If you did this right, it would look really cool too.
I love that this is how she thinks. :p
"Can you get me an N2 missile?" you asked. Everything stopped for a second.

"Say again, you need an N2 missile?"
"Because I want a really good reason before I hand the angry teenager in the giant cyborg the wink-wink 'equivalent' of a tactical nuclear weapon."
"Do we have any N2 depth charges?"

"We don't have permission to initiate an N2 weapon at this time."
"No, I am not giving you a tac nuke!"
"Can't kill angels unless he goes berserk, can't figure out subspace problems, can't even figure out how to be gay right, christ."
Subspace problems? We Star Trek now, Asuka? :p (I know, I know, Leliel.)
And lets see... he sniped Ramiel just fine with no berserking, beat Israel (with you!) while sober, shot Matarel while you tanked the acid, caught Sahaquiel just fine while himself, and er.... um... was very much not berserk when he pulped Tabris. He might have been screaming, but it wasn't berserking. And he was going a little nuts when he was literally ripping Zeruel's face off, but not the Eva. And then his batteries died and Yui got hungry...

And can't even be gay right? :p Like you're complaining Kaworu couldn't get him into handholding faster than you and snake your Not-A-Boyfriend out from under you. You know if he had Kaworu would never stop smugly rubbing in, too.
Shinji blushed, having seemingly run out of options on his dialogue tree.
Duh, the programmers never expected Shinji to have to have an actual conversation with Asuka this early in the game!
"Ah-ah-ah." you said. "Nobody gets to look at me when I'm en deshiable, especially you, idiot."
~eyebrow~ 'Especially you', eh? Like he's somehow a special case of 'people who might look at me'? Interesting.
"Nine Angels in the shape of Evangelions." you say as the plug goes silent. "Each armed with a weapon that can bypass my AT fields. Unlimited energy, flight, regeneration. My weapons barely cut them, when I can catch them."

The silence stretches on, as tears start to thin the LCL. "Every time, it still feels like I'm there. I fight- I have to- but I can never win. When I was younger, and we had to synchronize every day, I could never sleep. The most I ever did was kill two- and in exchange, I was ripped to shreds. Piece by piece."

You stare down at your hands, the red of your suit blurring for a second to become the stained red hands of your EVA unit. "It taught me fighting, killing- and pain. They offered medications, but it just made it worse. Nothing clouds it out- nothing ever will."
Jeebus Christmas... That fight, loss, and subsequent being eaten alive was enough of a nightmare to just live through once. If it was Asuka's constant recurring nightmare from age 4, it's a miracle she's not a basket case! Especially when it's not just remembering "I beat them all, and then they cheated and got back up", but remembering them beating her easily over and over. Wow, this Asuka needs ....well, not precisely hugs, but she needs some mad respect for coming out of a childhood like that still able to fight. Not that hugs would be bad either.

[X] "I'd be happy to."

Damn straight we're taking the 'Not having to be alone' option. Asuka is still likely to hate being isolated. As much as she tsun's at people, she still wants companionship and/or and audience to show off to.
...maybe putting the description of the second book in the series right after the first isn't the best idea. Maybe spoiler it?

Nah. It's the most banal dust jacket junk I could think of, and frankly speaking the only thing it spoilers is the fact MC ain't dead.

I'm still really hoping this Asuka plays guitar. Be cool to use music to express all the feelings she can't bring herself to say aloud. Probably the best way of getting through to the idiot, if we can't get it out otherwise.

I've been really on the fence for this one, because on one hand there's a lot of amazing neoclassical/operatic metal out there (and the thought of Asuka doing Ghost Love Score or an acoustic of The Unforgiven before Bardiel has been extremely tempting) but most of it is pretty solidly Post 2I- and all the music referenced in-story has to actually exist. I've been really cagey on what bands would form after 2I, and for the most part I'm locked into pre-1995 music.

And yes, this does mean Sabaton probably doesn't exist in this timeline.
If this were just some angry flying fish, you'd filet it down to a managable size, but tissue damage was basically a non-etinity. Fucking angels.
With the Angel bearing down on you like a train, you crouched, waiting for it to leap out of the water. When it did, you grinned- and then leaped into it, progressive knife down as you flew into it's gullet and cut a slit its throat.
Have you ever felt you were in an unwinable battle?"
"Back to my point though- an unwinable fight?"

[x] "I'm a big girl, Misato- I'll stay with my EVA."
I've been really cagey on what bands would form after 2I, and for the most part I'm locked into pre-1995 music.
Wasn't 2I in September, 2000? Or am I misremembering?
I can see the concern though. Pre-2000 neoclassical metal is mostly the realm of virtuoso guitarists from the late 80s, Yngwie, MacAlpine, Friedman and Becker, et cetera. And while I love it, it's firmly in the realm of "guitar geek music."
Votes called, and with all of two people using their noodle on SB you stay with Misato.

edit: update will be posted friday morning because I'd like to shoot this past a topic editor first. Some scenes may not be for the faint of heart.
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Before the World Ended
Looking at Misato dead in the eye, you smiled. "I'd love to stay over, Misato. It'll be just like Berlin!"


Walking in the door to the apartment, you dropped your overnight suitcase and jaw when you saw the floor. Not that it was a nice floor, or anything, but the fact that you could see it through the expected haze of beer bottles, crisps bags, laundry, and empty envelopes. Your old apartment had been, semi-seriously, referred to as a HAZMAT zone before when Misato was there! Then this!

"Misato, das sieht überhaupt nicht wie das alte Apartment aus"

"Ich weiß, es ist besser! OK, das Essen ist vegetarish, aber ich werde mich nicht beschweren wenn ich nicht kochen muss!"

"Was meinst du, es gibt kein Fleisch?!"

"Er, can you say that again?" Shinji asked carefully from behind you. You didn't notice, though, as a young woman stepped out of the kitchen. She was your age, fine-lined and with porcelain skin, yarn-blue hair, and those red eyes-

-screams of pain, a look of utter contempt, the feeling you were missing something-

-you didn't like those eyes. It took you a minute to recognize why, though; not that you hadn't tried to bury the memories of the dolls your mother had oh-so-carefully made in the days before her mental collapse. Yours had been the most vivid, but the rest of them had scared you too- boys dressed plainly holding balls and instruments, a grinning man with shaded eyes and clasped hands, an old ghost haunting the cast, and worst of all a carefree trio with arms intertwined, unfinished when she snapped and tried to hang herself from a pipe. Shaking your head to clear the images, you focused on the smell of food.

"Hello, Shinji, Misato." Rei Ayanami said, your mind supplying the name as easily as how you'd always known to check your cable plugs and slide into a plugsuit. "Who's this?"

"This is the new pilot, Asuka Sohryu." Misato said, smiling. "Asuka, meet Rei Ayanami, pilot of the Prototype Evangelion."

"Good to meet you." you said stiffly, bowing politely when she bowed to you. The food was good, though you ate lightly and drank plenty of water. Pigging out after a synch tended to be a bad idea, since LCL could do things to your stomach if you weren't careful. Misato still drank, though, and a quiet conversation was carried on Rei and Shinji as you slowly scoped out the social terrain. There was trust between Shinji and Rei, a trust you craved, and even though you sat at the same table it felt like you were a million miles away.

After dinner, Shinji got the guest futon out for you while took a bath. The warmth helped relax you, digging out the tension that had been gnawing on your back all day. Things hadn't exploded yet. You would be fine, probably. Either way, as you stepped out and into a terrycloth robe, and let your poor abused hair down. You'd have to get it trimmed soon before you could keep growing it out more, but that wasn't a terrible concern. Right now, you just wanted to crawl into your futon and fall asleep. Even as you came out from the bathroom and made your way to the living room and the slight layer of detrious that hadn't been cleaned up, a thought kept flickering against the edge of your mind.

Right- Ayanami's name. How did you know that? It hadn't been hard to figure out that you weren't quite… you… in the EVA cockpit, considering your nigh-prenatural fighting tallent and often nonsensical yelling. You also learned things, glenned from the seed of the EVA as you synchronized- such as how to work in the cockpit, some mathamatics, and most importantly how to waltz. That last one was probably the most fun but least useful, but it was still something. There was a theory that they were communcations from your mother, but that was nonsense. Mother was dead.

Shaking your head, you sighed and got into the futon. Whatever happened to sweet dreams, instead of tides of vinegar and bile? Probably when you finally realized that sleeping after a synch meant hell. Nothing to it, then.


You came to in the entry plug, Synch ratio blasting upwards and a roar of pain in your throat. Your head burned, eyes wet and dripping from tears not cried, and there were nine Evangelions in front of you, each the same as the last. You were the final line of defense of the Geofront, and it would end today. A blast of mental static pulsed through your mind, before you started moving forward, screaming. You either fought, and possibly died quick, or were eaten limb by limb.

Charging forward, you started screaming commands out, power cables flying out of buildings as you daisy-chained from one to the other. You had to be quick, a real devil in red as you moved in, leaping and bounding as one threw their swords at you. Dodging handily, you kept moving, ducking under the wild swing of one of them to pop up in it's guard, Progressive Knife in hand. Backhand, forehand, backhand, and that was enough to open up it's chest- the easy part. Now you had to commit, though, to ripping the core out before you could destroy it. Most nights, this is when you died- but tonight was good. Tonight you got it, hauling as it came out, and screaming as you cracked it wide open.

One down, and seven to go-?

No, eight were left, and then you buckled forward as a hammerblow took your knee out. Mobility stolen, you tried to lunge at the one that had snuck behind you, but he just cut your cable and laughed. Five minutes left, if only. Charging him, you ejected the remains of the cable while ducking in, parrying a stab as you kept closing. It was almost as your knife would reach him that your other leg gave out. Your leg had been pinned by a weapon, thrown by the one that snuck behind you. Swearing, you just had to pull it out and keep going- but there was nowhere to keep going as they surrounded you. Trying to deaden yourself to the pain, you felt, more so than saw, them start pulling at your arms.

The sockets were strong, but not that strong as you screamed in pain. Forcing yourself through the un-phantom limbs, you pulled your physical arms in tight to your chest as you tried to stand, to run. Tactics and artistry had fled your mind as you thrust your hips up to make the bridge, and then waved the back of the Evangellion to stand. Two steps more, and you could leap, and taste air-

-or blood, as you felt the LCL pressure in the cockpit dive. That was fine, though, your Entry Plug had been hit enough in this hellscape to know the feeling all too well. Still, as your hair floated to the top and down past your eyes, there was a coldness sapping your energy, staining a true, opaque red on top of the lifeblood of the entry plug. Oh. You'd been hit. Looking down casually as you tumbled through the air, a prong of a spear had nearly bisected you, leaving your legs held on by thin strips of flesh. Everything below your breastbone was dead, and when you hit the ground and torqued the lance it was shortly later torn off.

In the Entry Plug, the chill of death prevailed as LCL and blood poured out. Hacking out a cough, you reached one last time as you went for the control levers, trying to pull yourself back into control-

-and then you were awake, screaming in Misato's apartment as her bedroom door flew open.

"Asuka!" she yelled, but in your frigid state all you heard was the howl of the Mass Productions coming again. Hands scrambling to find your legs and hips where they should have been, you jumped up, rushing into Misato's open arms before twisting maniacally. An embrace turned into a hip throw, and Misato took it as gracefully as she ever did, rolling off the tatami mat floor and into a clear stance despite her earlier drinking.

"Asuka, it's me." she said, calming down. How was she so calm- you still had to fight! The Mass Productions were still out there, and as your hand flew to your shoulder to check your prog knife, Misato swore under her breath. Good- she knew how serious this was. Staring into that wild purple hair, you slowly forced her back into the category of 'friendly'.

"Misato?" a voice asked from behind her, and you slowly strafed right before you saw someone. Mousy, small, no weapons, no threat. Not important. No problem. "Is something-"

"Go back to your room, Shinji." Misato said calmly, never taking her eyes off you. "It's nothing serious."

You bared your teeth, trying to figure out angles. You could get out the kitchen door, or through the balcony and down or across. As the mousy boy retreated, though, you kept sidling right to see- and then you saw it.

"Angel." you hissed, taking a perfect breath in before surging forward in a fury of violence. Grabbing an empty beer can, you hurled it as a distraction, while ducking towards the barely-disguised shelf of bottles. It didn't matter what kind you took in hand, though, since they'd all break the same as you bounced off the wall and went in on the eyes of crimson. Death rode with you in that moment, the stress of forever preparing to come out. Arm cocked back, you lunged with perfect form- just as a freight train barreled into your side.

"Asuka, down!" Misato yelled. "Stand down!"

It didn't matter- you had to kill the Angel. Roaring, you got ready to throw, only for your weapon to get pulled away and discarded. Screaming, you reached up, but the hand that took your arm was warm.

"Asuka, it's me, Misato!" the person over you said again, pulling herself in. "It's Misato. Remember me? Breathe, think, think with me Lämmergeier. Remember when I was there?"

For a moment, a long moment, your brain locked. Then, slowly, you went limp. Misato stayed over you the entire time, grip firm and warm as she shielded you.

Then the tears started. No gentle thing they were, coming out in bellowing sobs and wracking coughs, until the ire faded from your eye. It must have been two in the morning when you finally finished coming to your senses, and by then you knew it had been a bad one.

"Hey, Misato." you croaked carefully. "I'm back."

Misato cracked a tired smile. "I can tell. Haven't had one that bad in a long time, have you?"

"Not since I was nine, yeah." you said, sighing. "I'm- just…"

"Go back to bed, Asuka." Misato said, smiling. "We'll handle it in the morning."


How do you handle things in the morning?

[] Just… leave. Wake up early, get gone, no messy apologies or anything, just make with the disappearing act and go to your apartment or something.
[] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
[] Don't mention it. Don't mention anything related to it. Just shovel it all under the rug, and when you're gone Misato can just keep a lid on it like she always has done.

[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
That's, uh... That's heavy.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
That's, uh... That's heavy.

Well, what else is it going to be? I'm not bringing sparkles and shit in to shower this in, and to say this sort of thing has been foreshadowed since the first update is an understatement. More importantly, this entire show was one of the earlier cries for awareness on mental illness and conditions, aside from it's dedication to pound in the anti-war messages so many Gundam fans whiffed over to buy their gunpla kits, and I respect that and want to work with that message. Part of what makes NGE so strong a base story is that the core concepts are so accessable. Everyone's been alone, hurt, fucked over by life at some point. And when you try and reach out, there's nobody there- and it's even odds on whether this vacuum of aid was real or imagined. That's relatable! That's solid! And then you can change it, put other factors in the pot or pull things away, and that core concept doesn't care because it still works!

Yeah, this story's gonna get heavy! So what? That just means when the load is lifted your shoulders feel lighter!
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
After dinner, Shinji got the guest futon out for you while took a bath.
"you" is missing.
It hadn't been hard to figure out that you weren't quite… you… in the EVA cockpit, considering your nigh-prenatural fighting tallent and often nonsensical yelling.
"preternatural", "talent"

[x] Don't mention it. Don't mention anything related to it. Just shovel it all under the rug, and when you're gone Misato can just keep a lid on it like she always has done.
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[X] Just… leave. Wake up early, get gone, no messy apologies or anything, just make with the disappearing act and go to your apartment or something.

Can't fix Rome in a day.
boys dressed plainly holding balls and instruments, a grinning man with shaded eyes and clasped hands, an old ghost haunting the cast, and worst of all a carefree trio with arms intertwined,
So, possible visions of Shinji and/or Kaworu from the EoE weirdness or the Death & Rebirth bits, a possible glimpse of Gendo, a... 'ghost haunting the cast'? What 'cast'? The movie-set bits of Instrumentality? And... what carefree trio? The Pilots? The three Reis? No, wouldn't be the Reis. You really can't describe any of them as 'carefree', especially Rei I, who was homicidal and feral for most of her existence as Unit-00.
There was trust between Shinji and Rei, a trust you craved, and even though you sat at the same table it felt like you were a million miles away.
Mmm. Asuka is being more socially aware than she's usually shown as, and hungering for that connection past her walls just as much. And Rei already has a bond of trust with Shinji? Well, they had something like that after Ramiel in canon, but I guess it's visibly stronger and more noticeable here if they're roommates. I wonder when exactly Rei moved in? Did Shinji actually manage to mention to Misato 'Oh, by the way, when I went to her apartment to drop off her new ID card (and accidentally get to second base), I noticed she lives in something like a shithole.'? Which he seems to have forgotten to do in the show. Idiot.
and most importantly how to waltz.
...most importantly? :wtf:
"Go back to your room, Shinji." Misato said calmly, never taking her eyes off you. "It's nothing serious."
Bullshit 'nothing serious'. This is post-combat PTSD of first rank. It may be a thing you've seen before, Misato, but it's damn sure serious. Ok, yeah, you're probably just saying that to make Shinji go back away, but even he's not going to be buying that.
Then the tears started. No gentle thing they were, coming out in bellowing sobs and wracking coughs, until the ire faded from your eye. It must have been two in the morning when you finally finished coming to your senses, and by then you knew it had been a bad one.
Boy, are we a long way from the canon girl who swore at her mother's grave never to let anyone see her cry ever again. And it took her hours to come down enough to talk to Misato again? Yikes. And 'you knew it had been a bad one' makes it sound like someone surfacing after a bad blackout or disassociation. Not good.
Misato cracked a tired smile. "I can tell. Haven't had one that bad in a long time, have you?"
And Misato has seen Asuka do something like this before, if not quite to this degree. But she recognized it almost immediately (once Asuka er... threw her) despite it being a surprise in the middle of the night, and calmed down once she did. That means this is more than a bit familiar. Great...
Sever PTSD, just what a teenage girl who's already had a pretty shitty life needs. And on her first night with her new roomies/fellow Pilots. That's going to make an impression. OTOH, that means she can explain that to the First and Third right off the bat.

Well, to the Third, anyhow. We may have a bit more trouble getting her to stop seeing Rei as a hostile. She seemed to recognize Rei as an Angel in her PTSD-state, too. Or at least picked up on Rei's red eyes being something.
But nayhow... There's no hiding this as it woke up the whole house, and Shinji is going to ask Misato 'What the hell?!' Misato's going to tell him something. We don't want him thinking we're any crazier than we are, and we want to know what Misato's going to say. So we can't just flee and try to avoid seeing them except during Tests. Or school. Or battle.



[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.

We take this head on. We're Asuka Langley Soryu, and we do not back down or run. We fight. Especially when it's our own demons.
Bullshit 'nothing serious'. This is post-combat PTSD of first rank. It may be a thing you've seen before, Misato, but it's damn sure serious. Ok, yeah, you're probably just saying that to make Shinji go back away, but even he's not going to be buying that.
My overall fondness for Misato makes me favor the most charitable reading. That she's just trying to keep Shinji calm, and means that it's not anything she can't handle, and not that she's being dismissive of extreme post-traumatic stress. Makes me very glad we decided to stay here tonight, though. Episode like this without someone we trust there to help us come down could have been very ugly.
On a more optimistic note, this Asuka appears to have a much closer, warmer relationship with Misato. Sort of a surrogate older sister figure. Meaning she actually has someone she can talk to about things.
So if/when the hormones hit and she wants Shinji to notice her, she's more likely to go to Misato for advice. Now Misato may not give the best advice, but it should still be better than flailing about, thinking his social incompetence is a sign that he hates her.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
Expiriment 945
EVA Unit 0-2 Experimental Procedures, NERV Berlin

Expiriment 945: Long Term Synchronization Test
Date: 6/3/2010-14/3/2010


The Long Term Synchronization Test is to determine whether, due to uncertain Pattern Blue contact, a Child may be kept on what is reffered to as a "ready 5" in the aeronautic community. This means that within five minutes of the decision to deploy, a fully battle-ready EVA unit is deployed and active. To facilitate this, the EVA unit will have the pilot inserted and at a low, standby synchronization ratio. Thus, if a combat call goes out, launch may be achieved by entering a combat synch ratio, moving to the launch cradle, arming, and initiating launch.


The Second Child and EVA 0-2 will be kept on an Alert Five readiness position over the course of a week. For the duration of the week if at all possible, the Child will be inside the Entry Plug at low synch. Food and water will be pre-provisioned in sealed vacuum package tubes, and biological waste will be handled with a modified plugsuit. To prevent mental fatuige, the EVA unit will have limited access to the NERV Berlin internal libraries, and a radio connection will be provided to civilian broadband. Testing will include simulated scrambles to the ready lift, basic long-term synchronization, and pilot endurance and concentration with ocasional mental tests.


Day 1
Morning Synch: 45%
Mental Test 1: 89/100
Scramble Time: 1:05.78
Mental Test 2: 84/100
Evening Synch: 45%

Day 2
Midnight Synch: 19%
Morning Synch: 39%
Mental Test 1: 66/100
Scramble Time: 55.36
Mental Test 2: 78/100
Evening Synch: 36%

Day 3
Midnight Synch: 16%
Morning Synch: 31%
Mental Test 1: 52/100
Scramble Time: 1:32.15
Mental Test 2: 67/100
Evening Synch: 33%

Day 4
Midnight Synch: 12%
Morning Synch: 26%
Mental Test 1: 45/100
Scramble Time: 2:45.78
Mental Test 2: 43/100
Evening Synch: 29%

Day 5
Midnight Synch: 9%
Morning Synch: 18%
Mental Test 1: 39/100
Scramble Time: 4:12.61
Mental Test 2: 24/100
Evening Synch: 15%

Day 6
Midnight Synch: Desynch (see Appendix A for technical explanation)
Morning Synch: 12%
Mental Test 1: 12/100
Scramble Time: 6:55.17
Mental Test 2: 14/100
Evening Synch: 8%

Day 7
Midnight Synch: 12%
Morning Synch: Desynch
Mental Test 1: 8/100
Scramble Time: 8:21.88
Mental Test 2: 2/100
Evening Synch: Desynch



As is painfully apparent, any possibility of combat effectiveness was lost on the third day, when mental and neurological fatuige caused the pilot to engage in compounding failures in mental ability, synch scores, and general manuvering of the Evangellion to the launch system. Analysis of cockpit recordings indicate that mental strain and piloting stress may have caused a minor breakdown on day 6, but on removal from the Entry Pug at the end of test prooved that no detectable damages to the Pilot were sustained. Anylsis of this and later events indicates that under no circumstances should any sortt of deliberately prolonged Synch be performed again, to any Pilot, in any Unit.



Appendix A: On Desynch
>Due to vagarries of synchronization, a Pilot may be nominally de-synchrnoized when their synch is below 5% due to the fact that at such low synch the neural patterns may randomly disconnect without warning. The test equipment also cannot accurately measure synch scores this low due to lack of processing power for the lower-order functions that are what remain synchronized at this level.

Appendix B: Damages
>Over the course of expiriments, starting on Day 3, the Pilot had great dificulty using the launch cradle system, and caused great damages costing in sum several million euros to repair. They are listed as follows.
>Day 3: Crushed power socket, 4,000eu
>Day 4: Crushed power socket, 4,000eu; bent cradle frame, 12,000eu
>Day 5: Total destruction of cradle frame, 200,000eu
>Day 6: Extreme damage to floor/ceiling of passageway, 120,000eu, warped rails of magnetic catapult, 400,000eu, partial destruction of cradle frame, 130,000eu
>Day 7: Extreme damage to EVA holding dock, 300,000eu, Extreme damage to EVA holding bay, 75,000eu; severe damage to power main resulting in blackouts, 65,000eu direct damage and rolling blackouts for the next 9 hours through the Geofront; warped rails of mag catapult, 400,000eu; crushed recovery vehicles x8, 30,000eu

Appendix C: Events of 15/3/10
>After returning to her apartments on 3/14, the Second Child fell into a deep slumber. At 0126, she became deeply disturbed, reportedly flailing and screaming with volume for the microphones in the common area of the apartment to pick it up. Her guardian and caretaker, Mrs. Liefbach, entered the Child's room and attempted to wake her, presumably by touch. Camera footage shows through the door a series of sharp blows to Mrs. Leifbach, and medical analysis post-event reveals four cracked ribs and severe bruising of the torso and a dislocated shoulder and elbow of the left arm. A passing Section Two member, hearing the violence, opened the door to the quarters with his master key, prompting the Second Child to fly out and attack him. In the physical altercation, she managed to grab his belt-taser, and according to medical records post-facto, badly damage the trachea before discharging it. After stealing his cards and keys, she escaped her quarters.
>Over the course of the next four hours, night staff and guards were attacked if found, and many needed hospitalization post-facto. While no permanent damages were sustained to staff, records of the Second Child's exact deeds and location for this time are incredibly spotty.
>Attempted lockdowns were not effective, with areas thought to be secured turning to have several holes in their coverage. Using boxes, carts, air ducts, fake radio transmissions, cries of distress, and predatory engagement of lone NERV personnel, the Second Child escaped and evaded containment.
>The Second Child was later recovered at 1602 when a liscensed food vendor (Kemal's Kebabs) reported a red-haired child had snuck into his food truck and fell asleep on his bags of rice. She then slept until 0901 16/3/10, and while slightly neurotic for several days, was unaware of her actions committed in fugue.
>It is widely held by security staff that, had the Second Child acquired a weapon more dangerous than hand tasers and her own body, there would have been between three and twenty-six fatalities, depending on if she could acquire a gun. With her continual exercise and combat training regimes, estimates indicate this range could grow exponentially, presuming she maintains control of the engagements as demonstrated on 15/3/10.

Signed, 19/3/2010
Dr. Friedrieck Trzebinski, MD
Dr. Schubert Rose, PhD
Dr. Robert Mauz, MD, PhD
