Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Up until I read the bits about it being Shogunate stuff, I was all but sure that a giant metal face was going to punch its way out of the ground and start spiting out a force of fresh faced Autochthonians ready to launch the Locust Crusade engage in peaceable resource trading with their new neighbors.
It's Five Calibrations Pass, something that big is not going to start on the second unless Keris somehow messes up in a way that directly causes it.
It will definitely be interesting to see a more relaxed Haneyl going forward. The same appetites are all there, but she no longer has Szorenyian envy pushing her to constantly outdo the next new target rather than occasionally taking the time to savor the moment and chew her food.
Five Calibrations Pass - Calibration 773
Eyyy. Sorry I missed last week, but here in apology is Calibration 773! We'll be taking a brief break from posting chapters after this to restore our buffer and complete a few of the upcoming sidestories, but we'll resume with RY 774 in good time. Until then, enjoy another Calibration, in which Keris finally has that talk with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's boyfriend, tries playing senpai rather than kohai for once to a junior member, and gets absolutely no warning of the utter shitstorm that is about to fall on her head when she gets back to Saata in Water. :mob:

Aleph: I want Keris to call on Amiri Magenta before the Althing as part of her "try to get to know the new peers and act properly as Lilunu's voice by socialising and introducing them to Hell". She, heh. Remembers how mortified Clathe was during her first Althing, where she didn't have anything to boast about yet and didn't know what to do and generally fumbled it. And she remembers how much of a shock suddenly having an estate measured in square miles was for Keris herself. And she knows, very well, how impactful a freely-offered gesture of help and aid given early on when someone feels in over their head can be.
Aleph: Hmm. Though if it's on the second day, she's going to have a hell of a job carving out some time.
Aleph: She may invite Amiri along to take a walk with her while she handles running things, heh, as something that's part "offering you advice on the boasting" and also subtly part "showing off how grand and complicated things are and how I'm in charge of everything for the day".
Aleph: Basically, Keris is going for the senpai role for once, and not quite poaching Sasi's subordinate, but at least making a strong impression on her. :p
EarthScorpion: She can make some time just before the start if, sigh, she uses her authority at the Althing to gift Magenta with the services of the Conventicle's tailors and so can just show up for a little bit along with her tailors
Aleph: Hah. Yes. : 3
Aleph: She is attempting to be what Sasi and Orange Blossom were to her - experienced, impressive Infernals with years of experience already under their belts who had it all together and were able to offer advice on this strange and alien new world.
EarthScorpion: Magenta is kiiiiiinda based off Nellens Cyan, but made younger and repurposed and with an actually valid Infernal origin story. And a lesser house, rather than a Great House.
Aleph: I suspected. :D


Aleph: Oh Magenta.
Aleph: Even if she's aware Keris is very young, she's already concluded that she's extremely dangerous, and is now listening to her going "oh, yeah, I levelled up this high by sticking my fingers in the Primordial electrical socket."
Aleph: "More than once."
Magenta: "Respectfully, Peer Nemone, your mistress is terrifying."​
Sasi: "Oh dear. Did you hear about her duel with Kasteen Akwilia? Because I do think she would have left it at a simple victory if the woman hadn't lashed out instead of submitting."​
Magenta: "... that was not what I was referring to, no."​
Sasi: "Ah."​
Sasi: "Perhaps don't inquire any further about that, then."​


<upon Magenta's outfit being shown>


Aleph: Since Keris will probably ask Sasi when she can get a spare moment, what did Sasi tell her about Keris before coming to Hell?
EarthScorpion: Sasi told her that she's her lover, that she's a dangerous assassin and head of the Directorate that covers the Anarchy.
Aleph: iiiinteresting
Aleph: Heh. Must have been a surprise getting introduced to her as the Voice of Lilunu, then. :p
EarthScorpion: Less than many others would see it. She's a Dynast, so knowing an assassin is also a courtier isn't so shocking.


Aleph: ...
Aleph: son of a bitch
Aleph: Rathan and Oula are up in Zen Daiwye, Haneyl needs herself and Elly in Saata to keep everything from exploding, and she doesn't know Infallible Messenger
Aleph: I'm literally not even going to find out about this until early Water! Nobody who can get me a message knows about it, and both family members who know about it can't send me a message or spare the time to get in touch with the ones who can!
Aleph: *drops face into hands and screams*
Aleph: oh wait, no
Aleph: Calesco can send me a dream
Aleph: ...
Aleph: But I've already pledged my early-Air action to Ipithymia! FUCK!
EarthScorpion: god the organic fuckery this caused is hi-larious
<Calesco refuses to send a dream>
Aleph: *SCREAMS*
EarthScorpion: oh calesco
EarthScorpion: maliciously citing precedent and mis-interpreting orders
Aleph: lol
Aleph: High odds of Calesco saying she'll do it to get Haneyl off her back, and then finding another loophole.
Aleph: ... uurgh, right to privacy.
Aleph: The girl's a client, Calesco's duty as a Joyful Priestess is to help her find harmony and peace in her new role, telling anyone about it before she's come to terms with her new existence would be a breach of her duty.
Aleph: God, Keris may actually try to strangle her.
Aleph: Well, I at least can't argue with you deciding to include this scene in the fic.
Aleph: God knows it would have been far less interesting to just skim over that as an embarrassment for the Wild Orchid.
EarthScorpion: Don't worry, it also messed up my short term plans.
Aleph: Whose plans didn't this mess up?
Aleph: ... besides His
Aleph: *glares vaguely skywards*
EarthScorpion: Not my longer term plans; I always planned to get some more Celestials active in the Anarchy.
Aleph: Do I get to know what plans you had that this just nuked, or will you be trying to reuse them?
EarthScorpion: Of course I'll be re-using them.
Aleph: dammit
Aleph: ... god, heh, the funniest thing is how you just
Aleph: admit that this fucked up all your short-term plans
Aleph: when you did it
Aleph: because neither of can turn a plot twist like that when it lands in our lap so perfectly pre-set-up
EarthScorpion: It's pathological drama addiction.
Aleph: 😂
Aleph: It really is, god.


<Strigida reveal>
Aleph: Hmm. Okay, quick check: how extensive are the tattoos? I'm assuming they don't cover her skin like Inks', but they're more like Lunar tattoos tend to get shown in comics - flowing lines across her skin, with images and kymaaeran patterns budding off them.
Aleph: Hmm. And, important one: do they extend onto her face and hands - or to put it another way, could she have her armour in tattoo form and hide it under relatively modest/prudish clothing? Cinnamon might just make this part of her new thing, but Keris may want to wear Strigida as Little River as well.
EarthScorpion: I think, mmm, they're pretty dense because it's super-heavy plate and she has a lot of charms to detail. And while it may not go onto her face it probably does go onto her hands and neck
Aleph: Hmm. And on the converse note of how able Keris is to make them part of Cinnamon's design: how obviously hellish are they in their resting state?
EarthScorpion: So, it's kind of a good-news-bad-news situation.
EarthScorpion: Good news, you'd have to be a knowledgeable occultist to see the hellish shapes in the patterns.
EarthScorpion: Bad news, a less knowledgeable occultist will see the moonsilver and assume you're a Lunar anathema.
Aleph: Dang. Hmm.
Aleph: Curses! I'm coding too Lunar! :p
Aleph: Maybe I can play it off as having got it from the same artist as Little River... urgh, but I don't want to connect my identities like that.
Aleph: Hmm. But I do want to be able to wear it more often - at the very least semi-consistently as Cinnamon.
EarthScorpion: The clothing option might be better for that
Aleph: Oh, hah. True. I had legit not considered using that as my baseline, hee. And yes, that just looks like an artefact Cinnamon has picked up that can change shape - something like a moonsilver IRA.
Aleph: ^_^
<Lilunu explains the "clothing" option>
EarthScorpion: Zana worked it out on the logic of "what would be the most aesthetic option?"
EarthScorpion: There is a reason Lilunu so willingly went for accepting Zana as her daughter.
EarthScorpion: They are very much alike, although in some ways their relationship is more "irresponsible aunt" / "hipster drama club troubled child".
EarthScorpion: Though spending more time around Zanara does make her a bit more prone to... you know, not quite being so spoiling and putting her foot down with them, because she gets to see some of Zanara's less charming traits. And, yes, that they're the baby of the family and a spoiled brat with an attitude problem.
I vaguely recall it being stated earlier that Keris won't get too deep into Elloge charms, but seeing how she acts I can't help but think about how well Elloge's "multiple identity" charms fit her. Not only does she have all these different identities and personas, she's also often more comfortable interacting with people when she's wearing one of her masks. She's even started intentionally having her heart-to-heart conversations with Sasi as "Cinnamon," which is pretty much what Names Like Masks encourages you to do anyway.

Also, I love that Keris might have some baby Exalts to mentor. The scene with Amiri Magenta was really fun, so I'm hoping the surprise Solar gives her more opportunities to go into teacher mode.
Aleph: Since Keris will probably ask Sasi when she can get a spare moment, what did Sasi tell her about Keris before coming to Hell?
EarthScorpion: Sasi told her that she's her lover, that she's a dangerous assassin and head of the Directorate that covers the Anarchy.
Aleph: iiiinteresting
Aleph: Heh. Must have been a surprise getting introduced to her as the Voice of Lilunu, then. :p
EarthScorpion: Less than many others would see it. She's a Dynast, so knowing an assassin is also a courtier isn't so shocking.

Granted, but I imagine she's expecting something more "slip a bit of poison into someone's drink when they're not looking" or at most a garrote in a back ally somewhere rather than the more anime "Sudden heavily armored murder blender out of fucking nowhere."

Aleph: ...
Aleph: son of a bitch
Aleph: Rathan and Oula are up in Zen Daiwye, Haneyl needs herself and Elly in Saata to keep everything from exploding, and she doesn't know Infallible Messenger
Aleph: I'm literally not even going to find out about this until early Water! Nobody who can get me a message knows about it, and both family members who know about it can't send me a message or spare the time to get in touch with the ones who can!
Aleph: *drops face into hands and screams*
Aleph: oh wait, no
Aleph: Calesco can send me a dream
Aleph: ...
Aleph: But I've already pledged my early-Air action to Ipithymia! FUCK!
EarthScorpion: god the organic fuckery this caused is hi-larious
<Calesco refuses to send a dream>
Aleph: *SCREAMS*
EarthScorpion: oh calesco
EarthScorpion: maliciously citing precedent and mis-interpreting orders
Aleph: lol
Aleph: High odds of Calesco saying she'll do it to get Haneyl off her back, and then finding another loophole.
Aleph: ... uurgh, right to privacy.
Aleph: The girl's a client, Calesco's duty as a Joyful Priestess is to help her find harmony and peace in her new role, telling anyone about it before she's come to terms with her new existence would be a breach of her duty.
Aleph: God, Keris may actually try to strangle her.
Aleph: Well, I at least can't argue with you deciding to include this scene in the fic.
Aleph: God knows it would have been far less interesting to just skim over that as an embarrassment for the Wild Orchid.
EarthScorpion: Don't worry, it also messed up my short term plans.
Aleph: Whose plans didn't this mess up?
Aleph: ... besides His
Aleph: *glares vaguely skywards*
EarthScorpion: Not my longer term plans; I always planned to get some more Celestials active in the Anarchy.
Aleph: Do I get to know what plans you had that this just nuked, or will you be trying to reuse them?
EarthScorpion: Of course I'll be re-using them.
Aleph: dammit
Aleph: ... god, heh, the funniest thing is how you just
Aleph: admit that this fucked up all your short-term plans
Aleph: when you did it
Aleph: because neither of can turn a plot twist like that when it lands in our lap so perfectly pre-set-up
EarthScorpion: It's pathological drama addiction.
Aleph: 😂
Aleph: It really is, god.

Keris: "So anything new happen?"

Haneyl: "Well, the sun-child is still at large. She hasn't done anything particularly crazy yet, but it's also possible she's bidding her time."

Keris: "......sun-child?"

Haneyl: "At this point, I want the record to show that this is one hundred percent Calesco's fault and I told her to send you a dream message about it the literal moment this happened."
Well, that happened. And in fact is still happening. And will be for an entire season before Keris even learns about it, let alone can start to plan anything around it. Why do I have this nagging feeling that this is going to be one of the things that finally gets Ney to turn up in the Anarchy? Because if Ney hasn't set up an information network that'll let him know 'Hey, by the way, a Solar exalted in Saata during Calibration that still hasn't been hunted down yet' then he really needs a competence check.
Is it bad I low-key want to see Ney show up sometime? I get that he's, like, half a world away, but he seemed fun and I can only imagine the shadenfreude of him showing up and being like 'Hey, it's been a while, doing some stuff' and it's her turn to be all 'do you understand how inconvenient this is for me right now?'

Also, I'm enjoying the costume porn rather a bit, even if I'm having some difficulty imagining some of the costumes as described. Did you have any pictures of those you felt like sharing?
Well, that happened. And in fact is still happening. And will be for an entire season before Keris even learns about it, let alone can start to plan anything around it. Why do I have this nagging feeling that this is going to be one of the things that finally gets Ney to turn up in the Anarchy? Because if Ney hasn't set up an information network that'll let him know 'Hey, by the way, a Solar exalted in Saata during Calibration that still hasn't been hunted down yet' then he really needs a competence check.

Not necessarily. Creation, as always, is big, and people don't have rapid transportation. Saata is a Direction away from where Ney is.

They simply do not have the means to learn of it.
They simply do not have the means to learn of it.

I figure they *could* (in theory) have the means. But honestly Ney's job doesn't require him to and he's probably not much motivated to.... unless he knows keris is hanging out that way and has set up something to try and keep tabs on her. But even that's in the realm of "probably more effort than Ney would invest"
Not necessarily. Creation, as always, is big, and people don't have rapid transportation. Saata is a Direction away from where Ney is.

They simply do not have the means to learn of it.
I figure they *could* (in theory) have the means. But honestly Ney's job doesn't require him to and he's probably not much motivated to.... unless he knows keris is hanging out that way and has set up something to try and keep tabs on her. But even that's in the realm of "probably more effort than Ney would invest"
Honestly, I figure that Ney should have put the effort into tracking down Keris' general location. Just to make sure she's not pulling off something that goes against his general inclination to keep Creation more-or-less how it is. She is an Exalted Agent of the Yozi after all. After which, he just makes sure that every season or so he receives a report of noteworthy occurrences from that region. Several seasons or even a year or two out of date admittedly, unless he actually goes to the expense of setting up a trained Sorceror to speed up the reports (unlikely).

If Ney didn't do so, then they're a lot less competent than the impression I got of them. As no spy, or associated/similar 'job', would let a known hazard like that go without being able to keep an eye on the actions. Don't get me wrong, not expecting Ney to receive detailed, accurate or even particularly Keris related information often. But enough information that he'd be able to know if that region seems to be falling to aggressive Hellish influence. The kind that's likely to be a threat to Creation if left alone long enough. Unlike the sneaky Hellish influence like what Keris actually does, which wouldn't get back to him.
Honestly, I figure that Ney should have put the effort into tracking down Keris' general location. Just to make sure she's not pulling off something that goes against his general inclination to keep Creation more-or-less how it is. She is an Exalted Agent of the Yozi after all. After which, he just makes sure that every season or so he receives a report of noteworthy occurrences from that region. Several seasons or even a year or two out of date admittedly, unless he actually goes to the expense of setting up a trained Sorceror to speed up the reports (unlikely).

If Ney didn't do so, then they're a lot less competent than the impression I got of them. As no spy, or associated/similar 'job', would let a known hazard like that go without being able to keep an eye on the actions. Don't get me wrong, not expecting Ney to receive detailed, accurate or even particularly Keris related information often. But enough information that he'd be able to know if that region seems to be falling to aggressive Hellish influence. The kind that's likely to be a threat to Creation if left alone long enough. Unlike the sneaky Hellish influence like what Keris actually does, which wouldn't get back to him.
I think you're vastly underestimating the size of Creation while vastly overestimating both the scope of Ney's concerns and the extent of Ney's abilities. Ney's largely concerned with threats to his own backyard, he doesn't really care about things half a world away until they start presenting a threat to him and the territory he's responsible for. Add that to the fact that he's got limited resources (very limited compared to the size of Creation as a whole), and he's probably not tracking Keris' activities for the same reason he probably doesn't keep a close eye on most known Deathlords or try and get spies on the Great Houses of the Realm. Creation is a very big place full of very scary people, not even a Solar is capable of watching out for all of them.

Besides, all the arguments you make about why Ney should keep tabs Keris could also be made about Keris needing to keep tabs on the Mask of Winters, but nobody's complaining that Keris isn't paying enough attention to Thorns.

I would love it if Ney showed up again. He was a lot of fun and he and Keris have great chemistry together. I just think that if he is watching Keris or if he does show up in her neighborhood, it's far more likely to be for personal rather than professional reasons.
The Seats of the Althing
So! One thing that we introduced this Calibration in a quiet retcon-y "this has always been there in the background haha of course" sort of way, is the concept of Seats. This is how the Exaltations sworn to the Yozis are tracked, how the generations of Infernals are divided up and how successive holders of the same role in the Reclamation are distinguished.

Essentially, each Infernal Exaltation is assigned a number. This is their Seat. The name is quite literal; it refers to the grand arena in the Conventicle where the boasting takes place at Calibration, where fifty thrones are arranged in a grand circle, with an Infernal seated on each one [1]. In the early days, this was fairly sparsely populated, because the Exaltations were released in three waves with several years between them, to maintain Infernal secrecy for as long as possible and trial the new system's effectiveness before committing to it fully (as well as, uh, the time commitment inherent in hacking the Solar Exaltations into Infernal ones and finding a coadjutor that won't explode when the Exaltation is put inside it). Initially there was a trial wave of two full Circles - the First through Tenth Seats. Then the first wave of three, the Eleventh through Twenty Fifth Seats. And finally the second wave, which Keris was one of the first of, featured the Twenty Sixth through Fiftieth Seats. Each wave is released in covens of five, so 2s and 7s are always Malefactors, Scourge Seats always end in a 4 or a 9, etc.

Obviously, sometimes Infernals die, and a successor takes up the same Seat. This iteration number is tracked by the Crown of each Throne - again, possibly quite literally meaning a crown engraving is etched into the throne for each holder. The First Crowns are the first to hold a given Infernal Exaltation since it was sent out by the Yozis, the Second Crown of a given Seat will have had one predecessor, and so on. At present time in Kerisgame, as of this Calibration, the Reclamation consists of twenty First Crowns, nineteen Second Crowns, nine Third Crowns and two Fourth Crowns.

As an example of where some of our characters fall on this set-up...
  • Keris, our best girl, is the First Crown of the Twenty Ninth Seat, first Scourge of the second wave, and while she doesn't have the time-seniority of the surviving members of the prototype and first waves, the fact that she's still a First Crown when she actively gets involved in combat on a regular basis is enough to raise some eyebrows and give her some sweet cred.
  • Testolagh and Sasi are dinosaurs of the modern Reclamation dating back to the trial wave, the First Crowns of the Sixth and Seventh Seats respectively, while Orange Blossom is First Crown of the Fifth. They're among the oldest surviving Infernals in the Althing, beaten only by Glorious, First Crown of the Third Seat and Director of the Blessed Isles. Notably, besides Testolagh, none of them get into fights very often, which is why they're still alive. The Slayer Exaltation of the First Seat, by contrast, is already on its Fourth Crown, and may reach its Fifth before the end of Five Calibrations Pass.
  • Naan, Keris's favourite sparring partner, is Second Crown of the Eleventh Seat, while Deveh is First Crown of the Twenty Third - making him the last Defiler of the first wave, while Keris is first Scourge of the second.
  • Anadala, Keris's friend on the Enlightened Board of the Warm Oceans, is an interesting case. He's technically Second Crown of the Twentieth Seat but socially acts like a First Crown, because his predecessor got Wyld-Hunted before even making it back to Malfeas.
  • Kasteen, angry pirate girl who will definitely not be a problem later on, is Second Crown of the Thirty Sixth Seat, so Keris is quite a bit more experienced than her, and our new babyfernal Amira Magenta is the Second Crown of the Fortieth.
Incidentally, and amusingly, this may actually mimic something very similar that the High First Age used to do. I doubt they used numbers, if only because that's a perfect excuse for people to start waving lower ones around and saying they're better, but they may well have assigned each Exaltation a unique name according to what traits it tended to seek out in its hosts. Keris's might've been something like the Soaring Grace of the Night's Vigour, since her Exaltation likes its high-Athletics potentials who love their bodies' grace and speed and strength and use them a lot.

[1] Yes, this does mean that Keris is very sulky about how she's sitting almost exactly opposite Sasi while Testolagh gets to sit right next to her and Orange Blossom is next to him.
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Do you have any advice on putting together a infernal pantheon/soul hierarchy?

Start with the co-adjudicator. The heroic demon of the first circle whose exceptional life made them robust enough to hold onto an Internal exultation to guide and chose the mortal to exalt.

The relationship between the demon imbued into the Infernal is going to make a huge difference to the Pantheon. Equally important they are going to be first soul am Infernal can interact with internally.

For example the Infernal Green Ox has a Blood Ape co-adjudicator called Throat Ripper who infamously ruled a 100th of a Plate. Mostly by constantly moving a horde an ever growing horde of Blood Apes forward into the next fight.

Fortunately Green Ox is a meat head who deeply enjoys fighting everything. The two get along great with their main differences is taking the more brutal route or cunning route in a fight.

With this positive interaction and synchronization Green Ox is quickly developing charms centred around his co-adjudicator. Internally Green Ox's strife between using his ax to maul people to death or striking them down with slinger stones is starting to manifest as distinct devas.

In contrast his circle mate Karu Lal Starfield is stuck with a co adjudicator that was effectively shredded by the process of exalting. Instead Karu trusts herself deeply and has thus awakened her Po in the form of a Tyrant Lizard, in time she'll propigate a pack of Tyrant souls aspected by the Yozis whose charms she learns

Finally Fish Cake has malicious almost behemoth of an evil rabbit of the Ebon Dragon. The two do not get along at all, refusing to even communicate beyond the times the nameless behemoth yanks Fish Cake onto tasks. Fishcakes soulscape is a nightmarish mess that his vices and rage grow uninterrupted.

Hope this helps
I chargen recreationally but have never actually run or played a game with Pantheon Heresy, so take this with a grain of salt...

But I find it best to start with a block like this, when coming up with new pantheon souls:
Shalasera, the Plague Maiden
Demon of the Third Circle
Seventh Soul of Ayali
Principle: Actions Have Consequences
Urge: Judge Ayali
Pantheon Charm: Infinite Ailment Anatomy
Other Charms: GSNF, anything to do with Sickness or Poison that is not explicitly part of another soul's portfolio
Overall Concept: "I sicken everything I touch"
So, the Principle first. Each of these souls reflects some facet of its' greater self's thoughts. That is the absolute lowest root-level source from which the soul springs. Everything else layers on top of that. So, um, you sort of need to have it figured out early.

Shalasera here is rooted in, springs from, Ayali's belief that ... that the knock-on effects of the things she does matter. That they are important, and something she needs to pay attention to. Everything else that Shalasera is builds from that idea.

Next, Shalasera's Urge. This is how Shalasera expresses her root-Principle. It is the things she does, the reasons she does them, and the color and tenor of her relationship with Ayali. It is a permutation, a refinement, a specific expression of the root-Principle; filtered through the lens of a Demon of the Third Circle.

For Shalasera, the way she expresses this root idea of 'Actions Have Consequences' is by holding her greater self to account. By keeping track of all the things Ayali does wrong, of all the ways she fails to be mindful of where she steps or what lives she breaks. Just from this point, we can tell the sorts of things Shalasera does (she judges, and finds wanting); the reasons why Shalasera does these things (moral outrage); and the relationship Shalasera has with Ayali (strained, with hints of self-flagellation, because Shalasera would not exist in this form if Ayali were not the sort of person to punish herself for her own failures.)

Picking a Pantheon Charm is something I find easiest once the Urge is already set, though I suppose one could start with the Pantheon Charm if one wished. The Pantheon Charm is where the aesthetics of the nascent demon lord start to come together. This is going to be heavily dependent on what charms the Infernal has, and what sort of thematic statement the pantheon soul is intended to make.

So, for Shalasera, I went with Infinite Ailment Anatomy, a permanent Metagaos charm which renders the Infernal largely immune to Disease, but incredibly infectious to others. Why is she built around this charm? Because her root-Principle is about consequences. Because her Urge is about judgment. Because Shalasera, as an argument, as a statement, is "Ayali fails to adequately care for the consequences of her actions, and hates herself for that."

This, naturally, informs Shalsara's aesthetics - disease follows in her wake, but leaves her untouched. She is surrounded by death and filth and decay but is herself conspicuously clean and healthy, unmarred by everything around her.

Other charms - by this point, you should have a good idea what this soul is about, which should make allocating other charms fairly easy. This gives you a good idea of the general capabilities of the soul, and some more refinement of their aesthetics.

And then the last point, the "sum up what is the deal with this soul" line, well - by this point in the process, that should basically write itself. You should already know what this soul's entire thesis is by the time you're finished with their Urge and their Pantheon Charm.
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Part of my problem is that I do not have access to the exalted books so I can't look up charms, but thanks for the advice
Edit: what is the name of those beetles that manipulate flesh to heal and stuff?
Edit2: would "protect those who cannot protect themselves" be a better urge or principle?
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Part of my problem is that I do not have access to the exalted books so I can't look up charms, but thanks for the advice
Edit: what is the name of those beetles that manipulate flesh to heal and stuff?
Edit2: would "protect those who cannot protect themselves" be a better urge or principle?
There's an exalted questions thread you can use to ask stuff like this.
Here, for a statistically significant percentage of your general Exalted needs.

That's the general thread for exalted.

The questions thread is here:

Exalted Questions Thread

The Exalted Thread is actually really huge (In other news, dead people die when they are killed). Therefore, I have made this thread with the intention of creating a new space where people are capable of asking and receiving questions pertaining to everyone's favourite, utterly broken game of...
That's the general thread for exalted.

The questions thread is here:

Exalted Questions Thread

The Exalted Thread is actually really huge (In other news, dead people die when they are killed). Therefore, I have made this thread with the intention of creating a new space where people are capable of asking and receiving questions pertaining to everyone's favourite, utterly broken game of...
Iirc the question thread was mostly made as a quarantine for certain very annoying posters, and since they got banned it's been mostly dead. Asking questions in the base thread is fine now.