I really hope our power is something that lets up survive in space. The mods for planet survival are cool, but I want us to be able to go "This planet's boring, I'mma just hop on over to that one instead", (and totally not abuse it by knocking on spaceship windows to freak people out.)
Really, I'd say the optimal power would depend on our "playstyle". If we want to be an Akemi-style combatant, then we'd want a Mover-esque ability. If we want to go the "Overwhelming Force" route, the we'd want a Shaker/AoE power. Of course, we'll have to change our playstyle to suit our power, so this may all be moot.
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

I'm really curious about finding out our powers and I imagine our protagonist is probably even moreso. I also think the type of shenanigans that could pop up from this course of action could be amusing.

[x][Lunch] With Elva Taiyo

Sorting out potential problems with our roommate before they become problems is really useful. Best way to do that is to open up communication early.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

Joining a club seems like a much less awkward way to potentially obtaining friends than what some people have proposed. I'm also interested in what kind of clubs there are and what would be thought as the most interesting. Maybe something to do with Talents?
Really, I'd say the optimal power would depend on our "playstyle". If we want to be an Akemi-style combatant, then we'd want a Mover-esque ability. If we want to go the "Overwhelming Force" route, the we'd want a Shaker/AoE power. Of course, we'll have to change our playstyle to suit our power, so this may all be moot.

Which leads us to the question of whether this is the sort of quest where we are getting into fights every other session.

Or, for that matter, ever.
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[X][Lunch] The garden.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

I agree with Vebyast on almost everything. I like gardens, OK?
Which leads us to the question of whether this is the sort of quest where we are getting into fights every other session.

Or, for that matter, ever.

Good odds on there being some sort of competitive Talent "sports". Dependent on the talent in particular, anyway. Elemental manipulation is better for that than empathy.
Original - Sci-Fi - Beyond Our Reach (the Stars Did Form) | Sufficient Velocity, Posts: 250-305
Tallied at:
##### TallyGem v1.1.1
Task: Morning

[X][Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
Number of voters: 11
Shaseyu, Vebyast, Skjadir, Spectrum, veekie, Kinruush, The_Shameful, whimsical, Krika, Brainwasher, Aylor_Aivo

[X][Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[X]Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.
Number of voters: 10
Shaseyu, Vebyast, Skjadir, Spectrum, veekie, Kinruush, whimsical, Krika, Brainwasher, Aylor_Aivo

[X][Morning] Look up the club directory. Be social. With absolutely everyone. Talk about everything. Ask people what their favorite class is and why. Do a survey, tell people you don't know your Talent and ask them to guess what it could be, write all the answers down. Maybe you could even buy someone a prize if it turns out they guessed correctly? And then go bother some professors until they help you figure out what your Talent actually is.
Number of voters: 2
Ultramandalore, wingstrike96

[X][Morning] Go and meet with more of your dormmates.
Number of voters: 2
drakonpie250, KnownParadox

[X][Morning] Look up the club directory. Ask people what their favorite class is and why. Do a survey, tell people you don't know your Talent and ask them to guess what it could be, write all the answers down. Maybe you could even buy someone a prize if it turns out they guessed correctly?
Number of voters: 1

Task: Afternoon

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.
Number of voters: 10
Shaseyu, Vebyast, Skjadir, Spectrum, veekie, Kinruush, whimsical, Krika, Brainwasher, Aylor_Aivo

[X][Afternoon] Explore everywhere. Go on an adventure, maybe be even more social with even more people? Get/acquire/buy a map and list all the places you want to go to/explore once you don't need your wheelchair anymore. Mark all the points of interests! Make notes! Ask people what their favorite places are and note that down too!
Number of voters: 2
Ultramandalore, wingstrike96

[X][Afternoon] Visit Neha the residence advisor. Ask for an overview of what you missed during the freshman introduction in case there was anything important
Number of voters: 1

[X][Afternoon] Explore. Get/acquire/buy a map and list all the places you want to go to/explore once you don't need your wheelchair anymore. Mark all the points of interests and make notes. Ask random people what their favorite places are and note that down too.
Number of voters: 1

[X][Afternoon] Go meet with your adviser and choose your classes.
Number of voters: 1

[X][Afternoon] Go and explore the campus. Find things like hideouts, and the Library.
Number of voters: 1

Task: Lunch

[X][Lunch] The garden.
Number of voters: 7
drakonpie250, KnownParadox, Ultramandalore, Twei, wingstrike96, Shaseyu, Aylor_Aivo

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.
Number of voters: 6
Stasis, Vebyast, Skjadir, Spectrum, veekie, whimsical

[X][Lunch] With Elva Taiyo
Number of voters: 4
Kinruush, The_Shameful, Krika, Brainwasher

[X]Garden : You've been interested since you found out it existed. This is the perfect chance to check it out.
Number of voters: 1

Total number of voters: 18

(Would have done this earlier, but I was ironing out subvote-subset counting in TallyGem. As you can see above, it works!)
For everything else…
You are Amara. Amy. Five-foot six. Nineteen years old.

"Command, what's our status?" you ask over the open comm channel, looking around at the AR status screens and info in your vision.

"Five miles out and closing. You got there early, ladies," Tendo responds.

You glance over at Bríd and share a grin. "'Course we did, Command. We're never late to a good party," she calls out.

"Well get ready, because it looks like this one's going to be nasty," Command tells you. "Three miles."

"Copy that, Command," you respond. You look to Bríd. "You ready?"

"What do you think?" she counters playfully.

"The same thing you are, of course," you return, and both of you grin at the joke.

"Razorneck is at one mile. Category 4 rating sustained," Command calls. "Happy hunting, ladies."

"Roger, Subtle Victoria out," Bríd answers.

It's time.

You are Amara. Amy.

And you are a motherfucking Jaeger pilot.

There are things you can't fight. Acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. You can win.

Your beauty is Subtle Victoria. Understated Victory. The Unbreakable Warrior, the Silver Valkyrie.

1,863 tons and 261 ft, 7.46 in. of pure American engineering and steel. The first cold-fusion Jaeger in the world. Fast and agile, but with thicker armor in areas to take hard hits and strong enough to come back swinging for a knock-out, she's the result of learning from the results of both Gipsy Avenger and Saber Athena, and trying to come up with a happy medium.

They succeeded.

Notably feminine, with wider hips and a lower center of gravity than any of the highly-anthropomorphic Jaegers other than Athena, she matches you and Bríd so well that you didn't even have to learn how to compensate or adjust to the change in body structure when you first tested her.

She's your beauty, and she's perfect.

Your partner is Bríd Ferrier. Unapologetically forward, with the exceptionally useful ability to deep-Drift with just about anyone who's open to it, she's your sister-half, your soul's mate, your missing piece. You are —quite literally, at times like this— two halves of a single whole.

You sink deeper into the Drift in anticipation of the upcoming fight, the lines between 'Amy' and 'Bríd' blurring until you're one vague person with a three-hundred foot body of steel and strength, spread between two hunks of flesh that you can't even distinguish between at this point. Just like you don't know what's going on with your left hemisphere or your right hemisphere of your brain individually, there's no distinction between your physical bodies any more.

When you Drift this deep, as many times as you have with Bríd, your personalities change each other, leaving lasting impressions and melding to the point where you know what the other is going to do at any moment.

You are normally two people. But right now you are one. You are Subtle Victoria.

And you have a Kaiju to kill.

You've seen hundreds of videos of Kaiju fights. Analyzed them. Compared them.

And if there's one thing you've learned, it's that the shortest fights are accomplished by going all-out at first contact.

Fights with older Jaegers like the Cherno series are understandably long, completed through sheer force and literally beating the Kaiju to death.

Nowadays, you have other options.

The giant disc shield on your left forearm expands, edge crackling with blue electricity, and the spear on your back next to your sword gets unclamped and pulled over your shoulder, the entire shaft lighting up as you give it power, the spearhead immediately ionizing the surrounding air.

You lower your stance, anchoring your weight on the seabed.

Fighting in water is an absolute pain, but it's a hell of a lot better than letting the Kaiju get to land.

The sonar in your feet pings an object three thousand feet away and closing, and you raise your spear over your shoulder in preparation, facing towards where the object's coming from.

Two thousand.

One thousand.

The Kaiju appears suddenly, jumping out of the water and likely trying to surprise you.

It's an ugly fucker, and you can immediately see why Command labeled it "Razorneck": the top and bottom of its neck feature stark almost metal-like ridges with nastily sharp edges. It's lizard-like in body structure, like a Komodo dragon with a neck three times as long, with the typical Kaiju black rocky skin. Six eyes are set on a face like a demon, pseudo-horns jutting out and back from behind its eye ridges.

It's heavily armored, moreso than almost any other Kaiju you've fought, but you don't hesitate in throwing the spear, the weapon leaving your hand before the Kaiju has even finished lifting out of the water.

The spear penetrates the soft underside of the Kaiju's eponymous neck just to the left of the razor-ridge, and it screeches in pain and fury. You rush forward, slogging through the water to grab the spear before it can react and push, the giant monster screaming and lashing out with teeth and claws. But the length of the spear prevents it from reaching you, and you use gravity against it, lifting and tilting up so that its own weight brings it down on the spear, the tip penetrating the other side and coming out its neck.

You try to pull the spear back, but with the decrease in distance you're in its range now and instead jump back to prevent it from catching you.

The spear is replaceable.

You are not.

Blue blood —Kaiju Blue— leaks from the two holes, but not as much as you'd like, and not nearly as much as if you'd been able to pull the spear out. Razorneck thrashes around, lashing out wildly as you draw your sword, and the long end of the spear protruding from in front of it snaps off thanks to one of its claws.

In your hand the giant gladius' blade hums to life, blue plasma filling the small groove that is the physical edge and providing a cutting edge that is hundreds of times more effective against Kaiju skin than metal alone. Extra armor slides into place around your neck and head —the connpod where your flesh resides— forming almost a Corinthian helmet as you prepare for close combat, your shield at the ready.

The monster before you seems to pause, eyeing you warily and realizing you're a much more dangerous opponent than it anticipated.

Good. It should be afraid.

You rush, speeding forward through water to meet it head-on, the monster reacting immediately rising up, sharp, black claws at the ready.

You move right, batting aside its right arm with your shield and turning sideways to reduce your profile so that its left claw only grabs air. Stabbing underneath the shield, you're rewarded with a scream of pain, and you drag the sword right as fast as possible before hopping back and away of its reach.

There is now a very large gash in the Kaiju's chest from the center all the way to your right, just under its left armpit.

You normally would have gone for its neck and just either sliced that or cut off the head entirely, but that damn blade thing was in the way and prevented you from taking your usual fast finisher.

Razorneck leaps for you again, and this time you can only raise your shield in defense, its claws scrabbling at the edges and trying to get a hold and tear it off.

You pulse the electrified edge, temporarily turning the entire shield into a giant circular plasma saw, slicing off every single one of its fingers that was trying so hard to crumple your shield instantly.

It's a good trick you've used more than once before.

The Kaiju goes ballistic, realizing that its life is now in major jeopardy—as if it weren't before.

It lashes around, the head bashing against your shield and forcing you to take a step back and lower your weight to not get knocked over.

The pressure suddenly disappears, and then without warning the Kaiju's head is pushing your shield up from the bottom.

Didn't it learn its lesson?

You activate the shield's edge again, but it's up against the horns that protrude back from its head, and they are significantly harder than its flesh, giving Razorneck the time to push your shield up and away just as the horn is cut through, exposing your chest.

You try to bring the sword to guard in front of you, but its claw-less hand bats it away hard, as though understanding the major threat it poses, causing it to pop out of your hand and fly away.

Razorneck lunges as soon as you're exposed, the ridge it's named for descending directly for your shoulder and chest, and you have no doubt that with the weight of the head and neck behind it could do some major damage.

Unable to move your shield back into position fast enough, you bring your right arm in, crouching and deflecting the edge using the pseudo-bracer of armor that's there, directing it to your right.

The blade slides off your arm, and you take advantage of its vulnerability to rise, kneeing its left side so hard that it's flipped over onto its back.

You don't wait a second before you stomp, putting almost all your weight into your right foot on the center of its chest, your left hand grasping the head and holding it down.

With a thought, your entire right hand and forearm expand, whirring apart and circling as it comes to life, plates readjusting as they speed up, plasma crackling in a rising charge.

The blue/white light accumulates, becoming almost blinding as the Kaiju under your foot and hand thrashes as hard as it can against, but you give it no place to gain leverage, nowhere it can push hard enough to displace you.

The crackling becomes an almost screech, and then you stab, the three equidistant spikes made of your fingers at the end of the weapon as sharp as knives, finding purchase in the Kaiju's chest as you clamp onto it so that even if it did manage to get out from under you right now, there was no way your arm was getting detached.

And then in a single instant, you fire.

You know that Gypsy Avenger, like its predecessor and namesake, has two plasma casters, one in each hand.

You only have one. But it's your whole forearm.

The techs named it the "plasma cannon".

It's a good name.

The water around you two is pushed away, revealing the damage the discharge caused, if only for a second.

There's now a hole in its chest two-thirds the entire width, giving you a nice view all the way to its spine, tinted and surrounded by Kaiju Blue and glowing viscera. The edges smoke, cauterized by the sheer heat the plasma caused.

And then the water comes back, clapping over the body.

You stare at the space for a moment, and then turn, your arm folding back up as you walk over to where the locator says your sword is. You pick it up and mag-clamp it to your back over your shoulder as your helmet-armor retracts, just relishing the electric feeling of the adrenaline from the fight.

"This is Subtle Victoria, reporting Kaiju down. Repeat Kaiju down," you broadcast.

"Congratulations ladies, we read you loud and clear. Recovery and clean up teams'll start heading out now," Tendo returns. "We'll be waiting for you back here."

"Copy that, Command."

As you walk towards the coast you start pulling back from the Drift, moving away from being just Subtle Victoria to a state that's more like AmyandBríd.

For a moment, you pause in your return journey back to the Shatterdome, turning around to look at the setting sun, the colors that are practically a full rainbow —even violet visible— painting the sky like a canvas, seeming all the more amazing with the post-fight high.


"Mhm," Bríd agrees.

This is what you're fighting for.

Bríd looks at you. "It reminds me of when we were out in China and doing the tour with Calamity Echo when you need to wake up."


And then you blink, your mind catching up. …Wait, what?


She looks at you funny. "I said you need to wake up, Amy. Wake up!"

And then there's an alarm blaring, and red lights flashing to match, but you're slipping away and falling and shit you're actually falling


"Auuuuuuu." You clutch your head, rubbing it where you hit it on the floor.

And then there's a pair of feet in front of you, with purple-painted toenails and legs that have seagull-print pajamas.

You look up the legs to see the rest of your roommate standing over you. "…Good morning Elva?"

She looks down at you, "Are you okay?"

You nod, and then sit up slowly so that you're resting your back against your bed's frame.

"You need any help?" she asks.

You shake your head.

"Okay…" she accepts slowly, before going back to what seems like her morning routine.

Ugh. Seriously? Pacific Rim? You need to stop watching super old movie series before bed.

Especially ones where you have the same name as the main character.

But it had been a pretty cool dream…

As you get up and start getting yourself ready for the day, you have to wonder if you could ever make something like that. Ever have something like what you'd experienced in there. Especially now that you're here, at the Academy, where 'impossible' doesn't seem to exist.

Because… now? Now you kind of really want to try to build a Jaeger.

A/N: So my sister and I went to see Pacific Rim: Uprising last Friday. I almost started laughing in the middle of the theater when I realized that the main character was a teenage girl named Amara.

I literally had to write this. No choice.

This was originally intended to be an April Fool's thing, but it came out neither fool-y nor on time so whatever~

(it's like 12:50am and I've written this in… three hours straight round-abouts. Pretty good for me.)

I suppose you can consider this canon, but it'll be like a few weeks away in-story if so.

Also yes. You can work up to building a giant mecha for yourself if you really want. No joke. I'll let you go there. When I say "no limits" I mean it (well, as long as it's realistically possible in-universe for Amy, which this is).
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When I say "no limits" I mean it (well, as long as it's realistically possible in-universe for Amy, which this is).
How about painstakingly researching and recreating an ancient ritual that needed seven participants while acquiring a fragment of some old table in order to summon Best Girl? :V
Can we discover how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
I thought this was a flash forward to a possible future. And I guess in some ways it was!
I know nothing about pacific rim so I have limited constructive criticism.
What I liked.
1.The sensations clearly shown, no bland exposition at all.
2.The way the reader is immersed into the story in part do to number 1. But also to the seamless but clear transitions between thought and speech.
3.The action scenes are really well executed. And I mean REALLY well. Considering 90% of the update is action this is great.

What I did not like.

1. The whole its just a dream premise is very offputting to me. This is for several reasons, but the greatest is probably the feeling of becoming invested and then having no payoff (I know this is a poor description I hope you get what I am trying to convey).

All in all well done! Are you sure action scenes are a weakness of yours?

I hope this is the sort of feedback.you are looking for. Thanks for posting :)
1. The whole its just a dream premise is very offputting to me. This is for several reasons, but the greatest is probably the feeling of becoming invested and then having no payoff (I know this is a poor description I hope you get what I am trying to convey).
Well, there is a >0% chance that it was a vision of the future.
Edit: Fixed >/< sign
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The Adventure Begins
So because this update is bloody massive (it's at like 7.5k total and not even half-done) I'm going to be chunking it and giving you bits every few days instead of the weekly schedule. It should also give you guys more to talk about, I figure, since it won't overwhelm you and make you process everything at once.

[X][Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And that means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[X]Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing. (This came down to either Angharad or Ying-Yue, the two people from the original Earth group that you know the least about. I chose Angharad, mostly because I see Amy relating to her just a smidge easier with the shared English-language thing, and because unlike Ying-Yue, who's even brought two new people in to the group, Amy's noticed Angharad being kinda passive so far, and she's pretty curious about her).

[X][Lunch] The garden.

As you're getting ready to leave the dining room, you have a thought.

"Hey Angie?"

The British girl turns to you. "Yeah?"

"Are you doing anything today?"

She blinks. "… Not… really?" she says slowly. "Why?"

"You want to hang out and do some stuff?"

She looks a bit caught off-guard, but not unwelcome to the idea. "Um… sure? When?"

"Now?" Better to get started earlier, right? "You got anything you need to do first?"

She shakes her head.

"Cool," you say with a grin. "Let's go then."

You lead her out the doors of the dining hall and to the courtyard, Angharad keeping pace with you on your right.

"Is there something in particular you want to do?" Angharad asks.

You nod. "The Academy's not just a high school, right?" you tell her, switching to English. "It's a university too."

She nods slowly.

"And where there's a university, there's professors. And professors mean research."

"Okay…" she agrees, not seeing where you're going with this.

"So!" You raise your hand, pointing up. "That means research about Talents, because it's a school all about Talents. And that means that there are probably people there who can help me figure out mine before I have to choose my classes."

She blinks. "You know we've got like a week to swap, right? You could just wait and then switch."

Well yeah. "But that's… boring. I kind of really want to find mine out as soon as possible." You're going to find out, and you're going to find out today. …Hopefully. "It feels like I'm the only one who doesn't know. So I thought we would go on an adventure."

Angie looks a little less confused. "Alright. But why do you need me?"

"Because you can't have a proper adventure without someone to share it with." That was one of the first things your mom taught you. "And it'll be easier to talk to people when there's two of us."

She nods agreeably. "You know where we're going then?"

You hum. "My innertech's still upgrading. I've only got time and local position right now, and that's with it connected to some lenses. I do have a runner that should tell us how to get there easily enough in my bag, but it'd probably be easier if you just looked it up."

Her eyes are already moving around subtly, looking at things you can't see. "Um… The College of Talent Sciences?"

"That sounds right?" you agree.

"It's… three miles away," Angharad tells you slowly. "That's like over an hour walking."

You blink. Welp.

It's not even close to the longest hikes you've done, or probably even how much walking you do in a day in New York, but this is also a different planet with different gravity, and you're in a wheelchair.

"We better get started then!" you say cheerfully.

It's a good thing there are twenty-eight hours in a day here, you think. That means you have two more hours than you keep expecting in the morning, and an extra working hour in the evening.

You might end up needing that time.

Still, it means that you have over five hours before noon, and you wanted to eat lunch in the garden that Dr. Faren talked about, which is half-way on the main path between the high school campus and the university. The university probably has its own food too, and you have no doubt that the school has some sort of way of letting the high school students get food on the other campus, so you can just grab food there and then take it to the garden to eat.

"So what was it like, living in New York?" Angharad asks, ten minutes into your journey. "The little bit I saw from the shuttle between the airport and the teleport terminal was only a small part of it, right?"

You nod and laugh. The path between JFK and the Rubicon was barely any of the city, and it was all in south Queens. "It's busy," you say, repeating what you told Elva last night.

"Busy," she repeats thoughtfully. "Yeah, I can believe that."

"Yeah, so like, there's something like thirty million people living there, right? There's a reason why other people call it the city that never sleeps. There's always somebody doing something there. Places you can get food at two in the morning just as easy as lunch, grocery stores that never close, transports that run around nonstop, and the L and the subway never stop."

She looks thoughtful. "I think it'd be interesting to live somewhere like that. Exciting."

You shrug. "I like it. But it's also the only place I've ever lived. Even if I've been to a bunch of other places, I don't know what it's like to live anywhere else. Where are you from?"

"Aberystwyth, Wales."

Huh. "Where's that? What's it like?"

She looks off, her eyes glazing. "It's on the coast across from Ireland. It's… nice. There's green hills in the summer. And the beach. There's the old castle ruins…" she sounds wistful.

"You miss it?"

She nods. "A little bit, yeah. I always wondered what it would be like to live somewhere else, but I was really just thinking about London," she says, laughing a little. "Now I'm here, somewhere else, like I always wanted. I should like it, right?"

You nod, but also aren't sure about it. You can't force yourself to like something, after all.

"My school was different, too. It was lots smaller. It's… a bit scary here." She hugs her arms to her body and grips them, and it doesn't go unnoticed. "I'm really glad for the group and that I haven't had to be on my own yet."

"Well, you can always sit with me if you're really worried," you offer, shrugging. "And I'm sure Grace wouldn't mind either. I'd like to say the same about Ying Yue, but I don't know her as well, and May's pretty introverted, but also seems to handle herself? I have no idea what she'll do."

Angharad looks over at you and smiles. "Thanks. Really."

You nod, happy that you've made at least one person feel better today.

"So how long have you known about your Talent?" you ask, curious.

"About three or four months. It was similar to you, actually," she says.

You give her a questioning look.

"I had no idea until my doctor caught something in one of my diagnostics. My Talent is pretty personal, so there weren't a lot of signs. There were incidents when I was younger, but it was stuff that we ignored really easily like being at the top of the class in athletics, or how I never got tired sometimes and haven't ever had a major injury."


"Once I knew it was there, it was easy to learn how to turn it on and off. But I'm far from good at using it, and it was only by chance that we figured out that it gets stronger when I'm struggling or feeling competitive or emotional or whatever. We probably would've kept thinking it was just a low-level enhancement Talent or something."

Angie turns to you. "So, just… don't expect to automatically figure everything out on the first try."

You frown, but you knew that this was going to be a learning experience anyways. At least you'll have an idea of what it is from getting to use it at least once.

Shrugging, you just say, "Something's better than nothing, right?"

"True," she concedes graciously, smiling.

The two of you are silent for a minute or so, her walking and you pushing (though you're starting to get tired and might switch to the motor soon). And then you suddenly remember something you've wanted to know ever since you first saw her.

"…Is your hair a mod?" White hair would be notable on its own, but it's absolutely striking when contrasted with her warm honey-colored skin that makes you think of west East Village and the parts of the city with all the good Indian food.

She laughs and then turns to you, and it shimmers slightly in the sunlight. "No… it's natural. Some sort stupid rare genetic thing where the color cells for my hair don't work right and can't make the melanin they should like my skin ones can."

Angharad looks down at the ground and bites her lip. "I used to hate it. Back home there were only a few others with parents who had let them change their hair already. My parents offered to let me get a mod to make it to a more normal color when I decided to come here, but I realized that in a place like this with so many people, white hair probably wouldn't be that weird at all. So… I decided to keep it."

"It's really pretty," you tell her honestly.

She flushes a little and tucks some of it behind her ear self-consciously. "Thanks."

You move forward quietly for a few minutes —switching to the motor because holy heck your arms are tired— and then Angie speaks up again.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Mmm… Today… sky-blue," you answer, making her look at you curiously. "What's yours?"

"Usually orange. Sometimes red," she responds.

Hm. "Cool. Dogs or cats?"

Angie blinks. "Um. I don't really have a preference? Dogs, I guess? You?"


She splutters. "That wasn't even an option!"

You give her a smirk. "Exactly."

Angharad sighs, her palm covering her face for a moment, and you hear her mumble something.

"Have you ever traveled before?" you ask curiously. She'd talked about wanting to live somewhere else.

"Yeah, but not like what it sounded like you've done. One summer we went to Aberdeen up in the North. Another we visited Belfast. I've been to Cardiff a bunch because some of mum's friends live there, and we went to London for a few weeks when I was eight," she tells you. "So I've been around a bit, I guess. But I've never gone out of the Isles. My mum had a conference on the continent once, but that's it."


The two of you talk about trivial things after that—movies, music, games, and weird random topics like the apparent importance to older people of afternoon tea and cucumber sandwiches— all while enjoying the landscape around you, the grass and hills and trees on either side of the fairly wide paved path Angie has led you on. There are buildings further out on the sides every so often, with paths leading to them, and you're pretty sure earlier you saw the one that goes to the garden. You only get a distanced look of that, but the amount that you did see already has you looking forward to it.

Soon enough you're on the university campus, where there's older people (well, older than you, at least) moving around much more, though it's not quite what you'd consider busy. You get a few curious looks, but nothing else. Angharad leads you around the various buildings, until you finally come to one that looks, at least from this side, practically identical to all the others, although taller than average: a giant four-story rectangular building of metal and glass.

You can see people in there already, so there is activity, but not nearly as much as you'd imagine it is during the school year. But you're also not sure you'd be as comfortable doing this when there's tons of other older people around.

You go in the doors that are at the left end, and stand there at the junction of two halls, one that you just saw from the outside.

"Now what?" Angharad asks, looking at you for direction.

You turn to her and grin.

"Now… we wander."
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Oh this is going to be interresting. Can´t wait to ee the reaction of the profs. and the students.
Now we got hints that our talent is likely ether something that is easy to miss as it works for the most part in the background/is mostly passiv or that we haven´t gotten into a situation that would see us activating it for the first time*.

*likely high stress / adrenalin or some form really strongly feeled emotion (or combination of them) that ether didn´t happen for the mc yet or is rare ( grief) outside of certain situations.

Overall a adorable chapter/update. I like the interactions between the character and the world build that also happens.
It's not even close to the longest hikes you've done, or probably even how much walking you do in a day in New York, but this is also a different planet with different gravity, and you're in a wheelchair.
More time to get to know her, then!

"Aberystwyth, Wales."

Huh. "Where's that? What's it like?"
Don't you mean 'How do you even pronounce that?' as with anything Welsh? :V

"…Is your hair a mod?" White hair would be notable on its own, but it's absolutely strikingwhen contrasted with her warm honey-colored skin that makes you think of west East Village and the parts of the city with all the good Indian food.
missing space


White hair, more brownish skin...

Quick, stuff her in an Altera cosplay!


"Yeah, but not like what it sounded like you've done. One summer we went to Aberdeen up in the North. Another we visited Belfast. I've been to Cardiff a bunch because some of mum's friends live there, and we went to London for a few weeks when I was eight," she tells you. "So I've been around a bit, I guess. But I've never gone out of the Isles. My mum had a conference on the continent once, but that's it, think."
Oi, c'mon. It's got to be even easier to go to other countries and it's pretty dang easy now.
Angie looks a little less confused. "Alright. But why do you need me?"

"Because you can't have a proper adventure without someone to share it with." That was one of the first things your mom taught you. "And it'll be easier to talk to people when there's two of us."
This is a great answer. :D Buddy system!
"It's… three miles away," Angharad tells you slowly. "That's like over an hour walking."
I'm surprised there wasn't a way to catch a bus or call a ride or something.
"I had no idea until my doctor caught something in one of my diagnostics. My Talent is pretty personal, so there weren't a lot of signs. There were incidents when I was younger, but it was stuff that we ignored really easily like being at the top of the class in athletics, or how I never got tired sometimes and haven't ever had a major injury."


"Once I knew it was there, it was easy to learn how to turn it on and off. But I'm far from good at using it, and it was only by chance that we figured out that it gets stronger when I'm struggling or feeling competitive or emotional or whatever. We probably would've kept thinking it was just a low-level enhancement Talent or something."
I can see why they say "combat-focused", then - it sounds like she has one of those comic-book "tactile telekinesis" powers. So Angie is basically superman?
Angie turns to you. "So, just… don't expect to automatically figure everything out on the first try."
"Now what?" Angharad asks, looking at you for direction.

You turn to her and grin.

"Now… we wander."
Don't you mean 'How do you even pronounce that?' as with anything Welsh? :V

Given that she is pronouncing it, I should think the proper question is "how would you spell that"?

Well yeah. "But that's… boring. I kind of really want to find mine out as soon as possible." You're going to find out, and you're going to find out today. …Hopefully. "It feels like I'm the only one who doesn't know. So I thought we would go on an adventure."

Angie looks a little less confused. "Alright. But why do you need me?"

"Because you can't have a proper adventure without someone to share it with." That was one of the first things your mom taught you. "And it'll be easier to talk to people when there's two of us."
"It's… three miles away," Angharad tells you slowly. "That's like over an hour walking."

You blink. Welp.

It's not even close to the longest hikes you've done, or probably even how much walking you do in a day in New York, but this is also a different planet with different gravity, and you're in a wheelchair.

"We better get started then!" you say cheerfully.
"Now what?" Angharad asks, looking at you for direction.

You turn to her and grin.

"Now… we wander."

We are totally that one friend who's always getting into trouble and pulling people on crazy adventures.

I love it.
"Because you can't have a proper adventure without someone to share it with." That was one of the first things your mom taught you. "And it'll be easier to talk to people when there's two of us."
"You also have 100% working innertech while I don't, and I'm too lazy to use my runner"
it was only by chance that we figured out that it gets stronger when I'm struggling or feeling competitive or emotional or whatever.
Note to self: Conflict Drive may be a factor in this. Investigate Further. (good thing we're going to the College of Talent Sciences)
"It's really pretty," you tell her honestly.

She flushes a little and tucks some of it behind her ear self-consciously. "Thanks."
Angie Route: Plus 1 point.