Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

Corporations of Noveria
Corporations of Noveria

Noveria Development Corporation

External Profitability: 52
Greater Hanshan Profitability: 12

The Noveria Development Corporation (NDC) is a holding company that claimed the planet Noveria with the combined capital of two dozen major high-technology companies. Because of the NDC's ownership, Noveria is a privately-chartered colony without input from any Citadel race's government, and therefore is not legally part of Citadel space.

There are a number of NDC projects in the pipeline, including administrative arrangements both internally and with the Citadel to streamline legal and business transactions, further infrastructure improvements to Greater Hanshan, the expansion of the NSID to other cities on Noveria, and the implementation of new orbital logistics satellites to track the increasing space traffic in the region.

Abec Territorial Ordnance
Field: Large-Scale Munitions
Manager: Dalatrass Holem

Abec Territorial Ordnance sells a variety of explosives fit for every purpose - from ground-to-orbit satellite killer missiles to controlled demolition and excavation charges. The recent spate of conflicts across the Traverse and Terminus regions has brought them a great deal of business from the Salarian Union, for whom they produce military munitions in great quantities.

As a result of this boom, they have requested an expansion to their munitions plant to help meet the increasing demand.

Ahial Syndicate
Field: Sidearms and Bespoke Firearms
Manager: Kandun Rikus

Though in modern times the Ahial Syndicate is best known for being a manufacturing partner of Elanus Risk Control Services, and manufacturing the Striker line of sidearms common across the Citadel, in the past their primary business was the design of bespoke firearms for high paying clients. Despite not being their primary source of income, they continue this tradition, with their Noveria facility solely dedicated to the creation of such weapons.

After the development of a private shipping terminal from which they can conduct their business, the Ahial Syndicate have no plans for expansion at this time.

Alit Ves
Field: High Tech
Manager: Pozon Ikort

Alit Ves are a salarian cybertechnology group who are regularly alleged to be behind a variety of the personal devices and cybernetics put to use by salarian Special Tasks Group agents and Spectres. They develop, test, and produce highly sensitive and specialised cybertech at a secure tech park on Noveria, where they can bypass several problematic research ethics laws and escape the oversight of corporate rivals.

They are preparing a proposal to further enhance security at their site, after a Terminus spy was caught attempting to infiltrate the facility.

Astra Financial
Field: Finance Consulting
Manager: Vanu Lann

Astra Financial is one of the galaxy's largest financial consulting firms, with numerous powerful clients across Citadel space and the Traverse. They deal in all financial matters, from loans to taxes to market brokerage. Noveria is their second-largest office, and they have hundreds of consultants and analysts on site.

They have no current plans for expansion, citing the growing unrest in the Traverse as reason to hedge their bets for now.

Baria Frontiers
Field: Frontier Development
Manager: Taylon Cuu

Baria Frontiers run a range of services aimed at exploring and developing new worlds, from astronavigation and prefab construction to ecological surveys and frontier medical care. They have an office complex in Port Hanshan proper for administrative work, and run medical research clinics attached to all of Noveria's public medical facilities, which feed information to their dedicated biolab at Peak 3.

They are working with Epherea Biomedical and with Greater Hanshan's network of clinics and hospitals to devise an upgrade plan to modernise and standardise the quality of care across the region.

Beckmann Financial
Field: Finance Consulting
Manager: Alan Beckmann

Beckmann Financial is a minor human financial firm making big waves for their willingness to supply human money to alien firms, in a variety of fields. They initially invested funds into endeavours such as colonial development and spaceflight enterprises, but the Geth Incursion and recent Collector activity incited them to redirect their investments towards munitions manufacturers and armourers.

The operation of their business is wildly suboptimal, a problem long known and ignored by their management, but they recently begun making plans to upgrade their infrastructure and rebuild in a less efficient manner.

Cord-Hislop Aerospace
Field: Commercial Aerospacecraft
Manager: Tobias Valentine

A human spacecraft manufacturer stationed on Earth, Cord-Hislop are responsible for the design and development of a wide range of small spacecraft, such as fighters, stuntcraft, shuttles, maintainence riggers, and orbital haulers. Cord-Hislop had originally intended to be part of the initial NDC founding, but larger financial difficulties forced them to bow out. Their fightercraft and gunships are now a frequent sight in the skies around Port Hanshan, making test flights through harsh polar storms.

To facilitate an increased rate of development and testing, Cord-Hislop have requested an expansion of their launch facilities.

Curave Photonics
Field: Photonic Technology
Manager: Curave Dezani

A company specialising in light-based technology ranging from screens and holographic projectors to the cutting edge optical cloaking tech fielded by Turian Ghosts, STG Agents, and particularly well-off mercenaries. They are operating a new fabrication centre for the production of the valuable and sophisticated metamaterials necessary to create their most advanced products.

Though the fabrication centre is in some ways operational, it is far from complete, and Curave Photonics is waiting for that work to conclude before committing to any expansions.

Domain Ecological Services
Field: Ecological Science
Manager: Charlie Mans

Domain Ecological Services run the galaxy's largest for-profit repository of environmental knowledge in the galaxy. They have logged and sampled millions of species of plant and animal from worlds across the galaxy, which they store in dedicated vaults to preserve for future use in ecological reconstruction.

They recently expanded on Noveria with a new and immense storage vault for their genetic samples, and have no plans to further expand at this time.

Dora'vua Cyber Systems
Field: Personal Computers
Manager: Thesani Li'sone

Dora'vua Cyber Systems are an asari group who, for a long time, held a monopoly on the personal computer market. Though they now face fierce competition from salarian and turian opposition, they are still wildly popular in asari space. Their offices at Port Hanshan facilitate software development for the proprietry hardware produced in Southern Hanshan.

They are currently awaiting the completion of a significant data centre in Southern Hanshan before they commit to further developments on Noveria.

Edora Conservation Group
Field: Xenohistorical Archiving
Manager: Kelari Sele'is

The Edora Conservation Group is a research foundation dedicated to the cataloguing and preservation of xenohistoric artefacts and relics from lost civilisations. Funded by the illustrious Matriarch Edora and her vast business empire, they are one of the galaxy's largest and most respected privately operated archives of knowledge and historical relics. They arrange research projects with various groups around the galaxy to ensure the relics in their possesion may be appropriately studied and the resulting developments shared with all sapient species.

Though they appreciate the work the NDC has done for them, the recent development of their Archeotech Research Complex means that they currently have no plans to expand.

Elanus Risk Control Services
Field: Security Services
Manager: Sarun Toradul

Elanus Risk Control Services is a private security corporation that provides a host of services ranging from simple event security to professional mercenary companies and starships to counter piracy. They recently upgraded from militarised police to full-on colonial defence force on Noveria, with a corresponding increase in armoured vehicles and aircraft for combat use.

To supplement recent expansions to their training and operating facilities, they have requested the expansion of their existing armoury workshop with more, and more modern, equipment.

Epherea Biomedical
Field: Medical and Pharmaceuticals
Manager: Valaua

Ephemera Biomedical is a hanar organisation primarily focused on pharmaceutical research. Whilst medigel is highly flexible in its applications and extremely stable across multiple species, its effectiveness at solving any particular problem still pales in comparison to traditional medicine as may be found in dedicated medical facilities, and Epherea generates significant profit filling that market niche. Epherea have a pharmaceutical plant at Peak 7.

They are working with Baria Frontiers and with Greater Hanshan's network of clinics and hospitals to devise an upgrade plan to modernise and standardise the quality of care across the region.

Faeo Shipyards
Field: Commercial Aerospace Vessels
Manager: Zuha Bel

Faeo Shipyards is a private aerospace enterprise. Their prior work includes ships of all civilian classes and some semi-militarised designs, commonly used by colonial defence fleets and small mercenary bands, and their rigorous fabrication rights management systems have made them many enemies in that field, due to the difficulty of replicating or reparing their designs as a third party. They relocated from Illium to escape attention from rival corporations and Terminus powers.

As the rising tensions across the Traverse has lead to a significant boost in their business, they are looking to begin a minor expansion of their design offices on Noveria.

Fedali Professional Consultants
Field: Professional Business Contracting
Manager: Tomir Ansan

Fedali Professional Consultants are a recruitment and contracting firm whose entire business model revolves around snapping up university graduates, giving them cursory training to ensure they're up to some nebulous 'standard', and contracting them out to other firms at graduate rates whilst paying the graduate themself far less, pocketing the difference. Fedali wants to open an office on Noveria, no doubt to make the most of the increasing spread of corporations on world to increase their clientel.

They have no plans to expand at this time.

Fulmari Logistics
Field: Interstellar Shipping and Logistics
Manager: Nonus Gaidus

Fulmari Logistics is a turian logistics and shipping business, one of the largest in the Citadel territories, and they operate a warehouse and logistics centre on Noveria to facilitiate deliveries to and from the Attican Traverse.

They are willing to lend their expertise to the NDC to facilitate improvements to Noveria's interstellar traffic management systems, but have no plans for expanding their current operations, as their business has been somewhat hindered by tensions in the Traverse.

Goral & Goral Law
Field: Personal Lawyers
Manager: Goral Javor

Goral & Goral Law is a salarian legal firm with a focus on smaller scale civil cases, who have been seeing increasing demand from Noveria as Greater Hanshan has expanded. They are by no means a particularly prestigious group, but still well-known and well-respected in legal circles around Citadel space. They are looking to establish an office on Noveria to facilitate face to face meetings with their new clients.

Halsey Gene Labs
Field: Genetic Engineering
Manager: Mike Agnen

Halsey Gene Labs is a human genetic modification development group, with a focus on biological enhancement of physical capabilities for military purposes. Like many in their field, they encountered issues working under the strict guidelines imposed by the Citadel, and relocated to Noveria to bypass those issues.

They recently aquired a contract from the Systems Alliance to begin testing of a new round of genetic treatments, and have requested the development of an expansion to their existing facilities to provide the required capacity.

Hassan Atomics
Field: Nuclear Power
Manager: Alain Gerard

Hassan Atomics is a human company who leapt to prominence by providing power to colonial expeditions throughout the Traverse. Due to the recent decline in Traverse colonisation and their dwindling market share on Noveria, they have elected to further invest in their research division at Peak 4, where they hope to design cheaper and more efficient power sources for commercial use.

As part of their increasing focus on research and development, they have requested the construction of a new test site for what they have cautiously termed 'more volatile' prototypes, one even further isolated from the rest of Greater Hanshan than their existing facilities.

Itavan Skyworks
Field: Commercial Aerospace Vessels
Manager: Lueus Erastus

Itavan Skyworks is a commercial aerospace design company who create commercial transport craft, ranging from courier vessels to bulk transporters. Their designs are considered generally to fill the niche of cheap and simple, which comes with the benefits of being rugged, reliable, easy to repair, and highly customisable for those with the know-how. Port Hanshan is host to one of their major design offices, and the namesake of the Hanshan-class courier.

It is also soon to be host to a small drydock to be used for the construction and modification of prototypes. Itavan Skyworks is looking forward to the completion of those facilities.

Jaeto Investigations
Field: Information Services
Manager: Chonto Ru

Jaeto Investigations are an 'information service', performing a range of related functions from private investigations and information brokerage down to surveys, censuses and data analytics. They own a major data analytics centre on Noveria, powered by one of the planet's few quantum supercomputers, and use the planet's non-Citadel status to bypass several privacy laws. A recent scandal left them harshly diminished, and their Noveria branch was ultimately placed under new management.

The new manager is already looking to make some changes and some improvements, starting with an overhaul of their analytics centre to equip it with the finest and most cutting-edge of technology.

Jiem Asset Management
Field: Finance Management
Manager: Suub

Jiem Asset Management is a hanar investment firm with a very exclusive clientele, of which the NDC happens to be a part. They regularly hit the Citadel's top 100 list of interstellar businesses, and their results speak for themselves. Their aim is to establish a new trading office on Noveria for ease of conducting business and, no doubt, to dodge taxes.

Jormungand Technology
Field: Assorted High-Tech
Manager: Eliza Lockwell

Jormungand Technology is a human megacorp infamous for returning consistent profits through aggressive integration of alien technologies into a range of fields, from computing to munitions engineering. Their Crisis and Hazard lines of hardsuit are highly respected for their high-strength kinetic barriers and environmental protection suites, and their munitions for novel and powerful applications of cutting edge technology, such as their new Assailant rocket launcher, which fires micro-rockets that operate on the same principles as anti-starship disruptor torpedoes.

Kadri Security
Field: Private Military Contractor
Manager: Mohshiru

Kadri Security is a private military corporation operating from Peak 48. Like most PMCs, they operate a wide range of services including colonial and corporate security, anti-piracy raids, and freelance, high-security deliveries. Backed by an influential group of hanar merchants, and commanding a great deal of respect throughout Citadel Space for their professionalism, Kadri is one of the most prestidgeous PMCs in the galaxy, and they recently made headlines for their fierce defence of human and hanar ambassadors ambushed by a Cerberus terror cell on the Citadel.

Kadri Security have made no indication of any plans to expand their operations at this time.

Kantor Robotics
Field: Robotic Engineering
Manager: Bato Beb'ral

Kantor Robotics is one of the few batarian organisations to survive the Hegemony's descent into authoritarianism and subsequent departure from Citadel society. Originally focused on mechanical prosthetics, they moved into fully autonomous robots for military applications. They rent a research and development facility at Peak 22 where they build and test new models of combat mech in controlled live-fire environments.

They have been rocked by scandals within Citadel space over alledged ties to the Batarian Hegemony, and as such are attempting to keep a low profile, declining to commit to expanding their operations on Noveria at this time.

Kaskadan Syndicate
Field: Electronic Component Manufacturing
Manager: Chero Finn

The Kaskadan Syndicate is a syndicate of salarian electronics manufacturers infamous for building the majority of their holdings amongst newly established colonies despite the risk. Several accusations of exploitation have been levelled at the group but never stick. Their Hanshan Processor and Microframe Plant and Superconductor Plant are both now up and running, and offering the NDC a number of production concessions, making electronics-heavy projects cheaper for the NDC to develop.

With the recent completion of their Superconductor Plant, the Kaskadan Syndicate is content to bide their time and hold off on further expansion for now.

Katrion University
Field: Tertiary Education
Manager: Noq'uia Vaer

Tha Katrion University has established a Noveria Campus to serve as an education centre for Greater Hanshan's growing lower-middle class and to provide Noveria's corporations with a steady stream of motivated and highly-educated workers, leaning on the reputation of their other campuses to improve the prestige of Port Hanshan.

The Katrion University has no plans to expand its campus at this time.

Kibess Power Systems
Field: Power Generation
Manager: Daelu Abera

Kibess Power Systems are a hanar-owned corporation whose primary focus is on sustainable non-nuclear energy generation. Though they were originally founded as part of an effort to revert the mass ecological damage caused to the drell homeworld Rakhana, when their efforts their failed, they instead turned to provide their services to the rest of the galaxy, vowing another such disaster would not occur again. They are responsible for the development and maintainence of the majority of Greater Hanshan's green power, including all of its wind and hydroelectric facilities.

Beyond the continued development of hydroelectric power opportunities, Kibess Power Systems are not looking to expand at this time.

Kiji Materials Group
Field: Material Science
Manager: Miera V'ey

Kiji Materials Group is an asari research firm who work in the field of material science. They're looking to establish a general purpose physics and engineering lab at Peak 81 to conduct research and testing on various xenomaterials, acquired as part of a low-profile partnership with the Edora Conservation Group.

Korten Machines
Field: Land Combat Vehicles
Manager: Korten Gradd

Clan Korten is known for two things - klixen-roasted varren jerky with pyjak sauce, and the Tomkah Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Though it is by far the most famous, the Tomkah is only one of Clan Korten's range of armoured vehicles, many of which find use by Terminus mercenary bands and fringe empires. Several of their vehicles, specially modified for local terrain, have been bought by ERCS for use in defending Noveria's colonies. They have a state-of-the-art design and testing workshop at Peak 41 where they develop and trial new armoured vehicles.

They recently underwent a controversial expansion that involved recruiting apprentices from other krogan clans, and are waiting to see if it ends in an unsustainable level of violence before committing to additional expansions.

Long Winter Studios
Field: Film And Television
Manager: Juliana Moore

Long Winter Studios is a human enterprise with filming sites across the galaxy. In addition to the office in Port Hanshan they maintain for tax purposes, they have a film set at Peak 28, where lax safety standards allow them to make use of practical effects such as explosives, flooding sets, chemical weapons, and live animals in ways that would be considered unacceptable in Citadel space. They produce a wide variety of films of all different genres, the vast majority of which are considered to not be very good.

They have no expansion plans at this time.

Mitax Waste Solutions
Field: Recycling and Waste Management
Manager: Khorne Murr

Mitax Waste Solutions is a company of uncertain Terminus origins, specializing in waste removal and recycling of just about every kind. They are one of the Terminus' foremost suppliers of omni-gel, and the equipment needed to create, store, or use it in appreciable amounts. They also engage in more specialized industrial recycling operations, ranging from e-waste reclamation to demolition salvaging and shipbreaking.

They are looking forward to starting operations on Noveria, once the dedicated facilities they require are fully constructed.

Narhu Combine
Field: Starship Fuel
Manager: Gal Vibb

The Narhu Combine is in the business of starship fueling, and they boast to be the only group operating fuel refineries, processing plants, and refueling stations in every inhabited system in the galaxy - a claim that is misleading but technically true. They relocated to Port Hanshan from their home office on the Citadel, and whilst they do not perform any research or development on Noveria personally, they work closely with Itavan Skyworks. They operate the dedicated fuel storage and provision infrastructure across Greater Hanshan.

Nashan Stellar Dynamics
Field: Commercial Aerospace Components
Manager: Roger Druit

Nashan Stellar Dynamics is a human corporation specialising in designing starship grade components - though, interestingly enough, not starships themselves. They market higher-quality parts to replace the stock parts provided by starship manufacturers, advertising their wares as a way to fully customise a ship to the desired needs of the operators, and their goods are growing popular amongst private starship owners despite their relative youth on the galactic scene.

They also do some interesting design work with novel applications of eezo - and they are looking to develop a research facility on Noveria to pursue a promising but dangerous avenue of research they call warp gravitics.

Nezo Aerospace
Field: Civilian Airspeeders
Manager: Aleta Belsana

Nezo Aerospace, despite the name, do not make spacecraft. They make airspeeders and hoverbikes, ranging from regular, city-worthy civilian models to highly tuned and customized race craft. The company founder disappeared during a test flight on Agebinium over a decade ago, but despite the blow they recovered admirably. They use Noveria for harsh environment testing of new designs and modifications.

Nezo Aerospace have no plans to expand at this time.

Noveria Now
Field: News
Manager: Zatal Parlan

Noveria Now run the local news channel on Noveria, and though most of their news both hails from and relates to Noveria's resort cities, their studio and executive offices are all located in Port Hanshan, giving them proximity to Noveria's corporate and administrative centre. As newscasting is not often a profitable endeavor, their channel runs advertisements wherever it can. It was once notorious for hosting several talk shows, ranging from the controversial to the outright insane, but phased them out over more interesting, and less damning, documentary content outside of news hours. Their most famous modern pieces revolve around their proximity to the unique quarian enclave of Lower Hanshan, and is helping to remind the galaxy of the fine nuances of the mysterious quarian culture.

They have no plans to expand their operations at this stage.

Field: Video Games
Manager: Kazama Taeko

OriginDigital is a human digital entertainment company, which operates a development studio on Noveria in order to bypass overly-stringent content censorship laws on their former homeworld, Elysium. The company is largely responsible for producing incredibly difficult, rage-inducing games that nonetheless seem to sell incredibly well throughout the galaxy.

They are not looking to increase their committment to Noveria at this time.

Praus Motors
Field: Luxury Vehicles
Manager: Pascal Fleck

Praus Motors are a human manufacturing company responsible for building a variety of luxury vehicles. They're looking to set up two facilities on Noveria - the first, a design and engineering office, the second, a small plant for local production of their various snowbounders and snowmobiles. The NDC believes it has room for both at Peak 91.

Quan Armoury
Field: Bespoke Firearms
Manager: Matriarch Quan

Quan Armoury is an asari bespoke firearms and specialty goods artisan firm. They are infamous for supplying high end equipment to a very select clientele, and they make no secret of it - that they handmake exotic weapons such as the Disciple shotgun for the asari justicars is a point of pride, and they insist that their other, lesser weapons are just as masterfully crafted. They relocated to Noveria in an attempt to escape the corporate espionage that hounded them throughout their time operating on Illium.

They are looking to undergo a significant expansion of their facilities on Noveria with the development of a fairly large armour foundry.

Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics
Field: Agriculture
Manager: Mur'Vasko vas Korali / Noveria

Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics exists in large part to provide redundancy in case of further issues with the Migrant Fleet's aging liveships. With the backing of the Admiralty Board, Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics produces authentic crop and livestock products from Rannoch that are otherwise unobtainable in the wider galaxy, making a significant profit from the turian market in the process.

However, as the Migrant Fleet has shifted to a war footing, Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics cannot increase the scale of their operations at this time.

Rannoch Fleet Robotics
Field: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Manager: Innet'Wu vas Tachonu / Noveria

Rannoch Fleet Robotics, like Rannoch Fleet Hydroponics, is an extension of the quarian government designed to help integrate advances in technology from across the galaxy into the quarian technology base, and likewise to begin advancing quarian expertise and interests into the galactic market. When operational, they intend to work primarily in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence, with the potential for further expansions specialising in other fields should the initiative prove successful.

Roda Telecoms
Field: Telecommunications
Manager: Tovas Kote

Roda Telecom is a middleman for Citadel Telecom, purchasing corporate-level high speed network access and selling that on, in limited packages, to end users. Given Port Hanshan's primary demographic is young, well-paid professionals with limited access to offline entertainment, they likely expect to see a lot of business. Their facility on Noveria utilizes novel data compression techniques derived from geth communications protocols to increase their efficiency.

They have no real plans to expand their current operations, as their existing office is more than sufficient for their needs.

Sannovi Industrial
Field: Construction and Manufacturing
Manager: Tanilea Remus

Sannovi Industrial is a turian construction and manufacturing firm. Unusually xenophobic for a turian firm, they pride themselves on exclusively hiring turian staff, claiming this makes them more professional and efficient. They run primary construction efforts across Noveria, offering significant discounts for the NDC in return for the flexibility to use NDC-funded facilities for their own purposes when not otherwise needed.

Recent expansions to their construction facilities on Noveria have increased their productivity enormously, and they are looking to continue the trend with the development of a new machining plant in Southern Hanshan.

Sharrik Munitions
Field: Munitions Engineering
Manager: Balkar Torprach

Sharrik Munitions are a Terminus-based engineering firm specialising in high-quality combat equipment for the Terminus' wealthiest mercenary organisations. Sharrik's products include a number of higher-end weapons and armour suits, many of which are illegal in Citadel space for various reasons. Their greatest claim to fame is the popularity of their assault armour amongst the huntresses of the Terioa Vanguard, an asari mercenary group in the employ of the T'Loak Syndicate.

Solemni & Olde
Field: Business Management Consulting
Manager: Solemni Yuran

Solemni & Olde are a business consultancy group resulting from an unusual partnership between the salarians and the elcor. They offer consultancy packages that span timeframes from months to decades, and operate with the highest respect for privacy and security. Their offices on Noveria serve as a hub for their most trusted and well-vetted consultants, who work on government and military projects requiring the highest levels of confidentiality.

They have no plans to expand at any point in the next decade, but promise to get back to you about their longer term plans by then.

Synthetic Insights
Field: Artificial Intelligence
Manager: Vivve Shalesta

Synthetic Insights are a prestigious artificial intelligence research firm, and one of only four corporations licensed by the Citadel Council to develop artificial intelligence. Under the management of Vivve Shalesta, the Noveria branch is fully committed to research on networked intelligences, aided by their unique access to vast amounts of geth debris and the talents of some of the Migrant Fleet's finest.

They are fully committed to supporting the Migrant Fleet's war effort, and with their attention focused on that, have not put forward any expansion requests at this time.

Tevura Media Group
Field: Entertainment Media
Manager: Kanneme Tioe

Tevura Media Group is constantly at the forefront of every discussion on the extranet. They own and operate five social networking sites, four web forums catering to particular e-cultures, a minor news network, and several publications ranging from the racy to the mundane. They claim that the majority of their funding comes through advertisements, but their company has caught fire before due to allegations of personal data harvesting. Their servers are all hosted on Noveria, where priority extranet access is cheap and server cooling is free.

They are looking to expand their wildly successful full-dive VR arcade into a major entertainment centre, which will serve as a prototype for even greater developments in Dessura and across the Citadel territories.

The Aspiration Group
Field: Investment Capital Group
Manager: Tovu Toalum

The Aspiration Group is the private investment trust of a small cabal of highly wealthy and influential volus merchants and businessmen. Their business model is in investing in promising startups across a variety of fields, providing those startups with expertise, legal and financial services, advice, facilities, and financing as required in return for a cut of all subsequently generated profits.

They have one startup they'd like to provide with additional funding, to facilitate development of new and novel directed energy weapon systems for infantry and vehicle-scale operations.

The Preni Group
Field: Agricultural Research
Manager: Preni Eloleis

The Preni Group are an agricultural research firm who specialise in adapting staple crops to a variety of environments, allowing newly established colonies to save a great deal of effort and time managing crop growth. Their operations have earned them ire from many bioconservationist groups, but being based on Noveria protects them from serious reprisal. They maintain a vertical farming facility at Peak 44 where they perform crop modifications.

The Preni Group have no plans to expand at this time.

Tiber Extraction And Refining
Field: Resource Extraction and Refining
Manager: Abel Arache

Tiber Extraction And Refining is a human organisation which found huge success during the colonial boom prior to the Skyllian Blitz. Their success brought them the funds to buy into the NDC and secured mining rights across Noveria. However, their operations on the planet are limited, and their main focus is development of enhanced planetary surveying technology, as part of their partnership with the Ayndroid Group.

They recently streamlined their operational pipeline on Noveria, and are waiting to see how much of a benefit that streamlining grants before committing to new developments.

Tsukumo Astronautical
Field: Aerospace Engineering
Manager: Rebecca Hartford

Tsukumo Astronautical is a human aerospace firm that works across the spectrum of space operations, from launch vehicles and satellites to orbital and deep space stations. The firm handles both planetside and starside design and engineering operations as well as manufacturing, but their intent is for Noveria to host nothing more than an engineering design office.

Ulanius Biomed
Field: Biomedical Research
Manager: Toran Besarius

Ulanius Biomed is a large turian biomedical research institution operating with close oversight and funding from the Turian Hierarchy. Unlike most turian medical firms, who specialize in things like battlefield first aid, amputations and prosthetics, and synthetic blood and organ cloning, Ulanius focuses its efforts on a wider range of broader turian health issues, specifically things that are generally not given particular focus in turian media such as genetic deficiencies or chronic illnesses.

They are happy with the quality of facilities at Peak 15 and have put forward no special expansion requests.

Xambu Legal and Judicial
Field: Citadel Corporate Law
Manager: Mundu

Xambu Legal and Judicial are an ancient corporate law firm, who have been operating on the Citadel for almost a thousand years. They are hugely respected by corporate firms around the galaxy and have succesfully defended clients from harsh Citadel rulings on many occasions. Given the recent Council interest in Noverian corporate operations, they have elected to open an office on-world, to better communicate with their most prestigious clients.

Xambu Legal and Judicial have all the facilities they require on Noveria and sees no need to make any requests for expansion at this time.

Zil Enterprises
Field: Extranet Sales
Manager: Chetha Merero

Zil Enterprises are an online shopping organisation and hosts of the galaxy's biggest second-hand resale site. An ancient salarian company, Zil Enterprises is one of the oldest corporations in the galaxy and an incredibly wealth one, naturally. In the wake of several recent investment purchases giving them significant stake-by-proxy in Noveria's continued development, they have elected to establish a small office on world.

None present

Binary Helix
Field: Genetics Research
Manager: Quentus Urvan

Binary Helix have been removed from Noveria for the second time due to their continued involvement in massively illegal and entirely unsanctioned research into utilising the rachni as bioweapons. Their biolabs at Peak 15 were previously the site of a massacre after an incident involving illegally cloned rachni which escaped from containment - leftover DNA from this incident was later used to raise a second illegally cloned rachni army, deployed as a bioweapon during the Garvug War.
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Abec Territorial Ordinance
Field: Large-Scale Munitions
Profitability: 1
Favour: 1
Manager: Dalatrass Holem
Projects of Interest: Peak 12 Munitions Plant, Destructive Testing Range

Abec Territorial Ordinance sells a variety of explosives fit for every purpose - from ground-to-orbit satellite killer missiles to controlled demolition and excavation charges. Their presence on Noveria currently is limited to their offices in the Corporate Sector, although Citadel law changes regarding the manufacturing of explosives may push them to relocate.

Obvious Salarian STG test facility. This should be where they developed the Scorpion

Kantor Robotics
Field: Robotic Engineering
Profitability: 1
Favour: 1
Manager: Bato Beb'ral
Projects of Interest: Geth Salvage

Kantor Robotics is one of the few batarian organisations to survive the Hegemony's descent into authoritarianism and subsequent departure from Citadel society. Originally focused on mechanical prosthetics, they moved into fully autonomous robots for military applications on the behalf of their government and then stayed there as the Hegemony turned inwards. They rent a research and development facility at Peak 22 where they build and test new models of combat mech in controlled live-fire environments.

Bartarians doing research on dangerous samples for military applications...why am I not surprised? They are just one Project Overlord waiting to happen. And if they are not a branch of the Batarian SIU affiliated to a branch of Bartarian State Arms, I will eat my N7 Armor.

Korten Machines
Field: Land Combat Vehicles
Profitability: 1
Favour: -1
Manager: Korten Gradd
Projects of Interest: Prototyping Workshop

Clan Korten is known for two things - klixen-roasted varren jerky with pyjak sauce, and the Tomkah Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Though it is by far the most famous, the Tomkah is only one of Clan Korten's range of armoured vehicles, many of which find use by Terminus mercenary bands and fringe empires. They have a small design workshop at Peak 41, and were looking to expand. Anoleis, either as part of an incredibly brilliant or incredibly stupid play, took their money and sent it elsewhere, and Korten Gradd insists this is now your problem to fix.
Best solve this fast and give them what they paid Anoleis for. Their combat vehicles are good and we may want to buy some.
Well this is interesting. After so many different centrally planned toothbrushes Plan quests I think it's time for a scummy capitalist quest.

Time to get rich.
Turn 2 - 2183-02
You're not sure if the spartan interior of the office was Anoleis' preference or the result of a dedicated clean-up effort, but either way, it's not been much improved during your tenure so far. Aside from the hybrid quarian-geth computer in the corner, near-silently chugging away at a series of background data analysis tasks, the office is pretty much the same as when you first walked in.

Not that you'd had much of a chance to decorate even if you'd wanted to. Anoleis' files were an absolute nightmare, and if there was any sort of pattern to their organisation you couldn't see it. It was the work of most of your free time over the month just finding the relevant documents, let alone actually reading them.

On the bright side, the documents were reasonably detailed. Though outdated, and mostly focused on past deals made rather than plans going forward, they still provided a reasonable insight into what various groups wanted and what kinds of projects they might have been interested in.

Unfortunately for you, one of the past dealings you find listed relates to the krogan clan workshop on Peak 41, and specifically it notes that the krogans paid for an expansion, but Anoleis diverted that money to pay for other projects. You're not sure why - or what project was paid for, given there's not been a whole lot of development since Port Hanshan was founded, and none that matches the time frame.

Probably just siphoned it into his bank account, or to pay off his cronies. Pah. What an unsophisticated way to make money off someone. May as well just mug them at gunpoint. Nonetheless, the expansion has been paid for and, by the terms of the contract Anoleis signed, the NDC must deliver.

Thankfully, Anoleis doesn't appear to have signed any other contracts that will get you in trouble - after a quick round of calls to touch base with the various managers, you successfully confirm that none of them are expecting anything. Though you do note not everyone is happy to see you, mentioning the projects Anoleis had flagged as of interest to them tended to get you good results, and by the end of the first month you have a pretty good idea of what at least a majority of the corporations want.

Now you just have to figure out how to get it to them.

Hopefully, whilst avoiding another disaster like Peak 15, or any more nonsense like the ridiculous theories coming out of the Ground-Orbit Relay site.


Resources Banked: 35
Resource Income: 200 - 10 (Corporate Favour) = 190
Total Resources Available: 35 + 190 = 225

Facility Cargo Capacity: +8 (Significant Surplus)
Facility Network Capacity: +2 (Minor Surplus)
Facility Power Capacity: 0 (Running At Capacity)
Facility Housing Capacity: +2 (Minor Surplus)

Free Dice: 3 (3 Available)
Executive Support: 65

Corp Status
Port Hanshan6n/a
Noveria Now13
Tevura Media Group13
Hassan Atomics12
Narhu Combine12
Sannovi Industrial12
Solemni & Olde12
Abec Territorial Ordinance11
Ahial Syndicate11
Domain Ecological Services11
Dora'vua Cyber Systems11
Epherea Biomedical11
Kantor Robotics11
The Preni Group11
Tiber Extraction And Refining11
Baria Frontiers10
Jaeto Investigations10
Long Winter Studios10
Astra Finanical10
Synthetic Insights10
Elanus Risk Control Services10
Itavan Skyworks1-1
Korten Machines1-1
Nezo Aerospace1-1
Binary Helix--2
Kaskadan Syndicate--

Quota Target: 80 >> 92 Profitability ( 15% )
Quota Progress: -1/12 Profitability ( -8% )

Heavy Industry (3D, +5 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Expand Onsite Construction Facilities
Port Hanshan's initial development called for a small and simple production facility, to produce basic construction materials and structural components. By expanding the manufacturing capabilities of that facility, and setting aside space to store and maintain dedicated construction vehicles and equipment, the NDC can save on the cost of importing skilled workers, specialised equipment, and prefabricated modules, and instead ship in cheaper raw resources and construct on-site.
(Progress: 166/300 - 25 Resources per die) (Cheaper dice for Construction actions, -4 Cargo)
(Sannovi Industrial: +1P, +2F)

[ ] Spaceport Expansion Program
Port Hanshan's Spaceport is only capable of adequately servicing a handful of freighters at a time, and the size of the facility and staff limit the throughput of cargo. Under normal circumstances, the addition of additional docking and service bays would be a simple matter, but the idiots on the board decided that they wanted their secretive research facilities to be nestled in the mountains, and the flatter lowlands are too far for convenient travel, so any expansion of the spaceport will require a significant investment of time and effort, not just in construction but in carving chunks out of the mountains to make room in the first place.
UPDATE: The Narhu Combine believe it would be a natural and mutually beneficial arrangement if they were given the responsibility of establishing the refueling infrastructure for the expanding spaceport.
(Progress: 0/500 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Cargo, -2 Housing)
(Narhu Combine: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Glacial Fusion Plant
Fuel-efficient and climate friendly, fusion power plants are the standard for developing and developed worlds across civilised space. By burying the fusion plant deep within Noveria's frozen glaciers, they and the limited radioactive waste they produce can be safely and securely contained away from more densely populated areas, and without ruining the view as more economical renewable generators would.
(Progress: 0/300 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Power)
(Hassan Atomics: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Destructive Testing Range
For all the power and sophistication of computer modelling and simulations, it is difficult for them to surpass the level of realism of reality itself. But live testing, especially of vehicles and weapon systems, can often lead to significant damage. Little more than a series of hardened walls to contain blasts and stop speeding debris, dedicated destructive testing ranges give engineers a place to cut loose and put their prototypes through thorough testing without endangering their neighbours.
-[ ] Peak 18 (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (Nezo Aerospace: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Secondary Artificial Biome Cluster Site
Before an artificial biome can be created, with its own atmosphere mixing stations and climate control systems, a container for that biome must be created. These facilities are, by necessity, relatively large, and as such require substantial land clearing. Additionally, Noveria's extreme temperatures necessitate a high degree of environmental hardening to ensure the artificial biome is not adversely affected by outside weather.
-[ ] Peak 11 (Progress: 0/250 - 20 Resources per die) (Domain Ecological Services: +1F)

Advanced Industry (3D, +15 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Hanshan Processor & Microframe Plant
A syndicate of salarian electronics manufacturers, the Kaskadan Syndicate, have put forward a request for the construction of a new and high end electronics plant either in or around Port Hanshan. Currently, no such facility exists, and as such, high end electronics are one of the many things Noveria needs shipped in for major projects. The Kaskadan Syndicate is willing to give the NDC first-refusal and a tidy discount on those electronic products if allowed to develop and manufacture them on Noveria.
(Progress: 251/300 - 15 Resources per die) (Cheaper dice for High-Tech actions, -2 Cargo)
(New Corporation: Kaskadan Syndicate (+1P, +2F))

[ ] Restore Offsite Uplink
The mess the Spectre made of the Aleutsk Valley pathway to Peak 15 included a not-insignificant amount of damage to one of Port Hanshan's Offsite Data Uplinks. Originally designed as redundancies, the Offsite Uplinks became more and more important as Hanshan's population grew but its infrastructure failed to grow with it. The increased strain on the network is noticeable, with complaints of latency and dropped connections coming from every sector.
(Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die) (+4 Network)

[ ] Data Traffic Management Centre
Prioritising data traffic is already a challenging problem for every group in the galaxy. Intergalactic communications rely on simple priority rules to allocate bandwidth, whilst local relays such as Hanshan's ground-to-orbit system generally work on a first-in-first-out basis, relying on relative lack of traffic to ensure high speed connections. By analysing outgoing communication requests and assessing relative importance before passing them offworld, corporate assets can be assured they are receiving the highest possible speed at all times, and never getting stuck behind civilian data traffic.
UPDATE: Granting corporations some limited access to the data analysis allows them to fine-tune advertisements and other elements of the content they produce, enhancing profitability.
(Progress: 0/100 - 10 Resources per die)
(Noveria Now: +1P) (Tevura Media Group: +1P)

[ ] Hanshan Medical Centre Renovation
Maybe it's just your quarian aversion to slap-dash medical care and 'good enough' clean rooms, but you personally take some offense to the lack of updates Hanshan Medical Centre has seen since it was initially constructed during first wave development. Port Hanshan's population, being made up generally of professionals, not families, with next to no children or elderly, may be less in need of cutting edge medical technology than some demographics, but in your professional experience, hospitals are exactly the kind of thing no one appreciates until they really need them.
UPDATE: Baria Frontiers has a medical research clinic attached to the Hanshan Medical Centre, and would certainly be appreciative if it was included in renovations.
(Progress: 0/200 - 10 Resources per die) (Improve Port Hanshan Livability)
(Baria Frontiers: +1F)

[ ] Dedicated Computation Cluster
Personal or desk scale computation and data storage devices are both cheap and widely accessible galaxy-wide. However, as has been the case for centuries, there is a cost to miniaturisation. Dedicated room-scale hardware has always had an advantage in processing speed and power, from antique server racks to modern quantum supercomputers. Installing some computation clusters within Port Hanshan's office complexes and renting them out could prove mutually beneficial.
-[ ] Astra Financial (Progress: 0/150 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Astra Financial: +1P, +1F)
-[ ] Dora'vua Cyber Systems (Progress: 0/150 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Dora'vua Cyber Systems: +1P, +1F)

[ ] Prototyping Workshop
For all the power and sophistication of computer modelling and simulations, it is difficult for them to surpass the level of realism of reality itself. But producing prototypes only to find minor issues that require the reproduction of components or even the entire system is a source of constant frustration. Many designers prefer actual workshops, so that minor adjustments can be made swiftly and in direct response to problems that arise during the prototyping and testing phase without requiring constant digital redesigning.
-[ ] Peak 09 (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (Ahial Syndicate: +1P)
-[ ] Peak 41 (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (Korten Machines: +1P) (Overdue 0/3)

Infrastructure (3D, +25 Bonus per roll)

[ ] Ground-Orbit Uplink Site
The existing ground-orbit communications infrastructure is in dire need of expansion, with original usage estimates far exceeded and redundancy units pressed into general service to ensure needs were met. A new transmission tower and accompanying infrastructure would bring network capacity up to a far more acceptable level and remove reliance on the backup equipment.
UPDATE: Due to ridiculous rumours and nonsense allegations of 'mountain monsters', the workers refuse to venture up to the site without a military escort.
(Progress: 26/300 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Network)
(Cannot be taken without Mountain Monsters)

[ ] Distributed Windworks
Noveria's weather and the terrain of the Skadi Mountains means that there are many, many valleys near Port Hanshan suitable for the deployment of distributed wind farms. Cheap, dependable, and clean, they're an ideal source of power, and distributing generation across multiple areas has benefits of its own. Some people think that the wind farms are blights upon the landscape, but seeing as how there's a dozen luxury resorts on Noveria and Port Hanshan isn't one of them, you find it kind of hard to care.
(Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+8 Power)

[ ] Arcology Spire
Very few people want to make their lives on Noveria, and it doesn't take a genius to work out why. The advantage of this is that it massively reduces housing pressure - and what little long-term housing pressure does exist tends to be focused on the resort-cities, which cater far more to high class lifestyles. Nonetheless, some 80,000 people call Port Hanshan home, and that is brushing close to the practical capacity limit. Taking lessons from centuries of urban planning and orbital habitat design across the galaxy, arcology spires serve to provide not just housing and the requisite utilities, but rental spaces that can be dedicated to shops, restaurants, schools, gyms, and other facilities, providing all the average resident needs within a single complex.
(Progress: 0/200 - 10 Resources per die) (+4 Housing)

[ ] Breaking Ground: Peak 12
When the NDC's Executive Board balked at the cost of ongoing developments and shifted funds into more profitable endeavours, a number of proposed-but-undeveloped sites were archived for later use. Abec Territorial Ordinance have indicated that they may in future wish to move manufacturing to Noveria, and one of those archived sites could prove suitable for their purposes. Establishing a transit route and preparing infrastructure connections is the first step of turning the site into an operational facility.
(Progress: 0/200 - 20 Resources per die)

Security (4D, +7 Bonus per die)

[ ] Mandatory Audit (Targets 1 Corporation)
In addition to the physical security staff provided by ERCS, the NDC has access to a suite of in-house corporate assessors, auditors, and investigators, trained to dig out corruption, noncompliance, and assorted chicanery wherever it takes root. Sending them after a company ensures that the appropriate rental fees and taxes are being paid, promptly and without any shenanigans.
(Breakpoints: 20 / 60 - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, negative corporate favour does not reduce income.)
(Target: -2/1F)

[ ] Mountain Monsters
Wild rumours and conspiracy theories are circulating regarding reports of mysterious mountain monsters near the Ground-Orbit Uplink Site, and the mood amongst the workforce has soured. Construction teams are unwilling to go to work on the site without armed escort, citing attacks on their mechs which you suspect to have been staged. Send some of Matsuo's men and some of the new security mechs to sit on the site and babysit the workers until the job is done.
(Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die)

[ ] Geth Salvage
Between the troopers, warbots, turrets, and miscellaneous other detritus of battle, the NDC is sitting on a veritable goldmine of exotic geth technology. Ensuring that the debris is appropriately recovered and stored for future use by the NDC, rather than whoever stumbles across it, is vital. A Citadel military think-tank has already put out a request for recovered geth technology to be passed on to them, and you know for a fact that there are corporations on Noveria who would be similarly interested.
(Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Snow Patrol
Though Matsuo's report and the Peak 15 surveillance footage paints an impressive image of the Spectre's combat prowess, and the trail she left in her wake is by no means small, the possibility of small groups of geth or rachni remaining somewhere near Peak 15 is non-zero, which by your reckoning is too high. Though it's a pain, having some of Matsuo's forces and drones scour the Aleutsk Valley for any trace of either invader would do a lot to ease tensions.
(Progress: 0/200 - 10 Resources per die) (Consequences unclear)

[ ] Enhanced Border Security
Despite the stringent firearms laws enforced at Port Hanshan, Matriarch Benezia and her commando bodyguards were able to smuggle in not just their own weapons, but a small force of geth troopers, using scan-shielded crates, making a mockery of the Port Hanshan establishment and of its security. The ERCS have put forward a proposal to deploy new and highly sophisticated scanning systems, to ensure similar events cannot be repeated.
(Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (+5 ES)

Administration (3D, +5 Bonus per die)

[ ] Investigate: Saren & Benezia
Whilst not strictly under the aegis of the NDC's regular operations, the Executive Board is very curious as to what, exactly, they did, and whether or not it stands to impact the reputations or profit margins of the NDC. Given that Benezia's presence on Noveria is the most recent lead on either of their activities, the NDC's records on them seem a good place to start looking.
(Breakpoints: ??? - 5 Resources per die) (Consequences Unclear)

[ ] Internal Sweeping
The NDC may occupy a place of privilege on Noveria, but the fate of your all-too-recent predecessor is a reminder that it is not immune to corruption. With some help from the NDC's Internal Affairs division, you can sweep a department to search for embezzlement, ineptitude, nepotism, and other forms of corruption. It's unlikely that much if any corruption remains after Anoleis was removed - and any who escaped notice the first time are likely to be keeping their heads down low for a short while anyway - but it never hurts to check.
(Breakpoints: 40 - Requires 1 Admin dice and 1 from Target department) (Remove corruption, other consequences unclear)

[ ] Firearm Regulation Revision
Port Hanshan maintains a strict policy of prohibiting possession of firearms or firearm components for all parties, with exceptions for on-duty security staff and, by decree of the Executive Board, Spectre agents of the Citadel Council. Though information about the geth attack on Noveria was widely suppressed, news of geth incursions across the Traverse continues to spread, and some are calling for weapon restrictions to be loosened to enable self-defence.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Data Security Law Revision
Noveria was founded and built on the principle of privacy being paramount. By the terms of the colonial charter, all data is to be treated as the private and inviolate property of the responsible parties. Whilst this is obviously preferred by many of the corporations who have established operations, the deliberately sweeping law makes the personal data of individuals equally secure, which makes data harvesting, content targeting, and behavioural analysis relatively difficult.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (Further options on completion)

[ ] Expand Security Staff
As reports continue to trickle in from the wider galaxy about the scope of the geth incursion, much murmuring and discontent has been directed at the ERCS. Their current position as Noveria's police force involves a lot of patrols, guard duty, and crowd control, and their current equipment is by no means suitable for any kind of protracted war with the geth in the event of a future invasion. ERCS wants to negotiate permission to move in some of their more militarised units and vehicles as additional defence against potential geth invasions.
(Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (-2 Housing)
(ERCS: +1P, +1F)
Last edited:
Unfortunately for you, one of the past dealings you find listed relates to the krogan clan workshop on Peak 41, and specifically it notes that the krogans paid for an expansion, but Anoleis diverted that money to pay for other projects. You're not sure why - or what project was paid for, given there's not been a whole lot of development since Port Hanshan was founded, and none that matches the time frame.

Probably just siphoned it into his bank account, or to pay off his cronies. Pah. What an unsophisticated way to make money off someone. May as well just mug them at gunpoint. Nonetheless, the expansion has been paid for and, by the terms of the contract Anoleis signed, the NDC must deliver.
Wow, Anoleis , that's sure a way to die horribly from a whole clan of angry krogans and Blood Pack
[ ] Plan Lets Finish Clearing Crap
-[ ] Expand Onsite Construction Facilities (3D)
-[ ] Hanshan Processor & Microframe Plant (1D)
-[ ] Prototyping Workshop
--[ ] Peak 41 (2D)
-[ ] Breaking Ground: Peak 12 (3D)
-[ ] Mountain Monsters (2D)
-[ ] Snow Patrol (2D)
-[ ] Investigate: Saren & Benezia (3D)

This should clear up our obligations right?
[ ] Plan Lets Finish Clearing Crap
-[ ] Expand Onsite Construction Facilities (3D)
-[ ] Hanshan Processor & Microframe Plant (1D)
-[ ] Prototyping Workshop
--[ ] Peak 41 (2D)
-[ ] Breaking Ground: Peak 12 (3D)
-[ ] Mountain Monsters (2D)
-[ ] Snow Patrol (2D)
-[ ] Investigate: Saren & Benezia (3D)

This should clear up our obligations right?
I second this plan. Was just about to put something like this up myself. I think we should finish up that uplink project before starting on Peak 12 though.
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I second this plan. Was just about to put something like this up myself. I think we should finish up that uplink project before starting on Peak 12 though.
[ ] Ground-Orbit Uplink Site
The existing ground-orbit communications infrastructure is in dire need of expansion, with original usage estimates far exceeded and redundancy units pressed into general service to ensure needs were met. A new transmission tower and accompanying infrastructure would bring network capacity up to a far more acceptable level and remove reliance on the backup equipment.
UPDATE: Due to ridiculous rumours and nonsense allegations of 'mountain monsters', the workers refuse to venture up to the site without a military escort.
(Progress: 26/300 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Network)
(Cannot be taken without Mountain Monsters)
Uplink can't be taken until Mountain Monsters is cleared. The other projects did not look appealing to me so I'd rather keep our bosses happy by breaking new ground to prepare for new customers.
On the other hand, I want to start on the Prototying Workshop for the Krogans 1st to prevent it from becoming overdue. I hate debts.
Anyway, a bit of math to consider our resource useage :

Facility Cargo Capacity: +8 (Significant Surplus)
Consumers :
[ ] Expand Onsite Construction Facilities (Progress: 166/300 - 25 Resources per die) (Cheaper dice for Construction actions, -4 Cargo)
[ ] Hanshan Processor & Microframe Plant (Progress: 251/300 - 15 Resources per die) (Cheaper dice for High-Tech actions, -2 Cargo)
Producers :
[ ] Spaceport Expansion Program (Progress: 0/500 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Cargo, -2 Housing)

Facility Network Capacity:
+2 (Minor Surplus)
Consumers :
None, currently
Producers :
[ ] Restore Offsite Uplink (Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die) (+4 Network)
[ ] Ground-Orbit Uplink Site (Progress: 26/300 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Network)

Facility Power Capacity: +2 (Running At Capacity)
Consumers :
[ ] Dedicated Computation Cluster
-[ ] Astra Financial (Progress: 0/150 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Astra Financial: +1P, +1F)
-[ ] Dora'vua Cyber Systems (Progress: 0/150 - 20 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Dora'vua Cyber Systems: +1P, +1F)

Producers :
[ ] Glacial Fusion Plant (Progress: 0/300 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Power)
[ ] Distributed Windworks (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+8 Power)

Facility Housing Capacity: +2 (Minor Surplus)
Consumers :
[ ] Expand Security Staff (Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (-2 Housing)
[ ] Spaceport Expansion Program (Progress: 0/500 - 25 Resources per die) (+16 Cargo, -2 Housing)
Producers :
[ ] Arcology Spire (Progress: 0/200 - 10 Resources per die) (+4 Housing)

So, here's our overview of various resources and what it takes to expand and/or reduce them. In order of increasing importance, our resources are :

1) Network capacity :

The least pressing matter right now. We have no incoming demands, and one very cheap option to improve production, as well as a moderatly cheap option to massively increase production at no addition resource cost.

2) Cargo Capacity :

While our current reserves are healthy and we do not have more incoming demand than we have the capacity to provide, the construction of a new expansion is expensive, long, and will consume other resources, being dependant on the more critical houseing resouce.

3) Housing

A fairly critical one. We have reserves and a cheap option to improve, but potential demand is greater than supply and our reserves are tiny. Also, it's a requisite for cargo expansion.

3) Power

Current capacity is ZEeo, though we we do have a fairly cheap option to increase production moderatly, and a more expensive option to increase it significantly


With that in mind, I would kind of ignore comms for the moment and start building either wind turbines or the arcology.


Power capacity noted in the update is wrong. It ought to be 0, not +2.
[] Plan : Oh no, Mountain Monster
Heavy Industry (3D, +5 Bonus per roll)
-[] Expand Onsite Construction Facilities (Progress: 166/300 - 25 Resources per die) (Cheaper dice for Construction actions, -4 Cargo) (Sannovi Industrial: +1P, +2F) (3 dice)
Advanced Industry (3D, +15 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Hanshan Processor & Microframe Plant (Progress: 251/300 - 15 Resources per die) (Cheaper dice for High-Tech actions, -2 Cargo) (New Corporation: Kaskadan Syndicate (+1P, +2F)) (1 die)
[ ] Prototyping Workshop [ ] Peak 41 (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (Korten Machines: +1P) (Overdue 0/3) (2 dice)
Infrastructure (3D, +25 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Distributed Windworks (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (+8 Power) (2 dice)
[ ] Arcology Spire (Progress: 0/200 - 10 Resources per die) (+4 Housing) (1 die)
Security (4D, +7 Bonus per die)
[ ] Geth Salvage (Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die) (Further options on completion) (2 dice)
[ ] Snow Patrol (Progress: 0/200 - 10 Resources per die) (Consequences unclear) (2 dice)
Administration (3D, +5 Bonus per die)
[ ] Investigate: Saren & Benezia (Breakpoints: ??? - 5 Resources per die) (Consequences Unclear) (3 dice)
Aside from the hybrid quarian-geth computer in the corner
I wonder is that just methapor on fact that its just quarian design that led to Geth designs or did our corpo bought recent geth salvage(from all those geth Shepard trashes on her journey) on black market(or maybe got them from recent battles on Noveria itself) and used it to build a custom rig? And if he have it connected to extranet how likely that geth loyalist are using such chance to watch him from inside of it?
[X] Plan : Oh no, Mountain Monster

Yeah this plan seems like it covers all the immediate concerns. Also, since we are probably going to have a choice of who to give the geth remains to, what are people thinking? From I recall of my time playing this mission, there should be enough geth corpses to go around for everyone, but obviously some of our stakeholders may not feel that way.
[X] Plan : Oh no, Mountain Monster

Yeah there should be plenty of Geth left to salvage, so long as we don't pull a Tali's dad they shouldn't come back to life either.

Ooh maybe we can introduce thermal clips early! Get ahead of the competition.