Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

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Note: 80% of the system I am using was invented by @Arthellion. All credit to him. Please, check...
Avatar: The Last Dicebender - Intro and Semantics


Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
Note: 80% of the system I am using was invented by @Arthellion. All credit to him. Please, check out his Anakin Skywalker Quest. Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

You are the Avatar, the Master of the Four Elements, whose goal is to bring peace and balance to the entire world. This Quest will throw countless obstacles at you, and you will have to surmount them. Now, it is time to choose your birthplace and time...

Select Avatar:
[] [Avatar] Aang. (Canon.)
[] [Avatar] Korra. (Canon.)
[] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

Hello, I am Birdsie and I will be your QM for this humble undertaking.

By humble, I mean that I've spent six hours researching the Bending styles just to write accurate development skill-trees for them, not to mention shit like Chi Blocking, Combustionbending or Energybending. So, in the interest of fairness cut me a break and please point out any inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and concerns regarding the system as early as possible. System details below the Character Sheet.
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Character Sheet
Name: Tié
Age: 9
Gender: Male

Level 16
Experience: 6,650
Experience To Level Up: 9,000

Main Profile
Hit Points (Lvl+Con)x2: 62+(5)=67
Armor Class (Lvl+Dex+Con+Str)/3: 16+(6)+(19)=41
Initiative (Lvl+Dex): +19
Chi Points: 54

Strength: 36 (+13)
Constitution: 40 (+15)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 30 (+10)
Intelligence: 27 (+8)
Charisma: 26 (+8)

Earthbending: +16 (Level 7)
Firebending: +6 (Level 4)
Airbending: +6 (Level 4)
Waterbending: +4 (Level 3)
Metalbending: -16(+4) (Level 2)
Unarmed to Hit/Brawl (Str): -10 (Untrained; provokes Attack of Opportunity)
Melee to Hit (Str): 0
Acrobatics (Dex): 0
Appraise (Int): 0
Bluff (Cha): 0
Climb (Str): 0
Craft (Int) (): 0
Craft (Int) (General): +2
Craft (Int) (Carpentry): +4
Diplomacy (Cha): 0
Disable Device (Dex): 0
Disguise (Cha): 0
Escape Artist (Dex): 0
Handle Animal (Cha): +10
Heal (Wis): +5
Intimidate (Cha): +1
Knowledge (Int) (Earth Kingdom History): +5
Knowledge (Int) (Fire Nation History): +5
Knowledge (Int) (One-Hundred-Year War): +7
Knowledge (Int) (The Nations): +5
Knowledge (Int) (Spirituality): +20(+10)=+30
Knowledge (Int) (): 0
Perception (Wis): +2
Perform (Cha): 0
Profession (Wis) (): 0
Ride (Dex): +10
Sense Motive (Wis): +1
Sleight Of Hand (Dex): 0
Stealth (Dex): 0
Survival (Wis): +5
Swim (Str): -10 (Untrained)
Avatar: May enter the Avatar State as a self-defense mechanism but must learn to control it. Remains in the Avatar State for 6+(Level)d6 rounds or until a successful Wisdom check is passed. Avatar state increases Dice for all Bending actions tenfold (including damage rolls) and removes all penalties whilst doubling bonuses. It also grants access to Skill Points from previous lives. Dying in the Avatar State will break the cycle of reincarnation.
Spiritually Enlightened: A deeper connection with the Spirit World from the average person. Grants narrative and story bonuses.
Earthbender Culture: Earthbending training requirement multiplier is lowered by two.
Sandbending Training: +10 to Earthbending when the target is sand, gravel, or a substance of similar composition. Learn Air and Water Bending faster.
Son of a Witch: +10 to Spirituality. You know you're the Avatar from start.
Spiritual Prodigy: +10 to all rolls applicable to spiritual actions, such as meditation, entering the spirit world, or controlling the Avatar State.
Bending Prodigy: Training Requirement multiplier for Bending is lowered by one and you learn twice as fast. You start any Bending discipline at Level 2 upon learning said discipline.
Meditation: May meditate. Upon succeeding a DC20 meditation check, you get a +8 modifier to all Bending rolls for the next hour or alternative benefits. May Astrally Project and enter the Spirit World. You may use Spirituality in Meditation checks in addition to other modifiers from now on.
Gift of the Thoughtful: +4 to exiting and entering the Avatar State at will. +2 to all Meditation checks.
Paralysis Resistance: +8 to checks against Shirshu Poison and other similar agents. Time paralyzed is halved.
Key of Pai Sho: +8 to rolls when playing Pai Sho or a similar strategy game.
Earth Chakra: +4 to all Bending.
Leaves From The Vine: Knowledge of proverbs grants you +4 Wisdom, +4 Intelligence and an advantage on social checks with one, specific person that is younger than you. You will become their sensei/senpai/uncle.
Fire Nation Garbs: +6 AC
Jennamite (x5): Solid rock candy. Can use Earthbend to trap one enemy upon a successful DC20+eAC roll, after which the Jennamite will grow around their body rapidly, encasing them until a DC30 Earthbending check is succeeded, freeing them.
Earthbending (Training Req: (Lvl)x5)
Level 1: May Earthbend. Use Strength and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Earthbend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Earthbend. Unlocks Seismic Sense.
Level 3: No penalty to Earthbend.
Level 4: +2 to Earthbend, +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +4 AC.
Level 5: +4 to Earthbend, +3 Strength, +3 Constitution, +5 AC.
Level 6: +6 to Earthbend, +5 Strength, +5 Constitution, +6 AC. Henceforth use Strength and Constitution modifiers divided by two (rounded up) for Attack or Ability Rolls.
Level 7: Unlocks Metalbending; automatically gains Level 1.
Level 8: Training 16 out of 40.

Level 1: May sense major shakes in solid earth in the range of 30 meters; incapable of precision.
Level 2: Irregular progression. ???
(Training Req: (Lvl)x7)
Level 1: -20 penalty to Metalbend.
Level 2: -16 penalty to Metalbend.
Level 3: Training 13 out of 21.

Waterbending (Training Req: (Lvl)x6)
Level 1: May Waterbend. Use Dexterity and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Waterbend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Waterbend.
Level 3: No penalty to Waterbend.
Level 4: Training 13 out of 27.

Airbending (Training Req: (Lvl)x6)
Level 1: May Airbend. Use Dexterity and Wisdom Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Airbend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Airbend.
Level 3: No penalty to Airbend.
Level 4: +2 to Airbend, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +4 AC.
Level 5: Training 2 out of 30.

Firebending (Training Req: (Lvl)x7)
Level 1: May Firebend. Use Wisdom and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Firebend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Firebend.
Level 3: No penalty to Firebend.
Level 4: +2 to Firebend, +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, +5 Hitpoints.
Level 5: Training 12 out of 35.

Siph: +16
Roku: +14
Makiw: +8
Yang: +8
Hue-Sar: +6 (Bonus: Shorten time for allies' arrival by half.)
Tozah: +6
Tenzin: +4
Sida: +4
Bung: -2
Long-Term Ambitions:
- You want to be a police officer in Republic City. (Ambition. +15,000 XP, +10 Chi Points.)
Mid-Term Ambitions:
- Earn a reputation in the Fire Nation. (+7,000 XP, +8CP.)
Short-Term Ambitions:
- Get better at meditation. (+300 XP, +1CP.)
- Find out who's Vaatu. (+600 XP.)
- Find out what the Red Lotus is. (+600 XP.)

- Meet Siph's "boyfriend." (+250 XP.)
- Invent a "cool" sandbending technique and show-off. (+750 XP, +1CP, +???)
- Make some friends. (+300 XP.)
- Find and domesticate a shirshu pet. (+2,500 XP, +4CP.)
- Communicate with a spirit. (+400 XP, +1CP.)
- Make sure that Siph's upcoming birthday is the best she had so far. (+500 XP.)
- Get to know Siph a little better. (+200 XP, +1CP.)
- Teach Hue-Sar how to read and write. (+650 XP, +1CP.)
- Obtain your own sand-slider. (+4,000 XP, +6CP.)
- Teach Roku a trick. (+250 XP.)
- Learn to ride on Roku properly. (+300 XP.)
- Can Hue-Sar bend or anything similar? Let's find out! (+500 XP, +1CP.)
- Reach Level 4 in Earthbending. (+3,000 XP, +5CP.)
- Get Hue-Sar to like you as a friend. (+500 XP, +1CP.)
- Teach Hue-Sar how to fit into society. (+600 XP, +1CP.)
- Beat Siph in a Sandbending Duel. (+7,500 XP, +10CP.)
- Learn another style of Bending than Earthbending. (+6,000 XP, +8CP.)
- Unlock the Earth Chakra. (+1,500 XP, +3CP.)
- Learn Firebending. (+500 XP.)
- See the Fire Nation Palace. (+2,500 XP, +2CP.)
- Meet the Firelord and her family, including her legendary father. (+8,000 XP, +10CP.)

Omake List:
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 12 - Guide to the Sandbenders: By Professor Zei (@Fabled Ranger)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 30 - History of The Sandbender Tribes: Written by Professor Zei, Chapter 1: The Oasis (@Fabled Ranger)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 38 - History of The Sandbender Tribes: Written by Professor Zei, Chapter 2: The Tribal Wars (@Fabled Ranger)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 44 - Tie's Thoughts: Why Am I Needed?(@DarkKing98)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 55 - A Practical Lesson On Survival & Tea Ceremonies (below) (@emberwing)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 58 - Shirshu Training & A Different Perspective (@emberwing)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 60 - Bureaucracy in the Desert (@emberwing)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 64 - Cold Tea And Mom's Hugs (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 65 - A World's Burden For a Child's Shoulders (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 65 - Of Those Left Behind (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 73 - The Day Off (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 77 - Tie's Diary: Experimenting with Earthbending (@Fanhunter696)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 77 - Drowned in Principles (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 77 - Air and Earth (@Trondason)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 77 - A Study in Seismic Sense (@Fanhunter696)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 81 - Popularity and Bullies (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 83 - Sand Burials in Bloodied Deserts (@Taka)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 84 - Stupid Metal (@DarkKing98)
Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 84 - Three Way Tiles (@Taka)
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Mechanics, Omake, and Other Doohickeys
Chi Point Rules:
Chi Points are the abstract value in this world. They may be used - at low costs - to upgrade the character's ability scores and grant small story-related perks. At higher costs, they may be used to learn Bending quicker, access the Avatar State more readily, or gain access to huge story-related boons and other narrative differences and things.

Chi Points are gained for several things:
- Natural 20's.
- Leveling up.
- Omakes.
- Other.

Omake Rules:
An omake gets you 1CP (Chi Point) for every 500 words in it. It may also grant EXP bonuses, narrative bonuses, and similar things. Omakes should be small, short and self-contained sub-threads of storytelling rather than advance the plot. For an example, an omake of Zuko rebelling against the Firelord and taking over the Fire Nation will obviously be rejected (or passed off as a dream,) but a short omake where Zuko trains firebending katas and gets annoyed at Iroh throwing proverbs at him, is perfectly acceptable.

Bending Styles:
Waterbending: (Note: Every Waterbending roll has its dice doubled during a Full Moon.)
Level 1: May Waterbend. Use Dexterity and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Waterbend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Waterbend.
Level 3: No penalty to Waterbend.
Level 4: +2 to Waterbend, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +1 AC. Unlocks Ice and Steam.
Level 5: +4 to Waterbend, +3 Dexterity, +3 Constitution, +2 AC. Unlocks Healing.
Level 6: +6 to Waterbend, +5 Dexterity, +5 Constitution, +3 AC. Henceforth use Dexterity and Constitution modifiers divided by two (rounded up) for Attack or Ability Rolls.
Level 7: May draw Water from one's body or non-pure fluids (spit, wine, sweat, urine, blood, etc.) Unlocks Bloodbend; automatically gains Level 1. Unlocks Plantbend; automatically gains Level 1.
Level 8: +8 to Waterbend, +5 Dexterity, +5 Constitution. Waterbending may be performed with minimal body movements (Stealth.)
Level 9: May draw Water from the atmosphere (requires a 40 to 50DC roll depending on the humidity of the area.)
Level 10: +12 to Waterbend, +5 Dexterity, +5 Constitution. Double dice for all Waterbending-related rolls. No longer need to divide modifiers.

Level 1: May turn water into a solid or gaseous state. -6 to Icebend/Steambend
Level 2: No penalty to Icebend/Steambend.
Level 3: +2 to Icebend/Steambend.
Level 4: May form ice into various shapes and appliances like spears, shards, walls, or daggers, etc. Ice has 3 Hardness and 3 Hitpoints.
Level 5: +2 to Icebend/Steambend. Steam can deal small damage in addition to its normal blindness effects.
Level 6: +2 to Icebend/Steambend. Ice and Steam may be controlled with minimal movements of the body (Stealth.)
Level 7: +4 to Icebend/Steambend. Ice has 4 Hardness and 4 Hitpoints.
Level 8: +4 to Icebend/Steambend. Ice has 5 Hardness and 5 Hitpoints.
Level 9: +6 to Icebend/Steambend. Ice has 6 Hardness and 6 Hitpoints.
Level 10: +10 to Icebend/Steambend. Ice has 10 Hardness and 10 Hitpoints.
Level 1: May use Water to heal wounds. 1 liter is lost when healing. May only heal exterior wounds. -14 penalty to Healing. Heals 1d4 damage.
Level 2: -10 penalty to Healing. 500 milliliters are lost when healing.
Level 3: -6 penalty to Healing. 250 milliliters are lost when healing.
Level 4: No penalty to Healing. Heals 1d8 damage. 100 milliliters are lost when healing.
Level 5: Heals 2d8 damage. May heal internal wounds but halves effectiveness. Only trace amounts of water are lost when healing.
Level 6: +2 to Healing. Heals 3d8 damage. No water is lost when healing.
Level 7: +2 to Healing. Heals 4d10 damage. May heal internal wounds with no penalty.
Level 8: +2 to Healing. Heals 5d12 damage. May cure and purge diseases.
Level 9: +4 to Healing. Heals 5d14 damage.
Level 10: +10 to Healing. Heals 6d20 damage. May try to resurrect someone who was dead for no longer than 15 minutes without Spirit Water; DC50.
Level 1: Allows to draw water from small plant organisms. Water can be drawn from large or complex plant organisms like trees after a successful DC28 Waterbending roll or for free during a Full Moon.
Level 2: Allows to manipulate the movements of small or wet/humid plant organisms. -14 to Plantbend.
Level 3: -12 to Plantbend, +1 Constitution.
Level 4: -10 to Plantbend, +2 Constitution.
Level 5: -2 to Plantbend, +3 Constitution.
Level 6: No penalty to Plantbend, +4 Constitution, May use plants to make constructs.
Level 7: +6 Constitution, +6 AC.
Level 8: Allows to fully manipulate plant organisms, +4 to Plantbend.
Level 9: +6 to Plantbend.
Level 10: +8 to Plantbend.
Level 1: Allows to draw water from bodily fluids like sweat or urine.
Level 2: Allows to manipulate the movements of living organisms that have blood during a Full Moon, after a DC15 Bloodbend check, -20 to Bloodbend.
Level 3: -18 to Bloodbend.
Level 4: -16 to Bloodbend.
Level 5: No penalty to Bloodbend, can use Bloodbend to deal 1d8 internal bleeding damage per round to a controlled enemy.
Level 6: +2 to Bloodbend.
Level 7: +4 to Bloodbend.
Level 8: +6 to Bloodbend. May use Bloodbend covertly (Stealth.)
Level 9: +8 to Bloodbend. May use Bloodbend outside of a Full Moon.
Level 10: +10 to Bloodbend. May use Bloodbend to create chemical imbalances in a subject's brain and therefore inflict emotional changes; DC50 Bloodbend check. May use Bloodbending to Block Chi and remove a person's bending, but it requires access to the forehead and may be reversed with Energybending; DC50.

Level 1: May Earthbend. Use Strength and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Earthbend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Earthbend. Unlocks Seismic Sense.
Level 3: No penalty to Earthbend.
Level 4: +2 to Earthbend, +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +4 AC.
Level 5: +4 to Earthbend, +3 Strength, +3 Constitution, +5 AC.
Level 6: +6 to Earthbend, +5 Strength, +5 Constitution, +6 AC. Henceforth use Strength and Constitution modifiers divided by two (rounded up) for Attack or Ability Rolls.
Level 7: Unlocks Metalbending; automatically gains Level 1.
Level 8: +8 to Earthbend, +5 Strength, +5 Constitution.
Level 9: Unlocks Lavabending; automatically gains Level 1.
Level 10: +12 to Earthbend, +5 Strength, +5 Constitution. Double dice for all Earthbending-related rolls. No longer need to divide modifiers.
Level 1: May sense major shakes in solid earth in the range of 30 meters; incapable of precision.
Level 2: May sense major shakes in solid earth in the range of 40 meters; incapable of precision.
Level 3: May sense minor shakes in solid earth in the range of 50 meters; capable of precision.
Level 4: May sense minor shakes in solid earth in the range of 60 meters; capable of precision.
Level 5: May sense tremors in the earth, can discern people from walking style or sense beings as small as ants. Range of 75 meters.
Level 6: May sense tremors in the earth in the range of 100 meters.
Level 7: May sense tiny tremors in the earth in the range of 150 meters. Allows to discern heartbeat and breathing patterns to tell whether someone is lying (Use Earthbending instead of Sense Motive and lower DC by 10.)
Level 8: May sense tiny tremors in the earth in the range of 300 meters.
Level 9: May sense movement in the earth in the range of 500 meters.
Level 10: May sense movement in the earth in the range of 1 kilometer.
Level 1: -20 penalty to Metalbend.
Level 2: -16 penalty to Metalbend.
Level 3: -12 penalty to Metalbend.
Level 4: No penalty to Metalbend.
Level 5: +2 to Metalbend, +2 Strength.
Level 6: +4 to Metalbend.
Level 7: +6 to Metalbend, +4 Strength.
Level 8: +8 to Metalbend.
Level 9: +10 to Metalbend, +6 Strength.
Level 10: +12 to Metalbend.
Level 1: May turn Earth into a liquid Lava state. -14 penalty to Lavabend. Lava attacks deal 1d12 Fire damage.
Level 2: -8 penalty to Lavabend.
Level 3: -4 penalty to Lavabend.
Level 4: No penalty to Lavabend. Lava attacks deal 1d20 Fire damage.
Level 5: +2 to Lavabend, +2 Constitution.
Level 6: +2 to Lavabend.
Level 7: +2 to Lavabend, +2 Constitution. Lava attacks deal 2d20 Fire damage.
Level 8: +2 to Lavabend.
Level 9: +4 to Lavabend. Lava attacks deal 4d20 Fire damage.
Level 10: +4 to Lavabend. Lava attacks deal 6d20 Fire damage.

Firebending: (All Firebending dice are quadrupled when Sozin's Comet is flying overhead. In addition, Firebending rolls receive penalties and bonuses depending on the time of day and local temperature.)
Level 1: May Firebend. Use Wisdom and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Firebend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Firebend.
Level 3: No penalty to Firebend.
Level 4: +2 to Firebend, +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, +5 Hitpoints.
Level 5: +4 to Firebend, +3 Wisdom, +3 Constitution, +10 Hitpoints. Fire attacks have a 15% chance to deal 1d10 damage next round.
Level 6: +6 to Firebend, +5 Wisdom, +5 Constitution, +15 Hitpoints. Henceforth use Wisdom and Constitution Modifiers divided by two (rounded up) for Attack or Ability Rolls.
Level 7: May use Firebending to propel oneself through the air using jets of fire at the speed of 5km/h per Firebending level + Dexterity Modifier for a number of Rounds equal to half (rounded down) of one's Firebending level or to give (Firebending)d6 meters more to a jump. Lightning unlocked.
Level 8: +8 to Firebend, +5 Wisdom, +5 Constitution. Combustionbending unlocked.
Level 9: +10 to Firebend. Fire attacks have a 20% chance to deal 1d10 damage per round over the next three rounds.
Level 10: +12 to Firebend, +5 Wisdom, +5 Constitution. Double dice for all Firebending-related rolls. No longer needs to divide modifiers. Fire attacks have a 30% chance to deal 1d20 damage per turn over the next three rounds.
Level 1: May generate lightning. -12 penalty to Lightning attacks. Lightning deals 1d10 damage and has a range of 50 meters.
Level 2: -10 penalty to Lightning.
Level 3: -6 penalty to Lightning.
Level 4: No penalty to Lightning. Lightning deals 4d20 damage and has a range of 150 meters.
Level 5: +6 to Lightning.
Level 6: +12 to Lightning. Lightning has a 50% chance to pass onto up to three nearby targets of the main target.
Level 7: +2 Wisdom. Lightning has a 90% chance to pass onto up to ten nearby targets of the main target.
Level 8: +2 Wisdom.
Level 9: Lightning deals 6d20 damage and has a range of 500 meters.
Level 10: Lightning causes 10 meters squared of AoE damage. Lightning deals 8d20 damage.
Level 1: -20 to Combustionbend. Combustion deals 1d12 damage.
Level 2: -18 to Combustionbend.
Level 3: -16 to Combustionbend. Combustion deals 2d14 damage.
Level 4: -14 to Combustionbend. Combustion deals 4d20 damage.
Level 5: -12 to Combustionbend.
Level 6: -8 to Combustionbend. Combustion deals 5d20 damage.
Level 7: -4 to Combustionbend. Combustion deals 10d20 damage. Value of Wisdom modifier is doubled for all Combustion rolls.
Level 8: No penalty to Combustionbend.
Level 9: +2 to Combustionbend.
Level 10: Combustion deals 15d20 damage.

Level 1: May Airbend. Use Dexterity and Wisdom Modifiers divided by two (rounded down) for Attack or Ability Rolls. -12 penalty to Airbend.
Level 2: -6 penalty to Airbend.
Level 3: No penalty to Airbend.
Level 4: +2 to Airbend, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +4 AC.
Level 5: +4 to Airbend, +3 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom. +15 to Jump Rolls, +4 AC.
Level 6: +6 to Airbend, +5 Dexterity, +5 Wisdom, +15 to Jump Rolls, +10 Movement Speed, +4 AC. Henceforth use Dexterity and Wisdom Modifiers divided by two (rounded up) for Attack or Ability Rolls.
Level 7: Movement speed doubled.
Level 8: +8 to Airbend, 5+ Dexterity, +5 Wisdom, +8 AC.
Level 9: Flight Unlocked.
Level 10: +12 to Airbend, +5 Dexterity, +5 Wisdom. Double dice for all Airbending-related rolls. No longer need to divide modifiers.

Level 1: Flight is possible at 10km/h. Max altitude is 40 meters.
Level 2: Flight is possible at 15km/h.
Level 3: Flight is possible at 20km/h.
Level 4: Flight is possible at 25km/h. Max altitude is 100 meters.
Level 5: Flight is possible at 35km/h. Max altitude is 150 meters.
Level 6: Flight is possible at 75km/h.
Level 7: Flight is possible at 80km/h. Max altitude is 200 meters.
Level 8: Flight is possible at 85km/h. Max altitude is 250 meters.
Level 9: Flight is possible at 120km/h.
Level 10: Flight is possible at 150km/h. Max altitude is 500 meters.

Level 1: May Energybend. -19 to Energybending.
Level 2: -16 penalty to Energybending.
Level 3: -12 penalty to Energybending.
Level 4: -8 penalty to Energybending.
Level 5: -4 penalty to Energybending.
Level 6: No penalty to Energybending.
Level 7: +2 to Energybending.
Level 8: +4 to Energybending.
Level 9: +6 to Energybending.
Level 10: +10 to Energybending, +10 Wisdom.

Martial Arts & Combat Styles:
Chi Blocking:
Level 1: May Chiblock. Use Strength Modifier. -6 to Chiblocking. Chiblocking deals 1d5 damage and causes temporary (1 minute) paralysis of one, chosen bodypart; it also blocks bending.
Level 2: -4 penalty to Chiblocking.
Level 3: -2 penalty to Chiblocking.
Level 4: No penalty to Chiblocking. Chiblocking deals 1d10 damage and lasts 3 minutes.
Level 5: +4 to Chiblocking, +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity.
Level 6: +6 to Chiblocking, +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity.
Level 7: +6 to Chiblocking. Chiblocking deals 1d15 damage and lasts 5 minutes.
Level 8: +8 to Chiblocking. Chiblocking deals 1d20 damage and lasts 10 minutes.
Level 9: Chiblocking's anti-Bending properties last twice longer than the paralysis. Chiblocking may be used on the whole body in one round.
Level 10: Chiblocking deals 1d30 damage and lasts 20 minutes.

Bending Scroll Gains: (1d100 roll)
1-10: 10 TP.
11-20: 14 TP.
21-30: 18 TP.
31-50: 24 TP.
51-70: 32 TP.
71-84: 40 TP.
85-95: 80 TP.
96-100: Rare Technique.

Ambition System

Long-Term Ambitions: Take years to complete and are important goals to the character. Fulfilling them grants awesome rewards and failing them has lasting consequences.
Mid-Term Ambitions: Take from a month to a year to complete. They grant medium but decent rewards and have unimposing consequences.
Short-Term Ambitions: Take days to weeks to complete. Small rewards, but equally low risk.

Ambition Slots
You gain 1 Ambition Slot to every type of Ambition every 10 levels.
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[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

I also want Korra's successor. Earth native.
[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

I love Aang, and I love Korra, but I'd rather try to live up to them than try to be them. Plus, how else are we supposed to be the Dark Avatar, reincarnation of Unalaq with Vaatu beating in our soul
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[x] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)
@Birdsie - when exactly will our custom Avatar be, in the cycle?
You get to choose.

In fact, you get to choose your Element, birthplace (ie: Northern or Southern Watertribe? Or the Swamp people!?), age when you are born (Sozin's time? Ie: replace Roku? Or maybe replace Aang? Replace Korra? After Korra? In between?)
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[X] [Avatar] Character Creation. (Non-Canon.)

I want bonebending. Does it exist? Not yet. Is it metal as fuck. Yes.
Level 6: +6 to Earthbend, +5 Strength, +5 Constitution, +6 AC. Henceforth use Dexterity and Constitution modifiers divided by two (rounded up) for Attack or Ability Rolls.
I think you mean Strenght and Constitution modifiers here.
Level 8: +2 Wisdom. May redirect Lightning.
This seems too high, redirecting is a trick even people who can't bend lightning at all can learn.
Maybe give it a different entry requirement than a high level of Firebending, like high WIS and CON or theoretical knowledge of Waterbending, like Iroh had when he invented the trick?
I want bonebending. Does it exist? Not yet. Is it metal as fuck. Yes.
Bones are full of calcium. Calcium is a mineral salt. Salt is a rock. Rock is earth.

I guess you can create an extreme Earthbending power if you want, but it will take a lot of training and research rolls.
I think you mean Strenght and Constitution modifiers here.

This seems too high, redirecting is a trick even people who can't bend lightning at all can learn.
Maybe give it a different entry requirement than a high level of Firebending, like high WIS and CON or theoretical knowledge of Waterbending, like Iroh had when he invented the trick?
Thanks for pointing it out. I was writing it at 1AM, so I am a bit justified.

Also, good idea with the Lightning. I'll make it a Waterbending theoretical technique that can be applied outside of Waterbending.
Quick! Think of the the things we could do with the various bending techniques! Silicon Bending!(Looking at you, Shatterbird)
Hey, remember in Fullmetal Alchemist where Greed arranged the carbon molecules in his body into a form of graphene armor?

Carbon's a form of Earth.

Look, all I'm saying is-