Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

Level 5: +4 to Earthbend, +3 Strength, +3 Constitution, +5 AC. Unlocks Seismic Sense.
Level 1: May sense major shakes in solid earth in the range of 5 meters; incapable of precision.
Level 2: May sense major shakes in solid earth in the range of 10 meters; incapable of precision.
Not sure here, Seismic Sense seems like a very basic power "feeling" the earth a step that can and should be taking right upon starting to Earthbend.
And the first two levels are completly useless since a regular person can feel major shakes in the earth within 10 meters anyway, jsut by regular senses.

Level 7: May use Firebending to propel oneself through the air using jets of fire at the speed of 3km/h per Firebending level. Lightning unlocked.
You might want to limit that to shorth flights or jump-enhancements, I'm not sure about LoK, but in LA the flying trick only really worked under Sozin's comet, in all other cases it was jsut a short support.
Not sure here, Seismic Sense seems like a very basic power "feeling" the earth a step that can and should be taking right upon starting to Earthbend.
And the first two levels are completly useless since a regular person can feel major shakes in the earth within 10 meters anyway, jsut by regular senses.

You might want to limit that to shorth flights or jump-enhancements, I'm not sure about LoK, but in LA the flying trick only really worked under Sozin's comet, in all other cases it was jsut a short support.
Point taken.

I optimized the Firebending Jet rules a little.
Even before the Quest properly starts, I want to give @Artemis1992 2CP for helping me out with the mechanics.
I need one clarification, can you manipulate existing Ice or Steam before unlocking it on level 4 or Water?
Making the quick change from one to the other a mid-level technique seems reasonable, but basic movement of ice and snow was easy for any Waterbender, I think.
Even in the first episode for Katara.
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I need one clarification, can you manipulate existing Ice or Steam before unloking it on level 4 or Water?
Making the quick change from one to the other a mid-level technique seems reasonable, but basic movement of ice and snow was easy for any Waterbender, I think.
Even in the first episode for Katara.
Yes, you can. It's just that changing the state of water is difficult until Ice and Steam are unlocked.
...That sounds like something Rogal Dorn would say.
"...I can bend SPACE."
I was acutally refererncing the fact that 25 avatars is probably long enough for them get into space. But now that I think about it being a able to bend space would be a pretty epic power for the avatar.

Edit* And I totally agree that would be somthing Rogal Dorn would say.
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[x] [Avatar] Korra. (Canon.)

I'm all for playing Korra, but make her a little smarter and not waste time with the whole pro-bending thing.

Also, some alternate bending ideas:

Laser bending - An alternative to combustion bending. Similar to how lightning redirection allows a firebender to redirect lightning without being able to generate it, laser bending allows the firebender to fire a long-range beam of energy to burn and cut things. It won't make objects explode like true combustion bending, but it's somewhat easier to harness.

Steam bending- waterbending that converts water into steam, much like how they can already convert water into ice and visa versa.

Also, with metalbendimg, it would make sense that high-purity metals would be harder to bend than low purity ones. As in, if a blacksmith or metal foundry uses crummy material to make low quality Steel with lots of impurities, it would be easier to bend than Steel that is high quality and harder.

So, in a place like Republic City, there could have been a construction company with a metalbender who used his bending to make houses. Getting low purity nails, hinges, etc and using his bending to just casually nail and fasten them into a wooden building's foundation. He could make houses in a day using cheap materials (maybe even using quick drying concrete instead of expensive granite or stone). He could slap together lots of cheap houses... but the low quality metal bits rust and fall apart after a few years.

Conversely, high quality pure steel is much more durable, but similarly harder to bend. The police can't bend vehicles or structures made of high quality steel.

Which means we won't have to suffer hearing that the Equalists somehow built whole factories and dozens of giant robots out of friggin platinum. They just used quality materials.
[x] [Avatar] Korra. (Canon.)

I'm all for playing Korra, but make her a little smarter and not waste time with the whole pro-bending thing.

Also, some alternate bending ideas:

Laser bending - An alternative to combustion bending. Similar to how lightning redirection allows a firebender to redirect lightning without being able to generate it, laser bending allows the firebender to fire a long-range beam of energy to burn and cut things. It won't make objects explode like true combustion bending, but it's somewhat easier to harness.

Steam bending- waterbending that converts water into steam, much like how they can already convert water into ice and visa versa.

Also, with metalbendimg, it would make sense that high-purity metals would be harder to bend than low purity ones. As in, if a blacksmith or metal foundry uses crummy material to make low quality Steel with lots of impurities, it would be easier to bend than Steel that is high quality and harder.

So, in a place like Republic City, there could have been a construction company with a metalbender who used his bending to make houses. Getting low purity nails, hinges, etc and using his bending to just casually nail and fasten them into a wooden building's foundation. He could make houses in a day using cheap materials (maybe even using quick drying concrete instead of expensive granite or stone). He could slap together lots of cheap houses... but the low quality metal bits rust and fall apart after a few years.

Conversely, high quality pure steel is much more durable, but similarly harder to bend. The police can't bend vehicles or structures made of high quality steel.

Which means we won't have to suffer hearing that the Equalists somehow built whole factories and dozens of giant robots out of friggin platinum. They just used quality materials.
I think steam bending is already a thing but I may be wrong?
[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

I'd like to make our own Avatar :)
[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

well since it's overwhelming now...
So having taken a quick look at the 4 styles of bending, having an excellent Constitution score will be really useful for us since Water, Earth, and Firebending all use its modifier as one of the two attributes for their Attack and Ability Rolls.

I really like Lightning as an offensive option once it gets higher level, thanks to the AOE damage.

And it would be interesting to see if we could use Healing alone, or with Bloodbending, to give us a passive healing ability eventually.
[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

Hmmmm. Any chance there can be a Chi buffing ability, to go along with the debuffing of Chi-Blocking? Adjusting pressure points to optimize the flow of spiritual energy, grant nimbleness and strength, peace of mind, stuff like that?
[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

Hmmmm. Any chance there can be a Chi buffing ability, to go along with the debuffing of Chi-Blocking? Adjusting pressure points to optimize the flow of spiritual energy, grant nimbleness and strength, peace of mind, stuff like that?
There will be things like that later on.
lets make a direct succesor to the avatar that saved republic city stopped Vaatu the evil spirit reopened the path between humanity and the spirit world and discovered how to give people bending and help restore the air nomads
[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)
Let's see if we can create a chi blocking avatar