I'll let you learn about your Talent earlier if you do this, if just because I find it highly amusing and not at all out of place for a university gearing up for its first week. Hell, there's probably a bunch of activity over there this weekend from their own move-ins and profs getting situated and stuff, even on a Sunday (it is the Sunday of the week before classes start, aka double check everything crunch time).
...I'm going to be honest, I wrote that totally expecting a guaranteed failure. Because it's a terrible idea and even the craziest professor or postdoc would have to know they'd get in so much trouble. I was just imagining that it'd be totally in line with Amy's annoyance about not knowing her Talent and her spirit of exploration and impulsiveness. :p

edit: If it's actually going to work I'm even more on board with the plan.
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Yeah there's a directory. Probably. Definitely. (cough which I totally already have ready what are you talking about?) It would only take five minutes for Amy to look it up, so I woudn't make it take a whole action if you want to do that.
Right, that's totally my vote for the afternoon slot. This is a school setting, the most important thing is clearly what club you belong to (even if it's the going home club).
The next morning, you're up bright and early, well rested and feeling ready to take on anything.

Well, almost anything.

You absently chew your lip, looking around the huge dining hall, your tray of breakfast already on your lap.
Huh. Isn't Amy's innertech supposed to be back yet? Dr. Faren said eight hours to basic functionality, right? It's been something like 16 hours now.

...I didn't actually expect her to have protagonist-grade implants. ._.
Huh. Isn't Amy's innertech supposed to be back yet? Dr. Faren said eight hours to basic functionality, right? It's been something like 16 hours now.
Gahhhh, I knew there was something I was forgetting.

Yeah, okay. Hrgm. It takes longer than 24h to hook up to her optic nerves, probably more like 36h, but should still be able to network with basic external peripherals at this point, which the lenses are. I think I might just not change anything with this chapter, but I'll have Amy fiddle around and comment whenever she next uses/needs it.

"Basic" here is like really basic though, to the point where there might not even really be anything for her to note other than something like "hey I have an AR timestamp," or "oh look, it can give me lat/long coordinates of where I am now." (Yes every major planet has a geo-synch beacon mesh, what did you expect? :P)
[X][Morning] Look up the club directory. Ask people what their favorite class is and why. Do a survey, tell people you don't know your Talent and ask them to guess what it could be, write all the answers down. Maybe you could even buy someone a prize if it turns out they guessed correctly?

Get at least passingly familiar with as many people as possible, while they get passingly familiar with us.

[X][Afternoon] Explore. Get/acquire/buy a map and list all the places you want to go to/explore once you don't need your wheelchair anymore. Mark all the points of interests and make notes. Ask random people what their favorite places are and note that down too.

Adventure! Having a map is always nice for both planning and going on adventures, and note taking is a must for future adventures.

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.

Altered my vote because apparently writing 'be social' is horrible and forced and desperate. No i'm not annoyed why would anyone think that. Also changed from garden to courtyard.
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[X][Morning] Look up the club directory. Be social. With absolutely everyone. Talk about everything. Ask people what their favorite class is and why. Do a survey, tell people you don't know your Talent and ask them to guess what it could be, write all the answers down. Maybe you could even buy someone a prize if it turns out they guessed correctly? And then go bother some professors until they help you figure out what your Talent actually is.
[X][Afternoon] Explore everywhere. Go on an adventure, maybe be even more social with even more people? Get/acquire/buy a map and list all the places you want to go to/explore once you don't need your wheelchair anymore. Mark all the points of interests! Make notes! Ask people what their favorite places are and note that down too!
[X][Lunch] The garden.
very edit: fuckit I'm bad at deciding when I can't just blindly follow someone else's opinion :V

[X][Lunch] The garden.

still sticking with the garden though, it sounds like a nice place to hang out c:
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[X][Morning] Look up the club directory. Be social. With absolutely everyone. Talk about everything. Ask people what their favorite class is and why. Do a survey, tell people you don't know your Talent and ask them to guess what it could be, write all the answers down. Maybe you could even buy someone a prize if it turns out they guessed correctly? And then go bother some professors until they help you figure out what your Talent actually is.
[X][Afternoon] Explore everywhere. Go on an adventure, maybe be even more social with even more people? Get/acquire/buy a map and list all the places you want to go to/explore once you don't need your wheelchair anymore. Mark all the points of interests! Make notes! Ask people what their favorite places are and note that down too!
[X][Lunch] The garden.
I have no strong opinions on anything except

[X] Garden : You've been interested since you found out it existed. This is the perfect chance to check it out.
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

[X][Lunch] The garden.
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] Look up the club directory. Be social. With absolutely everyone. Talk about everything. Ask people what their favorite class is and why.
This just feels... forced, somehow. It's like someone that had no idea how to be a human being went "I need to be social!" and then came up with way to do that. I do not want that to be Amy's experience with social interaction. That's the worst possible outcome.
Do a survey, tell people you don't know your Talent and ask them to guess what it could be, write all the answers down. Maybe you could even buy someone a prize if it turns out they guessed correctly? And then go bother some professors until they help you figure out what your Talent actually is.
This part of the vote is reaching hard. And trying to have cake and eat it too. I suspect it's going to be completely missed. Give it its own slot.

I think that, if we want to meet people, we'd be better off with an icebreaker. And what better icebreaker is there than "The girl that was so impatient that she hunted down a professor in a research lab and demanded he help her figure out her Talent ahead of schedule"?

[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

This gives us:
  • Knowledge of our Talent, which will be incredibly useful for signing up for classes
  • An icebreaker, which helps us meet people
  • A reputation for ADVENTURE, which is always useful. If nothing else it'll guarantee that we're sought out by like-minded individuals, and that's exactly how you actually do make friends.
  • Friends in the research labs. Knowing our classmates is useful, but we'll have years to get to know them. We will not have so many chances to talk to grad students or professors, and having them some of them as contacts will be fantastically useful.
  • Ensou gets to pick someone to take with us so we can socialize with them.
[X][Afternoon] Explore everywhere. Go on an adventure, maybe be even more social with even more people? Get/acquire/buy a map and list all the places you want to go to/explore once you don't need your wheelchair anymore. Mark all the points of interests! Make notes! Ask people what their favorite places are and note that down too!
Still forced. This entire approach to social interaction is just unnatural. I can't support it.

[x][Lunch] Dorm common rooms.

I was thinking of going with the garden, but I think that I'd prefer taking some people along with us for that, or saving it so we can use it to de-stress after a bad day. This is the "meet all of your floormates" option that people want so much, so do that. So much easier and more effective. And we might have a good story!

I can't think of anything for the afternoon vote yet.
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[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

I can't think of anything for the afternoon vote yet.

i would go with a looking up what we can take as clubs / classes and maybe a bit talking with the adviser.
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[X][Morning] Go and meet with more of your dormmates.

[X][Afternoon] Go and explore the campus. Find things like hideouts, and the Library.

[X][Lunch] The garden.
Eh. I'm not a very social person, so that's probably why it feels forced, but i'm fully expecting 'Be social, talk about everything' to result in Amy being social in whatever way she knows best. Also, like i've already mentioned, this isn't trying to make friends, but rather learning as many names and faces as possible as well as having as many others as possible learn Amy's face and name. Also, it might not be very good ones, but i did specifically put in icebreakers. And i'm honestly not that bothered if we don't find out our talent nownownow, because it's not like we're in a hurry, so i don't really mind if it gets skipped. Also, please don't 'tell me' to 'give it it's own slot'. I made that vote for what i wanted to vote for, and you and those that want what you want can vote for your vote that you specifically made for that purpose.

And saying you 'can't support it' feels entirely unnecessary because you're already showing that but not voting for it.

And finally, i think it's a bit disingenuous to claim we'll get a reputation from just this. I mean, we might, but saying it like it's guaranteed feels very forced. Saying we'll definitely get friends in the research labs just by bothering them about our talent also feels very very forced. And a stretch.

That said, in hindsight i realize i expected someone to join us regardless of if we asked for it or not, which i probably shouldn't have just assumed would happen.

i would go with a looking up what we can take as clubs / classes and maybe a bit talking with the adviser.
We've already been told we'd talk with the adviser regardless, and we've also been told looking up clubs take 'literally five minutes', so you'd have to include something more there.
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With as little offense intended, those votes seem a little...sad and desperate somehow, like a person reading from a script on 'how to make friends because you have no idea how and everyone tells you that you should'.

[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

This is probably fine, or at least will fail amusingly if it doesn't work. Well, maybe, most halfway decent professors tend not to be 'bored'...

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.

Involves the least travel after eating and lets us scope out who's going in and out the most and to be seen. New wheelchair girl will be distinctive, anyway, which could influence people to come over.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

A nice, concise action where as little can go wrong as possible and keeping things open ended for ensou to develop the world with.

Or, I mean, we could just go alphabetically, but that's the kind of thing that tends to get you labeled as 'Bread-chan'.
And finally, i think it's a bit disingenuous to claim we'll get a reputation from just this. I mean, we might, but saying it like it's guaranteed feels very forced. Saying we'll definitely get friends in the research labs just by bothering them about our talent also feels very very forced. And a stretch.
I think the difference is that I spent 7 years in a robotics research lab and know how the social dynamics work there. Showing up at a professor's door with some confidence and an interesting idea is enough to get you remembered even as a college freshman; it's what I did to get into research in the first place. Doing it as a high school freshman? Even more so. Note that Amy won't be able to go straight to a suitable professor, she'll have to corner a grad student and interrogate them to get pointers to the right people. That'll spread pretty quickly, especially with the wheelchair to make us distinctive. Then throw in that we're likely to turn out as a T-0 or T-1 or with some totally crazy super-Talent. We'll be known across campus by the end of the week.
A nice, concise action where as little can go wrong as possible and keeping things open ended for ensou to develop the world with.
That works, yeah.
This is probably fine, or at least will fail amusingly if it doesn't work. Well, maybe, most halfway decent professors tend not to be 'bored'...
True. It's more likely that we find ourselves a grad student.

[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

Updating my previous vote to include the afternoon-activity suggestion. Surveying clubs sounds like something that'll tell us a bit more about Amy and give ensou plenty of room to choose something fun.
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

[x][Lunch] With Elva Taiyo

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.
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[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.

I don't even know why knowing your Talent isn't mandatory before picking classes. Being able to choose subjects that relate to your power and possible related career seems super important. Things like taking Biology if your talent involves living beings.

Also, I have a bias towards research options in quests.

[x] [Afternoon] Visit Neha the residence advisor. Ask for an overview of what you missed during the freshman introduction in case there was anything important

It was probably mostly school self-promotion, but just in case. Plus, on the off chance you get called out on not being there, you can say you've been informed already, and it'll have been in a nicer way than attending a remedial session on it.

[][Lunch] Dorm common rooms.

A chance to thank grumpy TK girl again! Also, I think it's a more comfortable way to meet floormates than interjecting during other pastimes?

Changed my mind, decided I agree with what someone said earlier. Going out of our way to meet everyone asap is a little odd, let's meet people organically rather than grinding friendships.

[x][Lunch] With Elva Taiyo

Get to know roommate little better.
I really hope our power is something that lets up survive in space. The mods for planet survival are cool, but I want us to be able to go "This planet's boring, I'mma just hop on over to that one instead", (and totally not abuse it by knocking on spaceship windows to freak people out.)
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

I chose this for a super profound reason and not because i am really curious. Give me a second ummmm. Okay fine im just curious. (Also i would like to leave the vote for who it is with to ensou)

[X][Lunch] Courtyard outside dining hall.
Alien planet descriptions can be fun for some authors. I certainly enjoy reading them.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

I was only ever part of a club once. I kind of regret that. (Vicarious questing much?)
[x] [Morning] There's a university here, right? With a ton of Talents? And university means professors. And professors means research. And that means Talent research, since this is the Academy. And *that* means you'll be able to find a bored professor that can help you learn what your talent is so you know what it'll be when you sign up for classes. That's how research works, right? This is the best plan.
-[x] Drag someone along with you. Two people are harder to say no to. And you might need someone to help with the whole wheelchair thing.

We're a protagonist. As a protagonist, we're going to be having a lot of adventures and getting into all sorts of places that we're not strictly speaking supposed to be in. Having a wider base of people who we know and who know us both gives us a larger range of options for finding adventure, and for solving those adventures.

Plus I agree that we really should know what our Talent is before we have to pick classes, otherwise we'll have to choose extremely generic classes or risk taking ones that don't actually help us all that much.

[x][Lunch] With Elva Taiyo

If there's going to be problems with her, I'd rather find out about them sooner rather than later. Sure, we'll be seeing her a lot, but at the same time I don't want to necessarily avoid her outside of our room, you know? Being friends (or at least on decent terms) with your roommate's important.

[X][Afternoon] Look up the club directory and see which clubs are convened in some kind of activity. Pick the most personally interesting looking and go over and investigate, keeping in mind your current restrictions.

Clubs are fun as hell and we should definitely do them.