Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] Plan Family Trip to the Spirit World

Does name have to be under the plan? because I want these options, but (given how we've got a blind animal getting around by ehanced sight and he'll likely learn a measure of earthbending as our spirit animal) I want to name him something else:

[X] Name him "Toph".
[X] Plan Family Trip to the Spirit World

Does name have to be under the plan? because I want these options, but (given how we've got a blind animal getting around by ehanced sight and he'll likely learn a measure of earthbending as our spirit animal) I want to name him something else:

[X] Name him "Toph".
Well you're voting for two different names (Roku in the plan, Toph outside of it), so you'll have to make a different plan.
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[X] Plan Accidental Irony
-[X] Name him Toph

-[X] Bung will stay.

-[X] (Short-Term) Get better at meditation. (+300 XP, +1CP.)
-[X] (Short-Term) Communicate with a spirit. (+400 XP, +1CP.)

-[X] [-5 CP.) (Special) You meet a powerful spirit that imparts its gift on you.. (May only be taken once.)
Non-benders can live super long too, Guru Pathik was atleast 150 years old.
but he was enlightened and probably half spirit or something as a result of both being enlightened and maintaining a physical form
The more you guys discuss character age in Avatar, the more I begin to think this universe is similar to the Nasuverse for some reason, even though it doesn't make much sense. You need to stop before I begin having thoughts about making waterbending Einzbern homunculi.
but he was enlightened and probably half spirit or something as a result of both being enlightened and maintaining a physical form
Yeah, becoming enlightened is becoming in tune with your Chi, which is what Master Benders do.
The more you guys discuss character age in Avatar, the more I begin to think this universe is similar to the Nasuverse for some reason, even though it doesn't make much sense. You need to stop before I begin having thoughts about making waterbending Einzbern homunculi.
Oh, go ahead. I know that, if I were given permission, I'd drive the settings mechanics to it's brink, creating all sorts of insane stuff.
[X] Plan Family Trip to the Spirit World

By the way, I've noticed that on the character sheet it says that our hit points should be our level + constitution X 2 but it says that our HP is only 4?
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Lol, your first mistake. Assuming that I know what I'm doing.

I never know what I'm doing.
I'll ask a few questions then. What are the stats of an average adult?

And am I right in assuming it's the stat modifiers that the stats like AC and Health are based on and not the actual stats themselves?
Then we're talking about 15-20 for all stats except the ones that their bending requires, in which case it's closer to 25-30 on average.

Please, expand on the question. What Level they usually achieve, ooor?
Yes. What is the average level they usually achieve. I'm just trying to figure out how overpowered being a fully realized Avatar is.