BatQuest: A CK2 Batman Quest

Vote closed
proud to announce that as of this vote conclusion and without any appearance of him in narrative I am reinventing myself as a single issue voter for Bird. who needs childhood friends when we have Bird and his sketchy mysterious Gotham connections?
I gotta say, I think this Batman is shaping up to be very interesting. I'm glad we decided to go galivanting around the world for a few years. I'm genuinely interested to see what Gotham will look like when we get back, and how people may have evolved. And, in the future, what the Rogues Gallery looks like in a Gotham of the 60's that isn't Adam Wests Batman.
Just wanna make sure, but we're using Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane, yes? And Liam Neeson as Ras? Please say yes.

And Heath Ledger as Joker. If not, then I will accept no one else but Mark Hamill. :V
Just wanna make sure, but we're using Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane, yes? And Liam Neeson as Ras? Please say yes.

And Heath Ledger as Joker. If not, then I will accept no one else but Mark Hamill. :V

Sidebar to the sidebar but, and I do realize this may be grossly impractical and difficult for the GM, could the choice of setting and related things perhaps affect which iteration of certain villains we would be encountering? Otoh, I imagine that the setting we choose (either fantasy or action thriller) will "flavor" the characters somehow?
If we're piecing together a Frankenstein combination of multiple versions of Batman I'd prefer to go with David Warner's Ra's. I still mentally pronounce the name as "Raysh" rather than "Rahz".
Sidebar to the sidebar but, and I do realize this may be grossly impractical and difficult for the GM, could the choice of setting and related things perhaps affect which iteration of certain villains we would be encountering? Otoh, I imagine that the setting we choose (either fantasy or action thriller) will "flavor" the characters somehow?
That's the entire point of an born earlier iteration. To diverge and reimagine the characters through the lense of earlier decade in the 20th century. It's likely the motivation behind the quest and something the QM is already doing, as exampled by the restructuring of Edward Nygma's character.
While I'm certainly influenced by various depictions of extant characters, and I may steal specific elements from them as needed, none of them are "as played by" versions from specific comics, movies, or games.
While I'm certainly influenced by various depictions of extant characters, and I may steal specific elements from them as needed, none of them are "as played by" versions from specific comics, movies, or games.
I'm sorry, this post is only making me think of the Fairly Odd Parents gag of Catman, played by TV's Adam West
I'm looking forward to seeing what Scarecrow is like in this quest---if he does indeed show up. There's a lot of potential with a man who's not only a psychiatrist with a deep understanding of fear, but makes a toxin that literally digs out your darkest fears and shows them to you. He does feel somewhat underutilized unfortunately. Even in stuff where he seems like he's prominent he gets a secondary role. Still, thats for the future if he shows up at all. I also look forward to seeing how Etran writes this Bruce-Bane friendship, and its explosive end.

Anybody else have characters they're curious to see?
Clark, cause i am a superman simp first and foremost, and MAWS just made it worse

Oliver queen, because were gradually turning ourselves into somebody with politics basically the exact same as most versions of Oliver, and it would be really funny to have Bruce and Oliver actually get along and be friends when normally they kinda annoy eachother/ are just work colleagues in the justice league

and from Batmans rogue gallery, both Victor Fries/ Mr. Freeze and Waylon Jones/ Killer Croc.