[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.

I have no idea what this is, but let's go for it anyways.
Coming up from the bow, the your hair shifted slightly, showing the black of your eyepatch- and then the muttering started.
Damn. If we'd gone with the A10 headset, they'd at least be staring at that instead. Or we'd have a good reason to point to for the patch. This is sub-optimal.
"There, there." Hikari said, soothingly. "If it makes you feel better, I'll bring my sister too, since I know she likes trying new food."
Kodama or Nozomi?
You could easily ignore it, though, watching Shinji throw himself over the hurdles with a manic energy,
More signs were facing a very different Shinji here. Can you picture canon!Shinji doing anything with 'manic energy'? This kid is driven in a way he never was 'the first time'.

I'm uncertain about the vote. On one hand, I want to tell Rei 'Yes, you can take him alone, but you're not alone. I am a Pilot too, and we are all a unit."
OTOH, she's pushing Asuka off pretty firmly here, for whatever reason, and I wonder if pushing back will help or hurt the already difficult relationship between us and the First.
And the deja vu is bothering me too. What are we 'remembering'? Is this the point Israfel would show up? And at this point, I have to wonder if Rei will end up partnered with Shinji for the joint attack, since she's already closer than she was in canon.

Eh, at the moment, I want to make the effort.

[X] To hell with Rei and her misplaced stoicism, Shinji's gotten himself hurt. If he puts any weight on that sprain, he'll start screaming.

-[ ] Tell Rei 'Yes, you can take him alone, but you're not alone. I am a Pilot too, and we are all a unit.'
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Write-in are forbidden
-[X] Tell Rei 'Yes, you can take him alone, but you're not alone. I am a Pilot too, and we are all a unit.'

No write-ins or expanding votes. While I appreciate the logic and mindset that provides them, this is a strictly narrative quest; that in turn means that each of the options has well-defined places it will go in terms of character development and in terms of plot. It completely steals the impact of the main scene of a vote if I have to spend five to eight hundred words of Asuka accidentally provoking Rei into a catfight or vice versa beforehand, less the transitions and fades and scenery chewing that serves as your window into the State of Asuka, all before I come up to the real point like oh hey that's Kawarou in the bushes with a scope (as a hypothetical example). It makes it so things don't quite fit, you see?
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.

Seems like the obvious choice unless we really want to start fighting Rei,
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
[X] To hell with Rei and her misplaced stoicism, Shinji's gotten himself hurt. If he puts any weight on that sprain, he'll start screaming.
Whatever problem she has with us, likely future-memories of Asuka being a royal jerk the (first?) go-round, she doesn't get to tell us off of helping an injured teammate.
She wants to play that stupid "who's the bigger dog" game some time, that's fine. I'm sure there's a room we can use to throw down in somewhere in the Geofront.
But there's more important stuff right now. Namely keeping Shinji from making that ankle worse.
[X] To hell with Rei and her misplaced stoicism, Shinji's gotten himself hurt. If he puts any weight on that sprain, he'll start screaming.
[X] To hell with Rei and her misplaced stoicism, Shinji's gotten himself hurt. If he puts any weight on that sprain, he'll start screaming.

Can we really trust Asuka's guts? What so important she can sense here, in school? Toji, destined to be om-nom-nommed by Bardiel?
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
I mean, this can be seen as backing off from the challenge and tacitly agreeing that Rei has more of a claim on Shinji or somesuch nonsense, but frankly, I don't care about it that much. And the other option looks more interesting.
[X] Follow your gut, and track down whatever's got your sixth sense banging like a low battery alarm in the EVA.
Theme in G Minor
Nodding at Rei, you started stalking off into the bushy area around the school. With your sixth sense rocking and rolling like a half-drunk Meatloaf concert, you started stealthing your way into the trees, before climbing one and focusing. Observation was hard- the longer you tried, the more things would come to distract you. Still, if you slowed your breathing and waited for the right moment...

There! It was a flash of something, possibly the sun off a lens. Climbing down quickly, you started after it in a dead sprint. Leaping and diving through the bushes, you got to the vague area you thought you saw it in, but there was nothing. Fine. Time to switch tactics, and start a radial search. If you'd actually seen something in the bushes, a radial search would get you close enough to find sign of the blind or the escape route. You just had to keep pounding the ground until it came up- there! A hint!

Alright, not like an empty tin of pringles was much of a hint, but it got you more data. More importantly, if you triangulated this tin of pringles and where you thought you saw the lens flash come from, you had a pretty decent cone of error for where the hide would be. Turning left, you started zig-zagging back into the woods, looking for all the world like a lost student. You weren't lost, though, just looking for something. Something like that tree limb that had fallen down, for instance, and was completely the wrong color. Bingo. Moving in, you brushed aside camouflage netting that had been stitched together out of six different moth-eaten originals, and hit the gold mine. A small buried cooler full of film, some well-used binoculars, and most importantly a great view out the front of the blind. You could see the entire track, several classroom windows, and most importantly some of the sports storage sheds. Yeah. Someone had put some planning into this. Grabbing your screwdriver, you carved a quick message up by the sightline of the hide, and smiled. While it was best to be feared and loved, fear alone could work for some problems just fine.

Ich weiß das du hier bist, und mag das nicht. Wenn ich dein Fernrohr nochmal sehe, reiße ich es selber ab.

Leaving the now-known hide, you got back to gym class just as things were ending. Cleanup in the locker room was fast and simple, and you were back to class quickly. Once the next class, history, started, though, you got a very annoying note on your school laptop.

[Hikari2-A: Hey, Asuka, so what went down in gym today?]

[NEWSTUDENT3: Felt like I was getting watched. Also, is this a public channel?]

What was up with your handle, anyway?

[NEWSTUDENT3: Also, how do I change my handle?]

[Hikari2-A: First one is /nick. As for 'being watched' well…]

[NEWSTUDENT3 is now set to Freyja]

[Hikari2-A: you didn't hear it from me, but there's some perv taking panty shots and stuff. If I find him, he's dead.]

[Hikari2-A: Also I have no idea what that name is supposed to be.]

[Freyja: Norse goddess of war, beauty, magic, and a few other things. Old handle from when I had to use a classified IRC server where we couldn't use our real names. Think I found his hide, though, so that's one major problem handled. If you have anyone sniffing the German books, that's a good sign they're him.]

[Hikari2-A: Thanks for the tip.]

[Freyja: Can you do me a solid, though? I need to get Shinji on his own tomorrow at some point, so can you break Rei off him?]

[Hikari2-A: You'll owe me one.]

[Freyja: I'll live with it.]

The classroom dropped a few degrees in temperature as Hikari started rubbing her hands together, before perching her elbows on her desk and leaning into her steepled fingers. As everyone looked at her, Rei started shuddering very faintly before you got a ping on the laptop.

[Rei: Please take the Class Rep to the Nurses' Office, or I may have to. She is hideously out of sorts, and appears to be under the same effects as Commander Ikari when he is in a fey mood.]

[Freyja: With pleasure]


It was about a week later that everything had started to calm down. You'd even banged out a good routine, with dinner at Misato's with Shinji and Rei on Tuesday and Thursdays, school every day, and your compositions taking up a decent amount of time as you banged away on the piano and synth to get something working. Your muse was crashed in a ditch, though, leaving you out on the balcony one evening looking out at the Tokyo-3 skyline. Digging around in your vest pockets, you sighed. All you had was an old zippo, and a few half-soaked cigarettes that wouldn't do you a lick of good with how long they'd been in your pocket. When did you get them, Wacken? Probably Wacken. Meh.

Throwing them over the balcony's edge, you heard a soft sound in the distance. It was a cellist? Leaning against the railing, you closed your eye, and opened your ears. It was a cellist, all right, and a damn good one. If you weren't wrong, they were playing theme music to something? A movie? You didn't recognize it, but it sounded pleasant. Smiling, you opened your eye, and looked left. Two balconies down, Shinji was pulling away at his cello, happy as a clam as he practiced the bugs out of a beautiful little solo. Sighing, you looked at your own sheet music, just inside the door. The leitmotif was done, a pulsing heartbeat on synth'd string, but the piano backing and drum track were just completely whiffing. Fine, shelve One-Winged Bird for another day, when you could hammer away without feeling guilty. The combination rap-hymn thing you'd had on the backburner since forever was likewise right out, since that was a vocal piece and God forbid you find someone who could rap. That said… if you looked around…

Aha! You'd been planning a big thing for the Unicorn Suite you'd been writing, and you did need some ideas for the second half of it! That would be perfect, and you could bring Sternengesang over with it since it was the baseplate for the second half and if Shinji had compressed a theme down to his cello he could definitely help blend a vocal/guitar mix into full orchestra.

Or you could stop thinking so selfishly, Asuka, and just go over and jam. Grab your saxophone, jump two balconies, and get right down to it. Even classical musicians liked having some time to just let it go, and if he knew proper penatonics and diminished scales you could actually do jazz again. It'd been a few years since you'd busted out your sax, but you'd be happy to do it again.

Or maybe something else? Let fate guide your hand, and see what happened?


[] Saxophone. Probably gonna do jazz, if Shinji can keep up.
[] Violin. For a more classic air, and because why not? If nothing else, you know he can keep up.
[] Guitar. All else fails, any old idiot can work with three chords and the truth.
[] Base. Nothing like playing around in the same tonal range, right?
[] Piano/Drum Machine. No. You are not moving your literal mission control station. If Shinji wants it, he can come well visit to use it.
[] Sheet Music. Hey, he's good enough to help out put together a cello part if he can make his own solo.
The classroom dropped a few degrees in temperature as Hikari started rubbing her hands together, before perching her elbows on her desk and leaning into her steepled fingers. As everyone looked at her, Rei started shuddering very faintly before you got a ping on the laptop.

The fuck.
Hmm, no viola, so I don't have to pick it out of loyalty. As such,

[X] Saxophone. Probably gonna do jazz, if Shinji can keep up.

Been a while since I did some jazz, feeling a bit nostalgic so why not
[Q] All of them! Be the Asuka orchestra you've always wanted to be in your heart of hearts.

Like, this is legit what I think the original Asuka would've picked had she known how to play a lot of instruments.

But! But. We need to accomplish two goals here. Firstly, we need a duet, obviously, but we also need to show Rei up for the gym sequence, or our name isn't Asuka Langley Shkikina- oh wait.

On that note, obviously

[X] Saxophone. Probably gonna do jazz, if Shinji can keep up.

Kinda disappointed we don't get the harmonica option, but I'll get what I can.
[X] Saxophone. Probably gonna do jazz, if Shinji can keep up.
Kensuke is going to have a very bad day soon. Possibly Touji, as well.
[X] Saxophone. Probably gonna do jazz, if Shinji can keep up.
[X] Violin. For a more classic air, and because why not? If nothing else, you know he can keep up.