Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

...Learn/invent an Echoen version of the transfer spell so she can surround it in desolation and skeletons?

...and ribbons, because Echo.
That'd still be a big showy blasphemy, though, and leave traces of infernal essence. Only way around that would be to take it somewhere else, first.

On the other hand, if no one but Orange Blossom can get in, it won't matter much; she certainly isn't going to be shocked by evidence that it wasn't an Abyssal.
As usual, the solution to this problem is demons. Abyssals can learn demon of the first circle, so summon a strong one from Malfeas to lug the statue.
That'd still be a big showy blasphemy, though, and leave traces of infernal essence. Only way around that would be to take it somewhere else, first.

On the other hand, if no one but Orange Blossom can get in, it won't matter much; she certainly isn't going to be shocked by evidence that it wasn't an Abyssal.
I thought she could countermagic that sort of thing? Like when she stole the DB's house.

Presumably the Lookshians? Will be able to get back in as well and this seems like the kind of thing that will attract Sidereal interest, so I guess covering her tracks will be a priority.
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Isn't the mist spell being maintained by the dragon statue?

If Keris gets rid of it, that spell should fall apart.
Keris certainly suspects it is.

On the other hand, if she has a choice between "doing as Orange Blossom wants and leaving the mists up so nobody else can access the valley" and "walking away with a bitching Artifact-rated Shogunate-era artistic masterpiece", Orange Blossom can fuck right off.
The real cliffhanger of this episode is how Keris will get the Blue Jade statue out of there without leaving any signs of Hellish influence.
I'm not sure why that's an issue.

The text clearly states that the (dead) DBs were using demons in the valley as security guards and labor. If any infernal influence is noticed for something as mundane as labor, the obvious conclusion is that it was one of theirs. Especially if she uses nothing bigger than a First Circle. Not like they are currently alive to dispute it one way or the other.

The actual problem is figuring out what effect the statue is acting as an anchor for, and what particular mayhem moving it will set off.
I'm not convinced it's anchoring the mists in the valley.
There is a slight issue with getting a demon to carry it out, that being the part where the demon is unlikely to be able to punch through a -4 external penalty to navigation while carrying a giant jade dragon and being unable to see, hear or even feel what it's walking on.

It's even less likely to be able to do it without breaking the dragon on something. Remember that Keris only got in and out the first time because she can run up sheer vertical surfaces.
There is a slight issue with getting a demon to carry it out, that being the part where the demon is unlikely to be able to punch through a -4 external penalty to navigation while carrying a giant jade dragon and being unable to see, hear or even feel what it's walking on.
I was under the impression that you could guide people in and out, given how she got in and out with the ghost-girl.
Besides, canon agata are Perception 3, Strength 6, Athletics 3, Survival 3, have First, Second and Third Excellencies in Athletics and Survival, and have Landscape Travel to allow them to fly while carrying the equivalent weight of two armored men. That's in addition to Hurry Home and Portal.

Now your Creation doesn't really seem to go into that sort of detail, so I can't really say how it works for you, but it would seem that lashing this onto a demon wasp and leading it on a leash would work. But I get the feeling it would be against the spirit of your game.
Agata are also giant demon wasps whose wings are helicoptor-loud when they're flying, because have you heard how loud normal wasps and bees are for their size?

Keris consequentially does her level best not to summon or spend much time around them ever.
Agata are also giant demon wasps whose wings are helicoptor-loud when they're flying, because have you heard how loud normal wasps and bees are for their size?
Keris consequentially does her level best not to summon or spend much time around them ever.
It's either that or a Windslave Disc or two from your stash.
But your game's policy on magitech makes me hesitant to recommend that or a cache egg.
Agata are also giant demon wasps whose wings are helicoptor-loud when they're flying, because have you heard how loud normal wasps and bees are for their size?

Keris consequentially does her level best not to summon or spend much time around them ever.

In fact, I don't think she even knows how to summon them (since demon breeds cost 1XP to learn how to summon, after all). She uses angyalos instead when she wants to carry other people. It's Sasi who summons the agatae for their convenience.
A Silent Blade - Chapter 8
A Silent Blade part 8 is up. Some of you have seen one of the twists here coming; others will not. I very much doubt anyone will have seen all of them, because ES is an asshole.

... sometimes he's the cool kind of asshole, though.

<during the fight with Sashi>
EarthScorpion: So, Step 1. Also, you can pre-declare any scenelongs you're putting up first.
EarthScorpion: Declaration of attack. Declare how many actions you're taking and Charm use.
Aleph: Bluh. I don't have enough motes for more than 1 charm atm; my pool is getting 2m/action now but it's almost empty.
Aleph: So... I guess just Self As Cyclone Stance for a two-attack flurry with my orichalcum spear; both directed at her. Keris will be lunging at her unprotected back and aiming for a rapid kill shot that won't damage the room too badly.
EarthScorpion: Why do you always go for 2 attack things, out of question?
Aleph: Self as Cyclone Stance: "Normal rate limits apply to attacks within this flurry, with normally infinite rate weapons reduced to base Rate 5 before adding in any rate bonuses." The dire spear is Rate 2.
EarthScorpion: You have hair and legs and stuff like that. Unarmed attacks can be mixed in.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: ...
Aleph: ... ... ...
Aleph: That had not occurred to me.
EarthScorpion: also, you have Dread Panoply of the Silent Wind
EarthScorpion: this is literally what it is made for
Aleph: On a related note, shut up.
Aleph: OKAY. Self as Cyclone Stance for a five-attack flurry - two spear and one knife at her, two knife attacks at her compadre as the higher-penalty ones.


Aleph: ... hahaha. Did she just show up to teach me SRS?
Aleph: yessssssss~
EarthScorpion: That's the primary Mentor role, yes. And maybe a little pillow talk. : p
EarthScorpion: Look, if Keris was upset about killing lots of people, she was completely in the wrong mood for learning Adorjan Charms and being what Adorjan wants her to be. So she helped out.
Aleph: lawl


Aleph: kerisssssss
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris.
EarthScorpion: Did you like the planned end of arc reward? : p
Aleph: : D
Aleph: u r scary
EarthScorpion: Hmm?
Aleph: Your Adorjan. She strikes a good mix between "awe" and "terror".
EarthScorpion: And you also got her perspective on how Third Circles work
Aleph: yes, heh
Aleph: I guess there's some truth to that thing about how "everyone's waiting for the Ebon Dragon to stab the Reclamation in the back, when they should be more worried about how Adorjan's going to stab it in the face".
EarthScorpion: Well, yes. If it wasn't for the Exalted learning Adorjan Charm, she already would have.
EarthScorpion: ... well, that and her attention span.
Aleph: heh
Aleph: oh, Keris
Aleph: I wonder if anyone else - besides the Csend - has twigged yet that Adorjan thinks Keris is Marus reborn?
Aleph: ...
Aleph: ... probably not. They'd be panicking harder if they had.
EarthScorpion: And, heh, I do try to keep Eko and Adorjan having separate personalities while also resembling each other as mother and daughter.
Aleph: yes, heh
Aleph: I do like the parallels of Eko being a tiny reflection of Adorjan's traits.
EarthScorpion: Oh yeah, so
EarthScorpion: Oramus and Szoreny Charms are now available
Aleph: wheeeee~
EarthScorpion: if Keris wants to get a headstart on being the "first Exalt to learn X charms", she can. :V
Aleph: ... sigh. Keris. No. Don't get Envious Heart before anyone else in the Reclamation nabs a Szoreny Charm and thus come to the attention of /two/ Yozi-forests.
Aleph: And get Kagami interested in you as well.
EarthScorpion: Adorjan indicates that that's not what she wanted her to do. She should be buying more Adorjan charms!
Aleph: in fairness, she does have Bound by Blood-Red Strings lined up as soon as she reaches Baisha and has a flashback
Aleph: seeking
Aleph: thing
Aleph: and Wind-Carried Passion and Seven Nights Shintai.
EarthScorpion: Keris: "... well, uh, at least Adorjan doesn't take it personally that I'm pregnant with someone else's children."
Aleph: : P
Aleph: she did use Adorjan Charms to inhale both of the fathers, so


EarthScorpion: ... how does Calesco feel about Keris' relationship with Adorjan?
Aleph: Concerned.
Aleph: Hmm
Aleph: Let's see
Aleph: She acknowledges Adorjan as her mother, just as Eko does. She was proud of Keris for stepping up to Adorjan directly and being hurt to save others. She doesn't especially like how Adorjan murders trillions, though... hmm. Perhaps not as much as she hates, say, how Kimbery kills serfs, because at least Adorjan isn't doing it out of spite and hatred and sadism - just because it's her nature to kill the things she touches (same as Eko).
Aleph: And... oh, Calesco. She's not Eko, but she does understand how desperately rewarding it is to be loved, and how much Keris needs and craves it.
EarthScorpion: Of course, sigh, Adorjan never seems to show up when Keris is sharing a bed with Sasi
EarthScorpion: She comes for her when she's lonely or isolated.
Aleph: Yes.
Aleph: So, hmm. Quite possibly "concerned, but understanding" - especially since, hah.
Aleph: Keris is unquestionably the weaker party in that relationship, and the one who always winds up hurt by it.
EarthScorpion: Yes. It's... actually, sigh, probably one of the things that make her much more sympathetic to Keris - and even more so once Calesco finds she's got the same problems in the kinds of relationships she's prone to.
Aleph: : (
EarthScorpion: Oh, Adorjan. She isn't attracted to the way Keris looks. She could look however she wanted and Adorjan wouldn't care, unless she decided to look even more Adorjan-like. :p
Aleph: : D
Aleph: She loves Keris for what's inside her.
Aleph: ... no, not her blood.
Aleph: Though that's certainly pretty.
Aleph: (and bishie, too)


Aleph: Oh! Oh yes, hah. Remembered something from yesterday.
Aleph: So yeah, you know how when Vali's the Thunder Dragon he's at his MOST POWERFUL but the lack of any limits to push against rapidly exhausts him?
Aleph: What would happen if he had an Artifact 5 suit of superheavy dragon-plate designed to contain him (probably using very similar design principles to how a five-dot Fire manse caps an active volcano), and also designed to disengage and fall off before the building pressure from within breaks it (because I doubt even an Artifact could contain the Thunder Dragon indefinitely).
EarthScorpion: ...
EarthScorpion: so what you're saying
EarthScorpion: is you need to give him training weights
Aleph: Yes. Yes, that is basically what I am saying.
Aleph: It makes him one of those fucking massive heavily-armoured bosses where you have to damage the armour through the first half of the fight and then it fucking explodes off him and he's in a super-charged dragon-state from all the pressure and charge he's built up inside it.
EarthScorpion: More like he takes off his heavy armour because he's been wearing training weights all long
EarthScorpion: And even that isn't his final form.
EarthScorpion: goddamnit Vali and Haneyl, why are you the shounen siblings?
Aleph: ... well, in dragon form it's more likely that it's designed to disengage via explosive bolts when he FLEXES
EarthScorpion: Is it the Realm influence?
Aleph: partly because, uh, he doesn't have limbs in dragon-form besides his wings
Aleph: and partly because it means his armour blows off him via a bunch of explosive bolts when he flexes.
Aleph: Which is the most ridiculously shonen bullshit, and thus totally appropriate for him.


EarthScorpion: So, yeah. Keris has a blinging artefact that she can anchor all kinds of spells in.
Aleph: Yesssss~
EarthScorpion: Especially weather related ones. Or, you know, any kind of WMD spell she could use that would be made better with the addition of dragon theming or storms.
Aleph: Oh, Keris. There's a frankly alarming amount of business she does and loot she picks up in Creation that she "forgets" to mention to her bosses.
Aleph: ... ooooo. Yes. That could totally be used for a fleet-killer Sapphire spell against the Realm. Or Adamant, which is a fuck-you to even any Sidereals onboard at the time.
EarthScorpion: Vali points out that dragons and storms clearly mean it's his.
Aleph: ... heh. Actually, a weather-dragon WMD spell would totally fit her po-invocation, if she used Id and the jade dragon as a joint-Anchor.
Aleph: At the adamant level that means Pekhijira manifests in full as a storm-quetzalcoatl.
So, yeah. Keris has a blinging artefact that she can anchor all kinds of spells in.
Aleph: Yesssss~
EarthScorpion: Especially weather related ones. Or, you know, any kind of WMD spell she could use that would be made better with the addition of dragon theming or storms.
Aleph: Oh, Keris. There's a frankly alarming amount of business she does and loot she picks up in Creation that she "forgets" to mention to her bosses.
Aleph: ... ooooo. Yes. That could totally be used for a fleet-killer Sapphire spell against the Realm. Or Adamant, which is a fuck-you to even any Sidereals onboard at the time.
EarthScorpion: Vali points out that dragons and storms clearly mean it's his.
Aleph: ... heh. Actually, a weather-dragon WMD spell would totally fit her po-invocation, if she used Id and the jade dragon as a joint-Anchor.
Aleph: At the adamant level that means Pekhijira manifests in full as a storm-quetzalcoatl.
Kuha: "... Kerishyra's totem is that?"
Rounen: "There's a reason nobody goes into the Cloud Wall."​
EarthScorpion: Kuha wants to ride it
Aleph: ...
Aleph: That woman has entirely too much Valour.
Aleph: She, uh, is also going to have to deal with a Keris suffering Yozi Sickness yet again. So that should be fun.
Aleph: In this case, I suspect Keris isn't going to have very good control over her flesh for a while. Or rather, over the switch from flesh to wind and back.
EarthScorpion: Sigh. I think Testolagh is getting in much better with the owl riders. After all, they're now high Valour and that means he gets them better.
Aleph: : D
Keris: "Hah! I did good!"​
Aleph: Hmm. Yeah, so I think for this bout of Yozi Sickness, Keris treats all of her Principles as if they were a dot higher for the purposes of triggering a reaction to stimuli - they're the same level for the purposes of suppressing and channelling and rolling and so on, but 2-dot things trigger her as frequently as 3-dot ones normally would, etc. Whenever she experiences a significant emotional disturbance she rolls Temperance, and failure means she unconsciously hits Scarlet Rapture Shintai and Eloquence in Unspoken Words. This probably means that she's going to get snappish at Orange Blossom during the interview and have her skin split apart into ribbons and wind and switch to miming in mid-sentence (she may or may not notice this).
Aleph: (Orange Blossom probably will.)
Dulmea: "Child. Please. Start using your mental defences when you encounter an All-Maker."
Keris looks highly offended and spreads her hands helplessly. If she's graced with a religious experience, she asks by touching her heart, how can she turn her face away or laugh it off?
Dulmea: "Or just stop encountering All-Makers. Especially the Silent Wind."
It's not like Keris asked Adorjan to invade her dreams, she shrugs.​


Aleph: Urgh, I hate you
Aleph: Purple canvas, plum wine, the Handful of Violets, fucking lavender and lilac...
Aleph: Urgh, I should've noticed they were centred on the market. But I wrote all the Illana-specific stuff off as her being Jamelia.
Aleph: GRRR H8 U
EarthScorpion: Lawl
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So uh... All the purple near Illana, and the fact that that woman was almost certainly something like say, a Sidereal...

Is Illana dead, or does she now have a connection to the... Gold Faction is it?
Adjoran was appropriately horrifying. And illana was a sidereal correct?
Pretty sure that Illana is the Lunar, the probably-a-Sidereal was not named.

Adorjan is the best.

So uh... All the purple near Illana, and the fact that that woman was almost certainly something like say, a Sidereal...

Is Illana dead, or does she now have a connection to the... Gold Faction is it?

Hopefully she isn't dead, I liked her >_>

As far as we know she isn't connected to any Solars, so she probably isn't connected to the Gold faction. There is a super mysterious Silver faction though!
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So Adorjan is gearing up to maybe sort of wreck the whole plot because Lilunu makes her itch, and a little bit of pillow-talk gets Keris in on the plan.

I wonder what Adorjan would think if she discovered that Keris (and all Infernals) could grow into/bring into being a new primordial.
At this point I'm wondering if any other Infernal has been so deeply and publically visited by a Yozi.

Not to mention what the Silient Winds other 3CD are thinking about Keris