Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Well, you get a twofer this time. Kerisgame 67 and Kerisgame 68. In which... well, let's not mince words here; in which I fuck up. A lot. In various interesting and stupid ways that I'm still mildly annoyed about. Luckily, this is a failure that can be salvaged at both a plot and characterisation level; I can both escape with my goals intact (if tattered) and also justify why Keris acted so stupidly. But shit, this could have very easily a) dug me into a hole I couldn't have got out of and b) felt like an Idiot Ball asspull for the sake of drama. I'm gonna have to work to avoid that in future.

This, incidentally, is a very good example of how simple, methodical Realm bureaucracy can catch an unwary Celestial out. It doesn't have to all be Sidereal assistance or the like. Sometimes systematic checking of a population and checking for things like "people without residence permits" get you your catch. And of course, they're looking for anyone who can be pressured into turning informant, which is more information that people with Investigation Charms can put together.

Now, of course, this won't work against a professional Night who has perfect forgeries and everything ready, but the set of Celestials who have perfect cover stories and all the necessary papers is smaller than the set of Celestials who have some things in order, but have some holes in their stories and who normally rely on Excellencies and Charms to smooth over the holes - which then hits a problem when they don't realise that the Realm Magistrate keeps some outcaste friends in his retinue who don't walk around in clanking jade and armour.

Oh yes, the Realm Magistrate is very careful to stomp around in his shiny white jade armour and be blunt and stubborn and play up his natural bullish traits. It means everyone's looking at him. He trusts his friends to cover his weaker spots, because he's a DB and that's what DBs do.
Well, you get a twofer this time. Kerisgame 67 and Kerisgame 68. In which... well, let's not mince words here; in which I fuck up. A lot. In various interesting and stupid ways that I'm still mildly annoyed about. Luckily, this is a failure that can be salvaged at both a plot and characterisation level; I can both escape with my goals intact (if tattered) and also justify why Keris acted so stupidly. But shit, this could have very easily a) dug me into a hole I couldn't have got out of and b) felt like an Idiot Ball asspull for the sake of drama. I'm gonna have to work to avoid that in future.

End result, though? As ES says in the extras; this has been a very bad few weeks for Keris. On the plus side, next session should be...

... well. Interesting, shall we say.

Extras for the first session:

... aaaand the second:
Sasi, Help! I've become an informant of the Realm!
come on guys

if you think Keris is going to do any talking whatsoever

now that she finally has a problem she can solve with violence and zoom-zoom running

then I really don't know how to help you :p

Keris: "Sasi! I fixed the problem, they think it was the Lintha, and nothing of any interest whatsoever happened at all!"
I'd assumed you'd do everything in your power to avoid using the combat engine tho. :V
Yeah, but they're four Terrestrials vs a combat focused Infernal Exalt who favours Adorjan and Kimbery, the two Yozi whose charm sets hammer on the big killers in the system. That is to say surprise attacks, flurries and more poison than you can shake a stick at.

While I doubt she'll be able to kill all of them in one go, but she'll do damage and force them onto the defensive, which means she'll be on the offensive and that just make her advantage ever greater. She doesn't even have to kill them all! Murder one or two and leave the others soaking up wound and poison penalties and then she can just zoom-zoom away.
Yeah, but they're four Terrestrials vs a combat focused Infernal Exalt who favours Adorjan and Kimbery, the two Yozi whose charm sets hammer on the big killers in the system. That is to say surprise attacks, flurries and more poison than you can shake a stick at.

While I doubt she'll be able to kill all of them in one go, but she'll do damage and force them onto the defensive, which means she'll be on the offensive and that just make her advantage ever greater. She doesn't even have to kill them all! Murder one or two and leave the others soaking up wound and poison penalties and then she can just zoom-zoom away.
World Weathering Incandescence + Racing Vitaris is basically the reverse Kool-Aid Man. Also the regular Kool-Aid Man, which is an excellent way of conducting offensive operations. Doors are for worms, and windows are for peasants. Real Exalts use walls!
World Weathering Incandescence + Racing Vitaris is basically the reverse Kool-Aid Man. Also the regular Kool-Aid Man, which is an excellent way of conducting offensive operations. Doors are for worms, and windows are for peasants. Real Exalts use walls!
Don't forget Gravity Rebuking Grace, because floors are for plebs.
Uh. You guys do remember that the idea here is to deflect suspicion away from An Teng and the Southwest, right? Not give the Realm proof positive of an Anathema in the region and also clue Heaven in to the existence of Infernals? Flaring - and a fight with four DBs would definitely involve flaring - is counter to what Keris wants, especially when they've already decided she's just a Lintha spy.

She's going to be using the combat system only as far as she needs it to Join Battle (and thus get the first action) then dodge like a maniac as she runs for it, keeping her anima suppressed so that they write it off as a demonically-gifted agile Lintha spy who didn't have any combat prowess.

Could she kill all four of them? Most probably. But if killing the magistrate served her goals, she'd have done it back when she first arrived in An Teng.
Uh. You guys do remember that the idea here is to deflect suspicion away from An Teng and the Southwest, right? Not give the Realm proof positive of an Anathema in the region and also clue Heaven in to the existence of Infernals? Flaring - and a fight with four DBs would definitely involve flaring - is counter to what Keris wants, especially when they've already decided she's just a Lintha spy.

She's going to be using the combat system only as far as she needs it to Join Battle (and thus get the first action) then dodge like a maniac as she runs for it, keeping her anima suppressed so that they write it off as a demonically-gifted agile Lintha spy who didn't have any combat prowess.

Could she kill all four of them? Most probably. But if killing the magistrate served her goals, she'd have done it back when she first arrived in An Teng.
Heaven doesn't know about the Infernals? It's hard to believe that they're collectively a subtle bunch.
Heaven doesn't know about the Infernals? It's hard to believe that they're collectively a subtle bunch.

Infernals are new. And I mean, until the Empress disappeared didn't even exist. Heaven does have some indication that the Yozi are up to something and have acquired some mighty champions indeed, but for the most part Infernals are and remain unknown players. And not least of which because the Solars are free and messing things up, and their dark, necrotic cousins have taken Thorns and slaughtered everyone.

It's not that Infernals are subtle. It's that everyone else is even less so and drew the attention of Heaven earlier.
The Infernals are completely new and unprecedented. They are generally, you know kept in Hell, and thus Heaven does not have the opportunity of learning of them.
also the sidereals currently have an escalating civil war in the realm to deal with, and the return of solars, and their own internal politics are getting riled up, and abyssals are making their move.
Infernals are new. And I mean, until the Empress disappeared didn't even exist. Heaven does have some indication that the Yozi are up to something and have acquired some mighty champions indeed, but for the most part Infernals are and remain unknown players. And not least of which because the Solars are free and messing things up, and their dark, necrotic cousins have taken Thorns and slaughtered everyone.

It's not that Infernals are subtle. It's that everyone else is even less so and drew the attention of Heaven earlier.

Yes. One of the big things is that the Abyssals and the Solars are busy being a giant red light to the very limited working time of the Sidereals. Meanwhile, Infernals are Beyond Fate and that means a lot of the "noise" of their activities gets lost in normal Loom disruptions.

And in Kerisgame, there's another, more subtle element to the plan of the Unquestionables that largely gets missed by even many of the Infernals. The Infernals are being filtered by their capacity to work in densely populated areas without being seen. The ones who can work in dense areas, like Sasi - and now Keris has made it onto that list - get placed in stable placements to subvert societies and conquer them from within. The ones who aren't viewed as so subtle get other roles - there's Testolagh [1] who's been put conquering a land Heaven cares so little about it's pock-marked with Wyld Zones, and there's Naan, who's basically a roving troubleshooter/troublebeater/trouble-eater who gets sent to do highly destructive things to target locations and then withdraw - and if people saw an anima banner which combines fire-wreathed black and grey vines, that's very hard to connect to rumours of other sightings of green fire animas.

Also, recall that Kerisgame uses "akuma" to mean "behemoth native to a Yozi Mythos" and there have been Unquestionable-made akuma who resemble Exalts somewhat before. Take the Glowing Ones of Ligier, for example - exquisite machine-men whose lead-lined chests are filled with his light, who have something that resembles an anima banner when they fuel their inner flames so they even shine through lead (and cause Green Sun Wasting). They're not Exalts, because they lack several of the key characteristics, but they can fight at a Terrestrial level and they're a known thing. Heaven won't leap to "green anima banner = YOZI EXALTS" - not when they have "Oh shit, there's a cult that's been gifted with a Glowing One by the crown-prince of Hell".

[1] Who is honest, brave, forthright, genuinely heroic and honestly too good for Sasi, but about as subtle as a green-fire-wreathed brick to the face
Rise of a Pirate Queen - Chapter 13
I'm not even sure there was a plan. Both of them made comments about how they didn't think they could take four Dragon-Blooded in a head-on fight, since they only just about survived a fight with two Dragon-Blooded in a previous session. So they were both very well aware that a direct assault was a terrible idea... it's just that understanding somehow didn't translate into, well, not doing it.
In tribute to the masterpiece of poor planning, I feel I should offer the logs of how Keris got out of her sticky situation - which also involved being in the middle of four angry Dragonblooded!

She did rather better, as you can see in today's Kerisgame, session 69 of the published logs.

yes yes, hurr hurr
no, there was none of that kind of 69ing in this session


What there was, however, was Vali.
So, Vali. The soul that came from Countless Cities Clotting, which Keris got back during Lilunu's painting session. Which means that yeah, he's been around for a while. However, Vali has several other Charms that are integral to him, so what happened was that Countless Cities Clotting formed a geode-womb around him under the Ruined Coast that began to spread metal seams all through the area. It also began to build up pressure inside. As Keris got more of the Charms that went into him, the pressure grew, his body developed and he came closer and closer to waking. The second she got the last one; Cracked Cell Circumvention, he woke up, decided he was very unhappy at being confined, and started trying to punch his way out.

What are those Charms? Well, the most important ones are Countless Cities Clotting, Racing Vitaris and Cracked Cell Circumvention, though By Pain Reforged, Scar-Writ Saga Shield, Destruction Begets Creation and Forged in Fury are also under his sway. Vali is Keris's desire for freedom; her refusal to ever be chained again. But as a Malfean soul associated with toughening up to stop the world hurting you; he finds himself with a paradox - his own growth limits him. He's power from the pressure of confinement; the way that Keris is always most effective when furiously attacking something that's holding her back - and just as she constantly finds new obstacles, Vali's is a confinement that he can never entirely escape. When he moves, it's often in stuttering bursts of speed; build-ups of pressure and power that give way to explosive movement and just-as-sudden stop. He grows heavier and more massive the faster he moves, and when he stops the excess power keeps going as lightning - which in Krisity is caused by the thunder, not the other way around.

He's also Sasi's son, which surprised even us! If you'd asked us a month ago, we'd have said that his "father" was in fact Kasseni; deeply associated with confinement and slavery in Keris's backstory. But we realised that Keris left her behind a long time ago - and then the argument with Sasi and the entirely unwitting lead-in to Keris actually being legit captured proved a perfect time to have him be born as her son. As a result, he's Haneyl's full brother and the other half of Malfeas - the brassy metal to her green fire. The new area of the Domain, on the border between Ruin and Sea, is a mineral-rich maze of towering cliffs, looming pillars and enormous stalagmites that will come to be called the Spires. There is a lot of mining potential in the area, though Vali's essence and the clash of hot air from the Ruin and cold air from the Sea mean that it's almost always stormy, and there's an ever-present rumble of thunder and accompanying lightning above. Soon to move into it will be his keruby; the much-loved and very cool spark jockeys.

Sigh. I need to update the Krisity writeup in that doc with the Meadows and Spires. Bleagh. Later.

Extras, as usual.
Aleph: Eeee~ ^_^
Aleph: Oh, Keris. New soul-budding is always a pretty impressive time. Birthing a moon or a great tree; a comet falling from the sky, a mountain exploding. You are a very melodramatic person.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris. It says something about your self-image that all your souls are pretty. Or... no, more accurately, they're all desirable
Aleph: She may have confidence issues, but her appearance ain't among them. : P
EarthScorpion: Well, I was thinking more that Keris considers greed to be a desirable part of her, and she also considers compassion to be desirable. And revenge, too. And joy and a desire to be free. She doesn't consider any of her soul concepts to be repugnant. Hmm. In fact, Echo, and her "I hurt everyone around me" does suggest that Echo is the least desirable bit of her.
Aleph: Heh. True. Hmm. I'm not sure that flies with how Keris sees her joy, though.
EarthScorpion: Oh, it just means Echo isn't quite as beautiful as some of her other souls. Though, hmm, you're right.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Echo. You really are incorrigible. Arguing that if you're forced to tell Keris everything, she has to tell you everything.
Aleph: Very hard to punish, too.
EarthScorpion: Oh, I don't know. You'd just need to confine her to a time-out room made of the magical materials.
Aleph: Alas, Keris lacks one. Also, uh, her knife.
EarthScorpion: Also it is distinctly possible she has a panoply charm which lets her Hurry Home to directly behind Keris.
Aleph: dammit echo
Aleph: so that's how she keeps doing it
EarthScorpion: And since she's silent, even Keris can't hear when she shows up.
EarthScorpion: So, hmm. Let's just discuss how Vali's appearance turned out.
Aleph: Hmm. Yes. So he's sort of basalty in skin tone.
EarthScorpion: Realm features, skin somewhere between Keris and her mother in colour, skin reflects light as if it was brass, dark hair, orange-tawny eyes that are nearly as bright as Haneyl's.
Aleph: Oh, Vali.
EarthScorpion: Of course, at this stage he's quite a delicate little princeling. He'll probably accumulate scars. Like, he's already clearly not as delicate as Rathan right now, but his nose isn't even broken once yet.
EarthScorpion: ... no, Haneyl, stop having one of your revenge schemes being "sneak up on him when he's asleep and heal his scars"
Aleph: He has slightly different Realm features to Haneyl - they share the jawline and chin, but Haneyl's cheeks and forehead are Keris's, while Vali almost has a bit of, heheh, Keris's dad in them. And he's got something closer to Earth Aspect markings than Wood, though, sigh, they might both be able to pass as having low-but-non-zero Breeding.
EarthScorpion: Well, heh, strictly Haneyl probably has the same exotic beauty style as Keris. Because to the Realm eye, it looks like she has Wood aspect markings that are trying to pretend to be Earth aspect markings.
Aleph: Hee.
EarthScorpion: Like skin that's trying to pretend to be marble, but is more like ash (the tree).
EarthScorpion: ... oh, huh. Haneyl's swamp? The grey ash is the same colour as the grey trees. You can't tell at first glimpse which areas have burned.
Aleph: Of course you can't. Hee.
EarthScorpion: Meanwhile, Vali is hmm, Earth aspect with some Fire relations, where Haneyl is somewhere between Earth, Wood and Fire.
Aleph: ... so that upcoming conversation with Sasi. "Okay, I have good news that you're going to be pleased about, and good news that you're going to want to be sitting down for."
Aleph: Oh yeah. Keris got to see the mountain explode in slow motion. Vali loves that sort of slow-mo explosion playback.
EarthScorpion: ... Echo has TME. She can see in that time.
Aleph: Vali may fight her for it.
EarthScorpion: He'll lose. She needs it for SUPERHOT time.
Aleph: Might see if I can justify giving it to him some other way, then. Or maybe that's why he breaks so many things. Because he loves that moment, and it's always over in an instant.
EarthScorpion: This suggests Joy and Freedom will chillax together by destroying things.
Aleph: Yes, albeit quietly. Oh, Vali. He approves of Freedom Lets Go and Threat-Monitoring Excitement. He likes Echo quite a lot, in fact, though he does sort of wish he could have some of the same Charms as her.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Vali and Haneyl. They manage to have precisely the opposite opinion about so many things, including "how annoying Echo is".
Aleph: Rathan now has a bunch more keruby in love with him. Or at least a bunch of keruby more in love with him, from how he HEROICALLY SPLIT THE GIANT WAVE IN HALF so that it missed the ship.
EarthScorpion: Honestly, if Haneyl had been her normal self and Echo had persuaded her, they might have actually managed to dig down properly, because with Haneyl really focussed with WWI, she can wreck landscapes.
Aleph: Probably for the best that they didn't, really. There was a hell of a lot of pressure in that geode.
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Hah! Not intentional; we've had him in mind for quite a while. Heh.
Considering the way Vali had changed from both your and ES's initial conception of him, how has Keris' other souls changed since their creation? Going along that line, were there also any alternate souls you had thought up before settling on the current ones?
Considering the way Vali had changed from both your and ES's initial conception of him, how has Keris' other souls changed since their creation? Going along that line, were there also any alternate souls you had thought up before settling on the current ones?
Calesco had a fair amount of shift, but that was mostly in appearance - she's far more Adorjan's daughter than she started out, and wears Ogi's features mostly as a reminder and a disguise. Rathan's character development literally just got a hammer taken to it, and we're a lot happier with it now - it makes him a lot more interesting and should hopefully give him greater narrative focus as we start implementing it (his sisters show up a lot more than him for various reasons, one of which is that they simply have more interesting internal dynamics). And Zanra is basically in a constant state of flux, which is amusingly appropriate for them.

There haven't really been any other souls that we planned and then discarded, though. Keris will stabilise at ten, though she may develop lesser (and quantifiably different from an in-universe perspective) non-Pantheon souls who don't have the same humanity, familial relations to her or humanoid forms as the current ones - a great centipede-road that winds through the Empire, for instance, which might be a Third Circle but isn't metaphysically her child and doesn't have a humanoid form.
Calesco had a fair amount of shift, but that was mostly in appearance - she's far more Adorjan's daughter than she started out, and wears Ogi's features mostly as a reminder and a disguise. Rathan's character development literally just got a hammer taken to it, and we're a lot happier with it now - it makes him a lot more interesting and should hopefully give him greater narrative focus as we start implementing it (his sisters show up a lot more than him for various reasons, one of which is that they simply have more interesting internal dynamics). And Zanra is basically in a constant state of flux, which is amusingly appropriate for them.

There haven't really been any other souls that we planned and then discarded, though. Keris will stabilise at ten, though she may develop lesser (and quantifiably different from an in-universe perspective) non-Pantheon souls who don't have the same humanity, familial relations to her or humanoid forms as the current ones - a great centipede-road that winds through the Empire, for instance, which might be a Third Circle but isn't metaphysically her child and doesn't have a humanoid form.

What else? Well, hmm, to start with, Echo was just something that happened. She was a cute little cat-smart wind-waif that existed in the Devil Domain as the Silence in Her Wake representation. And Keris wasn't sure whether she was her sister or her daughter or her echo or what.

Then Keris started playing with her and teaching her things and handing her to Dulmea to try to teach her to do angyalka things. And at about that point, Echo sort of solidified as a daughter rather than a little sister. At that point, she's a little flighty waif who appears, tries to communicate through mime, and who writes badly spelled notes in the ground using her finger.

Then Echo somehow wound up becoming notably smarter than Keris. We're not entirely sure how that happened, because... it just clicked, somehow. Some of it was related to how Echo worked out how to make 1CDs before Keris did. A lot of it was also related to the development of Echoese, which is actually Adorjan's telepathy Charm - that meant that suddenly Echo could express complex thoughts, and, uh. I might have found it hilarious for her to explain sophisticated concepts through mime - and everyone to understand her because she's just that good at miming.

Some time later came the realisation that with Threat Monitoring Excitement, Echo experiences the world like SUPERHOT. Complete with everything being white and red, and time only moving when she moves. This means that the reason she acts like she has ADHD is that everything else is going far too slow for her, and she runs around all the time so she can get to the future where the interesting things are happened. And at the same-ish time, Echo sort of not only understood what she was, but also accepted some things that Keris doesn't even know yet.

(And which she isn't telling Keris, because Echo is utterly terrified of 'Big Sister' - which is what she calls the Csend, Adorjan's fetich soul - and she's terrified Big Sister would find out if Keris showed any sign of knowing what Echo knows.)


Now, by contrast, Haneyl basically sprung fully formed, with her complex interplay of her three-element nature and the way that she's both Keris' self-improvement soul and her greed soul because Keris considers self-improvement to be something you can do only when you aren't wanting for the basics in life. Some of this may be because Aleph accuses Haneyl of being a "standard ES Lead Female Character". I don't know what she means by that, honest.
... and from us chatting about literally that post right there, some of Echo's future characterisation and development just clicked into place perfectly.
Someone observing Keris from an outside perspective must find her behavior incredibly disturbing and illogical. It seems as if the majority of her recent actions have been directly motivated or at least heavily influenced by the solipsistic need to manage the immature components of her soul.