Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

-[]170% increase in capital goods production: An emphasis on expansion of machinery plants and the start of industrial polymer production will allow for the development of the economy to be further accelerated. (0 Political Support)
I think either this or MFCE (but preferably this) should be reduced to the minimal section. It'll cost PS yeah, but we have a bank for PS right now that we can afford that, and enough PS gaining projects planned to spike it back up.

MFCE we can achieve with the sheer amount of mines that we can open up in the Liberated Territories just from yeeting local peasants, but Cap Goods will be much more reliant on the workforce we have in Mycenae, which is currently at a deficit.
I think either this or MFCE (but preferably this) should be reduced to the minimal section. It'll cost PS yeah, but we have a bank for PS right now that we can afford that, and enough PS gaining projects planned to spike it back up.

MFCE we can achieve with the sheer amount of mines that we can open up in the Liberated Territories just from yeeting local peasants, but Cap Goods will be much more reliant on the workforce we have in Mycenae, which is currently at a deficit.
Agreed, adjusted my plan.
-[]Partial Compulsory Education: The education of the population must be done as quickly as possible, and while it may not be possible to educate every single child in the Republic, the system is developed enough in the Peloponnese to make primary education for children compulsory within three years. Additionally, efforts can be made to create an institution for retraining American immigrants who had pre-Event education on certain subjects like medicine and engineering. (Stage 5 primary Peloponnese, stage 4 primary elsewhere, stage 2 secondary, stage 1 advanced education) (+5 Political Support)

Why not go for Nationwide Compulsory? It's only 1 more stage of primary schools and 1 of secondary, represents one of the best long-term investments we could make, and lets us potentially cut back somewhere else.
My rough thinking is, our hard to remove bottleneck is lack of educated urban labor. To enable nore of this we need more education and more effective agriculture (to make urban migration feasible). For that we need fertilizers.

I would focus on beeline to education and fertilizers over three years, with a sprinkle of security (military), infrastructure, etc. What free capacity we have should be commited on easy to hit goals (mining, consumer goods?)
Even with throwing near everything at education, I feel getting Partial Compulsory in 9 turns is gonna be a struggle.

Decided to try to estimate the progress that Partial Compulsory and Nationwide Compulsory will require:

We've currently got 6 Services dice, courtesy of our last round of Ministerial recruitment. Over 3 years and 9 turns, with an average progress per die of 50.5, we can expect on average ~2700 progress in Services overall.

We presently need 239 progress to complete Peloponnese Primary Schools Stage 4, 127 progress to complete Liberated Territories Primary Schools Stage 2, and 218 progress to complete Secondary Schools Stage 2. Once we've completed those projects, we'll need 1 more Peloponnese Primary School stage for both projects, 2 Liberated Territories stages in Partial Compulsory and 3 in Nationwide Compulsory, 1 stage of Advanced Education in both, and 1 more stage of Secondary Education under Nationwide Compulsory.

Ok, with that established we'll want to try and estimate the progress requirements for each project.

Peloponnese Primary Schools had staged progress requirements that looked like this:

Stage 1: 150
Stage 2: 200
Stage 3: 300
Stage 4: ????
Stage 5: ????

However, the costs of Stage 3 dropped to 250 after the New Arizona war, probably due to the Expanded Book Production project.

Currently the staged costs of Peloponnese Primary Schools are/were:

Stage 1: 150
Stage 2: 200
Stage 3: 250 <- cost reduction hits here
Stage 4: 325
Stage 5: ????

I think the best estimate for the price of Stage 5 Peloponnese Primary Schools is 400-500, based on a purely vibes-based assessment of the above numbers.

It also look like the Liberated Territories progression is following the original progression rather than a theoretical cost-reduced progression, so I'm going to project each stages price using an advanced statistical technique called guessing:

Stage 1: 150
Stage 2: 200
Stage 3: 300
Stage 4: ???? (400)
Stage 5: ???? (500)

With these extremely accurate numbers that were definitely not pulled entirely from thin air, we can see that, since we need to fully complete Stages 4 and 5 of Peloponnese Primary Schools and Stages 2 - 4/5 of Liberated Territories Primary Schools, we need:

239 + 450? = ~689 progress for the Peloponnese in either case
127 + 300? + 400? + 500? = 827 progress for the Liberated Territories in the Partial Compulsory case, or 1327 progress in the Nationwide case.

In total that's:

1516 total progress under the Partial Compulsory case, or
2016 total progress under the Nationwide Compulsory case

Adding in Secondary Schools, we need 218 progress to complete Secondary Schools Phase 2, so that gives us:

1734 total progress under the Partial Compulsory case

We also don't know the progress requirements of Secondary Schools Stage 3, but the pattern thus far has been:

Stage 1: 150
Stage 2: 250

My monkey-brain wants to follow the obvious sequence and say it'll be 350 for Stage 3, but lets be pessimistic and call it 400. That puts us at:

2634 total progress under the Nationwide Compulsory case.

Thus far I haven't taken into account the Advanced Education stage we need as well, so that could (probably) be somewhere between 100 and 300 additional progress on both cases. We'll put it in the middle and call it 200 progress, which bring us to my final and definitely extremely accurate estimate of:

1934 progress required for the Partial Compulsory commitment, and
2834 progress required for the Nationwide Compulsory commitment

per Anydice, we've got a nearly 100% shot of completing the Partial Compulsory commitment with just the 54 (6 dice x 9 turns) Services dice we'll have available this plan, while only around a 30% chance of completing the Nationwide Compulsory commitment without spending Free Dice on Services.

Overall I'm less bullish on Nationwide Compulsory than I was when I started this effortpost, let me know what you think and please feel free to point out any glaring mathematical or statistical errors that I've made.
I wouldn't be surprised if Compulsory Education also had some maluses to food production, as we start taking more kids away from the farms to the schools. Of course we have plenty of options for increasing food production but that would also require more resources and dice.
Decided to try to estimate the progress that Partial Compulsory and Nationwide Compulsory will require:
I did a very rough cost estimation spradsheet, it's only focused on resources costs and not dice/rural labor etc. It looks like the most expensive goals are along the lines of MFCE and military buildup. In cap and esp consumer goods we've got a base low enough it's pretty cheap to beat target, and I think education is mostly constrained on teachers/dice, not on resources.

My thinking here would be:
- agrarian focus and double dip with Agricultural modernization
- optional capital and/or consumer goods bump for cheap PS, otherwise middle of the road
- middle of the road on education, military
- lowball MFCE
- increased resource allocation

PS loss we can win back by pork projects (the canal etc) + educational efforts

[] Plan Grow and Learn
- []Continue the Course: Continuing taxes at the current levels will keep us with a sufficient resource base to continue industrialization, while keeping the standard of living of our population steadily increasing. (415 base resources per turn, 0 Political Support)
- []150% increases in MFCE: The further construction of more mines, steel mills, cement plants, and a few scattered power plants is something that must be done, but it must be balanced with investments in other areas of the economy. (-15 Political Support)
- []170% increase in capital goods production: An emphasis on expansion of machinery plants and the start of industrial polymer production will allow for the development of the economy to be further accelerated. (0 Political Support)
- []150% increase in consumer goods production: With the coming ability to mass produce plastics in large quantities, many previously impossible or expensive goods can be provided to the citizenry in massive quantities. If we actually want to improve the lives of the workers, investing in the possibilities they provide should be a priority. (+5 Political Support)
-[]55% increase in agricultural production: Heavy investments in agriculture and fishing, alongside attracting immigrants from other countries to increase our agricultural workforce yet further, will enable a great increase in agricultural production. (+20 Political Support)
-[]Partial Compulsory Education: The education of the population must be done as quickly as possible, and while it may not be possible to educate every single child in the Republic, the system is developed enough in the Peloponnese to make primary education for children compulsory within three years. Additionally, efforts can be made to create an institution for retraining American immigrants who had pre-Event education on certain subjects like medicine and engineering. (Stage 5 primary Peloponnese, stage 4 primary elsewhere, stage 2 secondary, stage 1 advanced education) (+5 Political Support)
-[]Moderate Expansion: Giving more and better equipment to our military is a necessary action, as a few thousand pipe guns aren't going to be enough against anyone who didn't enslave 95% of their population. Massively increasing the production of black powder rifles will do good enough to arm most of our troops for now, with the few more modern weapons produced being given to professional formations. Starting the mass issuance of mortars on the battalion level should also be enough to ensure that the Revolution is able to defend itself, at least for the near term. (cannon production (stage 5), rifle production (stage 5), bolt action rifle production (stage 3), submachine gun production (stage 3), monitor construction campaign) (-20 Political Support)
-[]Agricultural Modernization: The construction of more dams and irrigation systems are critical for increasing agricultural yields as well as their other benefits, and a combination of the mechanization of agricultural labor and the encouragement of immigration will enable more laborers to be assigned to industrial tasks. (Stage 5 dams, Stage 4 agricultural modernization, Downtimer immigrant recruitment) (+10 Political Support)

A total change of +5 to Political support - should probably lowball one more goal (capital goods?). We get some achievable goals + free up + educate rural labor for the next, cap+infra focused plan. I'm a bit worried about lowballing military though.
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A total hit of -30 to Political support but will get us a lot of resources, and some achievable goals + free up + educate rural labor for the next, cap+infra focused plan. I'm a bit worried about lowballing military though.
Military is probably the best thing to lowball because we're already rather far ahead with several tech developments and there's no war on the immediate horizon.
Given that we started this Quest on high taxes, I am very much unwilling to risk raising them even further. One thing that got discussed on Discord a long while back is that one of the forms Helotization took for New Arizona would have been oppressively high taxes, so a tax hike I'm worried will make a lot of Liberated Territory peasants view the PRM as another New Arizona with red paint.

I also say that MFCE should be our focus over Cap Goods. The former is something we can throw peasants at in mines, the second requires a lot more educated personnel that we won't have available if they're busy teaching.
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Good point, edited the draft.
I'd also argue that the higher MFCE goal is more achievable than the Capital Goods one despite the higher percentage value, so we should do moderate MCFE and lowball Cap Goods rather than the other way around.

MFCE we just got a lot of low hanging fruit from all of the Liberated Territories Mines being ready for expansion, and it's relatively low skill labor in a place that has a big surplus. Cap Goods are more likely to require educated personnel that we want to use for things like Schools, and has a higher resource per die investment.
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MFCE we just got a lot of low hanging fruit from all of the Liberated Territories Mines being ready for expansion, and it's relatively low skill labor in a place that has a big surplus. Cap Goods are more likely to require educated personnel that we want to use for things like Schools, and has a higher resource per die investment.
MFCE consists of mining, ironworks, cement and electricity: on mining we'll have cheap +100% maybe, then expensive; ironworks are super expensive; cement and electricity are cheap to start. Ultimately if MFCE is a low hanging fruit or not depends on whether we can get away with mostly pumping mining/cement/electricity stuff and leaving iron/steel production to grow slower, or we have to havethis growth balanced across the board.
I propose: Plan Simping For the Peasantry: A Maoist Agricultural Miracle.

- []Decreased Resource Allocation: While current tax burdens may not be horrific to the level of causing famines, it still causes considerable hardship to many of our citizens. Giving them a break for some time will prove quite popular. (350 base resources per turn, +20 Political Support)

- []150% increases in MFCE: The further construction of more mines, steel mills, cement plants, and a few scattered power plants is something that must be done, but it must be balanced with investments in other areas of the economy. (-15 Political Support)

- []130% increase in capital goods production: While mechanization of all areas of the economy is extremely important, the simple fact is that limits on the availability of trained personnel and raw materials limit what can be done to a certain extent. (-15 Political Support)

- []150% increase in consumer goods production: With the coming ability to mass produce plastics in large quantities, many previously impossible or expensive goods can be provided to the citizenry in massive quantities. If we actually want to improve the lives of the workers, investing in the possibilities they provide should be a priority. (+5 Political Support)

- []55% increase in agricultural production: Heavy investments in agriculture and fishing, alongside attracting immigrants from other countries to increase our agricultural workforce yet further, will enable a great increase in agricultural production. (+20 Political Support)

- []Nationwide Compulsory Education: Top priority must be given to all educational efforts, giving us the possibility of becoming the first nation on Earth to give compulsory and free education to all of its inhabitants within three years. Building up an educated population, even if subpar across the board for now, will give us a massive advantage on the world stage and bring us closer to the dream of fully advanced Communism. (stage 5 primary across country, stage 3 secondary, stage 1 advanced education, Nationwide Compulsory Education) (+30 Political Support)

- []Moderate Expansion: Giving more and better equipment to our military is a necessary action, as a few thousand pipe guns aren't going to be enough against anyone who didn't enslave 95% of their population. Massively increasing the production of black powder rifles will do good enough to arm most of our troops for now, with the few more modern weapons produced being given to professional formations. Starting the mass issuance of mortars on the battalion level should also be enough to ensure that the Revolution is able to defend itself, at least for the near term. (cannon production (stage 5), rifle production (stage 5), bolt action rifle production (stage 3), submachine gun production (stage 3), monitor construction campaign) (-20 Political Support)

This plan, obviously, focuses on increasing the productivity of the peasantry, by improving the supply of consumer goods, increasing agricultural outputs to eliminate famine, and achiving nationwide compulsory education in 3 years. It sacrifices everything else on this altar, and is still PS+, so I could knock down education or agricultural production a notch if I want to.
I propose: Plan Simping For the Peasantry: A Maoist Agricultural Miracle.

- []Decreased Resource Allocation: While current tax burdens may not be horrific to the level of causing famines, it still causes considerable hardship to many of our citizens. Giving them a break for some time will prove quite popular. (350 base resources per turn, +20 Political Support)

- []150% increases in MFCE: The further construction of more mines, steel mills, cement plants, and a few scattered power plants is something that must be done, but it must be balanced with investments in other areas of the economy. (-15 Political Support)

- []130% increase in capital goods production: While mechanization of all areas of the economy is extremely important, the simple fact is that limits on the availability of trained personnel and raw materials limit what can be done to a certain extent. (-15 Political Support)

- []150% increase in consumer goods production: With the coming ability to mass produce plastics in large quantities, many previously impossible or expensive goods can be provided to the citizenry in massive quantities. If we actually want to improve the lives of the workers, investing in the possibilities they provide should be a priority. (+5 Political Support)

- []55% increase in agricultural production: Heavy investments in agriculture and fishing, alongside attracting immigrants from other countries to increase our agricultural workforce yet further, will enable a great increase in agricultural production. (+20 Political Support)

- []Nationwide Compulsory Education: Top priority must be given to all educational efforts, giving us the possibility of becoming the first nation on Earth to give compulsory and free education to all of its inhabitants within three years. Building up an educated population, even if subpar across the board for now, will give us a massive advantage on the world stage and bring us closer to the dream of fully advanced Communism. (stage 5 primary across country, stage 3 secondary, stage 1 advanced education, Nationwide Compulsory Education) (+30 Political Support)

- []Moderate Expansion: Giving more and better equipment to our military is a necessary action, as a few thousand pipe guns aren't going to be enough against anyone who didn't enslave 95% of their population. Massively increasing the production of black powder rifles will do good enough to arm most of our troops for now, with the few more modern weapons produced being given to professional formations. Starting the mass issuance of mortars on the battalion level should also be enough to ensure that the Revolution is able to defend itself, at least for the near term. (cannon production (stage 5), rifle production (stage 5), bolt action rifle production (stage 3), submachine gun production (stage 3), monitor construction campaign) (-20 Political Support)

This plan, obviously, focuses on increasing the productivity of the peasantry, by improving the supply of consumer goods, increasing agricultural outputs to eliminate famine, and achiving nationwide compulsory education in 3 years. It sacrifices everything else on this altar, and is still PS+, so I could knock down education or agricultural production a notch if I want to.

If we're doing an agriculture plan, thought to agricultural modernization?

I agree on an agriculture + education focus overall though, and I'm willing to sacrifice quite a few other goals to get that focus. I think it'll also be good politically because we can strengthen cooperation with the agrarian faction and it'll make it easier to get downtimers into politics.
[] Plan: Mediterranean Diet
-[] Continue the Course (415 base resources per turn, 0 Political Support)
-[] 200% increase in MFCE (0 Political Support)
-[] 130% increase in capital goods production (-15 Political Support)
-[] 150% increase in consumer goods production (+5 Political Support)
-[] 40% increase in agricultural production (+5 Political Support)
-[] Partial Compulsory Education (Stage 5 primary Peloponnese, stage 4 primary elsewhere, stage 2 secondary, stage 1 advanced education) (+5 Political Support)
-[] Increased Expansion (cannon production (stage 6), rifle production (stage 5) bolt action rifle production (stage 4), submachine gun production (stage 4), monitor construction campaign, formalized officer training (stage 1)) (0 Political Support)
-[] Infrastructure Modernization (Stage 5 lock systems, Stage 4 ports, Stage 2 paved roads, Railways stage 1) (+10 Political Support)
-[] Agricultural Modernization (Stage 5 dams, Stage 4 agricultural modernization, Downtimer immigrant recruitment) (+10 Political Support)
-[] Support Change: +20

Taxation: I am sending you psychic waves telling you not to increase taxation on a fragile agrarian population. Don't do it. Do not.
MFCE: Half of the bulk.
Capital Goods: Agrarian state, no.
Consumer Goods: You will take these circuses and you will like them.
Agriculture: Other half of the bulk, don't kill everyone in a farmer's revolt.
Education: Keeping my previous practicality estimate.
Military: Be prepared to fight Rhodes, because they're certainly prepared to fight us.
Adds: Agrarian state. Infra is free real estate.

Overall, we must be conscious of the fact that we are an anomalously rising star. This will both change the difficulty of our goals rapidly and leave us in a state of continuous precarity. Securing the Grain is step one to a solution.
[]A Partially Achievable Plan
-[]Continue the Course:
Continuing taxes at the current levels will keep us with a sufficient resource base to continue industrialization, while keeping the standard of living of our population steadily increasing. (415 base resources per turn, 0 Political Support)
-[]150% increases in MFCE: The further construction of more mines, steel mills, cement plants, and a few scattered power plants is something that must be done, but it must be balanced with investments in other areas of the economy. (-15 Political Support)
-[]130% increase in capital goods production: While mechanization of all areas of the economy is extremely important, the simple fact is that limits on the availability of trained personnel and raw materials limit what can be done to a certain extent. (-15 Political Support)
-[]150% increase in consumer goods production: With the coming ability to mass produce plastics in large quantities, many previously impossible or expensive goods can be provided to the citizenry in massive quantities. If we actually want to improve the lives of the workers, investing in the possibilities they provide should be a priority. (+5 Political Support)
-[]25% increase in agricultural production: With basic investments in irrigation, the mechanization of agriculture, and encouraging the spread of modern varieties of crops and simple agricultural techniques yet further, agricultural yields can be increased by a fairly large amount without taking away resources from other sectors of the economy. (-5 Political Support)
-[]Partial Compulsory Education: The education of the population must be done as quickly as possible, and while it may not be possible to educate every single child in the Republic, the system is developed enough in the Peloponnese to make primary education for children compulsory within three years. Additionally, efforts can be made to create an institution for retraining American immigrants who had pre-Event education on certain subjects like medicine and engineering. (Stage 5 primary Peloponnese, stage 4 primary elsewhere, stage 2 secondary, stage 1 advanced education) (+5 Political Support)
-[]Increased Expansion: Increasing the amount of artillery and more modern small arms in the People's Army while still relying on muskets for much of the troops will be both achievable in terms of resources and make the Revolution more defensible against better-armed threats. (cannon production (stage 6), rifle production (stage 5) bolt action rifle production (stage 4), submachine gun production (stage 4), monitor construction campaign, formalized officer training (stage 1)) (0 Political Support)

This is a -25PS plan made to compensate for goals that are entirely unachievable and give us some that can in theory be achievable. Going down the list of goals/their extent. The 150 MFPG goal will likely fail in some ways if barely, our entire sector relies on the mass mobilization of unskilled manpower and even if we mobilize all of the liberated territories, that is not a 150% improvement. Depending on weighting, the power goal may help to carry us a bit, but it's not something to be relied on and will still likely cause a failure. Even if we had the funding though, we lack the skilled population or the ability to more than double our mining workforce while even pretending to hit the other goals. Capital goods are about the same, though even less achievable as we would have to practically double Prometheus production along with maybe setting up more dedicated plants. If it was one or the other to be accomplished then maybe, but as is even going for one is likely to push our HI dice to the limit and we may want to pre-decide which goal is fine to fail.

For consumer goods, we have more of a chance as long as we specialize in light industry dice towards them and work the export sector as hard as we can. The multiplicative effect of manufactured exports can significantly and quickly improve the economy at a far faster rate than mobilizing more peasantry to the mines, as we receive a far larger resource return doing something unique and selling it rather than doing what everyone else is. This will likely consume the LI slot as well, which leaves very little chance to attempt to revolutionize agriculture or attempt to improve agricultural households.

For the ag goal, even 25% is deeply impossible. We are unfortunately grappling with the realities of agriculture before chemicalization or the mass availability of fertilizers, and have zero ways of attempting to produce said fertilizers at an industrial scale. What this means is that we have no way of improving per-plot efficiency and a few ways of improving consistency. The issue with them however is that improvement in consistency increases the labor amount needed to induce a harvest rather than the inverse. We are deploying early labor-saving tools but even those are liable to only get a few percentage points of increase in labor efficiency across the republic, even if they are rolled out in time. Furthermore, improving agricultural efficiency, if it cannot be improved with per-plot efficiency means increasing land under cultivation using the improvements in labor efficiency. This means bringing even less optimal land under cultivation, increasing the amount of labor needed, not to mention the surge necessary to prepare virgin lands. I do not think we can make a jump of 30-35% in agricultural labor efficiency in three years, without which we will have to transfer a greater portion of personnel to agriculture, leading to everything else failing.

The middling target for education has been calculated as doable, though it will impact the other targets for this plan, as it is going to be a consistent and constant drain on skilled workers that will not start repaying itself until midway through the next plan. So it should be treated as a lowering of all of our other goals as a semi-inherent thing. Conversely, the reason why I have taken a higher military goal is that it recoups some influence and frankly is the only set of targets that is not self-defeating with the others we would want. Nothing is competing for military dice and the amount of guns and mortars we are going to make is not exactly going to significantly impact the total steel industry. It's practically the most achievable goal here, in that it does not force a constant balancing act between other plan goals, and just two stages of modern guns along with an officer academy is more than worth 20 PS.

To give as much flexibility as we can afford, I have taken none of the optional goals, because even if this plan is going to fail in several segments, a large part of it for us is going to be deciding what we can afford to fail compared to what we cannot. Hopefully, the next one will be produced with less optimism and a lesser degree of extrapolating the rapid modernization of the available urban population in the initial years.
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For agriculture, we have Mycanae where we blast at what we designate 100% output for our population and tech level. We might be able to, given luck on harvest and effort applied, bump it up to maybe 120% if we're lucky. For Peloponesse, I think what we currently have is about 50% (we have famine there even with good weather!) and given reasonable effort, can be improved twice over from now. If they are at least roughly equivalent in farmlands (I think Peloponesse is better, given it has larger population as it is), and my estimation is right, then we can achieve about 40-50% total increase in output. TLDR I think we have a high base that's hard to improve without chemicals in Mycanae but low base in Peloponesse and that makes 55% target ambitious but not completely unrealistic.
[X] Plan Years of Agriculture, Learning, And Goods
-[X]Continue the Course: Continuing taxes at the current levels will keep us with a sufficient resource base to continue industrialization, while keeping the standard of living of our population steadily increasing. (415 base resources per turn, 0 Political Support)
-[X]200% increase in MFCE: Increased investments in heavy industry are critical for the continuing economic development of the Republic. It also happens to require far less skilled labor and complex machinery than some other areas of the economy, which is quite fortunate for us. (0 Political Support)
-[X]130% increase in capital goods production: While mechanization of all areas of the economy is extremely important, the simple fact is that limits on the availability of trained personnel and raw materials limit what can be done to a certain extent. (-15 Political Support)
-[X]150% increase in consumer goods production: With the coming ability to mass produce plastics in large quantities, many previously impossible or expensive goods can be provided to the citizenry in massive quantities. If we actually want to improve the lives of the workers, investing in the possibilities they provide should be a priority. (+5 Political Support)
-[X]40% increase in agricultural production: While we may not yet have the ability to mass produce fertilizers, investments in pesticides and herbicides will still increase overall yields and reduce labor use by a considerable amount. When combined with other projects, a significant step forward in agricultural production can be made. (+5 Political Support)
-[X]Partial Compulsory Education: The education of the population must be done as quickly as possible, and while it may not be possible to educate every single child in the Republic, the system is developed enough in the Peloponnese to make primary education for children compulsory within three years. Additionally, efforts can be made to create an institution for retraining American immigrants who had pre-Event education on certain subjects like medicine and engineering. (Stage 5 primary Peloponnese, stage 4 primary elsewhere, stage 2 secondary, stage 1 advanced education) (+5 Political Support)
-[X]Moderate Expansion: Giving more and better equipment to our military is a necessary action, as a few thousand pipe guns aren't going to be enough against anyone who didn't enslave 95% of their population. Massively increasing the production of black powder rifles will do good enough to arm most of our troops for now, with the few more modern weapons produced being given to professional formations. Starting the mass issuance of mortars on the battalion level should also be enough to ensure that the Revolution is able to defend itself, at least for the near term. (cannon production (stage 5), rifle production (stage 5), bolt action rifle production (stage 3), submachine gun production (stage 3), monitor construction campaign) (-20 Political Support)
-[X]Agricultural Modernization: The construction of more dams and irrigation systems are critical for increasing agricultural yields as well as their other benefits, and a combination of the mechanization of agricultural labor and the encouragement of immigration will enable more laborers to be assigned to industrial tasks. (Stage 5 dams, Stage 4 agricultural modernization, Downtimer immigrant recruitment) (+10 Political Support)
For agriculture, we have Mycanae where we blast at what we designate 100% output for our population and tech level. We might be able to, given luck on harvest and effort applied, bump it up to maybe 120% if we're lucky. For Peloponesse, I think what we currently have is about 50% (we have famine there even with good weather!) and given reasonable effort, can be improved twice over from now. If they are at least roughly equivalent in farmlands (I think Peloponesse is better, given it has larger population as it is), and my estimation is right, then we can achieve about 40-50% total increase in output. TLDR I think we have a high base that's hard to improve without chemicals in Mycanae but low base in Peloponesse and that makes 55% target ambitious but not completely unrealistic.
How are we going to improve yields in the Peloponnese by that much? Where are we going to get remotely that quantity of people to farm? We cannot source more peasants casually and massive relocations would be on the order of tens of thousands which is practically impossible. Even if we have the lands ready, we would also be far better throwing those additional personnel at literally everything else for resource/further industrialization reasons. And we cannot improve labor efficiency even for the lowest goals without new pack animals and far better improvements in efficiency than we have access to. Additionally, sending labor towards agriculture is labor that we are not tapping for industry, we only have so many people and much of our focus should be towards reductions in rural-agricultural populations, not their increase.

[X]A Partially Achievable Plan
-[X]Continue the Course:
Continuing taxes at the current levels will keep us with a sufficient resource base to continue industrialization, while keeping the standard of living of our population steadily increasing. (415 base resources per turn, 0 Political Support)
-[X]150% increases in MFCE: The further construction of more mines, steel mills, cement plants, and a few scattered power plants is something that must be done, but it must be balanced with investments in other areas of the economy. (-15 Political Support)
-[X]130% increase in capital goods production: While mechanization of all areas of the economy is extremely important, the simple fact is that limits on the availability of trained personnel and raw materials limit what can be done to a certain extent. (-15 Political Support)
-[X]150% increase in consumer goods production: With the coming ability to mass produce plastics in large quantities, many previously impossible or expensive goods can be provided to the citizenry in massive quantities. If we actually want to improve the lives of the workers, investing in the possibilities they provide should be a priority. (+5 Political Support)
-[X]25% increase in agricultural production: With basic investments in irrigation, the mechanization of agriculture, and encouraging the spread of modern varieties of crops and simple agricultural techniques yet further, agricultural yields can be increased by a fairly large amount without taking away resources from other sectors of the economy. (-5 Political Support)
-[X]Partial Compulsory Education: The education of the population must be done as quickly as possible, and while it may not be possible to educate every single child in the Republic, the system is developed enough in the Peloponnese to make primary education for children compulsory within three years. Additionally, efforts can be made to create an institution for retraining American immigrants who had pre-Event education on certain subjects like medicine and engineering. (Stage 5 primary Peloponnese, stage 4 primary elsewhere, stage 2 secondary, stage 1 advanced education) (+5 Political Support)
-[X]Increased Expansion: Increasing the amount of artillery and more modern small arms in the People's Army while still relying on muskets for much of the troops will be both achievable in terms of resources and make the Revolution more defensible against better-armed threats. (cannon production (stage 6), rifle production (stage 5) bolt action rifle production (stage 4), submachine gun production (stage 4), monitor construction campaign, formalized officer training (stage 1)) (0 Political Support)
[X]A Partially Achievable Plan
Going from 66 support to 41 should still allow us a small buffer to force something through politically, especially with D-Z hopefully being done soon.
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