Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Faith on Jun 15, 2022 at 7:46 AM, finished with 16 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Infrastructure Recruiting, Tank To Binary Helix's face.
    -[X] Peak 68 Turbine Manufacturing Plant (Phase 3) (C) Dal Fon 12R
    -[X] Glacial Hydro Plant (C) 2D 50R
    -[X] Fulmari Logistics Automated Warehouse (C) 3D 60R
    -[X] Southern Hanshan Commercial Manufacturing 3D 45R
    -[X] Southern Hanshan Personal Electronics Plant (Phase 3) (C) 2D 60R
    -[X] Peak 94 Hydroponics Centre (Phase 4) (C) 2D 60R
    -[X] Peak 07 Biomedical Research Lab (C) 5D 100R
    -[X] Expanded ERCS Training Compound (C) 2D 30R
    -[X] Greater Hanshan Education Centre (C) 4D 80R
    -[X] NSID Investigation
    -[X] Binary Helix
    -[X] Recruitment Drive
    --[X] Infrastructure (40 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (+1 Infrastructure Dice) (Chance for new trait) 5D 200R
    -[X] Secretary Kioka
    --[X] Fulmari Logistics
    -[X] Nomi'Laasal vas Sako
    --[X] Expanded ERCS Training Compound (C)
    -[X] Dal Fon
    --[X] Peak 68 Turbine Manufacturing Plant (Phase 3) (C) 12R
    [X] Binary Helix, Power & Medicine
oke i`ll do that then

edit: assuming that bad unless i hear otherwise

Good news!

We roll d100s, so your d6 roll isn't actually relevant!

Edit: I think I'll avoid rolling ever again, jesus.

Edit2: Over 200 points below average, plus the Biomed is barely incomplete, plus a nat1.
Walliseatscheese threw 8 100-faced dice. Total: 352
73 73 21 21 64 64 23 23 36 36 48 48 34 34 53 53
Walliseatscheese threw 9 100-faced dice. Total: 385
50 50 68 68 24 24 94 94 62 62 5 5 17 17 30 30 35 35
Walliseatscheese threw 6 100-faced dice. Total: 258
1 1 91 91 6 6 91 91 7 7 62 62
Walliseatscheese threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 185
58 58 93 93 31 31 3 3
Walliseatscheese threw 5 100-faced dice. Total: 222
94 94 25 25 74 74 27 27 2 2
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Peak 68 Turbine Manufacturing Plant (Phase 3) (C) Dal Fon 12R 300
Glacial Hydro Plant (C) 2D 50R Bonus +44 138/350
Fulmari Logistics Automated Warehouse (C) 3D 60R Bonus +66 189/250
Southern Hanshan Commercial Manufacturing 3D 45R Bonus +51 281/300
Southern Hanshan Personal Electronics Plant (Phase 3)
(C) 2D 60R Bonus +60 278/250
Peak 94 Hydroponics Centre (Phase 4) (C) 2D 60R Bonus +60 192/250
Peak 07 Biomedical Research Lab (C) 5D 100R Bonus +150 394/400
Expanded ERCS Training Compound (C) 2D 30R Bunus +103 195/200
Greater Hanshan Education Centre
(C) 4D 80R Bonus +156 322/300
NSID Investigation Binary Helix Bonus +28 213
Recruitment Drive Infrastructure 5D 200R Bonus +50 272

Now I know you all want good news, so we'll start woth the bad.

Crit fail but progress in the auto complete. Could mean anything, and no advisor bonus to blunt the negative impact like last turn.

+2 profit

Good news now

BM Lab is set to auto complete. Hopefully the Labs are functional enough for them to get to work.

The last 3 all completed, which is good for our liveability, Plans for Binary Helix, and we earned the new Infrastucture advisor.
Good news now

BM Lab is set to auto complete. Hopefully the Labs are functional enough for them to get to work.

The last 3 all completed, which is good for our liveability, Plans for Binary Helix, and we earned the new Infrastucture advisor.
not the best of turns, but it's survivable.

Now we only still need a security expansion and we're done... unless we want to continue expanding to get more dice, but It's probably not worth it.

With Security costing less than other expansions, AND lots of cheap actions to choose from, it should be easy to fit it in.

On a secondary note, I still hope we'll take the lung treatment action, because I'm still hoping for an effect on the main plot through Thane.
On a secondary note, I still hope we'll take the lung treatment action, because I'm still hoping for an effect on the main plot through Thane.
It's set to auto complete. I don't handle the research, I just build the labs. It would be better if we had over success, but It was 4 AM for me when the call for rolls came, so I missed the oppertunity. 2 crit fails in a row stings. I'll give any related projects priority.
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It's set to auto complete. I don't handle the research, I just build the labs. It would be better if we had over success, but It was 4 AM for me when the call for rolls came, so I missed the oppertunity. 2 crit fails in a row stings. I'll give any related projects priority. bad, for some reason I was COMPLETELY CONVINCED that we didn't go for that action :rofl: bad, for some reason I was COMPLETELY CONVINCED that we didn't go for that action :rofl:
originally it wasnt going for it then the QM brought up that Kioka has been rolling death rolls the entire time, Benefiting from it. I personally could care less for grabbing it to affect the plot (over equally valid/Better options) However I'm all for going for a project to stop our Key Staff from Dying.
originally it wasnt going for it then the QM brought up that Kioka has been rolling death rolls the entire time, Benefiting from it. I personally could care less for grabbing it to affect the plot (over equally valid/Better options) However I'm all for going for a project to stop our Key Staff from Dying.
I completely forgot Kioka suffers from Kepral, I actually didn't get what the Kioka post was about :p
And the beginning of her midroll interlude has her visiting hospital about it, although I don't recall if it was directly namedropped.
Whats important is we are addressing it now. Hopefully the research can start with the current result and complete in half a year or so with special attention.
Not in remission, just getting worse at a slower rate. Six months was "a not insignificant increase to her estimated lifespan"
Yeah, Kepral doesn't simply "get better". You can, at best, slow down the progression. Mostly by staying in dry places.

Hopefully this project will make a difference, both for her and for Thane.
Turn 31 - 2185-07 Results (Part 1)
[ ] Peak 68 Turbine Manufacturing Plant (Phase 3) (C)
Kibess Power Systems is a hanar-owned corporation whose primary focus is on sustainable non-nuclear energy generation. As the providers of Noveria's many, many distributed windwork storm turbines, they have offered to expand their manufacturing with a Noverian plant for the dedicated construction of storm turbines and glacial hydroelectric systems for the NDC's use at Port Hanshan and elsewhere across Noveria.
(Progress: 300/300 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Kibess Power Systems: +1P, +1F)

Dal Fon is more than happy to supervise the finalisation of construction at Peak 68, even leaving his office and waddling down to the site to personally inspect things on more than one occasion. The expenses report you receive on project completion is, perhaps, a bit greater than you'd have expected from such a small amount of work, but you can't fault the man for preparing to retire - it's not like you're not doing the same thing almost every chance you get, after all.

[ ] Glacial Hydro Plant (C)
Some of Noveria's glaciers, particularly those used as thermal shields for Hassan's nuclear reactors, generate significant water runoff during Noveria's warmer seasons. Currently, this water runs down into the valleys and is eventually evaporated or absorbed by the ground - Kibess Power Systems engineers believe they may be able to construct facilities to intercept that runoff and turn it into a new source of power, one more efficient and reliable than the wind turbines.
(Progress: 138/350 - 25 Resources per die) (+14 Power)
(Kibess Power Systems: +1P)

The second glacial hydro plant, like the first, is to be constructed not particularly far from one of Hassan Atomics' Glacial Fusion Plants, using the melts caused by the fusion plant to supplement natural glacial melt caused by the generally higher temperatures around Port Hanshan. With the benefit of experience having constructed one such site already, and having been able to fine-tune some design elements now that they've seen conditions in person, the Kibess engineers have a few alterations to make to the design, hopefully eking out a few extra points of productivity or resilience here and there. Their reworked designs informs the placement of the new foundational anchors, with much of the work this month being on fully establishing the structure's frame and ensuring it is firmly embedded.

[ ] Fulmari Logistics Automated Warehouse (C)
With Noveria's spaceports, and related infrastructure, becoming increasingly capable of handling high load, Fulmari Logistics have begun to investigate the possibility of expanding their operations with a storage depot at Southern Hanshan, which would facilitate easier and more efficient deliveries to Traverse and Terminus systems.
(Progress: 189/250 - 20 Resources per die) (-4 Cargo)
(Fulmari Logistics: +2P)

Poor weather around Southern Hanshan introduces a number of delays in the construction of Fulmari's automated warehouse, severely limiting your team's abilities to work at the spaceport itself and on the tramline that will connect the spaceport to the warehouse.

The warehouse, on the other hand, comes together relatively quickly - throwing down a huge sheet of foundations, four big walls, and a ceiling isn't' an overwhelmingly difficult task, and being that the warehouse has no need for multiple internal floors, a lot of your smaller construction equipment can be run from inside the building even after the roof is installed. Installing the various cranes, conveyors, and elevators needed for the warehouse to fully automate the loading and unloading process will take some time, but at least it won't be stalled out by the weather in future.

[ ] Southern Hanshan Commercial Manufacturing
As the number of blue-collar workers and service staff living in Greater Hanshan increases, demand for non-luxury consumer goods such as furniture, clothing, and appliances has continued to increase in turn. Given the success of local manufacturing within Lower Hanshan, the Executive Board has requested an expansion of facilities in Southern Hanshan to supplement production.
(Progress: 281/300 - 15 Resources per die) (+5 ES) (-2 Cargo, -1 Housing)
(Port Hanshan: +1P)

A lot of the required equipment arrives and is installed without particular issue, teams slow-walking carefully through each step of the process to ensure nothing breaks. Unfortunately, with general unease around the twin threats of the Geth and the Collectors slowing down deliveries across the Traverse, even to Noveria, some of the last pieces of equipment are still yet to arrive.

[ ] Southern Hanshan Personal Electronics Plant (Phase 3) (C)
With the newfound acceptance of at least small scale manufacturing capabilities on Noveria, Tevura Media Group and Dora'Vua Cyber Systems have partnered to submit a proposal for the development of a factory to be used for the manufacture of a new line of luxury high-quality omnitools and other personal electronics.
(Progress: 278/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -2 Cargo)
(Tevura Media Group: +1P)

The second half of the construction facility is, fortunately for you, not plagued by the chain of issues that afflicted the first half. Even with Elezi stepping away to address issues elsewhere, progress moves swiftly and things come together largely as planned. Though Dora'Vua are still upset about having missed out on the first mover's advantage, their partners at Tevura seem happy enough, and their omni-tool rental plans are booming, seen as a cost-efficient way for the everyman to get their hands on the cutting edge.

You wonder if those people don't understand that they'll pay four or five times the devices' cost over the life of the contract, or if they're just that desperate for a product only mildly better than its predecessor... but as long as it gets Tevura, and by extension you, a lot of money, you're not going to lose sleep over it.

[ ] Peak 94 Hydroponics Centre (Phase 4) (C)
Vertical Farming as an initiative has been practised for some time amongst the Migrant Fleet, as the low space usage is a massive benefit and the downsides of needing a controlled environment are massively offset by the fact that spaceships tend to have quite controlled environments anyway. But until their recent developments on Noveria, the Migrant Fleet has not had sufficient claim to any planet to establish planetside farming operations. Now that they do, they hope to begin farming operations to both increase food security and build institutional knowledge of how the field has changed for the rest of the galaxy, in the past three centuries of exile.
(Progress: 192/250 - 30 Resources per die) (-1 Power, -3 Cargo)
(Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics: +2P)

With the first crop tower fully established and the first harvest of core crops planted, your workers can devote their full attention to the second farm tower, which will soon be home to a wider range of more luxurious and profitable crops.

Unfortunately, accommodating for a wider range of crops does require a few modifications to the prefabricated modules, to ensure each is as optimised as possible to encourage the growth of the selected plants. As a result, Sannovi's facilities frequently have to stop work and reconfigure the production lines as they put together different floors with different needs.

Nonetheless, progress goes relatively smoothly, and whilst there's still work to be done, the site is definitely close to being finished.

[ ] Peak 07 Biomedical Research Lab (C)
Recent discoveries on the tropical fringe world of Avanyu have led to a surge of interest in a potent medicinal plant believed to have a recuperating effect on lung health, particularly for the drell, and Epherea Biomedical intend to make the most of this new discovery. They are looking to perform a significant expansion of operations at Peak 07 so they can consolidate their research efforts, particularly in regard to the ever-present spectre of Kepral's Syndrome.
(Progress: 394/400 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power, -1 Housing)
(Epherea Biomedical: +1P, +1F)

A hefty surge of funding and manpower gets the construction of the Biomedical Research Lab off to an explosive start. Elezi's oversight manages to keep the whole project running smoothly despite the constant churn of resources and staff going in and out of the construction site, an experience she likens to juggling firebombs - before lapsing into a long-winded anecdote of the time she did exactly that, in her commando days. In fact, long-winded anecdotes about her commando days seem to constitute a large part of almost all of the reports she sends you, now that you think about it. It's as if she uses them for filler when she doesn't have anything actually interesting to write about.

Nonetheless, the building comes together almost perfectly. Epherea, apparently not expecting such rapid progress, have a slight issue, though - most of the staff they planned to assign to the lab are still finishing tasks elsewhere and won't be available to start work immediately. As such, they've requested that the facility be left in a low-power caretaker state for now. You're tempted to lean on them for rental fees anyway, but before you get halfway through drafting that letter, you receive a message from Ephera's representative to the Executive Board best summed up as "don't even try it".

[ ] Expanded ERCS Training Compound (C)
With their responsibilities on-world increasing, ERCS are looking to expand their investment on Noveria further with another round of enhancements to their existing training infrastructure. The improvements would allow them to train and house more staff members on site for use not only in Noverian security roles but also to use as a staging point for operations across the Traverse.
(Progress: 195/200 - 15 Resources per die) (-1 Housing)
(ERCS: +1P)

Fortunately, the requests made by ERCS are not particularly difficult or demanding to fulfil - it's a fairly simple suite of features they want. Another armoury, another gym, another mess hall, another training centre, nothing outrageous or hard to find. Though grumbling about the 'boring' nature of the task, Nomi sets to work with her usual fervor, and most of the compound comes together relatively quickly. In fact, construction of the facility completes within the month - as long as you don't count cleaning up afterwards as part of the construction process.

Your teams will need to spend some time freshening up the paint, emptying the bins, and generally getting rid of the mess from the construction, but that will be of no real consequence to the rest of your operations - it'll take time, nothing more. ERCS seem somewhat unimpressed, however.

(ERCS: -1F)

[ ] Greater Hanshan Education Centre (C)
With a new and streamlined plan to facilitate multi-species education from childhood through to adulthood now in place, space must be set aside, or in this case constructed, to provide a venue for learning that can support the needs of teachers and students alike. Fortunately, there are many thousands of schools around the galaxy from whom notes may be taken, and unlike the university which requires, in places, a significant investment in advanced technology, lower levels of education can more than suffice with standard computer terminals, meaning the task will be both less expensive and less technically demanding than the campus buildings your teams have previously worked on.
(Progress: 322/300 - 20 Resources per die) (+10 ES) (-1 Power, -1 Network, -1 Housing)

Building a unified, multi-purpose education centre, it turns out, is not all too much different to building the multi-purpose classrooms hosted in Katrion University's Business and Law building. With a significant workforce deployment and the help of the Executive Board greasing some wheels, the whole project comes together almost frighteningly fast. Actually filling out the full roster of teachers will take a while, as will getting said teachers acclimated to the curriculum, but those are relatively minor problems - though Greater Hanshan's various clinics have seen an uptick in pregnancies over the past few years (not difficult, since the previous baseline was single-digits-per-year), the actual school-age population remains relatively small, for now.

[ ] Recruitment Drive (Rolled: 272)
By tapping into the vast corporate network the NDC has access to and making it known that opportunities exist, a number of skilled workers, white and blue collar both, can be brought to Noveria and slotted into the workforce. Additional hands will increase the amount of work a given department can do at one time, and with luck (and a big enough recruitment budget), you may be able to headhunt some of the best workers from around the galaxy to fill the ranks.
UPDATE: The NDC has repeatedly scoured the galaxy for the most highly qualified candidates. Though you will obviously be able to continue to expand as long as you can afford to do so, it is becoming increasingly expensive in terms of both money and executive goodwill, and you will no longer be able to rely on exclusively recruiting the cream of the crop.
(Breakpoints: 60 / 90 / ???)
-[ ] Infrastructure (40 Resources per die) (-10 Resources per turn) (+1 Infrastructure Dice) (Chance for new trait)

Another wave of job postings go out, pushed to all corners of the galaxy with applicants flooding in from all over to fill them. Your Sapient Resources team does a fairly competent job of filling out the positions required, but in a fit of what you can only assume is blatant corporate favouritism, a few of the Executive Board members decided to step in anyway, buying out an entire human consultancy firm and assigning them to your own Infrastructure teams.

Admittedly, it can't be entirely a nepotistic play. The more senior members of the group do have some fairly long resumes, and the firm's list of works includes a number of relatively high quality builds - and the team lead, an unusually energetic old man named Felix Myers, was a key figure in the development of humanity's spaceborn capital, Arcturus Station. Whilst not technologically impressive by modern standards, Arcturus Station is by all accounts quite well built considering it was made by a people who'd been in space for less than two hundred years.

The vibe you get with Myers, after a short video call with him (made difficult by your conflicting timezones) is that his situation is not unlike Dal Fon's, in that he found himself above his level of comfort and is relishing the chance to step back a bit. When the conversation turns more technical, it quickly becomes apparent that he's not fully up to date with the limits of Citadel technology - hardly a surprise, really. It's equally apparent, though, that his lack of familiarity with the limits has him thinking, even if unknowingly, outside the box, and you suspect that kind of different perspective may have its uses.

(Gained Trait: Felix Myers - Once per turn, add a free flat d50 to any Infrastructure project)
(Gained Trait: New Perspective - +2 Bonus to Infrastructure dice)

Before anyone @s me, yes, I am aware that the NSID investigation action is missing. That is deliberate.

Corporate and Status posts will be updated upon this turn's conclusion, and no sooner.
3 things that are so close to being done
Yeah, annoying, but two will auto complete without further dice or resources, and the third can be handled with Dal Fon.
still say we need more secury staff or advisors or something
Which is on the agenda for the next turn, conveniently timing it to complete the same time as their new Barracks facility finishes, meaning we can get more of them than if we'd done them this turn.
(Gained Trait: Felix Myers - Once per turn, add a free flat d50 to any Infrastructure project)
I expected something more, but at least we can use it basically like we (mostly) use Dal Fon, to complete nearly-finished high-cost projects.

Not that Infrastructure has many of those, but it can still save occasionally save us 20 resources or so.