You look with disgust at the snow creeping its way up your window. Once upon a time, the phenomena had been fascinating to you - born and raised on a spaceship and visiting the Citadel to start your pilgrimage, weather was something you'd never really experienced. And once you'd wisened up enough to pad out your suit with a secondary thermal layer, it even became kind of fun to wander around in the snow every now and then, just for the novel experience of it.
But the winters down at Dessura were always more mild than up here.
"How long is this blizzard expected to last, anyway?" you ask your empty office.
Even by Noverian standards, it's a bad one. The wind is almost audible even through the thick windows of your office, the snow rushing past the windows reducing visibility to nothing but a tumbling vortex of white.
"Creator Nil'Zannis, satellite imagery suggests the blizzard will diminish over the next week. Estimates based on prior weather reports indicate work may resume in four days."
For the last week and a half you've had construction crews idle and construction ships grounded because of the storm, and recent intensification meant that you'd had to eventually cut off surface air travel completely - shuttles just don't have the power or the sensor systems to move around safely in this kind of weather.
"Good. Hate to have our staff sitting around doing nothing."
Luckily, not all of your staff were idle. Internal teams were making the most of the lull in activity to catch up with paperwork, complete their cybersecurity refresher training, and investigate avenues of siphoning money away in amounts you wouldn't notice, probably.
That's what you'd be doing in their position, anyway.
Itavan Skyworks' recent shift to accommodate the Turian Hierarchy has drawn the ire of more than just Clan Korten. Tiber Extraction And Refining have found themselves in a tight spot for reasons similar to the krogan clan, unable to move minerals from some of their new mining sites in the Traverse due to the deployment of their expanded transport fleet being delayed.
The group have already taken steps to cut off their discounted-supply-and-support deal, bumping up the price of materials at some of Itavan's Traverse shipyards, but the turian group is big enough to have other contacts, such as the Hierarchy itself, and more than wealthy enough to cop the fines. The act is really more sabre-rattling than any meaningful attack, but still indicates unforseen hostility between the two groups.
Itavan may have overstepped in committing so much to aiding the Hierarchy - but then, the turian pricks are unlikely to consider that much of a problem.
In other corporate news, Kantor Robotics has taken a swing at Solemni & Olde over an unflattering audit report that they claim may have cost them a lucrative opportunity. Kantor has alleged that Solemni & Olde's documents make inaccurate and misleading claims based off the data provided, and paint the company unfairly in a negative light.
Joke's on them, though, since you'd committed to not selling them any geth wreckage well before you got the audit report in hand.
Resources Banked: 77
Resource Income: 215 - 15 (Favour) = 200
Total Resources Available: 77 + 200 = 277
Cargo Capacity: +2 (Minor Surplus)
Network Capacity: +6 (Significant Surplus)
Power Capacity: +7 (Significant Surplus)
Housing Capacity: +4 (Minor Surplus)
Executive Support: 70
Quota Target: 80 >> 92 Profitability
Quota Progress: 6/12 ( 50% )
Free Dice: 3
Heavy Industry (3D, +5 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Spaceport Expansion Program
Port Hanshan's Spaceport is only capable of adequately servicing a handful of freighters at a time, and the size of the facility and staff limit the throughput of cargo. Under normal circumstances, the addition of additional docking and service bays would be a simple matter, but the idiots on the board decided that they wanted their secretive research facilities to be nestled in the mountains, and the flatter lowlands are too far for convenient travel, so any expansion of the spaceport will require a significant investment of time and effort, not just in construction but in carving chunks out of the mountains to make room in the first place.
UPDATE: The Narhu Combine believe it would be a natural and mutually beneficial arrangement if they were given the responsibility of providing the refueling infrastructure for the expanding spaceport.
(Progress: 297/500 - 20 Resources per die) (+16 Cargo, -2 Housing)
(Narhu Combine: +1P, +1F)
[ ] Glacial Fusion Plant
Fuel-efficient and climate friendly, fusion power plants are the standard for developing and developed worlds across civilised space. By burying the fusion plant deep within Noveria's frozen glaciers, they and the limited radioactive waste they produce can be safely and securely contained away from more densely populated areas, and without ruining the view as more economical renewable generators would.
(Progress: 0/300 - 20 Resources per die) (+16 Power)
(Hassan Atomics: +1P, +1F)
[ ] Destructive Testing Range
For all the power and sophistication of computer modelling and simulations, it is difficult for them to surpass the level of realism of reality itself. But live testing, especially of vehicles and weapon systems, can often lead to significant damage. Little more than a series of hardened walls to contain blasts and stop speeding debris, dedicated destructive testing ranges give engineers a place to cut loose and put their prototypes through thorough testing without endangering their neighbours.
-[ ] Peak 18 (Progress: 93/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Nezo Aerospace: +1P, +1F)
[ ] Secondary Artificial Biome Cluster Site
Before an artificial biome can be created, with its own atmosphere mixing stations and climate control systems, a container for that biome must be created. These facilities are, by necessity, relatively large, and as such require substantial land clearing. Additionally, Noveria's extreme temperatures necessitate a high degree of environmental hardening to ensure the artificial biome is not adversely affected by outside weather.
-[ ] Peak 11 (Progress: 0/250 - 15 Resources per die) (Domain Ecological Services: +1F)
[ ] Lower Hanshan Commercial Manufacturing
The majority of Noverian-manufactured consumer goods are novelty clothing, snow globes, winter-sports equipment, and snowbounders - goods appropriate for the holiday-goers and long-stay tourists common in the resort cities, but less appropriate for the corporate staff living full time on the planet. Creating local manufacturing for things like furniture, clothing, and home computer terminals would help cut living expenses in Port Hanshan - particularly for the city's small but growing labor, retail and service underclass.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (-2 Cargo, -2 Housing)
Advanced Industry (3D, +15 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Data Traffic Management Centre
Prioritising data traffic is already a challenging problem for every group in the galaxy. Intergalactic communications rely on simple priority rules to allocate bandwidth, whilst local relays such as Hanshan's ground-to-orbit system generally work on a first-in-first-out basis, relying on relative lack of traffic to ensure high speed connections. By analysing outgoing communication requests and assessing relative importance before passing them offworld, corporate assets can be assured they are receiving the highest possible speed at all times, and never getting stuck behind civilian data traffic.
UPDATE: Granting corporations limited access to the data analysis allows them to fine-tune advertisements and other elements of the content they produce, enhancing profitability.
(Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die)
(Noveria Now: +1P) (Tevura Media Group: +1P)
[ ] Dedicated Computation Cluster
Personal or desk scale computation and data storage devices are both cheap and widely accessible galaxy-wide. However, as has been the case for centuries, there is a cost to miniaturisation. Dedicated room-scale hardware has always had an advantage in processing speed and power, from antique server racks to modern quantum supercomputers. Installing some computation clusters within Port Hanshan's office complexes and renting them out could prove mutually beneficial.
-[ ] Astra Financial (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Astra Financial: +1P, +1F)
-[ ] Dora'vua Cyber Systems (Progress: 0/150 - 15 Resources per die) (-2 Power) (Dora'vua Cyber Systems: +1P, +1F)
[ ] Prototyping Workshop
For all the power and sophistication of computer modelling and simulations, it is difficult for them to surpass the level of realism of reality itself. But producing prototypes only to find minor issues that require the reproduction of components or even the entire system is a source of constant frustration. Many designers prefer actual workshops, so that minor adjustments can be made swiftly and in direct response to problems that arise during the prototyping and testing phase without requiring constant digital redesigning.
-[ ] Peak 09 (Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Ahial Syndicate: +1P)
-[ ] Peak 22 (Progress: 0/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Kantor Robotics: +1P, +1F)
-[ ] Peak 28 (Progress: 111/150 - 10 Resources per die) (Long Winter Studios: +1P, +1F)
[ ] Holoaugmented Design Space
Creating digital models and mock-ups before beginning real-world construction is a centuries old process, but one that has always had issues. The perspective granted by a free-floating camera in a digital environment never properly encapsulates a real-world perspective, and things that look right on the model occasionally come out looking a little bit uncanny. Holoaugmented Design Spaces allow designers to bypass this by constructing a full-scale holographic replica of their design to walk through and experience in a much more functional way than is allowed for even by use of augmented reality visors. Itavan Skyworks wants to construct one at their office to experiment with starship layouts.
(Progress: 0:150 - 10 Resources per die) (-2 Power)
(Itavan Skyworks: +1P, +1F)
Infrastructure (3D, +25 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Ground-Orbit Uplink Site
The existing ground-orbit communications infrastructure is in dire need of expansion, with original usage estimates far exceeded and redundancy units pressed into general service to ensure needs were met. A new transmission tower and accompanying infrastructure would bring network capacity up to a far more acceptable level and remove reliance on the backup equipment.
UPDATE: Due to ridiculous rumours and nonsense allegations of 'mountain monsters', the workers refuse to venture up to the site without a military escort.
(Progress: 96/300 - 20 Resources per die) (+16 Network)
(Cannot be taken without
Mountain Monsters)
[ ] Breaking Ground: Peak 12
When the NDC's Executive Board balked at the cost of ongoing developments and shifted funds into more profitable endeavours, a number of proposed-but-undeveloped sites were archived for later use. Abec Territorial Ordinance have indicated that they may in future wish to move manufacturing to Noveria, and one of those archived sites could prove suitable for their purposes. Establishing a transit route and preparing infrastructure connections is the first step of turning the site into an operational facility.
(Progress: 129/200 - 20 Resources per die)
[ ] Lower Hanshan Residential District
Though lacking the awe-inspiring views and proximity to useful services and retail outlets, the new Lower Hanshan area has no shortage of space, space which can be turned into a great many apartments. Smaller, lower-quality apartments, sure, but more than suitable for the kind of lower-class workers Port Hanshan finds itself increasingly in demand for. And of course, knowing some of the corporations, they'll start issuing new staff to those apartments too, in order to cut costs where possible.
(Progress: 0/300 - 15 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (+16 Housing)
Security (4D, +7 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Mandatory Audit (Targets 1 Corporation)
In addition to the physical security staff provided by ERCS, the NDC has access to a suite of in-house corporate assessors, auditors, and investigators, trained to dig out corruption, noncompliance, and assorted chicanery wherever it takes root. Sending them after a company ensures that the appropriate rental fees and taxes are being paid, promptly and without any shenanigans.
(Breakpoints: 20 / 60 - 5 Resources per die) (For six turns, negative corporate favour does not reduce income.) (Reduces risk of Corruption / Shenanigans)
(Target: -1F)
[ ] Mountain Monsters
Wild rumours and conspiracy theories are circulating regarding reports of mysterious mountain monsters near the Ground-Orbit Uplink Site, and the mood amongst the workforce has soured. Construction teams are unwilling to go to work on the site without armed escort, citing attacks on their mechs which you suspect to have been staged. Send some of Matsuo's men and some of the new security mechs to sit on the site and babysit the workers until the job is done.
(Progress: 72/100 - 5 Resources per die)
[ ] Facility Security Review
A lot of the security and emergency response plans remain pretty much unchanged from when they were first written twenty years ago, and whilst standard security doctrines haven't exactly drifted in that time, expansions and reconfigurations of facilities across and around Port Hanshan could warrant a more thorough review of the corporate security services ERCS provides. ERCS professionals could be sent to investigate corporate holdings that may pose risks, and devise revisions to the existing plans as necessary to account for changes since the original documents were written.
(Progress: 0/100 - 10 Resources per die) (May unlock Security Revision actions)
(Target: +1F)
[ ] Corporate Defence Satellites
There are only a few major stations in Noveria's orbit. In addition to the standard comm buoys, that is. Itavan Skyworks and Narhu Combine maintain a starship service station, the Tevura Media Group runs an orbital hotel for the wealthy and influential, and of course the NDC Head Office is aboard the luxury station Profit's Retreat. Which means that there's plenty of room for the installation of defence satellites. The realities of space combat make actual dedicated combat stations impractical, but a satellite network armed with sensor arrays and GARDIAN laser batteries could provide security of the tripwire variety. The Executive Board believes this kind of development would be too far a divergence from their intended aesthetics, although they admit that, given recent events in the Traverse, it may be warranted.
(Progress: 0/250 - 35 Resources per die) (-10 ES)
[ ] Routine Emergency Drills
Prior negligence has made it clear to the NDC that not everyone on Noveria is taking their security as seriously as they should be, even if recent events caused them to shape up. Regular but unscheduled security drills should ensure that the various corporations continue to do their part in keeping everyone safe should the worst happen. Also, watching the corporate types scurry like rats when Matsuo lights a fire under their ass is kind of fun.
(Progress: 0/100 - 5 Resources per die)
Administration (3D, +5 Bonus per roll)
[ ] Internal Sweeping
The NDC may occupy a place of privilege on Noveria, but the fate of your all-too-recent predecessor is a reminder that it is not immune to corruption. With some help from the NDC's Internal Affairs division, you can sweep a department to search for embezzlement, ineptitude, nepotism, and other forms of corruption. It's unlikely that much, if any corruption remains after Anoleis was removed - and any who escaped notice the first time are likely to be keeping their heads down low for a short while anyway - but it never hurts to check.
UPDATE: With your VI monitoring the networks for any sorts of mischief, identifying and monitoring corruption is much easier and much less likely to devolve into a tangled mess.
UPDATE: Your rapport with the Infrastructure department is such that, whether out of respect or genuine satisfaction with their current status, they will refuse to engage in meaningful corruption. The Infrastructure Department is not a valid target for this action.
(Breakpoints: 40 - Requires 1 Admin dice and 1 from Target department) (Remove corruption, other consequences unclear)
[ ] Firearm Regulation Revision
Port Hanshan maintains a strict policy of prohibiting possession of firearms or firearm components for all parties, with exceptions for on-duty security staff and, by decree of the Executive Board, Spectre agents of the Citadel Council. Though information about the geth attack on Noveria was widely suppressed, news of geth incursions across the Traverse continues to spread, and some are calling for weapon restrictions to be loosened to enable self-defence.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (Further options on completion)
[ ] Data Security Law Revision
Noveria was founded and built on the principle of privacy being paramount. By the terms of the colonial charter, all data is to be treated as the private and inviolate property of the responsible parties. Whilst this is obviously preferred by many of the corporations who have established operations, the deliberately sweeping law makes the personal data of individuals equally secure, which makes data harvesting, content targeting, and behavioural analysis relatively difficult.
(Breakpoints: 30 - 5 Resources per die) (-5 ES) (Further options on completion)
[ ] Horuvak Valley Platinum Mine Approval
Though they have already secured mineral exploitation rights across Noveria, Tiber Extraction And Refining are restricted by the terms of the colonial charter from engaging in mining operations within a certain range of Port Hanshan without the proper approval. In testing their new Panoptes mineral scanner, they located a significant deposit of platinum within the Horuvak Valley, and the group has requested permission to draw up plants to establish an extraction operation there. Though it could generate significant profit, especially if refining is also performed on site, resource export, whether raw or refined, would put significant strain on Noveria's spaceport.
(Progress: 0/100 - 10 Resources per die) (Unlocks further options)
(Tiber Extraction And Refining: +1F)
[ ] Expanding Bureaucracy
One thing you've noted since arriving at Port Hanshan is that the scale of your teams is very well suited for keeping things running smoothly, but quickly becomes strained when projects are running. Given funding is not a particularly significant issue, taking steps to begin expanding your staff may prove beneficial for bolstering future developments. Primarily, it means preparing for both competency assessments and security checks for candidates, and ensuring that the paperwork involved to even begin hiring on the necessary scales is prepared for when hiring drives actively begin.
(Progress: 0/100 - 10 Resources per die) (Unlocks Recruitment actions)
Well, some
of my new computer is here. Shipping the case separately due to bulk makes sense, but I'm surprised and disappointed that it got here faster than the internal gubbins. Ah, well, I'm sure the guts will turn up eventually. In the meantime, I have jury rigged an ugly tangle of cables and connectors and gotten my antique laptop up and running mostly, and whilst it's no gaming PC it's a fair bit better than my phone. As such, we are tentatively back in action.
Vote is currently closed, but I'll open it up tomorrow sometime. If you got questions, go ahead and ask 'em. You know, the usual.
Also, uh, Status and Corps posts are updated. As usual, there may be mistakes. Call 'em if you spot 'em.