Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

On the topic of Naruto references

Aleph: Naruto probably Rasengans the greater yidak in the face with a special Ghost Rasengan.
EarthScorpion: But who falls in love with him because of that?

Obviously a Miko who Naruto encounters on his own and convinces her in the end to face the yidak alongside him powering the Ghost Rasengan.

The twist is that she's actually a ghost and fades away after the big fight scene having lost her fetter with the yidaks destruction.

Cue Naruto getting freaked out by his canon fear of ghosts
I also would love to see an omake of how the rest of Ney's circle reacts when he tells them about Keris. They're probably used to this sort of shit from him, of course, but not to quite the degree implied by "Hell has its own equivalent of Solars, I may now be in a long-distance relationship with one of them, and our past lives may have been even bigger monsters than the Immaculates say they were." The most surprising of those to his circle is probably the second one, because Ney strikes me as a man who's had friends with benefits and casual flings before but hasn't hitherto expressed any particular sign of looking for genuine romance.

One thing that Keris hasn't discovered yet, but probably will at some point soonish, is that Malra is not a classic "circle". There are two Solars who are right at the core, and then they've gone out and scouted all kinds of talent. Not just Solar talent too - Dragonblooded, god-bloods, even thaumaturges.

Ney's part of the scouted talent, a Solar from the Malran-Harbourhead border regions who got picked up and they were like "hey, you're really good at command, want to be our general?" and he was like "that sounds like a lot of effort" and so he instead ended up in charge of spec ops-y kind of things, building up the scouting practices of the border tribes into being ninjas with lots of funding and stuff.

also have a thought on the subject of ghosts, given the two examples we now have of them in Kerisgame. It's probably not how you run them, but I feel like it's at least a plausible alternative that has interestingly awful implications. My thought is the following:

The ghosts of children are closer to being full people with actual emotions and the ability to change than the ghosts of adults are.

I'm basing it on how Kerisa seems, for lack of a better term, less obsessive over her guiding Principle than Maryam is.

Ah, nothing so complicated, I'm afraid.

Kerisa is just insane in a more socially acceptable way than Maryam.

Kerisa is mad in the way you have to be to spend 700+ years waiting for your parents to come back because they promised, even after the other ghosts in the area have given up and passed to Lethe. And she's going to wait until she finds her parents, but as it stands she has absolutely no idea where they are so the fact that she's hanging around with Keris and getting to see new places where she can look for them (and also getting to meet new people and play with Rounen, which is also a big deal because she's been lonely since everyone else passed on). So whenever they stop somewhere for the night, she's been going out looking for them and probably quite a few locals have seen a creepy masked girl in an ancient dress appear and ask them "Are you my mummy?" and then vanish when they say "No", but she's not actively malicious and what she's doing right now is furthering her obsession so she's just... sort of sad and makes Keris want to hug her.

By contrast, Maryam is both mad, and very, very mad. She's angry. She's not a sad passive ghost waiting endlessly for someone to return for her. She knows there are people out there who killed her, and she's expanding her circle of blame to include anyone peripherally related. And this is a common trait for murder victims, which is why the ghosts of murdered people tend to be very spiteful and malevolent. Because being murdered means the person is dying with a toxic brew of hate, anger, fear and other things that makes not very nice ghosts.

If Kerisa had been murdered by someone rather than being killed by a fae monster while she was hiding in a cellar, she'd be rather more Alma than Casper.

(Of course, related to that is the fact that Kerisa was an astonishingly high Willpower, Conviction and Temperance which means she's willing to spend eternity waiting for someone to fulfil a promise, while Maryam was a rash hothead in life so isn't prepared to wait).

To respond to the question posed while I was writing this post, there's the implication that Dulmea isn't necessarily against a potential relationship with Ney, given that Dulmea is by no means afraid to tell Keris "this is a bad idea, don't do it" even when she doesn't expect Keris to listen to her. Dulmea is also willing to not let the Unquestionable know that Keris exposed the existence of the Infernal Exalted, which is something I guarantee they expect a Coadjutor to do their utmost to prevent and to inform them of should their utmost fail.

Well, let's be honest here. Dulmea got a front seat view to how bullshit Solar Investigation is, and also got a front seat view to the fact that he thinks he can take Keris and while Keris doesn't think she'd lose, she's not 100% sure. And he's fast enough to catch her.

Even if Keris hadn't already partially compromised Dulmea, Dulmea as a former assassin is fully aware that once Keris entered his awareness range, he was going to be a problem. The fact that she's making him doubt himself and hasn't corrected his assumption that "Some of the Solars were corrupted by Hell before the Usurpation and now they have demon powers" is about the best she can do.

... plus, Dulmea doesn't want Keris to be facing angry Unquestionable because of letting things slip, because that's likely to end in her either going fully rogue, or her murdering at least one Unquestionable and then getting caught and dying. Neither of these are things Dulmea wants.

And given that Keris has "Girls Over Boys" as a Principle, how amusing do you find it that she's actually got a more complicated love life with regards to men than women?

Keris: "This is why I prefer girls! Boys are way more complicated! They're so emotional and prone to drama and bullshit!"
... plus, Dulmea doesn't want Keris to be facing angry Unquestionable because of letting things slip, because that's likely to end in her either going fully rogue, or her murdering at least one Unquestionable and then getting caught and dying. Neither of these are things Dulmea wants.
Do note that "Keris just gets fiat executed" is not an option she considers - and this is a demon who is terrified of the power of the Unquestionable and understands better than the average serf how implacable they are. Dulmea knows how deadly Keris is, and how much she holds back to avoid revealing her full capabilities. She knows that if the Reclamation becomes aggressive towards her charge and Keris doesn't just flee, at least one Third Circle is going to die. Possibly more.
Do note that "Keris just gets fiat executed" is not an option she considers - and this is a demon who is terrified of the power of the Unquestionable and understands better than the average serf how implacable they are. Dulmea knows how deadly Keris is, and how much she holds back to avoid revealing her full capabilities. She knows that if the Reclamation becomes aggressive towards her charge and Keris doesn't just flee, at least one Third Circle is going to die. Possibly more.

Keris: "Okay. Who's first?"

Rathan: "Ululaya!"

Keris: "Who's second?"
Calesco: "Orabilis."

Keris: "...okay, who's third?"
Honestly? Legit highly plausible. Orabilis is one of the prime candidates to provoke such a fight, by a) having the focus to sniff out Keris's wrongdoings and b) having the temperament to immediately then try to lay his hands on her and cast her into the sky. Which would mean he'd be at point blank range when she went murdersnek out of rage/fear/spite, and be taken completely and utterly by surprise with the full force of a combat-optimised E9 Solaroid.

Orabilis is an investigator and a censor. He is not a dedicated fighter. And in that situation, he would be the first Unquestionable Keris targeted, and thus the only one she fought who would have absolutely zero warning that she was being aggressive towards her masters - anyone she went on to kill would at least have been alerted by the anima flare and collateral damage and so on, but he'd have nothing. There's a decent chance he wouldn't have seriously considered the possibility that she would or even could fight back, let alone with lethal intent and capability.

So yeah. Reasonably high chance that Orabilis would be one of the ones to die if the Reclamation ever discovered Keris's sins and turned on her, just from being one of the most likely to be at the front of the queue to punish her.
Cecelyne's fetich, the inverted Madoka (she has a bow that turns people into monsters, and is infinitely cynical. Come on ES you're not even trying anymore), doesn't like the Infernal Exalted because they open up Creation to the Yozis. In the few short years since the Infernal host has been a thing, they've undone centuries of work. She's Cecelyne's heart, and her deepest wish is to bury and lord over the other Yozis. She seems like an excellent person to make a deal with, especially if you have a plan to get Lilunu and the Infernal Host out of Hell and the Yozi's influence. She's even stated to be unbeatable so long as she stands on Cecelyne.

The only small problem is that any deal you make with her is binding like the Eclipse Oath. And only for you, not for her.
So the next fun questions would be 1) at what point would she be able to get away with killing Orabilis and 2) would he realize that point had been reached before trying something? It doesn't help his situation that he doesn't have the relative job security of being a fetich and that as Hell's head of the secret police (one of them, anyway) he probably isn't hugely popular with the other Unquestionable.
And then everything goes silent. Oops.
Beloved, it is you!
... Yeah, Adorjan would probably take that as the perfect time to carry out the backstab on the Reclamation, wouldn't she?

And the fact that one of Keris' Charms makes her surroundings silent means that Adorjan has somewhere real nice to visit, and wouldn't you know? It's right at the centre of that disaster-in-progress to allow her a wonderful chance to 'help'...
So the next fun questions would be 1) at what point would she be able to get away with killing Orabilis and 2) would he realize that point had been reached before trying something? It doesn't help his situation that he doesn't have the relative job security of being a fetich and that as Hell's head of the secret police (one of them, anyway) he probably isn't hugely popular with the other Unquestionable.
Nah, this would be a reactive attack in response to him trying to kill her. Her cowardice means she's unlikely to ever go after an Unquestionable with intent to permakill unless provoked. Keris doesn't make threats or start fights that she's not pretty sure she can win, and permakilling Third Circles after initiating hostilities of your own accord is the sort of thing that threatens and starts a fight with the united host of the Unquestionable.
Nah, this would be a reactive attack in response to him trying to kill her. Her cowardice means she's unlikely to ever go after an Unquestionable with intent to permakill unless provoked. Keris doesn't make threats or start fights that she's not pretty sure she can win, and permakilling Third Circles after initiating hostilities of your own accord is the sort of thing that threatens and starts a fight with the united host of the Unquestionable.

You know, this probably makes things scarier... for the 3CDs at least. Because it means that Keris is just going to wait, and wait, and wait all the while appearing to be a good... ish Infernal supporting the Reclamation and getting stronger.

And then she either pulls off something like 'curing' Lilunu's 2CDs or is discovered to have knowledge she shouldn't, or the many other reasons the 3CDs would like her dead. At which point she makes the break with the Yozi, and goes her own way, if she survives/escapes/causes too much damage for them to handle right then and they retreat to regroup and take her down. And as I said, she's going to have gotten even stronger in the mean time. And you've already said that if Keris ends up fighting the Reclamation, then there's probably going to be at least one, maybe even two Third Circles perma-killed if it happened right now. I suspect the casualty numbers are only going to get worse for them as time passes. Especially if Keris' children manage to reach the 3CD level.
Especially if Keris' children manage to reach the 3CD level.

Well, that really changes the strategic calculus. A nation state with a nuclear bomb it shouldn't have is a rogue dangerous threat that needs to be contained and taken down - or at least made to give up its nuclear weapons. A nation state with a whole arsenal of ICBMs it shouldn't have is a respected part of the international community with a seat at the UNSC.

At the point when Keris can show up as an Enlightenment 10 being with six demon prince souls flanking her - and forty two demon lords - she's transitioned to the latter position. The concentration of force that Keris in particular can bring due to the hilarious amounts of effort she'll have invested over the years into her own psychological stability and making her souls get along and able to cooperate is Yozi soul hierarchy-tier, because though she might have fewer souls they cooperate in a way that most demon princes don't.

If Cecelyne's fetich demands Keris submit to her laws and Keris says "No" and points to her souls and smirks as she says she has six Unquestionable backing her up... well, that's not Keris' problem anymore.

(Especially if her attitude gets Vali, Eko and Calesco's hackles up and they decide that they need to start murdering Priests of Cecelyne until she backs down)

Yeah, haven't read the books and don't own them to do it right now anyway, but from what I've picked up most 3CD from their own patron Yozi don't exactly co-operate on anything unless it's literally life or death for all of them/most of them. And even then they don't always. Let alone if it's two or more 3CDs from different patron Yozi.

Whereas Keris... her soul hierarchy... Well, whilst at times they may have each other it's very much a case of 'what happens in the family stays in the family. And if outsiders try to get involved, or hurt one of the family, the whole family comes down on them'. So uh... Yeah. I can just see the following happening:

One Yozi's 3CDs have decided Keris and her 'family' need to go. It's gotten to the point they'll even team up and work together without actually backstabbing anyone... until she's about to be killed at least. Though setting up a rival to be more weakened than you is fair game. They've even got a bit of support from other 3CDs by calling in favours and the like.

Cue them attacking Keris/one of her children. I highly doubt that they'll be able to fully isolate one, or at least kill them before reinforcements arrive. What follows is well... You've described Keris and her family annoyed at someone enough to all gang up on them as a wolf pack. In this case the 3CDs would be a herd of elk. Dangerous if they catch you on their horns, but if you do things well you can easily split one off from the herd and bring it down. And then repeat that feat. And repeat it again... and again.

... And at that point the other 3CDs might be getting a bit nervous, and what happens next really depends on if they basically throw the attacking Yozi's 3CDs to their deaths or back them up. One ends up with a Yozi dead/mostly dead/extremely crippled forever and a lot of 3CDs nervously stepping around Keris and her family who now have really high position in Hell. The other probably means there's still some of that Yozi's 3CDs around, though probably a few 3CDs from the other Yozi have died. And all the 3CDs involved are really, really nervous and getting paranoid about their security. Because if they'd caught alone against Keris and her family... they are so dead.

Of course, all this requires them being dumb enough to try it in the first place. And surely there aren't enough 3CDs that dumb (without advisors/friends to give them advice) to cause it to happen, right? ... Right? Oh who am I kidding, something like this is bound to happen eventually.
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Nah, this would be a reactive attack in response to him trying to kill her. Her cowardice means she's unlikely to ever go after an Unquestionable with intent to permakill unless provoked. Keris doesn't make threats or start fights that she's not pretty sure she can win, and permakilling Third Circles after initiating hostilities of your own accord is the sort of thing that threatens and starts a fight with the united host of the Unquestionable.
Ah, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. What I mean is that eventually there would be a point at which the reaction of the other Unquestionable to Orabilis trying to kill Keris and being killed by her instead would shift from "she's rebelling, kill her before she kills us" to "play stupid games, win stupid prizes," the latter being the same way they'd react if Orabilis had tried to kill a combat focused 3CD and was obliterated for his presumption. Orabilis not ending up dead at Keris' hands would depend on him realizing that if he starts something with Keris and fails the other Unquestionable won't save him and won't avenge him.

Of course, he might still be boned in the end anyway, depending on what the rules are about the Unquestionable going to war with each other, because once Calesco reaches full strength as a 3CD with her own soul hierarchy I think she'll try to kill him if she can do so without Keris herself being held responsible.
Well, that really changes the strategic calculus. A nation state with a nuclear bomb it shouldn't have is a rogue dangerous threat that needs to be contained and taken down - or at least made to give up its nuclear weapons. A nation state with a whole arsenal of ICBMs it shouldn't have is a respected part of the international community with a seat at the UNSC.

At the point when Keris can show up as an Enlightenment 10 being with six demon prince souls flanking her - and forty two demon lords - she's transitioned to the latter position. The concentration of force that Keris in particular can bring due to the hilarious amounts of effort she'll have invested over the years into her own psychological stability and making her souls get along and able to cooperate is Yozi soul hierarchy-tier, because though she might have fewer souls they cooperate in a way that most demon princes don't.

If Cecelyne's fetich demands Keris submit to her laws and Keris says "No" and points to her souls and smirks as she says she has six Unquestionable backing her up... well, that's not Keris' problem anymore.

(Especially if her attitude gets Vali, Eko and Calesco's hackles up and they decide that they need to start murdering Priests of Cecelyne until she backs down)

So, in other words, Keris is en route to overcoming her bonds to Hell through the power of Love?
Session 105
Aaaand Part 105 rolls in, with some cathartic talking to Calesco and perhaps the most EXTRA sorceress yet to be seen in-game. This is our first look at the mysterious Malek Qaja, but by no means our last, so I'll save the in-depth analysis of her for a later session after we've seen more of her.

Aleph: ...
Aleph: goddammit are you trying to get me to steal her away to the southwest
Aleph: Keris: "I want a giant ballin' rose wall all around my secret kingdom."
EarthScorpion: You talked about wanting the chance to pick up a DB.
EarthScorpion: But I wasn't going to just give you a Pipera.
Aleph: hee
Aleph: no
EarthScorpion: So she's one of the possibilities - a very old, rather jaded, rather decadent and more than a little amoral botanist-sorceress.
EarthScorpion: Who's staffed her estate with clones she grows from plants she feeds her own blood.
Aleph: Keris: "See, I use splintered gales myself. They're quicker. But I can't make as many of them."
Keris: "Well, I guess I could."
Keris: "But it'd take ages and really hurt."​
EarthScorpion: And given how her daughter also looked just like her and just how many of them there were on the estate... it seems some very low fraction of them Exalt
Aleph: : D
Aleph: I'm definitely going to try to scoop her up as an ally, heheh


EarthScorpion: Incidentally, Keris amusingly could actually get some use from Frozen Forest Florist Style here
EarthScorpion: She'd genuinely be interested in what someone who's learned a lot in the far north east could tell her.
Aleph: Oh, I intend to have her do so. : D
Keris: "Okay, so with the understanding that I had to basically rework half of their most advanced stuff from the base up because it was killing them..."
Keris: "I mean, it was brilliant stuff. It was just also lethal. To the people taking it. But slowly enough that they used it anyway because most of them died before the side-effects kicked in."​
EarthScorpion: I knew you'd love her massively extra... everything.
Aleph: : D
EarthScorpion: This is not a woman who knows moderation in... well, anything.
Aleph: she's so fucking extra
Aleph: she's Keris in full social tsunami mode
Aleph: complete with flower-dress
Keris: *summons an erooltony*
Keris: ": 3"​
Aleph: ...
Aleph: ... she'd probably be pretty interested in the erooltony, actually
EarthScorpion: She would.
Aleph: Keris: "I could introduce you to the creator~"


EarthScorpion: Amusingly, she's not Pipera, but she does have quite a bit of both Pia and Precia in her.
EarthScorpion: ... also probably Cirucci.
EarthScorpion: She's also continuing the theme of Malra, which is marvellous, Keris-pleasing things built on more sordid groundings.
Aleph: indeed
Aleph: Keris's first challenge is going to be talking to Calesco about her.
EarthScorpion: In her case, this wonderful place-improving botanist is an amoral, corrupt, self-indulgent demonologist who we are probably lucky Exalted as a DB
EarthScorpion: because it meant she couldn't get Inks' Exaltation to break out of the prison and go straight to her
Aleph: ...
Aleph: lol
EarthScorpion: anyway, yes, she's Varangian originally, so she looks Indian. High caste.
Aleph: sweet
Aleph: god, Keriskanda is going to be so multi-ethnic, it'll be ridiculous
EarthScorpion: Amusingly, she's such an amoral demonologist that, yes, given knowledge of Keris' souls she'll try to pact with at minimum Haneyl and Zanara and take advantage of their youth, naivety, and the fact she'd be their very first pactee while she has a lot more experience.
Aleph: *facepalm*
Keris: "Ahem."
Keris: "Their mother. Right here. With access to other experienced demonologists who can check your contracts."​
EarthScorpion: Malek: "Oh please, I just want their power for my sorcery. Also, access to their demonic servants. And the option of beckoning them for their assistance no more than three seasons out of every year."
Aleph: ... that said, urgh, as an experienced demonologist if she could be locked into a contract of good faith, she genuinely could teach them a lot of useful stuff.
EarthScorpion: While always being more of a threat and less trustworthy than Pipera. And just more prone to doing things like going off to the far south west to look at the native plants or spending six months studying sargasso
Aleph: well, yes
EarthScorpion: Malek: "Darling, you don't own me. We have a deal. And I want to see how the sargasso grows in the various seasons and see what I can do with it."


EarthScorpion: She's so much not Pipera.
Aleph: yeah, but, I mean, let's face it
Aleph: Pipera would be a terrible fit for Keris
Aleph: ... depressingly... and I still can't believe I'm saying this
Aleph: earlyish Chiming Minaret would be perfect
Aleph: *facepalm*
EarthScorpion: Well, I mean, it's more that she won't be happy to stay and do Bureaucracy for Keris.
Aleph: Oh, sure
Aleph: but I wouldn't want her for that
Aleph: I'd want her for Keris going "okay so I just stabbed the Wyld into being a kickass secret valley, and now I want a giant thorn wall around it"
Aleph: "you're working with Haneyl on this, I'll give you access to samples of all the seed stock I have"
Aleph: "If you really, really badly need something and I have a few weeks free, I might be convinced to swim a couple of thousand miles to get it for you."
Aleph: "Like, a murdervine that stabs people in the ankles and grows through their bones, or something."
EarthScorpion: Also, "build me a manse"
Aleph: That too, yes.
Aleph: "I found a wood demesne in the endless expanse of bamboo that goes on forever. Cap it however you want, but I need a steady supply of hearthstones."
Aleph: "Yes, you can use demon labour."
Aleph: "I suggest Calesco's pelwens; they might be good at plant-manses."


EarthScorpion: Anyway, did you like the session?
Aleph: yes
Aleph: ^_^
Aleph: and ooo, so many ideas~
Aleph: mwaa ha ha haa~
Aleph: : 3
EarthScorpion: And you liked Malek?
Aleph: : D
Aleph: very much so
EarthScorpion: That was why I was so enthusiastic to get another session in last weekend. I wanted to get her into play.
Aleph: She's a good fit for Keris, though I'm interested to note that she's one of the possibilities.
EarthScorpion: Yep. For example, if you wanted to run a "corrupt a Dynast into infernalism and into serving you" plotline, I could feed you a plot hook for that. And of course, if Malek is the Pia of infernalists, there might be the option of the Yinzheng of infernalists who's a nooblet in too deep with a bad deal that you might want to buy off someone.
Aleph: so cute~
EarthScorpion: Or, of course, if she gets enough money she could just hire someone to work for Cinnamon who isn't an infernalist at all!
EarthScorpion: (yet)
Aleph: : P
Aleph: Hmm
Aleph: I'm inclined to have Malek as a loose ally - a, hah, consultant of sorts - and I do rather like the Yinzheng idea as someone who's less experienced and skilled but whom Keris can rely on more and who, lol, basically has Keris as a higher-dot Ally than Malek would because the gap is bigger - which correspondingly means more time spent doing stuff for Keris.
EarthScorpion: Heh. Well, Malek basically wants out of her Pact (which is of the 'recurring payment' type) and once she's free, she'll be a free agent who knows she has maybe 50 years to live and would like a) to leave a legacy, if b) she can't manage to get immortality.
Aleph: Keris: *kicks down a door in Hell* "Hello, are you Lei Mei? Yeah, I'm here to talk about one of your pacts."
EarthScorpion: Amusingly, Calesco is... probably the worst soul you could have taken in to see her.
EarthScorpion: The. Worst.
Aleph: Probably!
EarthScorpion: Amusingly, Eko would've been one of the better ones, because they could science nerd.
Aleph: But hey, on the other hand, this means Calesco has seen Keris immediately and reflexively respond to "you don't care what demon lords think" with "I care about what this one thinks" and a gesture at Calesco; Keris being physically protective of her, Keris seeking her opinion on Malek first - which also means that once she's convinced the rest will be fairly easy, lol - Keris agreeing with her that what Malek did in her youth was fucked up shit that makes both of them angry, and in general Keris valuing her input and opinion.
EarthScorpion: Anyway, mmm, before bed are you enjoying the increased effort for the Taira arc on the NPCs and bringing in more supernatural stuff that can compete with Keris on at least one tier of stuff she can do?
Aleph: yessssssssssssss~
Aleph: ^_^
Aleph: I'm a bit wary of the same thing coming to pass in Saata before she's set up in full
Aleph: but I've definitely been enjoying this as an expedition
EarthScorpion: Amusingly, Malek wouldn't actually have much respect for Keris's Little River thing, because she'd considering Keris wasting her talents as a sorceress and occultist by spending so much time delicately arranging things in false identities.
EarthScorpion: She is... honestly, she's a character who wants to be able to sit in a cave with a box of scraps (well, potted plant)
EarthScorpion: But because of setting hax, she's forced to go out and get all her artefacts and wealth and patrons and demonic stuff so she can do what she wants to do
EarthScorpion: And that makes her a lavish demonologist who's a recluse hiding that she's breaking all kinds of laws and people turn a blind eye to that because she's useful


EarthScorpion: Also, heh, both Rathan and Calesco have now experienced the "you're a demon lord, I will treat you like that" from DB infernalists.
Aleph: : P
EarthScorpion: Rathan is much happier with that.
EarthScorpion: And of course, no one knows the full list of second circles.
EarthScorpion: They can get away with "one no one else has heard of before".
Aleph: A list which, frankly, changes.
EarthScorpion: or even just a new one, yes
Aleph: Because sometimes a demon lord will get Ligier'd into something like Wyldeater.
EarthScorpion: Or get Adorjan'd.
EarthScorpion: Heh.
EarthScorpion: Keris is finding Oula's ability to pass as human to casual inspection quite useful.
EarthScorpion: It means she has another "human" assistant who's basically reliable.


EarthScorpion: goddamnit, zanara really likes malek
EarthScorpion: more than Haneyl, really - Haneyl will see her as a rival and potential threat.


Aleph: hee
Aleph: o keris
EarthScorpion: I saw just the title at once, and was wondering which Sakura you were going to link me to
Aleph: "Wait, how do you have two spearheads when your Lance has only one."
Keris: "Self-as-Cyclone Stance, baby. That's one spearhead moving really fast."
Aleph: hee
EarthScorpion: keris aka edgy!sakura


EarthScorpion: Kaliiiiiiiiii
Aleph: Keris: "Godsdammit she got out again? Who was meant to be watching her?!"
Aleph: awww, she's making little squeaking noises
Aleph: so cute
Aleph: calling for mama
EarthScorpion: The mother shows up later on
EarthScorpion: sick of her shit
Aleph: ... actually those might be distress calls
Aleph: less cute
Aleph: Keris: *looks up at treetop!Kali flatly*
Keris: "This is the third time this week. I am profoundly unsympathetic."​
Great things happen when two Infernalists can work together.

Did ES do some essay on how Infernalists (and Infernals) can do demonic pacts? I need more Infernal hombrew I'm interested to see how an ST and players could set up demonic pacts, the sort of things that demons offer and would collect as payment, and and a demon could actually collect on that payment. And also what happens when you screw over a demon, and how they would collect revenge.

Is there some sorcery to collect someone's soul and use it as a payment and/or resource? I want to scheme to get some hodunk village to sacrifice itself and use their souls to bargain for a wicked awesome hellsword!
Sorcery - Pacts
PACT (•-•••••)

The spirits of Creation, the demon-lords of Hell, the counts of the Dead and the princes of Chaos all have power and wisdom for those willing to make the sacrifices required to obtain it. Ambitious men implore Hell for demon-spawn to make up their armies and for the aristocracy of Malfeas to tend to their every whim. Queens venture to the Underworld and return laden with tarnished grave gold and with the ghost of their lover restored to her body - not quite alive, but a fascimile thereof. And tribal magicians across the fringes of Creation know how to barter with the greater powers of the Wyld for wonders. Such power always comes at a price, but many are willing to pay it.

Certain ancient contracts provide ritual formulae for known bargains with the spirits. Others call up an image of the spirit or venture to them in person to make good their deal. The old rituals are a known quantity, but ambitious men have often believed that they could negotitate a better deal in person. Sometimes they are even right.

The Pact can last for a fixed period of time, until the character or the patron chooses to end it in some pre-determined way, or for the duration of a certain task.

This background provides all the benefits of an equivalently-rated Mentor - this represents the knowledge and teaching the spirit is willing to provide. The character may speak with their patron in their dreams, allowing them to serve as a Mentor even when they're in another realm of existence.

Additionally, it also provides a number of background dots equal to Pact, which the character may assign and reassign to a range of other backgrounds negotiated at the time of the pact - commonly including things like Abyssal Command, Allies, Artefacts, Contacts, Demonic Familiar, Familiar, Followers, Spies, Resources and other such things. These backgrounds must be in theme for the spirit patron and must be something they can grant - for example, unless Ligier has a way to access Creation, he cannot serve as an Ally in person - but may send one of his easier-to-escape Second Circles to aid the character instead.

Drawback: A Pact is a merchantile exchange, born of self-interest, not generosity. The spirits demand payment for their aid. Spirits will not offer or agree to pacts that act too far against their own interests, even if the Background costs balance out.

Firstly, this pact serves to permit spirits from outside Creation - such as the princes of chaos, demons and the Dead - access to the world. Demons enjoy additional escape conditions, chaos-beings hide from the calcification of Creation within the letter of the law, and the Dead may ignore certain banes and bypass thresholds as they have been invited in. Even gods pacted to an Exalt are permitted to go outside the scope of their duties, as they borrow the authority of the princes of the Earth.

Secondly, a Pact implies no particular loyalty or friendship. A Pact is a joining of two partners - not master and servant. A demon Pacted to serve as a familiar is not mechanically a Demonic Familiar and does not automatically obey the character as a bound demon would. Characters would do well to remember this.

Thirdly, at the time of the negotiation of the Pact, the form of payment must also be agreed upon. The character must provide - in one way or another - the spirit with a Background equal to the rating of the pact, or optionally a Background equal to (Pact -1) once a year for Pacts lasting at least 5 years. Traditionally for demons and the Dead, this must be paid on Callibration or the new moon. For example, the mad green sun of Hell might, in return for Pact 4, demand 100 human souls be tithed to him every Callibration - which is equivalent to Followers 3. The Mask of Winters might put as a condition for his Pact 3 with an ambitious Dynast that she steals a certain storied grand goremaul with a history dating back to the Great Rebellion before he will provide any aid.

Should the character fail to provide payment, they are in default. The spirit can still see the dreams of the character, and additionally learns of their location whenever they sleep. This state of default lasts until the spirit has seized or destroyed a Background equal in value to the broken Pact belonging to the character. Most spirits will deliberately seek an ironic inversion of the benefits that the character enjoys thanks to the Pact. If the aid of a demon made them a prince, then the demon will seek to ruin their nation or have them overthrown; if a merchant became wealthy because of the favour of a god then the god will seek to see them beggared and sold into slavery to pay their debts.

In addition, the character suffers additional malign effects, based on the party they are in default to. This curse spreads beyond the character, and can also afflict their loved ones or lands they rule:
  • Gods have avenue to pursue their revenge through the courts of Heaven. Few other gods will agree to a Pact with a known defaulter, and the character may find that injunctions are placed upon heavenly actions that would benefit them.
  • In the Wyld, oaths and pacts are the only solidity - and the character has stepped beyond such protection. When in default to a Creature of the Wyld, the character finds that they and things they have a positive Intimacy towards experience the vicissitudes of chaos to a greater degree. An emperor may find that a wyldstorm sweeps their fields at harvest-time, polluting the crops, while a backwoods sorcerer may discover that buck-ogres migrate to take up residence in his forest.
  • Those who cheat an elemental find either a paucity or an excess of their element. One who defaults a water elemental may suffer a drought - or floods.
  • A thwarted demon gains an additional release condition appropriate to their circle that thematically relates to the default and the unpaid debt, as do demons who descend from them. For example, if a character promises Alevua a thousand green-eyed men as slaves and then does not pay up, then Alevua might gain an additional release condition that permits her to enter Creation when a green-eyed man loyal to the character kills an insect in a lightless room. In addition, should the character visit Malfeas they may find to their surprise that they legally are a citizen, rather than a stranger - and thus are subject to the law of Cecelyne.
  • The curses of the Dead lie heavy. Any characters killed by the defaulter are much more likely to leave ghosts, and enter their existence knowing that the cheated ghost can help them get revenge for their murder. Plague and maladies become more common around the character, and their actions are more likely to produce shadowlands.
::SIDEBAR - Spiritual Resources::

The fabulous wealth of the spirits means the Resources Background is worth less to them. For the purposes of the Pact background, Resources is counted as being two-dots lower rated both as a boon and a cost. Wealth enough to live like a king (Resources 5) can be obtained with a 3-dot Pact, while on the other hand a sizable gem (Resources 4) is only enough to pay off minor services from a 2-dot Pact. How many merchant princes have considered these inequitable terms, and decided that one hundred slaves tithed to the Lords of Death or the dukes of Hell is an excellent deal for years of fortune?

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On Pacts, what do you see happening when the Spirit is the one in default?

Eg Solar Bob made a pact with a crafty 2CD to have a personal Hellstrider built and mantained. After gathering a great deal of magical materials and shipping them to Malfeas disaster strikes.

Octavian raided the 2CDs workship stealing all the materials leaving them without a Hellstrider to pay up.

What happens next?

[An elder DB with the Wyld Hunt has a pact with Octavian and called upon it after learning of Solar Bobs goal]
On Pacts, what do you see happening when the Spirit is the one in default?

Eg Solar Bob made a pact with a crafty 2CD to have a personal Hellstrider built and mantained. After gathering a great deal of magical materials and shipping them to Malfeas disaster strikes.

Octavian raided the 2CDs workship stealing all the materials leaving them without a Hellstrider to pay up.

What happens next?

[An elder DB with the Wyld Hunt has a pact with Octavian and called upon it after learning of Solar Bobs goal]

The circumstances you describe are outside the scope of the Pact background as covered above. The Pact-ee does not strictly speaking promise anything there. They function as a Mentor and there are agreed Backgrounds that you can cash your Pact dots in for, but if they fail to build the warstrider... well, they're not in default. They tried in good faith, and they were sabotaged by someone else.

More generally, if they fail to live up to their end, they lose all their benefits and may - depending on how you secured your Pact - face additional consequences.

Why yes, that does mean you want your Eclipse there to seal the Pact you're making with a spirit. Almost like that's exactly what Eclipses are there for, and also means Eclipses are better at making Pacts with spirits and so can draw on their allies without needing silliness like Charmshare.