Arise o Youth, Destiny is Yours (No SV, Welcome to the MCU)

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Like I said, we're not a variant.

And guess what we're going to be fine.
Oh I know, I just wanted to rant about how in actual practice and review Precognitive powers are, it's why I'm fine with prophecies, really just wanted to rant about that because we just proved the Ancient ones presumptions to be false, nothing else really, wasn't intended to change the story, just a pet peeve I want to get off my chest, beyond stating that in any of my books I may make that includes those kinds of Precogs.
Oh I know, I just wanted to rant about how in actual practice and review Precognitive powers are, it's why I'm fine with prophecies, really just wanted to rant about that because we just proved the Ancient ones presumptions to be false, nothing else really, wasn't intended to change the story, just a pet peeve I want to get off my chest, beyond stating that in any of my books I may make that includes those kinds of Precogs.
I don't like precog and it's why I make them all Cassandra. Who would belive them if the future was set in stone
Anyway let's take a look at how Germany is doing?

D100 + 10 => 99 #Germany

D500 => 462 #Future Corporations profits for 1949

Did someone say post war economic miracle that is driven by some young Jewish boys drug company making millions per year?

Yes. Says the dice
Remember that our main product is miracle viagra. And we somehow managed to single-handedly solve the economic crisis with just that.
And if we make STDs a non-issue we can sell even more miracle viagra. It truly is a stroke of genius.
Profit from lust, also if we make the ultimate birth control and fertility pill, we can get even more money, and there may be a rise in prostitution and brothels since the only problem is subtracted, meaning we get money from Local Companies and help them get money, even if they're brothels, I mean Santa Claus is the Patron Saint of Prostitutes.
Remember that our main product is miracle viagra. And we somehow managed to single-handedly solve the economic crisis with just that.
That also includes the Marshall plan.

And we are in for a huge miracle.
The human libido, truly the most profitable thing, now we just need to find a way to stop STDs and we would get another Economic Miracle and a Pop Boom.
Just remember, the oldest profession besides food producing is prostitution.
And if we make STDs a non-issue we can sell even more miracle viagra. It truly is a stroke of genius.
First we need to find out if we can cure std's… then make boatloads of money.
Profit from lust, also if we make the ultimate birth control and fertility pill, we can get even more money, and there may be a rise in prostitution and brothels since the only problem is subtracted, meaning we get money from Local Companies and help them get money, even if they're brothels, I mean Santa Claus is the Patron Saint of Prostitutes.
If you manage to do that, maybe make some more stuff and expand just to fuck with Howard and tony stark.
Levi is definely cursed with "you may live in intresthing times" doesn't he?
He is, but hey, we're in for a good time.
And if we make STDs a non-issue we can sell even more miracle viagra. It truly is a stroke of genius.
Probably unlikely we make all or even most STDs an issue since we likely need to do research for each one to make a tailor specific cure. Because just going by google there are around 20 different types of STDs.

Still, might be worth curing the worst ones, especially the fatal ones.
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The Rumor Mill (1950)
The Rumor Mill (1950)

D100 + 10 => 99 #Germany

D500 => 462 #Future Corporations profits for 1949

It was a miracle, that was what all the international observers stated it was, as Germany, for the first time in years, roared to life at a pre-war level, with smart strategic investments and rebuilding projects…

The people are alive and no longer fear the potential for poverty, and for their futures. The men who survived are happy to be alive.

The soldiers, the men who now, above all, seek redemption, know one thing.

The Fatherland has returned to health, not through Hitler's Promises, but a refutation of his madness and ideals.

Perhaps in the end, it was the German people who were strong, not the Nazis and not Hitler.

And they would forever be free.

And among the most profitable corporations, is Future Corporations, a pharmaceutical company that invented a fertility drug and among the few remaining Jewish businesses that remained in Germany.

A fact not lost on anyone.

Reward: Germany has returned, and has had a miracle, mostly on the back of Future Corporation's insane profit margins.

The German government wishes to thank you.

The Israeli government wishes to recruit you.

Soviet Union:D100 => 6

Gregory Zhukov has stepped down from his post as Head of the Soviet Union.

The Power struggle has begun, as all factions wish to have the ear, and blessing of the Hero Zhukov.

Who wins:D100 => 96

Nikita Khrushchev, an up-and-coming member of the presidium, has become head of the Soviet Union.

USA:D100 => 20

Isaiah Bradly, a man whom many consider the Black Captain America, has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder.

His trial has sparked outrage in the civil rights movement, and in Black America.

Riots have begun.

Erik:D100 => 81
Magda:D100 => 26

It was a quiet night when she saw the spots.

And Erik Lansharr believed his wife was going to die.

It was not a truly interesting thing, but his wife was sick, and he feared that for the second time in his life, he would be left alone.

But she was not, for she smiled, and survived the Small Pox.

Reward: Magada Lansharr survived a case of smallpox.

She is okay and recovering.

Anya Lansharr: What are her powers?:D1000 => 979

No one knows this yet, but Anya Lansharr can see things.

Fabrics, lines…

Reality itself. All she needs to do, is pull them, and she can hear pretty songs.
Hans Oster:D100 => 14
Johan Liebert:D100 => 42

"You know, when I expected you to be a fool, and hire me to rescue your son, I wasn't expecting him to be so… idiotic?"

"It matters little now, I'm no longer head of intelligence. And that means there is no point in continuing to play this game." He replied.

"Yes, but the game must be played. Now tell me this… my name is stricken from the record, as we agreed, and I am a free man. No longer bound by the stigma of nazism?"

"It will take more to clean the blackness of your soul."

"Perhaps, but God is the one who will judge me, not you."

Reward: Hans Oster has retired.

Johan has won and is now no longer wanted by Europe.

He is now considered an asset by Germany.

Charles Xavier:D100 => 65

Charles continues his schooling and his research.

Nothing really happened.
Raven Darkholme: D100 => 100

You smiled again, and this time allowed yourself to feel true joy. In less than a year you had become a sex symbol. And there were Hollywood producers that were waging a law war on getting your contract.

But beneath all that, you had taken up a lot of… extracurricular activities. There was this one dojo that was helping you learn how to fight with your hands and body, and there was this one friend from Canada, some ex Howling Commando who was teaching you how to be some kind of… well special operator.

They didn't know it was actually you, but details.

But in the end, you were learning and learning well.

Reward: Raven is beginning to become highly skilled in acting, linguistics, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat.

New Action avalible.
Reward: Raven is beginning to become highly skilled in acting, linguistics, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat.
I wonder if Shield may try to recruit Raven? She is shaping up skills that youd usually find on the kinds of agents they'd hire and her powers would make her perfect for a spy.

Just realized that she would pretty much be an MCU skrull agent decades before they would have been a thing in the MCU.
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A Savage Man and a Furious One
A Savage Man and a Furious One

Clark Savage sat in the Cafe on Broadway reading about the German Economic Miracle. "Quite a surprise isn't it Nick?"

Nicholas J Fury was sitting across from you with a single eye trying to make sense of the wheels in your head. And he was lucky that you weren't trying to make a bold or angry statement.

"I wouldn't say it was a true surprise for sure…but it was a welcome change of pace given all the chaos of the world, good news is as always a rare and welcomed commodity even now." You said.

"So among other things, are you considering my offer?" He said.

"The Offer to Join SHIELD. The Offer to make myself an agent of the state beyond my local engagements. Or is it the fact my biography has inspired you to similar experiments?" You said. "And I shall say what I said to Agent Carter…No, I am more effective following my own agenda, and it allows me to operate a more effective operation than anything you can ask."

Fury nodded. "A true shame…but I must ask have you any true idea of what an independent operator like yourself may cause in the long term, both in and out of the nation."

"This "Super Hero Theory '' of your's Doc…how the tragedy of the world will create great men to protect it and who in turn invite greater and greater challenges to the world they will inevitably create. A Cycle of Chaos and Order…I can't wrap my head around it." He said.

"I say it will take a generation or two for it really to be understood, if not more given the lack of evidence, but it will be coming for all to see and it WILL happen." You said. "I give the action at best to take the better part of 60 years for it to ferment."

"Sixty Years?" Fury said shocked at the punctuality of it.

"The Theory and Abilities of the Supermen are limited by the Times…and this Era…mostly in the basis of technology, which will be a key factor in their rise to prominence." You said calmly. "When it passes and things get more chaotic and advanced…then it will become reality."

"You seem fairly certain that it's going to happen? Nick Fury said calmly.

"It's inevitable really…this Tragic world will lead to the rise of many great and terrible things." You said.

"Can it be stopped?" Nick asked.

"No…it can only be channeled and directed." You said finishing your drink and folding your paper. "I'd consider making plans for this new age, Director Fury. It is coming and you cannot even comprehend how it is going to change everything"

You left him alone…with the warning you had given.

The Promise you made to your father would be kept…but Life itself would no longer be as simple as those words implied now…

Let me strive every moment of my life to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it. Let me think of the right and lend all my assistance to those who need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens, and my associates in everything I say and do. Let me do right to all, and wrong no man.

Name: Clark Savage Jr (Doctor of Medicine and Neurology)

Titles: "Doc Savage" (By the General Public) "The Man of Bronze" (By his allies and enemies), "Asset Alpha" (by SHIELD)

Age: 46

Nationality: American

Birthday: March 12, 1903

Likes: Justice, Fair Play, The Fabulous Five, America (New York City Specifically), The Fortress of Solitude.

Dislikes: Villainy, Crime, Lack of Accountability, Evil, and Anti-American sentiments.


Physical Power (5/5) You are a human being at the Peak of Physical achievement and strength, and even as you age, you seem to get stronger, though you can't do everything you could have done twenty years ago, you are still utterly formidable.

Physical Skill (5/5) You have refined yourself into a master of Physical Motion and ability.

Physical Speed (5/5) You're a fast man, able to run a sub-6-minute mile and still have enough energy to keep going.

Mental Speed (5/5) You are an intelligent man and can put together puzzles easily with the right context.

Knowledge (5/5): You know how to do almost anything in the world, and if you don't know about it…it's because it hasn't been discovered and documented yet.

Spirit (?/5): You believe in humanity's unshakeable goodness. In the end, we are born good, and evil will never conquer.

Charisma: (5/5): You have the aura of respectability that all men wish to follow.


Reading: 5: You are Literate, with a grasp of your language, concepts, and understanding of many ideas written in literature, that even most college professors fail to understand.

Writing: 5: You are a damn fine writer, and have a prouse and skill that can fill the page and invoke emotions, with the Skill of a Writer at the master level

Medicine (5/5): A Trained Neurosurgeon and Doctor, you can safely examine and identify the issues with any and all patents that go to your door.

Business (5/5): You are a savvy and skilled entrepreneur, being able to create a model of success for your business, and profit for your company.

Pharmaceuticals (5/5): You know your Drugs, from over-the-counter aspirin to Army Morphine.

Hand to Hand (5/5): You may detest Violence…but are not incapable of using it.

Linguistics 5/5 (English, French, Mayan, Arabic, Latin) : You can safely understand and Read, this language almost like a Native speaker…Almost.


The Pinnacle of Human Potential: Before the Erskine Serum created Captain America, Doctor Savage was through careful training, lifestyle and dedication, considered the absolute pinnacle of Humanity. (+10 to all rolls)

Omnidiciplenarian: You are a master of many sciences and practical skills of the Real-world. (+5 to all rolls related to skills trained in)

Slowed Aging: Due to a Lifestyle of Physical Work and Healthy Living, you have slowed your aging and have added to your life span by at least a decade beyond even a long-lived man. (Aging slowed due to Lifestyle.)



The First Hero of A Modern Age: You have a Reputation, one of skill and daring. But it has grown into something bigger, something far larger than anything you could have ever imagined…you've become more then just a man of skill and Valor, you've become a Modern Myth…something greater…A Hero. (By your actions in your life and in your deeds, you have started the world down the path of a heroic age. +20 to all Rolls related to teaching and interacting with…the "The Hero's to Come")

"Doc Savage": You are Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze, master of the skills of Man. (+5 to all rolls, has a Reroll.)

AN: A Bit of Meta Commentary on the Future Marvel MCU, starring the First Super Hero himself Doc Savage.

Also, I wanted to do something with this and it's a hell of a thing.

Marvel made a Comic with him in the main timeline.

Clark Savage, Jr. (Earth-616)

“I will travel the world, helping those who need help and punishing those who deserve it.” Doc Savage, or Clark Savage, Jr., was a crime-fighter and scientist in the 1930's, trained from birth in both physical and intellectual fields. He was a predecessor to the super heroes of the Modern Age...

And it fits both thematically and in a timeline sense.
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