Holy crap. Who's crazy idea was that!?
Well, Ready 5 is certainly something useful and it's hardly a new idea. But Ready 5 status covered by a single individual for an entire week? They really should have stopped at Day 3. The amount of stress and strain Asuka was under was absurd and was not sustainable. Real Ready 5 status is typically covered by multiple shifts of pilots and crews so that everyone gets a chance to properly rest for exactly this reason. So, I don't really mind that they authorized the test. I do mind that they didn't stop earlier.

Giving a slightly unhinged and sleep deprived teenager a WMD is a terrible idea.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
Day 3
Midnight Synch: 16%
And this is the last point this 'experiment' was of any use. 16% is the lower limit for an Eva even activating. Past this, you can't even get it to move. Asuka was down in the single digits when they tried to launch her against Armisael, and it wouldn't even twitch.
Appendix B: Damages
>Over the course of expiriments, starting on Day 3, the Pilot had great dificulty using the launch cradle system, and caused great damages costing in sum several million euros to repair. They are listed as follows.
>Day 3: Crushed power socket, 4,000eu
>Day 4: Crushed power socket, 4,000eu; bent cradle frame, 12,000eu
>Day 5: Total destruction of cradle frame, 200,000eu
>Day 6: Extreme damage to floor/ceiling of passageway, 120,000eu, warped rails of magnetic catapult, 400,000eu, partial destruction of cradle frame, 130,000eu
>Day 7: Extreme damage to EVA holding dock, 300,000eu, Extreme damage to EVA holding bay, 75,000eu; severe damage to power main resulting in blackouts, 65,000eu direct damage and rolling blackouts for the next 9 hours through the Geofront; warped rails of mag catapult, 400,000eu; crashed recovery vehicles x8, 30,000eu
Past 24 hours on duty you have the same reaction time and judgement as someone who is completely drunk, so I am not surprised this happened. Whoever thought this experiment was a good idea needs to be cashiered and shot.
>Over the course of the next four hours, night staff and guards were attacked if found, and many needed hospitalization post-facto. While no permanent damages were sustained to staff, records of the Second Child's exact deeds and location for this time are incredibly spotty.
>Attempted lockdowns were not effective, with areas thought to be secured turning to have several holes in their coverage. Using boxes, carts, air ducts, fake radio transmissions, cries of distress, and predatory engagement of lone NERV personnel, the Second Child escaped and evaded containment.
Ok, on one hand I'm D: D: D: over how bad Asuka's PTSD-induced fugue state is, but at the same time I'm super impressed at how 100% Solid Snake Asuka went here! Eat your heart out, Metal Gear Solid! A skinny 9 year old girl managed to take down guard after guard, slip through lockdowns, and completely evade capture until she passed out from fatigue? I've known full blown SOF Operators who couldn't do that well!
That's a filler name is filler, like all the names in that report. Rule of thumb, if there's a boat or boat related naming scheme, it's NGE or Rebuild cannon. If not, then it's whole cloth construction.

Also +1 SAN if anyone can figure out the historical reference in the doctors three at the bottom of the report.
Yeesh. Albert Trzebinski was an SS-physician at the Auschwitz, Majdanek and Neuengamme concentration camps who experimented on children. Fredrich Mauz was a psychiatrist who was involved in the Aktion T4, and... looks like a combination of Heinz Schubert, member of Einsatzgruppen D (who killed a lot of Roma) and Dr Gerhard Rose, who experimented on people at Dachau and Buchenwald, where he infected Jews, Romani people, and the mentally ill with malaria and typhus.

Lovely people, all. :/
Poor Asuka.
Tired: try to steal Shinji from Rei
Wired: try to steal Rei from Shinji

That part where Asuka grumbles Shinji can't even be gay properly
We need to show him how, obviously
Asuka Quest re-enactment

But seriously, it's either jealousy or grudging envy

Well, never mind all that
If Asuka wants a shot at normalcy, Befriending Rei is almost a must
And, considering
Shinji has future visions
Asuka has future visions
Rei most probably has them too
And, unless Shinji grew a pair of brass balls when I wasn't looking, Rei is living with him and Misato on her initiative
I mean, she could convince Gendo that it's neccessary
Shinji? Not sure, not really, nah

Inb4 actions that befriend Rei cause us SAN damage
And this is the last point this 'experiment' was of any use. 16% is the lower limit for an Eva even activating. Past this, you can't even get it to move. Asuka was down in the single digits when they tried to launch her against Armisael, and it wouldn't even twitch.
Past 24 hours on duty you have the same reaction time and judgement as someone who is completely drunk, so I am not surprised this happened. Whoever thought this experiment was a good idea needs to be cashiered and shot.
Ok, on one hand I'm D: D: D: over how bad Asuka's PTSD-induced fugue state is, but at the same time I'm super impressed at how 100% Solid Snake Asuka went here! Eat your heart out, Metal Gear Solid! A skinny 9 year old girl managed to take down guard after guard, slip through lockdowns, and completely evade capture until she passed out from fatigue? I've known full blown SOF Operators who couldn't do that well!
Yeesh. Albert Trzebinski was an SS-physician at the Auschwitz, Majdanek and Neuengamme concentration camps who experimented on children. Fredrich Mauz was a psychiatrist who was involved in the Aktion T4, and... looks like a combination of Heinz Schubert, member of Einsatzgruppen D (who killed a lot of Roma) and Dr Gerhard Rose, who experimented on people at Dachau and Buchenwald, where he infected Jews, Romani people, and the mentally ill with malaria and typhus.

Lovely people, all. :/
Poor Asuka.

Seriously, the whole thing sounded like an Armachan experiment in a trillion dollar robot.
[X] Get up early, and get to work cleaning the mess. It was your problem, so it'll be your solution to it.
*confused noises* I'm not sure if this is meant to refer to the votes or the discussion. I think the discussion because we don't have a set of four anywhere in the votes, not even collectively from the other two options we could have chosen.

Had to be the discussion, we only had three votes that weren't for maximum spaghetti the morning.
Wrung out to Dry
Rolling out of your futon, you glared at the sun streaming in through the sliding door near your head. Your head was pounding, and it tasted like a den of badgers had set up shop in your mouth overnight.

"God, I hate the morning after." you muttered in a language, sitting up to assess the damage. You still reeked of cockpit, your hair looked like murder, and at some point your eyepatch had rotated around to cover up your left ear. Pulling it off, you squinted a nonexistent eye to find you left your spacer out, and sighed. Opening your suitcase, you pulled out a broad-tooth comb to start beating your hair back into shape and make sure none of it had done a dumb, while expertly survailing the apartment. Aside from the liquor shelf being messed up and a bottle of snake-killer rolling around on the ground, it was just normal party detritus. Good- you could get a jump on everyone and steal the shower for a serious wash, instead of the fast rinse you had on getting out of the cockpit.

Opening the door to the shower, you hopped in, and sighed happily. The warm water opened your skin right up, and it was easy to get a slight red stain on the loofa with your scrubbing as the orange gunk came steaming out. You'd do your hair later, in your own apartment, since that tended to be an involved process on the best of days. It came down to the middle of your back, now, and you planned to grow it out as long as you could. It looked beautiful, and after as much time as you'd spent tailoring your wardrobe to match it the best plan would be to use it as much as possible. Coming out, you towelled off and wandered into the main body of the apartment to get dressed. Black jeans, a silver sleeveless blouse, and a pair of dark leather hair thongs tied your appearance together enough to get to work on cleaning up the party mess and look good at it.

It was about fifteen minutes of bag-stuffing and sink-loading later that Shinji and Rei came out of their rooms, looking at you carefully.

"Good morning, Pilot Asuka." Rei said, at about the same time you realised that you'd forgotten to get a new eyepatch. The last one had gotten kinda crusty overnight, so since it was the emergency one you kept it the plugsuit, it had gone straight in the trash bag. Undoing one of your hair thongs and fanning your bangs forward, you turned to them and waved.

"Hello, Shinji, Rei." you said carefully, moving towards your suitcase. Pulling out one of your not-terrible patches (blue with a triskelion on it) you slid it on and set the tie in the back before fluffing and re-tying your hair. Turning towards them now that you weren't liable to horrify them, you tried to smile.

Shinji just looked at you, a mix of expressions on his face. Finally, something like acceptance won out, and he looked at you carefully. "Do you want breakfast with us, Soryu-san?"

A moment's consideration crossed you, before remembering Japanese McDonalds was probably just as bad as German McDonalds. "Sure. Just call me Asuka, though."

"Acceptable, Asuka." Rei said as she moved in to help you straighten out your guest futon in preparation for putting it away. As you folded it up to put in the closet, you caught a glimpse of those red eyes again, and had to suppress a shudder. Rei caught it, though, and turned to look at you fully. Staring back, defiantly, Rei glanced over to the kitchen before turning to face you.

"Last night, you called me Angel." Rei said, declaratively. "Why."

You just creased your brow. "I wasn't in my right mind." you said carefully. "I can't remember any of it."

"So you lost control of yourself, then?"

Now you glared. "Yes. It's called a traumatic response. If anything pushes me too far, bad things happen."

"I understand." Rei said carefully. "I think all of us pilots have that to some degree, then."

You didn't respond for a good forty minutes as the cleaning finished. Breakfast was likewise a quiet affair, and after that you bid your goodbye quietly to head to your apartment. It was a nice one-bedroom affair, with a good living room and kitchen with full bath. It was also full of boxes of your meagre possessions. Sighing, you just got to work with a tired glare at your stuff. Once your closet was set up, the next most headache-inducing thing was your electric piano and instrument station. You'd gotten a bachelor in music, and along the way you'd kept everything related to it. At this point your collection included a nice pair of Fenders in guitar and base, an old training violin that you'd faked into sounding like a Stravarious, the electric piano you did waaay too much stuff to for Casio's warranty to cover, a sixty-euro sax you'd picked up on a whim when you were in Courbourg, and the Oktava microphone set you had custom-ordered when there'd been a literal fire-sale after a coal mine accident in Russia. That, plus your amps, mixer, drum machine, and cables probably made up a solid third of your luggage, but it was worth it to you. Once everything was set up, you breathed in and out, sitting down at the piano. On one hand, you hated it's omnipresent nature in your field. On the other hand, though…

It let you do this. Anyone who said video game OSTs weren't real music were trash, and as you banged away on the piano to put her through the paces, you laughed a little. Everything worked! Perfect!

Then someone knocked on your door and your hands seized up. Getting up, you walked over, making sure your face was set. At the door was Shinji, Rei behind him, trying to smile at you.

"What?" you asked, opening the door a crack, the locking chain still tight.

"We were going shopping, and since you don't have any food here-" Shinji said, before you cut him off.

"I'll get a pizza."

"You don't have any of the places though?" Rei asked.

"I'll steal some of Misato's."

"Misato won't be back in time for a reasonable dinner." Rei replied. You just started glaring.

"I'll make ramen." you gripped. "Hell, I might even just make an MRE."

Shinji looked at you. Then he stared at you. Then he quietly walked out of the crack in your door's vision, into his apartment, before he came back with a pair of bolt cutters.

"Why do you have a pair of bolt cutters?" you asked numbly as the head of them surrounded your door chain.

"I found them." Shinji replied, setting them carefully. "Rei, a hand please?"

Rei blinked at him, but soon enough she was helping cut your door chain. Realizing that shopping was inevitable, you sighed as they broke into your house.

"Let the records show I do this under great duress." you muttered as you grabbed your purse.
"So am I." Shinji muttered dangerously.

After a short walk, you got down to a street-corner market that Shinji liked, and you went through it with a cast of gray to your features. Potatoes, rice, onions, beets, and a few choice cuts of meat were your main purchases, with a small handful of sweets going into a bag where Rei's red eyes couldn't see. Pretty soon, you managed to get enough stuff that you could ditch, and head back to your apartment where you could fix dinner and do your e-mail.

Once dinner- a simple porkchop and baked potatoes- later, and you were going over your e-mail. Blah blah meetings, blah blah synch test in a week, blah blah, school uniform would be coming over in the mail (it actually showed up before you and you'd rescue it from the building manager tomorrow morning), and now you had the hardest part of the day to do: plan your accessories. You knew, intellecutually, that it would be a white blouse and blue pianoforte, so after that it would be a challenge to see what would go with it.

Accessories Vote (Choose up to three; if more than three get half the votes then three highest will be chosen. If more than three are not over half, only the highest will be chosen)

[] Band vest. You've been going to concerts forever, and you've got every band patch you can, along with some other goodies.
[] A-10 Clips. You're a pilot, but it's not obvious. The question is, do you want to be a Pilot at school?
[] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[] Earrings. Jewlery is the heart of a girl.
[] Makeup. You normally don't do makeup, since it takes time and your skin is already in danger of going to shit, but you might want to try.
[] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
[] A Book. More specifically, a copy of Dr. Faustus. You'd be fine to sneak some reading in during some of the lessons, right?
[] Pocketknife: A nice little Damascus number you'd gotten at the market with a stained amber and mother-of-pearl inlay handle. Very useful.
[] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
[X] Earrings. Jewlery is the heart of a girl.
[X] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
[X] A Book. More specifically, a copy of Dr. Faustus. You'd be fine to sneak some reading in during some of the lessons, right?

That didn't seem too bad. None of them are friendly, but they all seem to be trying to at least get along a little bit... and Asuka isn't flipping out and telling them to fuck off which is basically the equivalent of "I'm giving a chance."

In that vein I'm going with a bit of a low-key play I think? The class ring and charm bracelet both seem like things she could find important for her own reasons, pride in an objectively amazing accomplishment (so it's harder to say its just a teenager puffing herself up)... excluding the fact that its a degree in metaphysics and is thus of somewhat dubious quality in the first place, and her charm bracelet which she got from what was probably her only really decent guardian.

The book because I can see Asuka scoffing at public education having anything left for her and the Earrings just because.

Edit: Yes, I saw the 3 highest thing. I just think all four might have their place. Whatever 3 win is good among them as far as I'm concerned.
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We should absolutely take the screwdriver; in an Angel emergency, it might come in handy.

The knife might come in handy, too, but unless we have somewhere to hide it it's going to get confiscated by someone.
[x] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
A nice touch, I bet Misato will have a dialog line on seeing it.

[x] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
Something to be proud about that's not piloting. Also, pervert prevention.

[x] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
A tool for every occasion. I'm sure we'll get use out of it at least a few times.
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[X] Class Ring. You graduated college, and you might as well show it. Plus, it really helps your right hook.
Something to preserve our pride as we go back into school just to learn kanji (bloody Japanese and their three alphabets!)

[X] Charm Bracelet. An old keepsake you learned to make with Misato. It took you years to figure out there was also a built in bottle opener.
Something familiar and reassuring, from when we were happy living with Misato, to help us feel more at home.

[X] Folding Screwdriver: The jack of all trades, master of none.
Something practical, never know when you may need it.

Shinji looked at you. Then he stared at you. Then he quietly walked out of the crack in your door's vision, into his apartment, before he came back with a pair of bolt cutters.
This Shinji is capable of being assertive. Good for him.

excluding the fact that its a degree in metaphysics and is thus of somewhat dubious quality
Actually just what her major was is not stated, only that she has a degree. Common fan theories place it as "metaphysical biology" (the fictitious science that Fuyutsuki taught and which is commonly theorized to be related to the functioning of the Evangelions), but the show never says.
This Asuka however, appears to have majored in music:
You'd gotten a bachelor in music, and along the way you'd kept everything related to it.