[X] Tell Shinji about what Misato was like as a guardian, and how lucky he is.
[X] Tell Shinji about the nightmares of white-winged Evangelions.
Let's reassure him that he's not alone in freaky shit happening because of being a Pilot.
The start of the bouncy electric guitar perked Shinji up, but he was much less enthused with Megadeth.
And you are therefore wrong, Shinji. Megadeth is gold. Asuka, turn it up.
"You're obviously trying to put me to sleep so you can perv on me." you continued matter-of-factly. "It's obvious."
Obviously, that's why you asked him to your room... wait a minute...
"Asuka, synch score is off the charts!" Misato roared. "One twenty percent! Keep it up, and get over here so we can hook you in!"
Jeebus, Asuka. Mom and you working well together much? Then again, past 100% is where weird physical and mental effects start happening, which Asuka already unhappily knows about.
Shinji stiffened, and nodded. "The Evangelions… they tell me about the Angels. Every time I synch. Who and what they are, almost like they fought them before. Ones from the sky, the splitting one, even the beam diamond… they told me everything,"
Uh. Ok. Good thing Asuka has something similar going on too, otherwise that would sound crazy. Ish. This is Eva, after all.

[X] Tell Shinji about the nightmares of white-winged Evangelions.

Aw, Shinji gets future-powers too? I was hoping Asuka would be special alone.
OTOH, this by itself is a data point. When we hit shore, I think we really need to ask the First Child if she's getting whispers from Unit-00 too. Future whispers, no less, since there's no other way Shinji would have things like names of the Angels, which were names NERV dropped on them when they appeared, not inherent properties.
Something about the augmented chord leading into a minor and an over-wrought resolution in minor was unfuffiling.
The suit was a bit of a pain to get on, but once you ran the inflate-settle cycle it got much more comfertable.
As the LCL began to pour in, a computer dialouge opened up on a side console.
"Asuka! Shinji!" Misato's voice came out from one of the speakers, and you girimmaced.
"Angel Gaghiel," Shinji muttered. "Angel of the Waves, core's in it's… mouth? How big is this thing?"

[x] Tell Shinji about the nightmares of white-winged Evangelions.
votes called

edit; y'all are more conservative than the SB guys, who almost hit a major SAN loss point. Good job!
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They are Rage

Grinning, you patted the Third on his shoulder while you stood up the EVA and considered your options carefully. With about five minutes of battery, you needed to get to the aircraft carrier, and quickly. If you did this right, it would look really cool too.

"Alright, steady, steady…" you muttered to yourself, swinging your arms gently as the giant robot rocked the boat. "Aaand… now!"

With a burst of energy, you leaped off the Othello, and towards your target: some old rustbucket you could get both your feet on to. Sprinting across the ships wouldn't work, since ships were moving targets, so you just needed to do this one jump at a time. It took some work, but you kept mostly to cargo ships (and one beat-up old FREMM that you put out of it's misery) and got to the carrier in a reasonable ammount of time. Meanwhile, you could still sense the Angel in the distance, circling, probing the distant extant of your AT field. You knew where the core was, though, which meant you could do this.

Then you felt, more than saw, it charging towards you. Tabbing over the exterior speakers, you gulped.


Then there was ten million tons of angry Angel-fish-thing flying at you, forcing you to duck and grab. It was slick, almost slimey, but your claws grasped as you started an over-the-shoulder throw. As the Angel went (more) airborne, you grinned nastily and laughed. All you had to do was keep your footing, and you'd be fine.

"How are we getting into it's mouth again, Asuka?" Shinji asked, and you remembered the one problem to your 'plan' as it were- the core. If this were just some angry flying fish, you'd filet it down to a managable size, but tissue damage was basically a non-etinity. Fucking angels. Right, new plan, new plan new-

"You got a plan, Asuka?"

"Damnit, Misato, working on it!" you shouted back. "We got anything bigger than a pocketknife down there?"

"All your weapons were on the Othello!"

The Othello… which was quite possibly sinking after you'd springboarded off it. Shit. Okay, fine, be that way. You could work a way around that.

"Shinji, can you maintain the AT field?" you asked, before pulling yourself up so you were standing in the pod to get at a pannel. "I need to adjust something."

"Okay…" Shinji said, before the ship rocked uncontrolably. "Ahh!"

"Pipe down you big baby," you muttered. "I got a plan, Misato, but you're going to need to trust me."

"So what is it, then?" your nominal guardian asked lightly. "Oh, by the way, the admiral over here would like to inform me they're running out of anti-submarine weapons, and if it sinks his ship we all drown."

"Can you get me an N2 missile?" you asked. Everything stopped for a second.

"Say again, you need an N2 missile?"

You nodded to yourself, and closed the pannel. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I ripped out the garbage that keeps me out of the local 'net, so if you send me an IFF code for the mines I can get them a targeting designation. Launch the missile into the fishy's mouth, basta bomb that son of a bitch into the water, problem solved."

"How about no?" Misato replied. "The missiles don't have the accuracy for that, and we can't actually get a connection through to you."

You swore fluently. You'd get all the safety interlocks out of your Evangelion one day, but today was not that day apparently. Right, plan B time.

"Do we have any N2 depth charges?"

"We don't have permission to initiate an N2 weapon at this time."

Alright, fine, N2s were out. You still needed a weapon that could get in there, then, and cut the damn thing up from the inside… unless…

"Alright, plan C then." you hissed, sensing the tingling in the AT field of the Angel getting closer as Shinji shouted out a warning and your field strength jumped up as he got ready to shield you. This time, though, progressive knife at the ready, you got ready to go hunting. "Really wish they gave me a shotgun for this…"

Your plan, if you could call it a plan, was pretty simple. Core was in the mouth, right? Then just ramp your AT field up as high as it went as a protective layer, and dive in. Shinji was, somehow, managing to keep up what was probably the strongest protective field you'd ever seen. With the Angel bearing down on you like a train, you crouched, waiting for it to leap out of the water. When it did, you grinned- and then leaped into it, progressive knife down as you flew into it's gullet and cut a slit its throat. At about this time Shinji started screaming, but you really couldn't care- you had an Angel to kill.

Also, angelic stomach acid really tingled, and you'd probably need a new paint job after this. Fortunately, you could still hear Shinji's screaming, so despite the pounding in your ears and radio static, you knew you were alive. Firing off the odd needle-launcher in your shoulder to get a response, you doggedly worked on slicing your way through the Angel, pushing and shoving aside folds of flesh and flab as you worked.

"Gonna need a bigger knife next time…" you grumbled, pulling your cable another few meters as you kept crawling forward. "Shinji, how's the AT field holding up?"

In front of you, all you felt was whimpering and the occasional moan of terror.

"Right well he's fucking useless as always." you said, continuing to grumble as you crawled forward. "Can't kill angels unless he goes berserk, can't figure out subspace problems, can't even figure out how to be gay right, christ."

Finally getting up to the core, you lined up the chisel-tip of your progressive knife and slammed it into the core. As the deep scratch started leaking light, you started laughing.

"At least he's better than you, fishface!" you yelled, laughing. "What was that, three meters of teeth? I've seen Misato more dangerous at a buffet line! Where's your god now, huh? When you find him, tell him I came calling!"

And at that, you finally managed to breach the core, which started screaming before it exploded with enough force to rattle your head against the pylons. At that point, you just sort of rode the explosion on out, with Misato reeling you in moments later. With your synch score doing a quick little wibbly-wobbly, you finally focused enough to look at Shinji instead of seeing out of the Evangelion's eyes.

"So… I have to admit, you helped a lot." you told Shinji as he sort of panted in front of you, sweating into the LCL like a stuck hog. "Especially with the AT field management. Thanks."

Shinji blushed, having seemingly run out of options on his dialogue tree.

"I said I'd tell you something about me, though, and my EVA." you continued. "When I'm here… I know things. I remember things that might have happened, might happen later… I don't know. Most of the time it's dreams, or things I can't call on later, and it's always a mystery what I'll remember. If I'm not careful, though, I'll get the nightmares again."

Shinji shifted a little. "You too?'

"I don't think they're the same as yours, but yeah." you sigh. "Probably going to have them tonight, since I had to do a full synch. Have you ever felt you were in an unwinable battle?"

Shinji sighed, and tried to look towards you to look you in the eye. Leaning forward, you sandwiched his head in your arms and chest and made very certain it was pointing dead forwards. "Ah-ah-ah." you said. "Nobody gets to look at me when I'm en deshiable, especially you, idiot."

"We're both wearing plugsuits, and I'm getting stiff." he complained, although it seemed rather pro-forma.

"Yes, and I really don't give a damn until I get the time to put my face back on." you replied, shaking your head enough to free your hair until it started drifting loose in the LCL. "Back to my point though- an unwinable fight?"

"Every fight." he said, quietly. "Everyone wins in spite of me…"

"You win, though." you say, quiet. "I don't."

"Nonsense." he said. "You can't loose."

"Nine Angels in the shape of Evangelions." you say as the plug goes silent. "Each armed with a weapon that can bypass my AT fields. Unlimited energy, flight, regeneration. My weapons barely cut them, when I can catch them."

The silence stretches on, as tears start to thin the LCL. "Every time, it still feels like I'm there. I fight- I have to- but I can never win. When I was younger, and we had to synchronize every day, I could never sleep. The most I ever did was kill two- and in exchange, I was ripped to shreds. Piece by piece."

You stare down at your hands, the red of your suit blurring for a second to become the stained red hands of your EVA unit. "It taught me fighting, killing- and pain. They offered medications, but it just made it worse. Nothing clouds it out- nothing ever will."

Shinji was silent and unmoving until you got back the ship. Once you were decanted, Misato looked at you and sighed.

"I should have known better than to let you do that." she sighed. "You and Shinji look like shit, though. Want to come back to my house tonight, Asuka? The fleet will get into port today anyway, and I don't feel so good about leaving you on your own after a big fight like that."

[] "I'd be happy to."
[] "I'm a big girl, Misato- I'll stay with my EVA."
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we did it

we did it with most of our sanity and some positive relationship building happening, woo

What's lurking in the background to ruin everything?

[x] "I'd be happy to."
Our crippling trust issues and fear of rejection potentially flaring up at the worst possible time?
Shinji having the musical tastes of a stuffy old New Englander and disapproving of our devil music?
Rei living in Misato's apartment making her a massive wild card who could possibly screw up all of our chances to claim Shinji for ourself?
EDIT: And now I half want Rei to complain about our music being too loud so we can start calling her "Tipper Gore".
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Our crippling trust issues and fear of rejection potentially flaring up at the worst possible time?
Shinji having the musical tastes of a stuffy old New Englander and disapproving of our devil music?
Rei living in Misato's apartment making her a massive wild card who could possibly screw up all of our chances to claim Shinji for ourself?
EDIT: And now I half want Rei to complain about our music being too loud so we can start calling her "Tipper Gore".

Rather, non-canon problem yes. Who else is getting alt-timeline visions being my concern atm. Or Kaworu mucking things up early.

(Kaworu seems to be the Shinji squeeze from our comments)
Buy my Books!
Hey guys! I write books (not just Quests) and if anyone would like to show me some appreciation for this or just want my professional quality material, go take a peek at what happens when I hit up steampunk instead of just fanfiction!


Set among the clouds and adventure, A Century Turns tracks the progress of young Aleksander van Riebeck as he starts off on a globe-hopping merchant career, from the cold skies of Copper Harbor, to the sun-soaked lands of the South of France and Istanbul. With secrecy and pirates afoot, the world is Aleksander's oyster- if he can get his foot in the door!


After arriving in Istanbul, Aleksander van Riebeck has seen his fair share of disaster. A ship rotting to pieces around him, navigational hazards, and a narrowly run course of pirates all litter his wake, and now all he wants is a few days peace. A pity his delivery has landed him straight into hot water with the local politics, though! With fifteen minutes of fame and a cash-rich coffee, can Aleksander double down on his good luck and clean dealing, or will the women of where the East meets the West and the alure of prestige start to tie him down? There's only one way to learn for sure!