Breaking the Mold 3: Freedom through Faith
You looked at your two friends and realized that this false God had tempted to you into becoming a shell. A figment, a broken toy. No, you are Heinrich Oster. A man who became a friend to all the men who came to save you.
And now, a nightmare to those that would imprison you. "Abbadon," Apocalypse said. "You disappoint me."
"I am not the slave Abbadon you monster who claims to be God." You said standing up straight as you felt power coursing through your veins. "I am Heinrich."
The First Plauge:
D100 => 73 vs 20
"I am a German." You stepped forward and held the Bo staff in your hands. "I am a Healer." You held your arms up to the air. "I am a Mutant, and a Human."
"I am a Jew, and I will smite you down, with all His Wonders!"
Your staff smashed to the ground and the dream turned into Egypt, the Nile river, the water turning red with the blood of all who had died. All the babies of the Jews who were drowned. All the slaves that bled, came to the surface.
Charles was amazed. "Heinrich, we need to-"
"Not Yet." Sun stated as he stopped your friend. "He needs this."
"He will never be free unless he breaks the bonds that that monster has put on him."
Apocoylpes instead of being unnerved merely laughed. "You think those simple tricks will be able to save you, Slave!" He laughed as he grew in size. "Your Moses could not defeat me. Your magic could not defeat me! What hope do you have to defeat me."
The Second Plague:
D100 => 100 vs 20
You smiled. "I don't need to."
Then Apocolypse groaned, as he looked at his hands. His skin was beginning to peel to melt away. As the Water returned to normal, from the blood-red to an aqua blue
But was soon replaced by the Blackness of the Frogs. The sky in the background grew dark, as the Locusts and Pestilence came to Apocolypse.
The Black Boils started growing fast and hard.
"AHHH!" He screamed in pain, as he yelled. "I Will destroy you boy!"
You frowned. "You will not. For my spirit is not yours. It belongs to myself, and to the Lord."
"Now I shut you out! Out of my mind, my body, and my spirit! Out like the Moneylenders of the Temple!" You may quote Christian symbolism, but it fit well enough.
"You have no right!" Apocolypse as he tried to stike you.
The Defense?:
D100 => 97 vs 95
Yet his body withered, as he began to disappear. "Impossible."
You smiled. "Not impossible." You replied. "You are in my mind, and my mind is not for you."
"NO!" He shouted as he vanished back from whence he came.
You than turned back. "Well… Thank you, my friends."
Charles smiled. "Always old friend."
"Can we go now, bible study is cool and all, but I don't want to be in this little scene any more than I have to be." Sun complained.
Alright, you old monkey. "Very well."
And you opened your eyes.
And saw Shaw waiting for you. "About time. We have a lot to talk about."
The Hiatus begins.
See you in a few months.