To highlight an important piece of information here:
The enemy is primarily interested in breaking trough our lines and will attempt to do this using a (probably) concentrated artillery bombardment followed by cavalry charge. So we need to first manage our defence against the charge, followed by by a counterattack. Not to sure how well this will work given that we are fairly evenly matched in both artillery and cavalry, but positioning our cavalry units to intercept the charge and exploit weakness is going to be crucial.
In regard to enemy strategy, the enemy relies on cavalry and there aren't many positions to use the cavalry effectively. Cavalry require 5 movement points to go trough wetlands, 3 movement points to go trough forests, and are incapable of spotting units behind forest tiles, which makes the hit and run movement cavalry relies on really difficult in those areas. The only real place to charge us is from the north trough the field tiles into Bercux, probably in combination with infantry pressuring us on the wetlands near the monastery. So I would guess the main thrust would come from the middle-west, with a smaller infantry pincer coming either from the east or west.