[x] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
[X] Band vest. You've been going to concerts forever, and you've got every band patch you can, along with some other goodies.
[X] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
Edit: Yes, I saw the 3 highest thing. I just think all four might have their place. Whatever 3 win is good among them as far as I'm concerned.
You do realize I don't count votes that aren't formatted correctly, right? If you want me to count your vote, you need to take an item out.
excluding the fact that its a degree in metaphysics
Point of order, it's never stated in-show and the movies are eww. For this quest's purposes, it's in music and music theory.
This Shinji is capable of being assertive. Good for him.
It's an MRE. If Shinji had to plead his case in a court, he could call Gordon Ramsay in to get someone to back him up for the fact his technique was completely and totally appropriate to the situation.
[X] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
[X] Band vest. You've been going to concerts forever, and you've got every band patch you can, along with some other goodies.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[x] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
[x] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[x] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] A Book. More specifically, a copy of Dr. Faustus. You'd be fine to sneak some reading in during some of the lessons, right?
[X] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
Shinji looked at you. Then he stared at you. Then he quietly walked out of the crack in your door's vision, into his apartment, before he came back with a pair of bolt cutters.

"Why do you have a pair of bolt cutters?" you asked numbly as the head of them surrounded your door chain.

"I found them." Shinji replied, setting them carefully. "Rei, a hand please?"

Rei blinked at him, but soon enough she was helping cut your door chain. Realizing that shopping was inevitable, you sighed as they broke into your house.

"Let the records show I do this under great duress." you muttered as you grabbed your purse.
"So am I." Shinji muttered dangerously.

Alright, so Shinji does have brass balls.
And bolt cutters, apparently.

Still think it was Rei's idea to move in, tho.

Mmm. Wonder if any of them know about the whole "lovecraftian lovechild of Lilith, Yui and mad science" thing.

Wonder whether Misato puts two and two together and triggers over Rei.

Wonder why Asuka has so many instruments instead of, you know, one. This is obviously a cry for attention, basically begging people to form an orchestra with her. :V

I wonder about a lot of things, really.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
[X] A Book. More specifically, a copy of Dr. Faustus. You'd be fine to sneak some reading in during some of the lessons, right?
Oh, I didn't vote. Might as well.

[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] A Book. More specifically, a copy of Dr. Faustus. You'd be fine to sneak some reading in during some of the lessons, right?
[X] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
[X] Band vest. You've been going to concerts forever, and you've got every band patch you can, along with some other goodies.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.

"God, I hate the morning after." you muttered in a language,
Probably German, just guessing. :p
Well, she could also speak English, I suppose.
Staring back, defiantly, Rei glanced over to the kitchen before turning to face you.

"Last night, you called me Angel." Rei said, declaratively. "Why."
Rei definitely noticed... hm. Would she have told this Shinji about herself? This soon? Rei has been Piloting for 4 years at this point. Well, getting stuffed into an Entry Plug and trying to activate an Eva, anyhow. Canon she never got Unit-01 to work until after Shinji arrived, and Unit-00 didn't start until a few months before that, and immediately berserked. So Rei might have years of Unit-00 talking to her in her head, or just a few months. Considering Rei 1 was ah... feral and somewhat homicidal, I'm not sure how much we want her to have been whispering to Rei II.

But either way, Rei knows what she is, and knows that Asuka shouldn't, but seemed to. So we need to factor in that she's already possibly suspicious of us. As much as she makes us flinch, we do not want her as an enemy. More than anything else, saving the world and stopping SEELE depends on making sure Rei chooses against them in the end. So we need her favorably inclined to Shinji and anyone else opposing them.
"I understand." Rei said carefully. "I think all of us pilots have that to some degree, then."
Rei's hinting at her own... alterations? Has she picked up some of Rei 1's... violent tendencies? Eep.

Or is she reaching out, hinting that Asuka's not the only one with nightmares or the future? Canon Rei didn't dream, at all. Nightmares would be a very unhappy new experience for her. This needs careful exploration. We need to talk to Rei one on one at some point soon.
You just creased your brow. "I wasn't in my right mind." you said carefully. "I can't remember any of it."
But she just saw Asuka flinch right now. So that excuse won't fly on that, and Rei probably noticed the evasion. Rei's not stupid.
with a pair of bolt cutters.

"Why do you have a pair of bolt cutters?" you asked numbly as the head of them surrounded your door chain.

"I found them." Shinji replied, setting them carefully. "Rei, a hand please?"

Rei blinked at him, but soon enough she was helping cut your door chain. Realizing that shopping was inevitable, you sighed as they broke into your house.

"Let the records show I do this under great duress." you muttered as you grabbed your purse.

"So am I." Shinji muttered dangerously.
He came back with those cutters fast. He had them on hand. He expected something like this. Ok, a Shinji who is not taking 'I want to hide in my shell, go away' as an answer. Definitely one way his Eva-whispers have changed him. Likely a part of why Rei is living there too. What else has changed about him, though? He's more willing to push out of his normal comfort zone, but what's the root of it? Compassion, attraction, anger, protection? Some or all of the above? He made sure to bring Rei with him, too, not just do this solo. I think he's trying to team-build, whatever the motivation.

[X] A-10 Clips. You're a pilot, but it's not obvious. The question is, do you want to be a Pilot at school?
[X] Earrings. Jewlery is the heart of a girl.
[X] Makeup. You normally don't do makeup, since it takes time and your skin is already in danger of going to shit, but you might want to try.

We're making a first impression here. People are going to see us, regardless of whether they talk to us or not. So we want to go visual: Makeup, earrings, and A-10 clips. Dress confident to feel confident. Hell yes, we're a Pilot. That will both impress people and make it clear that we've got at least some association with Shinji and Rei. Being a Pilot is partly a shield for Asuka, but it's also a bond to others, and right now she needs that bond to Shinji and Rei. No one else at school is going to have the slightest chance of understanding what Eva-combat is like. It's establishing an identity that strangers can orient to, since the class will already have worked out how to react to a Pilot with Shinji and Rei. This is easing our path and showing who we are. If we don't, 'What's with the eyepatch? Are you a pirate or something?' will be the first question. A-10 Clips means we can attribute it to Piloting. End of awkward questions.

Tools and knives are useful, but this is a first impression day, and we can make tools our regular carry when it's not Day One. People won't see what we have in our pockets. (And Asuka is 100% able to take care of herself without weapons, oh god. Even in Manga-canon, Asuka is a skilled martial artist, able to effortlessly take down three thugs twice her size with ease. This Asuka could take down Solid Snake.)

A Band Vest is neat, but probably get shot down by Japanese school dress codes. A book is a too easy route to slip away and try to hide behind, which we just had Shinji show us is not an option today. Pity we can't sneak the Class Ring in as part of the earrings and jewelry set.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] A Book. More specifically, a copy of Dr. Faustus. You'd be fine to sneak some reading in during some of the lessons, right?
[X] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] Earrings. Jewlery is the heart of a girl.
[X] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
Votes called

Edit: Winning vote is Ring, Vest, and Screwdriver. Spacebattles loves them vests.
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A Friend?
Hearing your alarm blaring away at 0600, you glared at the small green-diode alarm clock before slapping the top of it angrily. Throwing on a pair of pants and an old hoodie, you tramped down to the front office with your key to open your dropbox. It wasn't much later that you were back in your apartment, fluffing out the uniform. Blue pianoforte, white blouse, black stockings. It wasn't as atrocious as some of the stuff you'd seen over the years, but it tried to bury you under some sense of formality, a dignity that wasn't your own. Balls to that.

Once you'd appointed yourself in the clothes correctly and had your hair tied back, the eyepatch case beckoned. It was your first day, so it would beseech you to use formality- a straight black monopiece would serve. Straightening your eyelashes out from their inward curl, you tied it on carefully, before re-working your flame-bright hair to fall around and hide the majority of the fabric. That bare necessity handled, the rest of your work came together easily. A folding screwdriver slipped into your blouse (and hung off the top button with a thin string, bringing the neckline down and keeping it out of your boobs) covered your tools, while sliding on your class ring and old rock vest made you feel right at home. Rolling the ring carefully, you smiled. College had been… difficult… but it had been worth it to stand there in your too-big cap and hemmed gown, watching the world scream your name.

Shaking your head briskly, you grabbed your schoolbag. Reminiscing later, breakfast now. You weren't quite sure when classes started versus how long it would take you to get to school, but the gates opened at seven according to the information you'd found in the generic pamphlet, and you planned to be bright and early. Breakfast, therefore, was going to be a bagel with lox, some strong coffee brewing in your moka, and a tangerine you stuffed in the top of your bag. Pouring the coffee straight into your coffee thermos and grabbing the bagel and lox, you went out the front door with a swagger in your step. It was a nice day, only about twenty-three degrees, and nary a cloud in the sky. Why, if you stretched your eye a little, you thought you could see the school's baseball diamond from your apartment building!

About ten minutes later, you figured out that yes, that was the baseball diamond for one; and for two dear sweet Christ were you early! The janitor was still handing off the keys to the first teacher to come in, with a young girl standing off to the side, tapping her foot angrily. Since she was the only one in this turkey shoot of a uniform and you were done with the bagel, you moved over carefully.

"Good morning." you said, smiling. Looking over at you, the girl jumped for a second, before cracking a nervous smile at you.

"Good morning." she said back. "Ah, you're quite early. A new student?"

You nodded. "Yes. I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get over here, so I decided to come early."

The girl smiled, and bowed politely. "Oh, good! I'm Horaki Hikari, Class 2-A Representative."

Hiding your confusion, you nodded. "Asuka Langley Soryu, at your service. Now that you mention it, though, I do believe I'm in class 2-A."

Horaki beamed at you, and you mentally gulped. "Perfect!" she said. "Anyone who understands coming in early is a friend of mine, Soryu-san."

You smiled, and followed Horaki to the classroom. It was a neat little thing, with her taking the time to explain all the things you didn't know and you making the obliging foriegner sounds. You didn't mean that sarcastically- there were a lot of things she told you that you didn't know, and was very understanding when you mentioned a desire not to get up in front of the class while your schoolmates filtered in. Of course, with class starting soon, you had to shove your vest in a locker and get to your seat- and Horaki shot you a sympathetic look when the teacher called you up to the front of the class.

"And now, a new student." he said, slightly sleep-deprived. "Please introduce yourself."

You nodded, and bowed to the class. "Hello. I'm Asuka Soryu. I hope our time together goes well."

Coming up from the bow, the your hair shifted slightly, showing the black of your eyepatch- and then the muttering started.


It wasn't until lunch started that you managed to corner Hokari, intending to let her have both barrels before she held up a hand.

"I'm sorry about that." she said carefully. "If it makes you feel better, I can share some of my lunch?"

Looking at the absolute football of a curry bread you'd picked up, you nodded. The cafeteria here was a fucking joke. Soon you were enjoying omurice and some little hamburger patty things, which tasted nice. Once you'd eaten a good bit and offered some of the curry bread (which you found more effective as a plate than as food) Horaki started talking to you.

"Soryu-san…" she began, only for you to wave a hand.

"You can call me Asuka, you know." you said, smiling a little. "You understand what it's like, some."

"My dad's missing some fingers from a construction accident." Hokari said, smiling bitterly. "It doesn't scare me. Either way, if I can call you Asuka, you can call me Hikari."

You nodded. "If you can cook like this, I'll call you whatever you want! It's better than I could make, that's for sure!"

Hikari cocked a head. "Oh?"

"I'd need to find a butcher's shop to get anything I'm really used to, and most of it I can only cook on the weekends." you explained. "Most of it takes a few hours to make."

"I'll have to come over sometime, then." Hikari said, smiling. "It'll make up for making extra in the mornings."

"I couldn't impose!" you said, waving your hands.

"I insist."


Looking you dead in the eye, Hikari picked up the curry bread and poked you with it. "I. Insist. If I have to insist any harder, I might even need to ask if all those patches on your vest are appropriate for school!"

Your hands dropped. "Fine…"

"There, there." Hikari said, soothingly. "If it makes you feel better, I'll bring my sister too, since I know she likes trying new food."

The conversation on food went on until the end of lunch, brightening your spirits intensely. The only downside was after lunch came gym. That wasn't the problem, no. The problem with gym was the inkling of deja-vu you got in the locker room. Right now it was track and field, though, and after getting out of the jumping events, it kept prickling you in the back of the neck. You could easily ignore it, though, watching Shinji throw himself over the hurdles with a manic energy, Rei doing almost as well. Everything was going fine, until Shinji cocked up a landing, screaming out. Rei and you were on scene first, and the diagnosis was simple- twisted ankle. Someone would have to help him get to the first-aid room; but as you squatted down next to him your deja-vu picked up again; and damn hard, too. Last time you'd been as psyched as this was the day before you got the memo you were coming here. With your sixth sense banging away on full blast, you almost missed Rei's words.

"I can escort him to the infirmary alone, Soryu." she said, frosty. Now, though, you were torn: follow your gut, or get Shinji inside? Moving towards him, Rei stepped into your motion, catching your wrist.

"I said, I can handle it. Alone." she said again, meeting your eye very deliberately. Great- now you had a choice to make.

[] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[] To hell with Rei and her misplaced stoicism, Shinji's gotten himself hurt. If he puts any weight on that sprain, he'll start screaming.
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.

Sounds important. Besides, better get out of the way, Rei suddenly found her inner yandere. That was all the confirmation I needed for her having future visions and knowing what "initiative" is, btw.

Edit: also, lol, if Rei is gonna pick up Shinji in a bridal carry, I'm gonna laugh myself silly.
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[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[x] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[X] To hell with Rei and her misplaced stoicism, Shinji's gotten himself hurt. If he puts any weight on that sprain, he'll start screaming.