[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)
[X][Breakfast] Follow Elva, if she sits somewhere other than with your floormates.
[X][Evening] Go to the common room, there's probably a couple people in there.
[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.

Geez, how did I miss an ensou quest?

Anyway, this keeps us from disappearing on our floormates while still letting us keep up with our existing acquaintances. Best to keep our circle open until we have a better idea of whom we wish to focus on.
[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)

She seems to need to rest.

[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.

I want to know more about these people.
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[X][Evening] Go to the common room,there's probably a couple people in there.
[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.

So we can interact with more people and start building friendships.
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Edit: Apparently people still aren't seeing this, so now it's capitalized and bolded.

[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)
[X][Breakfast] Follow Elva, if she sits somewhere other than with your floormates.
[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)

[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.
[X][Evening] Go to the common room,there's probably a couple people in there.
[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.
Maybe the last one was too and Neha was holding it open as an excuse to ask you if you needed help?

…Your opinion of her goes up a few notches.
Slick. Yep, I think we got a good RA.
Two of them are talking, one toffee-colored with shoulder-length green hair that has to be a mod and the other pale but lightly tanned with long, shockingly blood-red hair. You're not sure whether that's natural or not.

They don't seem to notice you, too caught up in their conversation, but the other, a more normal-seeming brunette does and quirks a smile that you return.
Cosmetic mods seem to be somewhat tame so far. Not surprising, given how much trouble they apparently have with something as simple as hypotension, but it does explain how Amber managed to get disgusted without everyone at the table chewing her out.
You close the case, using the wheelchair's motor to back up, and turn around, pushing yourself to your desk. The lens case goes on the desk —which outlines it— and you pull the chair out.
Desk has a full-surface display? Pretty impressive. Though I guess with ubiquitous nanotech it's probably not too hard.
It has a 2D screen on the surface, but, well, that's really basic. As soon as it's on and interfaced with the desk, you swipe a line across the surface between the runner and the lens case, a solid black line following your finger to connect the two. The outline around the case pulses thicker for a few seconds, and then returns to normal.

Aaaaand apparently the IT is good enough that Everything Just Works. o_o

I guess I can't be too surprised that Amy's configurations are built in a desktop environment that seamlessly handles the switch from brainputer to contact lenses. I mean, they have FTL, software engineering that good at least isn't against the laws of physics. Barely.
The fabricator's running, practically solid silver-looking now, the swarm inside so dense it looks like a liquid.
...We are going to get into so much trouble with this. I give it a month before the school administration calls us to ask exactly what we're doing with our fabber.
You turn to your backpack and start unpacking the rest of your things. A few clothes that are special. Your sketchbook and pencils and pens. Your journal. A perfectly smooth rock from Montauk. A geode from the trip to the Southwest Desert. A large shard of Black Glass from when your mother convinced you and your dad to travel through the Deadlands and visit the ruins. And your favorite: a clump of rock-metal that was practically unremarkable …except it was a meteorite.
probably the heaviest object in it compared to everything else (which really says something considering what you've got): your runner.
Good job, Amy.

May: "What is in this backpack, is it full of rocks or something? o_O"
"It only works when there's sunlight, and I have to be in it to work the best."
Huh, that's a lot weirder than I was expecting these powers to be. There go my theories about Amy's power, lol.
Oh cool, you don't have to take the nanotech pills. Nice. You're apparently just able to… sleep whenever you want now, and once you have your innertech working you'll be able to have that wake you up whenever.

I think that I actually don't have much of an opinion for Evening. All of those would be interesting.

On Breakfast, though:
  • We told the Earth group that we'd sit with them tomorrow, so we need to commit to doing that at least once.
  • I'd rather not roll d20.
  • Neha's group will be there every day, so we can put that off at least a little.
  • Therefore our choice is basically between Elva and the Earth group.
  • Breakfast is probably much less coordinated than dinner, certainly less than lunch. Breakfast is probably staggered enough that the Earth group wouldn't all be there at the same time. So we'll probably want to get the Earth group at lunch so we get all of them. That leaves breakfast with Elva and dinner with Neha.
[x] [Breakfast] Follow Elva, if she sits somewhere other than with your floormates.
First, just want to say I love what you've written so far! Pacing and world-building have been spot on, Amy and the others are interesting and actually believably 13 (so rare in fiction for some reason), and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more.

[X][Evening] Go to the common room, there's probably a couple people in there.

Amy doesn't seem too stressed anymore, and actively being social is important when you go somewhere new. Especially for the first bit. Also, I find neighbors more appealing than early sleep.

[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.

I'm torn between this and floormates for now. Going with this mostly because I'd rather have a non-introductory social in the next update to see how it goes. Also, less chance for May to continue feeling guilty if we seek her out.
Ensou's running a quest?

And the setting is in part inspired by To The Stars?

Either one of those alone would be enough, but both together? Sign me the heck up.

[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)

[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.

A combination of relaxing after an exhausting first day, and then not stressing yourself out first thing in the morning trying to meet new people as opposed to ones you've spent at least a proper conversation with. Sounds just like what the doctor ordered before we prepare ourselves to actually branch out.
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[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)
[X][Breakfast] Follow Elva, if she sits somewhere other than with your floormates.

On top of the normal stresses of moving to a boarding school far away from family at thirteen, there were the multiple life-altering decisions made after fainting in front of multiple class-mates. I'd say that deserves a rest. As for the breakfast meal, we'll get to know our roommate better and potentially get an in with people that are not our floormates.
Just a thing I'd like to note, @ensou. Earlier, you made mention of a building material called Amalgam. While I am able to suspend my disbelief by telling myself that the meaning of the word has changed, IRL amalgams are alloys of mercury, and generally aren't known for their strength.
Behind the Name: Amalgam
Just a thing I'd like to note, @ensou. Earlier, you made mention of a building material called Amalgam. While I am able to suspend my disbelief by telling myself that the meaning of the word has changed, IRL amalgams are alloys of mercury, and generally aren't known for their strength.
Amalgam is the brand name of structural material that was developed post-Collapse as part of the Restoration period. It is a complex composite of multiple base materials such as carbyne, carbon nanotubes, titanium, steel, and aluminum.

The first version(s) was a simple chaotic combination of the component materials, an 'amalgamation' (not in the scientific sense, but the colloquial one), which is what the brand name was derived from. By Amy's time the company's leading product is (and has been for over a century and a half), a metamaterial. "Amalgam" is what's commonly used to refer to it and similar-purpose/strength metamaterials regardless of manufacturer, much like "Kleenex" is a commonly used name for tissues today.
[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)
[X][Breakfast] Follow Elva, if she sitssomewhere other than with your floormates.

Relax mainly to keep the quest running forwards quickly. Follow Elva because we missed orientation so wr should introduce ourselves to more than just one social group.
[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)

Like the roommate, and Amy really does deserve a break. (Are KitKats a thing)

[X][Breakfast] Pick a random group. Maybe you'll get lucky and meet some really interesting people. (Roll of 1d20 for degree of success)

Got to meet new friends to up the "What's your Talent?" count.


About the classes, is swimming an option? And at what level is Amy fluent in a language?
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Vote Tally : Posts 206-239
##### NetTally 1.9.9
Task: Evening
[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)
No. of Votes: 14
[X][Evening] Go to the common room, there's probably a couple people in there.
No. of Votes: 8
[X][Evening] Wander around, maybe see who has their doors open.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Evening] Explore the rest of the building.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Breakfast
[X][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.
No. of Votes: 9
[X][Breakfast] Neha and some of your floormates. Get to know them a little better, you'll be living in the same space as them for the next year.
No. of Votes: 9
[X][Breakfast] Follow Elva, if she sits somewhere other than with your floormates.
No. of Votes: 7
[X][Breakfast] Pick a random group. Maybe you'll get lucky and meet some really interesting people. (Roll of 1d20 for degree of success)
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 25

Guh. I really dislike votes this close. Oh well~
Not a big deal. Like I said, you'll have many more meals to share with people, so don't worry about it too much.

Edit: adding @mazotori's vote since he texted me it and is in Mexico with shitty internet right now. ...And now breakfast is a tie. ffffffffffffffffffff

Okay. I'll make this work. In-story personalities/characters will make the decision for you. :P
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Just something I noticed:

So homosexual relationships are frowned upon? :confused:

What makes it more likely to end messily than dating someone from the floor below or above?
The floors above and below are probably also all-girls, so it's not that. No, same-floor relationships are bad news for totally different reasons. It's fine if it goes perfectly, but imagine if there's any trouble: You have the same RA so your RA has to "pick a side", awkward glances as you pass each other in the hallway every day, dirty looks when you bring someone else back to your apartment after a date, no way to "get some space" to de-stress, etc. Cramped spaces like that make hiccups spiral out of control. And now multiply by thirteen-year-olds getting away from their parents for the first time. I don't blame Neha at all for noping out. :p
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The floors above and below are probably also all-girls, so it's not that. No, same-floor relationships are bad news for totally different reasons. It's fine if it goes perfectly, but imagine if there's any trouble: You have the same RA so your RA has to "pick a side", awkward glances as you pass each other in the hallway every day, dirty looks when you bring someone else back to your apartment after a date, no way to "get some" space to de-stress, etc. Cramped spaces like that make hiccups spiral out of control. And now multiply by thirteen-year-olds getting away from their parents for the first time. I don't blame Neha at all for noping out. :p
I lived in a college dorm for two years. Believe me when I say things don't get that bad outside of sitcoms.

I may have failed to account for differences in maturity level though. Can't imagine what a dorm full of 13-16 year olds with minimal supervision would be like. I'm amazed dead bodies don't turn up semioften.
I lived in a college dorm for two years. Believe me when I say things don't get that bad outside of sitcoms.

I may have failed to account for differences in maturity level though. Can't imagine what a dorm full of 13-16 year olds with minimal supervision would be like. I'm amazed dead bodies don't turn up semioften.

It's likely the maturity differences that make same-floor relationships unpleasant for RAs.
Ensou writing a new story? Plus it's a quest? How the fuck did I not notice this earlier? *shakes fists angrily at the heavens and SV*
Anyways, looking forward to see where this goes. Liking it very much so far.
Wonderful world building and good characterisation.

It seems that people with talent are either a curiosity or extremely valuable in an advanced society, depending on the talent. For example, a telekinetic that can lift cars, cannot do anything that machines can't do. However, Yue the T-3 cryokinetic in the cafeteria, is another matter. Also esoteric effects that cannot be replicated / easily replicated with technology would also be very valuable such as precognition, stealth, wide area effects, teleportation, matter manipulation in exotic ways etc.
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A New Day, A New World
[X][Evening] Relax. After the day you've had, you deserve it. (Will further decrease Amy's overall stress and end the day)

Tie (broken by in-story characters):
[-][Breakfast] May and the others, if they're sitting together. At least you won't have to go through introductions all over again, and they've been nice so far.
[-][Breakfast] Neha and some of your floormates. Get to know them a little better, you'll be living in the same space as them for the next year.

You pause for a moment. You could try and meet some of the other people on the floor—or even in the whole building—but really…

You smile at Elva. "Probably the same. Today's been… eventful."

Understatement much?

Elva smiled back though, and nodded. "Alright, cool."

Taking some effort, you manage to move from the rolling desk-chair onto your bed and push the chair back to at least the area it was supposed to be in. Getting into your pajamas is tricky, but done easily enough, and your clothes from the day go in the laundry bag you printed that's hanging by its strap from one of the bedposts.

Without your innertech working you can't really listen to anything unless you fabbed earphones or something, and videos without sounds… boriiiiing.

So instead you just read.

It's… grounding.

Something that's so normal for you that it makes it easier to let everything slip to the background, to make this room feel less not-yours, this place less not-home, to let everything from the day get worked out in the back of your head.

By the time lights-out is called —the room's lights dimming automatically from their already-redshifted state that had matched the sun's setting before the window went opaque— you're feeling much… calmer.

Some big stuff happened today. You're on a new planet, forty-two light years from home. You're surrounded by Talented, all of them just as out-of-their-depth here as you. You got a pair of mods that are going to help you become the best you can be. You've met a bunch of people you can see yourself being friends with.

When you fall asleep, you're not quite so worried about the future or your Talent anymore. Because you know what? You'll still have the people you've found around you, and with friends you know you'll be able to do anything, no matter how weak or strong your Talent turns out to be.

The next morning, you're up bright and early, well rested and feeling ready to take on anything.

Well, almost anything.

You absently chew your lip, looking around the huge dining hall, your tray of breakfast already on your lap.

Neha's down near the bottom doors at a round table with some of your floormates. You could go there…

But you also kinda want to try and find your group from last night, if they're together today.

It'd be good to get to know the people you'll be living with…

But you also liked the girls from last night and want to get to know them better.

Then again you still have the next three da—


You jump, only barely keeping your tray from spilling the glass of orange juice on it.

"Thought that was you!" Grace says, coming up on your left. "C'mon, let's go find Yue and May, they said they were going to go looking for a table."

…Looks like you're going to be eating with the Earth group again.

You follow Grace as she leads you down the terraces, talking about her roommate, who's apparently "teetering on the edge of bitch-hood."

You're starting to be glad Elva's so nice, now.

Eventually you reach the table where Yue is sitting, along with May, another person, Angharad, and a boy.

"Morning, Amy!" May greets.

"Hi May," you return, pulling up to the table to the left of Angharad. "Morning Yue!"

Yue smiles. "Good morning Amy, Grace."

The blonde grins, pulling out the chair next to you and sitting down.

"Morning Angie," you say in English to the white-haired girl on your right, and she practically chokes on the juice she's drinking, coughing a couple times before looking at you.

"Angie?" she asks incredulously, but also looking… pleased?

You shrug as you start eating. "You said you didn't have a nickname right? That's the best I've got."

"Hey, hey, don't leave us out of this! What's so funny?" Grace asks.

"Angharad's nickname is now 'Angie'," you declare to the rest of the table, while the named girl shakes her head, putting it in her hands with a noticeable embarrassed blush darkening her cheeks.

May giggles while Grace gets a glint in her eyes. "I can get behind that."

"This is Nem," Yue says, introducing the person to her right and drawing your attention away from the flustered British girl. Their hair is dark, close-cut, eyes a striking ocher color, with skin only a few shades darker than Yue's. "They are from my teleport group."

"Renenem, actually," they say with a wide smile. "Renenem Nguyen. But I think Nem's less of a mouthful, right?"

"I'll say," Grace agrees, you nodding as well.

"And Kerr…" Yue continues.

You turn to look at the boy, who's dark-blonde and hazel-eyed. He swallows a bite of his eggs before speaking. "I met Nem on one of the Talent info boards for new kids on the Net."

Oh that makes sense. You'd seen a couple of those, but never really got up the courage to go into a chatroom or anything.

"So what classes are you guys looking forward the most?" Nem asks. "Photography, for me."

"History of Talents," Yue says, nodding.

Grace shrugs. "Engineering, probably."

"Vocals," May says

Kerr taps the table. "I think… Composition."

"Martial Arts," Angharad contributes.

You frown. "I haven't chosen mine yet. I'm supposed to meet my advisor soon…" you admit.

"Well what do you think you'd like?" Grace asks.

Tech is your first thought. You're pretty curious about the AI system that's running in your head. There's also your art, which might be nice to expand by taking a class for if you're interested in taking that any further, at least in the traditional non-design directions. Or maybe something to do with other planets and environments?

There's just so much you could do.

You tilt your head, and then shake it. "I really don't know. Sorry."

And you also don't even know your Talent yet, which might change everything. Good thing you're able to change your classes the first week if you really want to.

"So, where's the craziest places you guys have ever been? If you've gone anywhere," Kerr asks.

"Minneapolis," you say immediately, and the whole table turns to look at you.

"That's…" Grace starts, looking at you with interest. May shivers, but the rest of the table looks puzzled.

"Yeah. In the Deadlands," you say. "Over a hundred miles in. It was… my mom. She'd always wanted to visit one of the Dead Cities, and she convinced me and my dad to go out there last summer. So we took an all-terrain vehicle out and stayed out there for a week, just wandering. Saw a ground zero. It was all just… dead. Empty. And quiet. Too quiet. It was creepy," you say, goosebumps raising on your skin just from the memories. "And the city was falling apart, like… like…" You shake your head, unable to think of any way to adequately describe it.

Crumbling buildings, rusting vehicles, a constant sense of wrongness. It had done what it was supposed to. You never wanted to see anything like it again.

"Yeah," you finish lamely, sticking a spoonful of cereal in your mouth.

"Well," Kerr says. "I think you win. I don't know how any of us are supposed to top that."

You shrug sheepishly, getting back to your breakfast. It's not your fault your mom's so weird.

The conversation continues from there, Kerr and Nem talking with Grace about various things (journalism stuff, mostly, it seems), intermittently pulling May in, and Angharad and you contributing every so often. It's… comfortable. Nice.

After breakfast, you all split up with promises of eating dinner together the next day. You can't help but wonder what Amber is doing, and if she'll be there or not.

You have a full day ahead of you. You're rested, comfortable, and —at this point— practically itching to explore.

What do you want to do?

[][Morning] Write-in.
[X][Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[X]Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[][Afternoon] Write-in.
[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

Where do you want to eat lunch?

[][Lunch] In one of the quads.
[X][Lunch] The garden.
[][Lunch] Dorm common rooms.
[][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.
[][Lunch] Random spot somewhere.

A/N: I'm sorry if the amount of content is lackluster. Choosing to end the day basically cut the chapter in half immediately, and then I didn't want to drag breakfast out too long, and I really wanted to get this out on Saturday (which it is, PST).

Class list is getting a major expansion in the near-future, don't worry if you don't recognize some of the stuff.
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"Minneapolis," you say immediately, and the whole table turns to look at you.
Until it was explained that it's in the Deadlands, I (having forgotten that we went to the Deadlands) thought they were looking at us in a "how the hell is this girl so sheltered" way. Note that I say this as a Minnesotan.