Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Oct 8, 2023 at 12:49 PM, finished with 26 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Diplomacy is used for once!
    [X] Diplomacy is used for once!
    -[x] 2x Tactics Die Assault Location: "The Laugh House", Contraband Production Facility
    --[x] Objective: Raid for trade materials, particularly credits, AA turrets if feasible
    --[x] Commit Forces: Hunters, Viscerators, Scanners, Combine Soldiers
    -[x] 2x Administration Die, 2x free die Produce Vehicles:
    --[x] Repulsor Transport (0/180)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Contraband Analysis (DC 35)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Train Design (0/100)
    -[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Negotiate With Sabaoth's Teeth Mercenaries (DC ???) Goals and tactics are as described in post where plan was made in spoiler.
    --[x] Negotiate Directly
    -[x] 2x Psionics Die Hatch (35/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.)
    -[x] Deploy Defoliant (Free, clears foliage around Citadel Zero, very visible.) Done after the raid on The Laugh House for maximum dramatic effect and avoidance of displaying activity prior to engagement.
So, i gotta ask this, as this will happen in the future, but how, will converted force users that we would eventually capture, what is their placement in the hierarchy, specialised soldiers? Manager? Average grunts and easily replaceable?
I also have something to say, are we ever going to get a rumor mill-esque thing, as we have access to the hollow net?
So, i gotta ask this, as this will happen in the future, but how, will converted force users that we would eventually capture, what is their placement in the hierarchy, specialised soldiers? Manager? Average grunts and easily replaceable?

I'm not sure we even could have force users with how the Force has reacted to us and apparently has issues around our main power source.

An epiphany comes to you as you are finally able to let your mind drift; The Psionic phenomenon you have been experiencing since your arrival here, that seems to be the 'Force' occasionally mentioned in Holonet broadcasts, only became agitated after the Dark Fusion Reactor came online.

To your sense the Reactor is as silent as any inorganic substance, or living things without minds. That this phenomenon reacts to it so strongly implies that it is not wholly restricted to the Psionic capabilities known to you at present.

If we can however, they're obviously going to be valued pretty high if we can get them to submit. What they're used for will depend on what we can make them do really.

Assassins, troop leaders, diplomats, management positions, healers, psionics research assistants, it's as varied as Force Users are.

I also have something to say, are we ever going to get a rumor mill-esque thing, as we have access to the hollow net?

We already have holonet apparently, but it's not something we can sort through and don't have organization for. Maybe once we've hired or "hired" some locals to peruse the various information for us with a local's knowledge on what is merely scams or baseless hearsay or celebrity gossip.
I also have something to say, are we ever going to get a rumor mill-esque thing, as we have access to the hollow net?
If there's a major battle within a zip code of you I'll mention it, but in my mind most of the Galactic Holonet is kinda on the level of VERY early, pre-internet even, message boards. Local ones might resemble more modern networks. It's only been a few months since the start of the war so the News cycle you're seeing is still heavy on escalation and the early phases of Palpy's power grabs. If there's anyone talking about the Combine you haven't picked up on it yet.
My main question is how will we deal with various force relics and artifacts? Some are very dangerous like Darth Nihilus mask or that one sith Talisman that turns people into zombies.
"Necrobiotic hazard detected in AO, requesting Overwatch deploy mobile incineration unit and incendiary antigens."
Would those even affect our units if they were to be worn?
"Overwatch, priority warning. Anomalous item in sharp zone, sending proximity data. Need immediate non-biotic support and containment team."
Potential of "I want to poke these so bad, but need to contact home first to be safe.", potential of "Ah, ancient items imbued with extremely malicious psionic auras. Nostalgic!"
Potential of "I want to poke these so bad, but need to contact home first to be safe.", potential of "Ah, ancient items imbued with extremely malicious psionic auras. Nostalgic!"
By Epistle 3 lore I think the Combine started as a Psionic parasite, so not that far off.

(Though I will say that outside the Overworld being a Dyson Sphere Epistle 3 is not canon to this quest.)
At what point in the Star Wars universe are we in? Like before the clone wars or sometime during?
So that's three years until order 66 and the fall of the republic....this could be me but we might wanna speed up a bit before palpatine does the funny.

We are going as fast as feasibly possible industry wise, it has been devouring our free dice and dice from other actions for awhile now. We could have diverted from that and raided and taken people.. that we had no good set up way of converting into useful workers besides painstaking and manual conversion. We will need to set up a proper conversion factory before we can start making the locals into administration dice.

Now however we have the synths and are doing our part to clear the path and establish dominance in a very short time, which should speed up everything. The only reason we're not going for their spaceport this turn is that splitting up your forces is bad and we had incentive to acquire trading material to secure a new asset in the form of that pirate's starfighters to fend off the enemy's starfighters, which should allow a good firm invasion to be more successful.

I'm intending to grab the spaceport and toss the Hutt a diplomatic offer of joining us after we display our might. It could go either way with a Hutt, being prideful or being quick to submit to a power they clearly can't stop. Or attempted deception in hopes of backstabbing but that still ends with them under our banner.

With their main spaceport taken, we get FTL engines and make it harder for them to land reinforcements in a efficient manner, leaving them open to disruption. And it intimidates them and may cause morale issues.

Our main goals are twofold: Secure FTL drive technology for our use, ensuring that should the worst happen we have a chance of fleeing to begin anew. And securing the majority of the local population for conversion into useful forms, worker or combat. So, taking the starport will achieve one, the second should be greatly aided as well. Then we only have potentially the Shell's palace to crack after, with more minor groups around unlikely to pose a serious threat and more likely to capitulate under threat of stalkerification. We should probably hold off on that threat until we control the local holonet communications thoroughly however, obvious cybernetics are in distaste by the local galaxy and forced conversion would be met with utter horror beyond even Earth human reaction.
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We are going as fast as feasibly possible industry wise, it has been devouring our free dice and dice from other actions for awhile now. We could have diverted from that and raided and taken people.. that we had no good set up way of converting into useful workers besides painstaking and manual conversion. We will need to set up a proper conversion factory before we can start making the locals into administration dice.

Now however we have the synths and are doing our part to clear the path and establish dominance in a very short time, which should speed up everything. The only reason we're not going for their spaceport this turn is that splitting up your forces is bad and we had incentive to acquire trading material to secure a new asset in the form of that pirate's starfighters to fend off the enemy's starfighters, which should allow a good firm invasion to be more successful.

I'm intending to grab the spaceport and toss the Hutt a diplomatic offer of joining us after we display our might. It could go either way with a Hutt, being prideful or being quick to submit to a power they clearly can't stop. Or attempted deception in hopes of backstabbing but that still ends with them under our banner.

With their main spaceport taken, we get FTL engines and make it harder for them to land reinforcements in a efficient manner, leaving them open to disruption. And it intimidates them and may cause morale issues.

Our main goals are twofold: Secure FTL drive technology for our use, ensuring that should the worst happen we have a chance of fleeing to begin anew. And securing the majority of the local population for conversion into useful forms, worker or combat. So, taking the starport will achieve one, the second should be greatly aided as well. Then we only have potentially the Shell's palace to crack after, with more minor groups around unlikely to pose a serious threat and more likely to capitulate under threat of stalkerification. We should probably hold off on that threat until we control the local holonet communications thoroughly however, obvious cybernetics are in distaste by the local galaxy and forced conversion would be met with utter horror beyond even Earth human reaction.

So basically we need human hands as much as possible. Seems reasonable enough.


Benefaction uses a d100 dice system to resolve situations, split between 'Primary' projects which are completed cumulatively, and 'Trivial' Projects, which simply have a flat DC to complete. Projects are split into five categories, with the character's skill in that category adding to the dice roll for the project.

Dice are essentially actions, but unlike Trivial Projects, Primary Projects may have multiple dice committed to them at once to complete them faster. Actions marked as (Free) do not require any dice to pick. A category may be abstained from for a turn to gain all it's die as Half-Strength Free die for that turn.

For [ ] Assault Location and similar decisions in particular, up to two Tactics dice may be assigned to gain Advantage on that roll. Free/Abstinence die may not be assigned to this project.

If a Primary project overflows, that progress is either automatically assigned to another project in the same category that was also picked that turn, or may be assigned by the players to a project in the next turn.


The main resources in Benefaction are represented as Organics and Materials; Organics being any biological or biology-adjacent substance, like oils, bioplastics, synthetic muscles, etc. Materials is your metals, lithic compounds, ceramics, alloys and the like.

Constructing most things will take some combination of the two.

Secondary to these are Credits, an abstraction of all Star Wars native currencies including the Republic Credit. While the Combine has little use for currency, the other entities in the Galaxy may be enticed by it.

Population or Pops are the unit that describes the sapient inhabitants of a location. Pops require housing, can perform various kinds of work, and may be consumed/converted for some actions/tasks.

Currently, there is no limit to the ability to store resources, population excepted. (Subject to change.)


Certain units, structures or actions may involve the use of more specific substances than those covered by Organics & Materials, Strategic Resources represent these, and are counted separately from basic resources.


Compliance is a measure of a World's willingness to accept Combine control, ranging from -4 to +4. Starting at -2, Pops will engage in seditious activities, sabotaging Combine operations where possible or even creating hostile Units of an appropriate type.

Compliance is affected by various conditions that affect a World's populace, which are detailed on the planet's description.

Worlds & Locations

Planets, Stations, Asteroids etc, abstracted as 'Worlds', are divided into Locations, which keep track of a place's features, present units, and population. Locations and their features effect a World's Compliance, produce resources and units, and are the main way in which civilized areas are represented.

Locations are labeled according to which faction, if any, controls them.
Present location tags are:
(CMB) Combine
(HUT) Hutt Kajidics
(A) Allied/Auxiliaries
(N) Neutrals/Unaffiliated/Contested


Combat uses a simple d20 system, with specified unit stats and traits affecting combat.

At the beginning of combat the Tactics stat is rolled to determine overall advantage throughout the fight, but even the best General cannot save 10000 to 1 odds.

This is determined as 1/25th of the roll, rounded down. So a roll of 70 results in a +2 advantage, whereas an 80 gives +3. An additional bonus may be applied for rolls more than 40 over the opponent's roll as a Critical Success. A Malus may or may not be applied depending on various factors; terrain, buildings, weather, as determined by the QM.


are units not of direct Combine make but still under your control in some way, generally an Auxiliary will use it's commanders Tactics in combat rather than your own, and may have some more options available than your own units.

This is mostly intended as easily-scalable background simulation, so don't expect min-maxing to become a requirement as the quest goes on. A unit roster and stat breakdown is provided for those that want the details:

Unit Roster, Stats & Traits
SHELL HUTTS (Known stats)

Hutt Enforcers (5 HP, 6A, 0AS, 9AC, 3MR)
Z-95 Headhunters (20HP, 10+2A, 5AS, 16AC, 17MR) (Aerial, Anti-Air)
Arakyd AAD-4 Assault Droids (10 HP, 8A, 5AS, 8AC, 2 AP) (Mechanical)​


Scanner (2 HP, 0A, 0AS, 8AC) (Distracting, Mechanical)​

Viscerator Swarm (2 HP, 4+1A, 0AS, 10AC) (Distracting, Mechanical)​

Combine Grunts (6 HP, 4+1 A, 1 AS, 1AP, 8AC, 8MR,) (Unstable)​

Combine Soldiers (8 HP, 6+1A, 2AS, 1AP, 8AC)​

Combine Soldiers (10 HP, 6+2A, 4AS, 3AP, 8AC) (Mechanized)​

Combine Elites (9 HP, 6+3A, 3AS, 2AP, 8AC) (Implacable)​

Combine Elites (11 HP, 6+4A, 5AS, 4AP, 8AC) (Mechanized, Implacable)​

Hunters (12 HP, 8+2A, 6AS, 2AP, 8AC) (Implacable)​

Mortar Synths (8 HP, 12x2A, 2AS, 12AP, 4AC) (Indirect Fire)​

Crab Synths (24 HP, 12+4A, 10AS, 4AP, 6AC) (Implacable)​


Sabaoth Starfighters (18HP 6x4A 8AS, 13AC, 17MR) (Aerial, Anti-Air)​

All combat units will have the Health(HP), Attack(A), Armor Soak(AS) and Armor Class(AC) stats, even if these are zero. Some units additionally may have the Morale(MR) and Armor Piercing(AP) stats, though not all.

Health is self-explanatory, when this reaches zero the unit is lost. The health of a damaged unit may be recovered over time, or may require action to be taken to repair the damage.​

Attack is the dice used to determine a unit's damage in combat, and may be a single dice with no modifier, or it may have a mandatory minimum damage. A unit with an Attack of 20x2+5 will roll two d20s on a successful attack, with five added to both rolls.​

Armor Soak is a unit's ability to tank damage from an attack, which is calculated as a simple subtraction of incoming damage.​

Armor Piercing is how units negate armor, reducing an enemy's effective Armour Soak by the value of Armor Piercing.​

Armor Class is a term borrowed from D&D, and refers to a unit's ability to avoid getting hit. Aircraft are harder to hit than tanks, and this stat is how that is represented. in a flat d20 roll a unit must exceed the targets Armor Class in order to hit it.​

Morale represents a unit's willingness to fight, and is usually decreased linearly with their health. A unit with less Morale than their Health will break rank before fighting to the death. The majority of Combine units do not have a Morale stat.


All of these stats may be augmented or negated by a unit's Traits. Traits themselves may be negated or augmented by other traits, or conditions as determined by the QM.

Mechanical is a broader Trait. Machines cannot be distracted, cannot be gassed, etc.​

Mechanized is a general buff for Infantry units, however it only applies in outdoor environments.​

Implacable means that a unit will not succumb to distraction, and will instead continue to choose the best available target.​

Indirect Fire means the unit can only attack from a distance, if something closes in on it they won't be able to target it.​

Distracting makes enemy units prefer attacking this unit after being hit by it, unless another Trait applies.​

Unstable means that a unit will degrade after some time unless some other condition is met. In the case of Combine Grunts, if the unit was not recruited from a willing Pop they must be upgraded to full Soldiers, else their psyches destroy themselves after a handful of turns.

Aerial units have high AC scores, but that AC gets cut in half when facing a unit or structure with Anti-Air.

Resourceful units may temporarily steal the Attack OR Armour Soak stats from destroyed units with similar equipment.​

Remember that this system is experimental, and traits/stats may change at any time as I try to balance things. As mentioned above, this is background simulation, and detailed knowledge of this system in not intended to be a requirement for participation in the quest.

(AN: I'll be updating this post with Resources and other such things as we get to them.

Additionally if it feels like there should be a project for something and there isn't; ask me! I've either forgotten/didn't think to include it, or there's a reason why it's not there.)
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Turn 7.5: Laughing Matter


Nar Kaaga, Month 2, 22 BBY.

Laughing Matter, Turn 7.5

[x] Repulsor Transport (0/180) (37 Roll + 15 Skill = 52) + (25 Roll + 15 Skill = 40) + (64 Roll + 15 Skill = 79) + (59 Roll + 15 Skill = 74) = (245/180) Overflow assignment in full turn.

Assault Location: "The Laugh House", Contraband Production Facility
Objective: Raid for trade materials, particularly credits, AA turrets if feasible
Commit Forces: Hunters, Viscerators, Scanners, Combine Soldiers

2 Dice used, Rolling with Advantage: (26 Roll < 88 Roll) + 5 Skill = 93 = +3 Bonus

Combine 93 vs Hutt 47, Combine Crit Success! +1 Bonus

Scanners Attack Roll 7 + 4 Bonus - 1 Conditions = 10
Viscerator Swarm Attack Roll 20 + 4 Bonus - 1 Conditions = 23
Combine Soldiers Attack Roll 11 + 4 Bonus - 1 Conditions = 14
Hunters Attack Roll 11 + 4 Bonus - 1 Conditions = 14

Hutt Enforcer Attack Roll 2 + 1 Bonus - 1 Conditions = 2

You watch the assault as it happens, flicking through the various feeds.

A fog had come in with nightfall, covering the swamp in a thick blanket of mist, appearing almost black and barely visible set in the cold starlight. Furtive creatures scurry into roots and furrows as a group of six blue lights pass overhead, a sudden gust of exhaust tearing into the topmost branches as the Dropships fly by and land at the first clearings they find.

The Transhuman Overwatch forces disembark from the Dropships, which set their limbs down extinguishing their engines rather than returning to the Citadel for the time being. A final round of equipment checks pass by as a few of the soldiers glance at their destination, a few hundred meters ahead.

The target shines as a beacon of artificial white light in the sea of fog, illuminating pillars of steam and chemical waste products rising up into the atmosphere.

"Team leaders, report squad status."

Each Ordinal gives their report in turn as the Scanners close in on the facility ahead of them. A squat thing, composed mainly of Durasteel-prefab corridors, walkways and concrete, surrounded by dingy shacks for housing the workforce population.

AA batteries dot the creaky scaffolds along the outside edge of the processing plant, tended at this hour by Enforcers that are mostly inebriated, judging by their stumbling about. Only a handful are alert enough to notice as the Scanners float up and start snapping pictures, casting rays that look almost like lightning in the mist.

"Heyy, heh- hey! It's onea them droids that was in the city!" One drawls with a wide grin, prodding at his fellows while drawing a blaster. The Scanner simply retreats back into the fog as the drunken Enforces start firing into it, missing wildly and no doubt rousing the attention of their compatriots, drawing it away from the real danger that lurks in the shrouded rows below.

The slumbering factory slowly wakes as your Hunters, unburdened by the fog, take out the spotlights with a volley of flechettes before moving on to the Enforcers themselves.

"All units, apply forward pressure. Angel team, deploy Viscerators. Inject, restrict, sever."

Bleary workmen scream as they watch an Enforcer get dragged into the mist by dark blue pincers, cowering in their huts as yells and blaster fire echo all around. The first pulse shots echo into the night as the Transhumans make their entrance to the fight.

A shrewder bunch of Enforcers try to dismount one of the AA Blasters, aiming the improvised casemate down the alley. The heavy blaster barks out red bursts past a squad, perhaps seeing things in the mist, or merely trying to suppress the team.

"Helix Two, extractor out." The soldier growls, tossing a grenade past the barricade.

"Frag!-" Is all the gunner gets out before the grenade blows apart the barrier, scattering shards of the broken weapon everywhere, along with it's operators. The Transhumans advance on the facility proper, leaving the Hunters to clear away any stragglers in the shanty town.

Some of the braver workers pick up the Enforcer's blasters, and the smart ones watch the result from behind grimy glass as the bodies drop, missing chunks.

Soldiers line up at the base of the main structure, opening up the doors to allow the Viscerators entry. More yells are heard from within the halls of twisting pipes and grated flooring as the Viscerators disrupt what had been an approximation of a firing line. The Soldiers armed with close-range weapons advance after the swarm, taking out the bloodied gangsters in their path upwards.

The sounds of pulse-fire begin to die down outside, as Saber team moves up to the 'office' overseeing production here. A Wallhammer tries the door, pushing at it.

"Entrance is clamped. Saber Six, ready charges." The Ordinal signals for the other soldier to come forward.

"THE CRA- -ARDS ARE ALMOST- -RE DO YOU KRIFFING HEAR ME!?" The boss, presumably, shouts expletives into a commlink with futility, given that another squad has already taken out the facility's relay device, and it will take too long for the commlink to reconnect.

The door explodes inward, silencing the man's cries as a dozen Viscerators swarm the room, spattering the blood of a couple already-languishing Enforcers on the windows. The boss tries to level a blaster-pistol at the Wallhammer with a shaky grip.

"Hostile is unskilled, pressing advantage." Wallhammer rushes in, taking a shot in the shoulder before cracking the stock of his shotgun over the man's head. "Clear."

A rotund, older human male, dressed in slightly cleaner clothing than his subordinates cowers under the Overwatch soldiers, holding his head in pain as the Saber Ordinal approaches, picking him up by the neck.

"You. The credits."

"S-So you're just a bunch a-a kriffing thiev-" The Ordinal just glances over his shoulder, and the Wallhammer unfastens a stun baton.

"-Alright, alright! T-They're in there!" The boss points with a shaky finger to a spot behind his sheet-metal desk. The soldiers find a safe, and the boss soon supplies the access code. Uneven stacks of the Republic credit chit lie within, along with what you recognize to be the Hutt's own, local currency in thin slips of gold.

"Kriffing bastards won-" The man's muttering is silenced by a single pulse shot, and the Ordinal steps up to the office's windows.

Silhouettes of Hunters and the other Transhumans can be seen in the fog, rounding up the remaining worker population as red dots of Viscerators and Scanners patrol overhead. Others gather up the drug stockpile, taking it out in crates to the Dropships on commandeered repulsor-loaders.

"Overwatch. Sector is clean, Primary objectives secure. Multiple non-hostiles secured, indications of forced labor assignment. Awaiting advanced directive." Saber Ordinal radios in.

Resources Gained:

73k Credits

Strategic Resources:

108 Giggledust Crates

2 Mixed Species Pops available

Select an order:

[ ] Recall
All objectives have been attained, there is no need to linger further. Leave the Hutt's workforce to their own devices.​

[ ] Capture
With the Repulsor Transports finished, you could take the workers back to the Citadel, for eventual Transhuman augmentation or simple storage until such a time as you have need of them. However, the Shells are likely already mustering a response to the attack in spite of severing their communications, and transporting all the workers will take a while.​

[ ] Terminate
You cannot allow the Shells any more information on your capabilities than you have already given them. The Overwatch will eliminate all witnesses.​

[ ] Inoculate
The Combine will doubtless have dominion over this world in the near future, and the simple act of distributing medkits to the wounded in this moment may help to prevent civil unrest in the long term.​

[ ] Write in...

(AN: Simple voting this time around, half hour moratorium with the vote closing at noon CST this Monday. Next full turn is still in the pipe.)
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Is it wrong i want to do a combination of Innoculate and Capture? Drop medkits, but collect a small sample of local pops for further alteration? Can our dropships pick up a few of the workers but not all?

Or hmm… no, that wouldn't really be worth the effort huh? Hell, the Combine is honestly horrifyingly reasonable when compared to the Hutts in some cases. Innoculate and then move on I'd say
Hutt Enforcer Attack Roll 2 + 1 Bonus - 1 Conditions = 2
*busts out laughing*

Some of the braver workers pick up the Enforcer's blasters, and the smart ones watch the result from behind grimy glass as the bodies drop, missing chunks.

*nods* Yeah, that's fitting.

"Overwatch. Sector is clean, Primary objectives secure. Multiple non-hostiles secured, indications of forced labor assignment. Awaiting advanced directive." Saber Ordinal radios in.

Interesting. I was expecting the workers to just be locals that would flee away and likely back home.

So considering just how well things went.. I kinda want to bring in reinforcements if we can bring the synths in, and dig in. But then I remember the starfighters. I'd rather not risk our transports at this juncture when we are close to raiding them properly.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter if they know how professional our troops are and the hunters, it'd actually make them underestimate us if they think that's everything. The crabs and mortars are the big heavies we want to keep secret.

So I actually feel like:

[ ] Innoculate

Toss medkits out and leave, the workers will gain a more positive opinion of us than otherwise maybe, the Shells will interrogate them, they might hold back a bit, might not, doesn't matter. That they might not fight back as hard as they could in the future is worth a shot, not like medkits cost anything to us.