Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

Cannon Omake: Christ's Kingdom on Earth (Part 2)

The Globe Uprising
By late 11 A.E., Sarah Wyse had become increasingly estranged from her brother, as had their adoptive Downtimer parents. What had started as a pragmatic means of getting enough to eat had taken on a life of its own. Abiel's own family interacted with him less and less, as the self-proclaimed prophet spent more and more time with his followers and in great community gatherings that seemed to be half religious sermons and half training exercises.

Nevertheless, ties of family were not so easily severed, as an encounter with Senator Dean Barker would show. Barker held a strong hatred of both Abiel Wyse and his followers, which soon provoked a heated argument, which in turn attracted a crowd. When Barker lost his temper and punched the still-teenaged girl, the crowd transformed into a riot, and a combination of Globe police and Barker's personal escort only barely managed to keep them from literally tearing the Senator apart.

Things escalated rapidly from this point, as each side of the confrontation demanded the other's head, and began mobilizing forces to collect it. Whitefield, attempting to find some sort of compromise between an influential Senator with many powerful allies and the increasingly large Vanguard cult, discovered that the Vanguards of Christ were no longer, if they ever truly had been, under his control. The boy prophet was by now fully convinced of his divine status, and had grown increasingly disgusted with the New American Republic over his two years in residence. The drought and the resulting woes of the many impoverished Americans in the throes of hunger (particularly the young who lacked an education to find gainful employment) had struck a particular chord with the boy. In his next sermon less than an hour later, he denounced the New American Republic, its President, its Senators, and the entire system as hopelessly corrupt, calling for a full scale uprising to topple "This living monument to human sin and Greed."

The population of Globe, swelled by the dispossessed and radicalized by hunger, was more than happy to comply. Whitefield mobilized the Globe Sheriff Department to put down the Vanguards, but to his horror, they were utterly crushed, complacent after a decade of little more than putting down unarmed dissidents and two years of being able to rely on the Vanguards for dangerous duties and heavy lifting. The Vanguards of Christ meanwhile numbered almost ten-thousand at this point, and even if many were armed with simple tools instead of guns, most were hardened from skirmishes and confrontations with other NAR militias and mobs. Just as importantly, they'd stolen the march on the Sheriffs, storming the department headquarters and other critical buildings in the first half-hour of the uprising.

The capitol building didn't last much longer. President Whitefield was forced to flee, as was Senator Baker, who would go on to form the main NAR bloc opposing the Vanguardists. Abiel meanwhile, was publicly acclaimed by the Vanguards as Viceroy of Christ's Kingdom on Earth.

The nascent kingdom's first challenge was not long in coming. Dean Baker had rallied his own militia, executing Whitefield for allowing things to get this far and joining forces with Chuck Wise, who retained one of the single largest military forces of any Senator. Other disparate forces were also rallied, such as the religious militants of the Diocese of Globe under Bishop Henry Gibbons, along with what remained of Globe's Sheriff Department. This combined force marched on Globe at best speed, aiming to put down the uprising before it could spread.

The fighting was hard, but the speed of the Vanguardist uprising meant they had been able to seize most of Globe's pre-Event equipment stockpiles before they could be evacuated or destroyed, including large amounts of police body armor, assault weapons, and even a number of technicals. Furthermore, one of the first things the new Viceroy had done (alongside ordering that the city be fortified against a counterattack) was to command preachers to go out into the countryside and rally sympathizers to the cause. These uprisings reinforced the city's defenders and cut badly into the coalition's supply lines, and after three days of fighting, they were forced to withdraw in defeat.

Word soon spread of the success of the Globe Uprising, and within a week lines had been drawn across the NAR in what was fast escalating into a nation-wide civil war, and within a couple months would expand far beyond that.

Anatolia Ablaze
After the second victory at Globe, the Vanguardist uprising spread like wildfire. Rural farmers, urban poor, and Downtimer slaves alike flocked to it, drawn to a power that had shown it could take on the New American Republic's best and win. The Vanguards' acceptance of Downtimers soon had an additional blessing, as local Luwian resistance movements were well-equipped with weapons and ammunition smuggled to them by New Washington (and the NAR had done the same thing to their dissident Downtimers.) Now, many chose to join forces with the Vanguards. That one of Abiel Wyse's first acts had been to rename Globe to its pre-conquest name of Sfard was one of numerous olive branches that attracted them to this strange young American, another being the order to free any and all slaves they encountered.

Even a number of Senators ended up joining with the Vanguards. While few, if any, had any real belief in the Vanguard faith, this was perhaps unsurprising. The culture of the NAR's upper class had, after all, been built around loyalty to the President by virtue of him being the biggest warlord. And after the twin battles of Globe, no one had a bigger or better equipped army in the NAR than the Abiel Wyse. In particular, those who had converted before the uprising (which had likewise been a purely political move) hoped they could use their early conversion to curry favor within the new Kingdom.

With their powerbase now established, the new Christ's Kingdom on Earth and its Viceroy quickly began mobilizing for war. Globe had a reasonably sized industrial base that had swelled with the cheap labor suddenly available thanks to the drought, while the decentralized nature of the NAR meant small-scale, often cottage industries were widespread. Much of this would now be turned to military production, producing equipment for the CKE's military. The military itself would be organized, with Vanguard veterans organized into cadres, around which the thousands of new recruits would gather to create combat formations. Others would be concentrated into elite shock units, equipped with the finest in Uptime armor and weapons. So prepared, the new Vanguardist army marched out to war.

Resistance to the Vanguards coalesced in the west, closer to the coastline. Here, Senator Baker used his connections and fragile but still functional alliance with Chuck Wise to declare himself President, leading the anti-Vanguardist forces of the NAR. Between Baker's web of favors to other Senators and militia commanders and Chuck's own personal force, they still held at least nominal control over the majority of the nation's professional military forces. However, they failed to realize the extent of the popular support for the Vanguards, or more accurately, underestimated how much the general population disliked them. Chuck Wise's mass buyouts of land had made him the single most hated figure amongst the NAR's rural population, and Dean Baker was a well-known far-right extremist and conspiracy theorist even by the standards of the generally right-wing NAR. His persecutions of anyone "Liberal" (including doctors, lawyers, scientists, and almost any career that required a college education) were so infamous that ironically, many such figures within the NAR and unable to flee the nation entirely decided to throw their lot in with the cultists, which would prove to be a great boon as the Kingdom developed into a proper nation.

As a result, the torrent of defections and sympathetic revolts to the Vanguardist cause only increased with every passing week, not helped by the CKE's policy of sending preachers out across the countryside. Military confrontations with the CKE didn't go much better. Not only did the elite Vanguards of its military come equipped with the finest of plundered Uptime wargear from Globe, but the rank and file rebels, fuelled by religious fervor, attacked with a fanatical determination, and rather than fighting as a disorderly mob as many expected, the Army of Christ's Kingdom on Earth fought with startling professionalism for a force that had only officially formed less than a month prior. The NAR remnant found itself driven out of the interior, and was increasingly pushed back across the countryside.

In late November of 11 A.E., barely two months after the start of what the Vanguards were beginning to call the "War for Heaven" and everyone else called the Vanguardist War (or Great West Anatolian War in its later stages), the scope of the conflict expanded. In neighboring New Washington, a polarized and heavily contested election had escalated into an attempted coup by the far-right Conservative Party. When the coup failed, the remnants of the Party, fearing destruction, approached the CKE forces garrisoning the border, pleading with them to intervene and save them from the "Liberal-Communist Purge" and offering to bring the nation into the Kingdom's fold.

Bewildered at this sudden offer, but also realizing the golden opportunity presented to the Kingdom, General Sebastian Martinez quickly mobilized his forces and marched into New Washington's interior, the Conservative-sympathetic forces in the region simply letting them in.

This would prove to be a fatal error on the part of the Conservative Party. Not only were the Vanguardists militantly opposed to the landowners and social conservatives who made up much of the Conservative Party (viewing them as simply New Washington's version of the NAR), but they also had a level of connection to many of the nation's Downtimer resistance movements, and the Vanguardist faith had spread fairly rapidly across much of the hinterland. Widespread lynching of the landowners across New Washington's interior occurred, and a mix of Downtimers and American defectors frustrated with the nation's recent reverses both internationally and internally. Christ's Kingdom on Earth was now fighting the two largest and most powerful nations in Anatolia… and winning.

As the world entered 12 A.E., Christ's Kingdom on Earth seemed to be surging from strength to strength. With the harvest season over and the next year's planting season yet to begin, the army's ranks could be temporarily bolstered by thousands upon thousands of rural levies. While the levy would only last for a few weeks at best before it would need to be disbanded and many of the new conscripts were equipped with crude pipe-arquebuses or even tools and improvised melee weapons, this size of this temporary levy, allowed by the sheer proximity of the enemy, may nevertheless have outnumbered every other army in West Anatolia combined.

Against this overwhelming force, the NAR military resistance collapsed. Maddunassa, the last major city in NAR hands, fell in late January to a combined external assault and internal uprising, forcing the Baker government to flee once again. Meanwhile, the rest of the NAR was on the verge of total collapse as the population rebelled while Senators and militias defected to whichever neighbor was both nearby and seen as willing to accept them. The push into New Washington was far less impressive, with a much smaller invasion facing off against the still mostly intact forces of its professional army augmented by National Guard units, but still managed to gain several kilometers of ground.

But all was not well within Christ's Kingdom on Earth. The rapid expansion into the two largest West Anatolian nations had left it with numerous holdouts of resistance, ranging from Downtimers who proved unenthusiastic about accepting what they saw as an American faith to settler militias who feared the CKE as nothing but a mad mob of Downtimers who would kill them all. Their New Washington holdings in particular suffered from this, with many National Guard units in nominally occupied territory having been fighting them even before they turned on the Conservatives.

Furthermore, while the wave of defections and desertions into the Vanguardist ranks was welcome, it had made the military situation much more chaotic. Aside from the core forces formed from those who had directly followed Abiel Wyse, there were also now the private armies of ex-NAR Senators, Downtimer resistance fighters, militias raised by independent firebrands, New Washington and NAR defectors, bandit and mercenary groups of nominal loyalty at best, and even a number of warbands from neighboring Downtimer nations who had joined in pursuit of vengeance and plunder.

Combined with the rapid expansion of the CKE's territory, and the internal situation of the Kingdom was increasingly messy, with vast swathes under de-facto military rule, with generals acting also as warlords ruling over their own petty-empires. There had even been a number of outright battles between different parts of the CKE military. From the situation on the ground and up into the highest echelons of power, Christ's Kingdom on Earth was rife with infighting. Further complicating matters was the arrival of smallpox, which was sweeping across the Mediterranean, and the chaotic nature of the CKE, combined with strong anti-vaxxer sentiments by much of the ex-NAR American population, meant that the kingdom suffered heavily and inoculation via cowpox occurred far too late for many.

Saying that Abiel Wyse was a powerless figurehead during this time wouldn't be quite accurate. The boy king still after all, held the fanatical loyalty of the Vanguard core and had blossomed into a genuinely impressive public speaker, capable of whipping up mobs of eager converts across the CKE into a frenzy to follow his commands. However, in the early days he was largely uninvolved in the actual statecraft, instead leading processions to preach the word to the various populations of newly conquered or liberated lands. While this did much to turn Vanguard Christianity from a thing most merely paid lip service to into a genuine force of belief, it did little to halt the infighting within the Kingdom itself, as his nominal advisors and vassals were free to run their own petty empires with impunity.

Things came to a head in March, when the internal squabbling reached a fever pitch of combat between the various factions within the CKE, and with it a great deal of bloodshed across the upper echelons and lower ranks of the Kingdom. Accusations of heresy and treachery ricocheted across the leadership, each one bringing with it an internal purge between former Senators, Downtimer warlords, and even a number of the original Vanguards killed by either their rivals' followers under the guise of faith, or baying mobs whipped into a frenzy by the mood of the times.

One of these casualties would be Sarah Wyse. Sources differ on why. The supporters of Abiel Wyse claim that the deed was done by agents of Ryan Wall, a turncoat NAR Senator who had amassed great influence both before and after the rise of the CKE by converting to Vanguardism, as part of an attempt to isolate the king by removing anyone else who could influence him. Detractors of Vanguard Christianity instead claim that she was overhead discussing her wish to escape the madhouse that Anatolia had become and was executed for her perceived treachery.

Regardless of how it happened, Sarah's death would devastate her younger brother. Despite how the creation of Christ's Kingdom on Earth had only further estranged the siblings, Abiel still held no small amount of affection for Sarah, crediting her with his survival after their Uptime parents died. For a week after her death, he secluded himself in his quarters within the old capitol building of Sfard, barely accepting food and water that was brought to him. Many feared he would waste away and the kingdom would collapse. Others hoped that this was their chance to rule instead, and the internal conflicts of the Kingdom raged on, and in some places even escalated.

But instead, after that week was over, Abiel Wyse emerged from his quarters, and quietly began assembling people to him, a mix of Vanguardist old guard and new fervent converts, most notably the many young Americans who had, like him, been mere children when the Event happened. Those who had known him before noted that while Abiel's eyes had always burned with a mad fervor, they now seemed more focused in that zeal than ever before.

The Sermon of Sfard
Upon his recovery, one of Abiel Wyse's first acts was to call for a grand meeting at Sfard upon the end of May, declaring that he had received a vision from God and all the noteworthy of the Kingdom must attend, so that the Kingdom could be properly shaped towards what the divine willed. In the cases where faith was not enough, Wyse made sure to imply that this meeting would be what decided the true shape of the kingdom, and that to ignore this summon was to lose the chance to influence it.

It was the best time for such a meeting to take place. The planting season of 12 A.E. had begun, which meant many of the militias of all combatants in the war would need to return to the fields. With the drought of the previous year, a good harvest was sorely needed by all participants, despite their mutual suspicion of an attack during this time. Furthermore, New Washington's recent annexation of the New American Republic with widespread autonomy (including retaining the legalization of slavery and lack of democracy) had sparked widespread revolts. With its foes so distracted, the Vanguardists were free to prepare to assemble at Sfard.

The first day of assembly began in front of most of Sfard's population, which, despite the damage inflicted by Smallpox, was still vast and devoted to the Vanguardist cause. Abiel Wyse had declared the day a holiday so that they might witness this historic moment, one that would begin with a grand sermon detailing his revelation. His advisors and vassals, deciding to humor the young boy king, agreed to this.

The sermon would begin like many others from the boy, emphasizing the importance of keeping to the holy mission that God had sent Tucson across the Sea of Time for, and the need for the Vanguards to return the people of Anatolia to this task they had shirked for over a decade. But then it began to change. Abiel began to openly weep, speaking of the loss of his sister and how he had, for a moment, allowed his weakness to consume him. Until he received another vision in his isolation, one of his sister resting in Heaven. There they had reconciled and spoken of various wrongs done to each other. Sarah Wyse had apologized for leaving her brother, but said it was a necessary step. After all, by doing so, she had ensured that Abiel Wyse's eyes had been opened to a new enemy: a corruption festering within the very Kingdom of Christ on Earth.

As Abiel spoke, the crowd grew ever more fevered, furious at the idea of such rot within their Kingdom and Faith, and began calling, begging for Abiel to name it so it could be destroyed. It was at this point that the various attendees began to truly notice the identities of the many guards who had been appointed to protect such a vast collection of VIPs. To a man, they were former participants in the initial Globe Uprisings, with many having fought for the Vanguards since their formation. Well-armed, experienced, and zealously loyal to Abiel Wyse above all others.

While the internal fighting within the CKE meant many of the major figures within its politics had brought their own personal guards, they were nowhere near enough to fight not just the Vanguardist veterans, but also the increasingly zealous mob of thousands that Abiel had whipped up into a frenzy. And so, many simply stood, stunned and terrified, as Abiel began speaking of the chaos that had engulfed the kingdom over the past months, and began speaking the names of those identified as the greatest ringleaders and most dangerously ambitious. The first names given were those of Ryan Wall and his entourage, who were quickly disarmed and hurled into the furious crowd, who proceeded to, quite literally, tear them to pieces.

Despite this gruesome start, most of those assembled were not killed. If nothing else, Abiel Wyse desired to have a functioning kingdom at the end of this sermon, and not a blazing ruin. As such, many were simply called upon to reaffirm their oath of loyalty to the Vanguard faith and Abiel Wyse as its prophet. For many this was the first time ever meeting Wyse in person, and, thoroughly impressed by his charisma and well aware of the likely consequences for refusing, did as requested. Even many of those who had been involved with the infighting were given some leeway, provided they displayed a repentant nature at Abiel's urging. They would be allowed to continue to live in relative comfort in exchange for their graceful retirement, with a few even still serving in the administration… with careful eyes on them. Some had even been approached before the sermon had started, quietly given hints at what would occur and offered a chance to retain a good portion of their power, and even prosper from future rewards, by turning on their compatriots.

Others however, were less fortunate. In particular, various warlords near Sfard were quickly and brutally disposed of if they could not make even faster and very public displays of total loyalty and submission to the boy king. In the aftermath of what would become known as the Sermon of Sfard, the city's militia would be sent to their former territories, securing for Abiel personal control over the most vital agricultural, population, and industrial centers of the CKE. Other Vanguard zealots would quickly take control of their personal armies, merging them with the main Vanguardist core. In the months that followed, the lull in the fighting would be used to lead many to Sfard to swear loyalty to Wyse in person.

The Sermon was not entirely successful. A few local power-figures had escaped, or simply not been present when news arrived, and many rose up in revolt, taking advantage of the general chaos across the Kingdom. The rest of 12 A.E. and much of the following year would involve putting down this internal strife, which likely played a part in at least a few of the military reverses the CKE would suffer in the coming months. Nevertheless, the bulk of the worst and most dangerous offenders had been dealt with, and the various factions that had risked tearing the kingdom apart had been thoroughly disposed of or tamed. In a single stroke, Abiel Wyse had made it clear that he would be no puppet, but a ruler in his own right. The teenage boy, one whose pre-Event education had ended at preschool and who was still largely illiterate, had solidified his control over the largest nation in West Anatolia, having triumphed over dozens of men older, more educated, and more experienced than him in the process.
The canal is done, with a nat 100. We have the canal, it is the best canal in the world! (Our dams, on the other hand...)

The quality dice have been quite good to us too. Well not the naval guns, but that was saved by a major overshoot in the main roll. Also damn that is a lot of secret dice. How DO you keep track of everything going on behind the scenes?
Cannon Omake: Three Old Men: You Are Not Immune To Propoganda
At evening within the plaza, the low hum of the electric lights announcing their illumination, three old men sat.

"So what's the paper say today?" Asks Euthros. He'd always been a horrible gossip, and news from across the known world flowed from the paper, through Arktos' lips, and into his ears.

Arktos shuffled his copy of The Daily Worker open as he sat down to read the headline. "Disaster on the Waterways, Dam Failure Caused by Unexpected Flooding!" he read gruffly, shaking his head.

Euthros clicked his tongue, "Aren't those dams supposed to prevent that? This is the second time. At least it wasn't some damn fools trying to blow up some wasps again." That was the talk of the town for weeks when it happened, everyone and their mother speculating on what kind of idiot threw a bonfire party around some explosives. It'd even become an idiom, 'trying to blow up wasps' being shorthand for an idiot idea doomed for disaster.

Arktos read through the article as Euthros grumbled, "It looks like the dam was unfinished and upstream of others, so when the flood hit the next dam it hit harder, which hit the next one even harder. Same thing as last time when it washed away Mikropotos. Didn't take the town away this time, at least."

Euthros felt a sinking feeling, hearing all those families and lives ruined by Poseidon's anger, and a spark of anger at the tragedy. "You know sometimes I think those Prometheans are right about the gods, them keeping us men from making things better."

"What's this about?" Agapetos came in with two amphorae on either shoulder, setting them down in the middle of the group. He had been sent out to get wine and sugar as the last amphorae had been drained dry.

"Agapetos!" Euthros called out, "You're late, what took you so long?"

"Didn't have enough vouchers to get the glucose along with the wine so I had to ask around. So what about the Prometheans?" Agapetos said as he dipped some glucose into a cup, then filled it with wine and stirred. He took a sip, grunted and dipped a bit more glucose in.

"Dam broke because Poseidon flooded the river again." Arktos summarized. "Another twenty people or so died." Agapetos sucked air in through his teeth.

"Oh. That's no good."

"No, it really isn't." Euthros agreed. "The gods really need to learn to leave men alone."

"I thought you didn't buy into the whole communism thing Euthros, what's got you agreeing with them now?" Agapetos spat.

"I don't agree with the Americans. They've got no respect for our traditions, that's what. The Prometheans at least don't deny the very existence of the gods!"

"No, they just don't want to pay them respect, that's what our traditions are."

"And what respect do they pay us, huh? I've done rituals all my life but me and my family's been better fed since the Prometheans came around than I have any time before and," he took a sip of sweetened wine, "mmmmm mm, the wine's better than ever. And what do the gods send us when we grow beyond them? Pox, famine, and now floods! But have we suffered as we would before? No! And it's because of all that industry stuff! Prometheus at least wants us to grow beyond ourselves, and what did the gods do to him? An eternity of fire and punishment, that's what! It's like those - those whatchacallems - borgioi! The gods want us reliant on them so we keep giving them power, but through Prometheus' industry we can grasp the power of the gods themselves!" Euthros clasped a fist in front of himself, imagining his people raising themselves to the heights it's said the Americans had.

"You've been going to Opheleus' sermons haven't you." Arktos said plainly. The Promethean priest was a young 18-year-old that had become a technician in the textile mills after he had learnt to read and devoured textbooks in the library. He boasted that none of the Makhina in his care broke down, as they were well-maintained and properly revered. His fellow priests also respected him as one knowledgeable in mechanical principles.

"Damn straight! And what he has to say makes sense! The gods want kings so that we don't question their dominance over man and nature, when we should rightfully have that freedom for ourselves!" Euthros nodded with self-assured confidence.

"It's the Americans that brought industry to us." Arktos clarified.

"And they had four thousand years to discover the rituals of industry, and now that we're learning them we can pay proper respects to ourselves and the Makhina."

"Proper respects, you say!? It's because of the Americans the pox and famine, and that flood, happened, you said so yourself! They refuse the gods with their hubris, and now there're these idiots coming out of the woodwork saying we should too!? The gods are punishing us for thinking ourselves above them!" Agapetos shouted, his face flushing with anger.

"And what did the Americans do? They had food stockpiled to make sure we were fed! They had that weird cow pus ritual to give us strength against the pox, I should've died when I got it, you know! I could feel the psychopomp hovering over me, but I fought it off!"

"My granddaughter died! My son cried for weeks!"

"She was barely two! They can make another."

"You goat's bastard!"

"Enough!" Arktos shouted, causing the two old men to pause, startled at their normally calm and soft-spoken friend raising his voice. "Euthros, you can't be shouting like that, your heart'll give out. And Agapetos, I'm sorry for your granddaughter, the vaccinations were said to not be as effective on the very young or old. It's a miracle the Seafoam here survived." Euthros calmed down, but Agapetos did not. He stood and menaced Euthros only barely holding back because of Arktos' warning look.

"You fucking owe me for that, Euthros."

Euthros had the decency to look abashed. "I'm sorry, 'Gape, you know how my words get away from me."

"Fucking leash them, then." Agapetos growled, then sat down heavily. "And why the fuck are you ok with this industry shit, Arktos, you're a tailor, isn't that clothing factory putting you out of work?" His work as a woodcutter was still needed, thought the advent of pot-belly stoves means that he's working much less to keep up with the city's need for wood for charcoal. Now it's mostly used for the workshops and construction.

"No, not really, though I'm less of a tailor now and more of a dyer. The clothing they hand out is all bland and heartless. I have fifty people a week, it feels like, coming to me asking for a 'taidai' shirt, or toga, or pants. Some fuckers try to do it themselves and end up with patternless eyesores, it takes skill to get the knots right to make them look decent. I even get labor vouchers for it." He pointed at Euthros, "I actually did Opheleus' cloak for him. Though I did have to sit through his draft sermon."

Euthros made an impressed face. "Nice, it looked like fire. How'd you get it to look like licks of flames like that?" The large amount of paints and jewelry flooding the city, yet more evidence of the powers of industry in Euthros' mind, merely cemented the council as favored by Prometheus' Makhina. Luxuries on par with what that idiot wanax held, given to the people in vast amounts.

"You've got to tie the fabric in certain ways, depending on the thickness of the knot the dye doesn't get all the way through, so you can use that to make the color thin like it is in a campfire." The prevalence of dyes has also been a boon to Arktos, as he needs to experiment in order to discover new techniques for his trade. "I get dyes from the factory every week or so, now. It smells something fierce, but the sheer amount produced… It is powerful."

Agapetos sat sullenly, upset as he was at his friends' acceptance of these blasphemous creations. Downing his cup of sweetened wine, he started ranting. "My cousin's out of work because of those godforsaken factories! His quality work is nowhere near as fast as the drivel those Makhina produce! Where's that 'workers own the tools' now Arktos!"

"There are only so many-" Agapetos cut Arktos off.

"Then why doesn't that fucking council make more of them! Face it, they're trying to get us addicted, dependent on them, same way those Prometheans claim the gods do, and getting them angry at us at the same time! There's another drought coming soon, just you wait!"

"And if there is, we're prepared! The power of industry is giving us men the ability to fight back against the gods!"

"We're just inviting their wrath! The gods will send famine after famine and disaster after disaster to us for trying to subvert their domains! Our children will starve and burn because of the council's hubris!"

"No one in power gives it up willingly, the gods expend their power punishing us, but we are their source! The more droughts they cause the further they weaken themselves and show us men that the only things we need worship are the machines built by our hands!"

"Shut it with that Promethean bullshit, you know that's just the council making gods out of thin air where there are none!"

"The council hates gods, say they don't exist! What reason would the council that did the Night of the Lions have to make up Prometheus?"

"The same council that has Prometheans spreading that socialist idiocy? That supports the hubris that gods can be brought down the same way kings can?"

"That's right they can be brought down! They're scared of the Makhina-"

"Friends." Arktos interrupted sternly, his voice deep and rumbling. "Stop fighting." He ruffled the newspaper in his hands, turning to the next page "Let us move on. The nazis are getting bolder, they've raided a few of Naxos' islands, Crete's big ship was too far away when they did."

All the men's faces soured, Arktos had dragged them to the movie theater to see that american movie 'Come and See' and they had listened to the lecture afterwards on what the nazis were, and it had left an impression. Agapetos had nightmares for weeks, while just the mention of nazis got Euthros red in the face.

""Those bastards!"" they cried at the same time, then Agapetos continued before Euthros could. "First they set up that fucking abomination in Italy, and now they're getting closer to raiding us! And we don't have ships to fight them, if those New Arizonan slavers didn't burn down our ports, twice, we'd have metal ships of our own to make raiding us like trying to blow up a wasp's nest!"

"But no!" Euthros chimed in, "Instead we've got that idiotic Anax with her lumbering beast plodding around while the nazis slip in!"

"She's an Anessa, she's a woman." Agapetos corrected him.

"She's an American. I told you they don't count." Euthros scoffed. "Those slaving bastards, even now a year after we've destroyed them they're causing problems! Honestly, we should march north, get rid of those Arforsoi idiots that gave them the guns to enslave all those people, and are supplying the fucking nazis even now!"

"Damn fucking right. We cut through the slavers like a switch through air, what'd be so different with them?" Agapetos mimed swinging a switch, making a whooshing sound along with it.

Arktos shook his head. "We'd have to go through Iolcus, the reason we won the Anti-Fascist war was because they were surprised and we took their capitol in months. We can probably get Iolcus that quick, but they'd give warning to the Arforsoi, and they used to be the American's military, it wouldn't be easy."

"Then we should go after the nazis themselves!" Agapetos exclaimed, "Take out that colony in Italy, liberate the people there like we did our Boeotic and Aetolian brethren."

"That still needs a navy."

Euthros got a gleam in his eye. "I'm sure the Anax hates the nazis just as much as we do, you know I've heard that they kill people like me, men lovers. And women lovers, too. She's got a wife. She's got to be out for their blood, have her boats carry us over, then our armies can show them the Might of Prometheus!"

Agapetos grumbled, "Those cannons are mighty. I've been to see them training the crews for them. Powerful magic, that."

Euthros slapped his knee. "See, now you get it! We don't have to sacrifice to Ares when we can overwhelm them with powder and steel!" Agapetos scowled at that and stayed silent.

"Why would she use our troops," Arktos asked, "if she has her own to ship over?"

Euthros answered, "aah, but you see, she need her troops to kill all those Sicilians that she starved. If ever you need an example that gods want anaxes, just look at her and that Alcippe. That goddess wants control over the seas, doesn't matter who gets hurt. Imperioi." Euthros said with a self-satisfied nod.

Agapetos took umbrage with Euthros' continued blasphemy, "Show some fucking respect Seafoam! These are the fucking gods you're speaking of, so what if they're Imperioi, they can crush you like an ant just for speaking of them like that!"

"If they do, the future generations will have the means to avenge me! I'm getting old anyway, getting cut down by the gods will at least be a story!"

"Moving on," Arktos headed off another argument, turning the page again, "It looks The Younger Brother had a big sermon and cemented his rule as king. Did a whole thing with executions and oaths of loyalty. Killed his biggest competitors, cowed the rest of them. The classics."

All of them nodded, making affirming grunts. "Yep, them's the classics." Euthros confirmed, Arktos turned the page again.

"The canal's on track to be finished this month, before planting. They're going have people from all over there; throw a party."

"Fucking finally. They've been using too many damn oxen to bring in that coal shit." Agapetos griped, "Maybe now it'll go to something actually useful, like those harvesting machines you read us about."

"The harvesting machines…" Arktos trails off. "The Americans are making new things every day, just two years ago we'd be going home because it was too dark out," he waved his hand at the light, "now we can see in the dark. What do you think life will look like 10 years from now?"

"I'll be dead." Euthros said plainly. "Seventy winters is too much for one man to live through."

"You might. Americans know how to kill disease, and you've lived a healthy life. You just might." that brought on a deep contemplative silence. Things had already changed so much, they were living in a time where suddenly things that were unimaginable excesses reserved for kings were simply handed out. Dyes in every color? New and exotic foods? This incredible glass stuff? None of it existed even five years ago.

"The children won't know what to do. When they look to their parents for traditions their parents will know even less of what to make of it." Agapetos said. "They'll look to the Americans, and the Americans will fill their heads with blasphemous ideas and idiocy."

"I think not." Arktos said. "The Americans are very few compared to us. They aren't even a majority of the council anymore. And half of the Greeks on it are Prometheans." Agapetos snorted at that. "They will make new traditions, like Prometheus, or… have you heard of the Schism in the Mystery Cults?"

"No. What schism?"

"It's between the Wine Cults, who think that Dionysus can only be worshiped through wine, and the Gudshit Cults, who think that any 'mind-altering substance' can work. That they are all different aspects of him. There was a news article about it a while ago."

Agapetos and Euthros looked a bit stumped. "Alright, then." Agapetos said. "Uuuh, what's your point?"

"That as things change traditions will too."

"But that means they aren't traditions!" Agapetos said, aggrieved.

"Bah!" Euthros scoffed, "I've been around long enough the more things change the more they stay the same. Our children will flounder around like newborns, then they'll get their feet under them and life will go on. At least now they'll all be fed while they're floundering. Ten years from now everyone's going to have glass windows. That's what I think, and I won't say no more!"

They continued to converse long after the sun went down and the moths swarmed the lights, enjoying their wine and the sounds of the humming light and the night's creatures.
At evening within the plaza, the low hum of the electric lights announcing their illumination, three old men sat.

"So what's the paper say today?" Asks Euthros. He'd always been a horrible gossip, and news from across the known world flowed from the paper, through Arktos' lips, and into his ears.

Arktos shuffled his copy of The Daily Worker open as he sat down to read the headline. "Disaster on the Waterways, Dam Failure Caused by Unexpected Flooding!" he read gruffly, shaking his head.

Euthros clicked his tongue, "Aren't those dams supposed to prevent that? This is the second time. At least it wasn't some damn fools trying to blow up some wasps again." That was the talk of the town for weeks when it happened, everyone and their mother speculating on what kind of idiot threw a bonfire party around some explosives. It'd even become an idiom, 'trying to blow up wasps' being shorthand for an idiot idea doomed for disaster.

Arktos read through the article as Euthros grumbled, "It looks like the dam was unfinished and upstream of others, so when the flood hit the next dam it hit harder, which hit the next one even harder. Same thing as last time when it washed away Mikropotos. Didn't take the town away this time, at least."

Euthros felt a sinking feeling, hearing all those families and lives ruined by Poseidon's anger, and a spark of anger at the tragedy. "You know sometimes I think those Prometheans are right about the gods, them keeping us men from making things better."

"What's this about?" Agapetos came in with two amphorae on either shoulder, setting them down in the middle of the group. He had been sent out to get wine and sugar as the last amphorae had been drained dry.

"Agapetos!" Euthros called out, "You're late, what took you so long?"

"Didn't have enough vouchers to get the glucose along with the wine so I had to ask around. So what about the Prometheans?" Agapetos said as he dipped some glucose into a cup, then filled it with wine and stirred. He took a sip, grunted and dipped a bit more glucose in.

"Dam broke because Poseidon flooded the river again." Arktos summarized. "Another twenty people or so died." Agapetos sucked air in through his teeth.

"Oh. That's no good."

"No, it really isn't." Euthros agreed. "The gods really need to learn to leave men alone."

"I thought you didn't buy into the whole communism thing Euthros, what's got you agreeing with them now?" Agapetos spat.

"I don't agree with the Americans. They've got no respect for our traditions, that's what. The Prometheans at least don't deny the very existence of the gods!"

"No, they just don't want to pay them respect, that's what our traditions are."

"And what respect do they pay us, huh? I've done rituals all my life but me and my family's been better fed since the Prometheans came around than I have any time before and," he took a sip of sweetened wine, "mmmmm mm, the wine's better than ever. And what do the gods send us when we grow beyond them? Pox, famine, and now floods! But have we suffered as we would before? No! And it's because of all that industry stuff! Prometheus at least wants us to grow beyond ourselves, and what did the gods do to him? An eternity of fire and punishment, that's what! It's like those - those whatchacallems - borgioi! The gods want us reliant on them so we keep giving them power, but through Prometheus' industry we can grasp the power of the gods themselves!" Euthros clasped a fist in front of himself, imagining his people raising themselves to the heights it's said the Americans had.

"You've been going to Opheleus' sermons haven't you." Arktos said plainly. The Promethean priest was a young 18-year-old that had become a technician in the textile mills after he had learnt to read and devoured textbooks in the library. He boasted that none of the Makhina in his care broke down, as they were well-maintained and properly revered. His fellow priests also respected him as one knowledgeable in mechanical principles.

"Damn straight! And what he has to say makes sense! The gods want kings so that we don't question their dominance over man and nature, when we should rightfully have that freedom for ourselves!" Euthros nodded with self-assured confidence.

"It's the Americans that brought industry to us." Arktos clarified.

"And they had four thousand years to discover the rituals of industry, and now that we're learning them we can pay proper respects to ourselves and the Makhina."

"Proper respects, you say!? It's because of the Americans the pox and famine, and that flood, happened, you said so yourself! They refuse the gods with their hubris, and now there're these idiots coming out of the woodwork saying we should too!? The gods are punishing us for thinking ourselves above them!" Agapetos shouted, his face flushing with anger.

"And what did the Americans do? They had food stockpiled to make sure we were fed! They had that weird cow pus ritual to give us strength against the pox, I should've died when I got it, you know! I could feel the psychopomp hovering over me, but I fought it off!"

"My granddaughter died! My son cried for weeks!"

"She was barely two! They can make another."

"You goat's bastard!"

"Enough!" Arktos shouted, causing the two old men to pause, startled at their normally calm and soft-spoken friend raising his voice. "Euthros, you can't be shouting like that, your heart'll give out. And Agapetos, I'm sorry for your granddaughter, the vaccinations were said to not be as effective on the very young or old. It's a miracle the Seafoam here survived." Euthros calmed down, but Agapetos did not. He stood and menaced Euthros only barely holding back because of Arktos' warning look.

"You fucking owe me for that, Euthros."

Euthros had the decency to look abashed. "I'm sorry, 'Gape, you know how my words get away from me."

"Fucking leash them, then." Agapetos growled, then sat down heavily. "And why the fuck are you ok with this industry shit, Arktos, you're a tailor, isn't that clothing factory putting you out of work?" His work as a woodcutter was still needed, thought the advent of pot-belly stoves means that he's working much less to keep up with the city's need for wood for charcoal. Now it's mostly used for the workshops and construction.

"No, not really, though I'm less of a tailor now and more of a dyer. The clothing they hand out is all bland and heartless. I have fifty people a week, it feels like, coming to me asking for a 'taidai' shirt, or toga, or pants. Some fuckers try to do it themselves and end up with patternless eyesores, it takes skill to get the knots right to make them look decent. I even get labor vouchers for it." He pointed at Euthros, "I actually did Opheleus' cloak for him. Though I did have to sit through his draft sermon."

Euthros made an impressed face. "Nice, it looked like fire. How'd you get it to look like licks of flames like that?" The large amount of paints and jewelry flooding the city, yet more evidence of the powers of industry in Euthros' mind, merely cemented the council as favored by Prometheus' Makhina. Luxuries on par with what that idiot wanax held, given to the people in vast amounts.

"You've got to tie the fabric in certain ways, depending on the thickness of the knot the dye doesn't get all the way through, so you can use that to make the color thin like it is in a campfire." The prevalence of dyes has also been a boon to Arktos, as he needs to experiment in order to discover new techniques for his trade. "I get dyes from the factory every week or so, now. It smells something fierce, but the sheer amount produced… It is powerful."

Agapetos sat sullenly, upset as he was at his friends' acceptance of these blasphemous creations. Downing his cup of sweetened wine, he started ranting. "My cousin's out of work because of those godforsaken factories! His quality work is nowhere near as fast as the drivel those Makhina produce! Where's that 'workers own the tools' now Arktos!"

"There are only so many-" Agapetos cut Arktos off.

"Then why doesn't that fucking council make more of them! Face it, they're trying to get us addicted, dependent on them, same way those Prometheans claim the gods do, and getting them angry at us at the same time! There's another drought coming soon, just you wait!"

"And if there is, we're prepared! The power of industry is giving us men the ability to fight back against the gods!"

"We're just inviting their wrath! The gods will send famine after famine and disaster after disaster to us for trying to subvert their domains! Our children will starve and burn because of the council's hubris!"

"No one in power gives it up willingly, the gods expend their power punishing us, but we are their source! The more droughts they cause the further they weaken themselves and show us men that the only things we need worship are the machines built by our hands!"

"Shut it with that Promethean bullshit, you know that's just the council making gods out of thin air where there are none!"

"The council hates gods, say they don't exist! What reason would the council that did the Night of the Lions have to make up Prometheus?"

"The same council that has Prometheans spreading that socialist idiocy? That supports the hubris that gods can be brought down the same way kings can?"

"That's right they can be brought down! They're scared of the Makhina-"

"Friends." Arktos interrupted sternly, his voice deep and rumbling. "Stop fighting." He ruffled the newspaper in his hands, turning to the next page "Let us move on. The nazis are getting bolder, they've raided a few of Naxos' islands, Crete's big ship was too far away when they did."

All the men's faces soured, Arktos had dragged them to the movie theater to see that american movie 'Come and See' and they had listened to the lecture afterwards on what the nazis were, and it had left an impression. Agapetos had nightmares for weeks, while just the mention of nazis got Euthros red in the face.

""Those bastards!"" they cried at the same time, then Agapetos continued before Euthros could. "First they set up that fucking abomination in Italy, and now they're getting closer to raiding us! And we don't have ships to fight them, if those New Arizonan slavers didn't burn down our ports, twice, we'd have metal ships of our own to make raiding us like trying to blow up a wasp's nest!"

"But no!" Euthros chimed in, "Instead we've got that idiotic Anax with her lumbering beast plodding around while the nazis slip in!"

"She's an Anessa, she's a woman." Agapetos corrected him.

"She's an American. I told you they don't count." Euthros scoffed. "Those slaving bastards, even now a year after we've destroyed them they're causing problems! Honestly, we should march north, get rid of those Arforsoi idiots that gave them the guns to enslave all those people, and are supplying the fucking nazis even now!"

"Damn fucking right. We cut through the slavers like a switch through air, what'd be so different with them?" Agapetos mimed swinging a switch, making a whooshing sound along with it.

Arktos shook his head. "We'd have to go through Iolcus, the reason we won the Anti-Fascist war was because they were surprised and we took their capitol in months. We can probably get Iolcus that quick, but they'd give warning to the Arforsoi, and they used to be the American's military, it wouldn't be easy."

"Then we should go after the nazis themselves!" Agapetos exclaimed, "Take out that colony in Italy, liberate the people there like we did our Boeotic and Aetolian brethren."

"That still needs a navy."

Euthros got a gleam in his eye. "I'm sure the Anax hates the nazis just as much as we do, you know I've heard that they kill people like me, men lovers. And women lovers, too. She's got a wife. She's got to be out for their blood, have her boats carry us over, then our armies can show them the Might of Prometheus!"

Agapetos grumbled, "Those cannons are mighty. I've been to see them training the crews for them. Powerful magic, that."

Euthros slapped his knee. "See, now you get it! We don't have to sacrifice to Ares when we can overwhelm them with powder and steel!" Agapetos scowled at that and stayed silent.

"Why would she use our troops," Arktos asked, "if she has her own to ship over?"

Euthros answered, "aah, but you see, she need her troops to kill all those Sicilians that she starved. If ever you need an example that gods want anaxes, just look at her and that Alcippe. That goddess wants control over the seas, doesn't matter who gets hurt. Imperioi." Euthros said with a self-satisfied nod.

Agapetos took umbrage with Euthros' continued blasphemy, "Show some fucking respect Seafoam! These are the fucking gods you're speaking of, so what if they're Imperioi, they can crush you like an ant just for speaking of them like that!"

"If they do, the future generations will have the means to avenge me! I'm getting old anyway, getting cut down by the gods will at least be a story!"

"Moving on," Arktos headed off another argument, turning the page again, "It looks The Younger Brother had a big sermon and cemented his rule as king. Did a whole thing with executions and oaths of loyalty. Killed his biggest competitors, cowed the rest of them. The classics."

All of them nodded, making affirming grunts. "Yep, them's the classics." Euthros confirmed, Arktos turned the page again.

"The canal's on track to be finished this month, before planting. They're going have people from all over there; throw a party."

"Fucking finally. They've been using too many damn oxen to bring in that coal shit." Agapetos griped, "Maybe now it'll go to something actually useful, like those harvesting machines you read us about."

"The harvesting machines…" Arktos trails off. "The Americans are making new things every day, just two years ago we'd be going home because it was too dark out," he waved his hand at the light, "now we can see in the dark. What do you think life will look like 10 years from now?"

"I'll be dead." Euthros said plainly. "Seventy winters is too much for one man to live through."

"You might. Americans know how to kill disease, and you've lived a healthy life. You just might." that brought on a deep contemplative silence. Things had already changed so much, they were living in a time where suddenly things that were unimaginable excesses reserved for kings were simply handed out. Dyes in every color? New and exotic foods? This incredible glass stuff? None of it existed even five years ago.

"The children won't know what to do. When they look to their parents for traditions their parents will know even less of what to make of it." Agapetos said. "They'll look to the Americans, and the Americans will fill their heads with blasphemous ideas and idiocy."

"I think not." Arktos said. "The Americans are very few compared to us. They aren't even a majority of the council anymore. And half of the Greeks on it are Prometheans." Agapetos snorted at that. "They will make new traditions, like Prometheus, or… have you heard of the Schism in the Mystery Cults?"

"No. What schism?"

"It's between the Wine Cults, who think that Dionysus can only be worshiped through wine, and the Gudshit Cults, who think that any 'mind-altering substance' can work. That they are all different aspects of him. There was a news article about it a while ago."

Agapetos and Euthros looked a bit stumped. "Alright, then." Agapetos said. "Uuuh, what's your point?"

"That as things change traditions will too."

"But that means they aren't traditions!" Agapetos said, aggrieved.

"Bah!" Euthros scoffed, "I've been around long enough the more things change the more they stay the same. Our children will flounder around like newborns, then they'll get their feet under them and life will go on. At least now they'll all be fed while they're floundering. Ten years from now everyone's going to have glass windows. That's what I think, and I won't say no more!"

They continued to converse long after the sun went down and the moths swarmed the lights, enjoying their wine and the sounds of the humming light and the night's creatures.
Ah the three old men are back again! While they still disagree amongst themselves about the gods and communism, they at least agree that the Nazis are bad and must be destroyed. Though our armies might be strong, we sadly do lack a navy which at this point we might have to talks with Crete in regards of defeating Rhodes and want comes after that.
Turn 13 (14AE Trimester 1): Strike Off Your Chains, Sons And Daughters Of Labor Results
Turn 13 (14AE Trimester 1): Strike Off Your Chains, Sons And Daughters Of Labor Results
415+25+(70+10 Trade)+15 Precious Metals=535 Resources Per Turn, 30 In Storage
46+25-6=65 Political Support

Foreign Affairs:

In Anatolia, the war between New Washington and Christ's Kingdom on Earth has continued, with New Washington winning several battles while still gaining relatively little in the grand scheme of things. Meanwhile, they have entered into negotiations with the American Republic of Turkey in regards to them possibly joining as a fourth state, after New Washington, the Emergency Commission, and the former New American Republic, but this has caused considerable conflict between the neoliberal and reactionary parties, with the latter threatening secession if their joining threatens an even larger imbalance in power between the current states. Meanwhile, Aibel Wyse has announced increased religious freedom and a considerable salary to any Americans with useful skills who immigrate to the Kingdom, in an attempt to gain a larger base of skilled personnel.

The Republic of Rome has invaded the Kingdom of Quatna, seizing many cities with their army while still not have entirely knocked the downtimers out of the ring yet. Still, as the Kingdom of Quatna has not made nearly as much projects as downtimer states such as Egypt and even the Mittani, their defeat is fairly likely at this point. The Republic of Hattum has also managed to somewhat stablize, with many of the rebels won back over with the use of many concessions, although in the long term this is likely to make the center even weaker.

The reactionary police state in Troy has suffered numerous defeats over the past few months, with their armies being defeated again and again by rebels Uptimer and Downtimer alike. While they still hold Troy within its walls and a few other locations, it is fairly clear by this points that the only thing that they can possibly impact is which percent of their territory falls to which rebel group by trying to hold out a bit longer against one than the other. Some spillover from the various revolts has also occurred in the Federal Republic of America, and while it has not significantly weakened the state yet there are worries that they could be conquered by anyone from the Air Force or the Lukkans if an opportunity presents itself.

Naxos has suffered multiple severe raids on behalf of Rhodes, with several hundred Americans and a large amount of material wealth captured. This has made their government significantly more interested in a protection agreement with Crete, even with a potential reduction in their independence. While we have had some talks with their government about common defense as well, without a navy we cannot do much to gain significant influence with them. In Sicily, there have been significant riots resulting in the deaths of a few settlers and at least several dozen natives, although this is not enough to significantly weaken Cretan rule over the island.

The Lukkans have managed to completely conquer True America, although that tiny reactionary clique was not exactly one of the major American states. Still, this combined with their smaller victories over the 162nd Air Wing has caused considerable panic among many Americans in Anatolia, and the amount of refugees fleeing various areas has increased significantly. Still, further efforts to attract immigrants by everyone from Crete to the Mittani to Rhodes has meant that the amount coming to our shores has not increased as much as it could have, although it has still increased by some.

The Egyptians have attempted to invade the Kindgom of Kerma to the south, and while we do not know as much as we would like to about the battles which followed it seems that they have suffered a significant defeat. It seems that the Kermans have managed to destroy much of the Egyptian fleet going up the Nile with the clever use of fireships, and while the Egyptians managed to gain control of a few scraps of land near the border a broader conquest will have to wait until the army has been rebuilt and further modernized.

Progressive elements within our government have achieved a major victory, with several measures designed to make it harder for illiterate people to vote being repealed by Central Committee members from various factions. This is a victory for our faction overall, but it appears that the Agrarians have benefitted substantially more than it than we have in terms of political support, although the creation of a democratic government is important enough to risk some temporary setbacks to our power.


Derveni-Zapantis Canal
: A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (679+235=914/900)) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (Complete, +25 Political Support) (Nat 100) (Reduced impact of future shock labor efforts)

In a massive shock effort, the remaining sections of the canal have been finished in just a few months. This has required the use of thousands of peasants for labor, but the results have paid off. Already, the stresses on our transport networks from transporting coal from Kopos to Mycenae and other settlements on the Aegean has been significantly reduced, as huge amounts of draft animals and carts for the overland route or taking the long route around the entire Peloponnese is no longer required. The completion of such a large project has also been a major propoganda win, with diplomats from several other states coming to see the official opening of the canal. Experience from the project will also be useful in future efforts requiring large amounts of corvee labor.

"I'm glad that the Popular Republic is now only a decade behind us in terms of canals - it's a great accomplishment for them." - Anax Rachel of Crete

Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1): While some work has been done on building more houses for new city dwellers and increasing the quality of life of those already here, the mass production of concrete has opened up many new possibilities. Nearly a thousand new apartments with running water, central heating, glazed windows, and gas lights and appliances can be built to replace old huts, along with straight, tarmac roads lit with gas lights at night, many new schools, parks, goods distribution points, theaters, and more. While this will not be enough to bring even those already living in the cities up to an acceptable standard of living, it will be a huge step forwards. (10 Resources per dice (126+62=188/150)) (Complete, Stage 2 38/175) (Quality Dice 67)

The first stage of building modernization and infrastructure construction in Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme has been completed, with several thousand people now living in the new apartments and at least the largest streets now lit throughout the night with the power of coal gas. Still, much more work is needed for these benefits to be available to every one of our urban citizens, and work has already begun on yet more construction.

Telegraph Network (Stage 2): Now that the largest cities of the Republic are connected, it is time for wires to be laid towards smaller villages. While the gains will not be as large as from the initial push, this will still massively increase the capacity of the state, and installing the wires will not be too labor intensive. (10 Resources per dice (90+60=150/150)) (Complete, Stage 3 0/200) (+1 Dice to Infrastructure, Heavy Industry, Light Industry, and Agriculture)

Lines to many of the larger villages in the Republic have been completed, significantly increasing our abilities to utilize the labor and resources of rural areas for the good of the people. Still, we are starting to run into throughput issues on the lines between our largest cities, and these must be expanded going forwards in addition to yet more locations being connected to the network.

"To my parents and brother.
I must leave our village immediately, for I have heard the call of a most beautiful bird. Her name is Iphigenia, and she dwells at the relay station in Nauplia. Her fingers work most lightly upon the key and her words are so sweet that I am half her slave already. I am going to Nauplia to make my plea to her to become my bride, and if I do not succeed I will throw myself into the sea."

-A letter left by one of several lovesick telegraph operators who made a case for the hand of an unmarried telegraph operator.

Heavy Industry

Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3):
With coal demand increasing constantly, more must be mined to keep the fires of industry burning. A better world shall be ripped from the heart of Gaia herself, one swing of the pick at a time. (10 Resources per dice (120+54=174/200))

Several new mineshafts are in the process of being dug, with output being set to expand significantly in the near future. The recently completed canal will also reduce the logistical strain of both new construction and the transport of larger quantities of coal in the future.

Thermal Power Generation (Stage 1): While currently available steam engines and generators are extremely inefficient, they can be used to generate electricity for the most critical applications. (20 Resources per dice (32+19=51/50)) (Stage 2 1/100) (Polymer Production (Stage 1) unlocked)

While solar panels and water wheels have provided a small amount of electricity for running computers and a few lights, electrical power generation on a far larger scale has begun. Several power plants with a capacity of nearly two megawatts in total have been fully funded in Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme, with those which are not already online set to begin operation in the next few months. The availability of large quantities of electricity opens up many new industrial processes, the highest priority of which is the production of polymers from acetylene.

Laurion Mines (Stage 1): Now that some mining activity has resumed, the intensification of production beyond the levels being acheived under the New Arizonian government can begin. The introduction of explosives and the construction of more furnaces will acheive that, increasing the availability of more non-ferrous metals by a large degree without needing much more additional labor. (10 Resources per dice (0+69/125)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

Work has begun on expanding the mining and processing facilities in Laurion, mainly focusing on furnaces for now. A plant in Athens for producing xanthates and other chemicals for froth floatation has begun construction, promising to significantly increase the productivity of mines throughout the Republic. Ore roasters with attached plants for converting sulfur dioxide in the exhaust to sulfuric acid are also being built, which will provide large quantities of the critical feedstock at the same time as reducing the pollution from ore processing. Simple reverbatory furnaces for smelting the roasted ores into metal are also being built, at the same time as miners are starting to be trained on the use of explosives. Still, work has just begun on these projects, and considerably more work will have to be done until they give fruit.

Palaiomanina Coal Mines (Stage 1): While there is currently not any real settlement there, the deposits on the Achelous River are some of the most accessable in the entire Republic, and will allow for easier access to coal for Aetolia and the western portions of the Peloponnese that are harder to reach from our present coal mines. (10 Resources per dice (0+139/100)) (Complete, Stage 2 39/125) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

In just a few months, a mine and small town have been set up to exploit the deposits near where the village of Palaiomanina would be three millenia in the future. The shallow depth of the deposits means that they are relatively easy to exploit, and may even be possible to open pit mine in the future if mechanized mining equiptment ever becomes available. Further expansion is possible, as while there are currently not many large settlements in the area the region is ripe for growth and lignite can be shipped fairly far by sea.

Semicoke Plants: By hot pressing lignite into briquettes before firing, lignite can be turned into solid coke or semicoke briquettes instead of just powder. This is not only useful for metallurgical work, but also to for more general use, as the semicoke is far more energy dense and does not have any risk of spontaneously igniting in storage. Tar, ammonia, and various light organics will also be produced in large quantities as useful byproducts, and produces far less harmful smoke when burned indoors. (10 Resources per dice (0+75/150))

Several plants for producing semicoke briquettes have begun construction at all the major coal mines in the Republic, although by far the largest one is at Kópos. While the buildings are not yet complete and the machinery for making the briquettes and separating the various byproducts are mostly still being fabricated, substantial progress has been made.

Light Industry

Mills (Stage 4):
While the use of water power has not penetrated far into the Liberated Territorries up til now, it is time for that to change. Villages that already have dams for irrigation can be fitted with mills for grinding, threshing, and other mechanical operations, increasing productivity and the popularity of our government. (5 Resources per dice (208+76=284/275)) (Complete, Stage 5 locked behind Dams Stage 4)

Various mills for grinding and threshing grain, cutting wood, and other tasks have been built in villages in the Liberated Territories. However, further construction will have to wait until more areas have dams in order to provide them with mechanical power.

Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 2): The mass production of cosmetics, jewlery, and toys vastly superior in both quantity and quality to what the old artisans could acheive will significantly increase the availability of various goods to our citizens and increase general quality of life while allowing for yet more artisans to be reassigned to more productive tasks. The quantity of printed works such as books and board games will also be increased, hopefully leading to literate workers better maintaining their skills even without any more formal education. (10 Resources per dice (183+92=275/175)) (Complete, Stage 3 100/225, quality dice 87+15=102)

The construction of several more factories for the mass production of many different consumer goods has begun. New pigments have massively increased the quality and decreased the cost of makeup and other cosmetics, while also being useful for toys and paints. Meanwhile, the small amount of nickel already being produced in the Liberated Territories has meant that mass produced imitation silver jewelry is being produced on a huge scale, with smaller amounts made from actual silver. Still, this is nowhere near enough to bring our populace into modernity, and work has begun on yet more new industries, covering everything from musical instruments to cardboard boxes to even larger supplies of cooking utensils.

Chemical Industry

Glass Production (Stage 4):
While many countries have established some kind of glass industry, none are anywhere close to reestablishing the production of float glass. This will enable the mass production of large, high-quality glass panes, making many projects such as the construction of large greenhouses for exotic crops more viable, give the Republic a worldwide monopoly on high-quality window glass, and prove the superiority of the socialist economic system. However, building a hundred-meter long hydrogen filled kiln, a vat of molten lead as long as an Olympic swimming pool, and other parts of the production line will be quite expensive. (15 Resources per dice (100+94=194/250))

Great strides towards the construction of a float glass plant have been made in the past few months, with all of the necessary foundations of the buildings already finished and significant progress made on machinery and other parts. There is sufficient funding for work to continue for several more months, although it will not be sufficient to complete the project.

Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3): With the most critical antibiotics now being produced in sufficient quantities, other classes of medications can now be made. Finally, anti-parasitic drugs, beta blockers, propofol, gabapentin, albuterol, metformin, and omeprazole can begin mass production, giving an option to treat many common but previously untreatable chronic conditions. (20 Resources per dice (38+62=100/125))

Production of various new pharmaceuticals has begun, although much of the planned capacity has not yet came online. Most notable of these has been albuterol inhalers for asthma, as although they have to use an inhaled powder instead of an aerosol they still represent a way to treat a disease that affects both Downtimers and Uptimers in fairly large numbers.


Dams (Stage 3):
Yet more small dams can be built in various villages, to provide water power for mills, a head for irrigation networks, and more. After this stage, focus will be shifted towards a similar campagin of construction in the Liberated Territorries. (5 Resources per dice (83+231/250)) (Complete, Stage 4 64/300) (Nat 1)

A massive campaign of dam construction across the entire country has been completed, with literally tens of thousands of villagers mobilized during the off season. Nearly a hundred small dams in both the Peloponnese and the Liberated Territories have been completed in just a few months, although the low quality and inexperience of the corvee laborers has led to several serious accidents and a death toll of over a hundred. Still, huge amounts of progress have been made in agricultural production and general modernization in the countryside, and the Republic is much stronger as a result.


Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2)
: Some education now exists in at least the major urban centers of the Liberated Territories, but it is not entirely sufficient even for those areas, let alone the vast majority of the countryside. Building schoolhouses in and assigning teachers to the villages closest to major cities will help with this, even if the dream of giving every child at least a basic education is still a long ways away. (5 Resources per dice (107+73=180/200)) (+5 Political Support on completion) (Liberated Territories dice can be used) (+4k primary student slots)

Schoolhouses and dwellings for the mobilized teachers have been built in many villages and small towns across Attica and Aetolia in the past few months, as well as in the major cities. While huge amounts of work still needs to be done, huge amounts of progress are being made as well.

Secondary Schools (Stage 2): While the supply of graduates from primary schools may not be huge yet, it will increase soon, and the secondary education system must be expanded as well to ensure that a decent amount of them can be further educated. (10 Resources per dice (294+32=328/250)) (Complete, quality dice 82) (Stage 3 85/300) (+3k secondary student slots)

Yet more secondary school teachers have been hired, allowing for even more of the recent graduates from primary schools to be further educated. There is even a surplus of teachers for the time being, allowing for class sizes to be decreased and some teachers to "apprentice" from others for a time. While this will have to end soon, it will still pay off with those teachers being more experienced by the time they need to teach full classes on their own.

Liberated Territories

Liberated Territories Agricultural Education (Stage 1):
Some efforts were made under the New Arizonan regieme to introduce more modern farming methods and crops to the countryside, but this yielded limited results due to the peasantry being more interested in revolting against the slavers than listening to them talk about agriculture. Hopefully, our efforts yield more success. (5 Resources per dice (0+160/125) (Complete, Stage 2 35/175)

Cadres have been sent to many villages in the Liberated Territories, instructing huge numbers of farmers on more modern agricultural techniques and giving them modern tools and seeds as well as the knowledge to exploit them. This should increase productivity going forwards, as well as endear the peasantry to us.

"I remember the slavers telling us something like this, but it's a lot more convincing when the people telling you about how you should grow "potatoes" haven't killed your cousins." - Tulisios son of Augewas, farmer


Submachine Gun Production (Stage 1):
While they may be massively inaccurate, unreliable, and generally shitty compared to any Uptime firearm, submachine guns enable far higher volumes of fire than anything else we can create right now and can be produced fairly cheaply. This first stage will focus on creating embryonic production lines for submachine guns, ammunition, and the new pistols, with production volumes being relatively low compared to future stages. (20 Resources per dice (75/75)) (Complete, quality dice 82) (Stage 2 0/125)

Mass production of submachine guns and their ammunition has finally begun, with results so far looking better than expected. Small design changes have been found that increase the accuracy and reliability of the firearms while others have decreased the amount of labor and machining required, allowing for slightly more guns to be produced with the same investment while making them slightly less dangerous to use.

Monitor Construction Campaign: The presence of a completed and operational Cretan ironclad and the continues threat of raids from Rhodes shows that we need the ability to defend the Republic on the high seas. While they are not expected to be very reliable or capable of traveling long distances, the construction of three Monitor-like vessels will enable us to destroy nearly any currently built ship with ease... as long as they don't sink before the battle. (20 Resources per dice (16+5=21/150)) (Finishes in approximately two years from start of construction, assuming steady funding)

While significant progress has been made on the subject of producing more modern armaments, this has come at the cost of reassigning many skilled workers from construction of the ship itself, causing a considerable slowdown in construction. Still, the future crew has started to be trained and a few more components have been fabricated.

Naval Gun Production: While our current breach-loading cannons are sufficient for giving trading and fishing vessels some protection, far larger guns are needed if we want the range and firepower to stand a chance against enemy ironclads. A dedicated foundry will be built to construct them, giving the Republic a greater ability to defend itself. (20 Resources per dice (91/30)) (Complete, quality dice 54)

A large foundry for the production of naval guns has been constructed in just a few months. While the produced guns will initially go towards testing and the monitors, fairly soon they should also allow for yet more modern ships and coastal defenses to be built.


Recruit Americans To Ministry
: Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. While this will be extremely unpopular, having more educated people in the Ministry can only be a good thing. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation) (207) (+1 Dice to Chemical Industry, Heavy Industry, Military, and Bureaucracy)

Over a hundred more American refugees are recruited to various governmental and administrative posts, as despite their political unreliability they have far more of a clue what they are doing than anything else. Fortunately, the steady influx of refugees means that this should be sustainable at a steady pace, at least until the chaos in Anatolia dies down.

Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Sufficient
Fuel: Slight deficit
Steel: Slight deficit
Copper: Sufficient
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Sufficient
Electricity: Sufficient, although low quantities overall.
Food: Sufficient
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly free until April
Urban labor: Slight deficit in the Peloponnese, large surplus in the Liberated Territories
Literate workers: Sufficient
American educated workers: Slight surplus
total student slots: 15k primary, 5k secondary, 0k tertiary
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Those are some pretty nice quality dice. And the Nat 100 at least balances out the nat 1 which, while sounding quite callous, at least only resulted in unnecessary deaths.

As opposed to, say, deaths and a regression of the work progress done which wouldve made said meaningless deaths even more meaningless.
Urban labor: Slight deficit in the Peloponnese, large surplus in the Liberated Territories

Hmm.... what project do we expect to eat up urban labor in the Liberated Territories? Maybe we should throw a couple dice at City Reconstruction next turn so we don't have a bunch of unemployed urban workers sitting around in garbage houses?
Turn 14 (14AE Trimester 2): Set Every Heart Ablaze
Turn 14 (14AE Trimester 2): Set Every Heart Ablaze
440+85 Trade+15 Precious Metals=535 Resources Per Turn, 30 In Storage
65 Political Support

Free Dice to Allocate: 4 Dice
Infrastructure (7 Dice):

[]Lock Systems (Stage 3):
While the area does not have any large cities or mines, the northern coast of the Peloponnese does contain many villages which are the source of much of the Republic's food, textiles, wood, and other important raw materials. The streams in the area are too small for much useful traffic, but relatively cheap lock systems can be built to allow for small barges to bring goods to and from the coast. (5 resources per dice (71/225)) (Makes many other projects cheaper, +5 Political Support on completion) (Stage 4 locked behind Dams Stage 4)

[]Port Facilities (Stage 4): Building docks and shipyards in the Liberated Territories will enable them to be integrated into the rest of the Republic's economy, increasing the standard of living for our citizens there and increasing overall output. (10 Resources per dice (0/375))

[]Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 2): Further expansion of the new housing developments and utility grids in the cities of the Peloponnese will enable several thousand more citizens to experience the benefits of modernity, as well as increase domestic labor efficiency in various aspects. (10 Resources per dice (38/175))

[]Experimental Railways: While our steam engines may be inefficient and our steel may be poor quality, we have a sufficient amount of both to seriously consider the construction of a few short rail lines. These would mainly serve to connect various mines to the nearest navigable waterway, with all of the Republic's major towns already having access to at least a small river. Horse- or oxen-drawn wagonways will also be constructed, to serve locations that are too small to merit a dedicated locomotive. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Telegraph Network (Stage 3): In addition to connecting yet more locations to the network, increasing the number of connections between major cities will expand throughput of information and enable more coordination across the Republic on various projects. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1): While the lack of any kind of long-range power transmission infrastructure means that only rivers right next to cities can be used, that is still some amount of electricity generation that should not be put to waste. Small turbines and generators can be installed in pre-existing dams, letting the flow of water be used in a far more efficient and practical fashion than previously. (10 Resources per dice (0/50)) (Further stages locked for the foreseeable future)

[]Acheolus River Dredging: Ordering the construction of several steam dredgers in Mycenae will enable several new large-scale waterway improvement projects, starting with dredging the shallow lower reaches of the Acheolus River to enable the passage of barges and some oceangoing craft up to the new coal mines being built in the area. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

Heavy Industry (7 Dice):

[]Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3):
With coal demand increasing constantly, more must be mined to keep the fires of industry burning. A better world shall be ripped from the heart of Gaia herself, one swing of the pick at a time. (10 Resources per dice (174/200))

[]Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4): With the liberation of New Arizona set to increase our population by nearly two hundred percent, it is only natural for steel production to be increased by a similar amount to serve their needs. Half a dozen Bessemer converters will spill out over a hundred tons of molten steel every day, serving to feed the ever growing needs of the Revolution. (15 Resources per dice (107/450)) (+5 Political Support on completion)

[]Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 3): The small amounts of vanadium, molybendum, and other elements present at Laurion are still sufficient for the production of decent amounts of tool steels, massively increasing our machining capabilities in almost every way. The production of wire, generators, and electric motors will also be expanded, even if quality is massively limited due to the lack of good wire enamels. A general expansion of the plant will also be conducted, increasing the quantity of capital goods produced as well as their quality. (20 Resources per dice (21/250)) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)

[]Thermal Power Generation (Stage 2): Further expansion of power generation is an option, but it may be best to wait until better materials and machinery are available for this purpose. (20 Resources per dice (1/100))

[]Laurion Mines (Stage 1): Now that some mining activity has resumed, the intensification of production beyond the levels being acheived under the New Arizonian government can begin. The introduction of explosives and the construction of more furnaces will acheive that, increasing the availability of more non-ferrous metals by a large degree without needing much more additional labor. (10 Resources per dice (69/125)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

[]Attica Coal Mines (Stage 1): The current undersized mines near Thebes and Lefkandi can be modernized and expanded, increasing the access to coal for the whole of Attica and Euboea for residental and industrial use. (10 Resources per dice (0/125)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

[]Larymna Ironworks (Stage 1): While little development of the area was done under the previous slaver regime, large amounts of iron and nickel ore can be produced with the development of open pit mines near the coast at Larymna. Nickel can be smelted on site, while the iron ore can be shipped to a new steel mill in Lefkandi for greater availability of local labor. (15 Resources per dice (0/100)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

[]Palaiomanina Coal Mines (Stage 2): The mines at Palaiomanina can be expanded further, but as local demand for coal is low and transport infrastructure is almost nonexistent there is not much point for the time being. (10 Resources per dice (39/125)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

[]Semicoke Plants: By hot pressing lignite into briquettes before firing, lignite can be turned into solid coke or semicoke briquettes instead of just powder. This is not only useful for metallurgical work, but also to for more general use, as the semicoke is far more energy dense and does not have any risk of spontaneously igniting in storage. Tar, ammonia, and various light organics will also be produced in large quantities as useful byproducts, and produces far less harmful smoke when burned indoors. (10 Resources per dice (75/150))

Light Industry (5 Dice):

[]Textile Industry (Stage 4):
Now that most cloth and clothing production in the Peloponnese has been mechanized, work must begin on bringing the Liberated Territories up to the same standard as the rest of the Republic. This stage will construct several large textile mills in Athens, Thebes, and Delphi, providing massive amounts of fabric and clothing for our new citizens. (10 Resources per dice (78/275)) (+5 Political Support on completion)

[]Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 3): While new factories for goods like various musical instruments and art supplies can be built, expanding already existing factories for things such as cardboard, paper, ceramics, and furniture is just as high of a priority. Attacking this challenge on all possible fronts will grow our economy and increase standard of living in many areas. (10 Resources per dice (100/225))

[]Export Weapon Production (Stage 1): Giving downtimer states the ability to fight back against American imperialism can only be a good thing, even if some misguided members of the Central Committee might look down on it due to increasing the amount of inter-Downtimer fighting as well. It becomes an even better thing once you factor in the fact that most Downtimers will be willing to trade substantial amounts of various luxury and exotic goods for even a steel axe or pike, let alone a simple musket. (10 Resources per dice (0/100)) (-5 Political Support when complete) (Large boost in trade income and soft power abroad, changes in relationships with various states)

[]Complex Goods Production: While it may not outwardly appear as critical as things such as pharmaceuticals and weapons, producing goods such as timekeeping devices and optics on a substantial scale is extremely important, even if it will require retraining Americans for many tasks due to the complexity involved if we want to start making progress on it before the secondary schools start to produce significant numbers of graduates. (25 Resources per dice (0/100))

Chemical Industry (4 Dice):

[]Glass Production (Stage 4):
While many countries have established some kind of glass industry, none are anywhere close to reestablishing the production of float glass. This will enable the mass production of large, high-quality glass panes, making many projects such as the construction of large greenhouses for exotic crops more viable, give the Republic a worldwide monopoly on high-quality window glass, and prove the superiority of the socialist economic system. However, building a hundred-meter long hydrogen filled kiln, a vat of molten lead as long as an Olympic swimming pool, and other parts of the production line will be quite expensive. (15 Resources per dice (194/250))

[]Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3): With the most critical antibiotics now being produced in sufficient quantities, other classes of medications can now be made. Finally, anti-parasitic drugs, beta blockers, propofol, gabapentin, albuterol, metformin, and omeprazole can begin mass production, giving an option to treat many common but previously untreatable chronic conditions. (20 Resources per dice (100/125))

[]Synthetic Flavorings and Scents: While not as vital as medications, synthetic compounds can be used to add new flavors and smells to daily life. While we may not be able to get actual vanilla or cinnamon anytime soon, vanilin and cinnamaldehyde accomplish the same goals and are relatively easy to produce in the necessary quantities. (20 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Low-Pressure Hydrogenation Reactors: While the low quality of the chemical reactors we are able to produce renders many useful processes out of reach for now, hydrogenation reactions that only require an atmosphere or two of pressure still open up many doors. Most important will be the conversion of fish and olive oil to solid fats, increasing the options available for food in the Republic, and the production of furfuryl alcohol and cyclohexanone for use in plastic production. Gaining more experience with hydrogen before attempting processes that require hundreds of bars of pressure and high temperatures will also be good to increase efficiency and safety. (20 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Polymer Production (Stage 1): Plastics were arguably one of the most important inventions of the 20th century, and restoring production of them is a very important step on the road to a developed state. While currently planned production will not be all that much, even small amounts of PVC and polyvinyl formal will be extremely important in various electrical components. (20 Resources per dice (0/100))

Agriculture (5 Dice):

[]Dams (Stage 4):
The construction of more dams, now in the Liberated Territories, will increase resistance to famine there, and make it easier to provide transportation and water-powered machinery to more rural areas. (5 Resources per dice (64/300))

[]Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2): While modest gains have been made thus far, at significant costs, agricultural mechanization will free both the peasant from hard labor and reduce the threat of starvation. Further production and distribution of agricultural machinery, as well as the importation of draft animals from abroad, will increase labor efficiency yet further. (10 Resources per dice (14/200))

Services (6 Dice):

[]Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4):
With one final push, the ability to at least theoretically give every child in the Peloponnese a basic four-year education will be in place, although mandatory education will likely have to wait a bit longer. This will be a great victory for the worker's state, and may let us start to work on increasing the quality and length of education, so that the people may know more than just the bare essentials of literacy and arithmetic. (5 Resources per dice (86/325)) (+6k primary student slots)

[]Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2): Some education now exists in at least the major urban centers of the Liberated Territories, but it is not entirely sufficient even for those areas, let alone the vast majority of the countryside. Building schoolhouses in and assigning teachers to the villages closest to major cities will help with this, even if the dream of giving every child at least a basic education is still a long ways away. (5 Resources per dice (180/200)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used) (+4k primary student slots)

[]Secondary Schools (Stage 3): Further expansion of secondary schools into rural areas is theoretically possible, but as there will not be any graduates from these areas for over a year there is not point. (10 Resources per dice (85/300)) (+5k secondary student slots)

[]Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 5): While a decent percentage of the population of the Peloponnese now at least know how to write their own names, the Liberated Territories are even further behind, with essentially no one having any literacy at all. This must be rectified as quickly as possible, although expanding literacy campaigns to the level they are at in the Peloponnese will take several years. (5 Resources per dice (63/425)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)

[]Advanced Education (Stage 1): While it may not be practical to establish a full-on university yet when our nation's secondary school system is not even a year old, the creation of some sort of institute to enable the retraining of Americans and some downtimers towards more useful tasks such as medicine, engineering, and machining will be extremely useful, as it will enable an increased supply of personnel suitable for at least some complex tasks. Still, it will require the reassignment of significant quantities of the Republic's most useful personnel from other tasks, as well as providing incentives to attract and keep potential professors in the Republic. (20 Resources per dice (0/100))

Liberated Territories (9 Dice):

[]Liberated Territories Agricultural Education (Stage 2):
While some peasants in the Liberated Territories have been given access to new techniques, crops, and tools, many more have not. This situation must be rectified as soon as possible. (5 Resources per dice (35/175)

[]City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 2): While people may no longer be freezing to death in the streets of Athens and Thebes, most of the population still lives in deeply subpar dwellings that need to be modernized in order to reduce disease, increase productivity, and win over the population. (10 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Liberated Territories Address Assignment and Postal Integration (Stage 1): While the postal system in the Peloponnese is acceptable, it is essentially nonexistent in the Liberated Territories. Assigning addresses to every building in the cities and setting up at least an embryonic postal service will significantly increase administrative capacity in the region, as well as provide an additional incentive to people to learn how to read. (5 Resources per dice (0/75))

Military (5 Dice):

[]Cannon Production (Stage 5):
While our nitrogen supplies may be limited, the use of poor quality but nitrogen-free Cheddite compositions for high explosive and white phosphorus for incendiary shells means that large amounts of shells more effective than solid shot can begin. Mass production of smaller mortars to take advantage of these shells can also begin, increasing our military capabilities yet further. (15 Resources per dice (19/200))

[]Rifle Production (Stage 3): Now that the production of the old pipe guns has stopped, a new weapon must fill their place. Rifled muskets, while not as flashy as more advanced weapons, can still be the weapon of our mass levies of infantry for the next decade or so - if we start massively expanding their production now. (15 Resources per dice (0/150)) (~+500 rif/turn)

[]Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 2): Now that production of bolt-action rifles has begun at some quantity, the next task must be to expand it further so that they can be supplied to a significant portion of the People's Atmy before we all die of old age. (25 Resources per dice (17/125)) (~+200 bolt-action/turn)

[]Submachine Gun Production (Stage 2): Now that production of submachine guns at some quantity has begun, further expansion will enable them to be issued at some kind of scale, allowing the army to modernize further. (20 Resources per dice (0/125)) (~+300 submachine guns/turn)

[]Monitor Construction Campaign: The presence of a completed and operational Cretan ironclad and the continues threat of raids from Rhodes shows that we need the ability to defend the Republic on the high seas. While they are not expected to be very reliable or capable of traveling long distances, the construction of three Monitor-like vessels will enable us to destroy nearly any currently built ship with ease... as long as they don't sink before the battle. (20 Resources per dice (21/150)) (Finishes in approximately two years from start of construction, assuming steady funding)

[]Liberated Territories Military District Organization: Organizing military infrastructure and conscription rolls in the Liberated Territories will enable a significant increase in the size of the People's Army in the event of war, even if it will dilute our supply of officers yet further. (10 Resources per dice (0/100)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

[]Creation of Dragoon Units: While the supply of sufficiently large horses is still small, it is sufficient for at least a few platoons of dragoons to be created. This will significantly increase the scouting and tactical abilities of of the People's Army as a whole, as well as enable them to maneuver far faster on a operational scale if detached from slower-moving troops. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

Bureaucracy (4 Dice):

[]Recruit Americans To Ministry:
Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. While this will be extremely unpopular, having more educated people in the Ministry can only be a good thing. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)

[]Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)

[]Evaluate Replacements: It is apparent that some Ministers are too incompetent, reactionary, or both to serve the people well in their current positions. This would evaluate various people for a ministry position, followed by firing the current minister if they are judged to be more competent. (1 Dice, rolled) (Possible Political Support loss/gain) (Limited to 1 minister per turn)

[]SSD Expansion: While we do have some intelligence on other nations, it is still far less than is optimal. Diverting a small amount of funds to expand our networks from everywhere from Egypt to Italy will give substantial rewards in the long term, as well as increase our influence over the nation's intelligence arm. (5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Push for Bases Abroad: While some may oppose it in the name of anti-imperialism, the foundation of ports along the coasts of Epirus and Albania as well as negotiating potential basing agreements with Corfu and Naxos will significantly increase our ability to defend ourselves as well as nearby Downtimers from colonization. (1 Dice, Rolled) (-10 Political Support to take)

Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Sufficient
Fuel: Slight deficit
Steel: Slight deficit
Copper: Sufficient
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Sufficient
Electricity: Sufficient, although low quantities overall.
Food: Sufficient
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly free until April
Urban labor: Slight deficit in the Peloponnese, large surplus in the Liberated Territories
Literate workers: Sufficient
American educated workers: Slight surplus
total student slots: 15k primary, 5k secondary, 0k tertiary

12 Hour Moratorium (also, I will have a longer voting window this time)
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[] Plan Draft Anti-Nazi Militarization
Infrastructure, 7 dice
-[] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[] Telegraph Network (Stage 3), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[]Acheolus River Dredging, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 7 dice + 3 lib territories
-[] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 4 dice (60 Resources)
-[] Laurion Mines (Stage 1), 1 dice (10 Resources) lib
-[] Attica Coal Mines (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources) lib
-[] Semicoke Plants, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 5 dice
-[] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 4 dice
-[] Glass Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (20 Resources)
-[] Polymer Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 6 dice
-[] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2), 6 die (60 Resources)
Services, 6 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
-[] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2), 2 dice (15 Resources) lib
-[] Advanced Education (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice -7 dice used elsewhere
-[] Liberated Territories Address Assignment and Postal Integration (Stage 1), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Military, 5 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[] Rifle Production (Stage 3), 3 dice (45 Resources)
-[] Monitor Construction Campaign, 2 die (40 Resources)
-[] Liberated Territories Military District Organization, 2 dice (20 Resources) lib
-[] Creation of Dragoon Units, 2 dice (30 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 4 dice
-[] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 1 dice (5 Resources)
-[] SSD Expansion, 2 die (10 Resources)
-[] Push for Bases Abroad, 1 die

Resources Available: 565
Resources Used: 550
Resources Remaining: 15

Campaign season is coming up and we need to start getting ready, not just because the airforce and Lolcus may move on us at any time, but also because we need to start preparing for a larger conflict with Rhodes, at least until we can kill it. Plus, the strong chance that Arizona and Lolcus would strike us with any form of distraction cannot be underestimated needing more production of everything. Otherwise, am going for advanced education to start accumulating instructors and professors for semi-educated Americans and polymers in chemicals for revolutionizing generator windings and giving us a viable route to proper electrical power.
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> 'm glad that the Popular Republic is now only a decade behind us in terms of canals - it's a great accomplishment for them." - Anax Rachel of Crete

Dang you Crete, we will get you back for that!
[] Plan Draft Anti-Nazi Militarization
Hmm, we have 565 Resources, not 560. Since there's a lot of Liberated Territory dice to spare, maybe throw another die onto Addresses?

Also, I'm not too sure on 2 dice on Acheolus River Dredging, or so many dice on mines in general. That feels to me like a lot of rural labor being conscripted during the farming season. Would rather it just be one on Kopos and one on Laurion.

And the Thermal Power Generation fluff even says that more power isn't needed ATM, so maybe push that somewhere else?
Hmm, we have 565 Resources, not 560. Since there's a lot of Liberated Territory dice to spare, maybe throw another die onto Addresses?

Also, I'm not too sure on 2 dice on Acheolus River Dredging, or so many dice on mines in general. That feels to me like a lot of rural labor being conscripted during the farming season. Would rather it just be one on Kopos and one on Laurion.

And the Thermal Power Generation fluff even says that more power isn't needed ATM, so maybe push that somewhere else?
We have a liberated territories surplus, and it shouldn't be that much more labor starting digging compared to what gets stuck digging. Also, I used the lib territories dice in other categories, leaving only two left.
We have a large urban labor surplus, but are the mines close enough that we'd actually be using urban labor for them? I remember us having that problem with earlier plans in the Peloponesse where I assumed the mines were closer to the cities than they actually were.
Agriculture, 6 dice
-[] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2), 6 die (60 Resources)
I think we only have 5 agri dice?

Also, putting my own plan forward. I don't have a problem with Blackstar's but a second option is always good. The big difference is i went for Complex Goods, as I want lenses, and that took away resources from elsewhere. I am rerolling the LI guy to try and find someone with literally any bonuses.

[] Plan: The Lense Through Which We See The Future
Dice Used: 54/56. Resources Used: 565/565
Infrastructure (7 Dice)
-[] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 2): 3 Dice, 30 Resources
-[] Telegraph Network (Stage 3): 2 dice, 20 resources
-[] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1): 1 dice, 10 resources
-[] Acheolus River Dredging: 2 Dice, 20 Resources
Heavy Industry (7 Dice)
-[] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3): 1 Dice, 10 Resources
-[] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4): 2 Dice, 20 Resources
-[] Laurion Mines (Stage 1): 1 Dice, 10 resources
-[] Attica Coal Mines (Stage 1): 2 Dice, 20 Resources
-[] Semicoke Plants: 1 Dice, 10 Resources
Light Industry (5 Dice)
- [] Textile Industry (Stage 4): 1 Dice, 10 resources
- [] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 3): 2 dice, 20 resources
- [] Complex Goods Production: 2 Dice, 50 Resources
Chemical Industry (4 Dice)
-[] Glass Production (Stage 4): 1 Dice, 15 Resources
-[] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3): 1 Dice, 20 Resources
-[] Low-Pressure Hydrogenation Reactors: 1 Dice, 20 Resources
-[] Polymer Production (Stage 1): 1 Dice, 20 Resources
Agriculture (5 Dice)
-[] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2):
5 Dice, 50 resources
Services (6 Dice + 3 Liberated Territories + 2 Free)
-[] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4): 5 Dice, 25 resources
-[] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2): 3 Liberated Territories Dice, 15 Resources
-[] Secondary Schools (Stage 3): 2 Dice, 20 Reources
-[] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 5): 1 Dice, 5 Resources
Liberated Territories (9 Dice - 5 Used Elsewhere)
-[] Liberated Territories Agricultural Education (Stage 2): 2 Dice, 10 Resources
-[] Liberated Territories Address Assignment and Postal Integration (Stage 1): 2 Dice, 10 Resources
Military (5 Dice + 2 Liberated Territories + 2 Free)
-[] Rifle Production (Stage 3): 3 dice, 45 Resources
-[] Monitor Construction Campaign: 2 dice, 40 Resources
-[] Liberated Territories Military District Organization: 2 Liberated Territory dice, 20 Resources
-[] Creation of Dragoon Units: 2 dice, 30 resources
Bureaucracy (4 Dice)
-[] Evaluate Replacements: Andrew Lindsey, Light Industry. 1 Dice, 0 Resources
-[] Push for Bases Abroad: 1 Dice, 0 Resources
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[] Plan Draft Anti-Nazi Militarization But More Urban
Infrastructure, 7 dice
-[] Port Facilities (Stage 4), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[] Telegraph Network (Stage 3), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 7 dice + 1 lib territories
-[] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 4 dice (60 Resources)
-[] Laurion Mines (Stage 1), 1 dice (10 Resources) lib
-[] Semicoke Plants, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 5 dice
-[] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 4 dice
-[] Glass Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (20 Resources)
-[] Polymer Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 6 dice
-[] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2), 6 die (60 Resources)
Services, 6 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
-[] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2), 2 dice (15 Resources) lib
-[] Advanced Education (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice -5 dice used elsewhere
-[] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[] Liberated Territories Address Assignment and Postal Integration (Stage 1), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Military, 5 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[] Rifle Production (Stage 3), 3 dice (45 Resources)
-[] Monitor Construction Campaign, 2 die (40 Resources)
-[] Liberated Territories Military District Organization, 2 dice (20 Resources) lib
-[] Creation of Dragoon Units, 2 dice (30 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 4 dice
-[] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 1 dice (5 Resources)
-[] SSD Expansion, 2 die (10 Resources)
-[] Push for Bases Abroad, 1 die

Resources Available: 565
Resources Used: 550
Resources Remaining: 15

Okay, here's a version of Blackstar's plan I made because I was uncomfortable doing River Dredging and Attican Coal Mines when they might require rural labor (River Dredging may need less since it uses steam dredges, but I could see it still using some, and anyway I really think we should start on ports.)

Rivers is replaced with Ports, while Attican Coal Mines is replaced with City Reconstruction in Liberated Territories. Everything else is the same.
[X] Plan Draft Anti-Nazi Militarization But More Urban
Infrastructure, 7 dice
-[X] Port Facilities (Stage 4), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Telegraph Network (Stage 3), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 7 dice + 1 lib territories
-[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 4 dice (60 Resources)
-[X] Laurion Mines (Stage 1), 1 dice (10 Resources) lib
-[X] Semicoke Plants, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 5 dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Complex Goods Production, 1 die (25 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Polymer Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 6 dice
-[X] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2), 6 die (60 Resources)
Services, 6 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[X] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2), 3 dice (15 Resources) lib
-[X] Advanced Education (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice -5 dice used elsewhere
-[X] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Address Assignment and Postal Integration (Stage 1), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Military, 5 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[X] Rifle Production (Stage 3), 3 dice (45 Resources)
-[X] Monitor Construction Campaign, 2 die (40 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Military District Organization, 2 dice (20 Resources) lib
-[X] Creation of Dragoon Units, 2 dice (30 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 4 dice
-[X] Evaluate Replacements(Light Industry), 1 dice
-[X] SSD Expansion, 2 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Push for Bases Abroad, 1 die

Resources Available: 565
Resources Used: 560
Resources Remaining: 5

Consideration is being made to swap out the Downtimer Ministry Recruitment with getting a new Agri Minister, but just gonna go with this for now.

EDIT: Discussion on Discord says replace Light Industry Minister.
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[X] Anti-Nazi Militarization, Replacing LI minister
Infrastructure, 7 dice
-[X] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Telegraph Network (Stage 3), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Acheolus River Dredging, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 7 dice + 3 lib territories
-[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 4 dice (60 Resources)
-[X] Laurion Mines (Stage 1), 1 dice (10 Resources) lib
-[X] Attica Coal Mines (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources) lib
-[X] Semicoke Plants, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 5 dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Complex Goods Production, 1 die (25 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Polymer Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 6 dice
-[X] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 2), 6 die (60 Resources)
Services, 6 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[X] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 2), 2 dice (15 Resources) lib
-[X] Advanced Education (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice -7 dice used elsewhere
-[X] Liberated Territories Address Assignment and Postal Integration (Stage 1), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Military, 5 dice +2 lib territories +2 free dice
-[X] Rifle Production (Stage 3), 3 dice (45 Resources)
-[X] Monitor Construction Campaign, 2 die (40 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Military District Organization, 2 dice (20 Resources) lib
-[X] Creation of Dragoon Units, 2 dice (30 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 4 dice
-[X] Evaluate Replacements(Light Industry), 1 dice
-[X] SSD Expansion, 2 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Push for Bases Abroad, 1 die

Resources Available: 565
Resources Used: 560
Resources Remaining: 5
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