Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

The Kaskadan Syndicate rolls out their new high-capacity communication relay and somewhat irritated technicians quickly install the part, finally bringing online the stupid relay.
lol, that little 300 point project certainly turned out to be worth a lot of trouble.

Next I think we should do a recruitment drive for Heavy Industry since that's our worst section in terms of dice bonus but yet also one of our most important and busiest sections. Then Advanced Industry, then Security, and finishing with Infrastructure.

Quarians I'm not really sure of since that's a pretty large ES cost. Depends on if we decide to have Nil'Zannis take a second contract. If we're not, I say go for it. If we are, I say wait until the start of the second contract.
One thing we could try to do is complete a bunch of stuff like 75%.

Then finish them in the next contract.
My thoughts are to work on getting Es, and focus on low cost options, and spend 6 Dice(4 admin + 2 Free) on recruitment drives. (3 per infra, 3 heavy) (120 Resources). So 120 of the resources towards recruitment drives, which would leave 100 Resources for the Rest, then 2 dice on the spire which would take 30 resources. So 70 resources for the rest of the options.

Since we dont wont to overfulfill the contract, So going hard into expansions would make sense. :p

Prelim plan:
[] Building the Team
2/3 Free Dice
Heavy Industry: 1/3 D (+5) 15 R
-[] Secondary Artificial Biome Cluster Site
--[ ] Peak 11 (Progress: 202/250 - 15 Resources per die) (Domain Ecological Services: +1F) 1 D
Advanced Industry 2/3 D (+15) 25 R
-[ ] Dedicated Computation Cluster
--[ ] Astra Financial (Progress: 65/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Astra Financial: +1P, +1F) 1 D
-[ ] Peak 12 Munitions Plant 1 D
(Progress: 129/200 - 10 Resources per die)
(Abec Territorial Ordinance: +1P, +2F)
Infastructure 2/3 D (+25) 30 R
-[ ] NDC Corporate Spire 2 Dice
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+10 ES)
Security 1/4 D (+7) 35 R
-[ ] Corporate Defence Satellites 1 D
(Progress: 128/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-10 ES)
Administration 4/4 D (+10) 120 R
-[ ] Recruitment Drive
--[ ] Heavy Industry (20 Resources per die) (+1 Heavy Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait) 2+1 Free D 60 R
--[ ] Infrastructure (20 Resources per die) (+1 Infrastructure Dice) (Chance for new trait) 2+1 Free D 60 R

225/230 Resources

So With 2 Dice on Spire (since that's the only +ES Option), and 1 Dice on every in progress thing we did for this plan we have 5 Resources to work with, which is enough for 1 Dice in Audit, Or Routine Emergency Drills.
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This might be radical and unhinged, but what if
We engage in a little long-term development
Like, we do stuff that happens beyond the quarter
Probably too dangerous a proposal…
I dunno man, this seems like it will set higher expectations in the next contract, which means you'll have to work harder (bad) and spend more money (bad) to achieve the same level of praise (bad) and I'm not totally convinced there's a profit incentive for it...
Also, OOC, the Reapers are gonna try to eat the galaxy in about, oh, 3-4 years, so the civilization-altering impact from that is likely to make Noveria, well, a very different place, one way or the other.

And get promoted into the higher position that turns out to be unsuitable for our abilities.
Ehhh, we're a quarian. I don't think we have to worry about being promoted too fast.

Right, if we can't bury it it's too dangerous and takes too much effort anyways
wen options to take a vacation or snort space cocaine hosting a branchwide party in addition to the usual contract renewal scheming
Again, quarian. We live in a sealed environmental suit, probably not much of a party animal.
Also, OOC, the Reapers are gonna try to eat the galaxy in about, oh, 3-4 years, so the civilization-altering impact from that is likely to make Noveria, well, a very different place, one way or the other.
If I remember correctly in Mass Effect 3 Noveria was in the background, but it had importance. While it might not seem like it given how we have to clean up their messes, Noveria is the location of some of the best and most advanced research labs in the galaxy. So they worked constantly to try and give everyone some sort of edge against the Reapers. Which also made them a target for Cerberus strike teams.
Not sure why the NDC haven't come out and say it - maybe they think it goes without saying?
Corporate could not foresee that the Geth would be at it all year.

Seems weird that the only ones talking about it are the quarians - according to the report, they weren't the only ones who actually got inside, so surely the STG found something?
Yikes, people in-universe aren't going to like the news about Indoctrination.
Executive Board drops dozens of candidates who used to belong to the Traverse Sentry Groups' administration department right into your lap, claiming that they were pretty much the cream of the crop of that group, but weren't all needed thanks to the merger.
Well, at least the bosses care, and that secretary trait is a massive benefit.
Do wonder how that mission actually played out with some Quarians present, and I don't mean simply the results...

Anyways, have noticed with data security there's one company wanting a revision and another wanting them loosened. Feels like taking that might make one of them upset.

Might also want to finish the defense sattalites, though there is the whole ES concern...
Do wonder how that mission actually played out with some Quarians present, and I don't mean simply the results...
I imagine the squads survived, but it was a bit of a clown fiesta for Shepard to corral them into a cohesive unit. Then there's the shock of all the data they could uncover which makes things trivial easy with Quarians there, but it doesn't lessen the horror of Indoctrination technology.

[ ] Ireme Kioka
Once, Ireme Kioka served as the representative of a hanar free trader. With his blessing, however, she came to take on more and more of his responsibilities, eventually supplanting him completely. With his eventual passing, she moved into staff management for the Traverse Sentry Group, and was headhunted from there by the NDC. Despite her illness, Miss Kioka is a relentlessly positive individual, and claims to be blessed with good fortune - a claim her record does little to diminish.
  • Good Fortune - Miss Kioka seems to possess a supernatural luck inexplicable by the whims of fate, and the cookie has crumbled in her favour more than once. Kioka scores Critical Successes on rolls of 99 and 100.
  • Corporate Administrator - With a history in the business, first as a secretary and then as a manager, Miss Kioka can push pencils with the best of them. Kioka has a primary bonus to Administration dice and a secondary bonus to Security dice.
  • Gossip Girl - Miss Kioka knows better than most just how much power secretaries wield, and takes pains to network closely with them, taking their secrets for her own. She can leverage this blackmail material to amplify gains or diminish losses to corporate favour.
  • Kepral's Syndrome - There is no known cure for Kepral's Syndrome, but even in the most severe of cases, the symptoms can be managed with regular treatments and sufficient rest. For the sake of her health and wellbeing, Miss Kioka must dedicate less time to her job than other candidates. Kioka has one less free die.

One of the possible characters from the intro.
Hm, a female Drell secretary. The management team is certainly shaping up to be exotic.
Probably also reporting on us to the Board but that's just expected.
If I remember correctly in Mass Effect 3 Noveria was in the background, but it had importance. While it might not seem like it given how we have to clean up their messes, Noveria is the location of some of the best and most advanced research labs in the galaxy. So they worked constantly to try and give everyone some sort of edge against the Reapers. Which also made them a target for Cerberus strike teams.

In Mass Effect 3, Cerberus has at least one fighter base on the planet, and presumably their grubby little fingers are embedded in several pies around Port Hanshan. The Salarians parked a fleet on it because it's the midway point between Reaper-controlled Alliance space and their own Union space, and also so they could protect Noveria which, yeah, was presumably devoting a lot of research to the war effort in various ways.

Do wonder how that mission actually played out with some Quarians present, and I don't mean simply the results...
I imagine the squads survived, but it was a bit of a clown fiesta for Shepard to corral them into a cohesive unit. Then there's the shock of all the data they could uncover which makes things trivial easy with Quarians there, but it doesn't lessen the horror of Indoctrination technology.

Better, for the most part.

Thanks you you tipping off the Migrant Fleet, the ground teams were supplemented by a force of quarian commandos, and the salarians didn't need to rip their ship's drive core out to rig as a bomb. The ground teams blasted through the geth resistance, knocked out the AA guns and the signal jammer, looted everything they could carry, and bugged out as the Flotilla Cruiser Prismoid walked a volley of mass driver fire back and forth over the complex. The assault wasn't exactly perfectly coordinated, no, but splitting the geth across three fronts instead of two made things easier for everyone, especially considering the geth on one of those fronts were up against veteran quarian geth-hunters.

The salarians are likely to send in some follow up teams to see if there's anything left - the facility was extremely well fortified and at least partly subterranean, after all. But the quarians don't much care about that - they won't tell Nil'Zannis much about what they found, but they got what they wanted, and made friends with the STG and a Spectre along the way, so they're pretty happy.
Faith threw 8 2-faced dice. Reason: Losing Favour Total: 12
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
Faith threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Shenanigans Total: 1
1 1
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Better, for the most part.

Thanks you you tipping off the Migrant Fleet, the ground teams were supplemented by a force of quarian commandos, and the salarians didn't need to rip their ship's drive core out to rig as a bomb. The ground teams blasted through the geth resistance, knocked out the AA guns and the signal jammer, looted everything they could carry, and bugged out as the Flotilla Cruiser Prismoid walked a volley of mass driver fire back and forth over the complex. The assault wasn't exactly perfectly coordinated, no, but splitting the geth across three fronts instead of two made things easier for everyone, especially considering the geth on one of those fronts were up against veteran quarian geth-hunters.

The salarians are likely to send in some follow up teams to see if there's anything left - the facility was extremely well fortified and at least partly subterranean, after all. But the quarians don't much care about that - they won't tell Nil'Zannis much about what they found, but they got what they wanted, and made friends with the STG and a Spectre along the way, so they're pretty happy.
Guess Shepard didn't have to make a choice and both Ashley and Kaiden are still alive. And more of Kirrahe's team made it out.
Any chances that the Quarian team included Kal'Reegar?
looted everything they could carry, and bugged out as the Flotilla Cruiser Prismoid walked a volley of mass driver fire back and forth over the complex.
Hmm, a little concerned that they don't know the dangers of what went on here, but I'll assume everything they got is in quarantine.
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Turn 9 - 2183-09
I have no excuse for being late except this:


There were a lot of strange and salacious rumours about the drell amongst the quarians - the geth uprising and subsequent flight of the quarians predated the drell's arrival on the galactic scene by around a century, and the wisdom of the revered ancestors had to be built piece by piece as pilgrims trickled home.

They were rumoured to be brilliant dancers and singers, entertainers of the highest order, and particularly the pilgrim-aged quarians used to joke about their sexual prowess and their hallucogenic kisses. Stereotypes of handsome brooding men and beautiful but petite women lingered in every darkened hold.

In the few weeks you've known her, Ireme Kioka has not lived up to any of those stereotypes. Sharply dressed and professional in bearing, with a glint in her eye that reminds you of the sharpest of corporate lawyers, you immediately had the sense she was here to do more than just sort your paperwork. Even the rebreather at her hip, a high-quality model with custom fittings, did little to convince you she was as helpless as the stereotypes suggested.

After an initial, terse conversation in which you explained how capable your VI was of doing her job for you, she had nodded, smiled politely, and asked if your VI had told you that Vivve Shalesta had only gotten her place as Synthetic Insight's new manager by sleeping with a member of the company's executive board, a secret she was trying desperately to keep hidden. She then added that if she wasn't going to be needed to sort your emails, she was going to go make some more 'friends' at the sushi restaurant in the corporate sector, and that she'd call you later.

Ever since, she has bothered to attend your office only for an hour every morning, and whenever you have meetings scheduled. Nonetheless, you swear you can feel her hands at work, as everything starts to go ever so slightly smoother. Instead of chasing down managers to complain about late rental payments, they come to you, to flatter you and insincerely apologise and then segue into talking about whatever new project they want you to fund for them. Which… isn't great, but it's progress, you guess.


Resources Banked: 16
Resource Income: 227 - 12 (Favour) = 215
Total Resources Available: 16 + 215 = 231

Cargo Capacity: +18 (Massive Surplus)
Network Capacity: +22 (Significant Surplus)
Power Capacity: +5 (Minor Surplus)
Housing Capacity: +17 (Minor Surplus)

Executive Support: 50

Port Hanshan66n/a
Narhu Combine223
Noveria Now223
Sannovi Industrial223
Synthetic Insights333
Tevura Media Group113
Abec Territorial Ordinance111
Elanus Risk Control Services221
Hassan Atomics111
Jaeto Investigations111
Kaskadan Syndicate111
Korten Machines331
Baria Frontiers110
Dora'vua Cyber Systems110
Itavan Skyworks110
Kantor Robotics220
Long Winter Studios330
Solemni & Olde110
The Preni Group110
Tiber Extraction And Refining110
Astra Finanical10-1
Domain Ecological Services0-1-1
Epherea Biomedical10-1
Nezo Aerospace21-1
Ahial Syndicate10-2

Quota Target: 80 >> 92 Profitability
Quota Progress: 11/12 ( 92% )

Free Dice: 3
Facilities & Key Staff
Secretary Kioka: Once per turn, add +1F to any Corporation targeted by any action that turn

Heavy Industry (3D, +5 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Glacial Fusion Plant
Fuel-efficient and climate friendly, fusion power plants are the standard for developing and developed worlds across civilised space. By burying the fusion plant deep within Noveria's frozen glaciers, they and the limited radioactive waste they produce can be safely and securely contained away from more densely populated areas, and without ruining the view as more economical renewable generators would.
(Progress: 172/300 - 20 Resources per die) (+16 Power)
(Hassan Atomics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Destructive Testing Range
For all the power and sophistication of computer modelling and simulations, it is difficult for them to surpass the level of realism of reality itself. But live testing, especially of vehicles and weapon systems, can often lead to significant damage. Little more than a series of hardened walls to contain blasts and stop speeding debris, dedicated destructive testing ranges give engineers a place to cut loose and put their prototypes through thorough testing without endangering their neighbours.
-[ ] Peak 12 (Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Abec Territorial Ordinance: +1P, +1F)*
*Bonuses only apply on completion of Peak 12 Munitions Plant
-[ ] Peak 22 (Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Kantor Robotics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Secondary Artificial Biome Cluster Site
Before an artificial biome can be created, with its own atmosphere mixing stations and climate control systems, a container for that biome must be created. These facilities are, by necessity, relatively large, and as such require substantial land clearing. Additionally, Noveria's extreme temperatures necessitate a high degree of environmental hardening to ensure the artificial biome is not adversely affected by outside weather.
-[ ] Peak 11 (Progress: 202/250 - 15 Resources per die) (Domain Ecological Services: +1F)
-[ ] Peak 44 (Progress: 0/250 - 15 Resources per die) (The Preni Group: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Lower Hanshan Commercial Manufacturing
The majority of Noverian-manufactured consumer goods are novelty clothing, snow globes, winter-sports equipment, and snowbounders - goods appropriate for the holiday-goers and long-stay tourists common in the resort cities, but less appropriate for the corporate staff living full time on the planet. Creating local manufacturing for things like furniture, clothing, and home computer terminals would help cut living expenses in Port Hanshan - particularly for the city's small but growing labor, retail and service underclass.
UPDATE: Long Winter Studios, of all people, have thrown their support behind this project, citing difficulties in procuring more mundane props due to shipping and cargo handling fees.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (-2 Cargo, -2 Housing)
(Long Winter Studios: +1F)

[ ] Lower Hanshan Platinum Refinery
With approval granted for development work on the Horuvak Valley Platinum Mine, Tiber has moved in to perform proper site surveys and establish their operations. Per the terms of the agreement, the construction and handling of the mine itself is entirely their problem. However, metal refining is not something you can or are willing to outsource, so that is something that must construct yourself. The Lower Hanshan sector would be an ideal place for such a thing, with easy access to the mine site and the spaceport, and far from the view of Port Hanshan's egotistical white-collar residents.
(Progress: 0/250 - 15 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (-8 Cargo, -2 Housing, -4 Power)
(Tiber Extraction And Refining: +2P, +1F)

Advanced Industry (3D, +15 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Dedicated Computation Cluster
Personal or desk scale computation and data storage devices are both cheap and widely accessible galaxy-wide. However, as has been the case for centuries, there is a cost to miniaturisation. Dedicated room-scale hardware has always had an advantage in processing speed and power, from antique server racks to modern quantum supercomputers. Installing some computation clusters within Port Hanshan's office complexes and renting them out could prove mutually beneficial.
-[ ] Astra Financial (Progress: 65/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Astra Financial: +1P, +1F)
-[ ] Dora'vua Cyber Systems (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Dora'vua Cyber Systems: +1P, +1F)
-[ ] Itavan Skyworks (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Itavan Skyworks: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Prototyping Workshop
For all the power and sophistication of computer modelling and simulations, it is difficult for them to surpass the level of realism of reality itself. But producing prototypes only to find minor issues that require the reproduction of components or even the entire system is a source of constant frustration. Many designers prefer actual workshops, so that minor adjustments can be made swiftly and in direct response to problems that arise during the prototyping and testing phase without requiring constant digital redesigning.
-[ ] Peak 09 (Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Ahial Syndicate: +1P)

[ ] Peak 7 Vertical Farm
The keyle moss has a number of properties that makes it highly appealing as an ingredient in a variety of pharmacological products. Epherea Biomedical believes that recent advances in artificial environment technology would make it viable to grow the plant on-site, which would both save on import costs and potentially allow for greater stockpiles to devote to research.
(Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die)
(Epherea Biomedical: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Peak 12 Munitions Plant
Increasingly strict Citadel laws regarding the mass manufacture of explosives, for any purpose, have forced Abec Territorial Ordinance to distribute their manufacturing capabilities, and Noveria, given its reputation, was identified as an ideal site for one of their new plants. They intend to use the site to manufacture lower-yield tactical charges for militaries and private military contractors,
(Progress: 129/200 - 10 Resources per die)
(Abec Territorial Ordinance: +1P, +2F)

Infrastructure (3D, +25 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Expanded Distributed Windworks
Noveria's weather and the terrain of the Skadi Mountains means that there are many, many valleys near Port Hanshan suitable for the deployment of distributed wind farms. Cheap, dependable, and clean, they're an ideal source of power, and distributing generation across multiple areas has benefits of its own. With additional logistics lines laid out to Peak 12, the potential exists to roll out a few more turbines and eke a little more power from the wind.
(Progress: 0/100 - 15 Resources per die) (+4 Power)

[ ] NDC Corporate Spire
Original designs for Port Hanshan had the majority of NDC office complexes, whether they were related to Port Hanshan's governance or not, located within Port Hanshan's Corporate Sector not far from your office. But the NDC expanded rapidly as their resort cities became huge and highly prestigious moneymakers, so the administration team expanded to match. Whilst Port Hanshan had and still has no shortage of office space, the Executive Board believes it would be better for the NDC's image and for their worker's sense of unity if they were brought together under one roof again, in an office spire dedicated solely for that purpose, built over the old NDC offices.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+10 ES)

[ ] Lower Hanshan Clinics
Though most of Lower Hanshan's reserved spaces are for stores, gyms, restaurants, and other commercial and retail services that should happily move along to fill the void of their own accord, healthcare is one service the NDC believes it is directly responsible for providing. Constructing a clinic operating under similar principles to the Hanshan Medical Centre above, and allowing Baria Frontiers to tag along, would help preempt any medical issues in the district and mend relations at the same time.
(Progress: 0/125 - 15 Resources per die) (+Port Hanshan Livability)
(Baria Frontiers: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Kaskadan Branch Office
The Kaskadan Syndicate have been running out of a small set of offices since their initial arrival, with just enough office staff to manage paychecks and orders for the Hanshan Processor and Microframe plant. The group is now looking to expand into a larger set of offices and use Noveria as a financial and administrative centre for operations throughout the Traverse, making use of generous corporate freedoms to dodge annoying Citadel taxes and fees.
(Progress: 0/125 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Network, -1 Housing)
(Kaskadan Syndicate: +1P, +1F)

[ ] LWS Dedicated Media Link
Increasing network traffic, and the loss of the offsite auxiliary relay near their Peak 28 studio, have left Long Winter Studios facing longer and longer upload times over slower and more congested connections. They have requested a dedicated media link like those used by some of Port Hanshan's more data-focused customers to improve their network stability.
(Progress: 0/100 - 10 Resources per die) (-2 Network, -1 Power)
(Long Winter Studios: +1F)

Security (4D, +7 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Mandatory Audit (Targets 1 Corporation)
In addition to the physical security staff provided by ERCS, the NDC has access to a suite of in-house corporate assessors, auditors, and investigators, trained to dig out corruption, noncompliance, and assorted chicanery wherever it takes root. Sending them after a company ensures that the appropriate rental fees and taxes are being paid, promptly and without any shenanigans.
(Breakpoints: 20 / 60 - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, negative corporate favour does not reduce income.) (Reduces risk of Corruption / Shenanigans)
(Target: -1F)

[ ] Corporate Defence Satellites
There are only a few major stations in Noveria's orbit. In addition to the standard comm buoys, that is. Itavan Skyworks and Narhu Combine maintain a starship service station, the Tevura Media Group runs an orbital hotel for the wealthy and influential, and of course the NDC Head Office is aboard the luxury station Profit's Retreat. Which means that there's plenty of room for the installation of defence satellites. The realities of space combat make actual dedicated combat stations impractical, but a satellite network armed with sensor arrays and GARDIAN laser batteries could provide security of the tripwire variety. The Executive Board believes this kind of development would be too far a divergence from their intended aesthetics, although they admit that, given recent events in the Traverse, it may be warranted.
(Progress: 128/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-10 ES)

[ ] Routine Emergency Drills
Prior negligence has made it clear to the NDC that not everyone on Noveria is taking their security as seriously as they should be, even if recent events caused them to shape up. Regular but unscheduled security drills should ensure that the various corporations continue to do their part in keeping everyone safe should the worst happen. Also, watching the corporate types scurry like rats when Matsuo lights a fire under their ass is kind of fun.
(Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die)

[ ] Corporate Security Review (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst Port Hanshan can submit to standard security standards with minimal risk, the corporate facilities around Port Hanshan have far more specific risk vectors that must be addressed directly. ERCS professionals should be sent to perform detailed reviews and generate new security plans specific to the corporate client in question.
(Progress: 0/100 - 10 Resources per die) (May unlock Security Revision actions)
(Target: +1F)

[ ] Lower Hanshan Law Enforcement Office
The actual opening of Lower Hanshan to public passage means that it is now necessary to perform standard law enforcement activities there. Whilst there are more than enough security staff on site to manage, the distance from Lower Hanshan to existing infrastructure makes it a difficult prospect for those forces to efficiently police anything. Creating a new office within Lower Hanshan to base operations from would be of great use in maintaining law and order, especially in the district most likely to disrupt those things.
(Progress: 0/125 - 15 Resources per die) (+10 ES) (+Port Hanshan Livability)
(ERCS: +1P, +1F)

Administration (4D, +10 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Internal Sweeping (Targets 1 Department)
The NDC may occupy a place of privilege on Noveria, but the fate of your all-too-recent predecessor is a reminder that it is not immune to corruption. With some help from the NDC's Internal Affairs division, you can sweep a department to search for embezzlement, ineptitude, nepotism, and other forms of corruption. It's unlikely that much, if any, corruption remains after Anoleis was removed - and any who escaped notice the first time are likely to be keeping their heads down low for a short while anyway - but it never hurts to check.
UPDATE: With your VI monitoring the networks for any sorts of mischief, identifying and monitoring corruption is much easier and much less likely to devolve into a tangled mess.
UPDATE: Your rapport with the Infrastructure department is such that, whether out of respect or genuine satisfaction with their current status, they will refuse to engage in meaningful corruption. The Infrastructure Department is not a valid target for this action.
(Breakpoints: 40 - Requires 1 Admin dice and 1 from Target department) (Remove corruption, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Firearm Regulation Revision
Port Hanshan maintains a strict policy of prohibiting possession of firearms or firearm components for all parties, with exceptions for on-duty security staff and, by decree of the Executive Board, Spectre agents of the Citadel Council. Though information about the geth attack on Noveria was widely suppressed, news of geth incursions across the Traverse continues to spread, and some are calling for weapon restrictions to be loosened to enable self-defence.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Data Security Law Revision
Noveria was founded and built on the principle of privacy being paramount. By the terms of the colonial charter, all data is to be treated as the private and inviolate property of the responsible parties. Whilst this is obviously preferred by many of the corporations who have established operations, the deliberately sweeping law makes the personal data of individuals equally secure, which makes data harvesting, content targeting, and behavioural analysis relatively difficult.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Recruitment Drive
By tapping into the vast corporate network the NDC has access to and making it known that opportunities exist, a number of skilled workers, white and blue collar both, can be brought to Noveria and slotted into the workforce. Additional hands will increase the amount of work a given department can do at one time, and with luck (and a big enough recruitment budget), you may be able to headhunt some of the best workers from around the galaxy to fill the ranks.
UPDATE: By leveraging his own reputation and contacts within the Migrant Fleet, Nil'Zannis may be able to attract quarian workers, allowing the NDC to benefit from their technical skills just as they benefit from the NDC's wealth and prestige.
(Breakpoints: 60 / 90 / ???)
-[ ] Heavy Industry (20 Resources per die) (+1 Heavy Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Advanced Industry (20 Resources per die) (+1 Advanced Industry Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Infrastructure (20 Resources per die) (+1 Infrastructure Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Security (20 Resources per die) (+1 Security Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Administration (30 Resources per die) (+1 Administration Dice) (Chance for new trait)
-[ ] Quarians (15 Resources per die) (-15 ES) (Chance for new trait)

[ ] Secretary Kioka

-[ ] Target


As per usual, it's chatting and asking and planning time. Vote isn't open yet but let's say it can open in 8ish hours.

Don't forget to throw Kioka at people!
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forgot table of corps?
other then that i am not sure who too trow our new asset on?

would like more +1die for stuff.
nothing feels real urgent right now so lets spread some points around then?