Some more Contract!Canon quarian lore because I can't sleep
On politics in the Migrant Fleet
The day to day priorities of the Migrant Fleet are ever-shifting, as their situation can vary and the needs of survival change. Food scarcity might dominate talks for years until a new agribarge is brought into the fleet, at which point a new issue pops up to take centre stage.
But in the long term, exactly two issues dominate the political landscape of the Migrant Fleet and the quarians as a race.
These issues, of course, are the fleet itself (and the three centuries of exile it represents) and the geth.
There are a range of stances on each of these issues, with each groups popularity shifting over time as cultural progression and new ideas clash with the staunch traditionalism and conservatism of the quarian 'old guard'.
On the matter of Exile
The Homeworlders want to go back to Rannoch and reclaim the ancestral homelands. For some this is a matter of religious importance (as quarians practice ancestor worship, having to abandon all the ancestors tombs sits badly), for others a point of national pride (imagine being the only spacefaring race to lose your Homeworld - even the krogan can't relate!*) And of course for some it's a matter of cold practicality. It would take generations to adapt to other ecosystems, but Rannoch is home - if quarians reclaimed the planet now, most of their current population could go suit-free before they died of old age. This is by far the most common stance on the issue.
*Despite the best efforts of the krogan, the rachni, the turians, and Tuchanka itself...
The Settlers broadly agree on the importance of getting off these rickety decaying starships and putting boots on soil again, but they aren't interested in Rannoch for whatever reason, whether that's wanting to move on and make a fresh start, or out of practical concerns (it is the de facto geth capital world, after all). This group is split broadly into two subsects - the Colonists want to try to reclaim other quarian colonial worlds, to build on past works or as a temporary measure until Rannoch can be reclaimed, whilst the Pioneers want to pick a new planet and start fresh. They've always been the smaller of the two subgroups, opposed by the council and the traditionalists and hindered by sharing a political ideal with the extremist group known as the Nedas Movement. Recently a lot of the key figures in the movement have just sort of… left? Weird.
The Voidborne think that actually, the fleet is doing just fine. They think that the quarians should embrace the fact that they have the biggest fleet in the galaxy and that they aren't tied to no stinky planets. These guys are generally considered fringe lunatics, since most everyone agrees that living on starships long term really sucks.
On the matter of Geth Relations there are likewise several stances.
The Reclaimation faction, spearheaded by Admiral Xen, believe that the quarians should seize control of the geth network and force the geth back into servitude where they belong. Nil'Zannis is also in this camp, which I believe I may have mentioned before.
The Annihilation faction think that the geth are a tool broken beyond repair, and that the only sensible course of action is to wipe them out for the safety of quarians everywhere, and/or as vengeance for the millions of quarians slaughtered in the civil war that lead to the geth uprising, and start over without that shadow looming over their race. Generally the most popular. Occasionally big e-war wins will push the Reclamation faction into first place, but these wins never seem to stick.
The Cooperation faction believe that the quarians and geth should work together, but think they should embrace the geth's newfound sapience and coexist as partners instead of enslaving them. Even though they're a fringe group considered wildly naive and/or cowardly, the Admiralty Board has been keeping a slightly closer eye on them ever since Virmire. In ME Canon, Tali (and Legion) would come to be seen as figureheads for this faction by the time of the Reaper War.
The Apologists also respect the sapience of the geth, but believe the best thing for the quarians to do is apologise to the geth for the whole mess (or just ignore them completely) and move along - whilst not opposed to peace or coexistence, they believe it should be up to the geth to make the first offer. This group is unique in that they're pretty much the only ones who accept the widely-panned stance that actually, maybe the whole 'geth rebellion' thing wasn't entirely the geth's fault. These guys are considered only slightly less fringe than the cooperation faction, despite one of the current members of the Admiralty Board being very publicly apologist.
On quarian suits, and the modifications thereof
The outer technical layers (auxiliary tech such as kinetic barriers, rad/thermal shields, exoskeletons, etc) can be removed and replaced without compromising the underlying systems, but it has to be done carefully, and can be tricky to do to yourself. Some stuff you might be able to manage with a mirror or a camera drone and some yoga, but usually you'd have a friend help out.
The core stuff (bioseal, pressure seal, most of the helmet internals ie rebreather, eat/drink filters), obviously, cannot be so easily swapped out without endangering the quarian within due to exposure. Due to the difficulty and awkwardness of working on suit internals, this isn't done BY you so much as TO you - hopefully, by a trained professional or a fellow quarian. In a most ideal circumstance, you'd get to hang out in a clean room and take the suit off, so the modifications could be made to the suit without your squirming getting in the way of things, but that's rarely an option, and Noveria is no exception. Nil'Zannis is fortunate enough to have never suffered severe damage to his suit - when he was still crawling around in vents or sewage pipes back in the early days he made a habit of layering additional Hazmat suits over his own suit and that habit paid off by saving him a lot of trouble.
Just in general, neither kind of modification is the kind of thing that can be done quickly. It's not like taking off a jacket and putting on a raincoat - it's more playing ship of Theseus with your own boat, mid-voyage.
Only the extreme external layers (decorative fabrics, ablative armour, tactical webbing etc) can be easily removed and replaced as needed, and those are much more limited in use, naturally.
Now that Noveria has a much bigger quarian population, getting suits serviced in various ways is not as much of a problem - in fact, the concentration of quarian residents in Lower Hanshan proved helpful in that respect. The Admiralty board arranged for three shops to be purchased and operated by specialists from the fleet, and with no need to spread them out, those three shops ended up on the same street, in a part of Lower Hanshan that is now effectively Rannochtown.
Quarians new to Noveria can have their suit outfitted with thermal padding and snow boot treads, and then walk two shops down for some authentic Reyyan salads, and if they happen to get sick from either experience, there's a quarian pharmacy/clinic right there too. How handy.