maybe stuff we can pawn for a quick buck?

-[X] Ebon Power and Electronics

Physical and magical recon will only get us so far. In order to make strides, we need to move to the digital age as well.

-[X] More Healing Wanted

Flying is nice and dandy, but a way to heal more efficiently is invaluble. Especially when someone as strong as us comes knocking(and they will...).

-[X] Friends and Family

Maintain the masquerade. Also, it's good to take a break, we've been busy!

Ebon Total Cost 350 EP

All in all, this should help us improve ourselves, without too many resources spent. Thoughts?

Time for kickass Knight Minions! Possibly that look like the Kiba armor from Garo

I know what quest you're thinking of....:ogles:
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Martial Action:
I'll admit getting a new type of minion, and a powerful sounding one at that, is definitely appealing, especially since it has 100% success rate. I'll also say that I'd love to level up our Ebon Shadows since their draining ability could be incredibly useful going forwards.

Despite that however I think ranking up our Golems is the most important choice right now. The Golems are how we keep Jacob's family safe and right now they just aren't up to the task.

Stewardship Action:
We need cash yesterday and have a pretty good supply of Ebon Power. That means we can safely ignore any Stewardship action that doesn't generate Funds for now. The question is whether we should go for Fight Club, looting criminals, or making jewels.

Ebon Jeweler has the highest return (5,000 Funds) but lowest chance of success (60%) and while it lacks "???" I wouldn't be surprised if it drew attention despite Jacob's best efforts.

Shadow Raid is certainly appealing since it is, from a certain point of view, heroic and so more easily justifiable to any heroes who catch us. Unfortunately we have no idea how much Funds it would generate and it has a reward of "???".

Fight Club has the same "???" reward as Shadow Raid which suggests to me it will draw unwanted attention. It's also however the only option with a 100% chance of success.

Given our desperate need of Funds I find that I'm forced to take Fight Club since it's the only way to absolutely guaranty we have the money needed to keep renting our caravan.

Diplomacy Action:
Honestly all of the actions are highly appealing. For now though I think it's best to continue working our already amicable relationship with the Company Magical Girls. Better to have one solid ally then a dozen acquaintances. That the diplomacy action with the Company girls explicitly increases their chances of survival only makes it even more appealing.

Intrigue Action:
Blackmail would be a nice choice since it gives us a reliable source of income. Unfortunately it's only got a 50% chance of success and failure could be quite bad so for now I think we should leave it until we can improve our odds of success.

The ability to Cloak is something we should definitely pick up soon. I have no doubt it will result in higher chances of success on Intrigue actions and generally more effective Intrigue actions. That being said we still have some 100% Intrigue Actions so it's not our top priority.

The Vault is quite attractive what with it's promise of Funds, magical Artifacts, and even the chance at a hero unit. Unfortunately the Vault is also something that can safely wait with little penalty.

Information Network meanwhile opens up the rumor mill. Information is vital if we want to be successful and a rumor mill means we can automatically get information every turn without having to burn our only Intrigue action on it. So of course this is my choice for Intrigue.

Learning Action:
As I just finished saying information is one of the most valuable resources we can have. So while the ability to convert Ebon Power into mundane forms of energy would be nice and the direct fabrication of complex devices incredibly useful I think magical super hacking is the most pressing concern. The ability to penetrate security systems via magic should dramatically increase our ability to gather information and can probably be used for a nice easy Funds source with a little thought.

Piety Action:
Flight would certainly be nice but Samurai Jack style Jump Good will more then suffice for now. Of the Wishing Stone actions I think we can safely disregard using it on Jacob since Company MGs don't seem impressive enough to represent a significant boost to his abilities. Getting our first Hero Unit and DMG sounds great but the ability to mass produce DMGs is also very tempting despite the 50% chance of failure.

For now I think it's best to delay the choice until we know more about the Company and Wishing Stones. Instead I'm going for Healing, despite the depressing 40% chance of success, because if we do succeed there it will be quite valuable going forwards.

Personal Action:
I really want to do all three social actions. We've been neglecting our friends to jump into being Ebon and we know they all have great potential. Count Cuddles has been around for ages and we've never interacted with him. Aestia was quite interesting from what we saw and it synergizes with the Company diplomacy action.

In the end despite really wanting to finally work with Count Cuddles I think that synergy with my Diplomacy Action is enough to tip the scales towards Aestia.

[X] Plan Ebon and The Company
-[X] More Than Just Meets The Eye
-[X] Underground Fight Club
-[X] Company Collaboration
-[X] Information Network
-[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
-[X] More Healing Wanted
-[X] Aestia's Check Up
-[X] The Shadows Grow
-[X] Ebon Jeweller
-[X] Company Collaboration:
-[X] Enter the Vault
-[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
-[X] I Believe I Can Fly
-[X] Friends and Family
I will support any plan that includes Count Cuddles.
Adhoc vote count started by Random Member on Jun 16, 2017 at 3:11 PM, finished with 533 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Stealth and Certainty.
    -[X] More Than Just Meets The Eye: Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains upgrade.
    -[X] Ebon Jeweller: Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: 5000+ Funds.
    -[X] Company Collaboration: Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Company Magical Girls Survival increased. Company relations increased. Increased relations from various Company Magical girls?
    -[X] Enter the Vault: Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Funds. Possible Artifacts. Possible Hero Unit.
    -[X] Ebon Power and Electronics: Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Learn how to control electronics with Ebon Power.
    -[X] I Believe I Can Fly: Cost: 50EP. Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Gain the ability to move through the air under your own power.
    -[X] Aestia's Check Up: Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Increased Relations with Aestia Creed. Aestia Creed gains new trait.
    [X] Plan Ebon and The Company
    -[X] More Than Just Meets The Eye
    -[X] Underground Fight Club
    -[X] Company Collaboration
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
    -[X] More Healing Wanted
    -[X] Aestia's Check Up
    [x]"Mysterious Combatant"
    [X] Plan Grassroots approach
    -[X] The Shadows Grow
    -[X] What Is a Man? A Pile of Energy
    -[X] Getting an In with the Independents
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
    -[X] I Believe I Can Fly
    -[X] Aestia's Check Up
    -[X] The Shadows Grow
    -[X] Ebon Jeweller
    -[X] Company Collaboration
    -[X] Enter the Vault
    -[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
    -[X] I Believe I Can Fly
    -[X] Friends and Family
    [X] Plan Foundation
    -[X] Living Steel of Ebon
    -[X] Underground Fight Club
    -[X] Getting an In with the Independents
    -[X] Blackmail is an Ugly Word:
    -[X] I Believe I Can Fly
    -[X] Friends and Family
    [X] Operation Magical Wonderland
    [X] The Shadows Grow: Your Ebon Shadows are your weakest but arguably your most important minions due to them sharing your ability to drain energy. However, you feel that with a dose of Ebon Power, you can make them into a much more viable threat. At the very least, you believe you can make them tougher and stronger. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Minion Type - Shadows Rank Up.
    [X] Ebon Jeweller: It costs you about ten units of Ebon Power to create a hundred grams of any mundane substance regardless of what it is. A hundred gram gold bar is easily worth around four thousand dollars and the value of an uncut diamond weighing a hundred grams goes beyond what you handle or hide at the moment. Since you don't want to attract attention just yet, you'll have to practice to make some decent jewelry that won't make people question where you got them or faint at the sheer value. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: 5000+ Funds.
    [X] Let's Meet the Mages: There are a fair number of mages that regular meet every month for a get-together. Most of them tend to still to themselves but they do sometimes team up to tackle some supernatural threat that the other groups aren't equipped to deal with. There seem to be a few that recently graduated from this Academy place and seem quite ambitious. Perhaps you could meet with one of these graduates and see if you can offer your services, for a price. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Mages in the City.
    [X] Enter the Vault: You really should check out this Ebon Vault thing. You have access to the Treasure Vault of the Black Kingdom which has all kinds of stuff inside it that would most certainly help your cause greatly. From treasure to weapons, forbidden knowledge to sealed servants of your predecessors. You must know what is in the vault! Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Funds. Possible Artifacts. Possible Hero Unit.
    [X] Ebon Power and Electronics: Last week you discovered how to destroy electronic devices with just a touch of Ebon. Now you must learn how not to destroy electronics with Ebon Power and instead learn how to take control of such technology. It's time to become a super magical hacker. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Learn how to control electronics with Ebon Power.
    [X] The Power of a Wish: The Wishing Stone is a potent object of power. Within it lies the power to alter reality in order to grant the wishes of young maidens as well as the power to give them power beyond mortal men. If you had the same sort of power, wouldn't creating an army of Ebon-based Magical Girls be the best way to build up your forces? You'll have to try and absorb the Wishing Stone in order to even try and replicate it in some form though and who knows what a reality warping gemstone would do to you. Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 900 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain the ability to grant wishes. Gain the ability to create "Ebon Magical Girls". ???
    [X] My Little Slime: You've got a pet slime of magical ebon-fueled origins. Cuddles seems capable of eating anything organic and it can blow bubbles. It is also technically your first minion. Spend some time with it. Get to know it better. Build up your bond with the little fellow. Cute is justice and nothing's cuter than Count Cuddles. Cost: 10EP. Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased Relationship with Count Cuddles. ???
    [X] Operation Magical Wonderland
    [x]"Mysterious Combatant"
    -[X] More Than Just Meets The Eye
    -[X] Underground Fight Club
    --[x]Try and use another guise instead of the shadowy cloaked figure. Maybe a knight of some variety? Armor? Keep the theme of shadows and glowing eyes.
    -[X] Getting an In with the Independents
    --[x]Use the cloaked figure guise for this, try and establish a reputation as being 'Quirky but Helpful' as you go.
    -[X] Enter the Vault
    -[X] Ebon Power and Electronics
    -[X] More Healing Wanted
    --[x]Try and see if you can use both Ebon Power and/or Magic for better healing, and see how each works.
    -[X] Friends and Family
    --[x]While you relax with friends and family have [clone]jacob go and work on cleaning out and organizing the base a bit more. Send some shadows and golems with him for the heavy lifting.
    ---[x]Seach for alternate entrances, ones without the lot, Just in case.
    [X] Plan Bling Ninja
    -[X] The Shadows Grow
    -[X] Ebon Jeweller
    -[X] Making Nice with Ninjas
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution
    -[X] More Healing Wanted
    -[X] Extra Action
    -[X] Enter the Vault
    [X] Plan Magical Ebon Action
    -[X] Living Steel of Ebon
    -[X] Underground Fight Club
    -[X] Company Collaboration
    -[X] Enter the Vault
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution
    -[X] I Believe I Can Fly
    -[X] Aestia's Check Up
[X] Plan Foundation
-[X] Living Steel of Ebon
-[X] Underground Fight Club

Need money now.
-[X] Getting an In with the Independents:
Potential minions is important
-[X] Blackmail is an Ugly Word:

Look, we need a solid income stream so this doesn't happen again. We have an in with the Magical girls for Ebon power, now we need mundane income.
-[X] I Believe I Can Fly:
Make a wish is critical but we don't have a high enough success rate yet.
-[X] Friends and Family
Need to keep them off of our back.

The important thing here is that we start setting up our organization.
[X] Operation Magical Wonderland

[X] The Shadows Grow:
Your Ebon Shadows are your weakest but arguably your most important minions due to them sharing your ability to drain energy. However, you feel that with a dose of Ebon Power, you can make them into a much more viable threat. At the very least, you believe you can make them tougher and stronger. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Minion Type - Shadows Rank Up.

[X] Ebon Jeweller:
It costs you about ten units of Ebon Power to create a hundred grams of any mundane substance regardless of what it is. A hundred gram gold bar is easily worth around four thousand dollars and the value of an uncut diamond weighing a hundred grams goes beyond what you handle or hide at the moment. Since you don't want to attract attention just yet, you'll have to practice to make some decent jewelry that won't make people question where you got them or faint at the sheer value. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: 5000+ Funds.

[X] Let's Meet the Mages:
There are a fair number of mages that regular meet every month for a get-together. Most of them tend to still to themselves but they do sometimes team up to tackle some supernatural threat that the other groups aren't equipped to deal with. There seem to be a few that recently graduated from this Academy place and seem quite ambitious. Perhaps you could meet with one of these graduates and see if you can offer your services, for a price. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Mages in the City.

[X] Enter the Vault:
You really should check out this Ebon Vault thing. You have access to the Treasure Vault of the Black Kingdom which has all kinds of stuff inside it that would most certainly help your cause greatly. From treasure to weapons, forbidden knowledge to sealed servants of your predecessors. You must know what is in the vault! Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Funds. Possible Artifacts. Possible Hero Unit.

[X] Ebon Power and Electronics:
Last week you discovered how to destroy electronic devices with just a touch of Ebon. Now you must learn how not to destroy electronics with Ebon Power and instead learn how to take control of such technology. It's time to become a super magical hacker. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Learn how to control electronics with Ebon Power.

[X] The Power of a Wish:
The Wishing Stone is a potent object of power. Within it lies the power to alter reality in order to grant the wishes of young maidens as well as the power to give them power beyond mortal men. If you had the same sort of power, wouldn't creating an army of Ebon-based Magical Girls be the best way to build up your forces? You'll have to try and absorb the Wishing Stone in order to even try and replicate it in some form though and who knows what a reality warping gemstone would do to you. Cost: 1 Wishing Stone, 900 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain the ability to grant wishes. Gain the ability to create "Ebon Magical Girls". ???

[X] My Little Slime
: You've got a pet slime of magical ebon-fueled origins. Cuddles seems capable of eating anything organic and it can blow bubbles. It is also technically your first minion. Spend some time with it. Get to know it better. Build up your bond with the little fellow. Cute is justice and nothing's cuter than Count Cuddles. Cost: 10EP. Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased Relationship with Count Cuddles. ???