Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Hmm. True. Smiters of Wrongdoing is probably the one I'm iffiest about, balance-wise.
Best way to balance it might be that in order to activate it, the speech needs to meet the following conditions:
1) Be said to the wrongdoer directly
2) Be said in public or a public place
3) State the identity of the wrongdoer
4) State the identity of the person being avenged
5) State the crime or offence commited
6) Declare that the Orvenkeruby will not rest until justice has been achieved.

That should be difficult enough to get out in one breath.
Good plan. Edited.

(Also huh, turns out blood apes have Bane Weapon against "mortals" in general, which seems... broad. Eh, w/e.)
Who take it as a personal offence whenever they see someone: a) accuse an innocent of something their victim didn't do, or b) take credit from someone for something their victim did do.

Echo and Haneyl are going to get mobbed by the little pests.

Hmm? In what sense? The way that Keris has... sigh... basically set up an Evil Demonic Forest Fort from a Miyazaki movie with a brass-and-basalt tower at the centre and rough structures thrown together from the rubble of an old Shogunate town around it and berms and palisades fencing the whole thing in and demonic knights on horseback jousting and hunting at all hours of the day? Or just the weirdness of horses that sound like leopards and buildings being carried as luggage?
I was assuming that it could be a pretty short speech, like 'You, evildoer who perverts justice! In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!' I'm pretty sure that while 2e doesn't allow social attacks in combat, you can still give pretty long speeches, ST allowing. And the 'surrender and apologize' weakness is both rather unintuitive, and means that the summoner wins anyway, as allowing the target to 'surrender' then immediately start fighting again is nonsensical.
See, that's a good idea for what an orvenkeruby speech might be like, but I think I have a better one:

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Orvenkeruby bring low the sinful and defend the weak. When they witness a victim being wronged, they may publicly challenge the perpetrator, stating their own identity, their foe's crime and the name of their victim before swearing to punish them.
I know other people have brought this up, but did you really give the Orvenkeruby a reason to go "In the name of the Moon Rathan, I shall punish you!"

Do Orvenkeruby use color-coordinated jewelry as markers of individuality?
While watching Babylon 5, I found a quote which seems to excellently apply to Exalted - "One glorious future, some assembly required" Just thought I'd share.
Except half the instructions are missing and the other half are in some bizzare pictograms and nobody can agree on which thing goes where and so you're more likely to wind up with something out of Home Improvisation than anything resembling a functional future.
I know other people have brought this up, but did you really give the Orvenkeruby a reason to go "In the name of the Moon Rathan, I shall punish you!"
Preeeeeetty much, yes. Also, viharkeruby are like chibi wild banshees from the Discworld, and if you look closely at the sziromkeruby writeup, you will notice that the moe bookworms always have a light to read by (from the embers on their heads) and make books grow on trees from flowers. Oh, and zenekeruby can use Ruling Hymn to be the Pied Piper and lead all of the children in your village off forever and ever, if it takes their fancy.

I did say they were pretty terrible magical girls. :p
Oh, and zenekeruby can use Ruling Hymn to be the Pied Piper and lead all of the children in your village off forever and ever, if it takes their fancy.

Or at least until they start getting bored, tired or hungry, one of them spends willpower to resist because it's dinner time and then most of the rest also spend WP and tell the zenekeruby that it's been fun playing, but it's now time to eat.
Hunting in the North - Chapter 13
Okay, shifting quickly away from Vicky vs The World round #158; the last chapter of Hunting in the North is up for Kerisgame! In which... quite a bit happens. Keris's attempt at her first military command... sorta fails miserably, so she resorts to her trusty standard Plan B and murders her way through an entire Wyld Zone solo. I did very much like the boss raksha. He was really cool, and I loved his story and powers - though not enough to refrain from bashing his skulls in and letting Wyldeater devour him. And I will be attempting to write a SEEKING FUCK YEAH for her to achieve Enlightenment 9 on the five-day trip back across the Desert, as she wrestles with memories, philosophies and attractive men wearing very little clothing in her dreams.

It may or may not be published, depending on just how explicit that last bit gets. :p

Bonus bits:
OOC game-chatter said:
EarthScorpion: What time of month will Keris attack in? How long does she wait while building up her forces and what's their composition?
Aleph: She has twenty-odd farisyya - possibly twenty five if she was able to summon some on her way back across the Desert after picking up her lab. She's attacking at the start of Crowning Water, after a month of building up forces, and does not intend to wait any longer because it's fucking cold here and she's getting sick of the place and missing Sasi.
EarthScorpion: And are there any other special preparations she makes?
Aleph: Checking over her Ligerian grenades and Wyldeater, donning her armour.
EarthScorpion: Cog + Occult
Aleph: 2+4=6. Fail. : (.
EarthScorpion: Keris therefore does not think to have her farisyya tip their lances with iron.
Aleph: Awww.
Aleph: Yeah, that was dumb of me.
Aleph: Hmm. Will the Kimbery-lake eventually expand to cover the whole fog-waypoint on its own?
EarthScorpion: Hmm. What did we say about how Infernal geomacy effects interacted with waypoints?
Aleph: I believe we said that the waypoint is a single point from reality's PoV, so it gets swallowed.
EarthScorpion: Ah, yes, but the thing is that the fog wall is made up of multiple waypoints - it's too large where it interfaces with reality to be just one. So it's a ring of waypoints, so it will just eat this one.
<Ice clouds on the glacier>
Aleph: Do her bound demons count as 'owned objects'? Can FRoA protect them?
EarthScorpion: No - they're not objects. It's a fae-made environmental effect that's a supernatural ice storm.
Aleph: I was hoping you would say that. :V
Aleph: It is Shaping, though?
EarthScorpion: It's Shaped into existence by twisting the Waypoint, yes.
Aleph: So yeah, Keris is just going to run ahead of the farisyya to get there first, and then activate FRoA once per action, every action, until whatever's behind it gets the message and stops.
Aleph: Given that she's doing 3L rolled damage each time, I figure this probably won't take long if there's a raksha behind it.
Aleph: One way or another.
EarthScorpion: So roll it
Aleph: Oh right. 3L; bah, none the first time.
Aleph: Hmm. She went ahead, so she has a short grace period before it reaches them.
EarthScorpion: ... are you just turning it off and on again to constantly hit, since this is 2L/minute?
Aleph: Pretty much, yeah.
Aleph: She's losing 2m/a, so she can keep this up for at least a couple of minutes.
EarthScorpion: Roll again then.
Aleph: Action 2, 3L; Botch. Wtf?
Action 3, 3L: Oh come on, another botch? Dice fairies; come on. Work with me here.
Action 4, 3L: Finally; 1 level of lethal damage after twenty seconds. Urgh.
<Farisyya hit by the storm>
EarthScorpion: Roll me 6d10 for their stamina thing to resist. Diff 2
Aleph: Fuck. 1 sux. : (.
EarthScorpion: Well, you have one minute before it hits again.
Aleph: Hmm. So yeah, she's got 12 hits in until the next damage interval, which she's going to use to hit it as many times as possible while she gathers her farisyya around her. Should I roll individually or just as a lump?
EarthScorpion: Just roll, one at a time, until I tell you to stop. You're going to have to hurt it enough that it won't just keep doing it
Aleph: Right. 3L; 2lhl.
Aleph: Action 2: another 2lhl. Much more like it.
Aleph: Action 3: 1lhl.
EarthScorpion: Okay, you've done the 6hl, but not fast enough to stop them getting hit that time.
Aleph: So they're all 2hl down?
EarthScorpion: Yes. And those 6 levels were the raksha filling his -0 levels. Ie, he kept doing doing it until it started hurting.
Aleph: ... I'm rather liking how her anima-flowers are different depending on the situation. Presumably Haneyl has a garden of them somewhere. "These are the flowers that grew when mama was pretending to be a Solar, and these are the ones when she was in the hungry mountains, and these are the ones from..."
Aleph: Also hmm. She knows the Malfean Excellency now.
Aleph: That means an environmental effect when she's at totemic. Possibly, hmm... either things turning to brass and basalt under her gaze, or surface scratches and scars shifting into city-like maps.
Aleph: ... and I think I'm inclined to go for the latter as the more original.
Aleph: Since this is a Kerisian anima banner, none of the maps are at all useful.
EarthScorpion: goddamnit Keris
Aleph: : D
Aleph: Oh, Keris.
Aleph: "When Keris's soul is at its brightest, the world warps around it. Noise falls to perfect silence and walls are worn down by soundless wind. Puddles form behind her as moisture condenses on nearby surfaces, and any water her anima-light touches becomes bitter and chill. The heavy scent of blood and pollen wafts from her soul and the flowers that grow in her footsteps. Where her gaze falls upon imperfections in flesh, metal or stone, they shift and squirm to form crazed maps of cities that never were and will never be."
Aleph: You are not hard to track when you are flaring totemic.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: sigh.
Aleph: "Imperfections" may include things like "freckles". For a mortal, just being looked at by Keris at full flare can stamp a mark of her presence across their face for the rest of their life.
<Keris "knocks" on the "door">
EarthScorpion: Okay, the mouth didn't expect to be stabbed like that, so... um, roll damage against it.
Aleph: What are Wyldeater's stats?
EarthScorpion: It's an artefact tetsubo, so it's mechanically a grand goremaul.
Aleph: Jesus. Okay, uh. She's still flaring totemic, so 5+5+2+2 stunt+10 Malfeas ExD {FULL FORCE SADISTIC BRUTALITY}=24, enhanced by GSNF and WWI. 10 sux.
Aleph: Remind me how damage works against objects?
EarthScorpion: Who said this was an object?
Aleph: Ahhhh. Heh.
Aleph: ... that's going to hurt like hell, then. Was that unexpected? : D
EarthScorpion: Yes. Quite unexpected.
Aleph: Does Wyldeater devour dead raksha if she smashes them with it? I don't think I asked. Obviously not as good as live ones, but is there enough left for it to chow down on them anyway?
EarthScorpion: No, once they're dead, they're useless to it since it tries to trap their Virtues, etc. The bits might be usable - by Keris, too, if she doesn't tell Ligier - but not the raw essence.
EarthScorpion: What does Keris have active going into this combat?
Aleph: She still hasn't turned off DDJ and she'll have renewed Opened Eye of the Hurricane if it ever deactivated in the first place. She's using Echo, obviously, and she's got MOE (I hate you) on just in case they have Virtues.
Aleph: She also has the magical power of grenades and a giant hammer.
Aleph: When he does not have such things, he throws slingstones that become exploding murder grenades. Sadly Keris cannot do this yet, and is limited to her supply of Things Wot Go Bang.
Aleph: Oh, the humanity. However will she cope?
EarthScorpion: What do you want to have Rathan look and act like at this "age"? It's up to you.
Aleph: Hmm. Well, Haneyl is 7 and Echo is roughly 10. So I'm thinking he's just gone through - hah. About five years of development; one for each waypoint. So yes, sigh. He's about Haneyl's age, but slightly taller because she's not put on her full Sasi-height yet. And, hmm. Yes, sigh. He's learned patience in his grudges - somewhat - and is of a naturally calmer temper than his sisters, so the dominating side of his personality right now is his desire for attention.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Eko. Today you found the joys of carrying weapons larger than you are
EarthScorpion: They're the perfect weapon, in her opinion, because when you get spinning no one knows where the tetsubo is going to go, not even you
EarthScorpion: which means they are a tool of spinny fun and chaos
EarthScorpion: (It's Keris' fault for learning Self as Cyclone Stance.)
EarthScorpion: (Echo knows it too.)
EarthScorpion: (So she's trying to become a tornado.)
IRC running commentary said:
Aleph: Right.
Aleph: Keris's initial plan has, uh
Aleph: failed miserably.
Aleph: Thus, it is time for her Standard Plan B: "Kill Everything".
Aleph: She will learn from this. Next time she will do better.
Aleph: The plan that failed was leading a demon force in.
Aleph: But the raksha tossed Shaping environmental hazards at her that were going to kill all her demons.
Aleph: So she's sent them back to the swamp and is resorting to Plan B: Slaughter Everything Herself.
Aleph: Which is her standard because... it's something she really is good at, and built for. Not in a "giant explosions" way but just because she's that lethal.
Aleph: She can basically kill an entire castle by herself.
Aleph: But this was meant to be her practicing Command.
Aleph: So
Aleph: Failure. Something to learn from.
Aleph: Sigh.
Aleph: It really does say a lot about Keris that her standard plan b really is essentially "Kill Everything".
Aleph: That's her first resort when a plan goes wrong. And if that is disqualified for some reason, she... basically either panics or falls back on "run away".
Aleph: Or both.
Aleph: oh wow
Aleph: there are giant carnivorous tooth-golem mammoth riders.
Aleph: ... that is, the mammoths are giant carnivorous tooth-golems.
Aleph: The mammoth-riders are merely normal human-size carnivorous tooth-golems.
Aleph: Though perhaps I should say "were" rather than "are", because Keris just happened to the first one.
Aleph: ... hahahahaha
Aleph: This is a Wyld zone full of Hungry Men
Aleph: of wendigos and cannibals and flesh-eaters who hunger eternally to slake their infinite appetites for blood and meat
Aleph: and Keris has a Charm that makes you roll the lower of Temperance and Compassion to be able to attack her.
Aleph: If these things actually have Virtues
Aleph: they are probably going to be Temperance 1
Aleph: and this is going to be hilarious
Aleph: Hahahahaha.
Aleph: Okay, that went even more hilariously than I expected.
Strypgia: Elaborate?
Aleph: So the third waypoint of the Wyld Zone was the mountains with the buried golems, which Keris Happened To.
Aleph: The fourth... was the tunnels inside the mountain.
Aleph: A cave opened up like a mouth, inviting her in.
Aleph: It would, uh
Aleph: probably have been less painful all around to swallow a packet of razor blades.
Swordo: welp
Strypgia: Oops?
Aleph: She knocked all the stalag-teeth out as she went in, spent a short period killing everything she came across
Aleph: And then dropped a Kimbery terraforming Charm on it.
Aleph: Which
Aleph: uh
Aleph: flooded the tunnels.
Aleph: As it turns out?
Aleph: Wendigo-raksha?
Aleph: Not aquatic.
Aleph: This basically made it a choice between "drowning" and "Keris", largely predicated on "which gets them first?"
Aleph: Man, I was expecting it to just, like
Aleph: fill the tunnels with waist-high water.
Aleph: Not flood them completely.
Aleph: Much lawl
Aleph: She also had a highly inventive method of not getting lost.
Aleph: Namely, she now knows World-Weathering Incandescence. The Malfean "green fire destroys an Object completely" Charm. So she just smashed a wall in every tunnel and burnt yeddim-sized holes in the scenery.
Aleph: Still haven't found the boss raksha though.
Aleph: ... wait, never mind
Aleph: Just found the entrance.
Aleph: : 3
Aleph: Oh dear.
Aleph: And now out come the Ligerian grenades.
Aleph: Did I mention Keris has a couple of boxes of Ligerian grenades with her?
Aleph: Well, she has a couple of boxes of Ligerian grenades with her!
Strypgia: I have no idea what that is!
Aleph: Well
Aleph: basically
Aleph: they are grenades
Aleph: made by Ligier's workshops.
Aleph: They go boom with lots of green fire.
Aleph: Then, you know
Aleph: with the burning and the radiation and the brass shrapnel and the oyyyyy
Strypgia: Glayvin!
Aleph: Hahahaha.
Aleph: So the door to Big Bad Raksha Boss's innermost waypoint
Aleph: was made of flesh
Aleph: naturally
Aleph: Keris hit it very hard with her giant tetsubo
Aleph: Apparently it was not expecting this.
Aleph: I'm not sure why, given what she's been doing to the rest of the freehold.
Aleph: What she hasn't beaten to death, she's set on fire. What she hasn't set on fire, she's flooded. And what she hasn't flooded, she's shredded through anima flux.
Aleph: SHE'S IN
Strypgia: TROUBLE?
Aleph: Right in the heart of the mountain - the "door", by the way, was the mouth of a giant that it had put over the tunnel entrance in case anyone walked through it.
Aleph: As a result, said giant now has a missing jaw.
Aleph: It is not very happy about this, which seems a bit unfair. It's a three headed giant. It totally has two other jaws to spare.
Aleph: Admittedly Keris is going to smash those as well, but the point stands.
Aleph: Oh dear. That means the three grenades Keris threw through the hole in the "door"...
Aleph: ... um.
Aleph: Went down its throat, probably.
Aleph: That is not going to end well for it.
Aleph: Welp, there go several more giants.
Aleph: Lesson learned. When the tiny but deadly Exalt throws some little metal stones at you
Aleph: do not casually try to slap them aside
Aleph: or it will turn out that they are in fact little metal Ligerian grenades with proximity triggers and a 13-success ranged attack behind them.
Shyft: hahaha
Shyft: nice
Aleph: This is going to hurt them even before they blow up.
Aleph: Hmm. Though not much. It'll be the explosions that really hurt.
Aleph: urgh
Aleph: so
Aleph: firewand and algarel grenades
Aleph: mentioned in about about six different places
Aleph: statted up nowhere.
Aleph: ¬_¬
Aleph: "Do not charge the combat-optimised Exalt with a giant tetsubo that uses grand goremaul stats."
Aleph: "She will charge back."
Aleph: "She will charge harder."
Shyft: pff
Aleph: I am actually impressed.
Aleph: The raksha king is, once he starts burning fat for power, almost if not as fast as Keris.
Aleph: Possibly even a bit faster.
Aleph: Sadly, he has chosen to show this by running straight at her, so obviously she ran straight at him, and, well
Aleph: this is probably not going to end well for him.
Aleph: Yeah, it didn't.
Aleph: He's not dead, though!
Aleph: Yet.
Aleph: Okay now he is.
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I was surprised that Keris had the forethought to not jump into the "wet cave." I kinda expected a "Jonah in the Whale" story there.

One thing I've been curious about: Echo gets to hit things through Keris' anima banner. Is that a special charm or ability? How are you representing that mechanically?

"The Life and Times of Krisity" continues to be my favorite parts of these updates, though. Nice to see some advancement of the other souls.
One thing I've been curious about: Echo gets to hit things through Keris' anima banner. Is that a special charm or ability? How are you representing that mechanically?

Echo is the Pantheon manifestation of Silence in Her Wake. Aleph chooses to manifest this Charm by having Echo show up and stab everything. Or in this case, whirl around like a top carrying a copy of the tesubo.
I was surprised that Keris had the forethought to not jump into the "wet cave." I kinda expected a "Jonah in the Whale" story there.
Keris had literally spent the entire invasion up to that point destroying anything she came across. Of course she was going to knock the door off its metaphorical hinges and toss a trio of grenades through the hole.

That it turned out the other side of the door was a giant's gullet was a satisfactory conclusion to this. Boom, splat. :p

And Echo isn't hitting things through Keris's anima banner, it's just that Keris usually flares to offset the cost of using SIHW.
Keris is a literal murder machine, she took on an army of Raksha and their king with little to no trouble and has secured a fuck load of Wyld-Essence for Ligier to work on his forge.

She is, however, not properly built to lead an army against magical foes with environmental or shaping effects; she lacks the AoE defenses that could counter-act against them (I don't think the Infernals have any in their books.) I can't say if she'd be a good commander while in the thick of it, her troops were forced back too fast to tell though her ordering them to fallback when it became obvious that they'd die otherwise is a good sign.
Okay, shifting quickly away from Vicky vs The World round #158; Kerisgame 49 is up! In which... quite a bit happens. Keris's attempt at her first military command... sorta fails miserably, so she resorts to her trusty standard Plan B and murders her way through an entire Wyld Zone solo. I did very much like the boss raksha. He was really cool, and I loved his story and powers - though not enough to refrain from bashing his skulls in and letting Wyldeater devour him. And I will be attempting to write a SEEKING FUCK YEAH for her to achieve Enlightenment 9 on the five-day trip back across the Desert, as she wrestles with memories, philosophies and attractive men wearing very little clothing in her dreams.
Okay, random idea: Keris gets summoned by Louise [Familiar of Zero]. How badly do things go? Does Keris just kill Louise when she breaks out the riding crop? Does she just wander off before that?
Keris is a literal murder machine, she took on an army of Raksha and their king with little to no trouble and has secured a fuck load of Wyld-Essence for Ligier to work on his forge.
Honestly, this is the sort of memory that Keris probably shouldn't let Sasi see, though she wouldn't know that or understand why. Sasi is intellectually aware of the fact that Keris is incredibly lethal, but there's a difference between knowing it and watching her slaughter her way through an entire army of hungry fae on their home ground without being so much as scratched. If Sasi saw Keris's memories of this session, she'd probably be shaken and spend a while acting decidedly off and reassuring herself that Keris isn't a threat to her - possibly even finding excuses to be elsewhere for a while.
Okay, random idea: Keris gets summoned by Louise [Familiar of Zero]. How badly do things go? Does Keris just kill Louise when she breaks out the riding crop? Does she just wander off before that?
@EarthScorpion could probably give a better overview of the likely results of this - at least the short-term ones, since predicting Keris in the longer term is almost impossible. Firstly, Keris is very evidently not a commoner - she can do multiple kinds of magic, and is not at all shy about using them, and indeed in some cases can't actually disguise them. It would not take long for people to notice the prehensile hair that sometimes eats things, for instance, or the way she keeps pulling stuff out of thin air. So the riding crop would never come out. Louise wouldn't know what the fuck she was, but she'd definitely know she was a) magical and b) impressive. She's also female, and I doubt Louise would be as ready to whip a girl who, let's face it, is of a very similar build to herself than she is to whip an annoying baka commoner boy.

As to Keris's reaction... I dunno. We'll assume that this is a fusion and Old Realm is hanging around in Halkeginia so that she can, you know, communicate at all. Given that, she'll blink for a bit and probably be somewhat confused as to what's going on and where she is. She'll almost certainly talk her way out of Louise trying to kiss her and seal the familiar pact if it's explained to her, possibly by dint of bopping her on the head when she tries (if she can't communicate, she lets the pretty girl kiss her and then things get decidedly awkward as her Shaping/mental defences trigger against the Gandalfr brand being applied).

If she can sense a place where Cecelyne touches Halkeginia with her anima power, she'll head there immediately and that'll be that. If she can't, she'd probably hang around the academy on the basis of "not having anywhere to go" and "if anyone can send me back, it'll presumably be this lot". From there, the plot basically crashes into a wall and explodes, because AGSItV does enough damage to it with a chargen Exalt who has no idea of what she is, and Keris at this point is an experienced Green Sun Princess and sorceress built on almost 600xp who has a lot of strong opinions that she's not shy about expressing and no real peer-level opposition in Halkeginia that can stop her.
Okay, random idea: Keris gets summoned by Louise [Familiar of Zero]. How badly do things go? Does Keris just kill Louise when she breaks out the riding crop? Does she just wander off before that?
RIP In Pieces, Halkegenia.

Okay, shifting quickly away from Vicky vs The World round #158; Kerisgame 49 is up!
Bonus bits:
Aleph: ... hahahahaha
Aleph: This is a Wyld zone full of Hungry Men
Aleph: of wendigos and cannibals and flesh-eaters who hunger eternally to slake their infinite appetites for blood and meat
Aleph: and Keris has a Charm that makes you roll the lower of Temperance and Compassion to be able to attack her.
Aleph: If these things actually have Virtues
Aleph: they are probably going to be Temperance 1
Aleph: and this is going to be hilarious
Please excuse the drool. I'd like to hear more about this charm.
I read those Charms. Then remembered they belong to Kimbery's Charmset and I shuddered. I mean, it's Kimbery: it basically means an infinitely deep ocean of acid is moe. You can't get more wrong than that :jackiechan:

If you read between the lines, Cytheria is the Flame the Sea marched against, and from the Intolerable Burning Truths that were burned into Kimbery, we can see some patterns. Like Mother Before Daughter. And her crippling fear of fire that means she can't use it with her sorcery.

She's an abuser, yes, but between the lines she's just treating others how she was treated.
If you read between the lines, Cytheria is the Flame the Sea marched against, and from the Intolerable Burning Truths that were burned into Kimbery, we can see some patterns. Like Mother Before Daughter. And her crippling fear of fire that means she can't use it with her sorcery.

She's an abuser, yes, but between the lines she's just treating others how she was treated.
...Okay, that is an unique interpretation. Not sure how accurate (reading between the lines is not my forte), but unique.
(I don't think the Infernals have any in their books.)

I don't recall any in particular, but I can think of a few places they could fit.

Malfeas, obviously. Maybe something branching off of Demon Emperor Shintai? You're already capable of magnanimously allowing your servants to survive witnessing your glory, so obviously some other asshole trying to go against your decision to allow them to live just plain isn't gonna fly.

Cecelyne is another one. Probably also building off her Shintai, the one that turns you into a moving desert. You are the environment and your dudes are under your protection.
I don't recall any in particular, but I can think of a few places they could fit.
From the Kimbery Excellency: "... [Kimbery] is capable of martyring herself to be the one in pain. Because her depths hold no lasting generosity, she demands payment proportional to her sacrifice."

So, entirely possible for her to have Charmtech that protects her children at the cost of shedding her own blood (lhl cost) that increases their loyalty as a Compulsion or Emotion effect and makes them unable to betray her or flee.
From the Kimbery Excellency: "... [Kimbery] is capable of martyring herself to be the one in pain. Because her depths hold no lasting generosity, she demands payment proportional to her sacrifice."

So, entirely possible for her to have Charmtech that protects her children at the cost of shedding her own blood (lhl cost) that increases their loyalty as a Compulsion or Emotion effect and makes them unable to betray her or flee.
Hm, it would probably branch off from Fathomless Poison Heaven, it already has the charm tech in place. So anyone who is benefiting from Kimbery's good graces can be further protected from hostile shaping effects at the cost of a single lHL, as the Infernal cries in anguish and claws at her own flesh, slashes her palm open or her blood boils in her veins. Everytime the Infernal defends a person from a shaping attack, said person gains or reinforces an intimacy of grateful love or some such.
From the Kimbery Excellency: "... [Kimbery] is capable of martyring herself to be the one in pain. Because her depths hold no lasting generosity, she demands payment proportional to her sacrifice."

So, entirely possible for her to have Charmtech that protects her children at the cost of shedding her own blood (lhl cost) that increases their loyalty as a Compulsion or Emotion effect and makes them unable to betray her or flee.

That sounds viable.

Maybe something like redirecting an AoE targeting a group of either beloved characters or characters descended from the Infernal with a Magnitude equal to Essence, and having the attack concentrated on the Infernal requiring them to defend appropriately?

So in Keris's case, snowstorm comes at her and her dudes, she pops the Kimbery defense and combos it with FRoA and the farisyya stay safe and sound(and probably more dedicated to her than they were five minutes ago) while she pays some HLs and flenses the raksha responsible.
Just to note, Keris' mistake here was taking a squadron of 25 heavy cavalry swamp-adapted demons who are optimal in warm, wet, heavily forested areas into a freezing cold and hunger-themed large wyld zone, without decking them out in iron armour, Wyld-resilience good-luck-charms and other things to protect them against the location. As a result, when the boss faerie went and shaped a supernatural ice storm hazard into existence to fill one of the waypoints with an environmental hazard, the assault basically ground to a halt.

This is what happens when Command 0 people try to plan out an assault on a Wyld zone.

If, by contrast, she'd taken demons who were adapted for the cold and decorated them with iron tokens, they could probably have basically ignored the raksha magic. Well, unless they'd later switched to something like "the ground tries to eat you".

As I see it and as I depict raksha (which owes a lot to Changeling's True Fae), they've got a lot of powers focussed around making essentially quicktime events in a waypoint. And much like quicktime events, those are made to be fairly easy for "protagonists" (ie, Exalts) to bypass, but are big and dramatic and allow you to watch your army freeze solid while you press on on your own. Of course, these powers only work in wyld zones, so they can't use them offensively - they're just defensive powers, or powers used by fae to attack other wyld zones. So they can't use them to just ravage creation, unless there's a wyldstorm sweeping in.