Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

Interlude II


Interlude II

Bevel is a simple man, who does simple work. The Shell pays good, and doesn't ask questions if he happens to enjoy a spice vial with the men now and then. That does not mean he's stupid, nor does he think the Hutt is stupid. Being invited into the Shell's chamber at this hour, and after already being dressed down for what happened out there earlier?

Bevel isn't sure if he's ready to die, but he knew that running now would only guarantee it, his contract notwithstanding.

Strong incense comes on thick as he steps through the door, no doubt to cover for the inescapable ichorus smell of the swamp, even this deep in the palace. The lighting was dim, though he knew that was little hindrance to the Hutt and his mechanical retainers in here.

The Shell is here, hovering a good foot off the dais thanks to his armor. Twin black glass plates turn to face him, set into the matte bronze of the Shell's helmet. Bevel stands there for a minute, the Shell in no hurry to speak.

"Chuba binggonya mi pynoo, Pateesa. Ateema, noona mwa wanta wanta uba tukuy Ootman kurukuy, foo nobata Spastika? Settah, Confeeba Droida, goola che Poonoo." The Shell's voice reverberates out from the tinny speaker on the armor, and Bevel wonders if the Shell has it low-quality on purpose, to make him seem more droid than Hutt.

It's not like he doesn't have the credits, that exoskeleton is probably worth more than some small freighters. Bevel thinks to himself.

Though the Hutt might weigh as much.

"The Honorable Reshul's patience wears thin, Bevel. How is it that a veritable fortress simply appeared overnight, with no shipments or outside contact? If the Separatists do have a foothold here, that will cause us many problems." The bug-eyed red protocol droid supplies a translation into basic.

The Separatists? He frowns internally, thinking about the past month.

Dozens of identical probe droids in a model nobody's ever seen or heard of, poking through Kos-Amul that seemed to be looking at… everything, really. And every last one of them left right at the same time, vanishing into the swamp.

That play might have been on purpose, so we couldn't tell what they were looking for.

An unknown party hits a speeder full of spice later that week, with no witnesses left behind, just a burned-out husk of a transport, caked with ruined, but not stolen, product on the inside. A few blaster burns marked the road and trees, but no bodies, no weapons or anything else worthy of attention.

Smells like a bounty hunter, but who would spend that much on taking out some sleemo punks on Nar Kaaga of all places?

Bevel eyes his boss warily, considering things.

Or maybe giggledust wasn't the only thing on that transport…

He recalls the garbled transmission, the drivers screaming about being under attack by 'things' in the bushes, and the vague, bulky figure that appeared in the feed right as the transmission cut off.

Could have been one of those new Super Battle Droids, it'd be about the right size...

But why would it have gotten so close?

And then there was the fortress. A colossal mass of dark angular metal, out in the swamp, that definitely wasn't there a few months ago. Last he saw of the place, gunmen were taking out the other scouts. The Shell of course blamed that on his incompetence, as if he had any say over where that krik Dooba decided to go...

That cold feminine voice, that he could only just barely hear through the trees...

"-irective t- -e: Clamp. C- -te. Exterminate."

He subdues a chill going down his spine at the memory, and finally opens up his mouth to speak.

"It's not them. Not the Separatists. They might have hit the transport, but that Fortress isn't theirs. I don't care how good their Droids are, no one could have built that out in the swamp without us noticing-"

Bevel can hear the Repulsorlifts in the Shell's armor straining as it lifts the slug off the dais, hovering close to him and planting a Durasteel gauntlet on his shoulder. He tries not to sweat, knowing how easily that hand could crush his arm off.

"Piia so. Coo sa, bu yaya mi Punchee, Bevel... Kay coo shuc phuuika che."

"Someone did. That is his point, Bevel. Find out who they are and who they work for." Right. The droid makes it sound so simple.

He gulps, trying to look the Shell in the eye through that mask. "Yes sir." He turns back to the door-


The droid does not bother translating, and Bevel freezes.

"Chuba antu goola maya. Ichaka, chuba… stell phuuika ateema? Meendeeya kagwa Majordomo."

Bevel doesn't know much in the way of Huttese, which has probably not aided his career but…

There's no way…

"You have made some mistakes. However, you do good work here? Reshul may be in need of a new Majordomo."

Especially since you shot the last one…

He isn't sure if he should be more afraid of the Hutt behind him, or whatever it is waiting in that fortress.

(AN: The Huttese is extremely butchered, essentially just what I could cobble together with vaguely the right words, with heavily-irradiated Quechua thrown in for flavor. Also turns out Ben Burtt based Huttese on Quechua, which I found neat.)
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The Shell is here, hovering a good foot off the dais thanks to his armor. Twin black glass plates turn to face him, set into the matte bronze of the Shell's helmet. Bevel stands there for a minute, the Shell in no hurry to speak.

A Power. Armored. Hutt.... well, it at least cant-

Bevel can hear the Repulsorlifts in the Shell's armor straining as it lifts the slug off the dais, hovering close to him and planting a Durasteel gauntlet on his shoulder. He tries not to sweat, knowing how easily that hand could crush his arm off.

And He can fly!
I dont know of a offical books for it but there are fan-made ones on the internet heres what i found.
Inject: (To Formally deploy) Move into a establishment or block.

Contain: To clamp off entrances of a area and confine the situation to a certain area.

Unrest: Rebellion or Riot.

Anti-Citizen: Individual convicted of multiple anti-civil violations; MALIGNANT.

Malignant: Individual convicted of multiple anti-civil violations | Subject is contagious and contains devised behavioral pattern.

Administer: To issue a verdict to a resident. (I.E; Administering a beating)

Pacify: To detain a individual non-lethally.

Clamp: Restrict residential access to a certain area ; Deploy standard
clamps to restrict activity/provide protection.

Unlawful Procreative Activity: (UPA) Attempting to perform intercourse.

Expose: Flush suspects or expose them from cover.

Stand by: Await orders.

Intercede: Take immediate control of the situation ; Ambush/surprise hostiles.

Extract: Withdraw subject out of _____ to _____

Clear: Often used as a breach term to inform the team that the area is clear of contraband and anti-civil activity.

Breach: To force entry to a designated area, often used in sweeps when breaches are placed or the door is kicked in.

Stabilize: To restore order to a situation by any means necessary, this is determined lethal/non-lethal by your commanding Authority.

Deploy: Often used in reference to the deployment of equipment or a squad. (I.E: Deploying sterilizers at block; A )

Prosecute: To administer verdict to a resident through means of prosecution.

Isolate: To isolate one's self, sequester: set apart from others.

R.O.E: Rules Of Engagement, often set for breaches or sweeps by the team leader.

Amputate: To cut off a limb/Destroy/Kill

Hold: Maintain position defensively.

Ripcord: Fall back to/move back or away.

Diagnose: Determine/Investigate level and situation.

Inoculate: To protect or safeguard from a threat.

Sterilize: Clean a designated area of anti-(Citizen/Civil) Activity.

Contact: Hostiles spotted, prepare confirm to engage.

Contact Confirm; Contact is confirmed malignant and hostile, engage!

Sociocide/Sociocidal: Attempted disruption of the social order.

Divisive: Having a quality that divides or separates from the Civil Populace. (Causing malcompliance or other forms of rebellion)

Restrict: To prevent access from a designated area or location.

Bio-signal: A suit mechanism that is responsible for lifeline monitoring as well as synchronization to the Civil Authority system.

Infestation: High amounts of nectrotic/parasitic activity.

Biotic: Non-naturalized alien species. (I.E: Vortigaunts.)

Infected: Hostile/Protection unit under Parasitic control.

Exogen: Antlion.

Necrotic: Zombie.

Parasitic: Headcrab.

Virome: Poison/Fast Headcrab.

Outland: Foreign.

Bouncer: Grenade.

Restrictor: Thumper.

Viscerator: Manhack.
The humans on Naboo would find headcrabs horrors. The Gungans probably would find them delicious.

Our Hutt opponent is a neat one. Being all droid and mechanical focused. Once we can show we have the upper hand, I want him on our team.

It's important to first actually have the upper hand though. A bit more work is needed for that.

We'll want more information about the locals first, their operations and economy and such. So in-character we know how to manipulate them and make good offers.

Researching up their drug would also be good, get trade options. Good old carrot and stick.

We want to use the time we have to build up more, get more impressive displays of power without further aggression. Wait for them to approach us in a way we won't have incentive to smack down. It's all about power plays.

I found a list of translations of Combine Overwatch quotes on reddit might be helpful:
-Lock (Hold everything down)
-Cauterize (Preventative measures against future problems)
-Stabilize (Get things back to normal)
-Duty (Assume duty)
-Sword (This one isn't explanatory enough)
-Operate (Carry out mission-specific duty)
-Assemble (Gather units together)
-Clamp (Block activity)
-Contain (Keep the subject from getting elsewhere)
-Isolate (Get the subject by itself)
-Expose (Get the subject out of hiding)
-Administer (Deliver judgements)
-Pacify (Neutralize with non-lethal force)
-Inquire (Discover more about the situation)
-Amputate (Cut off subject from the greater collection of the subjects peers because the subject might bring others down with him)
-Zero -Confirm (I don't think zero confirm is a code like the rest here. It just means zero confirmation needed, as in they don't need to ask Overwatch for permission to do something)
-Midnight (This one isn't explanatory enough)
-Pressure (Force subject to do something to their disadvantage)
-Sterilize (Kill subject)
-Sacrifice (Duty MUST be carried out even if it causes death of Combine units)
-Coagulate (Gather and fortify to stop subject)
-Deploy (Get into the subject area)
-Diagnose (Figure out what the problem is)
-Dissect (Study problem for solution)
-Probe (Take a closer look at problem for information)
-Expunge (Remove the problem)
-Respond (Respond to the situation)
-Inform (Give information on subject)
-Innoculate (Interact with subject in some way to keep them from turning bad)
-Shield (Protect subject from something bad)

Seems to be rather accurate seeming.
Yay! A Hutt interlude!

Yeah, this is about what I figured they knew. Hutts probably would make good middle management positions but I say we still brainwash them just to be safe.
if we really wanna hit the hutts where it hurts. Go after their money, without credits, they wont be able to pay their guards or buy new weapons, giving us enough to build up our forces while the hutts will be busy dealing with their army of now unpaid mercs and hooligans.
Then they just attack us with their personal droid armies and a small fleet of ships until we are nothing but a stain on the ground
You know, could the hutts biology be good for possible Advisor bio-modifications? Hutts are actually pretty amazing creatures biologically when you look at them. Though of course note that most of the names Hutts are fatter and lazier as that's a sign of power to them. Notably intelligent, large but still mobile, strong bodies, thick skin, incredibly long lifespans, asexual reproduction, natural clan instinct and long term planning.
Some would make good administrators. Provided of course that they don't do any shady shit.
Some would make good administrators. Provided of course that they don't do any shady shit.

Depends on how you define 'shady shit'.

Bullying fellow locals? Gathering personal funds and luxuries? Ingesting drugs? All fine.

Interfering with our plans or trying to get power over us? Very not fine.

Putting our best face forwards while we work to prep this galaxy for integration via all sorts of deals and shows of power and political maneuvering.. I can't wait for it.

This is one of my favorite quests active right now and we're barely started. I enjoy being the bad guy aiming to become everyone's problem, very much.
Depends on how you define 'shady shit'.

Bullying fellow locals? Gathering personal funds and luxuries? Ingesting drugs? All fine.

Interfering with our plans or trying to get power over us? Very not fine.

Putting our best face forwards while we work to prep this galaxy for integration via all sorts of deals and shows of power and political maneuvering.. I can't wait for it.

This is one of my favorite quests active right now and we're barely started. I enjoy being the bad guy aiming to become everyone's problem, very much.

What are our agricultural options as an aside (I really hope I didn't ask this already); do we have seedbanks or anything like that as part of our package or will we have to rely on local crops and whadteverit is we use to make trans human goop.
Depends on how you define 'shady shit'.

Bullying fellow locals? Gathering personal funds and luxuries? Ingesting drugs? All fine.

Interfering with our plans or trying to get power over us? Very not fine.

Putting our best face forwards while we work to prep this galaxy for integration via all sorts of deals and shows of power and political maneuvering.. I can't wait for it.

This is one of my favorite quests active right now and we're barely started. I enjoy being the bad guy aiming to become everyone's problem, very much.

Primarily attempting to sell out to higher powers that isn't us. Hutts are shady bastards and often go running or offer other parties their services if its not profitable to them
Personally I see the Hutts as having a ton of potential for Combine induction and incorporation. They're kind of shady sure but that could be easily worked out of them and worst comes to worst I was very serious when I said they'd probably be amazing to do some changes on the Advisors big slug bodies.

Hutts live a very long time, are strong, durable, and highly resistant to poisons and psionic/force manipulation. They seem to have generally decently large intelligences, reproduce asexually, and are still force sensitive so probably also good to work Combine Psionics into as well.