March Time
Shaking your head, you started edging towards the door. Could you stay? Would it be worth it to risk it? As you considered the pros and cons, the phone started ringing in the living room, prompting Shinji to go answer it. Turning around to leave, you saw Rei leaning on the door.

"Do you really want to go?" she asked, looking you in the eye.

You couldn't answer, so your only response was to flick your hair to buy time while you thought. Did you want to go? Did you really? Of course not. That didn't change the fact tomorrow would be hellish, a blight on your memory. Finally, you made a compromise answer.

"No. I won't remember this anyway, though. Might as well save the good times for when they'll stick around."

Rei looked at you with a cagey eye. "Was the last time you synchronized with the Evangellion that bad?"

You glared. "Yes. Tell me, do you think I volunteered for the horrifying, mind-ripping nightmares and traumatic flashbacks?"

The opposed questions stood for a moment, before Rei acquiesced to their presence with a nod. "I understand, then. Just like me. The weight of the world pressing down on you, smothering you in it's pain, and with no way to lash out."

You chuckled. "Not how I'd put it, but true enough. Still, why do we push against it, then? When death would be so warm in comparison to this cruel world? A chance to break down the barriers around ourselves, so cold and self-imposed, the clarion call to abandon the walls of Jericho as they are rent asunder."

"Because there is nothing worse than a second chance gone astray." Rei replied, walking up and passing you. As she passed you on your blind side, you spun to track her steps toward the kitchen table. Shinji was behind it, bringing out a covered pan of something, smiling gently as the blue-haired Pilot moved with the sort of sculpted grace that reminded you of an old music-box ballerina. A few whispered words came to your ears, but nothing distinct. It felt like a knife in your gut, a betrayal of something in the distance that reminded you of the Plug.

By the time you'd processed this all, Shinji had come over to you and politely dragged you to the table. Dinner was a hot noodle dish, and from a small side dish shredded fish was added for Shinji and yourself. Somehow you had the feeling it wasn't supposed to be served with a reisling, but it still came out well enough as you slowly warmed back up. You had no idea Shinji was such a proficient cook, and as you said so he just chuckled.

"It's something, I suppose." he said, shaking his head. "I cook, I play cello, I am a Child, and that's about it. I suppose I should try and make sure you're here, though- you do the later bit better than I do."

You rolled your eye, before taking another bite of the noodles. "Damn skippy. Only reason I went to college is because the psych guys said I needed to get out of the Geofront sometimes."

"I hope you can teach us well." Shinji replied, grinning.

"If only so you can catch up." Rei added, serving herself from the community pot.

"Excuse me." you said, deadpan.

"Four kills for Shinji, one for me." Rei said again, looking over at the cook. "Don't let him sell himself short, or you'll never see what he can do."

"I have one too!" you yelled.

"Yes, and we all get credited for ones where we're in the cockpit. Even if," and here Rei's eyes gleamed, and you felt stricken as the realization came in with her words. "the cockpit wasn't ours."

"Oh come on!" you complained, before having a little more wine. "You mean we're tied?"

"Not with me…" Shinji said, before you fixed him with the devil's own stare.

"Not for long." you promised. "That reminds me, have either of you two figured out how to pull out the limiters in your Entry Plugs yet?"

Two blank stares met you. "Say that again, please?" asked Shinji.

"The limiters. You know, the things they use when they want to adjust LCL pressure?" you grumbled. "Yeah, so the engineers who work on our stuff? Load of hacks. There's a ton of shit you can just rip out with a Torx screwdriver and it'll bring your synch up a few points of a percentage. They're not particularly happy when I make field modifications, but since the Director never yelled at me they can suck it."

"You can't be serious." Rei muttered, chopsticks falling into her bowl. "Those are how we protect Sh- Tokyo-3!"

"Nah." you said, emoting sarcasm as you finished your food. "From what I had to read in Berlin? Whatever we're working with is so damn old school there's still vacuum tubes buried in the guts, and they kept piling shit in on top of it for some reason. If you can cut all the digital crap out from on top, I've pulled two percentage points of synch out of it, even if it takes twenty minutes and I have to flush the cockpit LCL to keep cosmoline out of my hair."

"Cosmoline?" Shinji asked. "Don't they use that to store guns?"

"It stores damn near everything. More importantly, it means whatever's in the heart of the Evangellions speaks something closer to my language than theirs- and I mean to use it."

A dangerous gleam was in your eye now. "Both of you got dragged into this because NERV is a bunch of chucklefucks who can't find their ass with both hands. I've been training for this for my whole life- and damn them if they get in my way."


Suiting up for the Synch test, you felt the pressure of the plugsuit conform to your body with a familiar settling. Fingers dancing, you pushed down the reflex to start messing with the fit at the joints as you watched Rei across the locker room from you. Her hands were just as practiced, but it was just different enough to be interesting. Wordlessly, you both completed your fitting, and went through the showers at the end towards the Entry Plug room. The air wasn't solemn as Shinji joined you, just intense.

As you saddled up into the plug, the soothing voices of the Prinbow Box soon gave way to the wash of Synchronization. The LCL you were near-floating in had an ethereal quality today, and you hummed a short arpeggio as everything warmed up. Forty percent, fifty percent, sixty percent, seventy percent.. Holding at seventy-six percent… pretty good for a resting synch. Cueing up the comms, you stretched back and relaxed.

"How you doing, Third, First?" you asked, grinning.

"Fifty-nine percent." Rei replied, fluttering her eyelashes at the camera as she played with a control board. "I think it'll start floating up."

"Seventy-three percent." Shinji said, looking at you nervously. "And, um, I'm sorry?"

"Yeah well sorry can get it's ass in line." you growled, mood souring. You didn't need to remember that. "I don't need your half-assed heroism again."

"I would hardly have called Pilot Ikari's actions 'half-assed', no matter how catastrophic the results." Rei interjected. "You yourself weren't in a position to save anyone, either."

"None of us were." you finally admitted. "I personally blame the old bastard, but the ending… does any of us remember all of it?"

"No." Rei replied, sadly. "And I doubt I ever will."

"I won't." Shinji added in, his face growing ashen. "What I can is bad enough."

"Well then how the fuck are we supposed to fix it?" you raged. "Unless this is some masturbatory intellectual exercise you two angel-fuckers came up with, there has to be a solution or we wouldn't be here!"

"I resent that implication." Rei said, eyes flashing.

"Yeah well when the curtains stop matching the drapes you can start throwing shit. Until then, I reserve the right to call you both dumbasses."

"Wasn't the original plan for Asuka to kill the Angels and not us?" Shinji asked, facepalming. "It takes all three of us, or it won't work."

"I still say I could have done it alone." you griped.

"Yeah, and then when Rei asks me how I like my hotdog, my answer is still one with everything!" Shinji yelled, before he curled back into himself. "Just… please. Calm down, we'll finish the synch test, I'll make dinner like I always do. Then we can see what sticks."

"The error in that is my fault." Rei muttered, looking shyly at you. "Maybe we could have taken Asuka's plan if it wasn't for that mistake."

"Please." you grumbled. "If you turn into Shinji then I have to live with two self-defacing idiots who can't read the room forever instead of just one."

"At least it would be better company than your oscillating ass." Shinji grumbled.

"I said I would work on it!" you yelled, before facepalming hard enough to knock your eyepatch off. "Just, I hate this. We never fixed the end. It's disgusting."

The other two nodded, before you started focusing. You had to spike your synch ratio eventually, and now was as good a time as any. Centering yourself, you felt the connection to your Evangellion grow, pushing the numbers higher. Seventy-eight… eighty… eighty-four… and then you growled, kicking your foot into the console built under your saddle hard enough to knock some wires loose. Eighty five. A kick on the other side now, and eighty-six. Ten points when you pushed. Good enough?

"He's passing ninety!" the Prinbow Box exclaimed.

Not fucking good enough. Taking your hands off the yokes, you raked your hair back, pulling the eyepatch off as a pale cyan light filled your eyes. Putting your right hand on the center console, you put your left down by your foot and pulled the emergency plug eject lever. Outside the test stand, a simulated plug blew out, and your synch spiked again. Ninety-three percent. Fine. Just. Fucking. Fine.

"All pilots, stand down. There seems to be an instrumentation error, so we're calling the test early." a doctoral voice said, and you growled. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the damn test, they just couldn't understand what they had leashed here. Still, as the pod started to desynch, you felt your bile rise and mind close. No. No! Oh god, you hated this part, no, no…

... no. Waking up against the side of the pod, you spat a mouthful of stale LCL out, and tried to climb out the hatch. Flopping onto the railing outside, you looked at the near-dead expressions on your teammates' faces', and smiled.

"First time?" you joked. Rei groaned, before vomiting LCL down through the grating of the walkway. Shinji just flopped down, pulses of red-orange fluid draining from his mouth as he gibbered on the deck. You, being the amazing senior pilot you were, got another three steps from the Entry Plug before synch-sickness caught up with you too.

What is your reaction to this malady?
[] Vomit. Just get all the shit in you out of you.
[] Collapse. You can fight this mess off on your own in a few hours, provided you can fall unconscious long enough to ooze the LCL out.
[] Fever and Chills. After long enough being pickled in it, you can absorb the LCL into yourself, even if the process takes a notable amount of time.
[] Walk it off. You can do this. It sucks. But you can do this.
[X] Fever and Chills. After long enough being pickled in it, you can absorb the LCL into yourself, even if the process takes a notable amount of time.
[X] Collapse. You can fight this mess off on your own in a few hours, provided you can fall unconscious long enough to ooze the LCL out.
[X] Fever and Chills. After long enough being pickled in it, you can absorb the LCL into yourself, even if the process takes a notable amount of time.

I'm not sure what's happening anymore, if I ever was. But eh.
Huh. Interesting, but is that a choice for how much primordial soup Asuka has absorbed over the years? I have no idea what that could do, but that sounds fascinating. If NERV wasn't a bunch of hacks this is the kind of thing they would be paying attention to.

On top of that, what would the brokenly, prideful, seen-herself-die-over-and-over-and-over Asuka do?

... I'm honestly not sure. I don't see the difference between Fever and Walk It Off would be either? Unless that's a "she's so used to it she doesn't reject it at all anymore" thing?
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"At least it would be better company than your oscillating ass." Shinji grumbled.

I mean, he probably means "wavering" or "switching" here, like maybe between two personalities or something, but I chose to interpret this line as Asuka's Eva backside vibrating all the time during the important fights and it's really damn distracting.
Spooky shit. Because at some level everything is spooky shit.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore, if I ever was. But eh.

Huh. Interesting, but is that a choice for how much primordial soup Asuka has absorbed over the years?

No. Asuka's previous exposure is a set value. Think of this as, if not future exposure, then certainly your reaction to weird future exposure.

I mean, he probably means "wavering" or "switching" here, like maybe between two personalities or something, but I chose to interpret this line as Asuka's Eva backside vibrating all the time during the important fights and it's really damn distracting.

It's a joke about signal generators. Since she's oscillating, that would be a signal generation. That being said though since Asuka changes her mind all the time, she becomes a mixed signal generator.
It's a joke about signal generators. Since she's oscillating, that would be a signal generation. That being said though since Asuka changes her mind all the time, she becomes a mixed signal generator.
I was close enough then. Though really, she's so tsundere he could call her a "bipolar" ass and I would've agreed. :V
[X] Walk it off. You can do this. It sucks. But you can do this.
No. Asuka's previous exposure is a set value. Think of this as, if not future exposure, then certainly your reaction to weird future exposure.
Hmm... I suppose I settle more on not wanting to be disabled by it then, though that may or may not be worse in the long-term. Honestly no idea what the LCL exposure would cause. Its... huh, its basically FF7 lifestream except there aren't any memories in it. Yet.

Well kinda.
[X] Walk it off. You can do this. It sucks. But you can do this.

So something about being in the EVAs or syncing causes them to remember more of the future? Except there didn't seem to be additional bleedthrough when Shinji and Asuka were fighting the ocean angel. Or is there like a missing section between the dinner and the sync test? Earlier we had to vote specifically for Asuka to talk about her dreams of her fights and then all of a sudden all three of them are talking about their future experiences as if they are all aware that each of them have gone back in time. It seems more uh.. disjointed then usual.
It seems more uh.. disjointed then usual.

Because it is. The problem is there aren't a lot of times where all three of them are Synchronized and can talk to each other, so naturally things are compressed- and of course quite possibly encoded on the off chance Gendo is listening in. My willingness to go through the rigamarole of a Synch test and the fact it eats at least three updates for letting you vote how the spoons fall is pretty limited, so ideally I only have to do like six for the entire Quest's run. That being said, the information density of that dialog is really high, and therefore when I need to ram everything and a kitchen sink into an update it pushes me towards them.

I will say that people talking about synch scores should probably walk back a few updates though.
[x] Fever and Chills. After long enough being pickled in it, you can absorb the LCL into yourself, even if the process takes a notable amount of time.
I'll echo the general comments about this chapter being very difficult to understand or make sense of. I know, from personal experience and from watching others, that it's tempting to enhance the "art" a story by leaving much unsaid - but rest assured that this typically just results in confused and unhappy readers.
Okay, so here's what I'm dissecting so far from all od this.
The Children have looped at least once before this loop, trying to fix things.
But they have limited access to the memories of both canon and past loops. Perhaps related to synch ratios?
This would be the first time they've all three been able to go over what went wrong in the previous loop together, due to it being the first synch test with all three of them.
So a lot of the coded phrasings and such will likely make more sense as more information is revealed.
Maybe the allusion to a plan for Asuka to kill the Angels, is related to making her more valuable to NERV from a tactical standpoint? Perhaps to try and protect her from what happened in the aftermath of Arael in canon?
I'll echo the general comments about this chapter being very difficult to understand or make sense of. I know, from personal experience and from watching others, that it's tempting to enhance the "art" a story by leaving much unsaid - but rest assured that this typically just results in confused and unhappy readers.

And when you and other confused people write angry PMs et all, I'll make a nice collage to put in the background of one of the last updates. Sometimes Art is a load of bullshit, but sometimes Art is a puzzle, and you need to cross-check things to see where it leads. I have a couple of posts on the Spacebattles mirror about writing a good quest that is also fanfiction, and the fact that you can't rely on the problems of canon to be the stumbling blocks in the story.
I know I'm missing a bunch here, so just writing down some notes as to what I think happened:

While Synching, the pilots gain access to previous timelines' memories. (This was already known to a degree, but here we see them with nearly full access rather than the bits we saw previously)
At the end it seems like all three pilots spike their Synch up and then does a sudden disconnection, presumably scrambling her brain. On the other hand, it could be their attempt to synch high enough to preserve any memories at all of what happened.

I'm surprised there's no attempt to create an alternative information channel to exfiltrate the content of the memories, but I suppose that'd be too hard to hide from Gendo or the techs. There is a significant personality difference between the synched and the unsynched pilots.

Anyway, the equipment that Asuka is destroying is the limiters designed to make sure she doesn't get eaten like her mother, but she doesn't seem to understand/care and just wants to get a higher score. The techs don't notice until she does a simulated plug ejection while remaining synched, presumably further reducing the limiters between her and the Eva.

Not sure what to vote on yet, but I'm thinking fever/chills is the best for preserving memories but IDK.
And when you and other confused people write angry PMs et all
Don't worry; you'll see no angry PMs started by me. Unfortunately I obviously can't speak for anyone else, but it's strange to get angry at an author for not doing what you want with their story. Doubly unfortunately, I am aware people do indeed do this often.

but sometimes Art is a puzzle, and you need to cross-check things to see where it leads
I know; when I said "from personal experience", I meant from personal writing experience.

What I am trying to say is that if readers tell you "this makes me unhappy", they are objectively correct in their own assessment of their feelings. It's up to you what kind of balance you wish to strike between pandering to readers and doing what you want; obviously pandering too much is a great way to hate your own story, but ignoring readers' complaints entirely may lead to a very small readerbase.

I say "may", because in more than a few cases later chapters resolve complaints about previous ones naturally. Still, I hope you see my point.
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Clarifying this, she ejected the external power source. She did not attempt to eject herself from the EVA unit.
So she ejected the simulated umbilical cord? Why would that change her synch? Unless battery power is weaker I guess? There's no S2 in there yet AFAIK.

Anyway, just gonna go with my gut here since I don't have enough info to make any sort of reasoned decision.
[X] Fever and Chills. After long enough being pickled in it, you can absorb the LCL into yourself, even if the process takes a notable amount of time.
What I am trying to say is that if readers tell you "this makes me unhappy", they are objectively correct in their own assessment of their feelings. It's up to you what kind of balance you wish to strike between pandering to readers and doing what you want; obviously pandering too much is a great way to hate your own story, but ignoring readers' complaints entirely may lead to a very small readerbase.

Y'see if we were talking about my books, which people pay me money for, then I would care.
So she ejected the simulated umbilical cord? Why would that change her synch?

Probably relayed to this bit:
"From what I had to read in Berlin? Whatever we're working with is so damn old school there's still vacuum tubes buried in the guts, and they kept piling shit in on top of it for some reason. If you can cut all the digital crap out from on top, I've pulled two percentage points of synch out of it, even if it takes twenty minutes and I have to flush the cockpit LCL to keep cosmoline out of my hair."

I'd guess that the external power supply is part of "all the digital crap."
And in the realm of half baked speculation, the EVAs are perhaps easier to sync with the closer they are to their natural, organic state?