Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

TBH I think we should just approach the Hutt in the power suit and offer to make him Administrator of this planet. We need someone to do it, after all.
A Hutt won't be able to stand having to play second to someone else, especially to someone that hijacked their own holdings.. that's just asking to get backstabbed.

I be curious to see if Palpatine will try that card if we prove to be that terrifying.
A Hutt won't be able to stand having to play second to someone else, especially to someone that hijacked their own holdings.. that's just asking to get backstabbed.

I be curious to see if Palpatine will try that card if we prove to be that terrifying.
This particular Hutt is implicitly low on the totem pole within Hutt space. They control a backwards planet in the ass end of nowhere, it seems. And they'll be used to answering to other Hutts, including Jabba himself.

Sure, power-suit Hutt dude might ultimately answer to us if they join the Universal Union, but it would probably still be a promotion in a lot of ways.
TBH I think we should just approach the Hutt in the power suit and offer to make him Administrator of this planet. We need someone to do it, after all.

We're going to offer him a management position after we crush all hope of resistance and display overwhelming force.

It's just better to set the understanding of the nature of our relationship early is all. That being 'Obey or Else'.

Right now we're an unknown, and we have a few groups of his infantry to show for it, but he's brought in war droids. We want to really demonstrate that his attempts at reinforcements will amount to nothing.

EDIT: Of course, if they offer surrender earlier, we'll happily take it.
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About this cyborg Hutt: How advanced is our brainwashing technology?

Can we just put loyalty to the Combine in his brain and leave all the skills, experience, and "free will"? Or does this procedure turn everyone into machines that need orders?
I for one am rather eager to crush the hutts while we still have the opportunity
Can we just put loyalty to the Combine in his brain and leave all the skills, experience, and "free will"? Or does this procedure turn everyone into machines that need orders?
The latter. You can't really program loyalty, except through "normal" social conditioning. We can appeal to self interest, appeal to ideology, attempt to persuade...but we can't just strip out and replace the value system of individual organisms.

If it was possible, the Combine would have done it to the Advisor we are playing as.

What the Combine does is what most conquering empires IRL do - they find collaborators (such as the infamous Doctor Wallace Breen) and put them in charge of their conquered regions.
What worked for Breen likely won't work for Reshul.

The two reasons it worked well with Breen is because Earth, compared to this galaxy, was relatively isolated. Our occupation of Earth made holding the entire species at gunpoint super easy, which in turn, meant telling Breen to do whatever we wanted him to was super easy.

Breen was facing unimaginable pressure, carrying the entire world. He was practically the only thing standing between humanity's free will and the Combine just wiping away every trace of their individuality and freedom. There was no other faction out there in space that would have saved Earth... If there were, they were in hiding or were already assimilated into the Combine.

For as tyrannical and cowardly as Wallace was, he still had humanity's interests in mind, which made him the perfect pawn.

Now let's look at our current situation in comparison.

Let's assume that we're able to take Nar Kaaga through Asmodemus' plans and force the Hutt to submit diplomatically. Let's assume that we get to a point where we're able to make a decision to have him work for us.

What is the primary difference in this case that sets Nar Kaaga apart from Earth?

Right. Nar Kaaga is actually part of an interstellar community.

The fact that the Holonet and the Hyperdrive exist means that someone living in a place like Korriban, for example, will still know about what happened in Endor all the way on the other side of the galactic map.

Feel free to correct me if the Galactic Republic's reach extends that far, in this current time, though.

Nevertheless, what's my point?

Well, unlike Breen, Reshul has venues to work with in case he's ever put in a position where he has to rely on outside help. I assume we will be keeping a tight grip on the information that comes in and out of Nar Kaaga once we take over, but still, it's never going to be perfect. I genuinely would not be surprised if Reshul becomes willing to reach out to anyone for aid.

That brings me to my second reason.

Reshul, as a Hutt, is likely much more self-centered and opportunistic than Wallace ever was. We can't rely on familial attachments to keep him in line, nor can we hold the entire Hutt species at gunpoint like we could the humans on Earth. Intimidating him only goes so far, and if we tip it too far, he'll become desperate.

If I didn't say it before, I'll say it now. I do not and will not trust a Hutt to manage our operations on Nar Kaaga without screwing us over in the future in some shape or form.

This is why I pushed for completely brainwashing him a few pages back. If we have to use his services, then I'd rather we strip away any and all cognitive dissonance.

Otherwise, kill him and find someone easier to control.
What worked for Breen likely won't work for Reshul.

The two reasons it worked well with Breen is because Earth, compared to this galaxy, was relatively isolated. Our occupation of Earth made holding the entire species at gunpoint super easy, which in turn, meant telling Breen to do whatever we wanted him to was super easy.

Breen was facing unimaginable pressure, carrying the entire world. He was practically the only thing standing between humanity's free will and the Combine just wiping away every trace of their individuality and freedom. There was no other faction out there in space that would have saved Earth... If there were, they were in hiding or were already assimilated into the Combine.

For as tyrannical and cowardly as Wallace was, he still had humanity's interests in mind, which made him the perfect pawn.

Now let's look at our current situation in comparison.

Let's assume that we're able to take Nar Kaaga through Asmodemus' plans and force the Hutt to submit diplomatically. Let's assume that we get to a point where we're able to make a decision to have him work for us.

What is the primary difference in this case that sets Nar Kaaga apart from Earth?

Right. Nar Kaaga is actually part of an interstellar community.

The fact that the Holonet and the Hyperdrive exist means that someone living in a place like Korriban, for example, will still know about what happened in Endor all the way on the other side of the galactic map.

Feel free to correct me if the Galactic Republic's reach extends that far, in this current time, though.

Nevertheless, what's my point?

Well, unlike Breen, Reshul has venues to work with in case he's ever put in a position where he has to rely on outside help. I assume we will be keeping a tight grip on the information that comes in and out of Nar Kaaga once we take over, but still, it's never going to be perfect. I genuinely would not be surprised if Reshul becomes willing to reach out to anyone for aid.

That brings me to my second reason.

Reshul, as a Hutt, is likely much more self-centered and opportunistic than Wallace ever was. We can't rely on familial attachments to keep him in line, nor can we hold the entire Hutt species at gunpoint like we could the humans on Earth. Intimidating him only goes so far, and if we tip it too far, he'll become desperate.

If I didn't say it before, I'll say it now. I do not and will not trust a Hutt to manage our operations on Nar Kaaga without screwing us over in the future in some shape or form.

This is why I pushed for completely brainwashing him a few pages back. If we have to use his services, then I'd rather we strip away any and all cognitive dissonance.

Otherwise, kill him and find someone easier to control.
I *think* the primary reason people want to subvert Reshul instead of just killing him, which would be easier, its not like the locals have any reason to listen to their former Hutt overlord vs their new grubby Advisor overlord, is not that we need Reshul per se, but rather that we need to make nice with wider Hutt space.

Reshul has a boss he answers to. He provides tribute, tithes, etc. What people are considering is integrating themselves into wider Hutt systems in order to try to dodge any potential retribution.

Of course there is also the possibility that as long as we keep the gravy train rolling, no one will care what we do to Reshul. But we lack information to make that kind of decision.
Also trying to be less evil and aping combine tactics from the game but I'm guilty of it as well so I can't say anything
Also trying to be less evil and aping combine tactics from the game but I'm guilty of it as well so I can't say anything
I dont think people care one way or the other about morality. Its just that altruism is more effective than selfishness. Its easier and more efficient to convince people to walk into the augmentation chamber of their own free will, then to drag them there kicking and screaming at gunpoint. People dont hide from you when you need to top up on ordinals. :V
I *think* the primary reason people want to subvert Reshul instead of just killing him, which would be easier, its not like the locals have any reason to listen to their former Hutt overlord vs their new grubby Advisor overlord, is not that we need Reshul per se, but rather that we need to make nice with wider Hutt space.

Reshul has a boss he answers to. He provides tribute, tithes, etc. What people are considering is integrating themselves into wider Hutt systems in order to try to dodge any potential retribution.

Of course there is also the possibility that as long as we keep the gravy train rolling, no one will care what we do to Reshul. But we lack information to make that kind of decision.
I'm fine with keeping him for use if it comes down to it. I just want to make sure we have a very tight leash on him if we are to integrate like that, and stripping away free will is a pretty good guarantee :V
I dont think people care one way or the other about morality. Its just that altruism is more effective than selfishness. Its easier and more efficient to convince people to walk into the augmentation chamber of their own free will, then to drag them there kicking and screaming at gunpoint. People dont hide from you when you need to top up on ordinals. :V
contrast 'get in the fucking surgical pod, biotic' to 'volunteers get to forward COMBINE-BUCKS to their next of kin'
The reason I want to subvert the Hutt is that I enjoy his mecha hutt droid focused style.

There's also considerations of his knowledge of the criminal underworld beyond the planet and the ongoing power machinations of the galaxy as the Hutts are ever careful to avoid being too large a threat and balance their terror with appeals to the rulers of the galaxy, thus they should have knowledge in how to make that work for us too.

But it's mostly that I enjoy the idea of such a character and want him on our team rather than merely a smouldering footnote on our way. I see potential for a kind of mentor relationship as he takes in our more efficient methodology.

It should be easy enough to provide him with a level of luxury and threat to keep him in line. The ideas of a petty crime boss of what constitutes a good deal we should more than be able to provide and exceed without truly harming our bottom line.
Say out of curiosity onced we have spaceborne assets and start travelling to the wider galaxy, i have question on one material and how useful it is to our tech and how the combine can use it. Kyber krystals, are making it into heavy blaster 2.0, or are we going to make our own laser swords and equip our melee troops with it?
Say out of curiosity onced we have spaceborne assets and start travelling to the wider galaxy, i have question on one material and how useful it is to our tech and how the combine can use it. Kyber krystals, are making it into heavy blaster 2.0, or are we going to make our own laser swords and equip our melee troops with it?

I think we can do better with rare psionic resonant crystals than 'gun' or 'sword', and use them for psionic machinery of more import. Though if we get a lot, why not?
I think we can do better with rare psionic resonant crystals than 'gun' or 'sword', and use them for psionic machinery of more import. Though if we get a lot, why not?
Does the combine have any tech that might be due for an upgrade or ideas for a machine that might be useful to use Kyber crystals, because in the Star Wars universe many people during the republic and later empire era, have mostly used those crystals as glorified upgrades to weapons whether to make swords that can cut through mostly anything, and the Death Star, a planet sized gun to destroy planets, do we as a combine have a machine or use of the crystals that they kyber crystals can be used for aside from what the Star Wars galaxy has been using them as glorified ammunition or sword upgrades?
if you're in a situation where you absolutely have to use melee, someone somewhere up the chain has fucked up. I believe we can make do with the equipment we already have (multi-purpose knives and possibly bayonets).
Or, do what the Mandalorians do.

Mass concentrated fire power and/or buckshot
I'm fine with keeping him for use if it comes down to it. I just want to make sure we have a very tight leash on him if we are to integrate like that, and stripping away free will is a pretty good guarantee :V
The Combine didn't strip us of our free will, did they? The Advisor we are playing as is perfectly cognizent, still has their facaulties, etc.

The occasional thinking being as a manager of Combine assets, kept in line with a mixture of promises and threats, is a necessity.
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Rendered a representation of an event that's definitely going to happen in the future.
Here is a title to go with that scene

Overwatch grunt v clone trooper: the begining of the end.

Soldier that brought the end of an era

combine grunt enforcer the mass lobotmized soldiers of the universal union of the combine vs the clone troopers, the defender and executioner of the republic.

Two soldiers go in one come out, decide the fate of the galaxy in this scene.
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The clone troops who were made mostly all the same to be weapons of the Republic, with unique personalities, many trying to find their own identity beyond that they were born with, versus the Overwatch troops, who were born with unique identities and personalities that were pared down into the same effective weapons.

Contrasts are fun!