Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Anyway, yes, to return to actual discussion about the chapter...

perhaps the most EXTRA sorceress yet to be seen in-game.

... yup! Yup, she really is.

In many ways, Malek Qaja serves as the "tutorial" for Anchors and how a sorcerer might build their life around them, because so many of her (often bad) decisions have been made in the pursuit of magical power. She plunders artefacts so she always has something to hand for great acts of magic, or to use as payment to bribe spirits into helping her. She summons the images of demon lords so she can trade things for knowledge or for their aid in magic. She knows a lot of ancient lore about the setting, even if her understanding is a bit skewed due to how much of it comes from demons.

She's a bad woman. Fun, though.

Also, you know, as @Aleph has observed, Malek is about as far as you can get from Pipera in the game she has with @Shyft and still be a Dragonblood. She's a contrast, too - while also being an example of an outcaste who would laugh at the idea that she go to the Realm and accept the Razor or the Coin.
Well, no wonder Keris gets on so well with Asarin. Although now I have this image of Keris summoning her just so she can compare Ney to Balanodo and go "see, here's what a man who's actually worth being tsundere over looks like!"

I also would love to see an omake of how the rest of Ney's circle reacts when he tells them about Keris. They're probably used to this sort of shit from him, of course, but not to quite the degree implied by "Hell has its own equivalent of Solars, I may now be in a long-distance relationship with one of them, and our past lives may have been even bigger monsters than the Immaculates say they were." The most surprising of those to his circle is probably the second one, because Ney strikes me as a man who's had friends with benefits and casual flings before but hasn't hitherto expressed any particular sign of looking for genuine romance.

I also have a thought on the subject of ghosts, given the two examples we now have of them in Kerisgame. It's probably not how you run them, but I feel like it's at least a plausible alternative that has interestingly awful implications. My thought is the following:

The ghosts of children are closer to being full people with actual emotions and the ability to change than the ghosts of adults are.

I'm basing it on how Kerisa seems, for lack of a better term, less obsessive over her guiding Principle than Maryam is. It takes longer for her to bring a conversation back around to finding her parents, her memories of her life are less warped around her ghostly nature, she's more capable of expressing interest in things that aren't her anchor, and so on. Which makes sense to me, in that the mind of a child, especially one as young as Kerisa was when she died, is less... calcified, I suppose, than a fully adult mind, and more openly driven by emotions and instinct than the average adult would be. Where Exalted metaphysics are concerned, it could be described as the hun and po souls being much less distinguishable and much more tightly linked at birth, with them gradually separating as the child matures and adolescence marked as the period where their soul structure achieves its final adult form. If the child dies before then, and becomes a ghost rather than passing on to Lethe, bits of the po soul are still attached, torn free with the hun when it separated.

This would in turn have a few practical effects. First, without outside influence (i.e. necromancy), children will practically never leave yidaks; there's just not enough of the po soul left to avoid fading away over the next three days. Second, a child's ghost can potentially learn weaker yidak-keyword charms, channeling them through the tattered remnants of their po that remain attached to their corpus, and do so without having to devour yidaks and become abominations the way a more standard ghost would. Third, child-ghosts are less predictable than the normal type, as their retaining of some fragments of their capacity for true emotion and natural instinct means they're more able to defy or ignore their driving Passions, and thus both less guaranteed to be manipulable through them and more likely to be aware that you're trying to do so.

This in turn means that the ghosts of children tend to be more dangerous than an adult ghost of equal Enlightenment, and are harder to immediately distinguish from the living without knowledge of the occult or supernatural abilities of your own. They're also more useful for a necromancer who needs a more flexible servant, or a less insane guardian, or just better raw material for crafting necrotech. And who's willing to sacrifice a few children to do it, of course.

To respond to the question posed while I was writing this post, there's the implication that Dulmea isn't necessarily against a potential relationship with Ney, given that Dulmea is by no means afraid to tell Keris "this is a bad idea, don't do it" even when she doesn't expect Keris to listen to her. Dulmea is also willing to not let the Unquestionable know that Keris exposed the existence of the Infernal Exalted, which is something I guarantee they expect a Coadjutor to do their utmost to prevent and to inform them of should their utmost fail. And, of course, Dulmea is willing to lie to Keris when the truth would do nothing but cause the latter pain.
I support this since it incentivizes necromancers to be evil monsters who murder children.
I'm honestly a little surprised that Keris didn't use Eldritch Secrets Mastery to change her visible essence aspect to hell-tainted Solar after her explanation to Ney. It worked out this time, but Dulmea brought up earlier in this arc that she's not disguising her essence aspect, and I'd imagine that she's Not Happy.
The advantage of looking like some other sort of demon-thing is that people are more likely to try banishing you first, giving Keris more than enough time to exercise Adorjani Stealth by killing all the witnesses.
I'm honestly a little surprised that Keris didn't use Eldritch Secrets Mastery to change her visible essence aspect to hell-tainted Solar after her explanation to Ney. It worked out this time, but Dulmea brought up earlier in this arc that she's not disguising her essence aspect, and I'd imagine that she's Not Happy.

Do note that by RAW, ESM cannot be used without first activating LSD. And LSD only lets you disguise yourself as fictional people - you can't just hide your essence or whatever.
Huh. I must of gotten confused by the sentence saying that akuma could pretend to be their old self.

I mean, yeah, I do also let Infernals pretend to be their pre-Exaltation self.

It's just that these days, Keris has absolutely no interest in being some pox-scarred street urchin who's underfed and has a twisted arm that never healed right after it was broken. Plus, she doesn't want brown short hair again that can't even move. If she wants to pass unnoticed, she'll disguise herself as someone else, thank you very much.

It's probably quite common for Infernals to not want to appear to be their pre-Exaltation self. A bunch of them have things about who they used to be that they're running from or don't want to revisit.
Actually, I think she has disguised her essence without changing her appearance before - the one that springs to mind was when she pretended to be a Solar during the assault on the hungry mountain.

However - and I am nearly certain of this; call me out if I'm wrong - to the best of my knowledge, Keris has not assumed any shadow-guise of any form; essence-based or physical, since arriving in Baisha and reuniting with Ali. Or, in fact, since setting out for Baisha in the first place with the information Orange Blossom gave her.

She's on a quest for family. She's doing it as herself.
Yeah, IIRC she assumed a Solar Essence when she was assaulting the giants in the Wyld Packet to get some Rahkasha for Liger's workshop, in return for him fixing her 1st age ship. (Probably the event you were referring to).

I think she also did it somewhere more recently, trying to imply that she was something less than a Solaroid while she was spying on those Dragonblooded for Orange Blossom but its been a while so I can't be sure.
Do note that by RAW, ESM cannot be used without first activating LSD. And LSD only lets you disguise yourself as fictional people - you can't just hide your essence or whatever.
So could Keris disguise herself as the fictional hellish solar Keras Dolmeadohkt or would that be too much rules lawyer for you?
Self-Inserts are a type of fictional character. Though making that work might require Heretical recombination with an appropriate Ellogiac Charm.

Of course, that would require her to write a self-insert character, and even if she is a nightmarish hellgoddess empowered by insane broken titans whose undisguised presence breaks reality around her, I'm not sure if she's that terrible.
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Invoking the Demon’s Icon
Invoking the Demon's Icon
: 20m; Circle: Emerald; Anchor: (Any) 2+ / Any (4+)
Target: Icon, one demon
Spell Duration: Until dawn / until sunlight strikes the icon; Casting Duration: 1+ hours
Essence Aspect: Incarnate, Elemental, or Yozi; Favoured Aspect: Yozi

Some say that the sorceries of the Emerald Circle will never achieve the summoning prowess of higher circles. Maybe not - but the image of great spirits can still be summoned and consulted for wisdom and dark secrets. It is always safer than calling such a spirit directly, but one should not underestimate the danger of a spirit's honeyed words.

Ritual: Before beginning the ritual, the sorcerer must first craft an icon of the demon in question which represents them, made with materials thematically appropriate to them. This icon will likely cost at least Resources 4 in rare materials and exotic unguents, and in many places in Creation will draw the attention of the authorities for the unusual purchases. Fortunately, this icon may be re-used for later invocations of the same demon.

The ritual may be carried out during the night of the new moon, during Calibration, or upon dates or astrological occurrences sacred to the demon in question. For example, the demon princess Sima may be called on any night when a comet is seen in the sky of Creation.

To invoke a Second Circle Demon or sublimatus a 2-dot Anchor is required. To invoke a Third Circle Demon a 4-dot Anchor is required - unless appropriate Yozi essence is used and the Anchor is a Cult, an Artefact icon of the demon, or them as an Ally, in which case a 2-dot Anchor can be used. For example, a sorcerer would require a mighty 4-dot demesne to channel the energy into invoking the image of Ligier, but a sorcerer with Ally (Ligier) could invoke the mad green sun of Hell with Ally 2 if the spell is cast with Malfean essence.

Mechanics: During the ritual, the sorcerer ritualistically evokes their Anchor, rolling (Attribute + Ability) at Difficulty 2 once per hour. If the demon is willing - as most are - the number of required successes is equal to the demon's Essence. If the demon is unwilling, the required number of successes is equal to twice the demon's Essence, and the demon contests the rolls with (Willpower). Should sunlight fall upon the icon during the casting process, the sorcerer automatically botches.

Effects: If successfully invoked, the consciousness of the demon felt the call five days ago and was drawn in a disembodied form across the Endless Desert to take up residence in the icon. While occupying the icon, the demon may not take any physical actions, but has full access to its magical and mundane traits and may use them as it wishes. The demon is under an irresistible Compulsion to not harm the sorcerer or the spell's Anchor - although other beings are not protected.

While invoked, the demon and the sorcerer may freely converse. Many demons invoked in this manner will act with at least some civility - and many are outright eager to help, offering their services in a Pact or seeking an arrangement as Allies. Through this spell, a sorcerer may converse with a demon that they could not summon, seeking lore or rumours. Some Workings build upon a demon invoked into an icon, using it as the lynchpin for some greater magic.

The demon may leave at any point with the sorcerer's permission. She may banish an unwilling demon from the icon using the same mechanics described in Demon of the First Circle for banishing a demon after a failed control roll. Should both the sorcerer and the demon wish it, the consciousness of the demon resides within the icon until sunlight strikes it. Otherwise the spell terminates at sunrise.

Example Spells:

Many - maybe even most - versions of Invoking the Demon's Icon are deliberately constrained. Most versions that demons teach will only allow a specific demon to be invoked. The sorcerers of Sondok cannot stray and call upon demons other than their lady. In 'compensation' - of sorts - these versions will usually allow a choice of Anchors. Likewise, most versions taught by demons lack the protective invocations which prevent the demon from harming their summoner. Of course, such demons seldom make the lack of such a clause obvious and indeed may act as if it is present, though a skilled sorcerer will be able to notice the lack.

Weep for the Lord (Target - Gervesin, Anchor - Artefact 2 (Polearm) - Those cultists of Gervesin who make use of this spell call their grieving lord into an artefact spear through elaborate ritual blade dances when they would speak with him and report success in their search for Kinnojo's bones.
(Attribute + Ability): Appearance + Melee

Hellspawn Invocation (Essence Aspect - Incarnate, Anchor - Status (Heaven) or Status (Solar Deliberative)) - Still practiced by the sorcerer-bureaucrats of Yu Shan, this spell calls a demon to answer the questions from a victor of the Primordial War. While in the present day only Heaven has the required authority, should a new body ruled by Solars arise it is possible this old spell might find new life.
(Attribute + Ability) - Charisma + Bureaucracy

The Granting of Forbidden Desires (Essence Aspect - Metagoyin, Target - the Shashalme, Anchor - Cult 2 or Ally (the Shashalme) - Hidden within certain pages of a now-banned romance novel is a ritual to call the Garden of Avarice into a carefully cultivated bonsai tree. This ritual says that through this, endless wealth and great power may be obtained. This is true, and the only cost is devotion to this demon prince. The gifts they offer blossom from the tree, should the invoker accept its honeyed bargains. Incidentally, this version of the spell lacks the wards that would prevent the demon prince from harming their invoker. The Immaculate Order burns individuals caught with this book along with their text.
(Attribute + Ability) - Intelligence + Occult
Spell Duration: Until dawn / until sunlight strikes the icon
So, a Solar has to be super careful not to use their anima for this or else they complete the spell, the demon's presence shows up for an instant, and then immediately winks out?

Edit: Or apparently auto-botches. Fun.
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So, a Solar has to be super careful not to use their anima for this or else they complete the spell, the demon's presence shows up for an instant, and then immediately winks out?

Edit: Or apparently auto-botches. Fun.

Yep! You can use Solar essence for the spell, but it's more risky than other things because Solar essence is really good at putting the boot in demons. Which encourages Solars who want to use this spell to dabble further in Infernalism to acquire demon-essence - but also makes the Solar safer in that if they want to be rid of a demon, they don't have to contest their will. They just have to flare their anima.
Alas, I'm sure that there's probably a very good reason why Lilinu sending her conscious for a jaunt out pf her body would be bad for her. Otherwise it would be a good opportunity for her to see Creation.
Alas, I'm sure that there's probably a very good reason why Lilinu sending her conscious for a jaunt out pf her body would be bad for her. Otherwise it would be a good opportunity for her to see Creation.

Oh no, it's entirely doable. You'd need to design a spell to cope with her, because of some peculiarities of her metaphysics, but it could be done.

I mean, the political consequences and the reaction of many Unquestionable to the idea she's meeting someone in Creation in secret might be... bad.

(Oh yeah, and there's always the risk of what the Yozis might do with her body when her consciousness isn't there to balance things out)
Which encourages Solars who want to use this spell to dabble further in Infernalism to acquire demon-essence

By the way, how would that actually work? I mostly know essence as a thing people and places have. Places that are demonic enough to generate it are probably pretty rare in Creation, especially when you divide their number through all the Yozi flavours, while just summoning an appropriate first circle and stealing his fluids seems a bit too easy.
Rathan, the Martyred Moon, the Ice-Handed Judge
Iiiiit's that time again!

No, not session time. Demon time!

Mwaa haa.

Rathan, the Martyred Moon, the Ice-Handed Judge
Sixth Soul of Keris
Principle: Pay Each Man Back In Kind.
Means: Looking innocent and righteous.
Theme: Social capital and the justice of the streets.
Attitude: Ululaya (Hatred)

A moon hangs over the Direction of Sea; a huge body of crimson ice in the shape of a human heart. It beats a steady rhythm in the sky, and with each contraction a trickle of silvery blood leaks from a wound in its side. It is reflected below by the liquid mirror at the bottom of the ocean; a second ocean of mercury that forms an Undersea beneath the waters. This is the home and landscape-form of Rathan, the Martyred Moon. When the lord of the waters walks the world below, his avatar is a boy on the cusp of manhood with pale, perfect skin and veins filled with quicksilver. His eyes and teeth are pearls, and his hair is a dark red waterfall that hangs to his knees when he stands. A pair of three-tined antlers top his head; as yet immature and covered in icy velvet. His horned fiancée Oula is his frequent companion and lover; a demon of the First Circle who has won his heart and whose own heart he keeps in a beautiful silver box that is always with him. He will invariably demand she be summoned and left unbound when he enters Creation; for their separation grates at him and he will tolerate no other's claim upon her.

Rathan's subjects know of his approach when the surface of mirrors ripple like water and the air chills. Those who have hearts full of guilt or false accusations on their tongues cannot help but shiver uncontrollably in his presence. He is the Crown Prince of the Sea in Krisity, and water strains towards him; spilling over the sides of containers and trickling uphill to reach his feet. Rain turns to hail when his mood is sour or shifts to fluffy snow when he is happy, and when he is overcome by strong emotion the sound of his heartbeat spills out; a crashing of waves that flows in and out like a tide around him. Orca pods are drawn to those ships he has blessed, and consider them kin.

Seldom has the Martyred Moon admitted fault, and rarely does he shoulder guilt. He is an innocent scapegoat who others blame for their misdeeds - or so he will tell you in heartbreaking tones both brave and achingly vulnerable. In person he is vain and hungry for attention; eager to be at the centre of any happenings of note. His propensity for giving lavish gifts lets him enjoy the praise and gratitude he seeks - for to love and be loved is his nature, and he would waste away in isolation. Rathan has a darker side, however. An icy judge who rules always in his mother's favour, he holds grudges fiercely and forever until he can repay them in kind. When he envies others the acclaim of the masses; it is not the fiery greed of his sister Haneyl that leads her to build her assets ever higher, but rather a cold and sapping jealousy that tears his rivals down.

Rather than action, Rathan reacts in proportion to intent when slighted - and so a war with his siblings meant to annoy him garners only irritation, while a doomed attempt on his life by a mortal with a broken sword would earn a long and pitiless demise. Unlike his siblings, he prefers not to dirty his own hands - indeed, he is somewhat lazy in his tastes; a delicate academic who prefers to read or be pampered while his subjects handle any hard work that must be done. This is perhaps reflected in his court, where he refrains from micromanaging in favour of trusting skilled subordinates to use their own judgement and govern themselves. This trust, should it be abused, results in the most excessive of his punishments - for betrayal is a crime that he can never forgive.

One thing the Ice-Handed Judge prides himself on are his differences from the Blood Red Moon of Kimbery - a bitter foe whom he has hated since childhood. Rathan considers any comparison between the two of them to be weighed in his favour; for he repays like with like and kind with kind. Sometimes this payback is grand, while at other times it is subtle. When his subjects praise him in adoring voices, he rewards their minor gift of devotion with a similarly small boon; descending to walk among them and allowing them to gaze upon his beauty. When they flock to live under his dominion, he ensures they are fed and housed that they might have a place there for as long as they acknowledge him as prince. This casual generosity is half born of principle and half calculated to win hearts and minds - for Rathan believes it is far better to be loved by one's people than feared.

Six is a number sacred to Rathan, and sixfold are his powers. First and most clearly, he is a beauty to break the hearts of men; delicate, effeminate and akin to the aesthetics of Air and Water. Second, while he affects daintiness and softness of hand, his implacable will and conviction might sustain him through any pain and hardship. And third, while not a talent innate to him; he is an academic and an occultist by virtue of patient study and wondering curiosity - which often compels him to seek answers in the black skies of his home or delve into mysteries with no reward save satisfaction.

The greatest strength of the Martyred Moon is his sheer overwhelming presence. The tides of his innocent charm and charisma are ever-quick to pull in the unsuspecting or weak-willed, and his sweet words and uplifting smile can put even the most bitter, aggressive or cynical at ease. He is Lord of the Waters in his home, and the waters of Creation - as well as liquid quicksilver - obey him as their beloved prince; moving as he dictates and concealing what he wishes to be secret. He might call up swift currents to speed ships, stymie the efforts of the law to find smuggling routes and dens of inequity, or trap ghosts within circles of ever-flowing water. The mercury that lies under his sea is the source of his potent drugs and tinctures, for Rathan is an alchemist of great skill. His many recipes use quicksilver and vitriol to grant strength of limb, speed healing, numb pain or allow men to go without sleep for days on end. His nature demands a cost for such things, though, and drawing too heavily on such gifts may leave a man weaker ever after or wrack them with mad vicissitudes of the mind.

Rathan is vain and committed to his own form of justice. He holds court under a thousand enraptured eyes, passing out rewards and punishments to those beneath him - and to those equals or betters he despises, such as the Blood Red Moon. Left to his own devices he ever seeks to expand his lists of praise-names, encode his law across his lands and proclaim his own innocence and virtues. The mysteries of the cosmos intrigue him, and he abides no other's laws in his pursuit of answers; passing any misdeeds under the eyes of those watching for them. Summoners who take care not to offend him may ask him for his aid in spreading word of their righteousness and integrity, his blessings in hiding their underhanded dealings from investigation, his alchemical expertise or his authority as Lord of the Waters. Those who offer him occult lore or an advantage over Ululaya will be assured of his patronage, and he has never failed to aid those clans of orcamen or dolphin-friends who call upon him with respect.

To have his judgements questioned incites a cold rage in the Ice-Handed Judge, but when his proclamations of innocence or guilt are struck down against his efforts, he is shaken enough to gain Limit. He can grace Creation with his presence when a great gathering fail to prove or disprove a suspect's culpability, and argue long into the night under the light of the waning moon.

Rathan is no less gorgeous at Calibration than at any other time, though his eyes become a pale blue and the icy velvet leaves his horns. He is warmer and more flushed with life at these times; though still as pale as any Northerner.

Rathan is associated with ice, pearl, coral, orcas, dolphins and other marine mammals, cattle, moonlight, waterfalls, deep reds and pinks and pastels, mirrors, mercury, alchemy, judges, criminal law, innocence, martyrdom, grudges, revenge, wounded hearts, bleeding wounds, acid, rain, freezing cold, many hands (especially multiples of six) and halos (both discs and rings). His symbol is the six-sided snowflake; its fractal branches tipped in cinnabar.

Rathan's relationships with his sisters are fraught. He has many times judged Eko to be arrogant, cruel and guilty of false accusations; picking on him for no reason but heartless bullying. Haneyl and he are frequently at odds in a cycle of offence and revenge, though their disputes have calmed with the Isles between them. His feelings for Calesco were once a mutual hatred, but have come to a teasing and turbulent exchange of banter and insults since the pair played midwives to their mother. On the other hand, Vali was a delightful surprise for him, and Rathan adores his younger brother despite reservations about the level of roughhousing and brawling Vali is prone to. That Zanara inspires mixed feelings is no great surprise - the Artist drives him to indignant fury, but he mentors the Art in critique and things of beauty. Though female, his grandmother Dulmea is not as threatening as his siblings; meriting dutiful obedience and frequent complaints about his many victimisations. Surprisingly, this attitude of deference carries over to the Serpent-Queen also, and Rathan is perhaps the only soul of Keris to respect and honour both Queens of Krisity.
I noticed in this update that kris referred to the birds and other art objects using simple words strung together a lot, such as prettybirdthings. Is this a sign of her being more in tune with pekhijira?